CARD OF THANKS REV. 0. STOCKMAN PREACHES ate, Mulcahy desites to, tha ENGLISH é se who eo. indly ea sistance to put he: ee, ‘oncand who Tavistock Gazette 74 helped to shingle same which as Pa lish services were introduced in Lutheran churc! oe Highest Price Paid for Hogs per for the’ Coa Grove cig eae hogs regularly, Next shipment Dec. 19th. I. D. ATKIN | Milverton, Ontario |/ { | GENTRAL STRATFORD, The lary School. in 100 estern Ontario. We give individual instruction and student os 4 ns yy i nr s han rat encase ts at ist radu eordans “Write or fg gon patalogue and learn ‘the nature of our D. A. McLACHLAN, Princi Sun est sud bade Ootamiestal Fa tarns £28 esveure a Chuleausairrens t al ply Win Nokes, Milbank, ‘ity | Sebastonel on Sunday evening, wl itockman deliv- faintest trace of German a Rev. Stockman conducted: “the en- tire: ser rvice him intricate tongue twisting wor A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION |you buy tte year of high spe for $1.50. Will such a gift purchas- ed -day adequately reflect ‘the friendly thought which underlies it ? Mai f£ our subscribers ‘the Sun each year as Christmas gi to ‘ere ie see Let us send ond your friend ent which will renew fifty-two times te | Your message of friendship and good- will. mee DRIVER FOR SALE ving mare cand ri rig for sale. Sak 2p Don’t Let This Roof VICTORY BONDS Victory bonds bought and sold.— Escape You George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. ‘he Coming Roof, 1 pleasing to the FOR SALE eyes of people. Before you contract Tene Glee lock ver this aes ; Good Bg orbrhend Satin ie € my rn . W. Schmi will give you full particulars of what|Mipcnoe, APPlY Jas se I can do for you. I prepared to y x aie E offer you this extra heavy, durable, | ———= re-proof, orname’ of, called as- phalt Slab Slate Shingle, 200 Ibs. per | Somabien 3 square laid five inches to the weather 2 i Sold for less than wood shingles. I| .4 brood sows due to farrow in Nov-| 1 am expecting a carload in, Galvaniz-|Roe°R nh No 1 Newton ed roofing‘ also, Sold and laid b: St eee ve f ED. HELM sp MES EERE Hesson, - - RR. No. 1, Britton SHIBRING NOTICE Will ship hogs from the Brunne . station on Friday, Dee, 19th, Highest prices paid, F. ‘Schneider. Double Track Route betwee! MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO n Unexcelled ing Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on p . Agent 0: ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor | 22 H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent. ON ACCOUNT OF THE SHORT-) } | at | AGE OF HELP |W | Musko! ‘ iH AND LOT F “ochhead onted te come. “And to the southern Ww E ihe EE eenutr ee Flag™ for 3 the| ‘The world’s supply of hard bce ie| Elma were more particularly conntet Frame house, four rooms and hall} township in connection he ‘Vic- | now in e: of the current d edge 4 upstairs, four rooms and back kitchen| tory Loan. of 1919 and stated that|as a t of excessive production fue, who. iso have ow, under con downstairs. rd soft water. | two crests had been added thereto, . | resulting from high prices during the) SECTAl sn Good garden and pi patch, legram from Mr, A, Har-} war n companied by correspond- Teenie cos be-anet uated in the village of Linwood. For|rigan, fuel commissioner for Oln- |ing consumption. The hard fibres, Hasnain Beste the township, we Ting fornia particulars apply to Mr. rio, Toronto, was read, asking that | including manilla and Yucatan hemp, ‘oft » R.R. No. 1, Britton. ae TS be app He for|are mains ae commodities wv ich Heal ke considered that the iheker the tow1 ut action was deferred | have been so largely produced in z 3 ‘ till next meeting of the council, cess of consumption as to bring them | @nd ety tle al ee ie To order Your Suit or Overcoat in T d W. d Moved by Coates—IIlman—'That | down. below the pric obtainin at great er a ie silts Ad is good time so that we will be able enders Wante George Arbuckle be paid the sum ofj the termination of the Manilla oF supuoned end peopded Aikt Mnks 1,600.00 as pa the | hemp is still above the pre-war price P ky ba Se : AAR ji alec a gel SU ana eonnetes it ae Maitland En-|for-most grades, but its future ap-| ton Patriotic League will provide by needed, Sochced ae be Reed Se by ir \ per Hngineer’s certifi-| pears to depend upon the disposal of | Voluntary subscription and otherwise t : i ich. i i $500. now No matter how rushed with work | Millbank Cheese & Buttes Cor for the Woved by. Contes Iilman—That {stil Io dete: step loa ates AOR et a sue tie eal OOE ed ee 4 3 d_ by Coates—! 1" * ¢ mn der il feseve oor bes atonion,|acenplog eydry il bereaved) sera of ate mai ths | lace of radeon, hae CEG | woud fries ike amp. “Be “]up fo the 25th tg December, 1919, towel and Wallace Agricultural So- rowers, The. immieuiate guestion such eae te villages a ‘move imme lowest or ae ender not necces- H s iate neighborhoods woul ear an Til a Mance—Ci T) finding new uses for both sisal and ig! You Will Like Our Work | sarily aecepte Le a BR tee escine ee ed CA tL on ae Nae rete the renter part of the cost of th —— ———— =| the payment of ace on to ie excess stoc! ar | ae ie artis pathatta Moved by Vallance—Smith—That | ing the past year a considerable quan-| don the facade 0: iris Bey . d. M. FLEISHHAUER) SALESMEN WANTED ne councit'so Eee "hi |cotvere af inde tag I oral of the noble dead and an abide : again “ii ie Agri , At~ Ls 21s i ‘ d_sol- Merehene: Laan To re d da ‘at ten | only partially relieved the situation, |ing honor also to our returned s : present epee eee ett . diers, something of which the town- Yelock f or 1 busi re MILVERTON, - ONTARIO) FE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL|° °°" *°* Senetal pesca ees ship nee roud when executed - “4 ; mee Lacon, Dep AaeCa Ey a eee: scheme would pay for itself, entirely ——— Stock ih years arpa Sm ee me amt dee, any reagon a family cannot! "revenue to the township. th < ‘Al ii i TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON If tr ene One| THEIR OFFiceRs | abd oca paper, may familie |Po"scyhy thet rapetive ate at meatal Stooky Seer Potatoes, oes 3 : that they may learn quiekly what is {ite cost thrown assessment and ale ! 2 5 At a joint meeting of the North! happening around their own home .¢ Me Siero es Cennde. and South ‘Perth United Farmers and’ vicinity. and eee the announce-| Pe Sr sure'G wenar Liens office Write for Particulars Associations at Stratford on Satur. f meet ertainments vault ‘and:other ccomodations along Notice ia hareb> given that. noptite: da; A. zie, of Bornholm, | and. other important events never to fh retina aod Qos ape se clink Soni cuales was elected director to the Central} be found in city papers which pay no| With w es jon Wrecutive fhe metho weak Cre in eity paps a: 7’ nis | Pealized in any way and all in-connec- STONE & WELLINGTON record as’ favoring the present plan |coneeton a-western editor makes ation with a I Php mem pee tera A REEVILORS FOR 1020 | Eetani of one directa o,the county, insiesd | very practical suaestion an follows: | OPE Wit noe ack of fal behinh : : Established 1837 - Toronto, Ont. ure ae plan to: to ta: nS: He Beck: od vom fo take 481m taking part and doing their share will be held in sessio es h Ss addressed by re-| tressful oan Buy za ce preciat pone cereeeersy nice! by our TON wre Li sham Heeger scepter sera » {her erumbs and waste from the kit-| noble soldiers let us manifest it and TOWNSHIP HALL, NEWTON | Weir's List of Farms For Sale| Prestsont of the North Berth, Asso: chen and in thre oF four wae, ate] ie nave any eal sympaty forthe —— ae ey Pncident othe Strsiford|ubseptions then, ater pickling or | Dare, MOUNTS, ny guns $4,750 will buy the North % of | Trades and Labor Council, and others | salting the: rest of the eggs that she | fre hove to fight for freedom and W MONDAY, DEC. 29th, 1919 fot 1, Con. 8, Mornington; 75 acres, | C2ch z lected ficer: a stho| Will lay during the season work ist ill never return for they have given rame dwelling house, bank barn 50x |8rately and elected officers for up into pot pie and she will pay first] {hair life for the cause. If we sym- At One O'clock in the a pump house work shop 12x | ensuing year as cost, so the paper will be wea one athixe: wil e sorrowing friends Ate 18’ and all under cultivation and well| South abi Press Joseph Moun-| ft a big margin to spare ty chieik: uaa eld orist: tet Uk show ab fernoon, drained, 14 acres plowing done andj tain; St. Marys; Vice-pres., Joseph] peat this process year afte “year; re neighboring: town “has. erected a the balance in grass. Thompson, Bornholm; Sec.-treas., fig learn. wisdom and cease ionument at soeoet Nb ter Galdsof ge H,'Armstrong, Avonton EXe.| fp he (00 which is a fine block of marble Tn the event of an election laine held g8.006 will buy lot 85 and part of] cutive to consist of the president and elveohpraved:biiveas at rill aatnit voting will take place 80. nexes, new brick house 2 storey, | the, Secretary of each’ club in the eID ft is fo no. other’ purpose “whereas Acres, new. bric a ple Gah 0 ue SAFE STORAGE OF\ SOFT COAL] the building can be as much or more MONDAY, JANUARY ix 1920 led wel geting shed, pie Den, dri |" Perth—-Prés., W. 8, Shearer 2 cpnapiguovin and cartiidlc-along the ze iS a ie Ba % Bima; Vice-pres., James Stewart, Al meeting of the Toronto ‘i aides ben at the following places: 2,000. A snap. memorial lines and e - ie PI Temas ore North Easthope; Sec. treas., youn School Board on October 80th, the | source of usefulness and progressive Diy. No. 1, in Geo, Miller's oat, : Denstedt, Ellice; Directors, J. building superintendent repo: the foregoing w: mputing Lot 4; Con, %, 4. 0. Fleming, D.R.0,}| 85200 will buy. cast half, of Lot ton, Elma; J, B. ellacott, Monkton) “If it had not been for the conerete |, tte Loree $2,000 the township can oe ene oe py ele cr eats EB ington, 100 acres. Amos, Wallace, ceiling and floor and the brick walls| hay neil charibersesector their in Public School Hi Good ‘comfortable frame house, ban! of the basement, we should have] own accomodation for their own pro- - Dy Ne No, 2; in Pu tise ve hoot edb barn 52x72, straw shed 30x40, pig had no, Williamson Road, schoo! to- pertyy and municipal convenience tn , D-R.O.5| pen , ouse, drilled ‘well, day. ‘The ‘ons of soft coal stor- id ‘surely:be: business-like, honor- Wm. Misbore" ae eee watt | stabs all cemented, close. to school NEW: CANADIAN PRODUCT ed in a age heated and caught able hind. wrens of our careful con. i ‘ion. , * bed Newton, William Jack, D.R.O.5 T.|—a se arm— For the first time Glauber salts high.” At-the-keme mesting it was Th cee chaimonlied te ther rasve sure M, Carson, poll cl $8,200 will by the south 125 acres manufactured in Kitchener from ected that, there had been nak maclnemelyscetopabd: aa. waa sdler iv. No, 4, in Forester Hall, Car. of jot, in the 8th concession of Canada’s natural resourees, was ship-| eight fires trom soft coal heating: 'n sired to consider the memorial move- thage, Alex. Ross, D.R.O.; Don As- n, 1 te! jy brick ‘dwelling: ped recently vs the Salts and oe the schools. a t the council did not feel justi- Kin Soil et isiepre a4 8:1 Company of Canada, there. S jontaneous combustion in bitum- ih God definite Metin aus ‘in, py wit frame kitchen, barn, = |W, I, Tohaesbe h < ied in taking any definite | Div. No. 6, in School House No. | ent stabling, Pig pen, driving shed, sichel ae ve is ue Sonera ander wee ciate fies Tos Fate peed of} til the: of Hare. | ecOpPaR eta gne 15, Sam Loney, D.R.O.; Win, MeAul-|Jerge orchand, plenty of good: water! | a¢ unt ately thely operations have |this coal who. aro sufficiently. tor-| MONG ,Qt ine, would St not, be a wat Noa Oipin Fe it , mill alles nest of Milverton—Fatt plow. heen. ot ap: S ure, The} tunate to have a substantial amo up at the township nomination IY. 3. in Fewings’ Hal i ed eri: Its obtained from Lake can redu he fire risl eting en a large representation . Freeborn, D.R.O. Muskitet in Saskatchewan: dt is hoped| seeing that the coal piles are not over frill dikely. ba.prosent for in. all- probe m3 "Goulter” poll cler! mised will buy a splendid 2 storey | the concern will oust (Ger-|five feet in depth, by inserting venti-| Tyaity. the people would like to-do | rick residence with stabling and 8 /many from the salts markets of ning he cpa bn fo vy o ascertain wheth: something along this line but ithe i wn. andi Returning O} SHIPPING NOTICE are shipping pe at Milverton and Brunner on urst , Dee, 18th, “Fred Zimmerman & Son. BEES FOR SALE 50 or 60 hives of bees, honey knives and smoker. For further par- ticulars apply to Mrs, J. Davidson, Britton R. R. 1. 4 pd. NOTICE TO FARMERS I will ship hogs ae Millbank on Fri- day am., ighest_ mar. ket prices sia 75 OME Davidson, hipper. PRIVATE SALE parlor suite, parlor table, par- fon fan: balk jan edroom ‘suite, some chairs, ete. Vitt’s, Moin’ St., Milverton. 1-2 acres of lan of the late John Witt. apply at sCsise 5 $ £ MONKTO RIEFS MEMORIAL MOVEMENT PRO- | WELLESLEY COUNCIL MPLE . OBITUARY cages —— The Municipal Council of the Tp, SI cqul vars 3 rs z A concert willbe held in the sehool ee Wellesley met in the Tp. hall, at! METHOD TO house at Broughton's comer on Tues: eS thers aor foe. oie ae Present with the reeve in the chair, REMEDY: eee, : e Be i dere: 0 Herley and llaccit Following an illness of about six proposition made at the public meet- |.) be Ree 30 as om verre left on Tuesday for Toronto as dele-|weeks the death. occurred on. Wed. held at Atwood on the 14th of Si for sheep killed by ms RHEUMATISM gates of the Monkton Club to attend/nesday last at the residence of his Detob rin scone with tl 5 8 the bi onvention, [fons ef dohn tur, orial question, will you kindly allow) J. E. Byron and o ee called ‘ont 283 SS Page ev. . ison On Sul af-| The late Mr. Murr er Vit eir le~ ternoon last preached to the Masonic| dent of Ellice for u sity offer a little fe explanation along that Phones connected with the new. Wel- *OTRIATHANT 19 PROPEL thren. | Owi he unfavorable five years and was he an fied regard line which ma; ssary in-| lesley system. ‘The Council promised LOWED, state of the: wi were 20 who knew him. Besides his formation fo: tne ratep: Se Now, |them a conditional to ob- e visitor bier Wigges ler tel eiee ue weeielek ae Bi Sons a Ee ae ee rare eerste eer Sp beeiaed, nutter of eubscrihy Se ene brethren of ihe ion igi earned antl tee daughter, namely: art- (it is that the m scheme be aj ers before any action would be taken| ),\.0n’ y Peron for Racohetiner Bota re; Charles and id, of Strattord; municipal or township Institution; |¥a this eee - | doa, Neuralgia, Lumbego, Neuritis, weir. G. Weber nade i business trip| George, of Sault Ste’ Marie; Otto, | Considering # s_ the A larg uraliar-o counts were| their Kindred” disses bine dont to Kitchener on Mond: Rostock, and Henry, on the home. Sip of Elma has not as yet built a ordere d to b ead and aa will appear binsed: ‘oud Gill’ santa Claus headquarters| creat as Ellice, and Mrs. Riehl, of |™Unicipal building for her own ac-|in ate ane 8 from 2 the ro of ub Pic Sel ac x Mo: He also has oranges,| Stratford. A ‘brother, Fred Murr, |Comodation as so many town- ‘ott was aw: rack $15 for ren eae ana Willinee eal grapes, bananas, Jemons, Spanish on- | resides in Rostock, The funeral took ships, town and villages have done.| compensation for lank eilied John “i 113, 1h ‘St, eefartitar Gntanig oes ions, Primrose salmon for 25c. You| place on Sunday morning at ten o’-|And whereas there is no township] }, nae rt $20, Fred’ Btarer ee skate ‘oronto, On Sian will find him in the bank block oppos-| Clock: from the vesldonee: of hig son, | Vault to keep. the township papers int law. wa: i war ven fan Gina nods ite the post office. Charles, at Wartburg, to Wartburg | Sfety of which there are so many returnin ohics Bet th te point Hd ferred the wore Atlee tevina: taaste Miss yrtle Cuthbertson visited cemetery, ‘where the remains were ine| important documents the loss of the aig? ‘or the “ pos a | the. ean ter. trying Milverton: on Monde: —_ ““|same im case of fire might be very ve ae Ste ip for polling lies an P tions without ob- Rev. Thos, Seoth at Laurel. who eee ce serious, And whe; pees the dreadful | ¢2Y, ek eir names were not includ-| taining relief he took a friend’s advic teen Tae are whe Sahai boaters eof [ed in the gninutes sént out by the} aud used Templeto as Rheumatic: Cap- health is at present. visiting friends MICHAEL BANNON our brave men and boys seeing the ae ealiht 2878) in Monkton and vicini great necessity of entering the ranks| The ‘nal theoting hho count] hasn’t Nek day's work since nor The Methodist church on ‘Tuesday|_ The funeral of the late Michael] to do their best to protect Lib. will be held on Dec, fears Rheumat ning, Dees 28rd t on a/ Bannon took place Saturday morning] erty, Empire, Dominion Mr. Nesbitt ‘ses entire. Gredit Tor cantata at their Christmas tree en-| from St, Joseph’s church where the| and to this end aid Senigcvaiunene his recovery to ee Profit by his tertainment. programme will| grand high mass was s\ nized by| to do their bit in the dread scene of|## sees ee ea @ ee ee eae | OPO ommence “at eight, o’eloek. ‘Admis- peueetsouy MeGee aaclated by Sor action on after a ses of over) & #| Soie agent for Sees 8.-Petrie, sion 25c, children an: four successful in winning] # Mrs. Harry Ford wishes to an #/ druggist, for Monkton, Weber & Practice for eaitete will be- held tesested a glorious Victory but still not with: | = nounce that a collection of | Bet grates rs Se for At- in full costumes (on Fulday evening, se to s + han * wate Everett G.-C lin, or if you at o'cloc! sa ee * king part are requested to be out. ~|% now on until Christmas. * Tre meee af alee OF to i Templeto fet nn iss Peria Francis, of London, |i! * * | Limited, 12 I King St. W. a ornats A iN 5 spent the week-end with her brother, | 10s Ce ee et ee +o eee ee 66% land NHO/s willbe sent postpaid. ir, net Mrs. Samuel Dunseith, of St, Marys ent a fe i loyd Holman left mnday for Wolverton, where he will relieve the C.P.R. age her Be ro The i eeting e Liter- ae o'clock. A good debate wi on, the subject being “Resolved That a man is more use in a home than or he manse, Monkton, Dee. 17th, b; iss Jennie Leppard, daughter of Mr, and Mis. J. Lep- “ene sizes at Stratford last week in the Sta eee oe tiffs aril defendants were Messrs. . Ronnenber, Misses Hazel and Adeline Ronenberg Mr, 8S. a Francis, who has been athe Strattora hospital eight weeks foll lowing a cow h will be a splendid programme of chor uses, duets, drills, et Mr ‘eo pres- fainter. Mea. B Gens nit ry, aE Monee eal ELMA COUNCIL ng aoe who attended the as-} 1867. ae All of Detroit, pad A Beco on, e+e & MRS. JOHN RIEHL There passed away last. Fri iday at her home in i on November 3rd, About thirty years ago sl was married to her now bereaved hus- most of whom are grown e+ ee LOUIS HUCHTENHAUSEN | Following an ilIness extending ov-|W or! er nearly 8 ¥ ear, the death an nie, om takes place to-day iwednsaday): eee & WILLIAM SIEMON On Thursday of last other of Logan's pioneers, Mr. Wi week an- in the The municipal council of the town-| son o nt. Siemon, passed away ship of ima met in the Agricultural at the age of 7 years.’ He ha hi all, Atwood, on Saimetee been ill for two weeks. His embers «present——Reev Villian ied three years ago and sinc epi reeve, ay Smith;/time he had been. making his home rs Coate: ohn. Ill-| with his son, Willian The fu alla: Minutes took place the First Lutl z were read, church cen rodhagen on from the Hydro- Association of On r Consumptives, fe Pead and filed. in Poole, Srorarty Bae The refining plant is peated t Kitchen Jer Sunday morning. LOOKS LIKE A CHANCE FOR CHEAPER BINDER TWINE els si per- e ap. ear when the nei ar with concer a ich « aouileaa tein? Bow. &6 do. it, erefore these important matters. it posed to ere art or facade hich we expe “s the wor! the war ould all be taken into n in distribution of funds cumstances may, develop in great problem aay what to do propria ite manner to br handed down to generations yet un- ion of FURNITURE! in is pro: ‘a building, the front f which is to h et npleted, cessary arrangements are the present postmaster, ct ti We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands, A nice new stock of Brass. Beds at popular prices If you need anything inj the Rug? Line spend al few min- utes when in town and look over Our stock, We also haveiStair and}Body Carpet. Congoleu quares look nice, We have them. Linoleum always on hand, GERHARD feINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN ae ROBERT McMANE Furniture D: Milverton Funeral Director and Embaimer. eated as cir- years JEWELRY-THE MOST PLEASING GIFT P Rae ee) OU make no mistake when you decide on Jewelry for Christmas Gifts. It expresses the beautiful sentiment of Christmas better than anything else; and is cherished for many years to come, This year we have chosen a superfine collect- ion of distinctivef[gifts for[men and women. Yow 'll find here a host of articles to choose from—ideas that harmony with the practical requirements of the times. Some Suggestions NECKLETS, PENDANTS, SUNBURSTS DIAMOND RINGS and TIE PINS LADIES’ PURSES and MESH BAGS BABY RINGS and NECKLACES STONE and SIGNET RINGS. WRIST WATCHES EBONY GOODS CUFF LINKS TIE CLIPS WALDEMAR CHAINS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS FANCY CHINAWARE IVORY GOODS = MANICURE SETS KODAKS SHAVING SETS JARDINIERS CASE PIPES VICTROLA GRAMOPHONES and VICTOR RECORDS P. H. BASTENDORFF JEWELER and {OPTICIAN | 2 Eyes Tested Free of Charge © MILVERTON { }_ ORRESPONDENT.