Milverton Sun, 18 Dec 1919, p. 1

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Second-Hand Shoes and Skates AT ALL PRICES BS Nee == Che “3 Shines Hor All.” : Good Job Guaranteed Z g RS MILVERTON GARAGE. VES § Z any Proprietor feed Fe 2 — * — J Skates Hollow Ground E, H, GROPP, Vol. XXVIII— No. 1 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, Dec. 18, 1919 87 Years of Service The foundation stone of any Bank's success must be service to the public. a ee 7: The 87 years of steady growth of this Bari its steady increase in assets _and resources, are a measure of the sound, consistent, friendly service~it extends to its customers. Christmas Gifts! NOTHING IS MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A NICE GRAFONOLA or PIANO We have the Mason & Risch in all styles and prices. Call in and let us talk abs beer before placing your order, :: % N.A. Zimmerman MILVERTON, -:- =i += ONTARIO NEWTON'S - BARGAIN - STORE Shop Early |\to hear is able to be 1 Smith, we are glad tra—finest up again after | yyy. 2 a. arrive at Stratford at 7 p. dices stioakiteed (Gk On aa ven Ree FOR CHRISTMAS Read Elligeon’s’ adi in another col- ile SE STM EN wok, ees : Miss Nellie Gray, of Elma, we are) Umm. in this is here is in human nature a crav- to realize that i sits a oe site Reo Diteremns Hons) gouges “eile tH ae Ee Sele eles [co 108 Seige "7 Sa ol ope 0. Tse f ago, Then WE sure “Dates Dr Gowing tne rt & acai Been dates 30c, raisins 28 of bal an cashes spooks and ose orctaing AL Beals aaa nee mas after i ‘or Bee, ior bargains try the Newton Gen-| finost#, but. to‘day mi 0 be vinee of Manitoba’4 per cent,| Would gal ‘or es sum a an daigh on Store_F. A. Blligson. lieve in sae cata to fil” the erat oe to yield 6 per cent. ly established. the. the as es i. Sticker and daugh | “Nuts, all kinds, 35¢ Ab, cream can-|' Church. practice. rovinee of Alberta 4 per cent,| Pretty well liauida ci an RN = pene abe dy 40c, oranges ie hire: kee anew sen ault, in a Lon-! bonds ‘to yield 6 per cent. busily “Eur, Walter Raby, of Hamilton, is Kindly call at the bank and get) "Ai Over Burope there has been f wines of Saskatchewan 4 per| Siti We wa few aby FS the home. of | YOU paid up coupon; Victory Bond. isl . pe there has been fev: | cent. bonds to yield 6 per cent. dition of the world is un: apen te ng 8 ew days af the exes hae been laid up | et, Stee ie Investigation and] "Clty of Calgary 4% per cent. bonds), ons els Mili "be held in Christ | £0", the pest tow civebwiincne atta MAE Heine ot citiee | eee TET ES, of onsiit : * a Unease noma | nade stat ches et Ses Se ee Aono peer Ing; rs, Garening PERRET ES ore See are caught at the solace, the movemen THE SUN CFEISE who h tiden Ranney ert, on Tuesday for Toronto; “A ‘pair Of Skates or a Sleigh for deg n d- into a hysterical fad,| MILVERTON, : ‘ARIO| they have a giant's strength. pigs the te we i eons ion. Christmas for your boy or girl — SRW IDe. in the merely curious, uncer- termined to ui russell Attri © agent Sev-| RC, Clemons, tain, skeptics, nenroties weak: _- that everywhere there is m1 oral faye this week with her parents, |“ ponciiet"ar Waterlog. Park Pavilion | Minded. Ibswept infidel Paris, cynical) GapR_ TRAIN CHANGES and vexation. . Conse Mrs. W. Scott, Mornington. || every Friday evening, Krug’s orches- ont no erlin, Rome and. despair- Rake) proach stm; October Fe Oc ing Vienna. ‘The old-tine spiritualist. Hn all hearts a fecling of cheerful $8 Wednes dey Dec. 24th and o: On on st si Friday, Dee, 26H 6th only a train willl text and cardinal virtue for Christ; er ideo re 1 m. = pay not Bedocal ae roncel ae ie seaince, experiments i moti pes, ct confined to her room for | hear,*is at p ont on’ Shige Aad and ti fey hy, and even inecronaney few. da; . ; ‘atl i ni ‘ology were pressed ‘into ser- May we not serve you, too? W days. ak Burkett, of Jarvis, re-| Sith an ata esr osday | Vice. 1 saw actors out of jobs drawing it ined home ia st week after pend-| morning registered mercury at| Huge audiences at high prices to lot jing a couple eeks with Mrs. M.| 19 degrees below the zero point. upon feeble tricks in hypnotism. Any- —THE ° \A.. Carter. \ a me thureday’ night | Pedy with a glib tongue, a willingn - If we intend to hold the industries | = open every ‘ight to prey upon the weakness 0: n B k of Nova Scotia we have and desixe to attract others) ti higage -Boeland & Son Fay ad avener AUER alan tor tes an { must have fire protection, Saat Mss: Metco! Im | ception could be sure of making mon- for the by-law, eB seo ne dag: in Strat | ey rapidly, | Hee cals inky. now be sedtl tat aoa nae mccae: Mea. Dunk "tn the climax of the war there was| Paid-up Capitat - $9,700,000 1. Lewis to the United States until the ex-| can Stewart, published in London the assertion, that «= = 18,000,000 change pate te tween the two coun- David Weir and dsughter,| ‘1 Grey, equal nouinaeet were, visiting, a famous. medium to get “inspiration ie z ‘5 Miverion’ UO. Club Rul not ship ‘Ste burg on Sund: des Hockey — Listowel vs. Milverton on Friday night. Let free ey influences Ars. RRRRRRR R Gone lt ue nave me ‘hat the x “God Save the King.” | the oeRibition - Syeakey match | and prophecy from the tit fond.” sane enough cattle or, hogs ‘until J: night between Listowel: Bars this was true or not; it is| GREAT WAR VETERANS protect. them B.. Schatz ‘old “the Gr rey | ft eats Northern League Cham-| certain that the greater part of Optimism without effort is ile and ty which he purchased last tions, and the local team, on Friday | ionable London was visiting no an unintelligent, Our fait} Spring “ind rebuilt. this pammct imi nt 00 game a s but palmists fortune telle Memorial ‘Tablet will be un-| Spire us to di a David Gowing for the sum Seok eaten the held in Christ|and other professors of occultism. | veiled in Christ church, Milverton, on| "he principles and Ynstitutions in $2.20, ae dhande on wadntadaty evening of, ast ] More than that this had been going on| Sunday, December Qist, at it aR eb hristmas- Mr, Charles Welker has disposed) week when. the member adher- | long be: r. The eupporediy in memory ‘Wyatt, Field} year, a well he day from ¢ his livery, bus and express busi-| nis of the church, ne together na stolid, ‘phlezmatie, Englishman, |W as. Henry, Tio te tiie om net-| Which to date our miore earnest nd ness and dwelling to Me. ellington | igeuss. the For overe as expected to look with contempt ie erie active efforts in the cause of ; Smith, of Newton, who take posses: | The annual ch i tmas oe for aa y evidence that could not be} ted cot | Citizenship—the cause, the worl he sion ae o ime next month. Trinity church, Elmaj -will be held haled into court an measured, Baal! ee ah G ot Ge are 1 Hotel ed to m h| ots of Peace on earth, good will to- Messrs. Charles and unday next, Décember 2ist, at|zed and classified, ae Grand Ce entral Hotel and march) ward men and ue John, Zigapierman actended| 3° 2. 0 o'clock. There will be a. cele- |conte-on in the matter of ghosts, witch| in @ bo the church. ‘uneral 0: ir » e) cation of the Holy Communion. ’ potions, abrac: . John Muze, who was buried at Wart ee of, the executive of the er of the Hil Bye, Despite this seem = C. STEWART, President.| Groen hardwood wanted for d n he 2 Milve: e dro in the mereury on Sat-| Scho: os “AssogaHiGn vie isl 2 the he urday night has b lowed by one} publie ibrar mystery. of the coldest snaps that ve have eX-| after peer Onno aes the yearly Seer’ r livery before spring, Apply at th Sun eee Homestead bela doer your supply. ‘for Spri . George” Hopf, Milverton 24, pd. PRR ee perienced-in the month of Dec eaaruse eason that he wore his high ‘ha for some years. The ‘Christmas entertainment. of | the Derby, he was thrille Miss" Alice Hamilton, teacher of| Burns church ‘will be held in the|row by the 1. In “ tee Ro- the third department of ublic | basement. oe the. ane ‘on Tuesday|gues Comedy” Henry Arthur Jones school, underwent an ation on | evening, Dee. 23r ood varied | has shown how naive the upper clase Monday Tast that will confine her rogramme is ‘ein prepared. Ad-| Englishman is in the presence of one the h week at leas' mission Bbc cas Ww esses to have supernatural The anual Christmas Tree and E: ire entertainment ut itis his faith in ghosts tertainment of Gra hurch, Mill-| will be eld in the Methodist chuteh, that the Englishman stands alo: bank, will be held on, Friday, Dec. Millbank, on day evening, De i | 23rd. There will be a | a e | ni and others will supply the programme | tree and good musical progr: e subscribed to the belief in com- os. Crawford and family, eens “The Galileean” Et also be| munieations from the spirit wor! ho recently returned from the west have move the apartments in eWith s lendid sunshine prevailing the “Pfaff “block: Mr. Crawford “has ox Deceisl er 17th, it would scent that secured job in the Felt Factory for|the Chicago scientist who predicted th such dreadful ipapoeuitios to the world HOCKEY NOTES “Pr. Knight, M.A., B.D. has) through the «meeting of planeta) J mth ie sick ‘ist for a few days | bodies chose the date to com- and was unable to take his services| monce his. fireworks. STRATFORD 6—MILVERTON 1 ‘on Sunday last. Wr ate glad to hear i. and Mrs. Donald Smith and Hiat-Re ts: recovering and expects to mily, of Red Deer, Alta,, arrived in| In the first game of hockey this be about again fone Milverton last week and will spend| season, which was ae exhibition match . The Milverton Met iodist Sunday | the winter here.) Mr. Smith ig dis-| between Stratfor d_ Milverton, School will hold their Christmas en-| posed of his ranch and other holdings | the former team ed y the score of tertainment on Monday evening, 1 sd, ‘woul . diptognes,-peteations rt ¢ the morning service on Sunday i i Admission 25 and#15 -i. | next, Dec. 21st, Rev. H. L, Nichol-|ed with the Stratford team doing le combined ‘Christmas tree n, will unveil a memorial shield, | considerable more shooting on goal Se children of Christ church, Milver-| presented by. the Sunday School, ‘i the locals, who tried to work on, and ak eae E hie will} memor; three men who died}in fo: ‘ots. lotwithstand- ea tie esday il rc ing’ the fact that the Stratford team itu e btr 30th a Chaise Shares Bl itvexton in the base - tweni d for service. cal team only played t The regular meeting of the Milver- Feam kept them on oy gt p all the | ton Women’s Institute will be held] time, With a week or two. more of] in the library we tieey on Saturday} hard eaing the Milverran team will} Tea will be served at 6.30 i ment. engagement is announced of i 2nd. The programme will ay where he will locate in future. S | i | =| et | The | Isabell Elsie, only daughter of Mr.|i and Mrs. eph Pfaff, to Mr. Jami | aftern noon, Dee. at 2.30. p. ™m.|be able to make a much better show- Henry Davidson, son ot Mr. and Mrs. | ‘p. Subjec Our boys and gins ing? John Davidson, Loga he by Miss Stella Squire and Miss M, eae @ | lage will take place the latter part rt of| ley. will give a talk on the foreign | A TEAM OF SUPER MEN Stratford Herald ‘The local juniors Jast night journey ed to Milverton and gave the Milver-| t ediat ey | ‘ m) ~ ‘oblem in See as she found it. epayer last week said to the ‘great as is our need for fire pro- waterworks system | ¥. conveniences | pro} All ladies welcom: @ senjor pupils of Miss White's eral otford householders, y Choice Currants ... Seedless Raisins ... Mixed Peels, igus -temon and citron . Mixed Nuts, sp: ‘ Fs) Oranges, California Navai, per doz. .60c, 10 kegs Lake Superior Herring, excellent ane also 3 kegs Trout—Finest stock, just landed. Come in and see our all round assortment of Holiday Gifts at Unbeatable Prices. See our stock of Toys, Handkerchiefs, Ties and Gloves from which you can easily select a suitable Christmas gift. CREPE DE CHENE and GEORGETTE BLOUSES Just to hand one dozen Ladies’ hg e de chene and Georgette Crepe Waists, made up @ very newest MEN’S FURNISHINGS The newest styles and colors in Men's Neckwear. Men’s Sweater Coats from $1.75 to $10.50, The latest things in Men’s Hats id Caps. Flanelette Blankets, 12-4 at ...-..- Les ~ + $3.90 me and bring the childrén to see real Santa at Elligson’s Store, Newton, on Saturday afternoon. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM THE NEWTON GENERAL STORE F. A. ELLIGSON Tavistock Flour and Feed Highest Prices Paid Carried in Stock. ‘or Poultry r |day evening of last ood Von intesmedyates =A" hoc 880 had ten votes I woul uld east teat all) nme was given to a very ap-| The Midge’ dun 8 in favor of the bv-law. ciative audience. numbers | while Milverton did get a lone tally. it rt. Robert Verity, who conducts | st of the young ladies who|was really “Butch” Kelterborn who the only labor bureau now in Toron- rt were very heartily encored.| scored it, though he modestly dis- to leaves on Dec, 19th for England, | Mas' faff acted as. Santa alain the credit. If he did not wish where he will spend a couple of | Claus and _Gistributed the. presents] to s: ¢ homesters from. the: hum- months, will on his return endeavor| among t ildren. fteton oi whitewash; why did he to supply as much farm labor as he| The “onressive scuchre party in| take the puck ross in front of the ean to farmers of Onta l ziensh opera hall on Thursday eve-| goal? Anyw: Arica | ‘The Women’s Institute intend pack | last_under the auspices of the| out for oe iid s, Bn ‘but ate of the jing a COmaisting of fruit. cake, | Pastime Club was a very successfal| squad being worked. during the game. short bread and home-made eandy f | air which terminated at styles which will please your taut [Ben y | o'clock when luncheon was aOee ee ee ter which the presents were. pre- HES aon contribute 168.7 e Ae Oe onarss it oat A HOCKEY COMER aral eases could har dly find w s their gratitude For the. Deaatifal ratford Beacon as fasts showed up wonder. tol Kens given them, ile The condition a Sir Robert Bor-} fully well it would not be fair to in den’s health causes his friends some|leave Milverton entirely out of the week: Mi Ot Finkbeiner has dis- | disquietude. ‘Sacts are that Sir| question. ‘They played good clean posed of his dwelling to Mr, Samuel | Robert is really a casualty of the war, | hockey throughout, and Bastendorff Jacobs, of Mornington, and has mov-| to which vexatious and engrossing | sixteen year old youngster, promises d into Mr, Louis Pfeffer’s: houses! toblems he applied a flaming energy. |to become one of the best players eae ba Es andere of his| fe pays the price now in impairment | who donned skates. Te ig a splendid home derich, who i of q hitherto rugged constitution. It) skater, 8 good stick handler and all turn sold his to Br wi hinted that he may retire shortl needs is a little coaching. he Massie Chapter E. of} and that Mr. Arth ‘ighen Stes Brunner, Scion a Sat Tnatiogy e his succet in the uowrnicratt id ing to a box for a hospital for ‘he 5th line Mornington beef ring ine te Peesistine of fruit cake, | have closed a. very successful yen INTERMEDIATE ‘GROUPS “IN jome-made dy, oranges, » ete. | indicated by the report submitted by THE O.H.A. Anyone wishing to donate may send/ the secretary, Mr. J. 0. Fleming meagre os ee Bag ge re the annual meeting held on enaey ate PESTER ern be RE Fe indsay, where the box is 1 lected as} ON, 1 a . x ‘a 8 | evening.» Ofer he bie Clubs: ‘Goderich, Sextorth, Mitghell ie Saturday » D pecces coe SOE evening, Dec. eee Bays oben (0. ie '. Knight Bote given a pleas | secretary, nvener, ise on. Tuesday when. he was | John Streicher; inspector , Joe Flem- Pearce, "Kitchener, meet at Kitchen- a i ith an ns preciative .ad-| ing, rydone P. Sippel and D.| er. Clu bs: Kitchener, Elmira, Galt sit ress cheque for $40 by his dees Guelph. ie Millbank congregation as a Christ- SUR aN Pre coe Shatha al mas present; Mr. Knight was so tak- BIRTHS au Sabud Ney b am) New iamborg ‘en by ise that extensive as his Peds! de us amburg, vocabulary = he could hardly find | Zulauf—At Rostock, she MecnNeaAy, Ayr, Drum 0 and Bad De Wa ee to 3 and Mrs. ee oh kindness and Meonsideration. Zulaw: Lohr at Ellice, on Thursday, Dee. Monday, December 29th, will be CHAIN ERMEDIATE Sait eye vatepayers| 21th, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Base should see that the best men availab! ct Beets Fe for the position of muni. MARRIAGES Ma sage ti Boyle of the, Mil: cipal representatives. ou! e ¥ verton hoc! eam was in. Stratfor wat 8 by-la , and ete Say, Dees 100, 1810, eo | on ‘hesday” attending e 0. amuel Cars gon £0, Miss Rigrence Testi Belg Ne teaser nts the | ‘per | eldest daughter of M: rs, | SkOU ping and schedule as follows: ily! dbson, all of Morning: St. Marys at Milverton Jan, eat Milverton at Stratford Jan. + ith. °D. Weir’s Sale Register {slates fs catch gal re ia and ahi Jan, 8rd, 1919—House and i mit ie eel Id Effects in: Mil- rv the ie a of the late Jeralan "Kalbflei Subscribe for The Sun. n and Stratford. | | | | J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for > oe . PORTLAND STANDARD CEMENT SCRANTON ST. aes ANTHRACITE ESTABLISHED 1872 MAKE remittances with bank mi ey orders, absolutely safe, na to write EAD oFFici HAMILTON BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, C. Schafer, Manager 'so happy. See the Time Baver’is in our“store: A. C. CLEMENS Hardware Merchant =\ gp MILVERTON, - ONT

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