The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times BEVERY THURSDAY MORNING ~ The Sun Printing Office Main Street pe ILVERTON, ONT: i batpeiptici ratte reoee tae teats as z : ymca, ra fe sGvances Guuperto are eee Led om kere Pain in General. , st, Aavertletuenta wi :hout te Girections |. Pain along the breast ‘ayela may Wibipeseceeies wnetl forbid ehatgrd se | be due tc bone disease, to tumor or sordingly. Hee bein aie Sic ‘by noon Monday, Nt MacRatt and Propelétor: | stomach disorders. Pain over. the| tending perhaps to the foot, may be alte in peasealt would indicate lung due to deaitis of the groin or ab- Dneumonia,| sees in that region, ovarian disease r displacement, overloaded bowels, BusineseCards vieray sol ttn ee Cea, ON Set Medical. wigastritin, “the| {rant tumor). of ie th igh end, on { ~ 4 Dr. P.-L. Tye Office: Puntio Dave @roRE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a,m., 2 to 4 p.m, and T to 8 p.m. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ,, Graduate in medicine, University ¥f Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal-> na aroray’ Bs institute, oorefe’ and Golden eae ‘hroat Hi 12 ‘a.m. ; 2 to & p.m. eke Varainers to. 8, id seein onl or by’ ‘appointment ¢ e267.) 53 Waterloo st. s. STRATFORD. j By John B. Huber AMMD Jelas) abscess of the reg (the mediastinum)? ae bronchitis ‘and (very common) stomach region Gust. under the te Seisbatdete sweet right ‘Sie, liver disease, abscess of that. o organ or (pleurisy with pus), overloaded ce! re ere aes ey stone). Left abdor inemia or general bodily weakness. ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR . Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. Wonsultation and Examination Free Pain over the disorders (some of them very DENTIST. at J. F. SEBBEN, DDS., L.D.S. Windsor Blo Opp. City Hall é ne 998. Open ae pay 7 to 9 o'clock begat H.B. Morphy, K.C. Sollcltor for Bank of Hanifiton, LISTOWRL. MILVERTON, ATWOOP Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ey to Loas "Sinan | tion of the papctpes axia, diabetes, Pott’s meumonia. Pate in the low or the reproductive organs in general P: gout, eria, (white swellings or scesses of joints). Address communications to 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto ‘ion the ae td al the vertebrae, pneumonia in children,! of the pancreas * (the inal pain above and to, the pent or hob ibs Tver, coe corsets, gall neo or Soe (kid- minal pain may be due to idney stone in the left organ, kidney i scess, movable kidney, en! Excuse me, doc, but I must tell you spleen, dys dropped kidney,! all my troubles regarding my under- een of stomach, stomach disorders,| standers. I had the honor to serve sian aneuri undue exercise,| one abdomen, in general, may be due to stomach or intestinal] so tender I could hardly place them metallic poisoning, floating kidney,| mister, the pain shoots right up flatulence, intestinal obstruction or| thro d itis getting so of perforation (the latter very grave),| late that I can hardly take a step or appendicitis, peritonitis, rheumatism, thai inches. Corns! rupture (hernia), aneurism, inflamma. ay yes, and tore cofting on, locomotor at Disease of the! a, taberculosia end’ (in, children)! er abdomen would) ‘ain in the joints may, in general,| ing you the right information about due to rheumatism, acute chronic, ee you will soon 9 in throughout and zee aio foom ae sexier may mean rauscular rheumatism, locomotor ata, rat al meningitis, ‘sourvy and lead or other mineral poisoning. Pain in the thigh fen ae front_ex- the right ie, scopenil icitis. mer side of the, knee joint ae Mae serious hip dis- ease. Pain below the knee, one- sided and not due to inflammation, may, in elderly people, be a warning of im- pane apoplexy tor to investigate in each iss the razon for the pain, as above ignated; prescribe and ee Sgaseeaing to his findings. "Questions and Answers. My health is just fine, Seed: ing my bit in East India my feet got ,| on the ground. all this I acknowledge Mieeenuany uoeae the corn,” than Jack. | Awswer—As a not stand for “doc” but it indicate inflammation of the eed Pa from an old soldier. Sorry, general rule I will will pass, Tack, to learn of your misery. Send- fF iexercinaive pani nf sets m thank God: But oh, my dear old feet.| ler in} ed from t! try to walk on uneyen’ground, oh, say,/ ava ena the colt. It helps to keep, him quiet, keeps his hair and hide in| good condition, and adds to his chance Tif TES of thriving His feei anand ie ete and kone cert trimmed. Even though he has -y of outdoor exercise, Aogeth- oe ith that. fF chtetied it 2 iM, ere is a ten ees ae ‘the hoofs to Happily Stopped When te out 220 long thro which baa! i be properly and prompt- awa St., HuisP. Q. dy pieced “Fora van Isuffered with Rhen- tried all kinds of medicine without relief and thought Iwould never be able to wall again, One day while lying in bed, 7 read about ““Fruit-a-tives” the great fruit medicine; and it seemed ae what I needed, so : decided to t The first box helped ‘me, and 1 took the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left. me.” LORENZO LEDUC. _, oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Qe. at all dealers or sent or by uita-tives Limited, Ottawa. ee r at future. It is of the utmost importance therefore, to “get him ‘started in the right directio Sharing Our Good Things. In these days of variety of intersets and cccupation we sometimes oe ve come in our reading, and which we long to share, has groWn hazy in our minds. UEC Here is the way one mother shared the good things wi ily, 0 Sees a number of newly. it answered so well it deserves being Weaned ee to be carried over winter, passed on so others may profit by her and every sett gives to its owner prob- experience. ms of his . Good Nefeenien hold She found on the front page of a strictly to the idea that in the best magazine Stev interests of the colt it should be handl- | er: e day returns and brings us! @ time it is foaled right’ on! the nett vound of eitating conegrns through until its training is completed! and duties. Help us to play the man; and it takes its place with the ater dielp us to perform: them with laughter horses in harness. grow. Began ToT Take “Frult-a-tives” | on‘ eee Thisdee cette enson’s beautifal pray-| * Eve nin she of lite ity Jon is to ©; © Bye Haves. tion that = gaa mal or can des ake thi yy the fabric of the sell Speicn, ves are the ae ina na ely Sotton the Heart ‘Troubles, Nervous, Head 2, § $2.50, gon wilt oniy bet Se ant ‘ing’s Heart and Nerve Rem Ha lack Blood Pressures Nervous sees sepa, Bi Blood or Bignpen aed "hovel rel Spasms, sferical ni gol HACKING’S, ns no other akin wih do. Hacking’s Sold by all dealers or by mail ie HACKING’S LIMITED - ciner a ae then iia er system of the body, if they and™ feart will respond Snag edy rast h d Disor veo ae Sieenlessnes. dnd ai all Bistaes of the wedicinos hay. ia ‘to Don't take “som HOH insist ou Hactiog’s! 4 i at stpaid, Listowel D LIVER PILLS. Pric Gripe, Purge or Irritate, @|: 89 C2O®@ gga are troubled with Constipation taka HACKING) KIDNEY AND UI "Gp 2. orb boxes for $.cB. "thoy do nol "These two, bropereal combinatien for all who desire good ae ee 8D eA, Q@e90 Provided this is so, and the trainin; ete Gi ive us to go has been carried out judiciously, he | blithely on our fess all this day; ;colt at time of weaning should pe bring us to our resting b tractable and easily handled in a box! and conte stall. %/Stall is: the place fer] grant us in the end the gift of sleep.” the youngster, without a doubt, but} The prayer was in large type and the weaning process has ioe the page, and pj . each ted, it is well to halter the colt| in ae Gonads between the _living- and tie him until he becomes used to 2 m and the dining-room. hus- fine also atborc ernst Pind cathe in itieche Wa fastening ing chin: finet winter; [it up, and having ee i, said, “That is good; I’m glad I saw it!” ae a ot Wak Ba rakit it but e casing ie does ns forest aes no doubt vn same rns and tender feet. ‘ain €o1 { served the BESS of] glori lid when they Herta relief ies Tate | Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. ®. 7. MARDING W. 6, owEX® W.m, coopwir ERNA ATIONAL LES LESSON NOVEMBER 30, Notary Public. W. D., Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer fees phe aoa, of Perth Convesancer, deeds; mn 3, ig Pa draws ud ad wr made. Oaice: Wels block, over Bank of Nova Scotts A. Chalmers, - Conve; ne Issuer of Marriage License it the County of Perth. Real estate bo a ght and sold. A few choice for inimediate sale. MONKTON, Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr's old stand Hotels ee * The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for commercial tray: ellers and others, large Sample Rooms. YEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milvertoa, Oat Scotetios. Milverton Lotlge No. 478 ALE & AGM, OR 5c. ‘Meet every Monday ot before full dar Taner tok ray ghee hall ¥ ‘Wlohtin brethren Abin e n A. Harrow, W.M, — H, L. Ni cholon, ries Silver ear ne No. 202 Meets os fe 7.90 tn thet hail Over ge eee : Visiting brethren always welcdme W. Hen W. K Foth. | O. A. Barth, 756.0," Spa deey, eBay SHADOW TEST Sefeipe fone by looking | fae th a by locating tl Weak Muscles has amma * Headaches Cured, C: ses inte when glasses are fitts HA this Bacar aut (4, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ‘DP. H. BASTENDORFF “Eyesight | Pesca it MILVERTON, - ONTARIO you re tog vies pther people ¢ even inthe etx gall deen, bei 8 keep this in ath it D ing business or family secrets, or etiate affairs, which I m some day?” Notary Public ONTARIQ tegret| declared his purpose, in all sincerity, John 1324-16, 36-38. Text, Matt. 20: 28. 18: 1-16. To Wash the Dis ‘eet a welcome refreshm in cool water. This office tat would have thought of so mi istering to the rest. He wo regarded it as a menial task, to which he would not Jesus Sars us here with conduct 0 80 demean Himself, With what gentleness and tactfulness fesus answere¢ The alas at what’ He did was, s par Peter was quick to see what meant when He said, “If I wash the not, thou hast no part with me,” with immediate surrender he said, Tord, not my feet \only, me needed only, of course, to wash ie feet, soiled by the dust of the ‘oad. Jesus makes, therefore, the Washing of the £063 here a symbol of oe ibe there is ‘e than this in His age it is diffieu a viet there was one there ‘whose heart |" no aren ‘d washing cor cleanse, Judas, the traitor, had submitted to a Lescmeid ay service but he did e oo reiting? which Tedied ae his hea: given you an example.” Sins had shown them how far love might go. There was' no pectiees no humblest office of kindness, which he ould not perform for those men who of foot-washing that is here prescrib- ed; it is rather the spirit that will xpress itself he many and various acts of wae “The tri Wi “Th an Pi oe afer thar ts fo ond erve the Lord Christ. te all out foo and iat rela- f so of aa mie) if i es of His.” mpare H 1 8g ah Lon hither Goest| Thou? a as oe 1 his question and Jesus Teaches Peter True Greatness— Golden iple The sandals which they wore strapped to their feet would have been 1a ft, in Oriental fashion, outside a e have the hot and dusty feet bathed would asual- ie Lord m4 d) pearance, of self-denial, servants were Daeg Good friends as they were now, perhaps not one of uld have service, but also the significance of a} i his life for His sake. But he had yet! to learn his weakness and wherein lay oe true source of strength. He thought it was some anger ‘which his| Maren would tar eet, oF some ope a He was facing. fad iit een that, ui ionably Bee et have tolled, canteen hevesteiog? d to the death. Eager, Seapulstve,| ponoas tases Heeculd: hate the leader of the little band a a f the ee his Master apparently helpless. in the hands of His enemies, betrayed by one is own comrades, struck him with | astonishment. He was perplexed and angry, and it was thus that he denied 2 ae The lesson of renunciation, of for- was and is hard to learn. It is hard to believe that there can be greater strength in metiness than in wrath, that ther ugh death, just as it is ae to ellos that there eatness apart Bane Service. “This sw as the lesson Peter had to learn, but that he did learn it is abundantly clear in own subsequent life. Long after, in one of his epistles, he wrote as Tows: i as though a strange thing happened to you; but insomuch as ye are par- takers of Christ’s sufferings, rejoice; that at the revelation of His glo lory also ye may rejoice with peaatiag joy.” ae PS Ze teat, A Strong Cement. Alum melted in an iron spoon over makes a strong cement for een | # world 0! om | enumeratin; ‘0 prove you,| boy and the farm t/of anyone who might observe him From time to tinte ty member of the family read it what the halter i is for; | ana commented on it. In a few days alw strong head-stall and halter choke | which ‘cannot be broken with a pull 2 oldest daughter Besse to have it The feeding of the colt a a oe room an nother gave it haeiit.hohareal-paablenn t well-, to her thankfully. cured clover vay the youngster will Very often she would find a beauti- | eat up from meal to meal, aes about ful poem, or a prose extract from a the best roughage that can be given, Page by itself, and this was always | In addition to this, oats Sond te fed Suitable for “Mother's Bulletin [erly Board,” as the children came to call | he oats a good plan to’ it ei add ae one-third bran. This is tion. Often an unusually funny story first eiass food material for growing ¥%? amon to? fhe family todaugin at colts. Besides the hay, roots are very and talk of at the table. e was i ee feed for the youngsters. A sma f sl ean a book and found solid turnip thrown in whole will we hits 5 eaten with relish, pa will do the colt CPi na typewriter, using. a One of these each large sheet of paper and spacing day until spring will help greatly in limes far’ apart: so that ip might eects Sees easily read, Different’ members of| seen ail that went before thie gered Beles WHEE Gide Foe te i She tatnlly Sleiman? yas eepecially of calm after the storm and stress | st & tle were the cat can reach appealed to them, so this led to the) An actor comes out on the stage, and] ok stor plenty m of pa: ne oh extracts on to! ie 'cole, guoMta-be allowed aie i pele amen Soar the i for exercise several hours! et new, pleasant,| cach day, event théugh he 4s kept ina! 28d oulltting cond say brought’ to} [box stall. If he is tied by the neck their attention, gossip was seldom xe- | all the time it is essential that he gets, 5 sort ee this family circle. So by [outdoor exercise, i Shier ‘good sheng tle mother| avifito dhasheacteetthon a) bestowed a priceless blessing upon her] eo eurry-comb can be ab good loved o am Teach Boys to Use Machinery I have @ boy twelve years of age who Darticalarly rides “himself in with other hoys, that he is doing eet Of eat conte each night sixteen course he does not do it in Ae old hand-way, and he does not faeces gene the teary ian when they are fill wish to say something about this machinery which] j we have. We have uged the mechani- cal milker four years.” There seems to be a natural bent toward machinery requires tinkering. As the boy gets older he will become sequainted with ‘achinery, and such overhauling pias tesa ecebeaty vill aigt be ee irksome to him, as when he is first a 'y boys have had a curiosity to in- Oe gasoline e: in most boys. The first year we had| pressed the wisdom of care about farm| he machine he anxious te| machinery. However, I now r familiarize himself with the i little trick of attaching the teat cups. a short time he could do it so quickly as perhaps the loss of to cause some wonderment on the part older boy was abi $ at Stee years old we had visitors at BEAUTY SECRETS! § one, because it is apparent that it is is not due to eties, paint and || ° powder. But the true womanly | beauty comes from good health, and this good health is a, woman’s secret. Healih comes with good phys jcal machinery and good spirits, iF an active digestion. and nervine for Wwoman—nainely, |. Dr, Pierce's. Favorite Prescription. ese to follow Jesus, and even to la; lay down mad lets, to be had at every drug ee | kn A body fi free | 13 givin when h with success ‘iolend 1 iis bilities to handle it gradu-| from pains and aches comes with | will ie anx to take atte ie l ally. athetic che occurred a a tonic known for over fitty years | Nothing eeds oe mesons ee — ago when so mangled a in. boy ie dina this brought home by a barter: that he died. The incident! as the best “temperance” tonic |} mi slarly this: ammer, We, occurred not far from our. ho! te . It was a eine some trouble. tractor a very. little. When he started Tt can a obtained i Hie oe drug herr thatnachine Got megiemmebend| cay she tractor, as near ag T can learn, store in liquid or tablet form, on | Pr iene trouble develo opel again he became confus ied ane send 100 to Dr. Pierce Tnvalids’ | 5 is greatly worried, fearing he! from the machine and tractor ‘Hotel, ae 43 “had caused tho trouble, ant pe, back over his legs, ged new mower, an Lee. e all know that farming i as ° Know from: boyhood exper reliab! Hy 8 from. observation that nothing will dis-| should be impresse! Tat, aire 4] Le wi ag Dr. dts Pleasant_Pelleta, | chine that operates imperfectly and The thought es cae pos- le. consequences now es me me so familiax hat he is! aiaee and coaiinaslly watch generally successful in aaardlor it. He! where there is such element of danger. fes bat little trouble with the motors/ At another time when grinding feed) | in the tops If I am en-| the. grain needed brushing into the | rage ed in’ field’ labor ‘or ae away, 1] bottom of the grinder whea finishing! positively have to ¥e to! w "a the operation, I noticed my boy using| suee ruc milked’ alone and at those iiides (hee! aaa ther ed his‘ e seventeen cows. | stick T have not asked the hese to do any; caught. particular work with a farm machine.! I believe-in giving boys = eon of! ow when they are interested hey a machine, yet I positively will ask: for the opportunity. I do not in prematurely believe in giving the boy the oldest aie into -mechantval . work , o tool on the farm to-try out. i e older} e; dangerous as railroading, and - am | giving the fore; task before it ares mee ant in| they should give attention to personal afety as well as to the efficient op-! 2 was not always a lesson selec-| bod on the heights, aloof, serene pieeia as| e as} this 1 e was about the as when I was eut-| ting cornstalks, using! engine and cut- ter. There was no elevator attach- P| nothing worth h: . effort intense an ‘using a! The need shldhetooett Meanie it) Me, Wed | Division of the federal Live ‘Stock | Branch, t be-! pave the way for a permanent place em (| IN SPITE OF THINGS ||! : | Those who do not make mu a go of life are likely to vette ‘al the dreaks of the luck to those who| They. say of those aie suceeed orites. They deal alike with all com- cushion the shock, The rules dy. Most of the time anythin, odds. Kipling never wrote that hits home to the that the a aoe not ‘given. credit for their valor, were envied for, i oe their “luck.” in the export trade to Hatta Britain. | Mr. Brown expressed “his opinion at the first Canadian nares) Poultry | Conference, held in wwa this 1 Se nue appoey of which Ae Sen published available at the Publications Bunch of the Department of Agricul- ture at Ottawa. It was’strongiy urged ‘at that conference, that this is the time of co-operation. ‘The provinces | Were recommended to co-operate with | ment Board, He ox Fortune and Nature do not play fav- | that he would see @ srnall foelbaf souls about the homes of every returned soldier ‘who becomes settled on* the land. oe ee ed and spun all ey used in the knitting of common human) socks during-the war, experience more forcefully and faith- sally than “If, We look at lives that seem to dwell e evening star; and we have not| walars lost inenealiaaanees cated by his art; but. we do not see the ough | try and raw plaster behind the! scenes; we do not realize the: ante-, gene hours of uncomfortable travel and of sleeplessness. We only say, “What ne araawinerd audience at will!” mid flowers, or ride on a horse, or read a letter, or goarzel with one's guardian, And why] shouldn't I get a big salary for hee, that instead of e little“one for doing | apprentice is scornful of the NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS | ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL | Blankets, Yarns, _ Flannels, Tweeds, Sheetings and Wool Batts. sa-""LIVE AND:LET LIVE PRICES" H.C.WAGNER NEWTON, - ae OER he Ried who has been at the work- bench so long and thinks the place! and promotion came easily. But it ane by faithful endurance of the! h total de-| g 28 z a eae g, 3 gs gE One of many} lessons learned since 1914 is that peal | none. and griaictoaxd as on mediocrity; it aeeed the rar- | est flower as soon as the commonest. aweed. i‘ i sits ls Upon all without discrimination? e rule of life that we mus sb vtate and withstood” and that! 01 long continued, ——$— The = nope Poultry No branch of food Produetion has} suffered during the war to a greate! extent that that of onli and eggs. | In many countries of Furope it has serious reductions of poultry flocks, thus created is recor b; W. A. Brown, chief of t as Caneda’s Counter Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford, Counter Check Book Co, This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. : See our samples and get our prices before ordering. pe “Sun Office _MAN TO- DA Is the one who erent as ne ol Bh with a ma-| | ste of machinery.—W, J, oy ‘a THE SUCCESSFUL ves carel , Clothes. To him his business suit is of as much ste st el a correct ||]. Silas next sult, ‘ Y— : eful attention to. his thes he wears for social i) the i mince of equires et