¢ 3 age Oh tterly, will pounded 4 hd eons 44,26 Gh fe But if Tnvetad a Peat 814% unt to $260:2 e Great ‘West Permanent Loan Cannes St. West | 2 0 Office aa CURE. THAT GALL a part Gf the lot of moththood. But =, the cause is simple more than world needs rich blood ad plenty of ust , saddie gall in a few days with pills Dr. A. C. Daniels’ |: -GALL-CURA Iné no poison. You can work fhe horse or not while athe remedy is nt rv en, sears 6 box and Beat tre or’ all Agree s tien ‘on horses. Stops as. Sheep, ofntment for oodness for ee EN YOU can overcome Any harness or ed, ii medi surel; ” PRICE 35c. and 60c. Big Animal Medical Book Sent Free. DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED _ QUEBEC KNOWLTON - Giv Amorica’s ages Lo | «Somes |Dos BiSEAsEs Matied Pree to eis na dress aoe tite. Author. wer Co., X23, ng eat Tae Bireat In SALT : All grades, Write tor prices, TORONTO SALT WORKS @4OLIFF - - TO RAW. FURS % “GINSENG weakness, rahettes baci: eae th 9 nit ie wives and moth made bright, cheefal a strong. If To watch the ah one triumphant ie Thy hi uti . Too many accep y and varied as her helth rape the and. ‘When wel it isthe woman’s aved h arenes which is ey amount of rubbish °| are doing “valiant things on thelr of Isetlon in SheMeld realize orth saving: Dares ft for Fedistribution, Cin dust . con- ed, recovery plant turning jen into palais blocks. out of & accounted for daily By a town of 85,- 000 inhabitants. United Kingdom it ie estimated that ee million tons of waste are thrown A Year, 80 one Cai the princely income this re: ir, Hoyle’s ‘ru’ fee “England to realize that but meanwhile many individual sora Aberdeen in one day collected 22 885 worth of t bottles, a eer jam-jar Se r $600, while Glasgow saving if make new blood almdantly, and! ugh their use thousands of weak, 8 have been ily tirl, or dep it uty y a ig a duty you owdourself and| un your: family to: aye ¥. _ Williams Pink Pills fair eat foskhbea te wil iy for th That bbs ow cot ‘e us prophetic “Br ings honor’: ring ts with ir ws but Thy wor nt us, who lé Far's aid, ony peace aaa dae he Domhine: a: Orders are sale le thousand offices patios fy pey } al | ‘The germ theotf 3 Hedsepnacs oe, centres established ‘ + LTE | ot diseane, was tertained as long’ ronto, file mipeg an | ago as 1657, ion wae ravaged Use: 1 handicrafts 20 the. ase jy the pli fee {and writi Do act Minard’s init Distemper, So that a watdill M3 as acseneible 3 ‘worn on a St an invento patented a pouchbe Aoieciat 3 tae to the extent of ‘nearly $100. 00 the] per annum. e rv ha: Has cS The Work of Coughing. it Fou cous every: Attéen salutes | for you expend energy ees eh Tie hundred and fifty its ‘of Hest, whieh is enivalent to Pies nou Geek oewe pases: ot mil ee a physfetan who has ee orn aste of eke a@ normal rate we easel air from three hundred feet. Tl ‘sistent cough not sae weakens fhe comnts tanice but itis a ae cording to weighty micas tion the oft-repeated injunction, “never neglect a co es CANADA’S six THOUSAND BLIND Idle Pity Giving“Way to Prac- ‘tical Effort on Their Behalf. You pie doubtless been interéated in what ua APS Fond. Heed RS ti Sort on behalf of the “pllnd of Canada. ae ae realize just what this effort ont pel it Be ats zai Bh Pile are sons of the things that are being India Tai s08 employment covided for the blind in Halex, To- various 1 unable to take training at one of the Tegular centres. he product of the home-workers is fetes and sold. ersonal oa is estab shied with ly and. with] cases Sieh ass sao enin UT tat] 30 B1Sk§ COUGHS |" __Llsssified Aertisements. _| hey hecome new in a very real se This re he done by an ppeiead Field A: Perpood ste nishoge lowest Books, paieoe, and music in for catalogue. | embok nftea SEER Wropick ‘Ree, ie How to Cure Biliousness cnet indi, do fie a sativa tions ne Can Behind £ any ‘in More,” Get the genuine. Sock and $1.00 Bottles. 3 _ SATISFYING RELIEF _- FROM LUMBAGO \ Sloan’s Liniment has the 4 ch that relieves «| rheumatic twinges ‘hig warmth-giving, scatteting circulation: 1g rem~ | edy penetrates without rubbing right | to the aching spot and brings quick relief, surély, cl fs der ful help for exter sprains, Ls bre stiffness, ercdache? lumbago, "Get, me bottle Sota es little, means sili Ask sour druggist for ecp i handy: ter. the ‘yfole ‘tamatly, Made in Canada. The | big bottle is économy. Bbc, 70c, $1.40. | | Animcrit: "Heep MRnanIye Irritated Hehing Skins. Soothied With Cuticure rid Resp esuiper-creamy emollients usu- $ pphicting, eid pimples, yhness, remove irritation La thing better, cetera riot at any ore prices BESecee congestion- | ¥ OUR. tment. Bellman’ Medical |. Ont EWSPAPER, JKLY. 1N 3 warn against remedies County. Splen ee a svelte natataing powerful drugs and Vox T. Wilson ah ng Co. peokel. zaps Extract of Roots, 1S Adelaide St. “know M Seigels ee are vine in Easters rgngried $1,600, Will Box 63, aloo yee Sey in an ve eh Sone lelney, LS yy . '0b Long, him ro a his vi He: s the be And he’lt ai smiling, If he wears a] 1g Brand, “Bob ki it \ and healthy, ‘BOYS’ PUROOL _WORSTED3EYS Known from "a Coast.’* FOR HARD WEAMIFORT AND SMART AANCE R. G. LONG &imirep TORONTO + NADA 14g Look for tlet GRAYS $ {UP PZ as sonene “Montreal Bwatso York's ssed types are circulated free to the blind of Canada, onthly pores cireulation of joke ieee close to eight angry ape ane also arranges for music for any of fe membe! price. An active dealin W gate! ae eye ie ae s is followed) 23 with, aainiat vars footing to the larger co-operation of medical men and nurses, émployers of petty 3 the ‘Ghoul te arranged, {f possible, and it is Shee in these practl- wi I 1 already ese Te, tual peste ae ne 1 aque; 2 agree with father” in hls views on always the case, all the. e. days, i men in the wo PEE every class should keep ement, sti grum! eae and never. if Hisie is nearly ten an ould sometimes ike A ‘tale fs of her. cae will put up with a good who sinks behind his news- five rg otly utters a grumpy mono- Lsyllable now and agai should ‘remember thoes words, ‘that to his wife, and ining. It 1 ee! se lage ee holes. “at ob top: e coal gas is instantly ignited, air and an cattzay around ssing, the incom- Ti ‘This prehe: atlner af he ay actual, Ai hth. * labor, Boards of Education, ete., in tte vital miatter of preventing A and Hees ee: been provided may find con- mial ponloes phil taking voca- tonal instruction. In th's connection may be sae tecee to know that} she Institute has entered int n| jagreement with the Department of ‘Soldiers’ Civil Re-Establishment, de: lepartm: prac- vance the interests of ; the blind and to nee e: ‘the con- | ditions ee which they liv | Wil aid in sw oiving the most) ited ete of | Then mail ete Siee to the CANADIAN NATIONAL _INSTT- TUTE FOR THE BLIND, 36 King St. East, ones Ont. ‘The old idea Fie periodical change was Rove ial h een aban- ntifie bnvetigatons and ae Bre “If ds are followed wae cop! i the fertility of the soil;.if the sia is thoroughly cultivated; and if) clean plump seed is sown every year,| Rescate of the- grain will not ocenr. | } Monsieu Wor 15 days inthe month of January Twas suffering with paln of rheumatism in the foot. Tt, tried “all kinds of rem 4 a | Sater But snothiay ad sie ny sgord.cOne | person told me about -MINARD'S. LINI- (ENT; as Soon as T tried It t) a eumat a 1 maid tell them about this Yours truly, ANU Leven, Lh, 21p Rue Ontario, Bast; Montreal. ~ Feb, 14, “Not, to call’ attention to Ridie as eles m 0 fa compaibion: to Neneivé,- vat ask for tendemess. Not to feel any mee: io my advice. on. op! asked i set’ -astde.’ apecbaiher Senate Principles. Miidré'e Tinsinant Caves D: ISSUE No, 52—'19, 2S fu a ry Dn. ry e \ 4 2 e President: JOHN HALLAM President, John Hailam, Ltd. Furs, Hides and Wool, Toronto of A. Bradshaw & Son, Wholesale Dry Goods, Foro CECIL THOMPSON ses Bee ins Anglo- mnaesn Company, Toronto SOLICITORS—Starr, Seenee BANKERS—Canadian Ba ate refineries—own and operate tank cars, heat and power, also to manufacture gasol jasoline manufactured k of Commerce, Head Office, Toronto, Canada — TRANSFER AGENTS—The Trusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd., Bay Street, Trane Canada. FINANCIAL AGENTS—W. C. Goffatt & Co., 10-12 King Street East, Toro railways and Niece s ine from natur: (NO PERSONAL LIABILITY) Capital Authorized, $5,000,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS THOMAS MITCHELL ~ of Denton, Mitchell & Duncan, Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto AM ANDERSON importers & Manufacturers’ Agent, BYRON bole dsl oo Wilson & Coh Importers ane “Manutactores Cooper & Fraser, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Ganada? Cormi Branches throughout Canada. ages Offices: Sterling Trust Building, Toronto, Canada 4 Divided into 5,000,000 Shares of par value, $1. 00 each. SIDNEY C. BRASIER ef Wagner, Braalor & Co. le Fur pilghes eaten Toror THOMAS A, General Manager, cas che Ltd. Toronto \N MoPHERSON preston Quincey Adams Lumber Co., Ltd., Longford Mills, Ontario. | ack & Mackie, Edmonton, Alberta. e Charter of Theorporation ‘gives: thig, Company. pawer to contol olliands and) mate oil Agiyise, pie lines—erect and oper- to produce natural 1 gas. ~y? CD oe ro =) ome | @ iB YD with light, from = wet gas that comes from the wells at Peace River should become an enormous revenue-producing ~ Gi asset to Peace River Petrolenms, Lim s The Company also has power to operate and develop coal, iron and other valuable mineral deposits. § The Company controls over 48,000 acres of what are considered to be the choicest and richest oil apo, in the Peace River district. ‘The companies whose lands have been taken over and the amount of land they controlled are as follow: ia The Consolidated Oil-fields of Peace River, Ltd. 13,000’ acree 4 The Smoky River Oil Company, Ltd. « 10,000 The Peace River Syndicate . 25,000 ‘These tands have been paid for in tho enpltal stock of Peace River Pétroleums Limited. se share of stock in the new company ¢ has been pala for each sharé or its equivalen former organizations, no cash whatever being urpose of A present offer ing 1s to ralse the funds necessary for development of the res inimense holdings: It is eati- i mated wnat dike proceeds of tils issue. will bs suM™blent to bamry On Mevelen mien aoe r two years Ss unas winhe, Tames. a the directors, listed above, are alone a guarantee that epee work will be aggressively carried on and that the tunds will be An Opportunity for the Small Investor 3 es 7 5 The Oil Fields of Texas and Okla- FORTUNES IN Olly homa have possibly enriched more people The abpiges wpe returned from small investments in other of! flelds than any, o' dis reads like a “i 2 times. Opportunities were offered the $100 ata: sf Pinal Oil Co, paid ++ $10,800.00 | ‘ public who were not in a posi oe é iu pete Paton ge 0 ry ae <4 J lazge investments, but many of whom io)" —™ Paratin Oll Co. x 10/yoare) paid or 0. m0 | have ae become independently rich 115 CO “Coline Of! Co: | from the profits of their original small while each $100 invested in the For! cathe of Co., Texas, Secesen' a ghee § evesiinesa of a million ($250,000.00), § : ‘ To the Canadian Public 2 During the four years 1 spent inthe Peace River country 1 watched the oil development in all its stag § Bight wells have already been drilled in and near Peace River Town. Every well has brought in cit atk Soaewell iad been drilled dry, Pay oil has been discovered in at least five of the wells drilled, a record seldom attained in any ae oil eld on this continent. e That oil would be discovered in Peace River was predicted by George Dawson, Canada’s most etiinerit’ geologist, over thirty years ago. During the past five years a score of the world’s best known geologists and ae experts have visited Peace River, and in every aes 6 these men of science endorsed the Hopton bs fe as Dees of Joni luable abe “product of the oll flelds of Peace River i , by stasis process, gasoline is extracted. s Piiictiines wo Ave inllibs tagk otek agp -belchon Hams te an pits "died rit the’ gas stratum. % Hichre ma whosnas wisttel the wells at Peieo River knows that ere, because he has seen it; but the wealth of the earth, oe i gold, silver or ol ‘value unlese money 1s efficiently ead ‘or its development. elieved the geologists ant. “oll experts of this continent when they said that by drilling deeper into the oil sands at Peace é River the BIG Ol POOL weuld be discovered. Because of this bolfef antl my personal knowledge of the actual discovery of ofl in the wells drilled at Poace River I feel T am acting in the best interests of Canada when T recommend e Canadian people to join with Peace River Petroleums, Limited, nd help to secure the big production of oil for our industries, e CE fee « 3 i No Bonus or Promotion Suanee There have been snd will be no bonus or promotion shares issued by the Peace River, Petroléums, Ltd. All the directors have paid « - for their-shares joliar recetved for shares by the company goes into the tredsury and will be used for drilling and development work and lexi eriats expenite, e rabiied te Renee Herat Petroleums, Limited, at the low price of thirty-five cents (85¢,) per sharo, fully pala up Ine $1.0 } @ right to Sees this issue or raise the price ‘of shares without notice. es ee SEND FOR FREE PROSPECTUS AND MAP “ 5 you é profits in the near future. $ 25:00 Buys - 100 Shares eee $= 70.00 Buys'-200 Shares $ “178.00 Guys" 900°'Shares ea g $50.00 Buys 1009 Sie $1,780,008 Buye 000 Chere | Please enter my application for . Fill im and mail this appl To—W. C. GOFFATT & CO. 10-12 King esragt East, Toronto. leums, Limited, at Thirty-five cents a share (35c), fully paid up and non-assessable. Make cheques, ¢ SOE EES boing the «+ Provinces ion’ form to-day. sonount.in full, Have shares issued iene aoe Pa ssharesof the Capltel Stock of Peace River Petro ° Herewith 1 send > $ y \ A aan Rat : i a : S e a : 4 fe SA Ee 6 OS ee es eae. rey Te! Pee ee ee © Te a Se a igi ee ee ep aN Pe a, tare ae