Milverton Sun, 18 Sep 1919, p. 2

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t The Milverton Sun Ménkton Times winas ee The Sun Printing Office * MILVERTON, ONT: Main Street scription. rat teve-One year, 81,605 et ishenths, Foc tn edpuuee Eten re in are Feare wili be liable to pay 8: years Advertising rates on app! teat ent without josey tre Jone ed until (orbid and char; waters for contract sdvertisements ravet ‘the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MaenEr! Publisher and Proprietor, BusinessCards DrPill. Tye Omce: Puntic Dave SroRn, MiLveRTow Hours: 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to # p.m, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University \f Toro: nto Late. assistant New York Ophthal and ‘ral Tn are Moorefield are Throat (Phone 267.) 3., ST! faterloo St. RATFORD ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Dffice at the Grand Central Hotel, Every Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. Donsultation and Examination Free dF SEBBEN, D DDS. L.D.S, . “St TRATFORD one 993. Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock Opp. City Hall, hegre: H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWBL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ney to Loa! Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c, Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, 8,7. HARDING W. 0. OWENS Ww. R. GoopwIr Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer ee br eee moa of Perth Fonveyancer, deeds , wills, mortgages draws me made, ‘Village clerk, Défice: Weir block, Deke Rank atordi esis Ay Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Lice: J.P. for the County:of Perth. MONKTON, ONTARIQ Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand Hotele The Queens Hotel tion i commercial tray: rhers, }RO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont Bar : Scotetics. Blea By John B. Huber AMMD Thalla uber will answer all signed 1 question ie ct General interest 1¢ will be y ibe for Individual cases of make aingetale ef Wiizon Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide in B. Huber, ra B., care &t. West, Toronto Chronic Stomach Trouble. The chronic gastritis sufferer has ere is belching of gas and perhaps also of a bitter fluid. minutes haps two hours after eating, there is vomiting; or he brings this on to re- lieve p in * In chronic speciale gastritis, the nausea, rete! and yomiting after breakfast, "The abdomen is often distended, especially after meals, with b constipation’ or diarrhoea; and -there) is dist bers oftentimes pain, in the bdomen. Headache, al ee lack of capacity for work, mental depression’ a ere result, tie: blood | eee: and loss of weight. | Whe: stomach contents are examined, irregularities in the quan- | other substances essential to are found, with metimes enormous, quantities of slimy Tas Been: coathig the! atomiach preventing the right and beneficent tion of the foo of the substances digested, on this to per-| #l | Heir -owns homes and withthe: greet istiors pertaining to Health, If your red through these alumonss dresaed envelope | if medicines Were, ‘made to live on. way to- cure to e hj ag stomach ‘peta ‘Only in that wa: weirs Hone A ae eae know “where they ate sat only thus, e diagnosis of CONSTANT PAIN AFTER EATING The Tortures of of Dyspepsia Corrected by “Fruit-a-tives” . Sr. Marniy’s, NB. “For two years, I suffered tortures fro} 3 and horrible ee stuf often came up in my m Tiried doco Spubsthey: didnot help me. But as soon as I started taking “Rpuib-etives' I began to improve and this medicine, made of fruit juices, relieved me when everything else failed.’ MRS. HUDSON MARSHBANK. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid »; Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. should be yellow; the carcass well dressed, cleanly picked, and not coughed up or torn, free of pin-feath- ore: and the legs and feet clean. Lice are aly gotten rid of. Three years ago I pi da five gallon can of heavy a oil\and. mixed it thin enough so that I could spread it like paint, and gaye the roosts coating. -epéate every spring and f mable to find’a louse or the signs of The egg-eating habit can be cured. My. method is to break small holes in convince her that ae! a uncertain things. It works. all r it, Spots. of ftir on td pe Sree eggs cost me the custom of one of my best families. Then I turned over a new leaf. I kept my nest boxes as neat as I did the cage of my canary bird. ee be seplieds By far the best rem= y for appropriate cases of chronic pee is the washing out of the stomac e family doctor, the patient “swallowing the hose pipe” the Jocose saying is. ‘amazing what an awful m washings bring away; mazing the amount of relief felt, far surpassing that afforded ‘by tons of medicine—relief so great that pa- tients sométimes learn how to do gastric lavage upon’ themselves, in est satisfaction. Questions and Answers. Is there much food value in a sou made of small beans and pieces ot ready-made doug Petia ie re occasion: the si aeiadi ene s ahd the faipatesiaat alternating with fairly comfortable seasons, but never in real They find this and that much vaunted remedy to help a little. They are always taking medi- eines—such as atregtthins “ential os large percentage of alcohol—just as the dough, ge considerable in the which are ricl that is, body-building material. ast! exhau idea Seshd seen atten ear —brain, spinal cord, bodily nerves and ganglia all together. When we mean mental exhaustion only, speak of psychasthenia. TERNATIONAL LESSON SEPTEMBER 21. The Holy Scriptures—Ps. 19: 7-145 119: 9-16, 97, 165; Acts 17: 10-12; 2 Tim. 8: 14-17; Heb. 1:1-2. Golden Text, Ps. 119: 105. The Law of the Lord. Psalm 19 cele- brates God’s revelation in the wonders of the haevine and in the perfection of His holy he heavens declare His ies, pet not less ‘certainly does ancient law of Israel in Which His will is revealed. re are set forth the principles of justice and fidelity| and kindness and love, old as creation and. high as the throne of God. Indeed, there is in justice something more'per- manent and more sublim ese Steel, and therefore there is ruth in the old saying, art justice be done aaa heaven falls. e praise of the law is first set forth in three verses (7-9), each con- e it Be more e cleer if we write the lines below The iy. ot the Lordvis perfect,—con- ig the soul; The tastings of the Lord is sure,— making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right,— ejoicing the hea The commandment of a pu is Aiylvetion Lodge No. 478 ALF. & A.M. G.R.C, Mecis every Monday evening on ot before full m ip 3 Shai hall oa i » Nicholson, Secy Silver Star Lodge No. 202 1.0. Meets every Friday ‘aight at 7.30 In thete wer Bank of ene 9 welcome “0. A; Barth, Rec.-Seoy A. Harrow, W.M, Hy “He Looks Into the Eve" METHOD, it {1 “iaiporate Ro mate oo corer es sitwork fs Sone'by eee Ni oe gs Weak Muscles Strengthened w Lol etre as Accurately examined wit asking questions, = PH BASI GUARANTEED 1 H. BASTENDORFE ucvaeion. - = ONTARIO Fish will not be greasy or soddei if the fat in which it is fried is almos Doiling hot when the fi Woodworking hi as been made easier ‘S the invention of an electric hand the The fear Re ihe Lathes cleany—en- g forever; The sadements of the Lord are trie,— d righteous altogther. Nose: ‘that the Jaw is called “testi- mony” because i he ancient covenant bond between Je- hovah and Israel ne Exod. 24), and Wash The Kidneys! After Bad Colds or Influenza Look to Kidneys and Bladder! “statutes,” “command- judgments.” ‘The “fear of the ton” te 9), is the disposition to obey Jehovah's law, or the char- acter which is based upon obedience 0 it. Note aiso that the law (and this can truly be said of the teaching of the that it makes who knows his ignorance and seeks its guidance; that it rejoices the hear and brightens the eyes, giving glad- ess and beauty to life; and that i adver: Seite altogether true and right. right and true is that only which abides pees The law is Pattee described as very sweet and very pre- cious and very greatly to be desired. For by it one is warned and instructed 30 that he may avoid both secret or tinconsclous errors, and open with a petition that bot thought cepaite. sight of the Lor ithe whole of Psalm 119 ts also in praise of the law, and seems to have in mind especially those first five books Old Testament which, in the his way or conduct according to God's law, a you! e a clean lite '(v. 9). Pir aperiene asin Heed “Great Beare nexe they coy love Thy they ohare, none occasion of stumblin,. h in protein— : Pp henia a condition of the a wel, etter rt} Detter ie andes al in th in the| } GPoulinGs eep the hustlers—those that are 8| on rene early and go to roost with full o molt late. weeding out flocks a good place to begin ‘is with the hens that are not thrifty and active. Old hens often are better working members of the feathered family than shoes that are physically weak all tl Oats are good feed’ ai They have ‘a fine p| fed azelaatvely: re barley. At first the hens may. not take kindly to barley, but they soon learn to like it, and it makes eggs and all’ hens as long as they are “This calls for close at- qT reaches the age of two years is pretty sure crifice some of his best layers. To secure best prices, stock shipped 0 market should be well fattened: so that the breast bone does not stick b The igheee yield hens” usually’ yy still-have her. Drinking fountains that cannot be reached on the. inside can be cleaned with sane water and a big handful ‘Shake the vessel ey 0 that the ‘shot ‘will scrape alon; e foaisine will remove the scum and make the vessels clean. keep dirt and Bites from being j Scratched into the d inking _ vessel, stone crocks or eaiveuinal iron pails about two feet from the ground and the top slatted. ms CBD are |: The number of daughters a au has in the advanced registry is not s1 it using the bull Four years are led to measure thé value of any bull. Making Every Apple Twenty-five Der vent. of iheapolenlaider. hards never reach our Wr obieewtrds an apple-in These waste apples d for apple syrup, apple butter, vinegar, ete; | matter of making every apple work. The the grade of apples the Windfalls sed. If partly decayed, cut out the rup or vine For that which is just and} & ‘0. make one gallon ie ainla eecaeutis ind teen atc of apple cider five ounces of powdered calcium pserenate (carbonate of lime), whic ily-obtaiuable from « drug store. Heat the cider and allow it to oil for a few and let the liquid settle sell Dertectiy clear. This will take several. hours, prhaeokataht. wavhen tlate ig Br atiee tinct Sediment at the bottom, pour off r Fill the kettle Add to the clear the liquid rapidly. If you have a candy ‘The thermometer, let the liquid ee until it reaches 220 degrees F. have no such thermometer, boil the liguid + antil only about one- wag of the *| original vain is left, small portion when cooled ragidly and rouse tong ‘a spoon is bone as thick maple e syrup rahes this a ae non a off into the Substitute the wond “Bible” for “aw j and the saying is even more emphati age The Holy Sexiptares of the book of Acts.(17: 10-12) c mends the he CoE Becbelag ae noble” than others because “ ecivetl the. word with ‘al Feadiness. of mon herd reaaae oe most sential co) tment be di- ' towards poisons from: ese pains paises \— forts. prompt, casting out of the aig ow these Seesaas= te ela oitn baa oon skin and eae excited to their et ect one’s self from many by alana sees oil or a .| teaching and this puidattee is surely rejected without inquiry, but the 14-17, Paul coun: heloved friend and! ld in the Gospel, to. pensions in the a good : 5) of the Jewish! his father: was a Greek. Paul speaks, of c tures of the Old Testament, but, what ays is even in true of the whole Bible. of { urse He aoe vation,” "profitable for teaching, for: reproof, for correétion, for instruction in right- eousness.” The reader who seeks earnestly to know what is the author- ii the highest folly. es Home-Made Jayetle Water. Dissolve % pound of chloride of, ithe in 2 quarts of water. Pour off ‘be top, wl to the clear liquid 1 gqarg of Viquid soda, Keep ti Uehtly corked bottles fia dark tne and use: ats for, stains .+ on white goods. a a The historian! sisted, carefully ‘they re-| » | slow cooking (fou to,six houre) and which will be clear; a adap Blass glass jars and let it cool very slowly. When temperature diment. When the settling is com-| clear} com-| portion of the'syrup into a kettle, heat frothing appea arly to boi t into) sterilized fruit jars, which should be; at pan sealed as in preseryine, This} uddings, oval | alon; cbgetation: or the; into app pples of coarse texture + site’ netted thod Js | no’ doubt. preferable, but both make | ¢qually good butter. | oon cia be continued until he se and 'a) do not separate, | he Hutter When colds wilt be ag thick as good-apple sauce. The thick- fee : determined at frequent inter-| aaa takes about equal quantities a larger measure! of sweet cider and peeled and a change the Wauid to- vinegar. eos os of the right! f the dajoutiats of butter are Tongs | ; Apples to constant s' sugar is ad it should be added my the taste. pple ae a is spiced according to taste, spoonft each ofj i ground Bar cee ¢ loves and anes being used for each gallon. Thes a sisal into it when the caves i ig stil fling Hot, apple ngit nth a into Sat tanta my Jars, or hermetically Peed ihe ach, wich Lightly. fteng Gress aod spol stele, iz Butter without ‘ood pple Byler a can fe ale ean, be} mol a low-priced chemical, read-| st ff | and. slice until a, m Work fo the aa Add enough water to ie peel- a Sha sliced apples to make a t apple sauce, and let this aes very three or four h Brown sugar can e used, being added when su cooking is two-thirds don ar which settles at the Longe my a e eateal of ant of cinnamon, allspice and loves st he nd aba whee cooking is ‘Apple Butter with Grape Juice If a grape flavor is desired in apple but. ter, add to each gallon of peeled and sliced apples, cooked into sauce and tt butter into hot containers and sterilize. Apple Butter with Lemons—Slice| © fons jauios. cover with water and let for one hour ani GAR THERE unde tf gubie, Cavtsetow- ly and stir frequently for one and one- half hours longer, or until of proper ickness k hot into sterilized paraffin. Cider Ae Sa 7 a the sweet ie press fo ama ‘nto the hole. Plac ie bar- oup like the keel of a boat; the skin{ be er is pipe oa and the more BS in| tion slowly, or simmer, over a low fire for| se. 4, | himself put the Jews through the pro- sei al and sterilize, or cover with hi e stopper of Sctean -babtind % meron mee ER. ee gift all Rheumatic complaint anive ts. 1 HE, Druggist, ete; Kos A preparation which has ‘won its enviable reputation solely on its merits. The safe, » Sure and speedy remedy for Monkton, We ‘The Uses of Adversity. “I wish I could ive along in busi- orge Seagrave,” Nel he joined: his father in the libréty after ‘dinner. “What’s up now?” aie his father. “Oh, nothing,” assistant general. manager father’s firm. It doesn’t seem Hint for a fellow'to haye ‘an advantage like that een4 to him, while fellows) like ng have t o dig for everything they that seems to be the way the see of it the a capital Seater na as you do, but I've lived long ead to Bee a great many adjust! © Shebianlvéa: There is a law of com- replied the son,! can | only George ‘has just A appointed) of Storing Grain Bags. On the majority of farms it is very hard to keep sacks or grain bags free from. the. ray: Several h bought for-about Avot the present. prices. Hence it pays to guard them, A very good way is to secure a can similar to: the tim cracker cans, which can be secured at grocery stores. should be eighteen or twenty-1 rats. ‘our 18 the lid. Mice and rats. will not gnaw through, ‘and eyeur: Fb sil is solved. A one-ezg Sake baked in a biscuit in and -cut in squares, then served hot with ae sauce, is a good des- sert. efuse ot. crops that are through fruiting show sta! enough. ers, aml |likesshould not be left to decay. ion my boy, and no cass ee all the ie Tt would y poor world if we all slid aa as easily as S iases does.” “What do you mean by that?” asked ‘he son, “Just this: it takes opposition. or pases sirn } 5 A mn go his shictalevees ‘and gets his living, but he decides that his children shall have more oppor- tunity than he, so he gives them an education. The sons make money by their educational advantage, and they ass heir soni have never known the strugale of acquisi- Dale tie shire mente roses begins gain. It doesn’t always happen so, but i happens with jasteleniretar: ity to form the basis of a proverb. ‘The eespuiingrates fle “ re but it needn’t be sth replied eb "T know. that,” replied the, fathen| “put there is enough truth in-it t prove what I want versity to whip them into only about four hun- in a bee line across the Bat God made the Jews get to Canaan, he- cause We Pgs GAP RL AE the conquest, Bible says He ‘led them through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near? ould have got there va auitkly 8 geen the: hued! And if they had defeated the Pinistines shot panther prepared for a ‘still worse enemy; I mean the opulence and plenty of Ca wilderness ‘orty Men aré defeated by easy. victories more than by ad- Bie wae Mlbsal chan in tke British Parliament when he his maiden speech. But that only toughened bis fibre and stiffened “It makes all the differ- made rels on their sides to ex ae a inte surface of the cider to the air. This quite essential to rapid vinegar, | A few days after the cider is. put} into the barrels, the characteristic! at the bung-hole. To! use a common expression, it is “be- ginning to work.” ‘This ziateatek that | the firs' process I gun. “To help things! peratu: tion EGE he waned in from six weeks to three months mn ag the fermentation is com- pleted, draw off the clear liquid, be- ing very careful not to disturb. the ‘sediment in. tle barrel. Wash the barrel thoroughly and replace the liquid. This done, we are now ready to in- troduce the acetie-acid germs. which is can be done by, adding from two to four quarts of g pe wioretee each barrel; but a serious objection to his method that sometimes one introduces with the “mother” foreign! oFganisms which may prove detri-| mental r most. saitactory rel re a pure culture of ace’ ep and hold the ieee at a state of from 65 x thesé condi- a tions saleable pheeis ie be obtained ‘0 six months in place of two to three years, as is often the case. he pure cultures can be obtained from the bacteriologist, at your Prov- ES from leg. to 75 d egar. becomes cough, fil the He els as full as por-| sible = cork ti way, meee of the air with) the vinegat is cut off and the: acetise) without acid egrme aogp conse working | sand, never ‘knows the Cor of the s y 0 character to go with % acquisitions. A is. a case of diamonds 0} rail in winter? What it needed was opposition. iction spelled Even a kite can’t rise ith Broa SS. the Tt must ascend a: “Salon : Service BOLD CLYDE 4183 (Enrolled on Form 1 No. 58, will stand in hid own stable, Poole, for the season, Terms $10.. Ro) bert Fleming, 2m, WOOL! NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL Blankets, Yarns, Flannels, Tweeds, maa-~“LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES” Hi. .C. “WAGNER ~- ONTARIO lov. 1 We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co, N This firm turns out Don't spend your time ewan with the order of thing: some one else’s easy_§ grows in the open, torre d by a thou-| sand storms. othouse plant | sky.” Selling to Automobilists. | Signs to attract buyers to roadside | markets should be placed several, hundred fect on either side he} market place, so that people passing | by will be on the lookout. Otherwise, | fore seeing th e. Word the sign like t “Apples to sell just ahead.” only high-grade work ~ at very reasonable prices. See our samples and ° get our prices before ordering. Tm Sun Office sed Sota alg ve well I gree THE OT chisaran - MAN: TO-DAY— Is the one who gives “careful attention to his clothes. To him his business suit is of as much ppnnesii eles as the clothes he wears:for social gements. He realizes the i * Pealdesetyle, finish and correct iloring. ony us for your next suit. rtance of at all times. He requires

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