‘bonght and sofd.— , Newton. WANTED Wanted to ‘buy, f from 10 to 30 acres of land with suitable pulidings: to same. Apply at Sun office, Weber was ae pebinest visi- arker, of papent “Sunday ith Mr, and ing, eople a Yereary services at Bethesda at 1 . feed business NOTICE hgwee found on. my place-o' 8rd | nington, bard ie Deosceateds Jer, Milvert FOR SALE ron Crown cook stove (coal or jideboard, extension table, 6 chairs,’ bedstead, 2 dressers, ot Mrs, Ida Capling, Milverton. NOTICE ig to the market condition we F. Zimmerman & Son, Milverton. HOUSE FOR SALE Solid ,white, brick, house with kit- igeta ad ge ruilty oe permeate e a Appl ¥en eek. Mr. Walter Berlet returned home m Gill has chairs, rocker arm chairs at reason- ‘a Bartja spent a day or two last eae week st the: ie home of Mr. Ne id son, motored spent the week- e iz fe mp onliveed at High River, Alta., has firs een overséas for over 2 year Say and ‘aoe Jesse Rowland and ma Mrs, Richard Rowland spent Si at Stratford with Mr. and a Rowland and Mr. Roy Row- ry = ee Mr. . Jas, Erskine and family spent Sunday as the - guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. chen and w rea Ee on property |of Mr 8 aero r ole On oe Mrs, H. McKenna, of. Brussels, is motatery;Pocles. Ont 4] «4 Dresent the guest’ of Mrs, B. Rob- be, ertson. be upland, of St, Marys, who FOR SALE ie the pulbit'o? he Aethodit jurch on Sunday last spoke on t number £50. ite Leghorn |veferendum, eiesteals (Batron ‘strain, bred-to- |°\fr. and Mrs. Wm, Robbie, ot Sar- a lay), $1,00 gach if sold ieore Set nia, spent a week with Mr. A. Hur, Milverton, G.1R.| havin, pation. Jas: Easkine isa visitor in Lon- Women ak Girls Wanted Won n and girls wanted for spin- ning plant —nice poe aa ‘actory an ae surroundin ings, good w: ly Perfect knit Mills Leds Listowel” 2 1 FOR SAl SALE 17 horsepower rae Gaorge White en- gine, good as new. Terms aes at faerifce ce Oscar Lantz, No, 1 ood, LOST Between H. Schiel’s gate on the 5th line and Milverton on sta ih leave at the Sun Office. HOG ‘FOR SERVICE A splendid Yorkshire, hog. for s ar bh ape rate of $1.00; also pare 4 ng ‘Durham’ bull. for tt for snore). J. Stever, R, R No. 1, Britton, FOR SALE 5-roomed house with woodshed and splendid. garden. Opposite skating Linwood. | Easy further particulars “amply fo George Fink, Linwood, NOTICE Having disposed of ah flour and in Newton I am cous ous of having all outstandin counts settled Be September 16th. lack, Newto' 8 FOR. SALE seen engine, Bell of Folver Ras sa ER oe fo sell, will a sold to- gether "or separately—c ee Apply W. F. Rutherford, sal ank, FOR SALE ‘A quantity of inch and two inch r, Also quickly and wil eal at once. —I. D. fog ‘his w Allan and daughter re- turned home on Be tuedey after spend- inj eves weeks at London. Vir. and Mrs. Fred Phellce and Ure Mrs. Le nae Schade were Kitchener any ir. ani endt and Mr. J. Mrs. Su nday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plum, of T re at present visiting at ondon. , of Mitchell, had jotel. Lon- ott Rev. T. Saturday ities spending about three weeks at Govener, Sask., while there fe attended the faneral of his sister, se, on August 31st. is mothe! still in very poor heaith. ‘This is the as being ver: What might have. resulted in a more serious accident occurred on was a by a pear into the ache shaking NOTICE wae making will start on the an Se Mill open Tuesday an during le oe and es we teen: Watering od LINWOOD > CIDER MILL Alex. J. Koebel, Proprietor CIDER AND APPLEBUTTER ing t a at Bethesda, ease will be conducted by Rev. Conwa; Allan will Rondtigk ‘Anniversary Ses vices at Lakeside on Sunda; “WANTED iy clerk: wanted for general must have some experience, e’age, amount of experience and salary expected, Apply to Box 145, Linwood, Ont. MONKTON BRIEFS) tch for Gill's large fruit and ve- 4 Collins, of |, Berlei, were Ore guests of Mr’ dad |" rne at Newton on ae id Mera: Wm. Elligson spent te q Allan arrived home on r,{Ontario, is visiting her sister, Mrs, f | son and Mr. iS BY Sears INDE vins ~-ELMA COUNCIL ‘The municipal council of the to’ “aaa ‘of Elma-met in the Jets all, Atwood, pe Friday, August th. mbers peace 2 Miss «H. Clayton “returned | jome on Saturday — a visit with friends in Ottawa ai petosaute _present—Reeve, William week. ie deputy-reeve, Samuel oa ial Schinbein was a Visitor councillors, Wm. Coates, John in Stratford on Sunday. man and Chas. V: Han ee jieut. Gordon Hay Minutes of the last meeting were ‘enora, are Misting the J and sate care read, approved and signed by the ents, 'Y. an Mr, an "Mrs, ae E. | Ha: Sauer communications were read tun on Friday after ajand a week’s visit: aot fcapds at Green| Moved by Coates—Vallance that Ov. eo. Arbuckle be pai Las ae “ay els $1, 200 as part tract of the Nae iver, Toronto iffalo, am istowel Fall Pee Sept “18th and ats John Montgomery, of Toronto, x here last week an vs ther, who has spent tl the |John with ee nora return- edt to Toronto, ae th Miss Olive ee next week for Stratford: svhere she will attend Nora & £ . Zi i 4 akonts is visit- ce completed an nd ifs Tr, as been chief eee or nee ‘due the town- of police here fo the past two months / Ship of Elma, fag resigned and taken a position | Moved by. Smith—Vallance that th the ‘Srydential Life Insurance Mics Arbuckle be paid the of . here. 2,000: part paymen the oe Geos Clarence Thompson and Mrs, |tract of the North Maitland Enlarg- son are visiting friends in |ment-as per Engineer's certific pee this w Moved by. Coates—! man that the ec spent the week- end at his home here. spent the week-end at hi shone here. Sas of accoun De Oa egine te taniend tine wed by CoaterIilman that the Saturday, S 1 h. ¢ nei adjourn to meet gain Weis amber for te ritowel{ie the Acricultatal hall Atwood: on . 27th, at ten o’clock a cost of $9, aoe 0} —GEORGE LOCHHEAD, Clerk, LIST OF FALL FAIRS lowing is @ partial lst, of Fall sued by the Agricultural h of the ‘Department ey areata Saeed bakane Agricultural, Toronto the occupants, Major A. E. een Acton. had his leg broken, | Gein decasticated tie Seouusel a yatford hospital, where he will ks. C as soon as it-arrives. completed in time for the firs oe re; peebles: Bee. seupencd last_weel si .Oct. 3 and 4. a aumnbee from. here are w rs pt t week. ston + 25 ee 24 oe gaa} Rink “Park hereon Monday ‘evening |Hity at foot attended the Presbytery in Swrat.|in a ragged and uninteresting game. | MILVERTON A ‘ord on weaey, i Mount ee Sent. 17 and 1 Messrs. George Adair’ and Frank New Har ept. 11 and 1 Dalling are, at London this week = ATWOOD. tava (Central ing) Sept. 6-1 Mr, Frank Terry returned hor ey 4 28 and 2 — | Tuesday after spending six weeks out|- Mr. Stanley Forrest and Mr, John almerston et. Tai nglis, of Toronto, are visiting at Port in. t. 2 “Amon ng those attending the West- ome! t. Marys .. Sept. 18 and 1 Fair this week we noted Mr. and Miss Addie Collins, of Stiatford, | Seaforth, . asand1 Mrs, Julius Horn, Messrs. Walter ed her duties as assistant | Stratfor Sept. 15 to 1 ‘man, Alf Kressler, Wm. Davidson 2 the milisea. oreies ” a (Ganatian Ps fon) Aug. and Sam Stewart. A. Robinson and 23 to oe 6. ite a number of Monkton sports holidaying in| Wingham nd 9 too! t football mateh at aiebell Yoodstock . Sept ty a 18 between Mitchell and Salm on Thu 1 @aleoner, manager of the day which resu! @ score 0; 9-6 ees of # milton, at Ethel, et- so ~ in favor of Salm. ng manager in the local branch a e Dominion Experimental. Parma Miss Olive Ison is spending a prevent: Butcher is act- Exhibit se again be sieplay yed at the week with friends in London ing manager at Ethel. jn air, year through Mr. yd Holman left "tor M ordon Barton, of Listowel, | bad ‘connections this exhibit was on Tuesday to resume his duties there| spent the week-end at his home in late in arriving 4c was the object of at the C.P. lepot after spending the village. he short time his vacation at his home here. Miss Audrey Ducklow, of his year it is hoped to Rev. T. J lan states that while ting her grandmother, Mr ition for the first eve- as at Govener, Sask., a ag # the fair 50 that all will have with six children was b Mrs. M, Jolly, of Listowel, spent a fe. inanyinter- ground, ‘Two families day last week’ with her. sister, ‘Mrs. esting features, ns both mothers had left their son, ae phew BRE noni! Se children locked in v e toa a ae held their an- to the house and were burnt to death. iver ar es. On Sunday an a CARD OF THANKS “s n—Gaffney— t. | Mond oy Bent™ ‘6th and 7th. -bbecial Bridget’ s church, Logan, on Tuesday, | music was rendered by a union choir. |, Mr-and Mrs. ‘George apbeee desire h, at 9 am, May » the third The preacher for the day an ,|to extend thanks ey riends and neigh. isuehion of Mr. an rs. rick|Mr, Coombs, of Home Missioa | bors kindness and ‘sympathy in , to Mr. Mimothy Regan, both| Board, who ‘delivered two ver their recent: bereavement. juent sermo: ral Miss ily ‘Spence was in Strat- BG ERNE fo: i on Auction Sale Mrs, ta ha ge ‘immins, New pon. . Henderson Robb left to a of | Farm on eee Implements, = Grain 8 bs ford on Saturday attending the 34th attalion re-union. Mr. Henry Erskine was in London and Toronto last week. | D. Weir & Son eu ell for Miss. Jessie: Stevensiin has return- Gerber irok on Half of ed after susnaine: some time in the}/ aC TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1919 ce: | tic (Known Ferguson town guests at the Smith—| ce following valuable Farm sejchiceth: reciatiae Test’ avai “war ‘Stock; Iniplements; ‘and. Grain Mr. and Mrs. John Lochhead, of Lon: and other effects, viz: don, M Mrs. pict Lochhead, of | STOCK—Span of Percheron mares Stati ‘ash. oF | Angus and son, Mel de Stratton d;| Mise Annie Geoghan; of Listowel; al. | so Misses dazed and Adeline Ronen- |fillies, berg, of, Mon \ Clyde; ‘and-Mrs. McDonald and | ing 2 can Bobbie, have return- visiting “friends at Rivers- dale and vicinity. Pe oe Miss Clara Reid, of Ayr, is iting at the home of Mr. and . T, Peeble: * Miss Ruby MeKay is Visiting with! jare a fine lot of cows, friends in Eth a years old, 10 spring calves, 3 Mr. ani sows s seith litter ready to wean 2 yi filly rising 2 years old, filly rice years old, sired by Frederick jes spring filly sired by Bold Clyde; ‘ood mille cows in fine condition, a Roy. Cleland have | meod returned ater Spending the summer | 31 stock pigs Wel ighing about 100 Ibs. each, a ae of fowl, in the . af ama Wynn has returnéd to} IMPLEMENTS — -Harris Mr, Wn, Leas, of Rostoak, i Notice to Farmers | {to binder, 7 ft, ext (nearly new); Prost commence ihe operation of his’ cider Pay Segre a mill ad apple butter factory on Tuck. pepanen $0.00. pean Oh NORTH. MORNINGTON mira hayloader, MeCormick 15-tooth th Sext, 2nd and. will be open os ive dollars per hour pnd pral desi aorkigsteouh call vator, Siar ‘uesday only of each wee! ‘ept.| class wor! ‘or Ry PAL COIArs a la large athering representing al-'spring tooth cultivator, (13 tooth the, making of cider and. apple apply to G, L. Foulston, eR i a the LOtH line | rir bead bax attached 19 hood seed Fengt. ‘ tomected With the Noxt h Mornington drill, ee & Wood disc, land roller, sembled on Friday a ternoon on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs. |9, + FOR SALE M, Watson to do honor to their | j otice to Farmers iagnters ‘Miss Vera Watson, whose Young igs for sale on lot 6, con, |Seniality in the social life of the |c tothe undersigned will ship hogs in| 5, Mornington Daneel. <<) commmanity Bnd) ths” taiehtol: service opiday, Sent 12th, at CPR, Mil through the ehuteb hols, have, been pee ng dates Fe ER COMMERCIAL “Blest he the tie that binds’ she was weekly... Highest prices guaranteed. Spring | Wheat, per bua...6 2 95 $2 05;made the recipient of a shower of Kindly deliver ho; .P.R., Mil- ae 205 20s) many ‘beautiful gifts accompanied verton, before 10.30. an v 93 1p fish ae ROFTe beet ae ane tee 5 | humorous rhyme: ASS atson ten- MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. ; 95 051 dered her thanks for their good wish ar Blour, spring, ewt, 6 00 6 90) ¢¢ and in being so kindly remember: ‘ar Flour, blendelewt. 5 85-5 05| eq, when she was greeted with “For SALESMEN WANTED Nar Flour, winter, cwt. 5 75 5 68|she’s a jolly good fellow.” A splen- as per ton 53 0 58 07| did Juneh was provided by Mrs An: Ww £8 00 43 00) drew Dowd ai lowd. al To represent 11 00 13 00 Gay oe ing a pleasant wee oe and other riicles not here e aRera ogether they returned home by auto |—Here is a fine lot of stock an: Bee ey tive ne ces 18.00 19 00) cepvice, implements. Attend this sale. If the 1U) ES Pe 6 On the same evening Miss Watson | weather should be unfavorable the The greatest petiaud for Nursery 5 00 6 00) was taken by surprise at the home of | sal Will be held undercover, | Ev: Stock in years. British and Euro- 8 00 12 00 Mr. and Mrs, 7. J. Sproule, ‘Where |erything goes as the proprietors’ an markets again open for Cana- 4 50 )4 60 paket ‘showered” with good lease J wee expired. ive to commence Sion fruit. 3840 wabed: an ‘plendia gifts from the te | at se Yelock s] ae lia. 6h Woatt “and Dina? 05 _08|dies of the North Mornington church | T. aoa wate edit ro 9 choir. is on ee ins ath ents Stari, oon cot i See ae 38 28 /ONA number of Listowel friends of joint notes, that amoui pea 7 13 32) Miss Vera Watson motored to her |cash. Ha: Bae and tow Write a Particulars A home on Tue: evening and gave 'the stock 3 months Sadie wil 18 0 /her areal surprise shower of china, |be given. ‘A . diseou it of 6 per cent, 48 ne cut glass and silverware, showing the per annum i tite vor on credit 54-50) high’ esteem in-which ‘she is. held. (a STONE & WELLINGTON = : aveaki ‘waa bpentt with SReae oor a) W. D. Weir & Son, Gerber Bros. Read The Sun advertisements. Peapployorse Established 1837 - Toronto, Ont. i- Auctioneers. social time. i left An —. is extended to the ladies. and girls to visit our Millinery Show Room during our Opening — ¢ hats are:in both tie and small shapes. ing sailor.with narrow front, have the preferen: "4 and following days. OUR FALL | OPENING ss WILL TAKE PLACE ON == FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12th and 13th With Miss Pearl V. Payne in charge, — comes to us very highly recommended as a competent mil- liner, and who ha: as had a wide experi The New Fall Millinery ste a unique aire there being so many beautiful ideas and such a wide range of colors to choose One matron’s shape which makes a very good aibene is in-beaver and black, having a severe curve at Teft fide and tapering to narrow brim at tight side; this is trimmed with be ae and black osprey at A very. eek young girl’s hat has a narrow drooping brim with facing of coral velvet, the upper brim and top of crown is black, the side crown is made of plaited French folds of coral velvet and trimmed with tiny sprays at side. Besides these we have some very pretty hats and tams in all shades for the children, The popular trimmings for the season are ostrich tips, ospreys, French roses, chenille tassels and soutache braid. The colors are jay blue, French blue, beaver, dust, brown, victory red, paddy cerese, gold ‘and silver, Hand-made wool roses and stitchings are the latest fad in Toronto, We Invite Your Inspection. During the Opening Days we will offer the following Specials : Salmon, per can ......55s5 +2196 White Flannelette, extra heavy, reg. 8 bars Comfort Soap ....s... + 25c A SP AY ee Kellog’s Corn Flakes ......4++% 105 = divsvccioad Sores. Sek eeeee Extra heavy, reg. 42¢ for ......32¢ Prints, reg. 30¢ and 35¢e for ....25¢ Men's Work Shirts, reg. 1.85 for 1.45 Men’s and Women’s Boots, in small sizes, still at sale prices. A. H. Terrill, There are some snaps. For early fall thesmall feather hat and the large droop- nee. Linwood x mx x Rote y Actual Experience The Ontario Temperance Act is Emptying Ontario's Jails Jail Commitments Before and After Passage of the Act. From Annual Reports of Inspectors of Prisons 1915 and 1918, a Sch for the year 19] ALL CRIMES DIRUNKENNESS 1915—20,337 1915—6,235 1918—13,242 1918—2,595 Schedule H. soe of the Board of License Commissioners for Onta NTARIO'S \ r the Ontario Tem- nes pore ees since *Sepember 16, 1916, hie yak all the argument - an oO enealds a ee ts esl nor weakened by x woman weaaes to prove that the Act ents, Jail Commitments for crimes and offences om “all kinds have decreas- ed more than one-third ee Jail r d 1915, the year prbeedin te Me to 2, 3b in “1918. Jail C Act makes ppt etree in babe pa by fine or or not. nes: d from 6,235 in Commitments fo: 1 d des; lespite the fact that the ey a “prima facie” offence, punish- A drunken man on the street sey oe a rare sight, The number of commitments for drunkenness in Ontario in 1918 was the lowest in seventeen years, although the population of the Province increased by over 5 Some jails eed no drunkards in 1918 at all. Others show well nigh unbelievable decreases, notably in the cities and larger towns, jo you want to see the taste for alcoholic bevei and th Soe of Ontario’ 8 prisons, jails and dTock-ups restored ? peas : If y < u afte is mark bas in the “No” column after each quests Ng? — = Each Referendum must d that d: desirable in this Province Four Times—“No!” and every one of the four questions on the ballot pal thi 2 answered or your ballot is “‘spoiled. cs id_unless * you mark X after each question in the ‘‘No’’ column, the Ontario’ Ten: i perance Act will be spoiled, and years of Temperance progress lost. Ontario Referendum Committee "D. UNLAP JOHN MACDONALD . A. DI ANDREW §S. GRANT Chairman, ‘Treasurer Vice Chairman and Secretary x (1001 Excelsior Life Bldg, Toronto)