a ‘ f s ak A ~ : 2 5 eres 5 i Se ee = Paae 4) g = eee = ee pre : - _ CROP AND TRADE COND ITIONS Dream Came True. THE NERY s Few See French Seal heats: NOTHIN TO EQUAL © Classified Adverti : é TH GHOUT THE INION | _ The relations that existed between great seal of the French 4 ee ROU DOM General Washington and his younger Wwas_affxed to the peace 7 ee RING Sax ied Beatrlats 2 Saree friend, *LightHorse Harry”=Lee, the are "inary Yalldating fhe ‘signs. Pes PRATT AGENTS, rc ING ‘ Bank of Montreal Annual Meeting. yt father of General Robert E. Lee, aes aha ot President Poineare and M. 3 ies, write for Catto Rar By exceedingly close and tender. It wa es minister’ of faacne and ae ae i ina or Saree: Zine linttea Art Co, 4 Brunswick Ave, bt re fe rs. Alfred Naud, Natagan River, i Complete Reports Submitted on Conditions in the Various Provinces of thé ; 2" authentic tradition tn the Te tana Needs Rich, Red Bload te Regain’ ee - eck to ie eet Ae ey aa Moxint hink Ahinye Dominion at Annual Meeting of the Bank of Montreal Will Be of si Seapine peered the Bets Healtl: and Strength. eee tebbeeeh the went hat} 18 any See Gti oe equal Baby's pomuicinfahsd war aeeliss lant young. eavatry officer almost in aris despatch. ‘The seal, somewha = ra Special Interest to Mercantile and Farming Communities. eeNe Ot = HER ‘children start’ ctiool in ox- "ger in size thant a silver dollar, Own Tablets for little ones." I have er At the Amnual Mecting of the Bank [Hoth these situations are, improving | ee waa 4 inclined to be a spendibrit, eaten eiaeD utter a sort time |8HOWs on one aide the seated figure of | USE TED 1OF TAY Bay an eee soriaten Des Waltman adicad ' of Montreal complete reports were | and larger rod ction has taken place the republic, sel the Ineraton nothing else.” What Mrs. Naud says Si and his lavish use of money ofte ork, examinations, hurried EY submitted by the Superintendents of] at the gold mines. ni hinftivé paternsl f J “French Republic, cratic, ) One | thousands of other mothers say. ‘The! Ra ET sais Lande anda tacrnce Bor eric ca eeadiien ce | ae taper him the paternal reproo! Sanna coneaded ataool roomaceause a nase” Re 7 hive sonal Wy lbieth ate tie Pabiots a of his offer ‘and more discreet friend | thelr blood to become weak and thin, | 824 Indivisible,” On the other # ae ais fng conditions in the varlous provinces | port it easy to sell goods. Credits are Fs i the Name ‘of the Svaye do. Just what is: elated for rious provinces |Boortened and bad debis negligible. | end the reproot was often followed | their nervés o¥er, wrought and thet |e yon aplete Ars a: dalla “tate ’ the Secale operations carried out| Larger expenditures were generally by Giecticnate nastobince. Av -extris| ccloc Mal ppGiGs Indes. Ie leva" erent (2°29 copie * gurromnded by. : usta | Tacative whicw vegniaia’ th \ The oldest established ‘ in tue varlons sections of the country | made by municipalities this year in an | cating him from his embarrassments, | mistake to [et mattera dritt when boys | Veath of oak. feaves encircled by the |) Cote dh ewuateh suiken? al and on this account become of very | effort to. over te: qr eee Wishtbgtoh was almost dual Vani ghlacchow samptoms of -nerVuus- | TO uucam doune, “bibersyy, Mausalliy fs and g Waste ths stonmch andes RAW FUR DEALERS a special interest to the mercantile and | during th ly fond of the young officer, who otten| ness or weak blood. ‘hey are_at-|Praternity.” The seal is imprinted by | thus banish Sepa gta) constipation, in Montreal Deel enmmunitise “desirous of} “Population shows a general incrense, mage long visits at Mount Vernon. | most suro to\tail Stetime of St. Vitus | Means of a hand-worked stamping ma- eolt cal sold by| |. oon dsvelopments Sosa pe cer i eee Gastar? ae ii the of Mie sojurha “thenés| dante: ok dete into Rebillty: that-teads | Cure. \hessurbinim a; “le}ter :cOnz ine eriea he deters * anal eos ear ane | from Ee throughout Canada, “Our "Superin se ne cer a continued exten- | Harry Lee remarked to his host at the | to other troubles. Regular taeats 8 epee lo. Dr. Williams’| [-gatietaction Guaranteed to Shippers. |» beat Cs aa ratliee Dp ales Fs fee sald - ie = raat i re ie i Se eney i Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Bend for Our Price List, jendent reports as fol i sion in hydro-electric power during the r exercise and plenty % Ontario. past year, abd works at Nipigon and “General, I had a singular dream | necessary to combat the norous cent “SYRUP OF F FICS 4 a 410 St, Paul Bt West, - Manutueturing ie Oatario has been | CuDeWS, a8 well as at other places | lasb night, which I must tell you. of school lite. But it is stil m Umited only by shortage of supplies | Jess eta il oer 8 ene aciually ae thai de m Pratt atiaatgn ghia ee strict and disturbances in labo: Govern-" preseftt your Westmoreland place.” | attention to the school child’s blood ment credits for goods sold to Hurope STR ae nighsut Ontaro: he next day, at the dinner table,| supply. Keep this rich and red by| / CHILD'S LAXATIVE have stimulated manufacturing, and | ee eee coking, the inag| Harry Leo found under his plate | siving Dr, Williams’ Pink Pils ac: SCIATIC PAINS domestic demands have heen insistent | yeen one of great activity troughout document—nothing less than a deed | cording to directions and the boy or) sooy at tongue! SP RR AGRUe pol | the leipial to him of the Westmoreland estate. t 5 ands taboo peat ase rai Oidrinie Bor some moments, dared wth ae | sons from Title stomach, ve been making enquiries with the| Durin} tnd art of the past season ex-| tomishment, he stared at his friend. ai liver-and bowels Give way before the pene- f intention of locating in Ontario. nsive areas in esa tehewen, and Al- ‘Now, Harry,” said. Washington, | * trating effects of Sloan’s Ontario farmers ‘have been steadily | berta experienced, in common with the | calmly, take good care not to dream fille, whi i bettering Oey see in rec et Nortli-Western States, severe suerte Mount Vernon away from me often felt that T should write you and| Whele Family Tneurande Liniment sad ree iaproring thele modes of living Yields olor areas erat to high 5 Set roe: Solera ae ar al ea The Order Sune Goverment Sande freuath a Tho pant year has been one of fait| prices, the value of grains ralued. ex Football Was Rough Once. | Pills did forme. At the age of thin. ee ee eee de cae the igneciae of lumba ee te bev rve ane sand ‘nigh prices. A wet spring | eedded that of the ‘yet 1615, when the | The style of football in this genera teen, T was afflicted with St. ‘Vitus eiven it'desived ren copenee. S°* oi8® | dnflammation of near * was followed by an exceptionally dry | largest crops in the history nee the | tion is ila at dancé. \The trouble became so severe The Juyenile Department rurnlahed the joint w: Jummer, and grain crops, with the ex-| West was produced. @ mild and tame exercise as | that I had to be taken from school, I the best possible Inkurance benefits the muscle “train, ‘and the A rsbolne ception ‘of fail wheat, fell below the} “Failure of pasture and hay in cer-| Compared to the pained forms of the | was given medical treatment but it ag ee cad aaeale re average. Root crops were good; corn | tain districts caused anxiety to ranch- sport, according to a bulletin of the | aid not help me, in fact I was steadily 000,00 in Sick Funeral Benefits, and The, ease a applying, the quickness and tomatoes were a record yield: the | ers, and while autumn rains brought | National eae: Society. -In-010| growing. worse. _ ‘Then’a friend ad- nearly Seven Millions of. Dollarg In. In- sitive results, season was poor for all fruit except | relief, the scarcity and high price of| Bngland foothall was rougher than | vised my moth ae ens baa ay erg rea the economy rapes. Chefio production showed 4 feod for winter use forced the sale of| most sports of those Jhardy times iam Sie Bnis: sia Rae As not one in your Locality there ‘ould: be, iment snake ft: fativeraaily * falling off. ere is fe age of|some unfinished cattle at es ad- % td, wl ART NYS ee in Canada, Togdt sheep raising is on the increase, | versely attacked by worse, i es I. thought it was “meeter lame: the happiest results, as the pills com- Mopac Alpi aro Tie cattle aitnation ia somewhat. un, |in the United Sta ing than:making. able the users there: pletely cured me and I was again able Giand Counsiior Grand: Recorder settled, owing to the limited amount| ‘The West on ‘he whole hae had a} OC.” Hones sagen Hlizabeth ruled | to take up my stitdies and attend Weeros ine. Teen tad ee : ed i tours ah | ean ey et | a, cosa apn ae Pa wea A en ee ee lt ; ee penta of Jumber has been through drought. sport for oe eS with arch- ead eens pokes ee ynieten \f america's Pioneer Doe manent eB At seriously Yeduced owin British See ery, and a of the commo- | pink = ie pets = o | ayy de Grain srous vere affect y 1s neh ee i tous, 005 in those times | pr 9 ra ater Giles 278 oa es Fes; “enone pe R TE | bos DISEASES Heep fh handy and were below the pce ruit and | was played in the city streets. A | these pills too high! yes bh S Calitogninc na ver tak Peet ee sol etalon th | 5 ghly aT bellava they | ot look for the namie Cal a : eer, heen, good crops wi in| writer of the 16th century called it a will eure any ease of St 5 dance, | the paoeebe then you ake sine ERE tea ede cs LN LE TT HED Being given to agriculture, and farmers i ad | or restore anyone who * ee | child is having the best and most . Glay Glover Oo, Eno, and | growers gene rally have had ihe = ea OS =o yous or run down. © | hares laxative or physic for the BL Tne, aa abe AS tae | brawling, murder and homic | Yow can safely give Dr. Williarfis’ little stomach, liver and bowels, ee AND BURNED atarding reat a her's Wholebale’ aes has been good and| ba 2 a of Saas behets bates bia | Pink Pills to the most delicate child,| Children love its delicious fruity | ya qi ar} vetail trade acti otbell had become firmly established | or take them yourself wi ‘taste. Full directions for child's dose paper have Puen era ete Tus Dppnistion hag. increstee ae Ganibridaer (1° won: aver held telgaog sacuta nanos a ae ee aaa Bottle aus ciiguk tone | Ine detinad, with woariig prices for (tes tte ee poet ck ipa ll be ste in Ireland. There, mien sie. These oe are sold by all) Mother! _You must sy “California.” FaceWasBadl Batly Disfigured. Conditions tl the prov Mining production during the year | on the whole are re tian they nave] f he man who fails to take advan-|] All grades. Write for Cuticura Soap and . as been curtailed. The demand for |been for some years, and prospects | P box 0b tage of his wife’s igment and TORONTO SALT ones Ointment He Healed, nickel fell off after the Armistice; | appear good continued *pustness | with the men in playing it on Shrove! tjams’ Medi Ci v eal ft ts ; appear gi | eed | Hai edicine Co., Beal fie “pit,” es concernin: a se si-/} @ y, CLIFF - + TORONTO tikes lessened the silver output. activity into the new year. \ eRe | ness moves is See ing the etre ‘atid a ‘ics EEE EE ; : ! as help of one-who may be far “ener beads beet Fo getiay gt pe . ‘rom City to Farm. | boy has been able to ea paseade | le than he ess Anyway, there will : ate wis badly, ) - % pout | NOt only has he becoffie the owner ospital for Sisk Ghildren | ve no doubt about her interest and | RAW. y FURS * “GINSENG | RY 4 ‘e are continually hearing about) q large area of land, he on n'this nd i sincerity. \\ ‘Write for pice lista > while others scaled the farm boy who goes to the city, but | he Is prodiicing, crops of the Hishitt | i TORONTO \ Years ot Reliable Trading \ i / ears of Rel F ximtm quan | tole a thee erp “f bi Upkeep of Big Charity Requires Fifty -+ SS eeaaPesvod<oRMGRIMRIIE Gaul oy} Reference—Union Bank of Canada, J) mn cossti ed at ald i il Rig acetal * 1 ree | I IMEN’ treal, P.0. business men in our cities, so there | higher price than that ee by ee i Stop Lashing Your Bowels {) fe vi aa LIN Ls auGhoane |] 220 st. Paul St. W., Mon‘ P01) are undoubtedly many city boys who| average farmer, and the demand for|{ with Harsh Cathartics but {| F ae 4 | ia ? | Dear Mr, Bditor: ed of “Acuté Bronchitis by have become successful farmers. This | what ue eh dees is greater than he |} « ” MINARDS EINIEN {s more especially true in the coun: | can supr | take ‘‘Cascarets. i The 44th annual report of the *. CREWE READ. tries that are being newly opened up,| Ho is also a great believer ig le | Hospital for Sick Ghildren, Toronto, | sussex, ‘ 8 iS as Werte, Canada. Among ah stock, A man who ‘has studie n-| ne aL ‘occa mauailys tere to| shows @ notable advance in every “cured of ‘Acute Rheumatism winners at the International Soll-Pro-| ing ag he has done naturally aes tes | the specs some regular help or else |. department'of its service to the suf- | ,y MINARD'S LINIMENT. ducts Exposition held at Kansas city ¢ Cattle, hogs. a ane are raised on | ae from constipation, Dilious at-| fering and spond youngsters of | Markham, Ont. _C. S. BILLING. recently at least one, if not sity of hi n same ES acks, stomach disorders, and sick | this province. The w Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907: he successful exhibitors was born and e in ae patestn of es and I hes adache. But do not whip the bowels | dation has pean teen Iaits cx “ : i bred in a city and only became a farm breeding is paid to ieestiei as he e summer annex er after he had reached mabh d. | pay: to the selection of “grain, with side Home, was opened John W. Lucas, who won miler vr Fenulta eaually as Ba Bel cane Since tea atarae eo ‘A Frenchman has invented a mow- white oats, brome grass seed, abeke oe (caer ce ake ae a ates ing machine to be fastened to the stern Soaiye: had nobel Nestch,sormer Mr ould he rin as increased the year $ t til he settled on his homestead in Cay-| hoy. ite = fies 88 te 2a, saaaiie children pV areas to clear vegetation from | ms A ‘ft i ically every count; in 2 ter; Alberta, aistean, years ag. How: | gone in ia incoounter, | Ontario. Even had the cost of sup- set to work to-learn all! it needs is persistence.” ioe this toy s-| plies and labor remained stationary, | he. Sout “about this noble Henson {he added pp atience and a desire to ex- ping, | in the num | Invest Your Money wad a pay: re say that he has made } qualities possessed by most suc-| sicken or inconvenience you like Calo-} re ee tia would alone account aba it sf 1 men, whether in city or coun-j mel, ality oe or Purgatives for the addition: to the charity's debt, : ch Siang oe Ribs ae - y ee gate which at the close of the fiscal year ies m DEBENTU ghee cities of Bastern Canada. “Like many pee 5 Brel 5 preg Ra EIES Oh ct Gouge ia eG eae Pages The Great West P ‘s other boys whose parents are in| ‘q) 9 ” while you sleep. Cascarets cost so| increase must threaten impairment ty Teast jae Pap ees moderate circumstances he earned} “DANDERINE” PUTS little too. of an enviable efficiency. got can A money after school hours delivering a ‘The Hospital ja th the foretronta? | eaten iu Bikes newspapers and in various other odd _ BEAUTY IN HAIR A Taxi Detecti: all institutions upon this continent jobs. Leaving school, he says, he got ax1 Vetective. devoted to the care of sick children. @ real job at six dollars a week and Son ago Sir Arthur Conan | It cost $335,399 to maintain last later came West and woked in Win-| Girls! ‘A mass of long, poyle canes in Paris from the Rivier- Seti oe great.sum. ee Sut nipeg for a year. He had always felt} — ta, and, having hailed a taxi at the eee reno a desire to become a farmer, however, thick, gleamy, tresses station, drove. to his ‘Ae: tie] Sgro ey te dation, provides tor Adds New Pleasure and {t 1s not surprising that the call paid his fare he was per ncrriced + training school’ for 120 Sore ft nadian Government for set- when the chauffeur said, “Thank you, a unsurpassed clinical faellities © Regs AINE Isp js tlers fof free homesteads at once-ap- Monsieur Conan Doyl or the University students who Royalite adds feature of satisfaction pealed to hi e “How did you know my name?” preparing o evigage in thelr pro 4o oil heating and lighting conveniences. in 1903 and located caked: ‘Sir Artl ession throughout the province. the cil Beater oF cook-stove ‘Imper in Cayley, in uae coud part of the “Quite simply,” the chauffeur re-|._ The income which must be For the oil beate ma ve Imp province, the s ied, Ce ree te the newspapers that OT ae ier fae Liars’ s He is now Wataane oe eight. hun- you were coming from ote dred acres of land in a block, and is pation L examined you and saw that | {ie Gctomrront tend, all Dut a terete ite ee hasized interested, besides, in six and a halt you werd English. Your hair seemed| traction of mount moe than ever befor oe enue eT ies mes . ections of land—4,160. On his fai detec tachaye-boek catiy'a soutien baoaven fomindividual henrolease: | Meo reise cree adrap ook tard tone brant ie he has produced as much ‘as 129 bush barber, and on the heel of your shoe | Therefore the Trustees are making | f] immediate use You can’t buy better coal oil than tes els of oats to the acre and 66 bushels were traces of Marseilles mud.” a Christmas appeal to every lover of | * Royalite, so why pay higher prices of wheat to the acre. The quality of Sir Arthur stared at him’in astonish. | “piéven |t® foot the. Hi ow short | Montreat” D.WATSON 200.” New oe ae his oats may be judged from the fact spall ere Sue ean lan By Coed OR ae: uD eaater Lip ace ee £0; Nee For sale by Dealers everyw! it may be. A minute of mercy costs titty cents. which you Tecomnixed.n4 s for this crop at the Alberta “Oh, no,” ce aver. getty For church Provinglal, Heed Far.” He Aw. also was ane-other your name ste 'who have’ more ampl Pec cee reg exhibitor and prize painted on your trim” ” wherewith to assist the~“youngsters You want ne and healthy. BESS witlner at the International Soll Pro- a to a fair start in-life, the naming of MPERI ort y ducts Exposition and other exhibitions | or eats Sis back its color, vigor | ee vots is suggested. A number of Then #8, “ti renal Pry ALLO LIMITED hold tn TOCERttGd late ita ; memorial cots lave been thus dedi- pe ee aN Porter ie abalignts Labrieation te ft ‘3 cl s allies iW has bela Ms, Laces’ aibition to) Gets Si-cont bottle ot deligntta Laugh When People $) ceo fay tempers, canis pet Ne ies nning eae as hetore a good farmer and he has |“Danderine” at any drug or toile vilego is extended in recognition of Lite ig , pared no efforts to learn all he could | counter to freshen your soain: check Step On Your Feet [| sitts ot $2,000 to the Main Hospital inch Beh Lae rnd ; py his profession. He spent the dandruff and falling hair. Your hair or $500 to the Lakeside Home, which Bob Long. winters of 1912 and 1913 in Iowa as’| needs this stimulating tonic: then its ean be paid in annual instalments if ONLY TABL! MARK D of his agricultural education, aig, color, brightness and abundance Try this etal then pass }| 0 desired, " ‘i Pure Ne visited some of “the best | Will retura—Hurry’ is it along to others Lisi patina: tlveyeatiy ot alt LD Ou farms in the State, auked lots of ques- iat rae ] ‘i work aes an aay sath enrintgae wilos “BAYER” ARE 4 tlons, saw a good deal and came away « » |4 4 -9-0-0—0—0—-0-—-0-—0—0-e--6' | desired, will be gladl ished of Sey ( with as much knowledge as he could Tornadoes “Come Back: ou RE apblidalisac to, che Se as he * ‘dbrwonion. wn gether He pasties these two win-| If it be admitted that lightning does Te eed Tenet townett | Hospital for Sick Children, College ‘; " Y ' rs spent in Iowa among the best in- | not strike twice in the same place, street, Toronto, Contributions should ~Aspiri i 8 3 a Pe Nectueents He seer wader He Jonraed (the. snme cannot trathtully bg sald of Bevo Mania, cavice oe einclanatt| M80 be addressed to the secretary. Biot piel wt ‘Al! withont, OS Se eee much about horses, cattle and hogs, | tornadoes. ‘The little town of Codell, totagriy. who aaa at a few drops IRVING HB. ROBERTSON, Z { arid algo how good farmers select tho | in western Kansas, was hit three years | of 8 rug calles ezong when applied Chairman Sa Appeal Committea, ears of corn, how in this way they in: | in’ succession by “cyclone. twisters,” | &@ a tender, ch is Conn Stine. Bore 5Rh, : ‘ crease the Yield, producing ears tyue-} and exch time on May ae earn Noe eeitccne Pate - to type and mie in'size. He figured | ‘The tornado 1s of all natural phe-| °"}q9 says freezone 18 an ether com. f + that if corn could be so much improved | nomena Give perhaps a volcanic ex-| pound which dries pennecintely and by patection “the jame thing could be | plosion) the most appalling. Revolving | never inflames or ¢' tes th est of wheat, oats, | at esti nen oF a| su va | of ite at ee eae, atore but is suffi- remoye every hard or soft | fol ons lus ot american women welcome this since the 3 is h ; - sestald della’ ob otts, havior end of the bigh heels, efecvely us eh hs ee Sa BOYS’ PURE WOOL other crops with heads of all sizes he Hes eee Sonel-draries, WORSTED JERSEYS has now fields of these ins with The orange was originally a pear- HS phd lends nearly all alike. By hand éelec- throught iat pla a “O eating | shaped fruit about the size of the 5 SET own from ‘Const to Coastt se of ‘Bayer Teble = 4 yf : 2 “Bayer” on Aspiri ior Tobey ¥ of. ‘Aspirin’ tion of potatoes, saying only the pro-| a vacuum outside) causing houses to eet wild*cherry. Its evolution 2 MONEY ORDERS. FOR HARD WEAR, COMFOR’ { we 14 tra on Bld ho positiv i emt or tions for ok 6, Uifle hills true to type, he has been able | explode. bet by Lae eas to be due t hen ordering goods bs mail send AND SMART APPEARANCE i no only gon saan, et to produce as high as thirty-seven ear inaiattien 1,200 years of cultivation. «bones Express Meney Order. RG. LONG & CO. Laure i in. prescribe , 4 e wd 2 onerelly. Sree cies ctrcat are ag | \ Holland ‘has begun to produce salt) stinax.-s atstment Care Gareet Oe S Ore TORII table et sk seventy-three pounds of potat from wells drilled expeeyoentely in 2 jome people's idea of making life, qi Look for the Lebel gor ate La otatoes. | 9 provinces, and may be able to The average nehctits ofa leieale brah in oe pene 0 lie in making it har der | ~ Figs ‘ ost tea es ig ‘his ts @ record difficult to beat any- : 3 is Se ee tooe eight ounces, and of aj for rest of us. Pamere 5 * ge lhe obtain enough for all of its needs. roenth beat teal —_ * see nm in two pounds eleven : eDik Noe ee mvetleaclics ie ‘These ave some of the things a city; Mminard’s Dintment Cures Colds, &o eave: Minard’s Lintment Cures Disiexpen | Laces No. 51—'19, Wat up atetsbed wish 3k