pies is ever a was snowblind. This,! nt of the party, had suffered “I won't The dogs gan carry you, as they’ve done for the ten days,” replied. “I’m as safe here as earthing, & es aster: A eg the dogs 'w are can. get ote Jag nd. ay meds hie en | ae 85 ae don’t it?” Then ie, eye tbat ba ae wa rscallen, Cloud-in-the- will push on to eff Hy oe jours will poate Jeff Hyde's ‘ind eyes turned toward Gag) °, a said, A te nt wi er ot f welt sacrifice a ieee co snares rc ing or. nace of ani covered y7to that | eee 'felds a ie ee, ie giant forces , ‘on oie fiigid 3a place| tai of and Game Tou. f they eat de e Toujours pie tee and his two ) ‘ollowers Ss ne hat was in the srienc- juntsman’ en a He knew that evere weather ‘ore ther ‘that the Peart Ihculey of fe jou was to be encountered. Yet, in a ae rarer strei ‘than th find hart e ee him on as ebeer! ad lett abe and he reaped i fre and grew in violent attack until, as if foregone its nely west shot up-behini Ly rn wall of Hf white, the three knew that crawled greta Timeelt ‘out beside. Jacques, ese words with aching pee Cam) are A bitter facing three fears now: ihe Pits “of 1 those we left behind; his ithe al ‘fingers dig! anus i the return, journey; success gives hop n| iti fy ati ete age being found at this mountain. eee iron frame has oan the ha ships accountable weakni Mind and bod, s| of acceptance was as ft noms pre rescie in, man and the, Jog. ae aapar Hume be: “Be sure that flying, mei men.t de’s face was turned toward the north, e blind man’s instinct | ‘was coming to him, Far off white ed dying sree: vee a over Tong hi lock: road ajeains his face was_ slightly It grew more trouble, then #i Fatih fu ain, and he faspar Hume, “Cay Jeave that book with me till you come —that about {ntrmities, dangers, and necessiti a 1 knew a river- who used an old speling-book Ton with him for luck. Jeff timned y: in Jaspar Hu = his life wi viral ‘at his heart toe himself; he was ing to perform a perilous act without any Inward Be ing; eft’s re. qui the ri eae trial of this inhi Te 1 n ia White ‘Guard this ‘whole t care Heke ma lie of Heian BOVRIL The great * key food” that makes other foods more nourishing. me and looked at the Meanttiw ne roti closely. Sud-| ly returned wi aS Wigecand tam which! inred feet She rea ‘ume had borne the suffer-| TP ques for an in- his side kind! accent, | Jas cum [first that night, but at length oblivion He waked to f (ging mighty Eagene bine! © upon a a thack few) in-the-Sky were denly he paused. whoop as only an Indian can give, and from the mountain there com mouth of the cave an Indian, BE ‘ky and the Gaeant! ‘but Pep all Indians of the ELT Pe iA sie a pila Lepage alee said, “Who Come near me frit some +jman’s head and took his e contii mul u ° be and Necks. Naturalisty 9 few exceptions, there equality betweer the fenuttin iE the) a: virtually no necks. Fowis that feed tu the wetor also offer an example of this correspondence between the mem! mbeke, with the exception of swans and eager ALE, "baie much of tru ie erough. Time is ae « i: ara vize enougit RASS Mei into pe at oe glad to find I’m in it a er b not sleep well at ho e =! you can guess any better than I ‘ta - F450 simple. cher-' drawn in with white eal ime made a motion to orate out in ‘the di me near’ cats,’ and stooped and lifted. up the sick ice are cats, aye. aay ay fable als rej Many “of th e old sayings ae . not go far th there is no need for either. friend a right Gillette Safety’ r sets, 'G turn when you select for Sold by de best —— so sraad at $5.00 the set. e ‘OU are sure to be xight if you give him a Gillette Safety Rect, Aa him ina, what comfortable shaving really is. With the 24 federated ed: every Gillette set you realize the importance of NO STR es that -PING—} NO Iisa happy day that an ts acquainted with Gillette pea and os do a hae oe ies Christmas the handsome s present one of For CHRISTMAS HONING ‘Q@omans Sphere A Unique Party. “What kind of a time did you have Evzabeth's last night?” asked | The ce Jumped over the moon. ry's mathe: “Ding, dong, bell, pussy’s in the well. “Just the ee kind of a time “Tg 1 : eee e Te Gene se closed one of the jol never does: things Tike anybody ay ia know, she and Edith Carlson gave | is patty together, and we were = Sevan diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, Ma: “ “You don’t mean.to say that you | came home without a playet ‘Pussy wants a cornet!’ ” othe: bin ves we oe replied Mary. “The! e forgotten that, ed paper, ond two black cats decorated the head ts, ha f the they eertainly ‘thou of everything, eet on which the note of| invitation was, written? Just the word- to expect one of Bet ‘ag you rem- ik cats invite) ning of December tenth at The Elms, 203 High oe The girls showed me some of the they received, and Fhe) invi Light for the Shért Da: ity the p ing § jority of farm © hom! with the. old aces kerosene lantern for Lane and yard! mare a < ie the lamp for the house. a ‘0 black-cats about ti Q 1 since I find ’'m on the ae Fl meet them on tho date id t carry ‘iaapetiue Sele lating Me “Indeed they did. During the ca ur while the guests were a envelopes aii ioing: ae regula Be at B EN mps to carry upstairs at) roke the, bed Se one And| ess at the, ; these meant more cleaning and filling, | ar-| considerable i nea card about ever-present fire hazard. ure, six inches square, decorated ae two! they were a lot better than the andes | blac cats, and containing tof | and tallow’ dips of the Zeneral mn be- definitions desetiting| In the barn it w eater Avlentenr yan. ate poorest Mary kind of a makeshift, Large open pas- ran from the room ad, “A waterfall.” “Cataract, a tah her promptly. “That is eas “They made ‘the ‘kn | courage us, I gue: a case of Stelaing 3 canoe rn Let me read you several; ; close to the workin hand in Sas to from ad a just to show you ee t| see atall. The Ja ntern uae ‘An un ban re hazard was immeas- urably greater than in the house. A con-, lantern Salaneed unstably on a straw- sult is shinee we se all have’ had an excelent chance [pone a aan o) over, ere is nstead of the hile coal oil aac aighting inst the centre beopy of the “Black Cet Megasine’ tied- cr the living room, earri j wit biaek Hibbon, was the consolation, a ahlo i a shade that attans the bright rays of d-, the electric bulbs, but allows raent to with eyes, mouth, and whiskers! rates the farthest corners of-the room. ink et lights.on the walls a “Tt must eee ‘been a lot of work for. src lamp on the piano give Plsnty, Rs sl oe rn ary’s mother, extra Ss rate Hall lights can be o1 ms the cookies eee with the upstairs or down, aud veranda Agi were cut in the shape of a controlled: fro 3e. ete where they found so pe barn ao “ald Sears | is iets nian ‘torent shapes, bit there seem- no mon ¢ lamps are 0 two alike. ‘ Hie ther neil Aho teat good water "nippsr we did one more Ae ‘the switches are ccnvenie’ unt: Betty and Edith gave to each cated, ot = ge sheet of drawing paper a kick of charcoal, and told us os via a jingle a oe on ia sheet. aS! Pusey ea pisey dat, aerate you. clot! ,and eae were decorated wi black es. worrying al The ad fant outa é more cheer- On top of @ ole in the centre of aS hen eS is eZ on whole prentses ae 4 ith a f that very ate and at an wi celle cad ight is control- ae was ‘supposed to” he sketch was so im- as gu ess Soni ee ler Sais ae iallly: nd ind: a aids _variety of other j.” TN now in Thes' a frost in the air, herald strung ¢c No ete eereving lanteyns or, Bel Fame ‘washing machines, aoreatte firmly light power eppliances ae canes 1 this sepricn s developed right mall electric plant deserating unit and a mt. Th scales: of ates anical and ieee desi Oldest Things Alive. ‘The oldest living things in the world are the famous big trees of California, They are also by far the largest of lt 4 yg tts aan to deters Sele ney counting hie ual. growth, ea were saplings ae Leis Pyramid of Jheops was buil centuries ol n re already more than 2,000 years old, yet mor ing @ vigorous heyd: The largest of the big trees attain a height of aa feet anda diameter of set. me of aie rate of he Forest, is nin ot | tw enty feet eit the base, although stripped of hi 588 B.C. ie wo! his heart, horseback through the trunk for'a dis- tance of eighty-one feet, trees are found only in a re serious} © old. Bui are even taller tallest big trees. than. the st At Sea. our heroes lie, ath great billows, wave on Our Heroes Below the sea Ben wave, While overhead, the great ships ply Like watching sentinels on high. A lighthouse shows its guiding beam, The pra above you shine and gl And Stic waves pe lullabies Above your lowly gra Sleep on, brave souls, your task is No more for you shail sound the gun; i, the Vie ctory won, You kept Tole: pletee: the deed And peace be with you, where you lie "Neath ocean waves. ilblain Time. fe dare, sith fhe sharp nin of approach i Behoves raed af aking out, for they in of chilblains. the feet and han hilblais stated to be the aes: etroulatio ion 8 old.” of the blood due to ehrerantitn is better than ae a ‘and an ‘ought about by h ig the Bot eal of the ae and “the hands should be rubbed to- her whenever they feel cold, and thick, woolle) yard is ‘ rae ful lamp under a boots ser ave greatly instinmengal oe fmm! ieciatsaih ‘ ek or stockings give gre e feet, eau. a pairs of thin, cks oO} coking: fecneneh thes ae thick pair, ‘The feet are most Likely to get cold» Whe SBE tt wading sont ov sitting, m through oe restored. When Black is White. sitor—“T'd like to know why on earth you call that white pig "ink?" ‘armer—“Because he’s always run- ning from the pen. The = ice. Farming’s agriculture to the folks that ell us how, But agriculture’s farming to us who uide the plow. Little ae ae ite see what she terms a “little Anita “A fib is the same as a eae and a story is the same as a "Ne lly: “No, it's not.” Anita: “Yes, it is, Rotini my father said so, and wif father, is a professor at cis universit: or don't oe. if he is. ae and he knows more a abe. ats your father.” ” in Music. ‘unter is ’eard on tl pt the But somehow his version of that line in “Rathle Mavouw the tei en neen” jarred on the nerves. of acher. Putting the “H’ she said kindly, a few more aitches “My little man,” “why don’t ‘eed put in your so} “Garn,” savin the ttle man, po- te itely. “Don't now there ain’t 0 ‘h’ in Sat "it nae goes up ter No Spare Parts Needed. had made his pile out of Spe S ie “ola Mr. Tompkins, and now, after much family pressure, he was Tonner ii ing a motor-car with a view to pur- dl “ “What's that there thing at the side for?” he asked “That , sir, is a spare rim and tyre,” explained the shopman glibly. “It is carried in case anything goes wrong with the wheels “Just what i allus says,” ” qnorted the old chap. “Them things ain't re- liable. ‘Ere I've driven ‘osses for nigh on fifty year, and I ain't never ‘ad to carry a spare leg for cne 0’ them yet!” Hard Luck. “Well, James, and how are you to- day?” mee. ny Scottish minister of one of his fi “Fairly eee * sin,” replied the man Se “but I've been a bit unfortun- i % @ Dit pa Fare cena ba ear ae as deed and Tott me twa hunnered a shouldn't cal iat “unfortunate!” smiled the minis! enMebbe pes ‘ene fe villager; “but the law: put enou Ty stamps on his jetter int Any had to the postie twa bawbees excess, A ee eae ey maid pies heey the, ‘ietureaieny the. lad, bi mnder whi ed the young fellow, as he eye ho. clung together in tealing down the side of the ravine at under this bridge. ane cried, “What's a oe to do now “He's ig to blow up De uunidpe. aavng ‘rciane mu mmy,” came the ‘emai, in- aane voice ee “how can he get enough bi Befogged. The See was cold and Pat when old Farmer Giles and his’ mai ee out to wee a bullock ae the rket. farmer, ncom- monly stout, left the work to his em- plo; ‘After tramping about eight miles in silénce, nt, aes to see biet other for the fog, ‘tled to ses ia rotor fused i front ot Chim ex+ over getting along in good: style, aren’t we, Bill?” “Lordy!” cried the that you, maister? droivin’ ye’ for the ‘And the bullock had vanished in the ‘fog, while Bill herded his bulky mas: ter to market. anetgrets “Bo The Feathaglehe Bed. Haggard Sait 7 pert Zs ae ny the English co to breakfast the first mi uu say last ra che that the great Duke of Wellington once stayed x sft hotel?” he asked the manager: “Yes, sir, he ald,” gue ee ay proudly. “And, ly slept in He oan route one ing.” “Was it the same then as it is now?” “It tone uptenmiee since that day, sir,” nswer he rece ee "MBaeh Vie of ftumituse stands no’ as it ar f his time.’ the lady, getting hurt as he seemed to doubt her. “Thag is the ‘vers oe bed that the duke slept Te "visita? rubbed his aching vows a lant J at her with weary eyes, hen Re wpndsr: they called him ths at Duke! ~ Electricity in Hol | Bisabristty has revalved 9 tite. boom pedis “ ring houses in Amsterdam 110,000 are now jase with electric lights, whereas before he hostilities. started only ci 000 hou were La that pba? gas nor candles wae vailable wartime accounts for the eh nistiae in the use of olectricity in homes, Faced with such hard con- sitions. the City get hia ce ot ae hom should haye at least one aca ay and the work of installation was speed- a and is being continued, the remain- at the Resides “boing in manele work, aectetoney is made to do domestic tasks. Blectricity’s more general use Holland is bound to make a big chat in’ the appearance the windmills th bat ‘ers ut air kept clean the eggs w re: little chance ap! become soiled. is jus asked at to marry <a ao she iy cpputats \ It’s lovely! Segre does. pee ant eal the oan leat a nearer ana} aan < tte Fabel on the aces see!” he-erled. “It's printed on this card here—‘sold! a. dt Peppiectouldl alsoul with er laicont s keep tie ee e film was a yery thrilling affair, an aint 4 vss grew breathless with excite- nt as she saw the villinn furtively