~LORBON 4 _ salt. It may teach Canadians ta be Hate and Caps. na Tenietencens ~aebok teghihaie-. aclnen amount of rancorous abuse, that peg ee ra fem rl wate praseer a ESE ieee | tom rte Me those it Hn See ot Sree cohen meray Sparta | ane Hc an an some | ek canon of te ee | REE ee ee Gente' Furnishings. would have us think, the are clearing the court? Dut ie cs =-- iar icen ! in > Cnt, and Hone, Veet and aed Coats, 'eat Lewgings, Cardigas Jackets, Umbrellas, cos i wi Membo 8 at P ndershirte NOTICE. (pus AGENCY OF Tue » iced a Book STORE, De Stratford, Jan. 1, i We charge wathing for thewing goods, but potiteness and cirltity, "| the fear of walimited Alander apa yl EB. H. Scott & Go.|% = it Of pitrty coler~"are venhje importance to every unit ofthe eom- People from taking part in the gov- ison the high .road to destrudtion. Bat we ask, what motive more likely [to Keep able and ionest--bat timid personal abuse ? "Men will not risk their good names and family peace the 4 the in- fluence of 4 journal or of a pablic | goods to the amount denourrce offemees that are actually ; fairs of the pation aré<of practical te munity, and as socn as 'any cause ernment of their country; that country Wwist words Will you | pieees of ait: 'The constables could that such an altem essTa. s o} th Welsh, Saunders, Weir and Gardner phone was commit- : elected to be tried by thi day. PE ee meni out of the arena of-politics than | 4 mysTERIOUS ROBBERY SOLVED. TRE_ BURGLARY 4t Bonen & LAST WINTER--JaKE WILSOK a8 4 PRIVATE Perective. * Ade still freah in the remembrance of the & Clark wae winter, thousand dollars carried off, The burglars effgeted entrance at the hack door of the premise, the P find any trace of the lost goods, and the des 6 Judge, and-will be arraigned to-| fi ford Timza, published by Reratford, ga her Jougunpiet, is betere ei, fi peonsions bo From the Orillia Packet. Ta Bargain, 2 gocd beniness lot be s well- «Beet, and while atvocating inet hartful te of thooe "wha Mifter, tress it alluweed tm bd faous 'refusal to give our friendly overtures that candid consideration which they wers entitled! Possibly, in the end, this taay have # good re- horizon. But while the trouble lasts let Burns' "Man inhumanity to man Be kept in view by those who are for- tapate who are i debt, end can pey, aise call DHT ; olr and we believe fl is in their out lowering the standard of education or AN INDIGNANT PROTEST AGAINST THE EMIGRATION POLICY. Te the Editor of the Stratford Times} ot the public money doubted if i i if ll i i F by it i i it HE i 3 it iH 2E i pot ' "| CLARK & GORDON'S |CAS-H. & CO's, Best Qualities SOLD CHEAP FOR ee ed Call Early and _ BARGAINS,| COUNT OYSTER, Fed for the Re York Market. use, Station, ford. Stretford, January Live, Cy JOHN J. GLAKK, -AMILY GROCER. omurignment '| tpaeerre afeers 5 etn will be by are al Second-haot in and eid. CF ae bk Sar - tracenction t We retail them out at tan dogen, Try thei | and you will sever bq canned oysters again. AA Opened « room over thy fre pecially for HOUSE FUSBITURE. TABLES, CHAIRS, RDSTEADS, LOUNGES, BURBUS, &c., Fs : = | proved? To condemn, before trial trestive Oru s ciieda ioe ae a menegia as oe -- = a ie eee ee Roueckeqoers, by <i) manne seg \ne> 7 iz " « id * . even! Le The Stratford Times, | takes trom the vordict of guilty all its | erent te te soa! forgotten, xeupt by the itera eioganin "ne anion ioe" | coef Scars oe he seed hich deny ars otaring j int ry or eazeTre sting, even should the fasts be of tho | 144 gree man called at the store of Horne matters the Tine will Ga tt centeae wound, Seas orien, Sens wr eeetty veten A.G ATA ae: Co." pa ENE OE Seana "__, | most disgraceful nature. Conserva- | ¢ Clark, and asked to-sce Mr. Horne. That advocating these prnsintes Bente ae y | Pre eet the w Dress Goods, * ' CKAY$ a > moran onr aa anager" | WT At Bot to be converte by eal | atenay to ios twa ohn nae ae ag gk | ae fow Wine coos : ™_ __... | ing Bir John Macdonald a "dyed-in | peing granted ee to | one fo personal matters when dealing | Stratford. ian jf Ly New Fancy Woolen % | perattord, Jen. t, Ps Reeser pperrpreeerrmenme conremerees a age . Fe caid he was a « neni __ ft Plain and Fancy Flannels, Sraarross, Wapxeapar, Jaxcany, 12, 1876. the wool peontet," 'nor are Be tective," and wonld pearantes age - {From the Stratford Beacon.) = New T weeds & Coatings, eee a | formers induced' to change their po- | he vy and all 16 P| rum "Tiwnn*--Mr. HT. Butler's new Perth County Council. Ainge content of a = Se cervemme aes H i Mr. Horne would 9600. made {te appearance : sae THE" DEPRESSION AND ~Trs ties by -stsling Hon, Mr, Mackenzie | POA I a ce ort eee Tha a neat ich shun | IN Othe treat af te, Copal ot P RS, &C CAUSES. _ | 'a steel rail jobber' end a 'f al- vinto the arrangement, and replied { paper, and presente « mach nos | nae Teease Tait fen Cort owe, sare TS, CAPS, FURS, ° ' mn faced Geotch hypocrite.' This sort of | fhe! be vould like come relerwace. His ie wed cli estamos are well eh and een Weloeh pa tor the pare of cxpsnisaiioa®* | -" .. There is no disguising the fact, even | thing may be amusing to cynics, and on who knew him in Stratfort, and ee. nn tasty snamaen have nen eecesed. "Weve. . ; canis 7 choice designe ta =i i i if we were inclined to do #0, that the | nocessaryto crazy zealots, but it is teats Me Horne intimated his desire to | oPechiom. and tress Mr, Botley mar keate pattord3anuary 16 tera, ss | Faplece, tue oak Eaveegty Nipenet pomxes NG GALE whole Dominion from Gaspe to Van- | injurious to those who have recourse | Mr. Horne soon learned the teal charaterat | catuen are BroGtable wx ~ san A la ada Ver desirable chance to mcagg? Union Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Stair FUR ITU ; E conver, is suffering severely from the | to suck: language-and ruinous to the | tac ys magel | hg) oes ba ae 'rom the Galt Reporter A God Building Sit Carpets, Ream and Woot tes long-continaed depression of trade. | best interests of the country. If Ca- | tectiary eon | and 0 noted thinl, "Jake | We hore swostved the Gest member of the} _-. 1 rea m Mateos Perth Furnti Waragms | . Our large cities are ta momentary | nada is ever to-become-» great nation. Sid ned agqees in the lnoet pot shout. Me} le, is that sinng toon While foots | Owe Or STRATFORD, | Miccr Cloths of the Best Quality, ous --_ : ss : soomed at bis notoriety, and OUR Ls on Pat. = to any desired Width. « arom? of that-most terrible Ppo- | she must respect-her public men: The | ot-bie-saploits belare | that Mr Butler. the. proprietor, wil} present te | FOUR LS c be cain Ses BORE the Downse - OVPIS e,the pet setenticn : pular outbreake--the uprising of «| journalists and politicians who belittle | be a« sent to Kingston. He gave as 8 ma. that will do justies to Une cause IC espouse, hg Hoe tnt seem sed wuts| KNEITL'S OLD STAND: --}~¢qa. z " ; : . ton why he could retarn Mr. Hi rne's goods, | ret we hardly think it i wise to shart another | Sid eePArealy oF va' Noe Tees Campber & famished rabble clamouring for 'work | our® statesman and representatives, | thas he wa well posted in the "ring" and | Opposition fourwai fo Serntid. Rewews, we MT chee, atts of the Market, and close to asaetiinteercdatemae Have conchaded pom. pend. Kilt a? OVE sett Mey Sa My opinion ras + sae seek ot ge eins 1 Es mare gegueee ree | 04,08 SB7 Tua in the fuss" For 1 privtes - nn | ple etek cael rerte certain mattere af-etelt, [2 eepa epheged f5p oe Pag eee ee - bakers' bread-carts have been placed | them'as-to certain matters of detail, |, as Me Horne was inelined ta fight shy of | #2¢ deference to our sre have to ea | Tue ahem ia FINES WEP "bE Wr ainn van Ti ngs wee A tornppease | act iia tanner that would "appear [wie srr ae edad Vit coun' make ttecl? noustfeet te tke pabtie e ; Theat Ratate Agent the hunger of « famishing mob, and | ridiculous in any other sphere of life. | in Tas Tues, Mr. Horne hearl no more of | larg. Ecterter (0 partioulas. bccn = . | As soon as realize that fn po- bie Visiter; bet from what dropped trom @y0 upon ua, Mr, # ) stor Timka. - [lities, as in business life genarally, | jy open" dt! ausw muir honor and honesty of utterance Fdalen goods, there -- doabt that he THE GENUINE find place, the tone of public life will | Taye Parent. or ot le . be oad not till thea, ate Me -- es " Slippery tech . ---- Wilson ---wanted in this eity for sovennl vob CLEARING berias led St, Marys, - es) ELECTION" OF SCHOOI, TRUS. | cation waieak tis utes evening TEES. while Mr. Wm. Weir was at supper be \ pets tered door and carried off a cont ALG At tew o'clock: this ting (Wednesday), 2 ote lan sn Bar S. the polls will he opened in each ward for she | pervans bare miesed portable property frous ol Trastees to the School Board of hage -- The onue ba been fonnd i ye t fej in Stration', We regret to say that for several on as a jail Tt will cg y a electors have not paid thet appearances, before he gels loose? or attention which they should do to this im- , - | portant matier, and the consequence ii ' deen that parties have been placed on the | THE BREWING BUSINESS IN BTRAT- FAM E! hes beet she have no stake af all in yoao. | Bankrupt Stock I rent Martyn oredinas thet the first per- a8 whom. it nothing | , seercm-or-tme Piet xuseany stanten a (proper move ia the direction hether the taxes are eoved tills' in thet mn ee " pale Wedd "hbaee meta < b fe Bact Fot "wht baa tage the real dotlar for Behoo! purposes of The Rvennia's seewent. 5 in pain ani esa ngsnchad We doing result bas been that a system of - WILL BB the largest busims in Stratior. travagance haa been inaugurated which it is three decades have elapsed since the tarae_Deparenertive Tarte po ny <0 high time to put a stop to, We refer more | Stst brewery was started in Stratford. The owe the th mber to iately to the increase of salaries of | (3fGrd metropolic of the Hurou Tract was Continued for a few - Robsriove Agee, and thees have tesa pris- teachers, and the boundless generosity whieh | then buts very small hamlet----ite scattered _ Sipaliy sata ae } haa prevailed at the S¢Bool when | Population numbering only some 500 cr 600, e*% steq Cocktails, dealing with public monies. Tt is not | There was pot much fuss and fustian-- os for ws to wtade that "times are | Paleat leathers, white kids, shoddy, snobbery, weeks longer, 3 end per Glam. hard" just at present. We believe that the | snd knows. Mast cab aiken aoe nites ae sass phrase ia in almost everybody's mouth, and | of theclergy were theu content to preach Himitations, but to § them in periection, row m seh ie the actual stale of affairs it | their homely, but heartfelt sermons im the eS rr ery Lg behoves the Schoo} Board to adopt policy | Old log house, upon whose site the central Gill receive the eate eteenchment, school now stands, There were no painted aT i SFTAFFO J. ones Seated, Bats Saddle$ and Har WaiPs, @RRY-coMBS, BRUSH CLOTHING, ETC. [i | Mt MAKE, $5.00. | \VERCOATS, ANOTHER TEN .THOUSAND CUSTOMERS WANTED, Tremendous BIG PUSH HUSTON'S CASH STORE. 'What f went new is ~ lots of money." sUITS MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST KOTiCR, peretiord, Jam. 6.956 " , iS) 9 3 2 q pk 3 g ® o E : z g z g fa a me w= (3- « oud remnfox 'og Tg 207 JodteD sfessnIg NyyWNVEg a 'Gu 1g 90d remZoxr ogg 10s yodr¥_D Arjsedey, [ny ynveg 'AVTIOC. BY} WO"OGZ, 38 4NO Derveto eq IITA 'TVOTIUOM "OD % Haecy Jo H007S gdnzquvg Spesoloy AA 043 jo ywred 'sj;odre 'ot 'ogy, eorad qTeTAZez "oog roy jodivQ Je}suIMIepry [nJyNveg GL Te coptd eraser 'Ogg 403 yedreD Atd € 'TOOM ITV TnyTyNEEg 'SLHaduYW2 40 HMOOLS Ldnunva 'AUOLS MAN 'S00 % GTIVNOGOVN JOHN WELSH, ; rRacTicaL Watchmaker and Zeweler, Plated Ware a Specialty. : Dee in FIME. GOLD, JET, PLATED JEWELLERT, de tas re8n eee ae tees ee: ao REGE FALL. | sonx courren, 4a, _nosant MYERS, : ss Seyetiord, Jan. & lee " "S