Milverton Sun, 2 Oct 1919, p. 3

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RPMS aA. J 7 For Table Use and rin ap ole ee know that t ere is as the a IN len Crown Brand is unequalled as a S: cakes, Muffins, as ieee spread for bread, cooking, a nerally t for Pr It isa pth white color and “jells” excellently! Sold in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tins ‘The Canada Starch Co,, Limited Montreal 209 “uSYRUP OF FIGS” CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little Sennicke liver and gate s. Children love its delicious fruity | miles; at six feet elevation the range | s; L ‘i c pecies of vegetable will sae Dim taste. Full directions for_child’s see of vision is increased to 8.28 miles,|quce seed in Canada as the sea oral this year. Ssdace ne ene on each bottle. Give it without while at 10 the horizon is in-| are too short uturity peti? tal profession. Mother! You must say Calitornia.” creased to mile: is in clear| come to perfection, but carrot, par 6—— weather put great limitations upon the| nip, lettuce, peas, beans, raddish, < Training « boy to say “No” at pie sight of S subi is ay eheeine as all AtLeSS cena Ww, pkin, onion: Y LISTEN T0 THIS ! COMPOUNDED SOLELY right time is more important than | mere ‘chant vessels were keenly © can relied upon if the seed is poeple bake M!jookout for suc se iktan trois wa teat teow ane Age SAYS CORNS LIFT MECRIMMON'S teaching him to read Lat O Little Folk. oO eh fae the summer sun is wan- On ban eee a the leaves are fe) Little end ee “winds will be com- plaining of winter soon and sighing for the pas' Then ee and dell and every hazel at will 2 no more your little twink- ler In soar" cae, and, lonely, I shall follo The ihiew trail © Little Folk, no more the lilt of laughte! will shake the dew from the ane- Ana moons shall come and moons shall follow after Bre life and tove shall kiss each iting tree. —Ernest H. A. Home. eiertgs Ce Seeing on the Water. At a height of one foot from the Three Fashionable Models No. 8868—Misses’ Smock Dress. Suitable for ee ‘women; smocked A senate, high waistline, plain or with turned-up two-piece skirt jin cuff. In 4 sizes, 14 to 2 . No. isn ? Empire itable for small rim} in vats se piace fiizt in two lengths and 20 “No, 8882—Misses’ Dress. Price, 25 cents. or shirred, with or without vest; Dress. Price, 25 cents. with side section, body and sleeve Cut in 4 sizes, 14, Price, 25 cents. Suitable for small women; one-piece jacket, straight lower edge; two os ns may be obtained fr the Mecath “Go 10 Bond Street, Toronto, Det —$<$<—— rn bl styles of sleove, attached to jacket or waists straight 8 Skit atta to body 5 i siz rom, your local McCall dealer, or from and find it bitter- b The Workings of ‘Canscience. The American wo touring Eng- itd haa aeeh beating, sean sath | village inn, “Talking of seafecrows,” he sai ae ut EBAPEING INSECTS. Suction Apparatus ie Used Successfully in Vin ney: “CARRY ON"! If Constipated, Bilious ot Headachy, take Some of the worst onente of the og are moths. - As moths, they are ¢ rmless, but the eed hatched | it frightened the crows so much as ee thelr eggs are wholesale des-)not one entered oe field again for troyers. more than a yea sewife is Jamentably fa-| . He looked irnmuants round: his “Cascarets”” mailiar ae De disgusting worm so| audience, Surely that had settled commonly found in the ears of sweet ae country bunipkins! corn that she buys for her table. Few ¢ was to-meet his match. Feel grand! Be efficient! Don't ears seem to escape its attack, while “That's nothing! ator a farmer. | stay sick, bilious, headachy, consti- many are half devoured “A neighbor of mine once put a scare- ed. sm liver and bows ‘This filthy creature is the offspring | crow into his potato pateh, and jt ter-) poison which. is keeping your head fifes only in the night | Tifled the (birds so much that one ras- resent in countless num- | cal of a crow tl tatoes came next day'and put them laying its eggs, one here and another) back.” 4 ks n. The arti 3 ? arets caterpillars, as soon as hatched, find A MOTHER’S THER’S TRIALS never gripe, sicken or inconvenience their way to the growing ears, creep one like Salts, Oll, Calomel or seal into and begin to devour the pills. ts sunshine t cloudy minds and natalie podles, Various schemes have been oo ne —, of Home and Children. of: They work while you: sle feenyine ‘the moths. n Causes a Breakdown. ed water poisoned with aheoinai at'héme, deep ia House- e been scattered about M|yold duties and the cares of mother- P should id manure to encourage new Pillar and rambler roses potas! have liqui the field, to attract them. Lamps, to growth. draw. them, have been hung over re-|hor in good health. The dem ptacles coneciatag kerosene, so that} apon a mother’s health are many an 2 ere. er own health trials and|~ One cultivation a week is generally children’s welfare exact heavy | sufficient to keep the weeds down. est e males. So what was the|on her constitutio: No wo! that ry the woman at home is often indisposed 4 Di _, Owl Can't Turn Eyes. ~ has no motion in the eyes, ise ole of which is tmmovably fixed socket by @ strong, saat aa circle without moving its ee Biaiment Oures Dandrum, ‘When singing “What is home with- out a. Sens ” St would a be i ‘in place to give mother a lift in the kitchen. FOR SALz. NEwer -APER, WEEKLY, 1} Ha oeUny, wplenald, grooriunty. ele son, Ta Adelaide St. We Toronto BLL | EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER printing pieer 43 Rigg i} insurance carri fo Nor” 81.200 on, agick Si ison’ Publishing Co... Tt OG. D RENNELS, Puppies of ‘all breeds, DOGS AND Correspond- ghee e pleasure... 195 Bathurst’ Street, SITUATIONS VACANT. IN°'TEN YEARS 500 Dollars ff invested at 89% will aS to $097.78 It ch at 4%, intere - a eee “vil The Great West Permanent any. {Toronto Office one King St, West v ‘st enemy of grape-owners | through weakness, headach« ack: in ieaittorate: e a minute sack called | aches and Mee cicaw fo many i the “th fly,” because it appears | wom e grown to accept these t | in tele “numbers in hot and sultry visitations asa var of the lot of weather, when thunderstorms are fre-| motherhood, But many and varied as mt in out there has inyented | her health. tr ribles are, the cause is| FA - a suction apparatus, with a t simple and the cure at han en power blower, that is placed on wheels | well, {t is the woman's good blood that and driven through the vineyards, har-| keeps her well; Titalie must For P h vesting the pests from the vines 88 It make her ishing eine. Nan eels ind ges along. is said to work Very | health. The nursing mother more Gc os siccessfully. than any other woman in the world Simba | even more remarkable contriv- et rich blood and plenty of it. Use Every ce is used in Germany to capture ere is one always unfailing way to Night and winless Bis! aes moths hat eee “st this good blood,so necessary to Morning tate the fore provided with | perfect health, and that is snroun the RN ‘vo powerful Beton that draw | use of Dr, Williams’ Pink Pill ane Qs motl ig fe m miles away (the ap-| pills make new blood ies ence ie ana , ae feing pinted on top of a build-| through their use thousands of weak, “ ing), an y are further attracted | ailing wives have been by a pair of arclamps on either side | made bri Bleeding ight, cheerful and strong. If una ae a suction yentilator. An electric | you are ailing, easily tired, or depress- see ot RvORR- motor causes the fans of the ventila-| eq, itis a duty you owe If and WEA. “tt this con ‘or to revolye rapidly, thereby pro-| your family to-give Dr. Wittiame’ Pink ~ ld ducing an intake of air that swallows | pjjis a fair trial’ What tl medicine veeth to become loose, very moth Pi within a few | has Pag toeothers tf orl surely do ) eres saber 00-1 feet. Through the ventilator they | tor L parrmgiaag Esa intorn: Winedet Game. A sh s GS achine of this kind has been Sa Grasshoppers in Saskatchewan. weve 100 pounds of moths in @) The rst serious outbreak of grass- McCRIMMON’S r hoppets or locusts in Saskatchewan ———_— + — occurred this year, threshing returns MOUTH WASH hi Save Some Seeds. py At Marin els atom oaiaes ia a valuable antiseptic for aegis ppabe of oats should | first anticlpated. Reports received tS eG “pone aa aids make an effort to select some speci-| trom the field representatives of the in ing them en vegetable plant from the Weeds and Seed Brai to saturalybealthy and mark it ka ally for seed pur-| katchewan Department of Agriculture, ses. In England and France it 18| which is directing the a general Sene among growers and] against the fmall holders to save some seed.| abundant, evidence @ most damage was Te- ¢ CHEMICALS LIMITED WANUFACTURING CHEMISTS TORONTO the latest seed Sar RIGHT OUT NOW | CHILOKOOD CONSTIPATION sas You reckless sen ond worien who are ‘vesteret, ‘with corns and who have FOR SALE BY t once @ week invited an awful LEADING DRUGGISTS Constipated cntaren can find prompt | deat ‘trom lockjaw or blood poison are BN relief through th Bal 4 ,w told by a Cincinnati authority to “\ to| any corn, the sor tomach, | goon the entire corn, root and all, lifts regulate. the bowels and st thus driving out constipation and in- | out with the fingers digestion; | colds and simple fevers.| It 1s.a sticky ether compound which Concerning them-Mrs. Gaspard Daigle, | dries the ent it is applied and aaa Gaba withes: © areniy: akira the corn without in- : aming or even irritating the surround. er rove nas Sab tore to} ‘ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that bas y, Who was suffering from | 4 quarter of an ounce of freezone will constipation and eee They] cout very little at any of the drug quickly relieved him a e is | stores, but is sufficient to rid one’s feet in the best of ealth " ‘The Tablets | of every bard or soft corn or callus. are sold’ by medicine dealers or by ‘ou are further warned that cutting al at 26 cents a Dix from ‘The Dr. | 8 corm isa suicidal habit. IN ONE DA Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville a sick horse will be on the road "| ‘The harvest for the Peace Riv Ont. os ett : er} to recovery after Ris ere District estimated af eight million| Storer Steer Feeney alae bushels. DR. A. C. DANIELS RENOVATOR POWDERS In pig-breeding the first animals uate should be selected with as the. breeder is laying MON RS. A Dominion spite Ss Aietey Order the. Heoniietion of a herd that ma: ce five dollars costs three cen this is be either » tip-top one, and “amon ae 2 ile ee ORS Pen Vo racmaeeattia: all the country round, ‘That the temperature of the-centre| Sheep and swine. Cures coughs. opids, atively ordinary sae of but distie tmn-| ofthe: tite: is Bo. degrees is the Pri one portai French ‘scientist. reaiing ¥ estimate of a Minard's Tdnim ent Cures arin wie For polishing leather-upholstered furniture, use turpentine and beeswax ate iE ta Gonlity. Chota have ‘usea | Melted together to the consistency of MINARD'S LINIMENT in amily | & thin_cream i cae as coneldegit que" bat link Ad and It makes t Ww n Kidneys day and 4 big: im ey, the ‘entmel's cone dition will be noticeable. Many times it will add 25 to 80 pounds to an nimal's weight inside one month. t on the market. I have found it excellent for ane flesh. PRICE 60c. igned) BIG ANIMAL MEDICAL BOOK FREE “woodlands,” Middleton, N.S. DR. AGS DANIELS. COMPAN® KNOWLTON, = Ladies Have a Clear| teers 3083s COUGHS WHEN NEURALGIA It Has Come True. you! ie cut A Saver t6 pocket book and health, and a the palate. our, nei living-by | INSTANT PosTUM - Instead of.tea. and coffee. 4 As Jerusalem, previous to being cap- An December, ‘ule Sweet Healthy Skin By Using Cuticura Promote skin eae skin com- ATTACKS NERVES Sloan’s Liniment scatters vel ; ‘urks. Hence the old saying co the congestion and fort and skin-health ‘by making amongst the inhabitants of the Holy | ~ relieves pain a Soap, Oink: - ment and. ‘Kalcum Land, which runs: “When the wate: _ our every-day toilet of the N into Palestine the A little, applied vidio rubbing, y preparations. ‘Turk will be ousted from Jerusalem. will penetrate immediately and rest Just.touch any As geography tells us this {8 tmpos- and soothe the nerv redness or roughnes: sible, it is interesting to know it act- Sloan's Liniment is very effective with Cuticura Oint- ually, did n. What se se im:| in allaying Saat: pains, strains, ron aaa ot 4 ites wit! Ale possible waa effected by the Engineers | Pruisess aches, stift. joints, Sore ee isn 8p c Pe as tigy glist Wapedia Pose | PT ee ae ree Seated fter overcoming great difficulties, ately o Big. bottle always uy, ee with the hands whieh it pte they succeeded in laying a large water} for family use. ‘ade in derfully, and continue bathing a few pipe across the bed of the Suez Canal}. Dr ragests ceonmees omens, Kinse with te near ara. Through this pipe} 36c, 70c, $1.40. «| Dry gently and dust ona flow the River Nile. The | | of Cuticura Tale b) Sloan's Liniisment © Heep iipandy * water eventually finds its way through and pet one ye ae he Sinai Dese and inant ‘ing. Cau me. ast esa ae fag tment 28 and Boe. Tica ane Jdreas: "* Outleura, Dept tel of the Nile flowed into Palestine.” MISCELLANEOUS, PVC TST ERS ores Ciena. ap ues MPS, HTC, int ternal cat werval cured Without Petore coo ate, Dee Belling itedical e 00. an Go hme. Scovinewoo8, Ont. The HALLIDAY COMMANY, (matted! HAMILTON ractonY_olgtRIBUTORS when begin re x sell BPO! COLT > can prevent this througt your stable and. cure eli the colts suffering wiht eh good druggists, turf SPOHN MEDICAL Ct DISTEMPER loathsome disease from running the treat For Sale by pow mai toacld gral be stamped. with dni Ppenoral‘trado ma i shivers ty an woken package irin—Ba; RAMS AY'S PAINT | “The right PAINT to PAINT right”. “All Dealers ‘ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the ‘‘Bayer Cross” | of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” which lee ¢ te directions for Colds, 3 sara adache, .c oak: ey ¢ rally Lum m, Nei tis, Joint Pa Poles tod Pain “generally a few cents. yer”—You mi of 12 tabl it but or “Bay ves ayer” red in Canada) of eed Mannfiicture of Mond ‘While it Is well known that Asp at Oe ay Co aoa, aun a Sayer Cross cleans tra trong clos ets rains — kills rats, » mice bugs destroys ig The clothes Cleaning We pay carriage Advice upon. PARKER'S DY Cleaners 791 Yonge St. PARKER'S new—can be made to appear new again. Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted will be restord to their former beauty by sending them to Parker's, Is properly done at PARKER'S Parcels may be sent Post or Express, article will be promptly given upon request, you were so proud of when and Dyeing one Way on all orders. cleaning or dyeing any ~"' E WORKS, Limited and Dyers, 2») weet SS COT Liniment Believes Neuralgia. ISSUE No. 40—19,

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