The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times) EVERY eeuste te uounias The Sun Printing Office Seis ‘Street VERTON,, ONT. pints on ertising rates on app! ne ak frements without specific directions whiten inserted until forbid nnd charged ae word ot be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor: hi BusinessCards jd Medical, Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Pumire Dave Stons, MrLvERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a,m., 3 to 4 p.m, an DR. F. J. R. FORSTER _ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University eT Toronto. ate asemiant Ne a ay a oore! Bre at Gp Golden 8 Square Throat Hos jaro 10 to 12 wam.; 8 to —beiiethee 7 bry bats turday only; or by appointmen' (Phe B3 Waterloo St. S., one ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel Every Tuesday avd Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m, to 4 p. m. Co tion Free 7. STRATFORD _ By John B. Huben AMMD. Hy | rig Address communications to 72 Foreign Bodies. | = What wo ad happen if a person! swallowed a needle or a common pin?” igca ee asked me in a letter. | Foreign bodies,: eve. needles and! pins, when. swallowed by infants™and very young children seldom cause 0 which s in the intestine, so that the object Sines ded in or throat; or, if sharp, they may pene-! trate the mucous membrane and thus resist the patient’s efforts to eject or must act. harder (selsaeyat may be lodged in! the gullet or a ‘. toms.vary all ‘the way from a slight) w eee and discomfort on swallow-) ation and in-) ing, to complete strangulat tense pain, depending on the shape and character of the substance and, the particular position which it oe: ing, gaggi pel’ thé: foreign: bod! it may be extracted by the patient finger pass-| ri well down the these simpler means are a Pca the a 2 aioe: Sanapietely | scious: | ence of the other sex. This mak Adelaide Sf. pet Toronto E doctor must’ extract it with forcers) after examining by mears, of bi throat mirror. Ste when - je SymD-} toms are not alarming, such stances as ses teeth, caine? cea tions ‘or of meat, should bi fonoved as promptly as possible, in order to save the patient from the inflammation which is likely to follow rape the air the latter event trache- ae wind a pine) Sane y the doctor, of | course. es bee ae an in=) valuable mea: ae wot locating foreign! e| bodies in serious cases. | or = Answers. / ly of good educa. inteliveent Be “ambit, but I andicapped because of self-con- ness, particularly in the pres- es me ‘g As there any cure for ton, The compel He young men are more so, ee least more! young men are than young women. your social duty to tee the situa- tion ‘until you become self- possessed. Tt is indeed the duty of any charming and, naturally amiable young woman impress hi m her social | Grae f | with the reflection that the young men you meet are, = of more self-conscious than you. em, and DENTIST. Qpp.. City a - honk Open ER in 7 "to 9 o'clock H: B. Morphy, K.C. Solleitor for Bank of Hamilton, Money to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. BLT. HARDING W.6, OWENS W. 8, GOODWI Notary Public. W. D. Weir,- Notary Public Auctioneer for the goes of Perth and Waterio: Goatéyticer; duets and ath: Village clerk, ~ Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotiy A. A. Chalmers, - Notaty Public c juer of Marri ite Real entte Bought wind 4014. A Few choter Hate wale, MONKTON, ONTARIQ Vetorinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr's old stand Hotele The Queens Hotel Best accommodation fOr ebinmerclal tray: a and others. Two Inrde Salle Rodnis. EO, F, PAULI, Propy ; ’ Milvertoa, Ont Seoletios. ee Lodge No. 478 ALP. & A.M, G.R.C. ‘Meets every Monday evening on or before full pcre ayer month Why their hall Visiting etkivh aye ome A. Harrow, W.M, Ee iccotaa Secy Silver pac Leige No. 202 Meets ever: sai ‘alght at'7,90'In thet a Seer Dank perectos bie ‘Visiting brethren aoe ee ad ry ern, “He Looks Into the Eye”* " ee METHOD, St, te almoot a) ‘Weak Muscles aay Headaches Cured, Cross _ Byes in many cases tened ‘ when iW are itt ed by thie Pe pee Be : asking questions, Pgh SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P.H. BASTENDORFF sas Wd cere ILVERTON, rf ONTARIG rel along the area wall of Ou. i ah edge of Pi INTERNATIONAL LESSON NOVEMBE Jesus Corrects John’s Narrowness— Mark 9: 3-42; 10: 13-16; Luke 9: 46-56. Golden Text, Eph, 6:24. 33-42. The Lesson of as the greatest?” When questioned about it they were asham. tse: kingdém of material splendor| € and aia sik they still expects ee wa ing to set up. Which of them pale rere first fe Who ts uld be greatest? They were men f widely po dd gifts and qualities eed te y may have discussed the question of what gifts and qualities uld i be last of all, and minister r example, Jesus took a little ‘hild in Hi To receive, care for, pro- tect such a littlé one is to receive the Lord Himself. To minister to one of fhe lahat 1a to tblilater to the Khe. Mark 10: 13-16. Gitizenihip in the Kingdom of God. “The hoe children.” had @ sensi . en- Gotraged. ‘They rebuked. the: Jesus did get angry sometimes, and this was oné of the occasion is “aniger. “Let the children come,” He said, “for kingdom. of. heaven.” tha the Saat 2 teacher, and Bi urse. Th fe 13 to be an of faith, and i Ss is childven who sine eft ee ae A, fail + 49-1 50. The Tesson of Co- apes “We forbade tim.” In the zealous mind of John the spirit of intélevance party. Ba he, that is not against us if for ik every age and in every m ment for human betterment, the mae intolerant spirit appears. It would its 07 We learn rene. and gen- a eae from i learn in vere f rwal es iB co-operat teartily with all other peo- pe and ‘nstitutions which have the jame end in view. in that God's workmen are in many oar and that name, or form, o1 feeling should never hinder the fullest freest co-operation in every good All exclusive sou iavfism, as if one’s own st ere the vile kingdom of heaven, ‘way. ‘The disciples| pe, if one’s own way of following ment” eee ‘in Peloubet’s Notes.) Fer aK : 51-56. The Lesson of ate acre did not receive him.” re in hospitality, but they also showed un- reasonable and bigoted hostility to and Samaritan. two brothers, James and John, it eats them with 3s they ducgit it.| ce The sam ee toward ent are which James and adopted, is mane in much of what we say ‘and ould we not) Pra caivate the ‘spirit and mind of J as Chistian nations, is like that ey Christ, not “to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” Se eee SBD gD essay Fesuirements for pro- ik skies uteanila Boiling hot water or live steam must used. to keep utensils clean. cows. s and, tents should be. washed if badly soiled, wiped with a damp Piaiks “an bellies should b over half of tl tf atinedtnte coulfng'ef the milk to 50 degrees F. It follows that dairymen who care- fully observe these four rules will also see barn if: clean, that. the} e hediing is renewed ofte hea) alleivedt8 accunmulate, me that filed and vermin will be rded against. Godt walls between the ‘the buitaingst on farms add greatly to the ease and, conttage with Ls ah veal oa be foe jek coops can be made during the! ad pation Atid ‘eyoredvanay, on shey| e ae ig ibaa to set up when the time; “Gaeta Howit Huneow | »»>The Pain in My Foot!” “Sometimes it i in uy arm Heaven, how my back fi hot water, before atic ‘acid out of che. ayes Aguric.’”? ‘This can be itch a almost any drug store.’ Sehd a bottle of water to the chemist ‘at Dr. Pieree’s Tnvalids’ He fi gnd pains of Iumbago, rheuinal pts or sleep is disturbed two s ee times a night, take heed, before too'late. Seen | cas Aniatic (antivurie-cid), for it will hhe might not follow with them | on oak| or do it in their way mi th if sli gbtly that‘manure | | hi a | living. Te. 1 | wrong. A pi atively Well After Six Week? Gia with “FRUIT: AsTIVES” MR. AMEDEE GARCEAU 82 Hickory St., Ottawa, Ont. “Twas for many years a victim o ible disease, Rheumatism. (In 1918, I was laid up for four months with Rheumatism in the joints ofthe knees, hips and shoulders and was prevented from following my work, that of Electrician. I tried many remedies and wi under the care of a physician; but nothing did me any goo mn I began to take ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and'in a week I was easier, and in six weeks was so well I went to work again. I look upon this’ fruit medicine, ‘Fruitca-tives’, as marvel cure of Rheumatism, and strongly eats everyone suffering with Rheuw matisny to give ‘Fruit-a-tivés’ a trial.” AMEDEE GARCEAU. 50c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25a. At all dealers or sont postpaid by Fruit-attves Limited, Ottawa, Ont. This is the time of the year when he farmer, as well as the poultryman, arkets his surplus fowls. ‘The, writer THE RECKONING 1; Dac id “Merton. Hott, - tis came into "hie father’s office, * ve te take that, position)” 01 rile ae ie ee it straight. It will float any stock d it can lay hold of if it thinks ete Gen of itjon ¢ should have “If it at all stocks and bonds aren’t tetcand besides the U. P. C. puts out things. . Holt, “enough ree stuff to Ree on the other stuff, No house can long do. business on a Stock entirely sue It’s the good stuff that wins them cotifidence enough to float the othet kind.” “Well, but look here, dad, I've beer with my old firm for six years, and it's ‘s 50 Hees peg Bae about the at that sort of talk before, boy. as old as business. I suppose Judas argued that way when he sold out his Master. But you'll find a rahg sooner or later, even as a business game. What I want to say eeper than all that. you carr tie yolsael? up in cdkt| y, ae to that sort of proposition, then of gourse there’s no cept that I’m a; believe dl 's something: t be cee money you ie tices, somethin, square in the Mace’ white you sold a worthless pene of stock; something at would your ney-made has observed the many crates of chick- ens as they sit upon the trucks at) different railroad stations over province. What he has seen leads him | to write a short article on the subject. | { ante do these chicken crates con- di Many a cock bird is sent to market, that shonld be kept to breed from next year ny 8 a that would im-| prove the ef the heni-nexteveae tf noid th iE are Kept that should be sold for table, then, are some of the sa ae is be observed in culling! down thé flock |, Bins, the coe Bind it AW iw pores bred and from a good laying strain,| if his 4 Tare to mature | (that is, if his cockerels feather a moulted early and} grew his new feathers quickly—kee] tt econd, what hens should be sold? f seni xe market es hens chat moult-| saa x in a hen is| rr} vin her old feathers te the time is is being written, keep her. A| | ood Taying en moul Me! ieee She drops all of her feathers} © hve. SHfas hin nid well 8 winter, no matter what her appear-| will im. | by ce prove britiant yellow shanks and Market ‘the hen that. stole her nest! i hatched a brood of — chi gust. _Market*her brood with ihe j is trying to fool you. art fa ning eathers | and pdege ie her own aes and eomaltier, i. Third, what abott these cockerels ? | | Market the cnes that were slow to, j develop: Market the ones that are’ \pocrly feathered. Open aa wing and if the primary feathers row and pointed (the chick deatiiers)| | market all such eoekerels {fi Fourth, we come to the ‘tug of} The busy houséwife aes to} | This temptation is grea l with her. Often she reasons this way. l«y want about so\ many pullets next vy le iar. ey. are yo! 8B a will nid Hewill not eos to keep then, e sr I will let thee ses thei Reieniber, dear reader, this is wullet should rg heat to Wevelop a hs conti: the: dite: eg prodaction. 9 much to ke ra poor lot t erder Sro | stitution that ace Wee he Pullots that are to be good layers! should show signs now of watarity) saa ShtiId Ue “eleaes reat to: caine nience laying, or should be laying ear), } Tot Rees Playing With Matches, During Septemher four children b e 2 aresult ; of no aval byes rot get at | i Se tragic duath Phose were ities pam children gist for it or send Dr. Pisrec ‘tem ceats= for trial toes S (yous may be So, ‘stay with the. eee firm, if I starve!” lot icks: in ease. macceed 268 yeti-lf you Won TU FOOke ly. here are many persons who pawn all their soul’s furniture for a few thousand dollars, and live in an empty chamber. The money seents immediate I don't imagine e ever thought thirty pieces of silver —antil after he had always the same; iy the reward of dishonor never looks $0 until you compare it ayed.| lows can’t believe it ‘it some day you! | find yourselves staring ale ae the few pieées of silver in your “Thai's all I've got to say,” et the father, turning to his desk. “It's enough,” replied the boy. “I CWreeblats> For the man who keeps a ee flock sheep a shed m eat | tached 6 the Want fo¢-providiea shel: a pense that will be perfectly scaiuste ave sueteueeass inten feat by thirty 2608 in This fins roo, t00) feeding racks. fit bad ag cold is, wet ground is! p/ fully as dangerous to the health o e phoes. Sheep are not an ‘animal! ought to be built on dry grount | sites may bé the land sill he dry. Wherever seems advisabl pasture or yard eep on ground that is naturally w drains may be put in yet this fall. ‘ail sorts of diseases may follow wet feet. Then, too, seab does a great deal of| damage to our ‘Aocks when it once gets) ta hold i cannot be too careful eee poying sheep oF other” wise acquiring them, to see to it that they ave fee from this terrible dis-| J! | brought on the farm, Werle bast infect the entire flock. Tt jeep that is ges 8 Ge! sued together. Even to with one of these tees from in- ced eieey 18: opt 16-06 ay the dis- ease to well sheep. The aaa also be transmitted by healthy Pehety touching posts or trees against v oe in. Phil ify: Me q/of selling their farm: pr | scabby sheep have~ rubbed. phe of feat suffering veka isa foe. A Singing gienaen?” The See in our cominunity had ™ egularly in schoolhouse be getting into & rub, “The: younger tulle especially were not mae excite t the meetings. i nteanatte at brightening up the ‘tint you couldn't lool ss in| Meadowbrook Farm. for tt for he | pane rained by ditches so that] tion that can sh ther make the whole body health, can destroy the fabric of the body thru t aioe antl Sie Nervous Systei ‘The im. Nerves a geet wihealtay. pongition tie Heart will respond. qu Hacki in; @ he telegraph system of the body, ie they an aa Heart and Nerve Reme: Heart, Nerves, Q naa ay or © HACKING" fe) 8/0 AGG0OGEG6S A Gloaming Call. Bonusthake at close of day, As children leave their play s Care | Ityou aro trowbied with Constipation take Iie ri ema te Rican te Gripe, Purgo or Irritate, ‘Thore two ration: cotablantion for all who desire good eatth, inspectors were appointed who, them- are singing heartily all the time, itched for’ people not jéining ins It was necessary to choose exactly the right people for this. first mi: people moved their lips and merely pretended to sing, | put that led them on’ to singing heartily. By the fourth week of the new was ah unddubted suc- Up from the past, for voices dear T hark Then this comes soft and lo’ “Come in, my child; ae Pane. jay’s: last spark. Once qt my feet those dewy fields ao And ehroush¢ the Bloaming shines the ght of hom a e all wondeving what the next “tAexander Fraser. song would be. Whatever the reason, they took a keen interest in every- thing. patent an No Smoking in the Barn. ark is assumed that 50 per cent. of the with “Gause unknown” in barns aE be Reine to the acliahnatie “or smoking in them. y had row dropped” the “fines” system, and use another method. Som Powdered chazcoal is ae sasieial affords good drathage, retai 0 tends to keep the soil from becoming acid. uf sometimes’ a rea | singing teacher—sits on the platform during all the singing, and Mier each, song marks up ard a \aestice ter eatehevereidea? the'soi sang the The rivalry runs very high or week and each month for the om iis al Moreover, the ees is of |a particularly merry and good-natur- ‘inging ‘fiterary” after | this fashion is a sure-fire success.— Paws Ws NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL Blankets, Yarns, Flannels, Tweeds, Sheetings and Wool Batts. PO LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES" H.C. WAGNER NEWTON, ONTARIO AaB Nov. 1 | Fans ah Our Cony Store i in, e City. To skin a country stor city is a very profitable etl re for Zoek e following is our suc-/ ceaaful | Eger successfully fitted up| | ott tte. ‘leading Sey neat our farm j was made attractiv. ive by nidow cards, w fresh products \ wit | the direct from ae { A display of farm products fresh | | the I led all the fresh farm products brought is| duet ts sold in our country store in the’ | city: Fruit of all kind; dairy products,' t,| such as butter, cream, buttermilk, cot) {| tage eae joultry and eggs, honey, | fresh vortbles ont muskmelons. \ For the e fall trade we had a stock of, ! sue in} | variety, ie i- | 1 cious Sountsy Pecate butter, sweet cider | just: from the press, home-made can-) be! dies, Areata poultry, country pickled | ‘pork, corned beef, country sausage andhome-boiled sliced ham. { sugar-cured meats are big sellers with our city ti re is such a ' mand for piekled pork and corned beef | stat it is difficult to keep a supply in We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. re: This firm turns out only high-grade work. at very reasonable prices. sto i country store in a ty és_a profit- able business for farm 'y will pat every available foot of lan into some product which cam be so AEN PRLS Eee fowls regularly. When we the hens wait for their meals,| [we efor that they are just as surely) 3s of habi or} : ; sites ITS Sun Offi sd the animals. it they I ice and we may be when we go to gi rather the eggs. Moen See our samples and get our prices tefore ordering. prot hetped some, and occasional per ak basket” kind had a hod effet, but jot for Tong. The Seen ae iw younger peopl and or course; they s had some singing at the “lit- ovary? but it wasn’t of the jovial, srameneous kod that was needed. At the nex ceeded in Lag ae vie Socortet that they e new i poge Se ae work up 301 jold Ponies tad that pare Soul be a fer each number on the p-ogram, but: the big point of eves that every aid must join in, singers ger: 7 ine well that no one! ly feel ike joining in gon their way to) rowr the mieanice foally sug-! ndave’ IY, we! vould an idea. Saat pullets, | alwe THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO-DAY— Is the one who 5 “careful attention to his” clothes, To him his a cles b suit is of as” bs —— ag the © lothes: he. ny “realizes pecs Peat pers at all. ry ane Oe ns requires bas. Ty besides syle ba aleh ot we rect your next suit. when the ti e, so they agree that every one should | pay al cent fine for every song not icipated in. To enforce the rule, got all!