Milverton Sun, 11 Sep 1919, p. 6

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The Milverton Sun $3 and Monkton Times EVERY THURSDAY MORNIN The Sun Printing Office Main Street = MILVERTON, ONT, tbeeript ten —One year, 81.505 atx ac In ndvance. “Rebecribere ta ar: Advertisements yithout specific directions will De Inserted until forbid and chacprd eo Changes for contract Piirertecsornst mast be in the office by noom Mondas, MALCOLM MacBRTH, Publisher aud Proprietor, BusinessCards ‘ Medical, Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Puntie Dave StoRM, Mu.rRngn Hours: 10 to 1) and atoap.m, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat isabel in medicine, University assistant New York Ophthal Aural Institute, ‘hed te ind Golden re Throat London. Hoe 20"to 1 ae 32 to 5 p.m Haily. Even’ dnd ene 58 aH or be ‘appointment 28 7.) (Phone B3 Waterloo St. S$. STRATFORD 2 + ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel Every Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 4 p.m. onsultation and Eramination Free dF SEBBEN, DDS, L.D.S. \ indsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock toeat H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILYBRTON, ATWOOL Offices: Listowel, Milverton, ey to Los Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &. Gordon Block,» STRATFORD, ONT: 4g Mousy.t6 Len. ®.7. HARDING W, 0. OWEXS Ww. &. Goopwir Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Pert ‘and, Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wille, mi nd affida: am e cleric, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotto A. Chalmers, - Nosity Public Conveyancer, Issuer lage License }.P. for the pk of Perth. Real eh Po ‘ea ht and sold. A few choice for immediatejsale. » MONKTON, 0) ONTARIQ Veterinary. ‘ R. E. Beggs, V.S. « VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND ‘SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand Hotels The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for FS agad a trav: fllere and other Two large Sample ae BRO. F. PAULI, Prop. - Milverton, Ont Socletios. Milverton Lodge No. 478 M. Meeus every Monday evening on or before full moi month in thelr hall a J, Be brethren atweye eaelacae A Bicver WM, Nicholson, aan Silver Star Lodge No, 202 1.0 O.:F. ‘Meets every Friday night a 7,80 In theh hall over Bank of Hamilton. Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, W.K, Loth, G. A. Barth, NG, FinSeey. | Ree,-Seey Blcatith Telus ‘By John B, Huber AMMD | er will answer all signed |: closed, Or. Huber ‘Address Dr. one ‘St. West, Toro: 7, M.D., care pee Most babies appear to be bowlegged ss de- are usually due to rickets. They seen also ns robust healthy chlaven that have been allowed to walk t ly. The bowing may be either af two bones ‘of the leg, below the knee,| or of the thigh bones as well, above the knee. About one in five of us is bowlegi and while the condition auses no disability or discomfort jit is ofter arture from the normal Children havir.g a tendency to bow- legs viould not be permitted either to walk or to stand at an ay Clothing thick enough to prevent the child from holding its thighs together must be avoided. Massage (rubbing Sie Tepe ast eclenting the sndected and making gentle and continuous Premure on the outside of the climbs, so end them inward into straight bole vil correct the deform- ity in infan pressure is ex- auad Beat several times daily. rickets must be com- ch as possible, the diet improved, ‘0 1 teaspoonful of an emulsion of ¢od liver oil may be given three times daily and pure warm cod liver oil rubbed all over the body once daily shoes are made tl outer borders it will favor correction wwlegs, when the child begins to walk: Tn older children, cd wlegs onounced e def ‘orm- tty is of long standing, peers can only be secured by apparatus applied a2 7 mueation act general intereat It will be Mf not, it will be answered personally if at ait Row prescribe for Jndivicty al cases or mal are of Wileon Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide ‘the et pe seat position. ~ that makes the one in five feel sensi- oy ettere pertaining -s6 Health It your these columns; by the’ skilled aoa ‘or through op- ing loose part of f the thi bate and setting eae Fase Questions and Answers. Eleven years ago Mother was stricken with ‘baalysik following a stroke. any strokes can one be caablest to? cAlgo please inform me rokes are due to arteric sclerosis? ‘Also can gangrene be cur some cases a patient succumbs to one paralytic stroke. In case there may be several Strokes are generally series which of course, diminish with tite sufferer’s any event the chances of ull slight. the leg sufficient to enable.the patient to get about, but in most instanc finer movements of the hand are Tost weakness may even ner “AGUTE RERVOUS EXHAUSTION All ‘Treatments Proved Useless Until Tried “FRUIT-A-TIVES”. eS iareneas MR. JAS. S. DELGATY. ~ R.R. No. 4. Gilbert Plains, Man. “I the year 1910,I had Nervous” Prostration in its worst form ; was reduced in weight from 170 pounds to 115 pounds. ‘The saeco had no hope of my Fecovery, and every medicine I tried proved useless until a friend ind: me to take \Fruit-a-tives”, I began to mend almost at once; and after using this fruit medicine for 8 or 4 Ser I was back to my normal state of healt Inever had a good health for twenty years as I have enjoyed the pastsix years. Weare never without @ box of ‘Fruit-a-tives’ in the house”, JAS. 8S, DELGATY, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent poripai on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tive Limited, Ottawa, aliens the teats of providing run- ning water from a cistern filled by the down spouts from the barn roof. Sach Sanu Imeginary Exercises. Eaphesician ee ee sthenity 3 perstiading o ercises ‘prescribed for’ him hit upon an idea that will interest a who is trying, in the midst y but sedentary lite, to get axectife through valisthenies. “What kind of exercise did take when you were a boy?” asked the loctor. ‘Mostly woodchopping and. base- laugh. ctor. “Every of some imaginary The patient thought at first that the physician was jesting, but he soon dis- pact that he cise and even ple: imaginary sae ae grew. Seine or b; make-believe baseballs to es: re batters at the other end of One of the Poe that -children are fond of is the “standing jump,” the exercise valu of which is mbt ma ges in the lea ato le body vigorously, the g into action all the muscles ot the Sane and the upper Fe lower from toes to finger tips. These many movements wit devotee of imaginary exerci his time in them each day. And so you may in imagination go more than three months, the patient’s relatives must understand that the condition is past relief, that medicines and electricity will not eure, thowgh they may relieve and give comfort. Iie ind obgldteen areiaost rect. th Tietheveyes when, one 1s: rigtae's motorcycle wer—Plain elnsses are best and preferably of amber hue. INTERNATIONAL LESSON SEPTEMBER 14. The Future Life—Matt. 25: 31-46; John 14: 2, 3; 2 Cor. 5: 10; 1 Peter 3-5. Golden Text, 2 Cor. 5: 10. A Parable of Judgment.—Matt. 25: re! will then be a separation between the| sheep and the goat oe between the good! id the bad. The good are invited to| ‘inherit the Kingdom” a ind enter “into; eternal life.” The bad go away into! eternal puniskm The parablé ee it "elege that the] deterening factor | at: menshaverdane or neglected to! apse Bhastos cnet ilice they have not known that they 1 ae serving Christ thefr ministry of kind- ness to those who were in need re- ceives its reward, and their failure ent. To feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, erttertain the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick and! R, the prisoner—this is to serve Christ and qualify for the eterna! reward. Not to do ‘hae things is to merit .condernnatio: ‘The Bible Samistalably teaches sal- vation by faith, but it is a faith ns and Cor, 5: 10. True faith de ee sion in all good works, a it is thus that ia a is tested. judgment of God, we may be very tee will take accoun’ ne of what men se in aie re- lations with each other, and fession of faith will ever ae Peele in itself without the doing, or the will 0 do, deeds of. mere; indness. On the other hand, a latent, unexpres- SHADOW TEST rhe hae Me hy 1 fi fect Sight nt etn bape Muscles Strengthened phe laches Cured, Cross rs many cases! disigiGne aie thm i oe accurately iy Mae ithow aaking alenttor SACTION Manintaaes 1 P H. BASTENDORFF “Byesitht ie MILVERTON, = tei “onraria i! dll PALO Sialon For Service BOLD CLYDE 4138 (Enrolled: on Form 1 No. 6842) own stable, “Poole, for the season. ‘Terms $10.—Rohert Fleming, . 21 to exercise this ministry, its punish-| ; me -| Because He is will stand in his} affec' fort to Sepublect pair Be nok troubl- crifice and self-for- getful iaiens; or in heroic devation e hav Cee trediat ase tiene many men and women who, in an hour of high devotion, putting aside life and what life had to give, offered themaeves upon the altar of freedom anity, will be ne Base ge ta eete elton at Christ and His saying, “Ye did it unto are Father’s House.—John 14: 1-2. This is Christ’s great word of com- =) commit por ce into the bais of for you in There. i pletty room, room for each and every on "prepared. by, ous? Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And ed. Axplace is prepared fio Fudkeahatee of who has prepared the place will come| m seas and- take. us each to be with . Therefore we look forward to that last event of life without fear, our Master Himself, we shall aaa our spirit into the hand of God. We Sa go to dwell in the Pee hou: r all, ™ as one great man has| An aise Nemao ante is a dreary pros- pect if our Father is not in it.” W. lams Brown (The Christian Hope) says truly, “If we wish to make faith this is to discover with Dr, Rainy that “our Fat in it”—the Father whose loving purpose for us and for all mankind Jesus has reveal- ed, and in whose gervice, which is at the same time the service of our fel- Jowmen, we find our freedom and our peace.” An Ineorruptible Péter 1: 3-5. The Inheritance. 1 jostle gives thanks faith in Christ, a hope based upon the resurrection of Christ from the dead. risen we believe that we, too, shall rise again. Because He has entered into the glory of the life eternal we also shall enter and live with Him. Richer than earthly i ne in ane of The ful significance of it i not yet revealed, but it will be re- vealed “in the last time.” Sa ae eae A Useful Pamphlet. Ae ean ants there are two kind spoil: first is called “flat a hich ine sites all s of batterial growth that k deveiey within The second typeof spoilage! o guard against is mol old, a_ plant distinctly different from the bacterial growth. Molded ore than fictase 8d because air is necessary for) its erie Dut: the es sour” spoil-| age the entire be Necro * Bulletin ae WOOL! NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS ———— ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL. — Blankets, Yarns, Shabbinets in plimt; btreh ‘ot vine ay eh if’a little wae is given to: re i faded bloom, leat ‘or. branch, There is no excuse for pa vilasariogs; even if the summer it ‘early ove Bt ee ae 5 me-“LIVE AND LOT LIVE PRICES” H.C. WAGNER | NEWTON, += — ONTARIO | : Now. fas Li Finger oil, Sk get of Fruits.and Vi Neieietles for ie. Use,” which may ad 0 mplientian, to the Publications Branch tape artment of Agriculture, Ottawa,| gives full information on the wavs methdds of canning including old ‘and valuable recipes’ as well as new ones whic! been found yaluable. Canning has become the most popular, means of preserving large quantities | of fruit’ and vegetables and. since, these ‘are plentiful during the summer | Flanaels, Tweeds, months and at other times difficult to, Sheetings and £ : btain, jit is nies a Siig a Wool Batte,-j4) ¢ Alth on lo’ tine is it is carried on from that on, For instance, we will) t BADD Don’t make any special effort to turn the cow dry that is going to drop a calf next spring; neither feed her with a special view to milk-production. Just let nature take its course, and you will be the gainer in the long run. When building a dair; various benefits Be ale aneeeste cape mneeceett after through the list of familiar games and and swinging a e. By doing these Soot both | right and left handed, will get ine Bestsnse of each torn 22S Burial in dry aru — keep silver bright for a long ti Aaealetis SE ciae An apron is the first article of cloth- ing mentioned in histor PRACTICAL ST By I..J. M When a little straw and more soil shaped with a trifle of elbow grease will beat both the iceman and the groceryman, it is time to take notice. I know-what it means to pick parsnips out of the frozen ground, and I have participated in proceedings pie were more to my liking. , 1 was not alone. Practically all aoniee of the garden and field can be kept in a and inexpensive storage that Heretofore, only the hardy products have been thus kept, but the occasion demands ae of i age that must be borne in ming wl planning the storage of Ee produ even, low temperature mus suginained if possible, the protet so that air may m ah out the e pits or tele mois- sind soft \potatogs, ‘apples’ and: othe produets. The demands for moistare are not products: While Ripobitimas neels eat rots, and cabbages keep best where the Bere is ‘abundant, sweet po- atoes, onions, squashes and pump- Kins are at their best only where the of moisture in the air is re- Intively-tiey.-cSai Wille te alld inay be suitable for storing potatoes and the root crops the attic gives more ideal conditions for ie storage of onions, squashes. and_p take prime stored stu out of storage unless prime stu the teales or. yeaeiaplen are. Hace under low temperature conditions, the ripening process is simply delayed and much more slowly hy take! apples that should be ripe in nother week if the weather continues: at ninety degrees F. sours the day.. If-these apples are temperature of thirty-five degrees, it can be readily seen that an_ mast | €vaporatin, of Fiat ply. of felt aid o her ;| their maturity will be much belated. cep the longest, apples pe te refords show product decreases in value more rapid- ly if the storage’temperature is allow- fed ti [erator keep the ripening checked isture “fi foares: moisture of the product from When fruits. and. vegetables. are | Pack either in alk oF in. containers | s0 that in| there is oH laden nir Sikes pockets and | then. the, i Any there as al vi | tendency to rise a little and between these two facts, molds, rots and de- | cays have removed gacks of baoraiiie from the found the potatoes daha the most. jafound: f outside of the sack where Te eather cote orth anctherseick ‘tHe Ae so that air can have free aceess. to all parts of the bins and foe maces i l ery few farnters. who ‘can, “ator io “build and maintain ‘a @ house. unless they : : edveiil have buy a nut t yt-of-door nits, oo 2 and will) the x pit hi (save tee millions of dollars worth! ahoweree for all|inches o: arene st see in ponsbleeto} va air keeps the) lowe storage bins and} much. ORAGE NOTES ATHEWS. of farm produce. May it also be said| that many millions of dollars’ worth | of stuff has also gone to waste in such | pits. Potatoes and apples for carly | spring use or sale may be easily and safely stored in these field pits. Tur- |Rips; rutabagas and beets may be stored in these ‘pits, but if they must \be used d the danger of freezing while ing removed is obviated. some are friend in disguise. The error often made ig in Sabine that: ie for call Bradueti should matter of fact, witars pits P Sod ie ‘warmer than the others. drag heloy. thicbiehverdeerecs ator. age, they take on that sweet taste which is relished by but few in pota~ Sensee Gteearaat jthe p heap the potatoes on the pile, cover liberally with straw. Then put on six inches of dirt, Now another layer of straw covered with f hi refully he other root, crops and apples, the send layer of joes. not matter so much. They can stand tem- peratures pretty close to the freezing point. Parsnips should be 1 freeze before they are put into the pit. Vegetable oysters and salsify should also be treated in the same Cabbages may be stored tea pit but I find it some srl to put them ‘into or remove them from a trench. is to dig a ath about eighteen inches deep anda foot wide. tre’ roots and leaves on the reer and put it into the trench, roots up. rest of the pit Cabbages keep well in this Tong pit and may be easily removed when neecl for the table. Root ‘cellars are-very desirable if uilt with a ventilate: e trouble atten | is that the ventilator aivcuay on has been, Mears by having a board put on top of i This. shuts off the hi ahaolite! sly es collects on the potatoes, other materials, then ‘ellars often suffer from lack of ventilation and it is a‘good plan td open a ventilator or window from time to time to let off warmed and foul small *kholl is fre-}- the Pedy is more than raiment.—St. ee e suas where this Bs of a mi: return if he invests a few minutes of . sthek ‘operly made, the field pit is aj te” If potatoes| . £ ‘ained location, | #0 laid out to} the air circulation Ga catiges the stored| Al ‘0 change very much, Even tem-! ma * “Good health is priceless.” € Ifyou suffer from Rb ffi T.R.C.’s will di your condition and Lees ooh pain and disease e. Sole agent for Milverton, S. RIE, Druggist, ete.; for, Monkton, WEBBER © BETTOER, General ‘Merchasia for Atwood, EVERETT G. COUGHLIN, or if you out of town $1.04 tb the above ad- pleton’s, Limited, 142 King St. W., Toronto, and will be sent postp: { nat f ae ae B i Farm, © | Ottawa. e time of receiving appli- ~ VALUES § cations shes been extended to October The life is more than meat, and Sie Vegetable Cellars. manent vegetable hav elirixe catians, clean, soleranh -| Luke, xi The deetrine of values here cet cea ventilate the will be forth is one to which all men every-| no time for this ie frost sats hd where cee at all times would agree,| and the product of the garden must but one which few of them would come in with a rush, -ever put ecennecol vf ete aceon; pone time Jesus ele the issue by y street’s te side isn’t paved », then, is a with rena inten! n asl weep?” In the| ‘There is nothing extraordinary. in horse gnawing the woodwork of in who was a successful its stable. The ‘best means of stop- es indeed, so qudeeantut: thebehe! ping this is to. protect the woodwork ~ had more than he could store—enough with hoop iron or saturating it with e ae unpleasant substance, such as osote or gas tar. piece of rock returning to the a = his Hote’ salt shoyld be kept in the manger. inquired about a man of great wealth,| askin t he was worth. The gare : as, “Nothing but money.” How fre- Obt’ Buch quent that inquiry—how rare the Paint reply! , dizzy— What, then, shall veh ay. a to dtagged- yi life and Certainly not oxseselons, for «down? n’s tite sonst ot in the abun- With dull ae of the thi she. possesseth. Yet headache, we Hida duet WEE tate 3 How frequently we seem to rate men backache — rack- and life by just that standard! ing with pain here or by Ee The success or there’ —= woman, she’s one of many. On those five years thousands of heroic and un-| days each month, precedented achievements have ay sven in. other cine recorded, but they fail to mea: either men or life. They are valuable cumstances sho would go to bed, indexes, but every man is better than| She must still be at the desk or his best deed and bigger than his! counter, or struggle through the greatest achievement. Kes one makes of his leisure is often a good index to the measure of life and ah aioe of value that finds a lodgm: | noted above en “to. take his ease.” This brought forth a rather sharp rebu’ ife is neither a dead sea nor a raging torrent, although these fea- tures may be seen temporarily. It is, however, action; but to be significant weal, nervous, delicate women are it must be rationally directed. lh ptatsind hanlelt i Aeon pies Genin inthe Shean Lore SK 5 Preserintio 7 Usually she who feels those drag-* ging-down or dizzy symptoms, and Pitrce’s Favorite Prescription. cures the cause of. these pains. Faded, jaded, tired, overworked, pression of life and SL hued That which one does when free from ex. It makes weak women strong an nal Sh freedom of i ae ane oor choice is a hiner by authority oe CuaTHAM, sig Being @ have had circumstances from without—is the! eccasion to use ‘Favorite Preserpion” alte a Ms + page: reg to my patients and it real eae > of ee wwe are and of been ¢wonderfl lp ema what we sw of a case where it failed. ave a patient The ho; efi seein Mente lie | who. is sng 1 now and lo dolng tno, T ‘ 1 ave taken it. myself and got the very is Te a the last analysis the real] have, taken it myself and gy Tine hte struggles in society are for a better] forwomen who are allings’ haa, EDIT e and a aus standard | 80 Derse e Street. e than meat. | standards. between toman spirits. :{ Counter Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. e| BY. human being to another. Mat. lerial standerds cannot control in a rid of rational spirits. This lies hence at the base of all contracts in- volving human interests. cages Egg-Laying Contests Popular, The egg-laying contests throughout ominion are attracting consider- Already the entries are being nr filled by birds from all classes of poultry breeders. The aieertan Die veeanhierelll Sian are being represented able interest. ir own way Se for both the United States and FE) are going to be repre- patae The Dominion Experimental Farm less than seven con- This firm ‘turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. Edward Island on the east, rta on the west, At Ottawa will be held See our samples and the “Canadian” open to world. | |W]. get our prices before ther contests will be conducted at six of the Branch Farms throughout the Dominion. ‘The farms selected are Charlottetown, P.B.1.;. » NS Cap Rouge, Que.; Brandon, Man.; In- dian Head, Sask.;, and Lethbridge, ordering. Te Sun Office ta. All_contests start: November a and continue for 62 weeks. Applic Gon yuuee be. made to sDegniiots Boel: THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO- DAY == Is the one who wae careful. tenga tohis . clothes. ‘To him his business:si, asmuch | ‘Consequence as the clofhes:he wears for social gases. ‘There is scarcely a farm product that cannot be successfully stored. | ieee suitable storage is meet } year than ever before, since some ee the things we have ordinari | ed from outside sotirces will ie Be available ‘this yen and it will ones essary to make the arm: 1| duotsatalke, hele foes | a engagements. He realizes the importance o| being well dressed at. all times. He requires a ALITY” besides style, finish and correct tailoring. Try us for veut next suit. 0. DUFFIELD, * THE TAILOR, MO TRI = NKTON * Sallie poe

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