At 7am orice," Ne AS AM er de: of 4 ae ay : esis gags A HEPBURN ee $ #ARVIS' BLOCK, OVER OUTTON'S ORUG STORE. ) . = ing. deal phn . : +5 aia Tad ipa cama ade 5 ene ea RRS Sears eeees H. T. Butter, Editor and Manager, ; 'enta, , ' ' ri. - "aa : ; Ww. CUMMIN : at prorent looks very , they may be | Citanrrazee Concunt.--Under the auspices | euiamer. He haa ereen park exten. ston yo ity ato : na owt 473 wo 9 5, OF MUSICAL Ih "UusTauments.|>* ; G; Terms: $1.00, annum Invoriad! had i of Avon and Romeo Lodges I. 0. 0. Fa bively this winles, end infends curing en Be ta He. ; each, a0 to THE CLOTHIER, - per iy cin from one of the committee at Mr. 5 " . Hats and ib 2 * "1 ' larger ecale than at any-previows time. He ae; , te to Be; chickens per ors rs MR, T. F. TRAN 30M, = jdvance. Scholta's oflice, Krié street, in front of the} grand charitable Concert and Social will take | SUNT ONS Oo 'and is | ME ee wey St, $0 40 SEL sheep | Bereta dhten, 2 y mbeerae § Finding that the mid weather hae reduced ths cLinrek, trom half-past six to sight o'clock, | place ia the 'Town Ball traQford, ou | ™.0ie Oyins inte the sumenne busines wad is | SEs aadh, oe 28 Te Aa dassages ep Some sentet = na sabe kangs seven The Stratford Simes Pm. Admittance will be by ticket only. | Tusniay evening next. 'Some excellent talent } sale or retail. Bac Fig te ae = ee a es y peer treal | On Monday afdrnoon Mra. Annis, Huron LISTOWEL MARKETS, | -|- 4 re Po a ey nee rf as aston! | VAT j nterClothin gun faite oe ote Road, Hibbert, was in Mitehell with a span | _ - oeiaea - menars © f to the ushers on being shown to thetr seats. Saim.--A Macnair & Co's third | oe Theis 2 pntenhton oe G EB O. K LEI Ni cx. rok = en "Bas determined whole of ; "E: 7. BUTLER, 'Saitor and: Manager. on _ 'o's cccasion " Gis ; basieg, Se ta Sie; pete. Uy $0 Oto; Onta, Wha, fone LL ne rere wea alias Musica) Shes 4 eas tern to offer the bole of Sn ae Wear' Ssume.--We were shown by Mr. | sont ae Ws | Far 20 ae hte lol of shear bee temse'el pas: wg Sgt of Sie. Settee $120; boot, por Ir bound to be ap with the times. spreads Bone -- a iapeptiit ; Sraarron, Weroxuspar, Fapacant 2, 1876. | William Ogle, on Monday, photographs of | * will last for Ge month, Mr, Macnair's | [O° sitting in the cutten - Jeea ben oe Ber so toee: SS b fo te: arvana " . EMPORICM he your money re) y : peatemestel Belasenrntai. Minty Sn aue-ut:the-moest stores: jn. Bieal bok per ew 6.7 t987.90; batter, par To, ie. ; © Je ia rae fey vercoats, the fret locomotives ever made, being the popular sence the animals dos,the: thes h New do ' Pianos, as hie stock has been purchased . eee ae fs ion Sie eods ideatieal engine made by George Stephenson, | fi, beiig noted for Une exaelient uabity of } made towards heme, running at « fearful Se" dain per pair aes eniousnat por pair | *'™ "? Plewae motier thee prices Nox ark ir ark. Me maker specialty of Under Coats ; nder aud w ioseed Leeribers , 7 ightened hides, ry 4 this Wook. 7 and leo the frst engine that ever ran « pas: | Goode always kept in stock, and the reas in- | 12!" toatly tor bet, cor Pl ayy Bhs to $a ipa emte #2, For cord, | 12.000 pane Factory © peryera, | MESSRS. ESTEY x co, ~Pant - Jin A. Foidart a pocliag* man---be | aNRt tain it England. Thay are very old | Oe nee nome Kasil old stand, On, | S,fSesttl faster. "After ranning shout 1900 does poate at { cont each Thay Reve taken erat Row Raxdced ite yest, f looking engines, and as much anlike the | ™¢m' - 'a O-} mile and a half the poor little fellow. was PLL MAR Pe: ~ 1 i thrown from the caer ae was taken mp in MITCH: ik EETS. % Per paper Risitions thas non es canted tag te s Underclothing, -- au unconecions state. Hewarent badly on] - Jan. 01, 1678, . ~ - sure and see the Ketoy Organs and you per. Fur a Lat we se to that his jn aiicte a apap es @ ie te J ripen aa Cataton pap ote Upclng 9 omhaaae Diustisted Caps, bead, Dent, per bash = = Logues sent to any ad eed = , KS a on --eruhsmlen Sale i foes ak about four qailer distant, befory being + fe oot a a meal. yer aheee Ba a nia, Old Ho. eo ke <n as om : Gloves, &6, &&: rane We Iearn brick mantilactory. Tew] = e313 Seas Sa trgscteen eee on zs io be opened in Stratford early if the spring mestion, are in le >, ¢o Potte; Br: appeared--behirythe | jalinmend Legh gett ewh. T Case Wises}, alsice, Sesntsesch Ww. i 4a gies. ns Nan hl. Patet \e = heme by Mr. Owen, photo-artist, and™are- q an exce cat situation, cout * : t ie ~ " - by Mr. ond ce of Seve t had | ourivsitios manding a fine view of the whole town, and Mayor ore mp igh. poem ag . i Dratne cen ae i the a hat aaa CRISPIN': s-- She cosas. --___- i ce 4 ; parchased Mr. Cooper's five acre park lot in 'A Cexpgas' Sona, --The follobin ex-jine einai 9 re filling ap with | proeseuter atked for ay adjournment prtil int Sie "t> oom ; 9.00 bo | irtenesdh paardaglh, : s muss REMEMBER; = ¥ ; Mr. Grint's surrey. Mr. Weir has got "Mets eallent is from the facile quill of the bedutifal ho: y perwon vuhing Konda. at ito vex a ee "+ 610.00; pe ah Ley i a ev. ured wal at a verylow | fAgure. WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, . of money," and we welcome him . - ih or se other perannns < ; a tor Strat. me = esi Moststie at a jt mee cy bt 'es nett home cal witended ty HE Sao Stet _ ST. MARYS Mangers. The Fdeeiog "Department _ OPPOSITE THE WAVERLEY BLOCK. ODDFELLOW8 #RON SOK; :.' Mr. I'. J. Woods, the enterprising prpric- af woe freenia, 5 Rpg . - ar mperay, Mr. tol. Be Yi fre ' Pine; = = a Market Square. ' ee . Oe od Ccddamithie | at oer Cae ts wie, eoaenal ' For eongl A Foxuss Sr Banus F: Lefore -the same tribunal, eBay Sale hs SNE Is andor the Malagetent i B Lagann endersigslMbags to sninsaies a : : tee scrcapeitin seen a . a of smith's Hall, in the Albion Bleek, "The aay were ne was oe the pobaptet's "i the | The Winnipeg Pre Pre of che sah be: ander t Mitch ----_ Ms Mr, John reso | YE i sheet hand x wed tte gt nana " " Sigmaeabertarage ---- Laan Fax & wie. = + tends aria 3 Sieih. Jer. thee nome + ie WF ton, of Mitebell, with fi -- taking a» weer kee, tee to We; apples, 500 GREAT BARGAINS 7 MOWAT 'S- BRNK, --venlonce of the public Ff Weeks toe Then getep-mes anid Jody, the breaktast govt | "#7: z- © ackson had bis foxt bed- | mare, , ie property of pl plaintift he evidence Be polatee per ib, 40 to Go ; mution, tou, Leto ies Mr. P. SHANNON, _ - = : ee pemipi pablic. Mr. Woods deserves For'the bia on the saawdritt's beginning to | 7 fezen on Christmas Day, while on thir ahrerw thewt tive wots Sefiootl : Tie Se batter, yer - aa oe See W. Mowat & Son, Bankers and Brokéts. btless receive, the thanks of the blink : way to thia city 'ftom the fourth engineers' f the lime onch w apparenily well an- $%0 to S1.0)- te to Ge: ducks, "Pie ecivtraied American Cutter, : WALL PAPERS: | pa tirstss waren ter ponenceionain ~. beaple fa a spbstentiad manner for bis euter,|i'e 1s bannocks or brochen, I'm eff tor the camp, C.1.H., forty-two miles east of Ited tte a Eggle fou that the 5 if, Bic to Ses cylckn Saud, per pair, 00 to B eran es pe Ponsa Balin Side S oS the 3. eect ise in this matter, 7 = 3 syceived was baulky and lame, rk heh oe ee x, & ay thesiatinn = Being + to clear his present large | T?oprn from seven until Slaterdsy even. = i To mak' the stanes les to the tee o'the rink. | River. He was taken to a Swede's camp, | and pled that be wasunler the indvenes ef = ae ea $401 Pit Guaranteed Every Time. | #e** au'd Scie "toum for his pling Imports: | inee' Sanda past et tee acmenter. Apptatians « en vaauan's Bart.--Abst fifty couple were | Chorus--Then Surrad for the eurite' f-ne Girras | and thenes to the C Crossing, and-received at | liqaor when the bargain was made, and there. = , the ples = po aera eo Don he Fae eatin: ~ Present atthe firemen's ball, on Priday.eron- : Murrah foe the land of the besomand | both places every kindness ; on the 4th inst., | fore Bot responsible. This s dinpewwed Ly GALT MARKETS. fram the Cheapest articles up to the mene at | Monk ox Kank iment. at Prretg toe, Sanlogs 7 ing last, and judging trots"Ahe buaity dost] ~ sta se! | he was brought to the city, and on Sunday | pit" witneten. The cose vatsisawd. - GEO. KLEIN prasive. Batlor. Drering'room. and' Bodom | Mint caer Sim payable witbow novise. Grecia With which tbe progranime was darried ety pens mony fh Kes Sip ageard ve "y [| Mr. A, Dent defended the scousat: Gast, Jan, 25, 308 ° Fattorna, Statues, Ornainents, de de, jood prompt stteetion givay te toon, " ieee gee | er aS ey ee ref eo tn, sistant | pence ree St P| Peta Se . joyed & | ales, bh feet will have to be amputated. Mr. | of s new foundry ineaiitehell are mowt pro- | Sere for Barley, which he 2 teuctiad 230fust ea Paper Hanging. and pin- [ tor Agents iu New York :~Tha of New ; Foy "y neadrilly doeud nader the leade-ahip of Prof. jee it it canna be men@td--~ Jackson had received a lotter containing » Ming. As mentioned last wock, the Mayor teat ony Watiuatt sligiving it emot at allieely J. Cc A M P B E Li i. ing executed promptly and at reagel- eres tz yi? mats Week, Wollt ia' ; < iz 'Strer, foe lninaie Se Sot Yaa Fe atork SS ieee TR petty bee ct heonitrs saree ft rare veh ss = been corresponding with a gentleman in | basleoe to $1 00, tepedwell per bush. ®e to able rates. or, 3 sai ania = nimble foot kept time, Mr, Thomas Hen- Ang apa ne Hoey eather, corin' ewer the trewn | Out., and he was on kis w way to visit het, | the tyerae Uy-law 'and start laree I Ton Works | O22 Foon a ADS ase Raa oe SAL PREP SATE PATTER, wa srywoores aie x : " > Werson and Mr. TW. Draper were masters | 174, 0c0 OT: os caster. the ianant and bina when he met with the secident which doubt. | lere as rook corporation can enter et BHR Te Barats, Sas, tt = re a uf ceremonies. There's brave Jassie Fairlie, he's there late Jems will have serious results." Mr. Jackson ~ bo oh with hiss fer rt part on au Oedees left at McPherson & Farquhar- H h B l b j Diy 0 Gaot.--On Toesd: , i 1.000 bonus. | He has by law, and GUELPH MARKETS. ; son's will be promptl 7 ° a c ay night week, a | noetter curlers than hit or Tor: Conn canna be, | as for many yeart a resident of Stratford, aeaet ' promptly attended to. aci n u Ss . . .5 saan named Benjamin Pusey, an old solitiar, | W! the lads tree hiuwinnin, theyll send the | ang ig brother of Dr. Jackson, of Berlin. Pri negra page amend Gb ant ae ~ Gearatas.m Ure. _ Stratford, Jon. ura tin. ye Fire and Life Insurance Co'y. died tthe Stratfort gaol, where bo thal" Wr white Sather they wit vom the tow We siscetely regret to hear of his sad mis-| brick, shops, waits whola plant, and oEWRET Habs tsi ta te bran ow ha | -- HEAD OFFICR ----- «= qQUEEBEO. como oe sent on the 23nd November last, being | ar sdeseny nen fortune, and Lope that W'may pot turn out *fer the machinery is started, give a first | spring wheat: per. bash-+ to We; - -- "Ted 1 Slike atany that RwAt, BR = fe whale spring wheat. per busttred chaff! tetas case G.-B: JOH Ss. -- 2 ae very ill from the effects of drink and | 5S Nore dile sony Seah ited rewsretane' as bel oe ed. ae rl i line m4 hy nae tomy pase Fer -- NS:& co, AND GLASSES.. one HERES. i cs she par ~ eee oak ay -- "For un Kirk will tele to Wot tinere Claes" Pursextatex to mane Baracas snp tihould be faihfally carry out hie pledge to oe OULD call the eectal attention of those u GEO. * Ri SETA ime oroher 5 & verdict But in the frosty weathor let a' meet thegtther, ae he corporation, atthe ond of that time th =< ; ot "Died trom nsan ofthe roan vos | RE pigoos tat hans cal Sta ¥y tn | Meuanonen.--The changes inthe saffat the | SS SOT er tetker cain otts| New Butcher Shop. , [maemo aus See ooten ohD LEB, teary i tarned. Deceased was abont 50 of | And then, by my certes, yell see boo a" partios--4 jo ages tat a a cenae "tin | property. Me would like Sea Se ee vo A Chote Selection at A. GRANT, Bog. Chairman. = yoars aregratr? bere wil lore end like Beth ages? Wock's Trams, necessitates the romaral | mence building operations aa to IPULE culersigne bows 19 spnonnce tg the in at Ti & BR. HESION, Keg: STOXES, Keg. oe. a Norcent go " J. of Mr."Cotia Rethone to pociaeil and Mr.) beteady for spring trade, vat nye aaaes it ix Fi eg Ay je : kad." taal be tae oves, /inware, Lamps, Cut- Fy BUrmERFORD, -- Maratacutat. "Dy retoteiiee "f5 andllier hic tee Sa aneree Patitnot | Richardsse- te eamtort, Tha einploxads | Sy wa ivepsamre nent { Markers Grocery, wae Beet, arte berg, ri J. H> NASMYTH. & CO'S., | -resurpearte eseevinned-sinremmvone: the poe <==" column of to-lay's Tunas, it will be observed | translate the above are recommended to call | ander their immediate ion at Strat. oe "| Lpinaytihialtger > Lo agg oj Meee mopenteity Set thet. agar sy Opene. . ~veueq aninion, Fire ant Life Policies ineved a = that Mr. A.W, Wright, editor ef cur towa > supervision gain. Fis notexpeetad that noe wilt | Segre A se + of the ya 'e eat ses 'Ate rates. ; ---- upon Mr. W. M. Clark. ford, could not allow their revepected heats | be much opposition te tho by law with ny ber Wo) NORFUL Re . MEDICAL HALL. Stratford, San. £. 17. ie ans misty. roy ane seeeanel the sinha at Covrum=rmaar Thsxxen ro Commxnctat to leave without tendering them some token only a Sen ot aie the ratepayers appear | Stratford. was 78 HOU SE F ses RN I TU RE, Stratford, od tee mony. We congratulate friend Wright | _ eae ' o thet he Accordingly on Monday | lows to gi i= agin apes ek ~ -- . : = an. * 'Stratford Spring Brewery, i . ereany rd ae RR 7 * ha FPSCALE ATP TEP Br be PP et osiitaaeis Rad tinh on al Ae 4 of mars ts ad ib steers merece nome wate , 20 Me. Wan | exftied +4, tops ia ila cuge : ve si 9 Wert TIT ES CITATES, HEDSTENTSY WY! ais A el PS om 0 | : ug years nines, pa 'plinentary dinner te the commercial travets}! Sane bn snere rp: ant . i _ bs as <i ocr wees onset lers, on Friday evening last. There was a Ogss's b == hotel. "The chair was wv: chara pS te epg eo that wf tine a oy emgets ave peabearirs cemnetean » AL niey Jo Fs tele as tho eircamstances of eduutry sulter. |"#Y larg galbaring of gentlemen, present, re gp = gg arg ara yrevume i will ot be tong bolero the, greed Street, sod wo won aid renee ctfally intmate to his An, d pesties 604 to purchase -- mA 1a PEAtthe py 3 a . ak mene } amongat we noticed :--V rom Torento,;-- jearge. ~ '. ihe hed Thom. | tustemers amt sbile geueraliy that he hes aro Tee A: tu Bietes: Pattot ts th s on = = : _ a + : anhes ban a will alfow Messrs. Sam. J. Walker, W. Damer, J. D, | €ttellent repast served up ta friend Odes | son Wins to had steele wr a over: | ate Vil be given. Ai} other tranches co a BAAS Sa ewi Pump ¥- P. aie : Rasa EF Sata Soot Boctat.-- The an- : ; best style. After 'Fastlce had been done to | come. Many ad Mitehel-cffers bet. gused oe tature With larwely inereoned Aé OWing to thy hard Limes, a TER : Ss; Py At short notice, aad om Reasonable T. rma The nasi secial iu conuection with the Ba Moulton, 2. B. Linton, A. M. Moere, Goorge . ; ry tur ndvaxit gis Tue gc hegers establishment of Iron tacitities, be is now = c Los > Aes Brewery te @a the corner of plist Sa BE we the gool things provided, Mr. F. H. Cowley | 4 7 T ' EPs "ied Habbath scthoot was held ot ot "Weduesday Lee K, M. sequeston, F, AT. Marsden, | ate, thesis Works than eny town im Caneda, so that | Celebrated Iron Po ughs, jet with his own hey are pene. Very Cheap Pa SINKS , Pe] BIMMINGHAM AND PATEICE . eresing ah scl nosed ais ates HC. Hamiltgn, B. A. Dodds, J. H. Cole, A. ---- i aE "ie - whoever the locky pereen pe le that will Moid Boa CASH, 3 . & 3 oar Me. Bmith's Tabsery. social aie! . . with a massive g chain and locket, wo come among as may dc reaping Which ha med 6a Fr r Orders mace A oo : -- om ro ---- Bier tome aktale # start. "E lece, 'Gude Gok KR about $40, and read the following address :-- ie counnl, ty nn = large pe é te for oon ms {slice semaine -- ant Sap oe -- 2 = Wash Bo ; "helio <r = % was servelin the ae Mr, W. E. Shar- | ~* fy sae Searle, | Oe aagirs ' money investe: 1 ean ee eel = - - wasn was eloctud chalsinan, amd short ad. Load 2. Hest, J. Stes, W. M. Bonatd, plesene ofthe rT Maal straatord, aa a Sod aint cearince the ractves that re ev tctaat eve 2 Beep a. -- ao The Albion Shaving Saloon: a> urease were delivered by the Rov, Mesers. |} 2°29. -G. MeNanghton, James P, | Bot permit yu to retire irom your proseut pos. ST. MARYS. on correct and stiontidic principio ° L -- Walker und Gough, loitGeamad «ah Fisher, B. Booth ; J. Nichotis, Port Hope; {Inaving our ulke Vatatthe sometime we ere then Provincial oer Fed eth s : Pe fo. gS Mi en eatin act nae farce oy : ough, persed with sone a. Anticon. k sienset inde a. at tue on tabs ¢ of thecompany | Mr, Gongh's lecture at SU Mary's has beep Boul cou' Fa and Tigawhanas te, rs ps F4 roents i shop rhabals ; well rendered pieces of musie by the obvir, ie tee Acree, 080; bn SUSE RIIOS Femy Sov ania attra! np itgpacy pt Withdrawn, and asa great namber bere are | of oak ractical y ype vn Oh gree ogee Ea . TEA My i s Shem soning dane te : Mies Mirch preaiding at the oe er eI eres, Hamilton; J. M.) seen eds re harstote to Lear Bim, thoy have written, to : ivi h Lend wisniae wih =Co LYRs 3 Theat forget, bit shops tay f loctioa in behalf of the eehteis eihass wan L . London; William Sloan, Detroit, , for the @eifare of yourself stati reve oa Stratford for tickets, Your townspeopte will pegs Se Eg wcesalh 'Suck anaode Saeed yn #5 Cxs AN; ' Es, S) wife thn ashore itevet, one agers fe: : * + . of wr. 4 S tes as ol kU Hon Me eames meen | ts Cae Math et dt | Mite a $2 iter, m2 S| eames uw Parmitiva Matwonisr Cuescn. The an. |? + Devideon and John Dayne, Sealer. | front oot vdeesrve to raniad Fou our many | han saad ly" and wakes "big push * nha Sous be Silk. JORN MUMPHKY. a" ore 8. 2 - OF sas has missioaary serticeus in eouneetion fired Mr. 1), Ly Coven, presided, Nr. Sietiiitivray | fries ue in the eraytoy.of tne GT Tw Suratior Gor acl Pa SLAG -- TOW wer ra bana gene A 3 ' tule church were held on Sunday week, in | "4 Mr. Bret and | ty. Y Sot ~The re sn Caste ts = GUAGE" 40K g ie] ane - the chaps! on Wateriooet. Her. ( socond viee-chairs, A umber of the jead- Menmelncabaslictmesien, my t. Mary'y Carling Chib payed ba the = CO OC as a HE alors Reward wil be paid te " Clarke, formerly of Stratford, aud recently ¢f = business men of the town aleosat down tty yeyyrey. We. H. Itas wroms, aie a soore of M31 yannts, On Thureday x Water G; "a = couvlation ot partise = faulty of seit ues Manitoba, prasching torning end. evening. o the Lengnet, which waa propared in Mr. | Jo Pramrerr, doaera (raapr, the rnd Mary's € "Nygb played maninst the Chat ~ 3 A iaiey oy a nate eet Clerk. eee A missionary betd-on 'Tuextuy poet bast style, ne will be even from the | FLOM hs haw Club ii-Lotidon lor the Koyal Csledon- : * Cr vs ' Serabdend, Jan: Ue. aos #:. evening {illowing, at which addresses were flowing The locket had engraved tpon ft, "Present d Seok siree = cerne apeti hen the * tn pi 2 a MED Rng Ad-Pey, a | - Commercial Hotel, pon delivered by Mev. Mesirs. Clarke, Boyd and (MOR rR ta Colin Bethune by- 2. Re triends, Beeat-| seory stool St: Sinrys 487 Chehann, 42. Ww. © ROBERTS. Bonn a Cay, Rm anager etme ; Lel. There was a taisaionary social an Wed- ramen -- les ford, 1876." Mr. Methane 'redarved thanks uiajority of 6 in fsvour "ol St Marys. Tie . WATCHMAKER, TeMTULER, ert ETC, ETC. Gag 4c. - S** = fcr, Sommers from all traine. ~~: sis Tpaisid i nesday evening, the prineipa! feature of an Fick _-- tan few bricf and appropriate remarks. Af. -- curling slate throng hunt she Doris. - > ad . = 8nia Iron = Peng. = endtnicetaniseaees Tie. saat _ ; . . , pR are pew actively exgaged in the contest 3 se i e whss lecture by Mr. Clarks, an Ce ter this part of the evening's progratmme had | for tha Guramor Gauerai'e m ®t Mare's = 3 Biralford, Jan. $, IM = sf i hia travels iu Manitoba. A number of me ise a been gowe through, Mr. L. Moir addressed | cigh hae roored 23% pointe: Ottawa, 69 Celeb ted ies sel Ai . eS - ws RIC. scriptions were reeeived for the missin Domed Turkey "with Jelly Splomt Rownd of Raat, | MF MfShardson, expressing regret at his lear. | Armprior, 126; and Belleville, 124. The va "Wa te "Sia sa gout "te Ses rea Lo fand.. The ch rit vf the elureh een Freasel Corie shnant™ Chickens, [img tiem, and-prescnted him with a beactiinl "ar tial . far, peiieten the load a - , ee Station. Goud Square Meal fas to © conwe, sume exentiins 'ns andi intl Chichen Said. | ativee ing piteber, ttay, aod goblet. Mr. tor toons theire. -- Tt a . Peas chien Pie cael THE GREA -- REMEDY! rollers. Tus Woneaia bevcta di sasiey Extrees . Piliebanisos in scknowledgment of the gift, | Mazy | A. swo. Wateh Clocks as _ Stratford, Jaxtidiry %, 187%, . hy evening last the members of = "ounty id Set We er y tein oa fowls ata '<---Teaid he was taken by surpriew at this as in the lodge room of No. 844, Blansbard, on A. A Bo rth, as ewellery ee = Council, the evanty officials, and the mei. eS Pa Pecchapatt Spars | festation of their esteem. He thanked them | Teslay, the Ith alt. The meeting was DAUGGIST 4 STATIONER, Spectacles to Suit all Sights. EDRINGVILLE, Oot Deeds and Mortgages le Beilod. ' largely attended, and a yocl deal of interest Aiba WILLIAM tm Kuglish, Preven and German te uf the presa were hia to sincerely and heartily for the handsome ex: | y4, 'in the proceedings. The fullowing warranted. s Biel... eechday A ag tree wysier supper, at the Queen's Arms Hotel Turkey, Pee Saeces Caper on ad Las heat Pressio of their good will. In after yearsit | gentlemen were lected uffice-bearers :--Birv pgeiaiad cet st y Seeks come Ofhies, apgeeme About 40 sat .own to paflake of the bivalves, Roast. would be s pleasant remembrance of the | H. A. L White, DM. Bro. A. Sayes, DLD.M. q 5,2 mate seas ene AO : - and at the same time todo honor to Mr.) Peri 4). Puch, Gumant Jutty, many plarsant days he had spent in Strat-| 2° p)¥- He Irvine. C. peo GD - Lasria. IMPORTANT. NOTICE '70. THE Belore Taking, GRAYS After eee Davidson, the reapetied bead of the Connell. ed wiCkicken, ford. The balance ofthe evening was de- | Bros, Thos. Kennedy and William "a ~ SPECIFIC MEDICINE ee Kew Bryans. seamen : Mr. James Trow; M-P., and Mr. fg ant Apple Sauce voted to toasts, songs. and speeches, end | regolution expressing armpathy with the 'Oke All goods have been pur- Cures all Nervous Distases, such as Tremors, -° of E presided, ie paray chased in the i Mayor Daris of Mitchell, filled the vice- one . weperal jollity. Messrs, Moir, Rankin, Fro. } Indians eas Tadeo PeTserutivns, and reeom- a pap SET piel Ween bere jee" * ie a chair, Toast | and song willed the ™_" Some brey and Crawford, were the ¢ ittee ap-- tt mente tiistriet 40 = <pptigl sy yo BEST MARKETS, F U RN L TUR E tobscen and slecholte spirits; but the 8) ecitie ese ts ny happy hours away,' "and the + | Engiteh Finn, Branly Sauce 'Tapioca, ¥ Wine Sevce, -- _ or ie fi 813 Thow being raised to. extablish ir sights, AB2 Witt wot et wntailing eure for. Weaknen, Sopra bs i" as a "a ~ change of kindly feelings towards one ano. | er Port Wee are er a Mr. ean a --_ sr Bethdne Mr. | was passed unanimously SM4LL PROFITS t Prices to awit the Hard Times. a Lunpotence, apdiall dissseps: % + + 255E3 | tos 4 (her was such as to make all feel at home MWehar Cinhan' he k i b A ried Daata or Rev. Joms Near: 'The Li y= eee ; me TTERS will fad is to their advantage Universal Lasitode, Pain fn the Back. Dimness y _ | fe et - . ol ol » * * '; Mins Py cei spheres r, the kind wishe who | esse of Lon ive has loot pret Topi a -- Cc oh Siew | of Vinton, ature Old Age, and many other 3 a 3°} x and cosafortable. Mr. Davidson id very Bee, Rhohart Fie, were anh Phe | inthe person of the Hev. Father Marphy where, Baltenanes fra: "Ba Nips cer Linpates twat Foad to I or Consumption Reeice- |-o32 popular with the weinbers all of the Board, oerd Greeters Pe. articles presented were pare' at thestore | whe died at the residénce of Rev. E. Dele. Special attentign paid to Articles equally cheap, and eorvemanare Orare eee ere 85 "Ss sas 1 | F wad possesses their confidenes in ali matters Coke, ~ Frwit Cale, Mr. Joke Weieb, ci hanty, in St. Mary's, early pn Tuesday morn. = PICTURES - ere pad over neaeer- { : a > i pertaining 46 the duties of his office. elipesCile 'Sous' Ga' -- ing, 25th ult. Father Murphy wes $2 years DISPENSING DEP'MENT Services. AM sisiy and.meny youre gecériunce tn treating ' eed | { 3% : : : FUBLARTON. old at the time o: ise, wae a native of . . lolaial a Uh Leena aon Locmonve Esomumns' Batt. -- This ; _ ms ireland, and was ordaihed priest-for the dio- Serattord, Jan. 5, 1878. Remember the Place eye hich we ae tolbond free by wal ils = i; ag iaaiz event which has caused considerable inter- BE gs, 'oe Jelly. ee | At the annmal mosting of tho Fullarten | co of London siz years ago, by his Lord- | = "ibs Soselie Medicine a sold by all Drngatat F ce | FG 2s 20" eat _am. the Stratford Division of the Agricaltural Society, held in Whe Town Hatt, | *HP Pishog Weleh During aga years . No. 88, Ontario Street, Opposite the Post} at #1 per package, or six for #3, or wi |'O (Gunsags isch & os Brotherhood of Lecamiotive Bagineers, their | C=, Ags rnp Rann Lae oh wncenrets} On Saturday, the following officers were elect. | ereise tes aly cuales the tt pone shee "= Wane: deeming" _ co reef wean Re he zé iu Bie Eke g< wives, sweethearts, and friends, demo off in} 4 ed jw President, Geerga Laversage ;. vice- | wae employed sacceaxively in the missions of | ~ ' WILLIAM HEPBURS, © WHELAN OBES 2 Oe he mer ds ret the Town Hall, tust evening." The hall was Sp ache tee Oo fatwing dant, Wm, Hodge; seo.-treasuror, Win. | Windham and -- fraring the lest} . Stratford, Jan 1 1976, $7 | wetete tiated RR nan are hicprae ; rs 3 ~ KA i waa amas aa as ilsd ecuamser hoa drap Lith fare Umea aso § yr Mose: Picea Uneetionsd. Maen Turner, Pater arp ie lived ia 5 ceteeneent partly i , . . 7 meen cry wb pas Li % jes! . - 5 ny the youth aid beauty who de- Gena' union ag the company. " The Johu-Rogers, Nz Hoach, By-Prancis, Wim. H, | the Bishop of '« residence, and partly . Blacksmithing. nenete. wit ta z - light in terpsehicorvan delights, Over 100 . of weherend me Family Nips ress Woodley, sr.; auditors, Geo. he in the boase of his trien the Rev, BE. Dols. ; et rose 389 S vif ade Shoo oni.. H Tah g renee tae apern ' cade ee 'et, Pi Prinee Royal iy. ee . Bain ty, pastor of the Catho'ie Chareh, of undersigned has zo pened, the chop nay 4 _ AR i 7 : grind the mest on the listand wns umsically re- a vod St. Mary's. : The taiseral was attended by his sane Ny bp ee stratford Sausage Shop 8 5 : = F y} 7 i " ars ' dahip - ' « q Stratford and and other jlsces. The rich dreases ceived. "The Gorernu-Goners} and Lient.. Onrrvant.--We take the following notice resent, be -- pion pi ae i waar . 4 Onan nao) cpp Lett) axe mae ' Fy ' of the many ladies presest praved thai the Governor of Ontario," responded to by «| of the death of an old resident of the town. the diovese of London. Father -Marphy, we tn a maswer te ve satiatection, The attention TORE Fr. ¥. AXDRICH takes ploweara ia tnfoere- g. toed Gs" teen the air sea | Shorus by the company--entitled, " For | ship of Wellesley, trom the Guelph Mercury : | are iufarmel by ope who knew him "well, Plonghe of all mabes repaired, nus satisfaction | ccmnented itn hennwes been ee te Fe j trem making &.geal and that the | #7 8 jolly good fellows." 'Tho Presi-| --Psraason--On the 17th inst, at Welles. | #% « sealons pricst, devoted to the spiritaal : charatitood, store adjotaing the Commercial Hotel, snd i; 8 display, 'i sident of the United States," ' : welfare of the flock devoted to hia eharge CHARLES HAMMER | Ty surish attention tothe wants of tbe pute, || ~ londs of creation " are slow to eutour- " pny g he 'ey, §u the, neighbouring :county Of. Water} sca in hia dis » he was lowed snd | -- = Strattend; tent, Me asia to anerit fait shave of All Kinds of . 1 J age ther in their efforts to please. Excel. | ™PY from Mr. 1. 8, Griswold, U. 8. Consular ae rag L. Daeeam. Set, in the Alst | sstecmed by Allwho came in contact with MUST BE SOLD ise ; _SAUSAGE + sels wae provided, oder the leelet Agent Tho ® Arasg, Vary and Volonteess,"| iy cubsenitie, ou tha Stat by tee her, Mn] eee : OLD. | rrr secericont baring asad for « tar ot Meester i ee aapal 'Trot, Storer, end the supper table a gt fee at = cers Smith of Berlin, after funeral dis. | -- -- i ae elias ioae nea eae she Wesh oud Galt Park, end! asciliak Lint was konded with the delivacios of the aonsen. _ a ketene - imei German = Seen Sy ee os BIRTHS. THE BALANCE OF (uvongheut, ia'the totem ce th tne as ' ieheye-on The ball was a success in- every particular, ney vial chase " . nee be Sc array a mI Larger Ai Reliahen_on, the Lea equaty, the bene berlain's & - sueee te orks 5 opnsnesenes of the liberal pat 4 pine prowp and reflected credit upon those who were en- SER ne. the extreme severity of the weather, the errr berdt fork Towaahip formerly of Strat Chain periain s Stock the Ineveasad facilities at hie command, he wil 4, ¥. ANDRICEH, : trasted with ite managements Manan SD Ecig, Keetatin MA ON8 | acces aie numerously L Girl eumetiectn az Wirnterd, om the Join wiki iis URT ba ecUl, iplendid: Writ a | pee Wee te oan eet, Cee | eee nl Pe F. PANY, Nansow Escara or Nosa's Ant--Aw Bix. --, see a ipa wgard provsenion of weldeion somtaining erempuihia- | wie of ir Charles Gumutngs, of a sd. M' Wochhoras af Gall pier, Pi tabees ana | the""dilbton Hotel =. | COUNTY OF PERTH ce + 1. COMPANY. tamtive Cosrisonarion Avaxtap.--On' Fri-| weal smoreantile codec snake," "308 ay ak oy be The aged and Darel poctiag of ba - ig eh peel a on Be Be Wh itn wile of | mort an Sebest aac Callags gaat Dhooka itive tencecueg 'D. I. CAYER. | Saddlery and Hevneee Making. , ™. day afternoun last the clear tones of * Big | y Abra Mared q Coriatine, | Hit !on life had predeceased him ouly a Yew (itis awit ofa ult, Mrs, rae ERC SSRRENS. demand undersigned foasedl Prater: fmvenl, 6 Find Aewvant--g-* Peter rang out the fire nlarm: As there . ar ' , and their remains were then laid side | 78*e* Devidenn, of « daughter Story, Market St., near J. A, Sevtt's, JUST ARRIVED AT ite tae oe sees . Tho-~¥ice-president then gave " Our Bail- anited both Kxronr- hell, ongbe ait wit, Mra. Ka- , r Odbert's Bloek, lately oceup ied by Stanley we a doing the streets. were | ways." which brought Sloat, eou: | doath. Me, Peters hal reached a traiy |. Tore Rnweht ots hos WM. STITT./ J, J. o "8, | sine a S coment So 80 9g ways, + Oot \* * a truly 7 8. . DB ERT oe his line which filled, one with the - ee ee Mra. John 7 x j words | juctor G. T. Ik. to lilt feet, "Our Hotels" hal age, and up to a fow moments of sainwer, of a Stratford, Jan. Tr, ue. at fo han a ene a Vie ommtnntly Te wemiyy on bis Ueigue--"whace is HP™ Whee there's | oo. tan '8 bumper, and replied to | siz sath, be mas | penteotia-somseions, pos! "MARRIAGES. ae aca barren ty amoke there muri be and deuse faculties. was the honar- f 43 nibte ---- wear st teense vesie ses arian | go gigs eg eae eto steed beloved head of 2 wamerout rsce of "iather Pee AT aa ARE z YOU Gone TO HEAR | GAS" 'FITTIN GS, And all other te ue ae ee the furnitase warehouse of short tons Gibase. NY iho pele af thn [PRE tigi Renan Ean ee a ee Me Gasollors, Brackets, Shades, Tinpecermeniey tase mene > Mey « wedded wnine grand | seue: Melee ie iii on ° . i _ Mek, is tha cbt tenes tobiter erie: ice eae ern despre S00 cans cal. goed Aeesbeece ook orens oe beaks hes F tga Bag em Bg J 'B. GOUGH, And all otlier goods required for pice neat work ani a se flee oe mes - Press," were of children, besides numerous col Tio Singhs of ar Sut babekee "a ' ta Churches, Halls, or other buildings. Stratford, Jun. 5, 1876, ye Ci 0t., familiarly Apwn tothe old-reddente ne} |, Attend te the toast ef°*The connection®, all sswmbled to pay | yy &. The test Oralr in the World, gi his Stock" Prices as tow | cnt Ark." Aa the building ie sitmated | wiping Seat frinbed the shairmen's aut, | 'ir last wibuty of aflectionste reepeet for | "airiis by ie bey. don Meaipton, Me.'We| wonderful Lecture, | ea poniibe. Nochasge fo * honftbion Li inthe heart of the besntifal block of | 124 toast, song and nentiment prevailed 4 beloved head of their Howe. A yeoman fp Mebended, pede of Mt it re ; aol ge Ge Horses. Cov J a és aU RarOds ; : : : frame 'buildings "which ornament the Sarah ates Deen Seek anak bined dine am ate, PECULIAR PEOPLE e STOVES. = jG meses Paks dace the pa ot i an carly . company breke up h ly to the enre reward yo ee pee beaten meg be ' Amy quantity of ; : nod: 2: WOODE, Prop. Ls G. Bealth.. Bar. contee of Giratiord, it Leeame apparent | seer singing "A i honest toil and His life was Jentina, both of St Marv's. + panve : Stratford, Janwary 5, Se igeats= Wan ssi wa every one thet if the damesipbtained the |, sssand evening, atid enjoyed Mt, Caven's of an and full of the Chriet- Durren Dawe AL Me on ther-t0th wit, COOKING, ou AND PARLOR STOVES, |. ant Cowan. pai ta : "ir they, eshte Nate of se the Sate aie aie a aes te oe rhese data ie Sam bre Central mecca 'Churety | SS SDHERT foe for Next Season," | yerreare tins iii er sree 7 tk | Daring the evening some excellewt songe | last great chauge, A. 7. . of és | tratfo rd, on M vening,| aiid! ' Pea SE BE eae Ss "Gait We "yo MF. te to Sih ceil ad in osha is be content ere by Mesare. P. ¥. Daly, CW. » and Towinh Rie: Vr . Sack, tenia Sites Maat os Fe po vel Stratford, Jan. 5, 1608 * ' Potioed, Ont. BS Sadho Fy ag Ba Fk ad Berationt, Jan; 5; wre, : é of the' shores im thi neighberbood were re. Young, 1. Linthe, J. Kneitl, Gordon and he . are three ror. "ei t SRN aalasread 2 SisM ens ORS eee a i oTice pe ~~ ' imored to-the treat, 4 OS SERRE: in sons, TL bf Teeeeen - of | Stanton -- Waren ~ restiten of the Yow tam get @ Ticket for 80e,, oF ; tford. . Mill ' : = HEIRS Sa aap nosso : cealDoe:{ --- Heeerved. Seat Ticket at T5e. Stra a AT HUSTON'S CASH STORE, 1 Of H you Want the beet Gtting pape Nee dae ete