For Christies Cheer Throughout the Year. HEN y with the passing h The Bru k me an e truly universal phonograph because it plays RR Regarded home furahing the your The Musical incoeiaen 819 YONGE STREET a give a Brunswick Phonograph you give a gift i ‘ot apie 2 ba that is not forgotten runs wit rakaaane of Tone, . Beauty, appreciated and enjoyed by all throughout the mily. Why not satiety thelr hearts" Aone? See your nearest dealer—you can’t afford take—Just You Hear the Brunswick—then PRICES FROM $77 TO $395. Easy Payments Can Be Arranged. i a : faint: Grace and with the wonderful three- rapcide. ales Company e Si Distributors 36, 3! AG ins. ant ahtauiree Sine Bh Tequires| Dest of health. For these reasons I % yas. 86 ins. wide; or 1% yds. 45) 22. strongly. recommend , Dr. Wil ‘ins. Sas eae fon Pills. TORONTO SWAT THE INFLUENZA GERM ! , IS THE ADVICE OF A PHYS! \ How to Keep the Body in|** Condition to Ward Off an Influenza {s clearly,a germ-caused You mi disease. It cannot originate 6 human body unless the pan Prete of “the latter are in a ion of There i wh is in a perfect state of health should pe attacked at all by this comparative: a man, Healthy blood will fight to a finish the most virulent and penser microbe ever evolve wa bined Lash of dirt and dar! Were it not so, nobody our cataye the ianberaa peril during an epidemic on a grand scale, such as we expert enced last hoc ‘Thousands fall vic- th lai Mastin enough, it we but take @ ttle troubl In the midst of an epidemic, first thing to do Is to be as cheerful as the most fatuous optimists can ever | o 0 This habit of mind has iv he varying emotions ©) one-half wineglassful mon mind, On juality and quantity of sense, Put the ote of love, good the secretions which these mysterious | jooks and sweet temper into a well- ttle glands pour or fail to pour into | furnished Hoe. Beat the butter of e blood or other tissues depends the ith to a cream, together pi vitality or the low-resisting | blindness of fugit solecergattuinees- of plood, In this way ex-| powdered wils, dr; Pi ect bitaration of spirit or ental depres- | argument, then add them to ie ‘Seva fon makes or aeereaide pee in gently rippling laughter and a potency of the ‘arauiatiag uid, Dur- ing a severe epidemic fear is almost as fatal as ‘flu, Do Not Resort to Drugs.” ‘The next best thing to do is to avoid is so widely you get condition so weak | & com: be th in the appetit that will render vy more Iiable to at- hes 24, Petes 80, 82, 84, 36, 8 8 and ealth oe satis “ven base Meeetied tack tha: e in the * acial ‘ts. wal Measure. ‘ize re- : ‘ i inch -- Terigth, Soe ee pills through any dealer in medicine pa ep abba pocket sections, 2% yds. 86 ins. wide, 1 at 60 cents a box or Whatever happens during an. epi | toy vi 48 1 vs. ae hace wide: | Boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ demic, don’t, if you get a rise of tem- | OF 4% Yo dso "| Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont rature rv two degrees, have ctions, )-in« length, mediate recourse to those powerful ya. 36 or 48 ins. wide.» Width around feast dep fo bes which will bring your etna 1% vis. 4 a ig odai pineienes temperature , down with a run—and ese patterns may be obtain perhaps leave you at uch} ftom your local McCall dealer, or: and down the sate platform lower atel than you bargained for,|from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,) sc the nervous iy, evi: rg of the heart and de-| Toronto, = pact t W. dently searching!in oy for some one. ap wei sive of vitality (when taken with- out reasonable causd) there {s nothing t ely. equ average anttpyretic} She conducted her school on the) *";, % (fever) tablet. ieteat cat inset -approces hyatenio |” “Niedittees, ma'an”. “replied the r high-grade germicidal blood | principl nd before deciding to | Port rest. Unfortunately many| take little Willie as a seholar Sie nother five minutes she rushed of their blood that instead of being ermicidal it is positively suicidal; tats result being that when attacked ‘flu they are poisoned with the ill- seamieience fluid that should have | sg: saved them. To keep your blood up to the mark, feed it rigor ventilate it unspar- jnely. and keep it reasonably clean. But how are zo to do these three es- Siay thing: starve yourself, but at the not eat merely for the 8i use of. fruit and green vege! Sees save habitual rede ist purgative Ventilate your internal organs an‘ ate multitudinous air whenever possible. Do not sleep in a draught, it see that there is a rent pas rough your room, Stagnant air {a about as emma as stagnant water, od Lover’s Wedding Cake, Four pounds of flour of love, one and me-half pounds of bu getfulness, one and one-half pound: of powdered wits, one and one-half ounces of dry sina ytd aaepecn fuls of sweet argument, one and one- half pints of ayhhne Inuphter, one and of com common ins. ae or 1% Price, 25 cents. wi tions; asked him the usual questi had your a appendix’ removed?” she inquired, culat sie chicken pox, and measles?” Yes, ma’am’ your lated ther un-| her The Winter Wardrobe. emeReveomamesere <<” oa 3 inter, béing an honest man, | Cramps ard colic and unless the baby's WANTED ¥ood is as important to the sick bee Seite inte the custody of the little stomach 1s Kept right the result | FMMRST_CHASS GARAGB "AIAN. person as medicine, more so in pe proprietor, and he, being also honest,| may be serious. There 1s nothing to | Rago Aeon per eneg ens, Waees wanted. badly chosen dict re-| and. remembering that one of his |edual Baby's Own Tablets in keeping | — eee tard recovery. In health the catia guests had complained of the loss of | the little ones well. ‘hey sweeten. MISCELLANEOUS, appetite is the best guide to follow; | q yamable ring three mnths before} the stomach, late Yhe bowels, ; tn stokness the apppite Js often fickle | wired to that gentleman break up colds and make baby thrive. FE s pounds uns ose, X pay, express aay depraved. e, On his arrival ee iaettined the| The Tablets are sold ine { within 300 mites of uroitoy No uewuee Proper food and a good tonic will) ring as his pro bestowed a| dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box| Danae Ween emp stmuel Lewis, 668 kee people in good hi Dr. | Grip toupound note. on the plumben | fomiTtie Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., 2. T7iteng Dlakepuleere the moat popu for the ring was. worth twenty tines Brockville, Ont Cignat Ply cote men ar tonic medicine in the , harm: | that 9 ‘ . Bein rato tr nent fle ue Sead anastartage aes thelr etna talc Poe eed ear ihe Sunk at : Berens, ego late De. Wellman Medical is to build up th mn a ee region of KoneE ee one ited, Colineweod. Oat the vitality to the run-down syste! hit Bnieoatate, HR ASRSTpe net es etree tg ans ‘or growing girls who become thin | note for thirty tho gle | there ‘ire at least 1,000,000 pine trees y thousand pounds to pay eee enough for profitable lumber- aera and pale, for pale, omen, and On reaching home, he put the < = RAW FURS & GINSENG Dr. huh ei ae ee Hi rte “4 Boe Ste (ne. mane venles, was. callet Wine sipping tage rom ai attta ade oe 1-9178 Thousands of “people. have| missed the cote, “Where” could. ff ay sue saal eres. Years of Hollable Trading poie Ladies? Waist Price, 20 testified to the health-giving qualities | he? ‘Theft seomed oit of the auestion, Your thousand pretences for not J Réference—Union Bank: rial, long sleeves, 1% yds ds. 45 ins. wide. 9176—Ladies’ Four-Piece Skirt With side yokes; No. The School of the Future. “Have “Yes, mi Do you possess a maaa anhaegtis dinner-box, Val life belt, a tine spat enn ‘oat, rubber heels a crossing electric car lines? And haye you taket ance policy ae all the encroach- ments of old a1 and insulated en out a life insur- “I can truthfully say ‘Yes,’ ma’am,” “Then hang your cap on the insu- proceed to learn on peg, and anitary lines.” “SYRUP OF FIGS” CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! ngue!_ Remove pol- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels til all is well mixed, then bake gently little cae aa Are peace Sila 2—Ladies’ Two-Piece Skirt. | AN IDEAL TONIC FOR WEAK PEOPLE Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Act Dir- ectly On the Blood and Nerves. Williams’ Pink Pills, nefit of this medicine has been ; paerede is that of Mr, aS ae Ta ler .| wood, Kingston, Ont., —"T | have used Dr, wiles Pink Pills with the most eneticiat reall As yer the result of hard w ich run down, ith or. without circular flounces;|VeTy poor. I got a supply of the pills high waistline; 89 or 87-inch length.| Which I used regularly for some w. eks Cutin 8 sizes, 24° to waist.| With aS result that they restored me Size 26, with flounces, 39-inch length,|t0 ™ time strength. They also ‘as, 403 or Bis: yaa 6 rane eiaeath to my dau enter ae without flounces, 37-inch! Was n a very anaemic condition, ae: ul 40: ins? wide, or 2 ere seemed not to get more ian mporary- relief from any medicii es anti she took Dr. iliams’ Pink | Pills. She took the pills for about three months, and is now enjoying the first sign that the blood is take Dr. Williams’ Pink ‘ove- ae sot ea Then ey ay ie does the | tet train go?” she neniiase anxioui For about, ooking ae round Then she met the porter aj “what time aa ae say?” she asked. “Nine-fifteen,” said the porter, a trifle curtly. lady stood wringing her hands & R Then, for the third ine she gs AS we ortel my good m man,” iy wail (Si ah ‘a tin chest, and y sata" The ik wed Radtaye aatae like ent, “I don’t care 3 it neck,” he yelled. at nine-fifteen!” , ——— TORPEDOED! Don’t blast your Liver and Bowels, but take “Cascarets.” you have a bra: “The last train Ao men and women who can't get breath, dizziness, can’ * seb. are bit ous, ne! and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and colds, uu keeping your liver and bowels clean with Cascarets, or shock- ing your insides ev: few days with quiry ue that the pantera house TY) had been b Found by the Plumber. THE FE ‘ALL WEATHER Clascified Advertisements, A plumber had a bit of luck some time since when he was called to a big FOB FALE, : hotel to discover the cause for the HARD ON LUTTLE ONES AIR PRACTICALLY BLACK FOXES, — ppage in a certain He othwel, Onto mond ring, w! ~ collected and ari odds and ends, dindyotertnsty block- = 25 aes of the water. Canadian fall weather - extremely. hard on Httle ones. day fo. W FUR: AWhat price? Held Brom, Bothwell Que. ae arte along better are all nonsénse; ‘e nobody but. yourself — | ie 220 St. Paul St. W, Sumter Lincoln. med the true solution, and another nore was issued to replace the lost ai ‘Amoriow’s Plouser Dog Remedies boG DISEASES Matton Wooo teeny Ade dress by the Author. ver Co., E23 118 West $ist Street York, U.S.A. e |ONEY ORDERS. | Bank, and, being pay. {/ The safe way to send money by mail rer,” was hon In-| {s by Dominion Express Money Order. To remove inkstains trom a earpey or tablecloth, sprinkle isomediztely soak the inl a beg allow this to brush off and ‘ay he house was old note, a ining, eee ee up, apply eee soiled, st ‘What a ale: ete cue oue of thatitraneact ion? ‘Minarc’s Tiniment Cures Garget in Cows, A Dyspepsia Care Some Speed! M.D, advises: “Persons wh Two stenographers were boasting each other of the speed of their short- hand writing. ‘Whenever I am reporting at a meet- the commonp he does for its mses, a being : steadier foe than pain.” “A man needs philosophy more for laces orld tha tion a warm evening, all the people : try to get near to my table,” said o “Why?” asked a suite “Because,” said ‘my hand goes 80 i a if creates a current of air like smiera nothing” = {$1.00 Bottles. said the second ays have to report on wet paper, or sting the current of air caused would WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan’s Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain cause the friction caused by the rapid movements of my arms would set fire to it in no time.” weer aN See es LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT Vegetable fate and natural flower extracta give BABY'S OWN SOAP its wonderfully seeks and aromatic lather. Sold ev: Albert Soaps Limited, Mfrs., Montreal A little, applied Sete ang Masel’ will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves, RIGHT OUT NOW Sloan's Liniment is ‘very effective in allaying external pains, strains, muises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus- You reckless men and women who cles, um! 4 neuritis, sciatica, rheu- are pestered with corns and who have matic twii fo dust once a week invited an awful Keeps bi: bottle, always on hand Mfeath from lockjaw ipotadir are for family. use. in Canada, now told by a Cincinnati authority to Druggists A erg use a drug " caiadt reezone, which the Rabie HALLIDAY company, Limited Be, 70c, $1.40. oment a fe’ ps are’ applied ,to MILTON ___Facrony plevmipuTORE._ CANADA 2 m any corn, the 50 oon the entire corn, out with the fing It tsa sticky: ther colspotnll wien root and all, lifts i Heepit Lauds ite for prices. a Searear TORONTO 4ST woRKe st. very @ J. CLIFF - : ora ered ied ants er Throwing eee ‘on the ground for up 1s not economy. Cast it 8 among litter ‘so that the fowls ‘will be compelled to work for it, and ¢ € ») they will not only be ed but Lee UGHS will give you an a ij Buy Thi ps. Mother’s Cor olds Go "Guickly eed * ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. Changing breeds may be all right, oe before it is done one should be Ladies Perfume Your Wi Cat Team Calomel alts, Oil and violent pills? Cascarets hile you sleep; they cleanse ine stomach, remove the sour,-undigested, a aes food and foul ga! aan: take 1] cess bile from the liver and aia a of the system all the. constipated waste matter a8 bo gripe, sicken or and Cascarets es 80 little too, Tattoo artists = tikiion have been m which he “participated indelibly wr t-| Horever. ren Jove its delicious fruity taste, Full Gletehinda “fevsahile’s use )vow" cacie| Oo. Sus bite Wake S.redee Tong a baie; “Give iGiwithout tear, fob, for he hed been through the viat| “Well, George, are you perfeetly| Mother! You must say “California,” from the start in 1914. satisfied?” asked his made after the Court recent!: ess pte stg witl with Cliriteial rat was over, No, uncle, inaating the.bek: his head quite | alr, covered n't,” the. siatalivs reply, with tattooed utlerfiles, stars, ete. Sha ste how's that?” “Why,” The lady district visitor wos trying | ———————_—______________ * | to get friendly with little Johnny, replied adbrea: “auntie told me to eat * Same rea “There's a Reason” A Health-Building Food Grape'Nuts A blend of wheat:and barley prepared to di- gest easily. and make ‘and keep people strong. $ much as I wanted, and T rt.” igi pels a8 and T couldn't.” | tet me buy you, Johnny?” she a nERES ARCATA? An Gligunte aged Johnny qui hi tor, her and take yor ql money!” expostulated you anus sure you're worth as much yn away with me?” “She might,” replied Johnny. mcWell, about how much do you think she would qsk for you?’ “A thousand dollars,” promptly an- ag that well p'r'aps not,” admitted Johnny, “but, you see, if mummy sold me it'd break the set.” there's six of us, "Bolla Ailes more stately cfiniota soul, : As ang swift seasons roll! re thy “vealed past thou at length are fre, ing sea,’ Oliver Wendell Holmes. she let me buy you from “But Las ieatieg you, haven't got enough at seems an awful lot of the lady, “Are and Hon ba nats Liniment Co., Limited. winter I received ‘Not No!” laughed the district visi- ge benefit from the use “Would of LaGrippe, and. proved it to be very pcertrs in cases of Inflammation, Yours, W. A, HUTCHINSON, e top. ae a twig, would n a nest. ¢ leaf, apparently hanging never be taker cause it was never properly cared for, Acieeptly prophy - oe Nica as auante, os ng tnied IN TEN YEARS Miedema ee 500 Dollars GRAY v's SYRUP spesaréaien ts invested at 3% will amount to $697.75 invested at 4%, Interest com- will te RED SPRUCE. GUM CELE Recta arte | Mextveol D New Yorks rly, for and sweet. seen alae Tale But t seo in Debentures will cso Ho ‘Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Cony mupany. King St. West FOR piper reg re Give eoeke 3 Distemper ‘Gompoun mateine ‘he Ling nuceniibie, itt Is lowered if ten ‘te noes ble te Svithetand ‘cipostite | to Siscase. will iceap your horse in conditfon and free from att Sone relieves Natomper, ‘and Goldse Duy from your Grugeiat (W MEDICAL COMP. GOSHEN, INDIANA, U.S.A, ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN: nm Toronto Office Dr. A.C. DANIEL’S “Perfection Hoof Dressing without As ce packagd wi fF er cont. efficien yeetlons, PRICE 60c. and 85c. Big Animal Medical Book Sent Free. DR, A. 0. DANIELS COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Femedy Js easy toa ‘or Colds, Pain, Bisumiatlenn, Ach- re eva Minard’s Liniment Cures Golds, &o. {SSUE No. 19. KNOWLTON + QUEBEC must Aspirin 4g the trado mari ropletored in Cpnada) of Bayer aceticncidoster of Salic . While it is well kno’ Manufacture, to assist tho rite ot Imitatlonsy the ‘will bo stampod- with thelr al