a ; ; Sil i 1 ag Sa a RNS MB cl Ng hk og 7 EE BERS HESSON J. Reitzel and Mr. Leo Helm, of Waterloo, spent Suday with Hes- son ee ends, Mr. Mrs. George Isley ee ind tah spent Ren y in: St, Agatha! ite! i rprised Miss La- vina Moser wit 4 thiscellaneous shower Gat to her marriage to Mr, pes Secor are re report that Mr. Joseph Be te eek tkicyving very rapid ly after having an attack oi sciatic Mr “ha Bentehel, of Elmira, spent. the week-end al J. Sehiebel and 2 family spent Sunday in Hesson. DONEGAL Wed Cockrell card Miss as ence, spent ie eek-end with Ladies’ Pat- nantes to bring or potty it to’ the Quits a number from here at- tended the Atwood and Milverton Fairs last “wee gregation of the M edist church will hold thelr anni: ices on Oct. 12th. - See ‘Blanche Petrie and May day under the parental roof. BRUNNER ses Lulu Kerr, of the Island, cane Myrtle Taylor spent a day at a0 Mr. M. Taylor's: e following. visitors Sundayed at Mr. M. Taylor's: Mr, and Mrs, oseph Taylor and Miss TRALEE oe Robert Cumings spent Sun- y_ with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Geiger at, iishanon. / MILLBANK NEWS | Lowrie, of the Guelph 0. LINWOOD TOPICS. wa r. J. Hirschberg, Solem eae and | d part of last week wit ane sold his splen- cone of Toronto, will be at the! his ree Sea and Mrs, Jas. pe laid eis £0 ‘Mr. onal. ie Linwood Hotel, on: Monday eens _ Mr. ee MeBeai th, 0: f Sit, Oct, 13th, He has been fitting glasses lia, Alta., and Mr, Jas. McBeath ts possession the eats for over 15 y: juelph, were visitors at Mr, ae of January next Miss Hazel Burnett spent the er of the ladies of this Pierce's last week. [oA week-e md in. Mi rx. Earl wreebarei: Est Pardu, i8' vicinity atended the miscell; Mrs, pe sel Beags pent janeous visiting at his hh home shower at M Moser's, Dorking, Sunday-at. the latter's home i Mr. and. Mrs. George. jHarron, of in honor of his’ daughter, Lavina,| Messrs. Alf m, Bert William. | List istowel, visited at Mr. . Kerr's rior to fae Sania to Mr, Edward|son and Lavell He Hayes spent Sunday . Riker ti one ae s Sarah Hammond visited with , _Mrs. Harold. Faulkner, of Palm-| | We elad fovaee: irene Carno- frends oe Milverton and Stratford ‘erston, is visiting a ‘ew days with | chan ou ot in after an attack o: last f ther, Mrs, ‘L. ou ae alae Burke, of St. George, vis- A a he at a |ited ioe father, Mr. A. ‘addin, ' daughter, Zelma, of Dorking, spent nd other relabines in this Heinity Sunday at Wright’ daring ane sr det es Dickson: of | 7 a see oat Hesson, Yan 5 z " Moorefield, vied ‘at “gis Mires Hua a i—On Monday, Sept. 29th, to Mr “and Mrs. Herb Beggs, a daugh-) . aS 5. Sin i= - Mr. Burnett was a business” visitor i a Seaforth one day last week. | A, Everts, . Smith spent a day last rs.S, Roe and son, Jac! one lay_last Mai ‘with her iaaehter, Mrs. we present visiting at ae Nicholas Roe's.| ‘8, Roy Muleahy and Miss Mary Holt a Gle: ene juite a number. from here attend- | Mulcahy xe SHAE at Elmira one and son, Mr. F, §, | ed-the Milverton Pair on Friday last, day, last we Hanley pent Sundae with Mr. and| Misses Violet and Irene Edwards, er asia Maras Homa: Morrow and Ms. ie Basler, Hesson. Milverton, spent’a day last week | son, of Stratfo es uate isitors at d Mrs.’ Wm Thompson and ai Wm. larnochan’s. | Mr. JN ghter, Jessie, motored to Cross-| Mr. Bell, of Petroliay is at pres: ruhn’s iiss Bhima Termes dh nt rélieving Mr. J. W. Berges, nite ee seid over panier with h Hast. ia on Su: Mrs.|" Qu: ager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, for | ite. a number from here attend- 1. “|the Milverton Fair on Frida ree weeks. reaars. Gordon Grieve and Alex.| Mrs, Ben Boppre and daughter,| Mr. en, of Woodstock, wa: ee returned on Monday to re-' Monica, of St. Clements, spent the a week “end visitor at the home of Mr, mute hele studies at the Medical | week-end with relatives here. N. er) Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. O’Grad: jis, Hamilton, of Trowbridge, ' childven visited’ on Sunday wit it visited “at Mx, George Coghlin’s last and Mrs Kocher, 1 and week, i md ae hos. Linseman and | Mrs. Friedman motored to Kitche! ener | e citizen’ of Millbank were well tenity ar Den ee spent a day re-|on Sunday represented at the Milverton Fair on’ cently with Me ni Mien invert Diet-| Mr. rs. F, H, Schummer Sun. | Friday last. lrich. layed at se "Clement ts. ev, and Mrs. Jacques left on J Mon- |" Miss Evelyn eS of ge Mr. Herr 'y Lutz spent Thursday af day for a visit with friends at-New-|is spending a few. weeks with Mr Elmira bridge, and Mrs, George OC: Miss Minnie Lenhard returned ie Mrs. Jas, Lowrie visited a Sun-|* Mr. Martin Linseman, of Dorking, | her home after sper nck few we n his son, Mr, John Linse.| with her brother ex in Detroit, iyo, Sauday: laste _Mrs. H. Beggs. spent a a few days | Mr. Patrick Calahan made a busi-| with nne Ber: sar 4 jtagihe ited oh sister over Mr. and Mrs. G. Mena ar. al “Monday fale r, tale'a course at the Stratford Buse) friends in Milverton iness College. | t ‘ Mr ond Are. Hauer, Miss Olive Freeborn has re Bee cee eco eee Shuraday | aan turned | ta jebold and. son, Clare, ta i the past few| Mr. James panies cuted a day} J. erty and Miss Margaret spent vi at thi and Mrs, last ge at Kit “ae Sunday aie Mr. J. MeGoey’s. | E. Phair, at London. s Eliza Can f Brantford, J. A, Schummer, of Tilsonburg Mr. and Mrs J. Hooey, of Milver- spent “the week- tie Awith friends on span Friday night in t ton, visited at MP. John ‘Hammond's the | ina Werzun Maclay. cekaried bo on ay. s Winifred Hanley iisitea her | Seafort it sites spending two weeks Goxdon frien, Tien One at ) with her cousin, Miss Jean Carnochan me after spendin; Mr Bigam, Miss Jane Bigam, of Galt, mesford, last week Lenhard returned from ov. tle cand Mastcr Reuben aylor and ‘Mrs : mp mee tind. ask week of aoe Ee lay night after ied old “riends’ Reve during the p: ‘ath: es, tad oh mS latives in| year’s service, ¢ was greatly wel- poten —— wei |this vicinity. recently. |comed by all, Mr, Gordon Johnston and Mrs. H1.| My. and Mis, M, Scott isited on Miss Mabel Gohl and Mrs. Wilkin-| Leave your order for counter] Johnston and daughter, glen. of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. spent Friday afternoon in Guelph check books at The Sun office—we | Listowel, spent Sunday’ at Mrs. R.| | Ryan, at Linwood: | On Wednesday evening of ‘last ahy's, d Mr y Hammar, of | week a number of the ladies and are agents-for Appleford’s. Freoborn and Misses Ela ence Millie Linse- | young ‘people of this. vicinity gather- re Sunday visitors at mau ani MH ap AstenGn tea Sottees Gea aide tae Miss Mabel Gohl ae and G ~ | Mr. M and presented her with a_ toile’ from the women and a dinner and set, a beautiful linen table cloth e evening | Koy Muleahy’s, rv. Earl Freeborn and Mrs. John Scott, of eearaeen Miss | B. Freeborn spent Sunday with ane. | ey McGuire, of Macton Sa-| tea E, Phair, atLondon. le with friends on the line, trem e young people. DELIVERY HOURS North of Mill Street q ‘South of Mill Street _ 10.30 forenoon - 10 toren 4.30 afternoon 4 aitepneen Store Closes Every Evening at 7 O’clock except. Saturday. “Northway” Goats and Skirts We were Zeraeale to receive a shipment’ of: this firms make, nm first choice. ‘The prices are very moderate Seen the price of material and labor strikes. z NEW - BATH LADIES’ TOWELS BLOUSES ere X- An advance shipment of new Blouses arrived, These goods are very scarce, We are selling Sie at lessithan ¢ 35¢ up to $1.00 New and natty. Special showing Fair Day. OUR UNDERWEAR: DEPARTMENT Is nearly Get your suppli early as goodsare go- ing to be very carce aud hard to get later on Men’s Store New Italy Hats at ......°$6.00 New Plush Hats at ....... $6.00 Hawes Hats at $4.50 to ..$5.00 New Ties are arriving. We expect to have YARN oS io our new British ae gering Yarn,at per tb $2.41 Suits and Overcoats arrive in a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lochart, of Lis-|""MGy Jos ady sold his’ fine | was spent im. dancing after w how oe tones niles? Suiday: visitors at Mr, A. {team “of feos to ND, Colquhoun, | it vue h ee ee Gee ont | McLenna ‘of Moorefield. | riedman left for Phil- OE niuinbed Frout-héve atisnded the | adelphi on oRtesliay. etter: « ending S.8. “convention. at Milverton last ESB Ee, j her holid tan hers, NEW NECKWEAR and Oe Seen ee weel |" Mars, Wesley Catheart spent a few | There will be no ser sions wigtedes | days at her hom FRILLINGS may ent ‘ommercial - sbigreh on Sunday, delobed Sth, owe Miss ‘Wi reSteisker’ spent al hand or Telegraphy Departments ahnlvediaes -oreiene. wit Mr. Robert Henry spent few days with her sister in “Miver-| eect : NEW EASTERN CAPS any. tim assist graduates. to Grossi, ‘when Rev. Peter Nichol, (Su i tae Mr, and Mrs. | for Fair week in stock COOPER CARS Positio: Wri w for our free London, will _gecupy the palpi |Sames Hanns, Brunner Alice» Reid and Margaret | now. batalogue Gidgen dee tation ct ee ees dt ed Kruspe, of Stratford, |McFaddin, of Millbank, took ae the! : and Mies eg Holtmeyer Migs i " resent a visitor at the hom ms | present sin teat ee Ou hi. D, A. McLACHLAN, Margaret Neiber rbin Me. we W. FP, Kruspe. ednesday evenin; | ‘ Principal. | Kruspe, of Sebringville, were visit: | Ms M. -V._ Henr ee Joe Roe and Twin Milner | j : t Mr. A. Hoffmeyer’s on Sun-| jecitly, Visited Brunner atic Pde ay ee “in Elna e Fa are | ta and Mrs. Fred Pierce andthe. better and had been inten | Ww K lel a ilver fh RAND TRUNK 24! WA daughters and ten core Doak | death, "heart till avveek before aaa layt 4 Dechert was e e b TEM Inst wee ee es eas e of his death, His widow and] town ‘on: Monday. | S ildren are ieft to mourn his . Ghe Fe Ee g were [Jose ix Milly, John, Mrs, Wesley (ee s E vas | Strasser and. Carrie. we j Double Track er cccares, Mier a, Suge war) Cote we ctr, re, Moc PRIOR | THE ISLAND | Mrs, Colin Kerr | Mt, and Mra, D. Schneider and H, Graham, of Stratford, gave Bg HD inte oe re aa oat f™ A. E. Windsor was a visitor!) Quite a number from here attend. eat: . i oot aes Boe ne ney Margaret Kerr spent R helpful sermon on tl rward : ane nee one fo0e ie “Toronto ove the weektend. eaghe ‘Miiverton Fair on Friday last. | #™ily and Miss Grace on, of | Wednesday evening in Stratford, oute Movement’ in e | residents on Saturday, September | Brothers, of West To- | ae aud danghters, poe et whi Sunday visitors at a w of our gouth “and. ieee oir rendered special music for the eh eeay ne ae perio oe Louis | yonto; ae a business visitor in town |coar Dorothy, were ae 3 ae mpanie by a young couple from _ between ey and were assisted by Mr. Me- His death’ was & pect hove ty ane | on Saturday. [Say siditore ab Kubryeaic. oe Gertie “Dahiner, who was Kahr attended the Latter Day BR aig TORONTO, DETROIT aon padaka ikea baie community although he had been | and} Fee me | ge at wien aes “venta aed Setme pe plea! a uring the pas Fee westre 8 is’ church in Rostock, Sunday ‘HICAGO an excellent program was giv Rlbemrey As aiyelas care “ie he for} London,, spent Sonday at the home ; Se | We hope for a speedy recovery. | Epa oad oe oe * Saree es ec ev. W. Moffat, occupied | oF f Regimald Drummond and Mr ite a number from sae attend: ‘oxon, of Elma. visite Usexcélled Dining Car Service, | the chair.” After the musical part | The faneral of fhe late Louie Den-| Wax Sivvialde Hen Toei eee eae sla hespoliscel. mpeaag mee dsvghbsr, sea ReRbGar ee it trains and pasion, cars on principal Ces trains. ‘ul bay rom Grand Trunk Ticket Agent o: r 0. % . Horn- ing, pgintaiet ees Agent, Tor- —— t Our Tailoring |: "Tells the story of Quality, Excellent Ma- terials and Workman- ship, Tasteful Styles, Lasting Satisfaction. We will be pleased to hsve you call and make selee- measure, ’ YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK dre é BAIRD, ‘Phone 1, Local Agent tt ee ee POSTS y Hons and let us take your] 9.9 and Ibe Rev. J, F. Knight over, Were visitors in tow Over: Sun. with the latter’s parents, Mr, and| City Hall at Stratford Test bak Ling the past week. of Jean Valjean, whieh was heartily | dence fo St. John's, Lutheran chure! nt | eras A all present. 3 y = Mr, and Mrs, A. R. Terry and fam- Th M.S, of Knox church held |™ent took place and a ittend-| ily, of Atwood, spent Sunday at the f relatives ‘home of Mr. and Mrs, G. B, Harron, | numbei in the basement of the church on,224 friends. Six bro’ law of | Mr. and Mrs. aoeee Bettger and} Tuesday. Rev, Herb Boyd gave he deceased acted as ‘pallbearers. | family, of onkton, spent Sunday ost interesting and impressive ad-|Among those who attended the fun-| with Nite and Mrs, A We aN is work among the Chinese, |¢ral from a distance were: Mrs. L. laetzer and Fred, arn ; | e nd Mrs, W. P, Rennie and or MER paves mustored Tate | ford oe Satu re Q r, Richard Paul, of Toronto, vis- pee fe chaub, of |ited at the home of hhis parents, Mr. iss Eleanor, Murt, /and Mrs. Ry 8. Poul aves the week} é » and Mrs, Fred Harloff spent | °" a few days of ast week with Mil-| verton friend | f joy Henry was under the doctor's care for several days last | | one, { Mr. and Mrs, George poe Nee fri senge in Atwood on Sun Norman Gibson iy ich unda: a at and Mrs./Ralph'Jackson, of the y Mi, and Mrs, Fred Harlof spent | 2x4 ,i2® Wallen Visited at the the week-end with relatives at Kitch- | Berringer,-of Detroit, is ener. visiting his sister, Mrs, R. Mulcahy. | Mr. and. Mrs. iat at! eee atl a elph, made a busi-| Wm. Fischer and, ness Fall fo" Madtowel on Sac | eorge Wray left on Tues- r new farm r. Hugh Halliday was a urine | day for a business trip to the North-|Lot 6, con, Monday, which | visitor in Lon Mon | west. 8 Henry Rich the ptoperty of the| Halliday, who is the local Pord deal: | poe, ler en,sold four Ford cars last week, Mr. W, Clark left on Tuesday to re |! fume his duties at the Veterinary Altra. 0! nry Bhgoetz is at pres-| "Mr, ie “ising her daughter at Dee-/| tor the Naxos members of the WMS. will pee a. Chistian: idenenncaeee have vebarge of the tice next Sun- we hte car last week, day in the Methodist church, Mr. A. H. Hermiston, the siew ROSTOCK Overland salesman, expects one of | Contributors to Library Fund cars in doon and during his | tes. Edward Kreuter and William| absence ths winter in Calitneme (Chas, Vogan $1.00, Eva Rutherford | ¥aumbach have returned home from | Mr. Neil Hay will look after the bust: 2.00, Mrs. W. Brow ‘ownlee 1.00, Scott | overseas. sae ulter 2 rs, James Ratz 50¢, rand Sam Kuehna er ss Hermiston has secured a Harry Edwards 60c, Mrs. J. MeVittie | on. Clay Mrs, me uerative position as druggist at Win, J. M. FLEISHHAUER iivanrone Rect TORTARIG Wei’ List of Farms For Sale ay 800—Will bay Tot 32, con. Elma, 100 acres; a'splendid. stb ‘al under cultivation; el~ toes house; locality; reasons “fi and a a cannot work ay pats immediate possession... App! Premises ox to W. CL. Weir, $6,200 will buy ast half of Lot 17, 8, M in, » Dil 0x30, “Hen shouse farted ha Peables all cemente: lose to school ae aby G.. PR, nation, wire fenced sla am His. 300 Ww buy “Burn: an ideal homey consisting got ae south tyre on vera new 2 ‘storey sprite park, pleasantly situated on Ger mite Nith, stubble land all plow- id in first-class condition, kitchen mee order of th mn tf aet tee an) 1s rs. 50c. ence, Mr. Nickel and farnily, of ‘Shatford, Wes dsor. pandey visitors’ at Kincade visited kat his r. Jas. 2 Hemy ‘Yundt’s. friends in this vicinity on Sun jay. CROSSHILL Mr and. Mia: War, Zulant said'| Suman wel Rally aria tie eons son, Edward, of Str: -atford, ee ind | day schools and a very large attend- J. Coote, of Elmira, spent the t 2 Mrs. P. Stock and BY in-| ance is repo: weekend at the Homie/of Mr. and Miwt oe. visited ry Wicnersins | er Herat ‘Boyd, who for four ae 2 Sun was ssi in China, and s Grace Bigani, of Galt, is re-|° acquaintances in this vie- d Mrs. Gep and Alster Sadie and Dell Hamn of ingwood, \ visited with friends at Crosshill one day last week. ast . Hastings, of Mosboro, ii ‘riends here. lay. ears Gordon ne is visiting as the past three years was in charge with Detroit ie of a an. ; ‘astendorff | Sunday morning. in fammond ia ain Lio; ova. Ralp jh see Jack, | his movements in China of Milverton, spent a Se g} since: leaving’ Listowel seven years home of, Mr.’and Mrs, na ia church was aces eorge S. Hawiead spent a few | ford, I fire brigade received an urgent Hi etwas Mrs. a forte sil son. h ‘aro essrs. Fred an wars Teddi Pao tothe ceinne and at ‘terloo oe |P. Ament had caught fire. .30 in the evening. with friends, an hour the firemen had Melis isitors at the home of and Bruss: a) iles’ distant. wing Mrs, Henry Schneider on Sunday | to the good work of the Brussels and 6th LINE ELMA were: Mr. and Mrs. John Zinn and | Listowel firemen the fire was confi family, Mr. Wm. Schneider, of Strat. | ed ae e dry kiln and finally put Mr, ermal Bek: has purchased a Aare ste and Mrs, H. Schneider and | out. The Listowel firemen ares new Ford Mes: Gonxadl and George Schneid- | very highly of the sumptuos repast Miss Ena ‘Reid is at present ater, ner Gadshil. jset ‘or “ii by the Beane people her Bea Quite a number from here attend- that, evenin Mr. Tom TE who has just ed ed Milverton Fair on. Friday. istowel ead Palmerston Baseball urned home from’ overseas, has nthony Druar, of Kitchener, | teams played a sudden death game purchased ae Herilton and MeIn= spent the week. ee mS here. Ai fee on Tuesday afternoon farm, wh axl he intends to settle! “ Miss Vera Kre ith his trish lowing ahaa silo’ filling are the i an: Wellington ‘Count: ity Lea: Wearente: dees, Pate § er, at Rostock, i SR See. fe towel’ piiey championship foot- team and Wingham ate billed for 4 "Footbal eee at 4p. Correspondents sal kindly send in| Our subscription list has been .cor- R. 0. Bhs and fam- their on ets on day's mail of | rected up to date and if the date a eve “wee im-} your label does jot correspond with that on your receipt, let us hear from | ™ you at once—that correction may ha made. ~ tioned, ‘HAPPY THOUGHT’ RANGE “(Canada's Most Popular Range) Successful housekeeping consists lar gely in having the home equipped with modern facilities that lighten labor af make far greater efficiency. THE COOKING RANGE is the one most important feature in the, home The prudent housewife should consider well the merits of the taRe she selects for her home, The ‘Happy Thought” is the one outstanding. success in Canada. Over 300,000 are in use at the present time and there are records of some that have been in use for thirty years. THE BUCK’S STOVE cessful Range manufacture. CO, have the pride in over fifty years’ record of ‘sue- Is this not a record worth considering and why not make your next range a Happy Thought Range It is impossible for us to go into details here but ask you to call:at our store and let us demonstrate to you and show. you the actual good points of this great talked of ht. Stove, The ‘Happy Thought We know we can interest yon in both quality and price. Such it is with the “Buck's” Furnaces “Buck’s Leader’ and ‘Buck's Reliance” These furnaces haye proven themselves to be un- equalled both in durability and economy, ur past records has proven itself. as above men- Give us a chance. We are ina position to give you estimates on your Heating requirements and will guarantee you a job which has no equal both in workmanship and neat- ness, let us make proof of this in your next heating job.