Stratford Times, 19 Jan 1876, p. 3

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eto inetaghean ns Sta noble asth: wee Hoult hi ton and ['r. CL. T. Campbell delivered suits Te The prictelings mapied: TORT, Every- Wednesday. Morning, -_#ARWIS' BLOCK, On. OUTTOR $ onUe Brone, Sage pastel Sedan te. --~ x mand a z Z re ee is é ase i. - ; a om WaetR Werekare ' - 2. cath - naire) ie ae "cee ats Seow were r : Pee pirat . ae Ldmeetings ries wed fy sow bare h e wicks ant Pionser. Council Na, Royal Temp: | ~Faleanest looking of oar exchangea: of of Pariamentary pai far-which we. tant give thanks to Mr. D, D.| Amd fudtalied': -- Set- Comneillor, | ' ; HT. Tutter, T° iter and Manager. | Yay, MPP. G ; \ ick. Norsmx Tidxom Seootiwwa.--Mr. Henry Mitdle a he Sow ai; i Terme: Be 0, Lah annum Invariably "in diteh, of Evies, eaiviad of a the second prize | © x ert Powe at St. Cathariner lait w ek ~ "pane cf Secretary, John Hphrey; Trea- -- be tk a ' tou a Me. Midioditeh ate angling cc Wilson; Ghar me 4 "Daaowsii Ten conta per tine for the fir oar ; é " ons Z Sys: vas medal aid $100 at-Dranifarl) a few-weaks Bontinel, Wr Doig 'Lagan COTS researEn. Stine, flate™ Chay sig oll . Be " fe V lor apace. 4 Bett daracat Ghats amd amidler, i FAT sale books, g "fa" Job Printing exeeuted with end Dempatch a: reasonable ra aoa Markehireet; offers kc stationers, ~The Stratford = =e CHONTY-OF PERTH GAZETTE: BUTLER, Raltor and Manager, pena +_Waonnanit, tosh 19, 1876. - Foner, 1 © Apveatiseas.--All vehucaat ag wt vertisements prast be handed ia hot later. than morning. desire is to pablich & neat paper, which-will- reflect credit Spon ofkelves and upon our patrons, and ' Large type Rerqvous ents in posters, and she: "Baselaiot" } a 2 - needful for Re ee Walter Marshall has been chosen to Mr. represent Biratford at the Dominion Board of Trado moeting af OUlAWa, On the Ith "Sanaary, inet. Mr. P. Mednlion: has opened a @ var sed oe | Ploek, w! whic ch will be iw great courenience tb the residents in that iin Deata of Ma. Vaziar,--We learn & able despatch, that Mr, Ra Varley, tie celebreied revivalist, who visited Stratford last winter, died on Monday last> Naw Music. Messrs, B. H. Beott & Co. hare just recived an namorineat of the rery latest masic. i last song * "Wild Norah's Lament," = whieh eannot fail to ites popular, on acootnt of reas a Tpegttle i Sa tremens up in his news We be well patronised by the resi- dente of tho fashionable end of the town. + Passzxtatios.--les,.C..P.. Emery, incam- bent of Saunt a Falls, Ontario, was on areday last ¢ vient. at Fare, Sine "taining the handsome.sum of ), prose: will 'be arom) i Sm: and was dentdeade tia oectrrence ry were vwerle:s to xare (he nfortanaté than's life. Ay was recovered on Frituy Inst, tit --We eall wtiention te the advehtin ment of Me. J. St mares eaddler and » Rice's oll stam » Ontario-at, 4 Fr ®, M ae Mehe 'ork boxes, faney sans, ete., at oencit. Meeting? new Snaneil mot | ing bf. this tater, for the elpetion ot ofticers, cs Strcibers oth of Kina great reductions, da be wishes to disposo of | on Monday , &t Maurer'gern. On motion | was held on Sanit the en Tol, Bes . Net e @ whole of his present stock, preparatory | of Mr. Vogt, seconded Yr. McCaffrey, Mr. Fe ae following woeties in were elected for "yrs ier Fe Moncrer Mr. Rar, to Misa on change i io baalnaee, ohn Voaseca vin Was reap er wt. the current x i. Rae hs Distt, ALRRANDER--SEROTHERRS--At the residence of "y Mr. Murray, hey Mr. tery Arthur- MeArduae, Dep. hide'a father, 1 sth nat, be . | Brxiamp Tecaraxexr. -- Mr, Joueph 'Gh. that The. Lat iprer. Moved is { Sake See's: --Ale Pa xder. fell, Treas. id P. Musgrave, Mr. John Aoxumier. te Mi ' of Altion-Bitiard dment hy Mr... Mabez, sooasdod bY | Jnwued,c4 2 + = | Da ks {nur sers, Wau Of MBrUi cus. Hall has entered in thé biliard ortadent Ms.-Vog ee eee Dp "ir si a i aa ue Mitehell Iles: Row going oni Toronte, There are tome seconded hy Mr. Sahrighat l-Harrigan, | Seats SFal SHCTALYy Wa Wald Wa Ther tatty inet, hank coming off winner ef the first honors. rafle has opened's bat cher ahop south of the GT. BR. Station.-Mr- condneted business in the market, present: shop will he" w' great oon tad } ve {People residing in the southern piles of the | : i Osrrvant.-- We "re math His doath was ovnsed by heart disease celerated by fe Lege and friends in their bereavement. Pantcarzetant Parans.---We are in receipt of big prizes offered, and " Joo" being @ master | jr. dat the game, we hope to hear of him Gc. R. Béveuga Ssor.-- ar. @. "Woods lormerty $f announre the } Saterday ted bath by his employers and comrades. . seas sui phi k= ie on eee ror, We sympathiee with his { a = Temperanceyad in Stratford, j riday evening, juary Lith, the ire eficers. 7 daly elected! Srmretr. 7 ses ash iy Toh Enya tat * Palmyra" ise infor a sizvenk of tock, ots ' 9 fcietdtn -Ireiged: heaving «ied, te. mutaltuent of whist bigs remeber him, torious Jack Wileoh, when confined in the | Bteatlord jaitysith respect to the robbery of } bie stord sutme short time co. were 'pled f err me as to whe varaiarized in pre in- | ines, but said that if de bins son had > pokeis m ta ii at the tim nid bate te Leo bim | wherc tho goods were, . gee vided be was paid } j for dujng vig. ae L. 0. Deerstcr Lenes.-- The annaal meet- bo asegasor, Mave ate, Vogt, soondet ty be amendment by etal A. Godets nasexeor. On tdlion at ae a Mr. Vout, point eat eoiloet Subring, seconded by avid Harrigan y ire Uh | The mere, sr pointed ee gg Ur, ee wi _inspeet ante Ue tee in "Baneow, Cle tk. o wd =< cael a Warthury te r a itity hen cen that wot scerng the » Towbahips pany was held Inst week, si temlers f the RED: pre Not ha west "ing was awarled to EF, eo, ot vs or don, his tender being $3,200, weet completed by June first. "An effort ia no Possessing ny r, wor eon "We'would enggost that desk be provided and the reporters, procemting pene a bad -an- io boys with prosonea "Eiatal ba Sak jampel "out of ih sleich-only-an instant before the engine _-- the fromt part of the sleigh. largest stock a trauke "* Valines in Stratford, ans out, ne mat seated i may be. Wheever wants a trank = ahd eal} { at Stafford' he is Bcocess a7 ax Tyvewron,--We anlerstand | that Mr. MeNabh, : Widder Station, the in- | of. -- by the Prussian Government. for the tat © imtiwation has also been nda to Mr. MeNabb, from the Pras. wian anthorities, that thle compler ie sce mach to all others shewn, that they ta. pi it t) in¢rease the amount of the prize of- ere: 1LOOF. Axsrverkin'.--The 14ih anni- Shey ¢an get atiy kidd tiey |? heel, from a Boratece to a-entchel, { sninjured, beyond a few braires aml a violent shaking tp. not much fr- jared. he ate} | descent fell on the track. the whee wlive entting it in twos The ber cape from lostant death seems miracnioas. Miscerany Awurrensazr. ---- an th the Primitive Methodist €1 Church, | Steatf ard, will be held on Sanday an rd and y the 28rd, suitable sermons Wood i Pek tt. and 6,30 pam. On the following ituonday the annual | missionary meeting will be held, when vorsary of Avon tlie was an enjoyable aldresses will be delivered by Revs. tale The bal ' to its utmost ea. | J. Bell, Boyd, and @. Clark. | pacity. The Socal pr instrumental music | Chair to be taken at 80 p. ms Col- | » Sige performers being Mrs. T. fechions at the close of enc! service : + Mrs Sings, Mise Hastings, Mies lin gid_of the t mission Tao Te pro- f aa KF King, the Mins Jarvis; Misa ceattnes will vened by the --_-- and Mosers, C. WW. Young, P. BP. ~_ choir; shoo, on the following Ww od Dr. terime:. Mr. LS. Griewold, U.S day. 9 soe ial will be hekl, after w - ehadl, pare vaiatoae 'and Mr. Jokn On Saturday iuet the Thomson & Willinthe mane ich Rev. Clark, Woods task, a sairver « eee on "What I saw in mants. served at 6.80. "Admission, 15 centa. Foassray --Pe nom ov P, Kurn Lopan, annnal meeting of the Hote -- A WAR St the VRE tora of the Goderich Summer Hotel Cutn- a apMicient stock subscribed for the whole 'ig, the being tiade to obtain stock in Detroit and Pare me tanh we 1s oe ry the members, and sung tables for the clerk 8 A more. comfortable amd | wignified seat -- alt be provided for the} the ebsa! Waren it of -homer** looks. any-} 4 gin the Saal thab What it ia interie?'? home with a grist from | ii wavjer tres ad 0 They crosting the G. T. Railway track, on Erie. | horses out of the way quick enough to pre. vent iderfal | Porta- tely the tongue broke anid the horses were | ; thrown clean frdui Ihe trank; and escaped | A tiig.of flour. which was part of the. vad was tossed high in the air and in ite | nl "25th, ~~. 1 nomenon oo s BLANSIH 4. T " a ai At the anxnal , meeting tha j Ase Lapecches « Te | hor lwith the a matte of our \ } town, amd ivi 'the me of Bia, ¢ Tis fe alert thd bw ry | Be by SSrire z from. ang- testing that be-mmadie: fa the Corneil Chamber." Ta ity present obndy- Pad si aoe ae r oF) man icipalities were well in Hord, Fi i -- Ww Niee, Vv. Explanatt a %- tment, Mr, 3.8 8. Pe, given lie ¢ Vham tatanie P on presen te fr Ae = for, Gentlemen of the Council, Tice Towers | eaore wll "ae ae yy 'eépactiully aeks your opinion in this matter, pnet Maror of ie Taw | x » Fite strong and stier thes in farorof | annow Escare ruow 4 Daganrict. Acct | aking forward the-roat-« giving the di pest.~On Toesday week, Jan. 11th, as two | peo: are all thor assiet ce wait, DOD boys, sons of "Mr. Charles Milla, of Downie, | Hay, M.P.P., epoko berietl 3 paints od oat a em Hat weutebed fw to Le ov < paneed isnon: solets ot Th taro 0 C cd aii peeks fe Strpor started in earnest Phin @ alr rt sileny time.--Cox { inst | beni ML to an opsler sspper al pare la K o rethac ur, slilam Johnaun, | ' Dans. a, © Te Hs ie ben. -- Minit Saleat' seattve Peetien nd ret a iis e of the inmreasd ing por, rt market ix the continued ticight ? eorrtiemner ot ies ete: Trews at mp7 r ba that , OF a tetal inerere a for the month 7h, over 'the same month of pitas lay beter | Mr. A. 1. Williams' VE Pe Cored Beard, On Wo { besddes a few other friends, entertained him Ticks' House t the sepper at th After justice was don -f wledging that " ; ckn chaes od hia. dutine teibeeity pd honestly. had ithe. the principal cities of the Dominion of Ca. a dattiete ta Neu ~ Seott, Joba sewed, sihones 4p Digan Tho annirersary sermons of the Mitchell Tar Corxett Caaxnrn,--We disiike to ro. | Co. | branch Can. Meth. Miss, Sor., were preached command ont Town. Connril te procend with | ~~ ~ jon Sunday week, by the elute Manly Benson, any new work, while the times remain as ' MEEVEE = Tot Stratford. al The ATEN, { the tn Nan work. ipuon amounted 1b and ¢ . Is wl, « ot 'Foil arte 4 Mt an cxcellent ads on coileriion aid aialacs resa ' in the South Ward Mr. Stiles was re-elected 2 postition, rd the th ° West We of sel f C jected, ot aexTS {few years, ao inreved that orton eacrg } the ery af ex araganes aire bint in Ontario ~ ieee ore ph oond inate ad Fithian the wi teil bin. iF "Rohe vol. He inst id ans 0m % Listowel MM. | Meten $25, Mitehetl ald 8360, bea we eon. piecing the missatita eel yeh i +10++ + wa babiy.. iow. In. tha ie ELMA "te a wa wr by ut is eeecpees recite in the oe froth « { carest. -- Whe ttle fotemar old an lee anding Brishin r+ | TDENT wen a little fotyear old son of Mr. Hugh Met s% i an Ying « + - living on a str North Pert Cheese Factory Reports, BR meg MILLEANK, tt me Oars. We calhittention of s the wibverti wemext ofr, Thomas ATT: will be area by Rey. G. Clark, of faith é Mi in ia to-das'atiwus, Mr stock, services to socrmanne at} Smith has for alo a large andity evlebrated New Zealand oale wh peel for seeding pr very highly spol who sow ' ne c t and cher Lai fa. oals a. vost in neral ae. | We wlvine « oar farmer fri to geen sala ples. BUSINESS } NOTICES it wats Herne ta Gi polly es Shared for af fiw rate of tes cewra per a tam urnal. for ra Pesce at BK rs Soot e. ce. 2 Pow fhe ton store i on At | ; factatiny Co. pai? the four peaks a due aheient order ai FEhephredie the 'follow. oan be ge ca ay . ons hla gpa the men re 'eyed in the Works, "The tutal ling officers were installed by Bro. KE. Hosworth, Ontario Street, BIL. Sati & Cox pambe on the ja 215, and K.. Bar le, District-Sub- Pastor of APO. Soak Store), andab We... stg 1 happy: "this am) + i In out widgt will soon be felt by onr trades- men in an agreeable manner, t4 the paying' out of so moch money monthly must have a vivshle effeet on the burisieews transactions oj oat town... There is exery prospect that this tare wusa will nearly be doubled when the Spring we: rk sete in. Agere ne cea raneel shy Selon et a» serriviere be the Lachehos -f -Haratierd, aun, Past T the Western Ontario -- niga Bros. D.8. P., } Second. Attendant ; bar, --_ First Keeper ; Geo. Snazel, _B. Rab- 4 aes cod b. T., Ww. " Bistuk Gose Facets) 5969.-- Office ert carne off in the Town Hall, on Friday even- Wm. Treland, | ing with great sefat. wore Over seventy | 8.C.R-; P.C.R., W. Davis, Treasurer; couple present, eompricing the youth and : i oul, beauty of Stretford, Lowlon, 81. Marys and 20; Cent, fair mS "hiine Goderich, with « fair sprinkli 7% " dre web eo Foung as they aaed to be, some Pek. G. .M pre ge 5.5. 7 forty years ago." The ie wae supplied | social will be held in eohuection with bya « band under the lead- | the above on 'T! y, Jann: ership of Prof. Storer, te} ary 20th. were supplied by king of caterers, Mr. | attend, W, &. Robertson, The scene wae é datelihg' one, sud. see think the aft Mike: LADIBS' AID SOCIETY, 7} She _-- west egg pnt Aen - We nil Sus dibey bf es past ¢ ee prs there Aare ve oy ive nth » ah ESBS prise t Terk ng aien Cheres Factery haa at operation. 'ihere 2 poms a tulla received, which of ev er . a raking it a Sew Th Lome orth chovep fact may "on * (ites, Bid Waa also b vont wants ifthew and (a & Kat Bee rel section. The the ee. _ rp hand Seeterry "wer wat giving » total at We ty _ ore ran ay an ie Ini of choeeme " the ot y aod Street, Price foudly tor mailing t@ Tas Tires offics is élsed every are at Seeley sad Taeadars ex ph: eCents dene ap % Nias wii y Part i JO painting, ae teeing or gubecriptions, afte ¥ Dyt-hour ee -leave word st Stanly Day's . will pb ar | inching ibndntimnie From the Forest Bry The Stratford Ring in the « ne Paper started by T. Butler, ferme habe. Tie tise pth wera f ly, wave alone ore of the These. rea the Goulke rich bafere-axt the find num- Comservativn paper Star. Kaw Pare ber of the Sieathied Sixes, a robtighed ad Meutiard. tt ie Body gotep, and ret ite geueral eppearanes Cehwuts Be Predtst fog it _ STRATFORD MARKETS. | (Specsalip corwvetad Sor The i Ba Timers; 1 dn Me F. Thoonpors. Sr msi Jas. 12, 874, in Re ney pet bush, ¢ to 'ne Ae. we arta 1 $4 Anges e290 pes cor, aati Sia MSTOWEL IL MARKETS, EXCELSIOR JOB PRESS, JOB PRINTING, Lxecuted Chespty and Expedi- iously. JUST ARRIVED AT J. J. REEeTs. - aptendid lot of G A 5 F ITTIN INCLUDING Gaseliers, Brackets, Shades, Ane ae for nige neat work Halla, or other Ag Js Tt enim iy Stock. Prices a: low ay porate: : s rT ov: -- Ss. COOKING, Bo "tuo: Panton sToves, ery cheap. set ODBERT, Stration?, Jan. 5, 17K, Cc. B. ---- co, an Ht ie = a mma targe anim of metiey, the TD Tr atten', « Os i pears Hat. soar "te Mitebe 1, on the ath -- one ted bed. Maltord, aged ot eoved 4 Reet A kews Hee Thy eta daughter ot Mr | ; Mirewndt.--tn 1 ax geret, bebe a) L and Sangiser a, aed py) Metvrrar-- wife of Mr. Joan Neli aft ---- % sah th rher, > a ae Eiieat sea TI PRAT Cron Wren" vao Stratford Times, I have deridad wm fell Dry Codd: ~ Aline aa At Pri = aren 'Tw Gound to be up with thuctimes. Now do please matice these -prte prices ais rh a At im, Cech ae Wh grt ior the i T. Mr. w ren 2 'ker c bton, to MU Marah Jane Whitlc . M. -- te of . ieabaitn Moure, of the ramo time j 't Y a a Bure! 6 Fa f i ~auniieent ct yes sre, out tenant eh. of = ts " Grane fara Soran Were Weotten iret a iz the Lith nb, Semone} tle iost, Cath Loore, furtmeriy ie haradinrd; pa nthe hed ty Dasyrinrs rss me OU 7 tre, eon of Mr your amd ten mn TE + Stratton, Zan. ib dae |Perth Cou nty Council. line tm aan Inert foo measnred 8 4 scale of )'tte aes tral ce y wren ms Peoteas ye; 2 ott Lemme he Seer mee Deming | pose tenen are mane ae] vata if Boer # thaw ose ment sab tateentest Bie = -- ary to = AM-Rnnas of PLSTS-WETCTIES of P. J.. WOODS, GOLDSMITH"S1 HALL, g of tho Korth n Agricultural So hokl in the Thor hearers for the WART CAMPDBLL. we ts a office SecoTieae ToTicf ti Wit. ROBERT. RICK MARE sted ivtiter. ramataetare Whote an it i Brick hesidenee oot « ate Sid Shee vente, pom. BR GIBL ny? Stratfors, Jann toa th Dn om mer eae 'Omen, ent ICAN HOTEL 1 of the G.'T, BR. Passenger * Meowl for 2 con nite, revs ~ WE sii Stratford, January 9, 1408 W.OTIGE. i¢ a sal erred Hit. Gusrandoed). Ba teem ee 'feats cy F tent tach. 500 packets Ne Needles at b cent rer . ayer. 320 Qvereosts at 22 Ti eneh. a7) yarte Stripe Ticking at Mcents per yan', 71.000 Fdging at | dent pet yard. Pw er ¥ Foa, Wize-and:. & BIG-TEA POT,|. BARNSD4 GROCERS, Bras or 'rite Market Sqiiare, se ae 9 ae And rr whole stock Doote and She va must cleared out od « "ry love Agvet The_Tailaring Departnien® fe wader ths Managethdss of Mr. P. SHANNON, The celebrated American Cutter, Pie, GEO. KLEIN Btratfont, Jan 5, 1970. 1 ij ante ag then Hell te dur would rr intimate th farger steck than & Metedatnivet, bmesiad ante tht. panes, ry ORGANS, ate tnde, Rheet Music. aT ate gre " Ppreacte dee, Acad Mianet ordered e Went mnxt-walne for rour money eine ~ the Sti x ante tlhe ciety. that ¢ ae Orgen 6 ME SRS. E ee & CO, | Eco ara eve? 3352) nw in aalty nse nse. | Ton paid Se el ome ko bisphigeck Mecket mt ive ed Dips nietat Pai nan Be i bnéleitiewne theo OS the Ungted sen the Het ¥ Orgies "STRATFORD, | ne tae ik casted ty e. ,SUPERIOR _ STOCK And eolleit for the present yoar 6 eontinmante 0° FUTON M z ~~ oF wusicaL instruments, FLyacinth Bulbs REST gone WASHOTIE RTOS: ae oe rd Seasonabie Grocerier, the favors bestawed w them in the year that has Just expired, Stratford, Jan a, werk tt AND GLASSES. ceamiati <a etbtae ateetion _ MEDICAL HALL. Rtratfort, Jan. 4, 1976 at urs Went Tie -- Tnaateset t With Satire beat ts POST OFFICE BOOK es = "~~ papses DerceRed sa Cwaat- oe E. H: Scott & Co. ; Btratlord, Jans, pts . H. ROBERTS. WATCHNAKER, JEWELLER, ETC, ETC. Ontarfo street, Seratford, * Accu? Fon THR ' | Colebrated--Russét,--Elgin other Watches, Watehel 5, patties & pater Of eee: Kpeetactes to. Sait all Sights. " Stentiord, Jan,5, my Paes. reat Ades at = |LONDON "FREE PRESS") tn | 0 orders 'Blackie; ithing. Trigned Eee ag torn. sel meee ne eit ental beer, Med Ine ict ae will he od yp go wast 00 OT THE GREAT "ENGLISH REMEDY ! itches, "a ge giver Wa sam im wiuLta CEST: piscouxt oF io TER AY g at Before Taking, a Nervous Diseases, eneh as A warranted ad Debitity: Present stration, ete. which in 1 many cneee Done ane are proetuced by wrer indulgenes in the use ins at | Pobeece and ai but the S: eeife ze Bey ¥ tin ne fh more recommended aa a a Spee Sones aoe vier torrhea, Inipotence, al diseason 4' folow sence of Seit a a Alpeases Uvat lend to Insanity or Consuxyption ot Prematere ay ro all of whie?; a & rule, om the path of ne ta the reenlt of a life a" Full particolase in ow natere and over jwittes bind Speetie Mr ie abe pu By a ne, such teas special diseases, Lie rides ate per Sy marek, subbixa, taney 'which we desire to pend tree by taal ner tt wa cieisnantins Tie ba tee nd erery 5p ty si rs Pie gba oid f. all umhis rey oe Aisi saliefaction = " sryer echnaee oF ote packages Boos or will . & ER. dreoung Meta peo GRAY & C0, = <n anne wh ae sem yt rth fo On, x. A. a: al vg M io ake Drregetete. ; ALBION HOTEL. noe Now Pa LYMAN, Toreato, 'PHE untersignet whey Jnaeed for a term ot i-y bokesale Agents. "Waverly House ~ next de hea iefitted gn refaruintrd "tet telksiog i. Tat a stowed vpon him. the Pariensers ata Cd sonmnre, be will areneateedaee te ie, The house will hereafter be known ae " Albion Hotel." se DLL. CAV = Stratford Sausage Bhop HOW NER - 4LANGESBACH'S fo #,-f STAND. ) = eres Phi ial ies ANDRE Pleasure Gt infor. | ing ear} inhabitants a mae J that i Be commenced ple Baneage b > Strationt, Jan. 4, _ A \CHITEOTU RAL DESIGNS. LANH of Public and | a Private Beihlings architecturall spective, and, if de attached, yith epee Maoatactured ie y, 08 the Vous tries rs fos faaderpeg Hoye LY tbe wane ar 'the te. ie share of patronage. All ktede et AUS ' Ges the premise, warrant et Frooh end Gena. Fresh and Salt Pork, bud cxcellent-ard han oa always on " a Sirastord, Jas. 5, 1878, J. CAMP. B B iy £5; SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER. * a left-mt Me P hereon ot 7 "Pon's will be prompily attended to. "Biratfora, Jan. 5, -- ia, iL ruth i is mighty @ and u will Prevail qT EMPORTANT cia To ti e a ee y sled Btratford, Jan. 5, 1078. Be AXDRICH. Fresh Haddock & Cod. ber would inform the rorle, of ----"Faderclothing= "Fur Caps, {[--G loves, &0; &e: ' At prices never before heernd ef ia thie parted oe S0E -- | ODDFELLOWS* IRON BLOCK: Market Square. Bi rattort, Joa --__., BIUWAT'S BANK, a £ Caan 'hor Veit ithe Wave a New 4 Moret's Ticck, Wellingtons, ria travford, Jan "aaanicawe Fire_aid- ag 'trsurance Co'y: Stretford Marble Works RKET STREET. ------ » Proprietors, Ti on ae Popa ; ON Ih of Stratford Spring Artin: we Sein Panes it Wot llog order and be ta Strats = jem & i wisres t as id Nw. 00, Mariot Street, Strat' -- | a oe ot _Sarattort, Sun, a lz iNey (Cron i . WER 4 aI Cc W. CRISPIN'S | eBay 3 , - = 3 yw *u 3 WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE,| 2¥arrpo,°™Ps, 3 OPPOSITE THE WAVERLEY BLOCK. as ~ Binz SErs, gs " soe mal ain > rp + nnd nihors che! bege to announes that he is = HR; p H . ation P ' oa = ash Py} 4 a GREAT BARGAINS 3 pp Souls 3 cm = %EER Puypy "es ° ° >- e - £ WALL Papens.|°s_-. ---- es Year ont i Bie present lane Ee STEA My iby 8S 2 tag lorports. = Coc 4AL TES PS ee cee anrted overythis be eS Ww , F mn pos i articles up = H : - a 4 ¥ 1 T ite Drea : o 5 JST Lg a 4 of ali the last Ack pan Fok junyblile Kisschs, Shay 5 2 iT Hanging, Papering and Calsomin- poy Gr . C47, J Se: a ee eS RNY ond ab reason: = *[ AG . CO ~ « 4 > = ' as, 9 ' W. CRISPIN. = Water Cua, 5, Ke a if Stratford, Jan, +, tom S =: shi be oo Cite, ra GQ To Eq »~ j. Woods! s '| pater : = ca ecto Hotel, Market «, Stratford, sat Prater AMPLE ry pi Co-mereial S' Piratiford, Jan, 5, } Wellucadaye tm the County of Perth for the Year 1 ~ LB OF DIVISION ANO "orien edddee COUNTY oF PERTH MUTUAL Ff, kL COMPANT. * "Serasicenen ta, wt act oF FARELANEI®, ey Sy A cmemcet ¢ Pvaperty forms 3 bag' ho te constantly reeetving FRESH HADOOOK AND 66D, FROM PORTLAND DIRECT. also wa of Half Barrels of emis pen ap at (any Fish delivered torauy part af the t wn. = A tise piel cee and Ge ela tad " tive! yo0d wererriy | pi Pi up op pinacroms? as ---- ' a «

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