¢ << ae of a cent! cool, clean, satiny A ea a shave for. ore than that. Just a turn or two on the strop and your a little lever, mit the blade under the itis fiesh of which is as ree in ete ot a chicken and just as palatable; al-| her health is to be p é ft "i Mee though the appearance of the reptil n the blood ele a gas eg with its scaly, —black-spotted “green | impure the patient becomes thin, pale, bene Pee 3 ihe, Banc coat, is more repulsive than either and angula: e not only saved in the morning rush- crocodile or alligator. To the inhabi-| tires out easily but suffers from hi and # razor blade that’s good tants of the West Indies and the Ba-| aches, palpitation of the heart, dizzy for about six weeks! clean, hamai ch-valued | 81 This RAZOR ASST OP SAFETY RAZOR CO., Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada TILES AS A TABLE DELICACY CONSIDERED A DAINTY DISH IN SOME COUNTRIES, White Ants, Baty Fueniah the BIil of Fare | Many Districts. Tigers, Elephants and vory nor has its*staple dishes; ut t the odds and endsraro the more In- tprontine and in their way more indi | ea t the gencral status of the +o cvisaton of those thei a on the whole has an in- cuneine aiaike to reptiles of every liad aud degree; yet of the faimiles into which the ints divided them. i | dlan, batrachian, ‘and chelonian—each asetas sustenance to man, civil “from th med, together ed, into which the, the eee and a He also much relished, ns’ eggs in aS HOW TO TREAT SILAGE. Shut Out Air, Keep in Condition. To keep Larned in good condition the air must be shut*eut the moisture retail e Pally alls, therefore, should oth air and water tight. All other farm buildings require a cer- care and repair, and By painting the wooden stave silo on the outside with years, remain waterproof and in good condition. seige ee surface with a eitewssh ee The Rubber-Tired Goral, am the strange animals that|heavy load for a man; but | At length a little group came playing came under the puierrales of Mr. h much larger than the Carib- near me; Roy Chapman Andrews, who conduct-| bean species, it is coarser in flesh.|1 thought that they might fear me, ed an expedition into farther Chi ga every house has its turtle | And so I kept my eyes down. sg hea f the Am: eae Pata: of Natural History, was the oral, a mountain goat of eceranehie ni agility. Thi goral, says the ex- f cliff that appeared to be almost e continent the tortoise takes perdendicular. The dogs did not ven- ie ginde of thetnriia: where tie rep-| “Mary,” I said; “What's yours?” “It’s ture to follow it. As the animal land-| tiles are fattened on bread and let- Geraldine, ed on a projecting rock, it would | tuce leaves, that is to say, in normal | Named for my aunt, But she has never Soduce WH-ab 1 inde af xbher and [times ‘The mad foridise Jy preferred eau eigntsriedtanl 10aes teva naratig| to Eroverce’and:Eanguedoc, pubes; aa A-dingle, one ofallite-c¥flldren oi, edge that ala not seem large enaugh | in Italy and Greece, its blood is drunk, | And; ‘quickly polatisgy: “her name's to support a rabbit. d its eggs and flesh are cooked ti argar —_— satisfy the Lenten hunger of the de-\ And wats ia brother Jimmie. Mar- King of Bad Writers, Vout, the tortoise being considered by 1 the clergy as a fish. She'll ve “tes thou, next April. re ee ts ctaxeh is a mets { the batrachians used as food, the says the London Chronicle, but in cur | {f°8 18 the most popular and most his- Reading?" "A-atory.” “May we sit vn land probably Lecky was king of | ‘cal; the French, Germans, Ital- here?” “Do!” Ma cared ie ns and Belgians, all being noted|“Or will we be a bother? Mother ‘There are veter ee alive | ‘#roughout ‘the centpries for their tells - who rem etting-up his “His: eating proclivities. The frog is | Us not to bother strangers. Thé grass tory et Mor: Those og could ge. in best condition for the table in the ls aignon” the,’ EN more | #utumn, bet kes to the | Good, dont it? Will you play Sead then thate stuals who took | Water for the winter, but is most| Blind man with us?” Perhaps, some Arabic and Hindustani in their stride. ———7.——— Young Hens Best Layers. are people who re mad St who hi them properly, and yet eee Soe oe tain eggs early in the wiiter" eeanne their fowls are bo A It is seldom not that they. will not phca but tha 3 younger fowls will ve a greater @ sugar dissolve it in hot water fegfore adding to any beverage. Retain Moisture, to | te The interiors of all bigs are Asia ha the afterward. iguana o} preciated by the bons vivants in Vest In roebuck’s, although infinitely more de- licate. Africans Like Green Lizards. | The comi with much gusto b; Africa; and in the the gray lizard is eaten, y man, and fried, the dish in ein "dines In Brazil a green-and-yellow here a ee tasting rather like chicken. whi f Senaar, in Africa, ree sheep in the shop: e flesh great a peat teaea- ies somewhat Lath Ponds of the Amazon, four age. So in som is a “cut from ae alligator,” not| The 3 a dari cae pam his oiler ae “Bolled snake— ve peculiarly dainty ee eee the salted and barreled jesh of rved up boiled clarified iguana fat, sometimes season- very savory meat ‘lis dipped as it is eaten. The Oggs of taste, but bolls, “tiled ath yolk and do not be- horrid dies, the flesh tasting just like south Le Pee h bak ee patie saaet ie s publicly sold in of this A single’ turtle of the Amazon is a sausages dear to the stomach of the Teuton. Tiger flesh is eaten in many parts of India, though it is gomewhat tough ff rhinoceros as eta good Occ! 2 of a good st ros flesh said to Siar Seeethiag, like beef Tae pork biended. it would be a long time hb D ae earn find the “flying fox,” a bat measuring some fifteen inches across the wings, an especially edible ani- partaking of | mal. WHY BEAUTY FADES Peor, Watery nee girl who return: school or from work Thavonatiy tired in, if pi case oer enrich the blood supply. To make the rich, red yet discovered can equal Dr. Wi spirits. sign of poor, g eR = |.pills. only bills, Dr. Bi aed an Pills can be ob- ti ealer in medicine or by mait tor $2.50 from ‘The Dr. Williams’ Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ont. In the Park. Thad LONER smire ba = sweet. One sees the! ot ulceste in their being. For tl Made by Ais years indifferent. wert And hiding, romping, falling. it we were hard pressed for a new | @ A Condition Due Entirely to that peti the glow of health, no medicine daughters ead : gun course of these restore health, but Se save aise doctor & a Se 9 a & e o S ca ma & And passes ie with ae a ‘taint start hey ons our cpt te like sea gulls And fio; ike yaaher ‘people, watch with But 0-day Alone, She dreaming, in the crowded pond, which is stocked for the winter zon runs low. Forgetting eons I raised my ‘The close fica of a child. g turtle for the table. The Bra-|1 smiled, zilians cut steaks from the breast and | And she smiled back, and came et < em. A little nearer me, and asked my mp for it is mn easier to catch. species e eect ae bes purposes that kno’ is the the red pa iets =m este in Ital justas good. There is no doubt w ever that the toad is often served in ace of the Sie ae countries where frogs are much u: Where Beto Faoik is Eaten. there are many tastes in bin dietary of the nations, nd, ev a teomed a Great delicacy; bear's tongue and hams are also eke ly prized. From bear liver are made of Grape-Nu and malted veloped by t baking. Ready to. Kat, The Sweet Nut-like Flavor the combination of wheat Grape-Nuts y ts is due to barley, de- wenty hours No Waste. other day. Then wes ran ee a e the m w Were gravely reg a flower bed, dancing, The patna: scowling, walked to me, “Lady, don’t let your children Over tke where the BH are aiegtiie Stared at him, saying aati in reply. I hat it is very wrong to act a lie, But pi I looked at him and made no The children straggled back, and ed; then heard The stories that I knew, and scarcely ‘Stirred. T cau, Margaret in a little ball And kissed her face—child fa€es are so small! ‘The rounded mouths! The little, curi- Of the soft ears, and the curls in the nape Of the proud baby necks! Their arms And Jimmie put his curls upon my knee, And Geraldine came closer bashfully And pressed against me, Jimmie hurt By iene or Le Margaret snug- Thad forgotten ‘children felt so sweet. rgaret Carolyn Davies, The first passenger airship is due to sail from Barrow-in-Furness, ang: ad, to Rio de Janeiro ey tat this enty pas: passen; a beri éargo will be eechee absend the | vessel, which will be BE out with of an all the luxury and corf: al ocean liner. ‘Minard’s Diniment nt for wale everywhere, I eatied' him to think that they were mine! ue FUR RESOURCES OF NORTHLAND. An Poa Valuable Asset Among ures iad of the inion. % ee resources are very xxtensive in what are known as ees are in no ecause no barren sustain the pies and plant ustain. Jn that of caribou of that country at very mally millions, and that it was Mr J. B. Tyrrell w! ested to them as being like the is of the sea, not capable of being ered, but only to be estimated re-mile basis. that we . Ey 3 3 a z 3 ge § g & 3 a zg g make use of these vast domains administered, ber e an exceedingly valuable tt among the natural r ste ices ja.”—Hon. arthur Meighan, a the Conference on Wild Life Protection of the Commission of Conservation. po ae ELIZABETHAN PROFITEERS. People of That Far-Off Time Com- plained of Inflated Prices. The high cost of living was just as much a problem in Blizabethan times as it is today. The Rev. William Har- rison, as quaint a gossip as Pepys, day winked at merchants who charged f the ining—were allowed nay, they’ve leave to export it for the profiteer is s always with us, with u CHOLERA TNFANTUM Cholera infantum is one of the fatal It is a trouble especially like yeal, although to pepienialy e prompt action is taken littl ay jhas a faint fishy smell. Sou! yond a jaby’s Own Tab- pAnesies ae ones auigaton he T sat nee the ground, and a book lay| lets are an ideal medicine in warding led or dried, | Befor —s And I read; then watched | off thi uble. ‘They regulate the mh a bea? ies ae inet as tate a6. lark bowels and sweeten the stomach and And ug run through the grass.| thus prevent + e dreaded sum e children calling, | complaints. an absolutely to contain no ies or other seca do hai are ee ‘neti, ‘eing guaranteed by a aly: gor ouster: or F nateoti cannot possibly are sold by medicine eaters or by Dr. mail at ents a box from The Williams’ Medicine mae “Brockville, mt. Sie Ee Distribution of Languages. The Chinese language is spoken by the 400,000,000 inhabitants of the Chinese Empire. Then follows Eng-|. lish, with 200,000,000; Russian with 100,000,000; Hindustani; spoken in German is 000,000; in Austria, 11 ary and Switzerland, 2,200,000 each; in Russia add Finland, 2,100, 000; 12, se a ee ch, with 45,000,000, and Sata 46,000,000 persons, 000, Malaic by 25,000,000, Turkish by 23,000,000, Portuguese by ae 000,000, and Greek by about 4,000,0 YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS ey aes say to the drug store “G a quarter of an ounce of yey 4s This ‘will cost Bets little bi ard com- tender, aching corn should relieve the sore- 3s instantly, and soon the entire corn, root-and all, dries up and can be lifted out with ngers. ‘This new wa; Hd one's foot of rns duiabongest by-0 Clicanatt ai, who, Baya that, While freesbne iy iticky, it dries in a moment, and sit ply shrivels. up the corn without in- mini the sur- t let father die of infection oF anaes from whittling at his corns, but. clip this out and make him try it. since the State Ay ceased to r roar, Sir David Bea hat has won this war for us, what! ts it on the att eee wh were do- ing it—Boni Minard’s Diniment Cures Dandratt. long his section of the yailway one day. when he came upon a| laborer eck eed in the shade of a fence. ‘the man with a stern| NE fie Sata "Slhe oni ye ale spal-| e een; slape on. So long as ye slape. eve got a job, but when ye wake up ze ‘re out of work!” pata, Company—No G ‘id more for commodities than they were Ai it was epee i Doing one’s bit is not a dead letter a A I m See gated™ Blades; y tough sale and growt The foreman of a construction gang, ping, a! ASPIRIN AT ALL/24: ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH “BAYER CROSS” ARE ASPERIN? > If You Don’t See the “Bayer Cross” on the Tablets, You Are Not Getting Asperin—Only Acid tmitation! Genuine aoe Tablets of eat are now made in Canada by a Can erman interest whatever, all rights being purchased fre fom ae eae States Government. d safe pee a for Headache, OTHER TABLETS NOT ERLP WANTED. { Line WANTED TO DO PLAIN Hehe sewing. at heme; whole or an od pay sent mpeny, Montreal FoR SaLE. Ws Ber a1 ena Publiehing Co. Lt @ J. CLIFF All grades. Write for prices, TORONTO SALT WORKS The Great ay octh nese ae, nonce oe eee tent rae comp! rt d-quarter sy 5 Withtrewabte by Ch Ay 5% on De i Interest payable halt i Neuralgia Cok feuritis or for Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger sues ne nee ” packages can be had at ee a te ade mark, register- in Can yer Manufacture et, Aonoscati Perth of Salicylic: AMS OS REVIVAL OF ANCIENT LEGEND. Weird Tale of “Wandering Jew” Has Been es in Russia. Reappearance of « “Wandering cently from Russ! last previous pearance of the ‘Wandering Jew” s in ears ago, and since that time stories of the ancient Hebrew travel- ing the world over since the crucifiion ‘ew seen in Shaley a retaat much sympathy among the people. He soon dinchrS ed and was not heard of again until the world war brought his ee in Rus- S| sia a few years agi According 2 the “traditions of the was being ing fun? At that time Cartaphilus, the porter who struck Jesus, was thirty years oli time he rea turns <s = age of thirty and beging over ag: It is Seelicot that Cartaphilus first is al- barefooted, with long hair, clad in a petticoat and mantle, 5! to have en corroborate the various 2 countries he has frequented. ae Liniment Co., Limited. r Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor ing several bottles it made a le cure, and it healed all up and disap- peared altogether. DAVID HENDERSON, ee Rata ees Co., N.B. The Finest Army in the World. eneral Sir H. H. Wilson, Chief of recently. Addressing the boys h d:—“We belong to the finest Em- pire the world fie AveR Neen, RIOT of the at the end of that period the finest army in he world. There is an es saying eat Lam fond of quoting. is the creed of a soldier. You mi ent think oer it sometimes as you past eres life. It is, ‘Be kindly to one ren, be courteous to women, and bi loyal and true to your comrades.’ ” pa a eae LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR lean ce beauty ity, lotion for a few and — for yourself. t girl or woman hasn’t heard o srediisdeie Veavegtac MG legion aie ne is acid, therefore irritating, ES 5 help: to plenth, clea, sehen and wate the skin. tional system soul that it produces.—Alice es s they ie haers! do wit! blad stiwtebt -edged ‘Minard’s Tiniment Cures Burns, ote, The test of the value of any 2 is the quailty orale TSSUE No. 3719, ments prevent Jew” is told in storie emanating re- Tl saanicat hApHnRE Honky Drume, mond, dolla ONEY OF ORDERS. Buy -of-town supplies veil Doaision seniees Money Orders, Fi Dollars costs three cents. me as said to have received rom the fact that they Sale ocd for fn ling. This was secret. “Tanks, wb done ci nee their Minayd’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, There is no. happiness in having and getting, Bt ly in giving; halt the world is e ent in the: (BABY COVERED | WATH ECZEMA you in spirit.” “Fine! Very fine, i ie And where would your spirit be : ne s Old. Cross ike to sit? tickets here cost- ig from seventy “five cents ‘o tire | and Cried. Cuticura Heals. imeda_ William: B., May 22, 1918, National Kducational Conference qwalve ee ae ee addr 08 by the best ee nada, the “United States and Bi ele REPRESENTATION is being — from Address Any Inquiries to 505 ELECTRIC RAILWAY CHAMBERS. THE AIM To direct public at- tention to the funda- ev public organization in Canada. If mental prob! ‘of ony ‘organization is being overlooked let educational m8 mer an ition ample prov: doa is ee Gas ae being made fér individuals who will at- tend the conference in their own capacity. tion fe te Handion ts ‘o undertake the The Convening Committee | sits.ex.™ of the country. Winnipeg, October 20-21-22 " haaienae | Niouth Wash The universal mouth Antiseptic for Pyorrhoea and sore gums, © Heals and hardens bleeding gums at once and tightens the teeth. McCRIMMON’S Mouth ~ Wash deodorizes all decomposed mat- ter and makes the mouth fresh B, Reid,| / and sweet. A BOON TO SMOKERS Mt CRIMMON'S CHEMICALS Lick “2d nicely Sr TORO: RAMSAY'S. PAINT ‘The right PAINT to PAINT right” ‘MEANS: Less frequent ye tay er ea Paint wv can be app! ied by anybody For Sale by All Dealers dyein; ‘an clean fnotiie't to heavy draperies or rugs. Every press or postal suggestions that save. money, 791 Yonge St, ; bs charges 0 card will bring our booklet of Tr koaonan Let PARKER Surprise You PARKER'S know all the fine points about cleaning and ing. or dye anything from a’ filmy georgette rticle is given careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaran Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to PARKER'S We will make them like new again, Our charges are Rigademnpend nea al ra ox port, ‘Write for it, PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers Doronto |