Stratford Times, 2 Feb 1876, p. 1

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a ee Cue We " eda t a oat . , ~~ --E--~" ¥ ¥ , ¥ = x ' " oe. S ; z two oune AND OOUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. -- * oF = eo water until then add half r 7 AR FEB A R . = . pint of milk degrees, and boil until the : 4 oe cea _ = ee ane ) TRA : T F ORD, ONT. 10, RUA 7 Y 2, 1876. . : -- el 7 ; : line tame " + net eee emg; sagur end" favoring to taste, and bake atahadeaut Agusan ' marters of en hour. This i i J é 1 te-qsert of en hour. This preparation m te Lr = after ue recep. ; ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, ing, fel eaitable for delicate ebildren. 2 . : . ame. 1 = the mt Sean: 1 owe you one! Set tne name teed to bis . im. ith 3 5 SS a 4 Mr. : bytery, The first and final A je that ite artiel brief as to raise | we treat them so badly that most of them . } FARST SERSION- WIRD PARLIAMEKT. >, Lanes Bec : ° a vary "ted y 'The True Honor of Man. amendment to the amendment w"ist-of mith, ld fo't's pin f bling | Au English rallvay_ company bee boon | We ct Strnilord saddle shows that the | ihe presumption shat Uoey ere extremely | havea p ee iliowieg words = milk: sweeten te taste, and stir the Gre jeompelled by the decree of an English sourt | 1. cr'the assignee, in ap the con. | ty: upom far gor ' . The proper hover of man arises not from Toa-uv \ Jun. 4 Exodpt timber actcally required for for tem min them pat in two ow: to pay a tailor named Choen £1 6s, 9d dama- that case made provided." mest ancient manuscripts of the ! some ef those splendid actions and abilities ' building and fencing the lands." ceru, amounted to one-third of aasetes re-, " va bee : : The Sraaxuga tor k the chatent 3:25 ; bi « ; stir until the mixture ix stiff, | gee and betel expenses, ponmee beoberger4 alised. Cee Sinaiticus * be whieh excite > hag ror . Cosrage snd After rrattas Me, Miltvt of Masaaketonk | 72 V0UH Wok ® teens. a i renown, #1 uw _ peerage of -~ d one or whieb or traveled fuiled coun The followis ot toot 's + tet _ THE ARTs. . a - nel Hrges va ". eaees or ms / ' Anes cuacta Sovnel private bills were'ed- i favoring or ted nutmeg. Pot the pud-jand was eompslied to lay over one night at shows that the farmers da Prince Edward his which are j r mus without rendering his character traly wnastad e = tof perv gto Lille wire ad. Tas pa Wott: 1510 - Seta alee ea We "Tibig ints @ Wish suk take slowly for am heer, | Gloweester..---- __ id manifest grasp P | statme..ol ~ in} the midite foartts | . fe many late. men, ta te eg eee ate ~ap5q~- ary 4a' bi. testis. --~-- ao -- = Setar Micaox>treak Up s quartet SU c} "The wats drawn-ey vy Count drodreseny, | Wil We Set blmost every yer in the, wester and died : t ane ree a Wovat el Coote hand eg rows art: Pee MORONS SHS wale at - scoebpey pmo] jst ger'y Se dete vent of St. C on Mount Sinai, is aup- | praises arc wang pe | (Oe uvcttimeeat ios temas 1a lot bringing the | "Me Pus mee wee Rebates. « > and boa! it it two quarts of water with a large | preval of Russia, and is ai ; ne ; ts eres, to howe the rést of marderers of Boot to justicn, They bad Mr. Hanots 'bill t amend the Railway | piueh of eslt, until perfeetly tender ;.drain despatched to the guarantesing powers. | ooo. i, -- eek 's whieb felctred to tBe Chief Justice of Mani. | 4% Peed throug' the Commit away the water, ndd-to.the macaroni in the] The note proposes equality of nil denomina. | ; mao of the fifty copies of the ented aad Hom. Mt, Consus moved seed my stew pan fal of milk and a quarter of a| tions atid the introdustiog of provineial and P wet of the bill to abelish @: ' - gy - pound-ef aitndstamp-seger, amd keep halk Huns} self srerament, and Seo enw. for Byzantiags, in 831, under Mj. Mansorra asked the 8 to rele as 7. ae she. ea re yantid abworbed; add | sults of these changes inthe insurgsn re" bhand-time of it ey to Unis Heuer " , alae Wore rs a trils saa Se tebe shi "te the Sane eee cl oe aoe autem mono ne surved- with ¢ - i. th ones © _ Srewe Areaus axp Rick.--Peel good bak- serflom es , | the ek . M ing apples, take out the cores with a seoop so} 'The. Marquis of Ripon, an Raglish noble-1 wseript oe : & seduction - of - ax but to ¢. the shape of the apples; pat | man, whe eunbraced notes first Geant Juceve to 12. bis ; thei in a deep < and pour over | Catholle faith, Nae presented the Pope with | sont endeavor is Hen. Mowsr objected t ths bill be. ¢ them @ ayrup made by boiling sugar in the | ten thousand pounds sterling, cause there would be arto : : propertiam-ef one pound te a pint of water; The Judiciary Committee of the House of legality if carried, and it was not shows to Pi _ pat Tittle pleas of'shrod tention: inside of eactr Tépreseilatives hate an amendment 1 wi 4 | * ps odious, when . a" o . apple and lot them bake very slowly untill', the Constitation, fi ng tho President's | exparience words, and ha more closely. It is like the Mr, Hanot opposed the 2, ~ "Giaw, Hat not in the least broken. "Hf the lterm of office at eix years, and making a se- marks of panstuation.--4ppicton's American | whose immense size track the Spectator afar The reading was lost on a vet sprup Ja thin, boil if moti jt te thiek enough: ( end term impossible. Cyclopedia off with astoviahment ; but when nearly view- | pit di Ri 4 ---- ae stpeen, Heal Dion Boeeiessill, the 2 ic awthor, h ® Tarte Se , app proportioned, misshaped rade. | way logof the yma the sccoed :res3. 4 ie. of cach apple. and betwen than little] | > 2 w Mr Di ing } for forgery. He obtained thirty. machines | ing Inflvence. . -| Ob ions of U: d may boapplied | were toast respecting pai fraachise; K epena ctbnniee bate ren Sie ep may be ae pee ol 'the Foolan pre from a Hamilton firm, aud paid for toon ice as the _ oo ot Hip rapvemadation: derived oe civil | te tLe object bein, to give electors votes ty pro- : served er . rt ; i i * ' that the of the with promi: no! signatures of w! | accomplishments from refined of portion to taxes paid. ; Srewep Facit,--Almostany froxt well stew- Se eae cael O' Suooe pecnts were forgeries. the : ' tforteol "| oe roma the: "tia "px o | Sik aera se aD tere = - = . -4 » cs wie sexsi pegy be a taame Sor Sete te ea" ae > PRG a aos a 'et to i d the ee . < being to often repedted, wil Be deatined by [ing the pics| -- to the Fontans' prices and prospects for Iamber and timber. | SU0&. UUs aati. | uta f ¢ : ded | Patan feet hate ea BE ILE = thom. This is often the case with stewed | wore always enthnsiasti¢ally received. In | Some orders received from Dritain this week | *° Ate wale um WORE Owais . flect , hie! Hon. Mr. Casgnon's Bill, to amend Acta 4 «, rhabarw.-and it should oseasionally therefore | concinsion he says: "1 know that towards | are at enhauced Sgures. and aame further ac- ot M Millais that it is * : become highly valuable when Telating to the elzction of School Trustees in Es be in - with other ric A : sb t few mi men ore tirestel tee. livity may be looked for. iailaalows 5 - Rand bis | advancing the go of mankiod. Toccmte, was read 0 tecond tate, * 3 or two of raspberry or strawbertt jam, a litt) ; , iNions tuglish Pi . : 7 freq ly give rise to fame. 7. Cumen moved second reading i $-S orange er lemon marmalade, will raise te ----< a ee vhia' sincerely |, ONS et tee create Seve 2 sve a Academy tells that the etching ia "remarkably hich | tion is to be of the bill to enable aa eaal weal. _ dem scroeably. ° mberh iat cppies ove reapect thei sates owen ' ee tohao love | iwinion Line despatched sixteen and the Cun- good, "4 " amd that it is te work of M. Pilotell, 4 5 cipal clections and oa bydaws requiting the Bg na her dearly ; rard fifty three. ; , : y : : which = $i by gently boiling in a stew-pan until ten- it id be worth ae? . . likeness with the utmowt ease and be of ry tc taal Noes et ch | dae aerate Pag" Thee | har mo any ise | eens te - a + agp e on i rire In t vip SE ref » & ae coreg bal avr their freight rates in firat clase goods, from wa -- ory facke ane ven by thn hn of thie sort are too often Hoa. % cf the acid im fruit being very strong, it is | ong American " MEISY | Boston to Chigago, from 30 to 75e per 100) ene ir rorka about the b i "The | found in every record of ancient or modern ies, Mn ceed obing wes Kenton adiet. ¥ pa art of mast peapepian gd ser ra The Nova Scotia Legislature meets on { lbs. ; of ir at in rag dng States. = ae light ' atten: a. ¥rom all this it follows that in order | ® Mr. Meas i Foal pine! -- ; Fob. 10, The Board of Tradc, tm St, John N. B., | *0y# that, as noticed, " nry ad Pr of | tee bill to facilitate trevelirg om no sign neal then ; a John 'Len-Carroll_was i skis Le ialize tha Gor = at of feck. net bonny alvevtidives siremnstanes 2 a _-- ° (sos s-- It ts sdnritted that the majority | day as Governor of Maryloud. ' : a limita to the harbur at that Port, ty vest | Mnsic certain figures are args 2 aN age : fortune 5 precy 5 sperhling eal, =_-- ora -- the ae : niows es fuedsend oni; The Spanish Covernment bas authorised { it fas Board tase These s signify. frat, tha number of : - fe ' : tue perlanre ee ee ete wen "ear tha.pablication of 14 new journals. tollmabie it to cece thee and to lend to eS whieh the firm wh the --_ J y -- a bigh among that | eng Ui sees" Withaeden 2 1 woe . ' t 'Web aiidunts af hay be hecessary to aequire pubisabed, and, secoond, A : . The following bills ing this vegetable produces, aps. the| Marshal MacMaben kas not succeeded in , : F a esr acl ot piaek P P d y } ! read + arenteat bjeetion e its. use; Dees ine gg in_the mare erect a malls rights and properties in the sai cousists, It bas thus ectimated'the wember ape mind superior to : time ; _ 7 Wholesome and desirabigartic i r. aa Morrison, of Co er, ' i ve , ; amped tha, mapicinel Uy qluntiogs arty! Sin eon a RE eas cae wlan cd pecan aaie ie" ide Baadabhes coda Grp xe cmeestaie wetoc at ahaa thet sty yeas i ; Hit hcpeet tor Gane tad road improve. - S thetable in thameat ettrastive form. White | Nexa Scotia. ner men oenreyearadh tert eerie are still in clreniation in he Lindy that itt 119,000, It estimates: the} ' j Bo- bribe } mente by: "commie Serene Mises Sajeet" end tes WORN Tr SAU Beall, || "Thy Desuyeats Oftew Tmaatyetilw REW O kan teste mo daa tar bone nauiber of pieces published Ly other #1 unhappi ; nor terror by | To facilitate th. formation of joint stock flats odorous gtd pangent. 'Take off the out. [elared for non-sectarian senools, hard oe not enumerated in the above @nleulation as un- | pleas: y. vor by dis- "for the mapufactere of better, and tet} as | tress sunk into dejection. Suchisthe mind | cheese and ie fin St. John has been _--s "| large quantities of advertising notes whieh in r . detail io nis tint call eable. nada wl a tariff for revenne aly, Fe 4 : Laboat.6.000,.. Q. Ditson &,-Co. . | > therm stgéd in eold water page ey "A eiiting Wurnawent between Nova Septia | me instunces hare heen apcepted" Wy" tenor Fie {tit of Pibiieeiione 190146}, --and} - . r{ whieh forms the distinetion and eminence of | Tu am-nd the oot imposing 0 tas. «8 dogs, ; them {rite a saueopan with two quarts of buil. [and New Branswiek players will come off at rant farmers as sehuine weer. S. Brainard's Sons that nest in extent, viz. than man--one whom is no situation of lite is eith: | and for the protection "Geeep. oe bait 4 Amherst on the 19th and 20th inats. Charles Mardoch a--mtserly banker who | 15 533, next motmenPa greater ripple is observable, | er ashamed or afraid of discharging bedsty, Os motion of Bon. Mr. Cuooss, the dill ing water, Cover, awd bell fifteen Have a Xuttle of boiling wader on the fire} With a view of relieving some of the dis. | died recently at Halifax.and was raid to be still a jand acting his proper p jog insarance was referred back to e- tendy for ust, puts off:tihe wuter trom colons, tress in Ottawa, the Minister of Public Works | With one exception the in the ee ee So Moors | father than the former, uhtil the entire ear- | constancy ; tras be the Ged. whomibb See: Feapect . - and add as mush more--be egre the water | has decided to proseente the work for the in- | Maritime Provinces, has left an estate esti for) \yore ivertiser to besold the early | {see is affected thereby. Thus may a man be | ships, and true to the faith in whieh bepro- | ang = ae er ae sy ** is botiing--sagh beil half a jonger. | terior of the Library. 'There are wore appli. | mated at three to four milliom dollars. Itde. | 0 tolthis week. fl wae kably rich in | ® O/ot. spreading bis dark influcnce outward | fesses to believe, full of bie affection to his} Hop Mr Mowat's bill, to 1 Peep | Seald a enpful of rich milk and a little-gra. | cents than eould be employed, rliryeyene. ends to hia nephews aud two yentieanen me wunks ah ovt. a the pi of | the very circumference of society ;or he | friends, generous to his enemies, warm with | anced the law u ae in wise Por har dour to thieken it. Sait afd otherwise | have obtained work for soje time named Millar, The local charities received | Cree" OEss 0 BF Pomera "Eo" The may be a dlessin, , cablating baneficence over | compassion tothe anfortunste, self-denying | tnrough specting voters lists, paseod i Bos far the . season to taste. Hoil oo een ane Sa =---- incon owe banotiegh t-te: dent his life and ings numbered, among others, two 0+ at be and Gecadth the land; bat « to Hite privit interests and = but} Hon, Mr. Mowar's bi * into! ways werve onions whole; or they Social Reform. benefited death, mint Hank he cannot every wie interesta , bills, carry , r m hatver before conking. . That they « (Port A copper paint company operating in Dart faethe petty a al he Ui «ies act, however trifling, affects either ourselves | magnanimous without en ea SOE Pp ty tae amend ant'-corbutie aa well as antiseptic {« alse ad | White « deal of Interest is centered in the ] Mouth pays about_twenty-per cent. on the & pieesof Bysautine Tabernacle work. tepre- | others--eterting an influence we know not | out harshness, simp t man. |= af ---- sehuton, adh nore miti-l, and this is the way they shoal@| temperance question aad liqnor traffic at the | capital invested. Dartmouth isa busy town | Voting in twenty-five scencsthe history of | bow enduring. ly in his feelings, on whose words we can en- | 4 oman ae respect) 'a reavent tirue, there is another tery important and is the seat of several manufactures. \ ly rely ; whose ebuntenance er Com- the Seviewr; a Verboeckhoren, whieh the b--sane einen ene tarely is jecetv- is éteitad over the delay in | arti Miered une of his lest a} Church of England and Temperance. os oa whose professions of kindness are tho prepared foreueb use. A few momenta P a o beter eating they rhould be slieed quite thin | question affesting the welfare of the exmm . : The Hours ad, Milispm and «pri carrying out the extension ef the St. Peters | portrait of Emamnuel Leutze, by himself: o ons of bit heart; cng in fine whom, inky aun T. sagt a oO i with suger, and you have «| nitytbat le h ' Ly ; entirely ignored, to wit, the tobae- pala relish, which will not rise on the question. thought ienf to C ieb i a Island | " Gnido: BS WORK AT EREDERICTON, ¥. B. dependent of any views of f we would | P 'onowro, Jam. 96. Set opto tert Soe a ieras pos hn satan eet Wie aupehashomaiecera tila ee Ma lel xomemnanai |< remit etna) he rani a cba wn Cwicken Pre Out ' ton = Wer. "The dimensions of the canal have | Irving: two fine Gridos: two Satvators, au. be velay te | sagt late So 0 Seether ix is the man | After roatioe several bills were read & r A r ; "The Fredericton Church of 'em - our heart. above all others. wo 45, | time 1 f moll them on to cook moral ¥ ied he . Badt} been reduced which will prevent the larger | thenticated by evidance; a Velasquez; and a nee Sogiety." and the good work it a th water enough to corer them. When about] the discuPonef othe: issae does not affect the | class of vessels ax well as steatners from ue- | Kaffee', which if notpy Kaffee! himself, is a & be doing . Th the ooh we ma mentiods Hoa. Mr. Mowar's bill respecting County -- - de o c and rub sumed tinjariously, On theether hand, itmay | ing it, (Unless the origional plans are adber. | very fine picture and ppparently guaranteed}. >and resiern( a aft held -- Court Judges, passed through Oommittes. pepper, salt and flour, with sufticient butter | assist in bringing @ teodevired ond by in- €d4 to the proposed expenditure will be al: }as by that great mayer 5 ® lange eck veten at Ph H won| Ww ie Dey oC a Mr. Mowat moved the second read- as tee ak oe pon ~~ ~ to make bo gtavy, whet cool, toll ont | creasing the attention o pabliim the} most wasted. is -- The Rev. . G ra if hiskey as orrnption. s to further amend ths bill ree beginning Four csust aad past af shad vi ~~ Lb bes} + y oe and Religions Tews r+. G. Roberts, Rector and Presi. F . pecting the election of ne 'wee Leerte a One ot Ole ae fa ond -I "WIM-Ct™ bends of Colbrada und. Minne. eo iteme deni. ' - tof ow. PS Pishbeak, attorney for thie defence | Latiyy Asser trial of | Mt. Conley was sive Boctzebub Nea eee ened et nosed tales the toe | walliene anaunity for vobecss, Rech 2 state. | 52a torte are being estansisely advertiond Bing Geng inthe © the mating that in drawing up the y-Laws | in. the tial a Indianapolis, December 15. of euch teruoce' "ihe enpldera' ane. sraca-& holiday maw ane. then, On one ol thesa, Oe Sirape: AOE PAS TON END om Se Sop TMA es . . in the Lower Provinees, ity ofSuebla,} The Kev. Deng Gong is Chinese prea} oa ion of : ee 2 27 thes rise 34 pee: oo -- $ 2 ¥ . " Colorado, offers its sehool bonds to Halifax | eher who reeanitly went from San Franciece |), 2. made to make the basis of that Society oy 'a Diotria' py' agg ~ collector | provisions were adopted from ths Domiaioa meer, wandered 'down by the > about half fall of gravy; save out plenty to} there is ne manner ape in it, but rather | investors ate reryebeap rate, the bonds bear. | to Portland "Qieque. Already he has baptie- | °° yf Bla. 'there-sree no Limite of the First Distriet of Indiana, for complici-} act, where the latiet wae an | tiver side, wo boys wore in ewimming = popecer gg we Sane ook fe ar ooh < sonOUM wh oie at oer em ing Se cent. | The offer, however, is re. |e twelve - Sape -_ tion ae to age, sex, or religion: Any person | Ceaporence 'ati meg arya hyd oe : Senchtes to pd ~ beds ---- alone fod an be enough, > some el ) Poi b . al th ty, t pe 'ol . r } . 10 some voters seasoning, and put im small pieces among the | perdeat of these considerations the habit of -- pays ly "ho cape pega nm a Socata y= Load, te sabe tee ee Seneca amnher by signing one of the | do jastice. He defended his cilent oa the psid ther tares before the Sist Dec. ane pack of lighted Grecrackers. The goat waik- - ebicken. and put in seme water, Then cov. | its use is degrading in the extreme, either itm 4/0. not famed for their dividend St hacen cf Dall. | eo, Settarations, although tt wan ptipaleted no Government eficial showil lige previous peat' ed letsarel) ap to tha @pot where the boy's chi 'ith Weta eat of en sang seaman And ater] yet med rhe | Yara cat teehee DA [a caer erm | ome te ty re of om rg! cet ea any | gee oppo pn ot wand ire tm the rage ote te, thea | fol win hn on ori Te a lat | revinan 'Te B Jobm Acdemg of Mas | eres ws ten inert fo provers to Unt | ented eran woh, enero, at feed Os aceite, see ene seams ae fo? « ecanmnn pla, nd cat eight leaves--you }it---though nearly alt of this nly seon- Jew saved na ager rngrice Sm 7 : Povey i og ery ert oo He wes on 'fe jehannater of the i a The ir ~ The pasa extract from his speech is] 1 d Odieor in elther dixie: in ho ape ote bock-beer daw aad they ¥ * . om i ew years ago, by a ry cond pro- aD |, anda ng nown games of the [taken from the Indio Ji i = Se a eo ee a ecsereesiite aaa | Miuent ficials, and twow a aebewe is cn foot | the Qulwaye: He was ever M1 yeare of age-| General Declaration and the Special Duclare: | Tyres. sue acct ching abort the expo beatae anen. petitions ware Bled, | weet Meck. lle Kept the boye in the water ) ' leaf r on four opposite | refinement are ii te! to provide a free library for the same city by | aud had done missieuary woh for nearly half} tion. siguing the firet recognize | sure of thie W ay hi it will reenlt t was to be deposited tm Hou anothe: holidsy: 4 oasis Othae, Uncle dlee other lout ekinue Dice cou: Didih cthten te Se onal ahue a fey quide means of a drawing scheme, Tickets have! @ centary . their duty as Christians to do all in their} og of the graudest Sacer dings reviunis the of securities. Trials were to be Ons Pt rived nis ro i 8 fow weeks a take a narrow etrtp of the crust and cwé rt fas wedl. been' solb to a considerable amount. tut there The Homan Gathelie Archbishop of Pil. } Power tocheck intempérance ain) advance | world ever saw. _ It proves on a grand xeale withio six months of petitions, bat were 2 th vate th 4 ae pee fine at one edge, them roll it up and put it in] Now, there le something wrong bere. If] "ees to be a hated sc " Pr: day | gdeiplia has leswed aciecree of exeommuni. | the interests of the Society. They are not to} snes the perience of a century demon. |" & teke place daring the session of for a § tigate 3 the centre. Lf property done, you have a] self respett is not sufficient to deter the cray. -- pened oa eet pati acaggioasste/oa cation against the rufllans im the Schuylkitl -- ----- in ee an Hot) strated on « small scale, that the liquer.traitic the House, of tor 15 daysatter. Whore thers " site , Landsome pre. Bake tt xrarnatiy wetil the | ing, morbid apqretite leeslaonitia's, for, cout poke ? ior nite hyve ph eval meet Pemhagennie who call | ara einige wee -- pe in pn utterly demeralizes everybody who is brought P crust is done. tng to the point, this is just whai it ix. respect | "" wok Broyestor wlves ~ y Maguries." brok -aanaon. s these 5 im coutact with it. It ye the pie ~ s Avruicas Yoaxaaime . Pepbixo.-- When | for there wives and familes should L =-- - Feur hundred Polish Catholic pieats were og Nat mae ph ing is reported 7 oy honesty and integrity in "4 scraps of bread, aud sneb meat he is po lomg: | "eth? with them, without sagned to thease. spnited States retiners have expensed Fad win Siberia four years age. Three te neta a warns and | 4i1 who are-under its infwencs. Every one < . Sr eaten ot = aliees 7 A vth 1 ected wisames, | 210: refined « 'anada du} r than beau u b gies puget _ portahgongr a oe where smoking ise indulged in "tedoars. ring the past year, wbichtgives this evantry Papo aie ee be is to tne Managing Committe he omen iinsly Sectaseinn thn one ed, chop the meat finely, so sued broad, When asked if pose a ie va, | one fifth of their Mutire exports. dated as to fer « very "Old H Ap who & similar course. third | of a minor to whom oy sold liquor, to feack with benling water, teemuis meat Fe ee nal prego foe oe teal re pana 3 undred."'| consists in reporting the oflender to the full] thoy who roll iu wealth ama 'tlate smmels ah 4 fogetlist, Gad An Wag oF two, WORE walE, pap | OF He ware ag anqgestion-on. question) Tha American Beard of Commissioners tor} wxeting uf thy Soclety, who ure to tteat~ with ; iiilens : bi a last, si per aud sage. bake im am ordinary baking pan. ple wut of courtesy are apt to anewer in whieh finds favor in the minds of those inter- | voreign Missions has beet: obliged to ourtail | him they he | Soeix mail in the * wormed J Thus yon save bread and meatand have an | Oewative. lam sorry to sharge them with in. [ested is to ask the Dominion Government to] it, work to the extent of about $25,000. Ne} gi the Declaration ¢ the Soctet through throug by o ay: of fraud | bred 7 rtooilent dieb that isn't bash ! sincerity, generally, in sueh an answer. To | mangurate a fow scale of charges for the ear a A | fer Hpeciat pds Y | and perjury. It is enid that the Government the gr etowilent 4 4 Ms ow utations are to be established bythe mis pledge themselves to abvtain from ail alebol- . be obliged fojnbale en in acloss of coals from Pigtutt and Cumberland. | yi earies. and of the H ni the reven riv man 0 fia. ' vuutiga-ytiruent room, smoke of the fou- | over the Intereclonial Hailroad and Grafid |" /esr se lntonieating Manet, tor facture of wiiskey ; bat when ean it ever re- this ed dos tems of interest. weet, 1s porsonousin the extreme, and an al | Trunk, also that » liberal subsidy be given to | ® Ls byterion Mi . ogy whites The penalty | osive enough to pay for the ecrruption ef its farvook al) other "3 ' _ [base Noone kaving due regard for theie} a line or two of steamers to carry Sydney| na ag vig ission Church is talk bp ay ed Dosdarens same as in the | sticocs which wo hate just heard confessed *" abcat the eat rp . The Woman's Journal warus young guile | inugs. and the funetioie they fulfil, should | ceal tlirongh the canals to Toronto taking | * for phis. 11 is te vent 3,000 pee, | ase on being brok- became aware . to look out for the tien who want to make} for « moment sebmit to "Par better to} four in return. Av the coat question Is one epg 9 in a part of | on. ee speed -- a] r pete dally tate 4 wee { them. . i it is not pleasent to put ene' impertance : either declaratic Congress company Foams Sethe firms have agreed not te vs wah tegoakartoheioheionas ol ¢ tie pee rage Angier | wepny of "| co ices its pastor, in order that the new come lorward This being done it was found Tee Way poe adn Sp and ty eae es Mun nt % « sei] hemlock liteber for ews than $12 per} hebit, in either « patrician ofa plebeiag. In|") putr inwtance of the doptisiated prices ol may have fine pr % ia ps hg ens tag and (Detroit Free Press } and Boelssbab grew waek og " 1.000 feet after the first day of January. fact, po gentioman will smoke in a pias of | tonnage occasioned by the , the ASH Lapel, She Opes Howe bea been o- Saher ths a plgnoe 7 herr hte Saturday, whes " Big Eaglish" saw that it Une day lest week pot walked = Thirty mittions is the insignificesd sum | business resort like for instance, the loltiy of | on the inkes ts afforded by the | peon! t headers: Stig Moar a The meeting then Sesnetel Gh semiaee the | Was golng to be for the boot. etal Bw Bh stewed moro : whieh te vonk a te eee eS aa by parties dropping in to wait for an' as ---- 'ihene 2 aa N. gations are large and attentive, aod A ting tion, seetion by section. ram oy ood aga to work to ane pall Suddenly aptnek eee va - ~ your, The ds ra a " w y 4 secant fe taben nave A : ive lay Prosidenta,a Secretary, monotony. A * Hasthent ao dull as ity ab present tho ainonead town of Port Hope & ee i hee ee pa poe doce-town yotgie he are not | * Treasurer, and a Standing Cotmittes of | 10 celiock be got e number of boys Into the rr Mrangely olated. 4 The other day, Mr. G. H. Jerome, Superin. | P°Oe 92 S0® Aenea ee ose to be lane |." ay # sold pon) the pray xe reached My the churches, =r ae ton, were elested ascfficers. A notice of «| alley beblnd the Pow Office aad fexd fron tract, st-od @ pall, e tengent of the State Fisheries, asristed by] fF asong the loafer fraternity. pte oo ---- a br fi Ree. Mr. Tons : dts motion to be it forward at n subse. | the " Forty Sith Congres." " Big e been placed 2a a a S. A. Jones, of Port Haren, plaged in the Hut there is po example more foreible or wie wary . ro hepa ag aren 2 ian & ees ree _ went meeting was then given, and to judge | tse regular reader of the daily papers, and ~ on. E river St. Clair 20,000 California salmon. more to be deprecated in this spesies of in. | Prey eokd a? "efi agg jar ne ate ae Gee ee ee > lee the large pumber persons present, | he is @ great orgaaiacr, It took him bet at Bel good, Tavante bn anid te Np eroegld Sh Sve temperance, than te see young for inet poy tay g: tennadl ot teske te 7 of at and ra the wat ier thle pecan yy x; toy meme se Rorent | jorar face ome hort nara eager m4 * fata amie ~ canton poet <i) descriptions. | anes, ata social gathering stesl away trutive-} int that aun care Mr pay provame thate great ate" reaping so ly that lawyers and " sailaio by t tes ainoant. oo ye favorably. a is i at Reeirest uk pees Ay reared about ¥ from making «good display, an4 0) i, these fim tpt 5 oan i alypal Peytes thats The production of gold, still goos on in | THOMPSon's church rs kandred wed 'Stty Soames! can be searcely estimat | great interest, = © yee aia ~ jords of creation " sre not alow ; these thay-love te onjey in Nova Seetia from the variong mines at Wa a, ; ed. The officers elected are as follows;--The | * Who'sa liar?' yolle! a white-hecded boy head and made bearing down age them in their efforts t tltisggars uf Paris | some nook or cranny 4 little tobacco smoke ; vip, oe bays ag ME eared Poon jammine states that the Nefermed Lad Bichon of Fredericton, Pape; Ga a a o----~ oe -- a weet : lent *.0» the tota: thuimber af 65,250. Of these | young men, too, of respectability and honor, seenlt labor en the colored of Beuth - Carctinz. Hoberts, Hector bad bel up!" shouted « 'avd Tom." OB the second reading of the | "*pectamer back et me ae oP aaa Bh otee Ine came wt roneetows, filteus tous of quarts were taken} '? oe gersiation Guth Carolina: | President: the of the Chureh of = Hiathe fart "is 75.190 Po Pang B10 wen, tor gia | Real Me wets I the drama of Life lave cut ta a month, pod if the yield of tha whale Several have town éeganiaed, sbureh | er i "| is E ---- Pet was {a (he Mr, More ae. ain Say, and 19,270 Day ch the whole programme bebind the sah chasis tom iene aboed buildings bave been erseted, and one of these | . pte mee | called « boy from Grand Biver arene, The total retaras fur thé year show that | ceemes, Some may only sigh at the evidents pa be already crushed, heme debt illey, G. E. rove » and Wm. H.| «Someones clubted my dog fifteen years |: the 3 YS) immigrants arriv 'oronte in 1875, | eof acraving for stimulants by those from realizes. ; Ries, Na ww George 5: egnane 1 enn Sever forgive him," howled | Goveramest ve against 11,660 in Is74. he returne, this | whom they bad expected better things, and ot Keoy., Jobn * ore J et Req. Strawberry Bob. fo their hands on which - year comprise the following English, 4.523; | thers. wwald mentite wy of a principle of wckeite, Jones ° ete phus G.1 «Git out the records, and leas see who was | @2K¢ the change before the end Trish, £70: Seoteh, 466: Mennonites, 8,823; | selfiehness, and a habit often associates ' with, my a kh Brewn, M. loyal," ta King's boy, i earth "thas ether nationalitees, 215. itself with others of a stil! worse charseter ? ah 0 "2 Pat ea w Charles | "Big 0m bis box to restore that Beelae- Tusre bas been ay falling off ts the ee pe road spy saeeel. and ovale it Se Jol -- 1 W. Tippet, | order, bat King my threw, vp, bia bat and would ri foe raw fers im Ottawa dis-] neeforth repudiate eommactean 9 < eles ° Belay Prism Wer kine that brought four detlars [Uransereseors. Under any and li cireumst- "1 moves for they aise abd the az." : L. ; ances it must canse the regret in the A Personal " the Government ' e year er twy ago, now feteh less than two of eh pe to fad Anecdote. shouted Py sad dollars, A HXé Sholine is noticed in all the | bosom of-eny reflecting young woman . cretionsty Opening of thes pelts. thie habit indulged im by the one with hom a the - aon oe Geolph, oa ' ied it ' -- ~ | day serciuon of the minsianercend . ate ee Senta ie eee pore sheen, Reger --tonbegla the 11 is announced that a new joonel will suman that at 1 eran | ti, 4, with freak enter frusn'e resorvaty ot Peldhes. Spare | aes sic peng) sel = mame fs the Diocese of Western! Tie State Prison of V cthaberes lows ven, nen ¢ may be induced, upon some fa. 4 chasplain necwssary works | 900,000 Se ccnden tastern son remarks to beys ee Be pars publi of pera eens 4 learn toawe Ldhaoee, at least to fue small ny 'pubaioms. akod did not . yond , o , it & note to the éhifer of Rey. | portion read Sooke or papers, upon the ~ . re) " newspaper, elarge tt | Pelagia madera, ell the de sag detivored in Bt. denora: eee Ona by stating that " 1872. when in fice, and, as every reader eftects of this depiored indulgence. is anand p Pageary ban By Sain Me] nd bop te sheaane| de he sump,' ae guild of "that "se ; the Crown, be prose ofa rd gin igen oe Ma ou | face ou Potrick Fancy, im which he related | Hrrestetibie, some new facts in the of the great | and i i E is | s = aye } Mi is i [ f L ne i it FREESEE tom | io eas Pr * ae ea knex | lpia. ot er ome - es ee oy > 3 = --_ & i J -- sa 4 4 an: cel yar Fs ipe > pseu page De atgge Lo soba ie agree we mx Sales

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