fas gee “PAINEUL: RHEUMATISH May be Driven 01 Out of the Sys- tem by Enri the Blood. In the days of our fathers aud. eae fathers rheumatism was thought to be the unavoidable penalty of middle. lite Power.’ Back of the oil are the well drills that poun Steadily, steadily, into the ground. Back Be rl lighting, the power plant’s wouares vis working and ae its “Brain ge wanted in to ight: A ok ea" << Ps, SS Set oie oe a we Ns G eet - Dr. Webster’ ’s ofonice Many is know Atel word only in its e ap) jer dwel ie firstly upon the usage of the “morale” as applied to the comm j SIN AY happenings of every- idee life. “His nr an eae vocgie later. And Webster is corred—meticulou: Ack It water orale that mad lendid soldiers tt our Bor when the time cai It was that, and that alo ie It is the bis ae of your daily pontine that make up our morale—the ling shave, your clean linen, polished shoes, rushed clothes, Webster patag tt of 2 eure, “hope and confi- lence. It is by attention to tl the small detail your personal appearance that these Ay be at The poonie easy—there iodo pallisg or scrhying--oa boning, ox stropping— 2 ive ten of perlect shaving comfort, And, alt cso JE oiee morale and self-re: Sold at most stores catering fo men’s needs, Back oe ‘te re the loom that saast Back on ae ‘om are the hands that} high is what mands, But bok a ‘we dream and the per- . fect The nae a Nature—the brain of A heavy horse from 16 to 17 hands the present market de- Minard’s Liniment nt Cures Burns, eto, gel dings are are Bringin so x0. ‘s #1, 200 in the Old Sores man of any age can defy rheuma- tis! a becoming every year more widely own, the more general use of these pills that has robbed rheu- matism of its terrors. ie first palpitations, dull urself 01 people em a tales rial they will not A Siesenis t You can get these pills through any dealer a mediciné or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Sie ae i a Naughty Nations. Back of the message, Outracing the sunbeams and cleaving | ,, the dark; Now, medical‘| Back of the airplanes, the motors that Contend with anid conquer the forces or Back of the bullet, the rifle that whirls Back of the missle, the cannon that Back = the ‘Drea But back of the biueprint—the brain of a man! Yea, And the ube. Garston t_ooaka isbn pamee aed And be free as the winds of the-world ie free, ; Ours is the earth; we shall wield it | and mould it; The scroll of the ages shall selze and : aa gale saat Ya direction and None & tuhlon or fathom the brain ofa TEETHING TROUBLES the wireless | PFes NEY OR ORDERS, end a Sane Expres Order. ae is sipueted to th in the Minard’s Tinimeni Cures Dandrum, 0 characters. the engineer's 5% % DEBE as the winged TURES Interest payable half yearly. ‘we may soar les soar, ips orate Toronto Office sea, — ess Money Five Dollars costs three cents. ‘he tallest bone in a ae human Ee ickwick ee contains. some —— Invest Your Money The Great Sites # Permanent 20 King St. West nfold it; All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS @ J CLIFF - - TORONTO ‘ORM WINDOWS & DOORS} Ceetg a CIZES to suit your A novel inquiry has ye been uae Baby’s teething time is a time o! ‘mae 1% (CANADA, MWORLD OVER: The Gia Raa C oad Lined, Monte Qu RAMSAYS Aluminum Paint Gives Stovepipes and Radiators A a Silver-like finish For Sale by All Dealers Your Mysterious Powers The normal senses of mankind sigift, hearing, touch, smell, But there are othe: ny are investigator, There and Ww augeewhy comiuredioga thandarniare through observing sensations in the brain and the nervous system. This abnormal sense is often acutely de- veloped in women of an {mpression- le, nervous nature, ae the discovery of water be- the ground by means of the divining.rod has been proved to trickery in some casesAthere is scien- some proximity of water, which cannot be seen, Be revealed to these sensitive persons by a curious seid nsa- tion, aie it 1s probable that oy suc- Sac. pele diviners pongel a speci- fic sen: * There are many baffling marvels as- the sub-consclous mind gey are somniloquent people who c: "Ty on @ conversa- tion with Riattiens person during deep -|ing they have ever of having talked in their sleep, 0- ti sleep. They answer questions ration- ally, and appear to be wide awake in the conscious mind. But in the @ morn- no recollection what- and they are apt to deny the tes! mony of those who talked with them. Sleep-walkers never remember their nightly adventures. They find it dit- flcuit to belleve thet they bave ‘lett their beds, dressed themselves, and taken @ walk. All that they note in the morning is drowsiness, and some- times a slight headache. Sudden changes of Veregnalty are fairly common, and many interesting Paier iate habeas x aes will suddenly cail himself by a new name, in mene, “double” is a being totally un- tae his real si This state ts Paasche as “fugu and there have been many strange in- stances among soldiers suffering from war-shock. n the patients re- cover they have no recollection of the life led by their sel y that they have had a long dream, but can- not recall the incidents. in the Republic to the Whicl is the “naughtiest” of at the ovale nations represented in the United tates? The method adopted to decide this question has been to tak census of all the people who have been impris- oned for breaking laws, and the fairest record is held by Switzerland. Only 0.31 per cent. of the a? Pa the United States have been to ee ie ne bad hor of ae fan ily, th 2.3 per cent., or just over one in i ale Pelee ‘s. only a fraction better, 2 per cent, and Scotland is ee from bottom with 1.2 per for a nasty blo Omitting Switzerland, Germany comes top! —* Surel High Heels may cause lockjaw and women am warned to stop it a drug called treez- up irritating the surrounding tissue -or ri out and pin on your wife's dresser, pS SE Mistakes That Paid. used Baby's Own Tablets. for the past six years and have found them indis- pensable. To my equal them in allaying the fever ac- companying teething. coat are ae by medicine dealers or by mail ai Dr. wlan ville, =s ggles is a good sort, but at times ead number of little things - worry is ears? paternal pride. it was a railway pone xt “broke corns, then they cut and trim at thes! — : painful pests which merely makes the | ‘e camel's back”—a common or gar. corn grow hard. This suicidal habit | den railway porter. io giemig manded the porter, with a Sherlock eee) lhe air. Then,” thundered the port all this crowd follerin’ yer for?” LEMONS WHITEN AND Make this caus lotion. Ls aaa ag you han At the cost of a emall Jar of ordinary cold cream one can fi fresh lemons into Baby's little HAMILTON FACTORY oistaisuTORS easy 6 z SINCE. § 1870 . Marcel D. LeBlanc, Mem- ‘ ‘The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited 30373? COUGHS mind nothing can I would not be cents a box from The Medicine Co., Brock- that Sloan’s Liniment means relief ARES, Last Straw. e, he has a gets worried. You se it who has suffered from yeh sore him. In other words, soeele is the} of joints, the results of weather ex- father of thirteen childi posure, Cause Corns But s a good father should, Toggles | ~— Women, too, by the hundreds of h ok the whole newspaper dozen with Senean, iit it for relieving neur- nim on his summer holiday. Was itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- Who Cares Now aire he humorous re-| ache. Clean, freshing Aeties: marks of auth be wags which fell on | fqjmomucal, mPa lty Because style decrees that women No. He simply patted with | ypran"ss Eimiment™ to your, druggist. pee 70c, $1.40. imiment reer it handy doing?” de- WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any. man will tell you For practically-every man has used of muscles, stifiness the olden di th ARN States, soon after-.the revolutionary ANP en Lae Hien nm war, beaver hat became a kind | foes $e y0r ,our apeclalty= Cand: of family heirloom, and was handed | where. “Giand a ge Ween tee er to son. For some ae ve ‘outers strange it was considered. to Haute 1418 Manstend peere bought one to Sera) it out in stormy to “tal Hats Were Helrl a} in looms. hen weather eons wearing {t, the newness off.” — ++ ‘Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, a man A tes lesira. ad of ute men ke bring y zou ae ontenos our Requeat a tr Four t Storey where. Mind and Memory." will bi cannct tices tates poshenity. thon( ask a cap Sr “return oo oughly dry. Tomple Bldg, Toronto ete Gmfort Lye | New Box , ison FoR TES) WEEKLY, 1) UCR rite ca pho ee Ts Adetatae SW IPPED NEWSPAPER Was EQ! torte dna onrried $1.6 wil lo. Insurance carrie 1, uy ee for = 4200 on ayee ae Mee 6: ‘oronto. ans- sate |: Para its for ae pies mn oents for Garr Brantford, Ontario, wince aan le gelling .exberien profit; Care IR, LAeoRL ot ators ae te "ate nes 00 Tate Co., Limited, Seon ont. SOMO RES LUMPS, ured withouk for som Patience is often an excuse to mething wait ngs . MiMi ae v iv VccRIMMON'S Mouth Wash The universal gas pact for Pyorrhoea an Heals and hardens Vea . gums at once and tightens the teeth. © pase Mouth Wash decomposed mat- = and ae the mouth fresh and sweet. A BOON TO SMOKERS Mc CRINMON, S CHEMICALS Inerep omehORD ST ne 5 thing,” stammered Te ete ECZEMA IN RASH BEAUTIFY THE SKIN. ur face, pects ar arms and Troubled Six Weeks. prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon i skin softener and complexion beauti- “Our daughter's face came out in It is surprising how er, by squeezing the juice of two @ rash that we were tol eczema, a bottle containing CUTICURA HEALS Very lichy and Burned. Promising Ontario Linen Industry. With the installation of modern web- ning mill, rating in tonjuntion with the ‘dued yates akes is indi a self-contained one, tae fs cess out lnen ae sae the finer finished _ a33 3 Z rw because of the difficulty of getting nen h e finer g00 well as oy coarse towelling, bateiaces linen, ‘The development of flax spinning will have a stimulating effect on the 1g of flax by Ontario farmers. Ontario flax has in the past been found Bae te Lh Irish linen manu- facturers famous ie ree of the invent- roduction A newly oo % . fills aDE*NU for. i nourishment not met by 3 »many cereals. No cooking No waste ae which sian flax on the world m: A dish youll always relish At breakfast or lunch with SDC Gun or cream ed Canadian machine to harvest the flax, which, for purposes of spinning, ust be pulled, not cut, ne expected to reduce ane costs great The elimination of the ie crop in Russia, formerly placed Rus- arket almost flax ipemiectant an si a ning, with the s- the first bayonet was the result of a soldier’s suggestion that, as the pow. ec was one: ey should, ix dtett Tong. knives, into the barrels of their rifles try of linen bh aes) shor me one of Can: leadership in the enterprise contained linen industry is spec f interesting. is perhaps the only aerial e Brit= ‘vill noon Aight eat Bnei ea tad re turn, and the musicians will pare the t pre erre ‘his is to certify that I have Re by some slip or inate Hinge arnesefor Ohceael Willa sdate Brig caper. f ould ‘aken to ae ih juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp pie rent Sol g worimaare spoiling Sees nee thee ants 1oOou. will: Kooy of a batch tac which he had forgot-| fresh for months. ve: ‘woman. n to put any sizing material. ell knows that lemon juice is used to discovered dynamite by a slip, and| bleach and remove such blemishes as Seroiek: sallownes: ee! into the face, hands. I s and tan and is ideal skin softener, whitener and when shewas healed.”’ (Signed) Mi Stare: and charg: two lemons from the grocer andmake|~ | H. ee ae Ra, Galt, Ont ld not be- up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- Cuticui tment and Ts “Aale Asitoceas is rant lemon loti it oun ap Waal ‘aly tollet uses. ki at a and For free, sampl Cuticura So: marvelous to smoothen ent Bhat, ore gsr Nes LINIMENT in my famil; for apart eu Sesee it the best tint, ment on arket. I have found it Seatiae ites ante flesh. (Signs ed), . S. PINEO. “Woodlands,” Middleton, N.S. Effective Remedy. ey doctor turned reluctantly out of to answer his night bell, and was tn to hear that all that was wrong was that Mrs. Mulcahey’s new baby, wouldn’t go to sleep. He handed the excited father a powder and went back to bed? Next morning he met Mr, soatige® a nd did the baby get a good night’s rest?” ie e, an’ we don’t know,’ was the re} “We gave her a dose an’ ft didn’t make a bit of difference; she Climbing the ladder of life may be difficult, but it is only when you are ng down that you get caught on the splintsrs, *-At Grocers Parker’s Will Do It By ceeuee or dyeing—restore any apiides ir former appearance and return them se you, good as new. Send anything from household draper- ies down to the finest of delicate fabrics. ‘We pay postage or express charges one way: When you think of Cleaning or Dyeing Think of Parker’s. Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay Carriage one way on ail orders. Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar- ticle will be promptly given upon request. Parker's Bye Works; ume Cleaners and Dyers, 791 Yonge St. Toronto Minard’s Liniment for sal everywhere, JSSUE No. 39—' ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the’“‘Bayer Cross” For Colas ieee) Headache, Neural- “Barach ‘ia, Toothache, package which contains compl rections. ‘Then you aro ge genuine | Aspirig ing Fee reat amped with ented must say Asp! tho trado mark (registeted\in Canada) of Bayer, enutactare ‘of Mono- | acoleneldener of Salleylicacta. | Whil spr saist the pubile rr thelr general eteds inate is voll known th ita iri 0 serbed by ‘ks for over nine: teon bi ade in Cans means Bayer yer Company, ier uy ware For Preserving Half Lily White and Half Sugar you You will have puaudertal success with your uu follow the example of the replace half the sugar with LILY WHITE Corn Syrup. The initial saving in mo jams and ihe. will keep better, be just the right consistency an will not crystallize. LILY WHITE makes Dandy Candy Ehdorsed by na gone ie Coons evety- eres LIL =e by ¥, grocers in 2, 5, 10 0 Ib. t oy cation STARCH CO,, LIMITED, © ., MONTREAL, Dat reserves if chools and echnical ney may be small, but your will pre er ‘orn Syrup is and when energy to go and : fetch it sould be more Bt im \