Milverton Sun, 2 Oct 1919, p. 7

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> a Breadstuffs. nm corn—No. 3 es i Smoked meats —H. Weekly Market Report Tmported, hand-picked, Burma, $4.00; Limas, 16 to 16c. a North- Honey—Extracted clov: se, Pe tins, in 24 to. 256; 10Ab. tins, 23% to 2de; jos na tet ’28 to 24c; buckwheat, 60-Ib. ae gallons, $2.85. to $2.40; sugar, Pi, BRITISH WITHDRAW FROM ARCHANGEL Bolsheviks “Having Lost Corn Country May be Forced. to Make Terms. fere with Lord Serbene. evacuation of the B: Tidings From Scotland 18 to. 19¢; Comb, 1 6-02., $4.50 to 2 BT %be; / RearAdmiral ee J, Hennike: Ne 3 OW, ies gira N Qn tat #9 don; Hoon, $880 ott oe Boe Mughad, of Airds, has Deon crested a 87% pe 7 oat Ae E feed, jai gallon, $2.45 to $2.50; per 5 im & sen ane seas a ae “The new medical. oftcer the unforeseen shot ms parish of Kirkmabreck is Dr, T. W. ° town counell has de- cided to erect 100 houses instead of 30, ST Ee BON «Ref es MIR a Og FRE OD pe tee ‘Ss, 5 inal;..No. 4 yellow, nominal 0, heavy, 88 to 0c; cooked, 58 ‘of the month, Majo Sir ts—No. 8 white, 87 60c; rolls, 85 to‘ 37c; rast Frederick Maurice says in the Daily |®§ Rrlcipaligsaare upon, 90c, according to freights 0 outside. bacon, 49 to bbe; backs, plain, 51 oo News. It. will theh remain to jeath took place Soe” at tal t—No. er SSC Lonslees, 54 to 57c; clear bellies, aft he withdrawal from Murmansk, Sak of Commander. Ji Mann, le rai No.2 * nt © ‘Cnn Bho Fe ie ae vane is much the simpler problem of D8 or a ee ot Berenreas ‘ * 0 , £.0.b. . " the ry Cross has gen awal hi to Bey cleat bellien 2 to 8c. “ pkg tne necording to freight: Lard—Pu , 88 to B8%Ke; He odds. that the “immediate an-| 2d to Liou J. 8, Cook, son of Mra 8; No. 2 Spring, $1.90 to’ $2.05, tbs, 8834 to Ste; alls, BBX to B4%hes donment of the Russian aire ia Conk as vaca +/ prints, 35 to Ce a and ‘tierce simply..not posablew unless the Allied olone! Base wate, D.S.0., son of Ak ring, $1.95 to $201, fo pe » 8 201, tot Be tabs Sc pale th| Rev. George Wade, Falkirk, has had i Bare fue oy DP te $1.30, ae. | 29% to 80%e; ae 30% t the Bolsheviks.” m seems possible| the C.M.G. conferred on-him. tet” oma outside Montreal Markets. since they have lost the corn country sie bee ee nia - me Montreal, Sept. 30—Oats, extra No. of- Ukraine, that “he. Boleovik may falcolm, D.B, ne reed, 98c; flour, new erat, be reduced to extr y cold and | 802 ot Colonel Malcolm, Poltalloch, ‘ ee Hour-—Goverament stand-| $11 6, gil.a0; olled oats, age, 90 hunger. Gen, Maurice Se that, short aiete he Sp a th = : 8., $4, 5; shorts, f some such development on which has purchased the residen- ntarlo bea “Government: stand-| $55; hay, No. 2 per ton, car fots, $22, one Seats solid reasons for count- zd, Montreal, 6 snd Taronty , $9.40 to! Cheese, finest easterns, 2c; butter, ing, there is no probability of obtain- x § 6, i jte e bag sD mpt shipment. | choicest Ses ai 4 to 54%4c; eggs, PRINCE AND BRONCHO, ing a settlement ‘Cin Russia by present Mo, Gordon Highlanders, a 4 ray) freights, cee in patted Ment | ties Nod sto “th te bier 1 ates HLRH. the Prince of Wales at the Saskatoon Fair after tackling ® bucking broncho. ine ods within the next six months.| Rv J: L. Dinwiddie, Dumtries. $ , $45; } er, ton, $00; good| per 1.6) $1.75; “That is where we stand to-day,” he| Sit Harry\Lauder «Ja giving gold x fee Hout ee Beeced hogs, abattore tiled, $26.96 . a says finally. bs erate pire ac ire ek raha —Ni r ca $24 to $26;) to $27; lard, N f Lo cd § ning the prize at the Cowal games, Pa ett aoe eee ee Quaint Names of London Streets Tho ‘Royal Red. Cross hs. b awarded to Nurse Eva Colvin, V.A.D, Stray—Car me track, Tor toa Produce—Wholesale. ts, per ton, $10 to $11, ge Stock uss Sept. Good ster Ssh) "13. 50 to $12.’ i; jg inthers rea: -—Spning wares 3 menteay good to choice, $110 te 0 140; $: to $755 spring- “Rotten Row” is an ugly name, but to London’s most fashionable driveway. range of a one time French ni ‘When Edward the Dartear bringing the body of his Queen from KS was thus almost trace the course of the From Erin’s Green Isle BRITAIN WANTS been Be oestad chairm: and vi CANADA'S FRUITS = daughter of John Colvin, Kirkma eck, The Marquis of Graham and Major Colin W. Macree have been Appointed choice, $12 to utter—Dairy tubs and rolls, 33 to| $11.26 to $11. 1,| art of it is that this homely appella-| North England his retinue in their 40e; prints, 40 to 43c; creamery, fresh| $10.75; do ter Abbey deposited Deputy Lieutenants for Buteshire. puade solids, 5234 to 88 las, 6 oi Bis to. Pee ye reaper cere peer a gears = he While searching a house in’ Grattan | Canned Products. Ea: erly’ Bun-| "The. Distinguished Conduct Medal % Prints, 53/ choice, $10 to born of 01 most beautiful | the bier at nightfall when they struck} oso “Conic els arenas Be : 10 $9.75; do, 85 br phrases in Tiedireich tnguane cai t each restidg place a cross | Steet, Cork, the police foun chased — Diversity as been won by Serkt-Major J. H. eee ie at oi tid28 to si ib ‘do, ES ginal bopuinesd: Wink: Cand exeetst ver and two live bambs. a cellence Rovclation to Public. |MeCalf, son of A. McCall, Malvinas, sta Bes rope cu Perce ae Bont gee i gtie: eae tans etter the invasion of 1086, it fol| ‘Throughout Hngland there are now| | © Small tanmvet traps Fe lespatch from London says ae Leeaaces. ao8 25e; pe a Sg 25e; turkeys, 35'to 40c; st 0 to $10; deudnen $10 ‘ot rin 3g;| lowed that they gave French names | towns, villages and namlets which cently sold Harpers ater, canned fruit representatives | |. “ing mite] Valley saat squabs, doz., $6. mers and cutters, $4.75 to $6.25; many locations and places, not| bear the name of “cross.” One can rennan and a walsh nave operating here eet A agente? iS secepuntie taneeaee vif Se; roosters, 20¢; fowl, 18 to, 2be; | do, com. and med., land. they named the driveway | cortege. ‘The last resting place they) (i dicing, 2c; ‘tur kes pte OF ad to $160 a rier 2 ai; $7.50 to| through London parks “Route du Roi”| reached before they got to Westmin- gee of Kilkenny County Coun- willing to purchase a Dominion pro- Pela. e bya 50; yearlings, 0 3] 3 Cross” (D : a twins. 28% to 29% a triplets, 20 to| lambs, 412.80" 4 are i ate of ie Bue) Desane Je acs to peeled ote Heise : ee eal Owing to the lnmberman’s strike, ode = oar the sivesnlt yas and ee sy thcak 30; Stilton, 81 to S2c. calves, good to Hote, $17.50 to $21 Got, He Imperial palace. ‘Time passed and| Queen Cross)», the Rathclaren district 1s patrolled | yenee are & reve pease’ CL oo er—Fresh dairy, choice, 42 to hogs, watered, $17.75; do,| the Londoner had great difficulty in | “Charing se, a es |_| continually by. militafy and police pa- AaUse ve never seen it be- Brig Ter a sear a der td meee Loft aes: $18; pdovtob., 3 $16. 13; ae this Baeate: one ante 5 Biaes : a 3 Peo . James's | pois. aoe Ea in its m5 pee net son’ oe rine—3 lo, to farmers, oi” degenerated into “Rotten | Park, is an interestin| x ble form a windows 0! jovern= Egue—-No, 1's, 57 to 68c; selects, 61| Montreal, ‘Sent ’80. ~ Chotee steers ar belief generally is that in medie-| ,,Weut-Col Charteris Bligh short | ment o Teen Dumfeen, has boon made & to shit $12.60 to $18; good steers, $10.50 t Rotten Row is one of London's show | val days they used to hang bird cages coturned eolaters. at, Catith) 2°: oe distributor states thet, Gs pha nee essed poultry—Spring chickens,| $11.50; medium, $8.50 to § $10; atta: lai It leads to Buckingham Pal-| with song birds in them from the 2 er cent. of these gooils are sold = spot git age $0 to 35 places. leads ucking! ig astle, p ee a ue aOoL ¥, Rainsford-H: 0 Bet roosters, 28 to 250; fowl, |$7 to $8; butcher cattle, choice bulls,| ace trom Hyde Park Corner. It is the | boughs of trees that mark the walk, estaurants, careful grading of fruits| 6 "435 nator Henaty, DB, a ee abe} dack-| $5 to $8.50; good bulls, $7 to $8; med-) contre ot interest special | so that folk rambling py could be de- sean see grec Jule C00 is essential, and the question has been a cae Stan apne sieenies oc , $7, . z cows, $8. f i Spring chickens, 23\ta-40100; good, $8°to $8.60; medinm,| Stndpoint,.as it 1s the favorite drive | lighted with music of the feathered | Svoceod Judge ‘Todd in the recorder- ther a system of Govern-|" Gantain Lord Garlles, Scots 6 cuart to 260; oe 33 to 26¢; ducks, 22 to! $6.50 to $7.50; canners’ cattle, $4. of t On Sundays the church| warblers. That is erroneous. “Bird- ship of Londonderry. ment inspection would. not ve -ad- has left-for Germany to bi 2be, | to $5.50; lambs, “$11.50 to $18; sheep, | Parade 1s a most brilliant specta ci ik” ts nothing more than al" "Wi. pucy 1, McNeil, daughter of| Vantageous as a guarantee of quality | General BE charles ¥e ee Beans—Canadian hand-picked, bus., 0: to: $10; ilk fod tates $12 46| ‘The French influence in nomencla-| corruption of the French word “bo-| coy. p, McNeil, Larne Harbor, has} and 8 saf uard to the reputation of Fo crews, over $5.25 to $5705 primes, $4.25 to $4.75} ture in London 1s evident wherever | cage,” meaning grove, And Birdcage | 400, mn : Sey Dominion canned goods, which inci-| "no, one goes. g Cross, which the| Walk ts, indeed, a,pleasant grove Pein Cnt By iy hie a valostie Riri ob inter Donald Mactiregot, solicitor, after a modern Londoner calls the “centre of | where lovers have been rambling since F Asiaary clanlonernnngent tapers education, besides being an| signed os clerk Pen ah casa pete U NDO! PROF ERS the world,” is an English corruption | the Norman conquest. son Se aita Mant Beene, Dallcian bate advertisement for the ex-| Church, in, County Dublin, has been awarded | Porting Province. The death “an announced at Corsock, Events take 50 per cent. of British magia the: ‘Miitary © Dalasi es Captain H. L. ee I. BI Rent Profit « = eae tures along with quantities of r ratio son killed and three low to Rent Profiteers, unlop, son of the late A, G. S. materials. seamen. at 1d by an explosion dur- England is disposing of her surplus ny Duo PRE. W. AR TRADE What big business is doing to per-| ing firing practice in the torpedo boat| trom the war with a double purpose in d white sketches, be- Baker, Butcher and Saloon Keep-| |. hs fect trade communication is further| Cuckoo, at the Eddystone. iew, first to realize as much as pos- hy to tee inte Sir Francis Powell, Lord Tredegar has given the former er Pay Fines—Journalist shown in the scheme of the Edie ‘The Tralee bakers have acceded to| sible from these accumulations, and | have been presented to Dunoon Gram- Newport Drill Hall as an ambulance Knocks Pri 3 . }of British Industries to rade! the demands of their employees for} second to assist the rent payer to | mar School. " oc! rices. Businéss Foresight Shown in soittale at the world’s chief trade! higher wokes and the strike has been | solve the increasing rents, which have : ie ili dai ee Nelrnotue ons despatch from London says:— Dealings With Germany. entres who will keep Britain inform-| called o! ‘ s eee become a problem in that country as ean y » propose to borrow £1,047,800| Curiously enough, nobody. in London ei Ned on soarker cyiiitens. Py. Olivet tiga’ been, umauturcssly Leta dou head A Mechanical “Zoo.” . to build 1,316 houses. thinks he is a profiteer. Always the ee ca ae roe hy reelected chairman of the Dublin|pnglish landlord approaches and an-| “Why the ‘monkey’ in : William Barber was fined $250 at | profit is the man on the next street,| ing th ‘d hg crs ‘de| NO HALF-MILLI County Council for the twenty second | nounces that the rent for the coming | wrench?” of an inguativg : ee i care 0 MO) came ott oval puter, ke sho, & Seite taetetsa mikee, Aineciean TO GENERAL CURRIE] tine. ear willbe jumped, the rent payer | turn of mind once asked the editor of ; Rouse, for: bettin, lswever, the daily mill of Garhveerontaeakk bot eck cheater ‘A. Anderson, president of the Gal-lis expected to follow the new slogan|the Popular Magazine, who admits f All the military schools ii the Ald-| the London Police. Courts grind out| tro nsatce ‘which British trade held| 4. despatch from Ottawa says:—|¥@y University, welcomed the mem-| and “Buy a War Hut. at he did not know, but that he > ane? seommnand been closed | fairly good imitations. afore, th Alth Adios Authoritative denial was given to the| bers of the Royal Society of Antl-} The Disposal Board of the Ministry | avoided confessing his ignorance by ; omnes to an epidemic of measles. halen wou-fined. $006. Lot” expos lieg becarea Wany Gintrecte ioreat. eport current throughout Canada that| auaries to the Galway meeting. Munitions has taken the double | retorting with another question: : ry, chairman of the! ing for sale thirty-four loaves of| ing millions of dollars b ig. | General Sir Arthur Currie had been| Alderman Moran, ft the City| task of selling the surplus war huts | the ‘donkey’ in donkey engi : ipirmidgham Health Committee, has bread each two ounces less than the ing millions ot ores he wbitish. in. | 9F would be given a grant of half af Dublin, has een presented with | and assisting the gouged tenants. The} ‘Upon some reflection, he age ahenGconpecent: the lone aieyors | reguled ht. was te Cont Ae ee Pritiet iu-(Ruillion, dollars in: recognition of, his| tHe Aldermante Chilis ot Dee board hes placed on exhibition in Lon:| eame to the conclusion that the head : oe ned $100 for selling imported mutton| that the shrewd heads of bi services overseas. Major George A. Harris, D.S.0.,| don a war hut made into a peace time | of the wrench could, by a stretch of ' Princess Mary drove from Bucking-| at the home-killed price, and making| Great Britain are figurit Socrates gh EN not contemplate making any General Headquarters, Dublin, has| abode. This type is sixty feet by 15|{magination, be thought to resemble a : ham Palace to Lambeth to open a new aa overcharge et cig arty oa four reat Britain are figuring on a time Sw: oF ak ang Hine ih bia (POer- sporti the Order of the British | fect and approximately eight feet high. | monkey's profile, while, on the other ; ere Army hostel for girls. a rive stability in ihe Spa future, when future” ar Acti Bret ter: Thee Empii Partitions have been made in the hut se, the engine probably was sup- ; mden town lady who had saved | pues en <n sie. BEd heeteat he ee The French Ministry for Forelgn| and it provides a living and dining| posed to resemble a donkey in ite ; £100 {or her son, who woe killed in| jarmaid charged thirty cents instead Mec iethe wt ihe purpose for which Financlal Wisdom poe Eat cnpetaees Mons. Jean} room combined, three bedrooms, kit: stabbornwets| afd MereiAN: 0 ea mgs acher Vice-Consul ai hen, pantry, bathroonr and space f stale Hoapttal for the Buin eras sxe cents for two large] One se Seer: ‘of this busineds fore- ao $0—that’s att there! ““Griet Temple, the estate of tho Vis sha ee ee Rages aN fascinating study at New potatoes from Jersey have ieteny clight fell id pricaatia sight is seen in the ‘arrangement Dank ‘ths seehig e Unt oar sh cone count Massereene, Se, ae Drog-| and will accommodate a family of six.| mals, we could see how the origin: ry m forty-two shillings t0| yarrely due to a clever journalist writ-| “inet it is reported, has been made) 7, T |heda, has been offered f Stites finmer ADA newt Je Gx fyehenlGal ‘erane pokereliea Om tenet twenty-seven shillings per hundred} 7 0 “article in his Lote ee Government. By this ah try some other bank. 7 Sir Maurice Doekrell. ‘presided at timated in England would cost $1,625. | necked and long-legged bird, Also, w weight. ee ert cieion tein expected to| “Well by some offer bank. TheY | the annual meeting of the Dublin In-| The war hut can be taken to the | could seo why a carpenter's horse got General Sir Hart Singh, commander | very had the oop jected Sab £ oe dustrial ‘Association. | sountey and made idto’m home-thers, (ity mame) why a cow-oatcliee, Wa wai of the Kas army, has arrived in| Ye. es Sand al shoe he: city | “Phe Harl of Meath, president of the| the salesman of the Disposal Board | called, why the term “pig” was wpplied ae for the purpose of buying demande Stns: sii the etek iA cara one) ee eet a ee a a at tie oat will | to a mass of metal, orpeclelly when a ‘ chants had to grant. % i e greater, for an asbestos lining as|“sow”—a term used by ironforkers te eed ea pe eat ioe thanks from the King for their splen-| proof sealeat ag and cs ah ue t | for a larger mass of metal—is br + ¥ Tov! 5 01 ‘oofing othe! #9 *” rescued a child aged three from | ONTARIO MILITARY HOSPITAL WE ae Sah ahikice COR laste | CE ie Auk vo Rea a ol ates eR Rey nines ; AT ORPINGTON CLOSED : for electric | materials must ‘be purchased at an| required no genlus for analogy, And Sree ee Se tah HNe bf pace bu in for€e by the | increased cost of $1,500. But with|the caterpillar tread was obvious ; 4 ublin corporat le 1 2 entices Hoopla | A emeih, from Tandon, wre: ey de wi of tam OP Me a SME EN ctroan alto poet : re r . 1, Home os Oe led. men at Gifford ‘Age Seah, “ SADE tb | srloh bere Suse for higher pay and | 4 nome which would cost approximate. | fancy sufficiently to picture some long- ; The British farmers have sent to phierson, wife of the Commandant, Re aaa eobahes! Feget pate ‘With: . mee ; the French farmer peasants 37 short-| who saw the first convoy come in, also ir f { igh, a 1a = b: Seo ‘ horn bulls, 266 heifers and 1,000 head : w the last patient go out. During THANKSGIVING D. DAY, OCT. 18TH) NO POSTAL NOTES Son oaiuss ‘s oe Ait ee ants 5 : of live poultry. the three years of the hospitals qi se TO UI UNITED STATES] “*° ayptieds} rad Q Major-General Fabian Ware» has | ence she has been a mother to thirt; A despatch from Ottawa says: : been appointed permanent vice-chair-| thousand men, collecting and distri- Hon. re. Doherty stated on aes aE A despatch trom Ottawa says: se oe ae ha eeihate elas: ol man t6 the Imperial Graves Commis-|buting gifts, taki welcome Hor i: Siew of Thursday's action in| Owing to the high rate of exchange? SUS 1? dine ‘over, Where did. 4 sion. gramophone around the wards, ‘hold- tre ease wiving the bill for a fixed) on New York, the Postoffice Depart) Tt oot vet it ° cat : ia ing famous garden parties for as holiday a six months’ hoist, October| ment has issued instructions that no eee her ine ee eigees tan many as 5,000 people at a time, and ‘Thanksgiving D further postal notes’ whatever will be| 4 catboat? A rallroad frog? A hogs ; CANADIAN / AVIATOR SETS . p 18 would be Thanksgiving Day. ; ‘tej | head? A crowbar? The spinning ma ' doing countless kindly things to sold for remittance to the United : EW ‘WORLD RECORD} .vecten the lot of the suffering lads Rit erace ew States. chine called a mule? The central sup: i sd J porting part of electrical machines , waiiatte PONE n Kingston saysic whose homes were Enforcing the Rules. ere called a spider? The winch called a Frat! Dallin, who is to perform flying he new doorkeeper at the local Autumn Wonder. crab? The butterfly valve ; stants in a German Fokgy biplane at See AVIATOR museum had evidently learned the | “A hazé on the far horizon, ii Le eS : the Kingston Industrial’ eel FLIES OVER ALPS rules by heart before taking over the ane infinite, tender sky. i arrived in the city by air on ‘Thursda; job. he rich, ripe tint of the cornfields, Where One Word Gamé From. afternoo ay ‘A despatch from Geneva says:— “Here, sir, you must leave your um- reta the wild eeefe délling high; ay sana Biplane he left Toronto at| Captain Bradley, a British aviator, brella at the door,” he said to a visitor! And all over uplan a A fascinating study is tha 2: “a Bh in the afternoon and ar-|has landed at Tousanne atter-having 0 was going straight through the| ‘The charm of the goldenrod; Searches for the origin.ot words, Musk ‘ rived in the city at 8.25, making a|flown over the Alps and losing his turnstile. Some of us call it autumn, of the history of the! world is. loc non-stop flight of 160 miles in one| way in the clouds abov Blane “But I haven't an umbrella.” ‘And others call it God.” in the words Aa ch ae eae hour and ten minufes, It is claimed|at an altitude of more than 15,000 “Then you must go back and get nS Saily poops ons iS ar Mal te that by this flight he has established] feet. He made his trip in a 110 horse- ps scime one,” was the stern replyy “No m Wireless service has been opened] and Jearned from the nations they en a new world’s record for spebd in rere yadda nen eame from Lon- A THIRD PARTY. is allowed to pass in here unless he) between Great Britain, Holland and i don by way of Par “Gentlemen, is there room for one more?” : leaves his umbrella at the door" Seandinavi countered the wisdom of all the ages — bi ro de his eit lee then past, they became deeply interest: — _ — ed in the attempts that the old BRIN GEN UP Fa tHnan had made to turn other metals inte gold. . ‘That {t had been declared to be a secret and rious process made tt all the more fascinating to them. ie so they became alchemists, and calles theme Hermetic philosophers, bo 1 HOPE YOULL ENJOY THE ITS A NIC ~ ON ay eaee yes THE WAY WHAT PART HE: HAREM?! me! Petey before Christ had discovered how g9 as to close it was cal led sectiring With “Hermes, his seal We kno little or agin ¢ Hermes, or whe: * he Mvéd, ie 6 ree. ae . all; rong is eu hat ev th ‘ da: ne W bottle OF Jar” & “touad ry SS SMe pen z i Ne ae 2 i i wy i i ce : as hat it's atmtight wo call t hermiticak . - = s ay ly sealed, after this same Hermes, . eae res a PP ee 3 <i JOM Phere are two freedoms—the false, “6 | where a man is See ce to do ns he Ifkes; : nd th do wh 2-3 |

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