Stratford Times, 9 Feb 1876, p. 1

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' 'British Ttems, Low o Noreen of Malla has been appoint ed Governor of 6 cal 1 aeprcke' oan i saa tha late Bari Shanho: tar : aft Dudtey has promived a \ 'gwar the me carck | | 'AND OOUNTY OF PERTH . GAZETTE. sid that re STRATFORD, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1376. ladia from the Prnee a Wales, od ; : - : 7 " . . WORSE: - bad Selene. by Sohialhe that cesahy law. wae a slaun _ a - M4 - 3 y . Pembroke, * 'rain Mater allay ondahire. twonty-five hiusdred dollars. A Charch fair | State in the makes a tolerably beal- time he-hegaat rng Bee St he bu be, ect ahlition of ol of renctar a , ; tho, Kivguce ond frm > r,_1¢ mille, ot $2 1 cints len ste tre sy pone -- dia tt papel thy showing. scaly 8 '$18,000,000, a "ye 'whieh «The uae of porter, ae, gin and other spirits tie manent that ehenp method for Hoo, Mt. Wop eid one man migh: Arras in progrens The. complistion of the census of Ireiand, chery il bey sa ay lay to heart. --Vouth's| by nursing mothers, t0 "wake mil," it | juanutactare o ite Mx [drink with tmpenity whe: would weke| {0 regand ton railway to comect ith the aS whem -tee neat hie tide eseure ix 0! wth ig Hepeorth's ehareb Si prob. which has just been made public, contains fallacy. this fact, were not fully sustained by the ex- sacther drent Li ing wes pot safe ja | Cavedian Government proposed Louden that property shad be auply pro. | ably get salely through ite financial troubles, interesting statistics, The population | Companion. Sho hopont steel enn be tarnel ceelly ithe | pentmante of Vogal, since thersail Duar tree. | Sects San muntetpal bodies 'The | 10 teke the power to ; ' Lo =e: shoir preper abs ve [ae frytin fntain fta present bouse of worship. | et s island is bit down ot 6.412.600, Ia ms as tools be moistened with o mis stare ae ive, ted did not always coagulate on boiling. | Goverumagt Intended wrany cat (héiaw | With one of the compe pre gene betel * . ies sighs Won. i . Suk perob-Esicourt, tor | "The Baptist Charak at Yousare,¥. ¥., fad pee Pr sireaas we bo oes fatbe -- " tod ome epee ----EE-- The measure was note ocetved In the inter. | bale of maximom giant of $8600 per y Mo R. boe Nast wuss and atone per-|oalled the Rev. Henry M. Sanders, and has off nearly thrve millions ta Faaxct Tarowa Pop 10.--Take two ounp- _ So ON Mind of shetty is now prepared | ONT+RiO LtGISLATUES, |[e-t of any cleas, but of the whole country, | -mile,! aving the arrangements to bo ratified ° A afterwards Presi | eecepted. Mr. Sane sll raped ead peotn- Ph This talling off id hat ac. | es of tapioca and boil it in ball o-pint of wa hens, ducks, ote. 740 gras. ' Mc, Cianga, of Nortutk, believed the more | by the House next - - i joad. ising gia and of great persona! mag. | five years. "te See ease til it begins to melt, then add fathars plaid square metre of a light the Lill wes un teratood the more it would} The bill was rend the Gist time, staw Board, 1s sea parade coantel for eae Po turn to Ameriean oen- ghah ol-gellh Se degpeon, ap Leall. alll SGTAAL sary scm Soha which la, 'eaker-sesel, ie How. Me, 'withdetor hie--bith const : the riilen tith = SEAT Donat that tie rea] The -new Roman Catholio-- Cathedral is nd faa ao persone still living. in the | tapioca becomes very thick; sida well-beat- land admits of toimg-dyed in all shades. Plast geesioN- Wiad PawLtaweyt. ee Tarien seppuiad Te ke = the er ae ree ig Tse _ op te Drees -- -- a he to neuralgia | New ri is being iret with with at United States who wera } in Ireland. egg, sugar and favoring to taste, and-be ntaine, ruts ealled _jron- a7 ome 'Tho debate adj , mei] or T fo bs sania by tes wet [aperd: --A quod deal-of the rool is already ou. Thate Tis "ates beer a tery Large emigration | three-quarters of am tour Thre preparation are 3 Laie i of oul suena yee been ee el ee Soa en ti er yak Sa eee he eh Rig hl ym peg na en a gl i eg eee pr 3 a at i . " terwards. mia be ep ss id their heady -when "a "wa cage el n Meier-Stmith, Hector | ing ty the ox te Rage acne pt net Swear Lacason,--Break up 9 quarter of s|shoald not bo furgoties that waniie acid in} Mr. McLe nearing ee meg of corte ~~ Hoo. Mr, Crasis moved the third readirg i ¥ Tier Pa of Germany has seni] of St. Saha' 'Protestant Episoopal Charch, frei the tsleed wen 049,406. ad it was not} peand of the best macaron! into small | polsonous. sae oak relating to oot Durham Fe | of the bill to in he (ity of St. Cath- 3 ee, 1 bs ms "ae i and jewolled brao- sere ford, Conn, bas been eleeted Professor uo tarys < duri ng this decade a turing the two | jengths, and-boil it in twd quarts of water! 37 Reet's researches on the effect of air. | platy oflice. Carrted, ' rinesend ho sald city 10 nego. Mrs sim Sits fu jeweiled bras matietiew and Pastoral. Theology. in the | prgeson a. | with « iarge pinch of salt, until purfectly Lem~ | aressare on life, for whictr he has recently ob- | Fee ee tate a loan to pay existing debontures, en ci of thel ' Philadelphia Divinity Sehool faaitons stn -- --_ shane a = der; drain away the water, add to mee-l tained the medal of the Krunch-Acadermy, | the Act ye ring emp bared Mr. Maasorrs movedt-@ recommigal of the | xe "Dr, Honry C. Weatwood, of Lancaster, Pa, | sears, The sroni ints the stew-pan « cupfal of milk and | haye ied to the invention of a method-of pre: | Cabada, be reterred a in oe bill, im provide that the proporti a - ° oon ter which was wrecked af -the Suilly} sogepte-the call cf the Chambers Presbs-iiy Sentchind i oumbive, end ¢ and the Seleeage. a quarter of a pound of_siffed lump sugar, i by enclosing itm vaseslecontaii. ba pd with ----- 89 io 38 Ot the debt t be wore by the Sxlendew} === "=""> ieee ee id Islam Wt yéar. -° |tertn Chareh, in Philadelphja. Tho Rev. | jana and Presbyterians slightly inereasd | gud keep shaking over the fire until the milk | ig' compressed air. a cp lenage tos vad limite should be settled by arbitration. "s ie Poepeit " waeptatisqudin' susset. John Chambers, who died a fe® months ago, [since 1861. The former namber 4,159,967, isabeorved; add any favoring, serve. Slew. The following ia a cheap substitute for__the _ -- pte tnd peg samo -- The.emendment was lost by a1 te Si, and - - slsj. nad" sans" losis sommplese in tae dros} wae parker Uhabejos ball euitary-------t ibe Kplenopalians 647-280. the.Praabzterians |i teow tang be served with the macntoal: | oc osive gold tarmish used on ornamented Lenincepatncanele ctombhaiaenen ts hill paseed. "or : prs seatinee reserve at Chatham. aud] The Rev. C. H. De Devoise, of North a denominations togeth-} ~ (p01 Pupoine.-- Mia ini oincerot aw} Sere Bk! s gallon, asphaitum rection aT cant teman tot Ween Mr. Wits resumed the debats on the jeady far commixsion. She hase dispince- | Benokfeld, Mase, hat tendartahen. t mal Sevich oatmeal in a parvanaad 8 Blak 06 Sy half a gill, aniline yulow two eunses, umber aad Sance-Oetunhs, Landing. License Bill, and was Tellowed by Mr. -- i of GAT tobe, and bor engiiet work up 'collection of Charth manualx; especially | ~ he annual retarn of peuperi aa udf to it a pinror milk; - sweeten - to, frends 9 varnish one gation, "hiker ioc: the wag | Broder. (24 harsepower She earrew in her | those of Congregational Churches, His #p»- tand'sa_S New Year's Day shows that then taste, and stir over the fire for ten minutes: | and gambege a poon Mix and boil for some eeston motion Hen. Mr Cease was glad thetthe power ra. ty 1S-tonr 10 inch gans, throwing | cial Se a ee ee ee tom pe | ta at odd cae] oar st Dawson resumed the debate on Mr.| TM 0 be taken from musicipalitios, bat snot, ami ou hor upper detk two john EL V 'meet DD. tditor of ratey on the Ist of Junusry, 1875, was 8 7, | stir wnfil the mixtureis stiff, then all | Bs of indiarubber inserted in a collapsed s ta to the with. thought the revenue derived from licenses | jee guns, -- ther -gomptinrent « ; ite Banta schoo! "aut Tract Hind oy ) gna ape me aos meer ag ge nn cme ange 2 pap rng tag agp divers, aed then Het with wir ur by esting ii-teidue locust aoneogen a eT -- abmeseeds 3 _ veal t@n ou tha 4 = "Pre. } beaten + "of force-pumps, been ured 8 cous slinged -the Government | by tasenmaved wil be 2Lastiesta ----_s + i9 now mach | ceeding year. The indoor pagpers do pot grated uthntg, Pat the ag Sr | meane pire Maa re i ealipiaem ther distetots, Laare te a considerable Fussy titel to use the ven . H rain runken iy patronage given them : bet i hopes to be at his work this w wg. vary firueh in numbers: they were 156,795 on ~ = aud vake slowly for an geen The wastrat enggest. | CUmber of settlers, Ae opposed the motion, by this measure for political epds He was is ter, and hopes i. the Ist of January, 18735 154,171 at the like en eye we. C of ot Edinburg Uni- | 884 contended that the lumbermen were of im favor of th the «! ~ i Rev. T. W, Goodspeed, the ant fate in 1873, 172,270 in E874, 155,655 ig JBTE. see nin orate rater 8k Carn of denote) cipal. teevios to pew county, B tack rian by hele pergonstaliity BSR . ra o a <. Fob eee Ae ow, r a ee % 4 : 'aoe > 9 ry Shy * pee E A of fe. } BAA ee os tn bor RRC Do ne , teen wad Ebene Fo oe vice nditt prod Ba Mr. Bererss a o- coal 1 pot , ote to enter the | Testing; they wire 662.10 of} oven. Necihar way is, silt a quart or two The eomtion ow: Rene & cepts soil is iter rewuss & large abo ish salovn or limit shop Iiceoses, Hé wer six Roulved need ¢ me siueel Sig paseraie Sa a oe Jamuinty, 1875, which ig ig 17024 Jose thd 80) sour ina . Stiri thecentera litte walt dimatecu an ee ae, if were advanced & the bill, but should like to see the oer a Ly of teu at po Se ee ene | Gab bent sponding date in 1N?4. 74.094 love] siariaty « taipsoufil of sds well palvaria-| ot taken when patting inthe foun. | , MP. them resuived the debate on |$ and' did not bellews making ide part's parts of saghet Litied, Relea daya, } Semetuees. 2 Boston, PAP is 173, and 162.080 tees than in 1872.1 44° put in the hole a cup-of walt (nattiquid) dotiauel o howe, imaiieags te. oe a 4 tinibef peg ghee! gag ges Be | druukeunees « crime would harp a gocd sf- eo tenug a i sed bead of géthe. © Trlnce ccmtateation ot which ihe Rev Br | Te faupers ov New Year's Day. 1876p were | re Grbatuer and land wined; stir it tot. | impaired. Witha clayey sui! itis possible to = gah lng inte ths. fect, and was glad the G hand ; tseaty -bve bund « the hew organization of whieh "| Lin 25, of or 3.4 par eent. on the pean feel with vo Sues yr mid two scant o with | atending that the present syetem the matter in their banda. asc play With| renin yt at fea er nae ack | Tite Alem etme ns ea tn | rho eed + dy - toe zt Be teeta eo crest Hahitste Ronaucal thr Ss ae a nn re ee rene ght Sear rea vn =o emo sa a i oy A So of tembemes Hin the bat it dal mot go fer ~ 1 4 +i. - " : EM Dips 0 oy in 4 Teme regoreee ue | capetal etack ofthis new enterprise. mer mal adalt able-bodied paupers { pigne- ta you can toll it out, quick. This] L Aienas ba : te, | °O8 Brant districta should be opened ep by ye by Mesars. Creightda, Rob- te 2 pet rear The Board of Missions hee shipped « fine forarth sheen ae eae are was 115000 00 | i male three or four ie ore nah = Pinta allways. 'fuse Binvad GechatY mene - -- CEPR % Sy +. in 9 ne ' bak-} iman states tha! trem numero o ayatem, i . known to rs none opie, -- Pe conten i brsin They. James HD Dalla nai ba ihe nati n at rp tca corresp See in T wrt | ee A i ee tiene in Mgr ipoh, snes apey. comatete "at Simmons ryote tn rst the Pisbin, ODenshan an Bee Ss Seca sia -_ a wae the sin of bying aud exagg Church at Yokohama, ~The boll weighed sia | lees by [2.483 ten in 1573, and by 38,544 . the oi the apples; that, as an average, a ol be teas accent Tums pr Aw Brgy saree yer nd wes awe sacurayy The oldest pew y ehia jour dred and six pounds, It was mein'y] than in 1472. so as net fo mjure suape * | one degre cause a or retardation -of : i ote The bills to take farther provision for. the meee : ha: eatant is do. OG, ef daly 26, Lost, now primero ona ory ol tiialixal : eer iL putthem in a deep haa Bem and pom three aud three-quarter ays | in tho various i nonraone ae fd more | nsabe and to for the payment of} * _ : ~ sa Desh shui. 7 t.4. - TRS Gavings bankedn Mur eG Gat Uprtain 5 Cy pememmess « ptut of pe of the bs Pe eapmcsasiy aaiet presakvalice @ the Ioreste. x - j witwesses 'Crown were read a second -- Vias year the Dubdin dies i - 'suday The of sending out eolonies of Seen ut the top with 5,887 (of whigh 4,432 br th Pent anved femon in. | % She blossuming in sprring. Messrs. Pauses 024 Dasoox spoke tn wind. | The Lady Prefessers of Belenga. tohieetrenr teeolete beau; wees --b Kiguanivest to' Palestine 1 stilt entertamed. } Post offer -pavines~teake)~ Ca pat step faved ems aiow: | To withstand med and water two or three]. up the debate, aud the House divided, ane aeenenymreeta 12504m,-- £500 on last yeettzeoiogiions" A recent interview between the Soclety which bri 1,600 ; 326 ef these are in Prmssia alone). mea oas i bat not in the least _oe If | inches deep, for ten hours aday for a woek,| ae owt to tne amendment wee ; Bebcuary 1. Lise short journey --two hours I think-- 4 of @ bn a varty of tourivia, us tesa matters in hand andthe Tarkish Ata-| Pranos 1.1, Austria and Hungary" 641, vs ie thin, boul it until it thick | without feeling any dampness or re | auy teat by 56 to 8; ment by ST to 8,| The Speaker took peta 11 15am, | from Parma to Bologna le Grassa--pompous, n off the highest edit uf th eudor in Loudon shows a disposition on Belgium 411 Uncinaive of 401 post office racing take out the lemon peel, le put «| disculty ta getting your boots on or off, and the original seatetten Er oY et 'The House was sagaged. for over.en hoa | «tand and learned Bologna. Thid city makes "ata nae, ean let Sinan oa lee een elk gaps ame meh apne el ge yo ee ea SAE Sta SSR ht = er 'REO Ns a; 4 ce. Nesthern and the Irish} The ev. J. Cowins writes from Exat New. | mark 229. Russia fx. There is noone sav ine on pod daar teh os eos. sil shout onetablespountsl will insuitiass [i sete ssteastiog. The House went inte commitice on a bit eS er Read keep ennteoh an tede plane trae hinge dmnd-in Seana, md-onigtons so J dia may bu served « Sere as arabs Be Waar HOT 6 "ee Os Hegtng iedpecting tke payuenl of Crown witosoore } Drintdim, ab bi the amalgamation i oan been naved to Methodism. ©Since} pia. There aré tid reports to band as re | | BL © shee idk The old | While it fille the pore dnd prevents the water Ast paseed thio gh Comm | Progress wee jed and the Speaker left | the ~agrecitvent was rat ned. The joins line ts | Sger b the bands cf the | gards any savings banks im Turkey, Greece, | that chibjren ennai ee ete | from ; ; cod the Acts re- | the chair at 1 too! t ! " areh last it has been in , None Ng erb, "Who sleeps, vats, "is illustrated in 1 ty of _ Mr. Caomanon's bill papa Yt teusies ' have just made on bouotable| Portucal. and Spain. The nomber al de prover am ane mont. Wakefai |, DF Ultzmann, teacher at tha University o eaingon Sebeo! } oat bo Mad NS + drthic utied % bile through the comul 'tee : Hes Pn few =n ssuttey™ ow . * ir falt elafin, "paging n eee) ere whieh wont We na to | children are almost alway: ea le of tower Ausizis on the "Use of ---- thrvagh tae litter, resding | 10g persed om ie sealitts Teisén ™ every 100 of the popal: aliom, tngland again | and lean, If they can be be po 7 Photography i cal Stadies." He men eprrn moved second | to the municipality of Stuniah. rane Sra ees As be was | funding the balas t the head with 3,100,000 depositore wtheyareguite likely to b ° pate et beaten steempe mg Vogai, tbat au | of the bill to amend the Act relating to jots " 5 drivins ome "Atte \retust, tie Lessed The Irish censns, jast published, gives | Seures at the | 'ai A eae & . Lnatnred aiid plump. Their p « evident | #tock companies, Tae Bcuv adjourned at stx o'clock. --F ie am , j i tatistios: Roman | (itmaus with 2.944.0r0, F a --_ good -natur r hd { darkness | *27optes of smmall-pox bed been made eviden Afr e. belief the 'eution 'wea Evening sense --The Speaker took the ' th mrer. ae Biignen war | the ney 3 rel -- * . _ Romes Aost at and H gary 1,208,000, Italy 672 should be ag maach during hours of dark: by tography twenty-four hours bélofe it discossioa chale ok da r Ob tone femal on heap of stome#. | Cath otics, 4,150,857; Protes ant Epis pal 512.102. Sweden 4yf. i. Den: *s pewsible, and therefore they aetully out. A no owe coatd as | fosten rT i ban theceait the ai} wee fractured, and Le lived but a" jane, 667,090; Presbyterians, 497,668, ai nd Norway 220.429. Th should go to bed before sunset to have them | iy veanything onthe shin of the pa} Mr Commas 'bill to amend the Assess- 20 follow! . is gmp te hware, beng only able before death | others, 93,561. 4Binee Mil the proportion ctekston Biles ine ana. "Tona0n-each. 1h 'pout, than to lic after sanrige in the 11 ot the aegative plate sbowed stainson the | Ment Act of 1867 was read a second time. | Committers: To provide for the payment of wot or to to a beatiner est jot Homan ss hes diminished 1 par | i jeniarly mtolesd thet the deposits,| morning, It is' well to let eng hoalihiel, Senn, 'ent variolaus} The Houge adjourned at 11:16, | itnerses for the Groen j to carry cut the | «inh from ruin. She was a great city of oe Ai the eivais cnalereace of Gul Home dy that oi secpnilans wot Prestytor aiie ark iy the French savings banks to | chiid or yoang person je wakens | anthem, and twenty-four hozra- aflerwardi Toacuro, Jan. 29. | commendations of the 'Committee on the Canreh, and Rome alone was greater than bale i 7. sin Th ai -the 4h » Tas siiz Ary increased oy 0 oar «close of 1872. | himself, and then give him each variety and | consolidation statutes. © in ecelesiastical imyertance. The Ka m. 7 . $12,000,000 franes towards the close of 1872. . ¢ shall. inake | 2° *Tuption became clearly evident. The Speaker took the hate al 320 Th: Home> into Committe cf Sap. Bologn: ree 4 semen wore Pree = haw | . or ee rag anepngstinnet Cents, te rome at tho « ae ddA franc *. pemge-al whe pair Recher a gb times sac ie temporarily changitg A pumber of private bille passed third Pop yoo y aps Stiowinn taiwe te een ae, ee denn + hh er seat hd elise ne * rookiyn; ts eat 7 on , tT nat ettt Sug She hessy¥ war contr{butions 2 Le . the jureot satural flowers ia by ing | 4 f " the Pesteot e i oe : 4. . md --o that _. fe opeee 2 ails the oountry had to pay. oOo >raberwameg guid ammonia, In this way Hon. Mr, Mowat moved that 03 Monday a 'en Eliet Garnier a whan & i pisce Mr. Sutr's ined Bill sia bia, -¢ rive. of ~ in ghana pec se atdaitie -_ Indian opinion of Bnglaud bine, Pisket, and purple ple flowers ase hans sel |next, there should be imo ings of We | Oflice, $1,544; RegistarGeoerale Depart. | in to5oeh ret ye a ard ay are the quectica: wf Homa fnte for' ed the 'peal iy ltter from other Churches. American Itemt. rp, Fa SO ee poh porn cory egy to sailon. roa 4 House; the ions Jove st * ar " mest, 8 ; stmtelst aoe -- tong ices furtaprndanie, the ~-- pn 4 me partierpated the wt = , secoud from O onde Court of Qteen's 7, ; i » ere ire won ie st = hundred pe ™ - A cig ov carn lane Washington Territory gained 5.00) new in the ates of soqnething like two bundred of whieh sitting to begin at: Carried. Justice, $23,000; EJecation, $8 $70. Peb-| taught tusanabety ry 7 ae frame, gal- aden nf Se enue dd. , habitants last year by emg ation, millions of wen, thich caught to be a sufficient | the « subject, , Was reoontly brought to the vatiee | (5 motion of Hon. Mr Cnooaa, the House |). Anatitutions M. em, | yanism, an cireulation of the bloed. leo th rat The reputionabst sage that the scram {08 seeinet accdphing aay Rneral stale | of the Hoeiety «f Arts. It te a method for | wees inte Uommlttes on the B_scation bill, $30 028 ; Arylam, Oriiita, $20,908 ;| Bologna with derful has awemwd het." tu taeatl, "7 ange sa atibs arriperon iat | ble tor oe he chapiaincy of the Massachu regtta | HE About them ta ipiarveg halter cuating amos flowers, as wel ae haven, In answer to Mr. Cameron Mr. Crooks atated | provincial R- definitely to settle nation of women's oi ie rte uf Bisbop Haven, and says o ethan ap-ainey of nine Tay wemay be quite a: with si:ver, in mas rt the intention to a acw . the political pr: | wunistzy that they are mot to be charged | Legisisture is dingracefal seas aro altogether," unlike those wf native allurgy; in ether words, simply electro- pisting partie present, but the experiment peed Central Prieen, $5, $5,000 ; i Heboo! of rights, rg, fo she hd lin pind = _ ™ --------------- . jowhth a be to interfere in polities! The Yale Alseni Association hae gacted | be ol Court or native. can- | epem, "must would be tad of education | f a -> Sant jor museum } ra T Andrea," = -- | Forelen Items. nnestion« at some of them "ean be | William M. Evarts, President, | Sidales for am Leute Civil Service etamina-} thos be obtained, preserting with existe in con with 'own depart. tibrary for veterinary purposes, $2,000; to- Sale tine ers 'ovella . - charged with, is that they do not|] M. de Forest, Scorn tery. tion, [tis as certain as anything well can | jetail the ontdine and form of esch leaf and | @**" spaction wardtcatabihingw School of Art and De. was oo beantival that aie lectured ne r | i Vrinusive tit mine have Gest Giosonana "Wes ent ta Rartee eppticntions fa win TMS tamer ot. sod ralreed 'palace "tas al oat OEE hs camer popchaaien ears | POE ~ | Hee, Me. Mewar said tnste might boa | TS TSS isaraed at 1810p m [senna abet ee tho Young eyes wander m Hotstern, the Brandenbargh Mark. end' 7) Nonthof's coucleslon of the whole ri ped evo to welee: othinnt whaesever about the demoancr of the} Many years -< it was secre a Pp to a a Toacaro, Feb, 3, | o'et ber and fore i laesned tone : happy if os 5 or possessed power of jing verumen ekpec t it. - ea _ Another, na Tombroni, te ae a a i a Agena = meat P resent th sheald' prove ='to tare van in tha Bap C ty tunnvi, Alta, t urea ts onid "te paring tuk baem conpaty ote pte yermination sutit cake cal similar gd Fae bili ie a ae a The frsacaa took the chelr at 11:30. gnades: Laars andl. enpeeret metbreer with . arab wt n 3 ad " ; ' hese t ord '2 motion * . couse an pais Marie oS cong gerabi fe aversion to alb Methodist ¢) cere xeay trot 92,000 to $1,000 pert of the eetie tor ey la . _= ioe am and iodine. . "Heckel ba has -- speosetesa went into committee on the bili respecting gee inenien i a Wears bat ape a asked permission of the Pope to iP ber ; > Cotinell ~ haa Besti --- Molomed (Dutch) Board of Pablicatioa |, TH* tty trterest ts an velcse ton onetrthe a? aincel which ip some sense may | found the siatement eorrert, eds of Rapha- er ater bln third time and pasved. father's chair, made vacant trie Hitese: sd sthorited le purchese Szeifw tlesdes, imi weit Toh the Publishing Cummittes of the | United States. The annual Set gaan? | be called nrintooratic--inelade many thous- | nue suttrns (the common radish} germinated | Several clausce passed and aay Fh Hon Mr. Won moved that the House té- | She showed suah talent soar ans aS Berlin. av the ete u of the' new hmperial Par. (gouthen) Presbyterian Chareh in the be -- the neighborhood . | sads of persone Who, bat for fhe provences af lib pase solar cay hep it wih olin rr Pcone wuder consideration rege into co.amittes on, the resale a -- Mer greet ware ba & ' ti on of T. } -- he British Power, wor tearing one e 7 ° 2, & propesed contract t Caz slated wy " 4 basidar ne -- ---- Seeieaes miner These po: President Stearns of Ambertt safe that caeahe like rte in ins nter. The view en. | water, ey serena | plains we = aime ip recess several grivai bills were ad- Inspector of prisons and asylums, end the SF the siedaniset Saph eaieeniiy." Gn wen Maker es abli 7 jtaneousiy at] the mala syste of education, embracing . 4f the English Government by | bromine water, in threo days; aad with | vee: stage. anada ©. at nae is a axanba yn = fork id Sete: "De. Baisd. fo the smult y of Wpics, ts injurious to Us trem BoB ty -- pss eam. [chlorine water, in two daya, Tho tone 'The committe on the election pill report. om Hoe. He explained thai the Car , at sae ON but her... ,--- ~-»- --s ith hmond editor, and Dr. Cerdon the edi t} mol up in the conviction thatthe English bromide of camphor produced the mst #t- | ed progress, and asked leave to sit again, C mpany bad lo comm quence of the depres- ro ph -- a hil? Hf in the convent of -- ~~ nes Pe ts end of the line. Bat why sie 0 The Ciloese emigration into Cai:fornia] goupe aro 'irsentati tills, Seine of them tried | tracrdinary effect, germination oceuring after! The House then went into commities on sion wf trade beem unable to carry out their | 82° D the st th Bio ~ | Bine Nunsat Bologna, where she lived far na a Test thous biter' shottid insert ag eriginal m fmst year amourited to 14.144 persons, while} tirir chance in 1857, when the English Pow- | mean interval of thirty-six heurs. Haeckel | the bill relating to the Toroate hos contact Tp present time was an unforte- } Se eT ul et Z bTesared cree for' The Children's Feend."" wad oe oe "| the State gained a total increase of popula. | er was at the hearicat disadvaniage to whieh ¢ does not sugeeat sny explanation, Alksline | teweral amendmerts were made and the te one to enter into coatiact with « new et behind inte: A-shi dat boneenhie site, to be ultechedte oh gto vocity ever put. borates silicates retard germination, | pill was G 'ying left behind ' a poem igs 7: was written more than . tinant minor Rae Teported. compsny,aadso the Govern sent de --The Gala. manajalat the 'eonungent rs cs « Tarritonial arms years ago, not. The tonnage employed in =~ whale fishery | failod most miserally, Those of them alone | whi t tt by destroy- The fullowine bits paseed a second read- |}. | 1 generously, ag th's rich pro. e zy: see Fil hu ap of the ihe gtane nan Apigedmcah tod over memerepmpnens 4. andthe sam. | earvive! who were # little wiser than the rest, | ing the pad ipslity of &b v elt , wits this company. _The Snow Blindness. » of Munsters to cancers tummeuren r and eevels 160, against G64 vessels with «| and had some falnt inkting of the strength} 41 .ro9 hair may be died as follows: Brown elating to the pany any rite Dual arisb, | Government bed a claln against the com- a . ae ag betwen the i ' naan Sagan. nage of 304,885 nd teuncity of their rulers, Among the! Tie hair must fret be thoroughly cleansed | abd the tax Imposed on pany tor labe © ed aud Unpertormed ;/ Hear is » preventative of «now blindness carer mbes wetrefactiou, formed atmostentire, | oulMiudes which remain it ia. extremely tis viscing it in # soap bath, heated to 133 | of Algoma; ta secure uf welloraa comtion 1 Bd the com had o cfttm agelost the eller}; whieh Fheard of when in feeced an address tothe | There are 11,388 blind men, and 8.976] A i 4 ination, - bat a 7 doubtful whether there i» anything like @ deg. for twenty four tours, and moving it | the of fire Insurance Govvument for the ponfulflimest of the {ore a in 1873. 1 wad wuld that ee ; a rts P edad masta it the United States. sou AY Ot aerpents. 1m) Fry Serra Pe np aera "s Ppthtic te-gemerad opine abort --Htrehatd on} oe hig frequently. Te perete: then Poss tts. Bas House adjveracd at tt #¢- copliacl. aad > Wak pe aed ah es inst 7 ' 7 a r foand Sinee WAS the State of 'Ainharma has ---- rah be - = the Kogihnen, Thereare many millions Po ta lie far' twelwa house in Tonomro, Jan, 31 the Conti Filson 0 'ie pr ance cethatsnsea the -- phased panahccr end > aah diets by ar trai 'lee ae ee ee The Chinese in this antes ane hated, ne Sua e hase ont sre & es = ot mm of cy Sema with lime. | 'The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. oversment, The Government bad | 55 ineh, anow bliodners would be pacveuted. wuss _ --_---- nce tions." The body at] ote, than ohse or twine im their lives. if] pater at 122 dag. and then After routine, several private bille were | agiord to sbandon the claim for unperfo-w- | 411, Kind of biack paint, ore burst stick, is * There ae + 24.799 Grange lodges in the actaninn Sale augers nes Dee he y- St ihey have seaw itso often. Undersuch eir- boy Kine, inelining to vielet--The bair must read @ third time snd passed, ed labor, and the Cr Company have agreed that is needed to avoid what is most pain- United Sta with « rowinbership of ahodt | Me #ho « y in No 9%.) cometunces it never sages t» them fo reas: | arst dyad brown, as juat given, and then ft 'a bill to the Begistry |} {o «bandon the clelm for soofuldliment of ful--and I ean speak of it from sxperienes, s toeentiy 1,500,000. was bot sent home for burial. on abont their Government nglishmen P through water, to which a Kittle of Mr. -- er. Oowchte Sti! fn senna tae contract. It had been deckled to pay §15.-| heviny suffered "ohile erctsing dooms at the , To's Pa i y order business of the New! Of the one hundred a od seraty sight Con' | ot Freachinen reason about ephemeral Min' | station of ten aiid o half ounces Af tin in paces ond Hen Mr. sense Sespltal, sl | high passes of the Himalayas. The rate "He tummedisteiy eld it york " -ofice in 1875 amounted t abont | steeetienal clergymen who died last year [istries. The English Government is not in thirty-five and @ quarter ounces of by:dro. " here pve Borers lly fc. : $34,000,000 eighs were over eughty years ld, se "on pee sree of the Indian popetion like Mt | chlorie acid bas been added, and then wash. pre's td eo it exificient to acvemmplich the je . Th '* Cabinet or Mr. f tone'® ne! ' . Meneorrn { ad lhe London cola! says: "On Fridey the Ik cstvmsta that about $32,000 worth te herself Sn ae nate ot esther ha the sbetract and impersonal us eee ree -- a of the biil to change the name of the } ; but futiser inquiries ans z ih inet. the Pope her fit ning receptions, of dr ie bare monthly sant Seo Ben F rate ° chs bebind all "Administrations, | =" or) vr told. At least, it was stated to te-that : tg wnwall. He had an cisco toChina by tbe Ch Brigham Young ane ondenas tent ait tails ee I Selepebdent ol med and not pedir eon Se Te? Meta, Nrempant, and | tases and Site Loan 0 trappers in the Sierra Nevedea used tie ep ee ee 2 ities given in the ward: school houses | ai : an indi » prepared with = tion aa w to their eyes Ite: ' epeey , 1 mirur ' Sime bat" oe Colorado fine slike 4s 'borders 60, wed Saige one o'eleck in the afternoon | auth affect!d by meksures. a a ere ae ® seid, and then rinsed and Hen, Mr. ee ealio eo mdhaa-Were SNBte the oe aeteicn tho decker oh sheop, and em: a eons experts thas number. and close at ten in the ereuing, and Las pro- behind the law--the tore whic! Oe 8 | aried. The hair ment be prepared by that the objects j the counteted with the Hud- _ . Tye igh bis hegith sedairos the sity eters #2 be increased npr another Can ' Seiad Uhanen te be Of | plaing it for helt am hour in-a-tir alt bath, | BMder.e gemeral Act. = need f Pyke we y. and Uhas they tne _ ated ane --_-- W') Te ix exported 'tat reveune of F Geurgin-is Une only State not~ represen sbich wil sol hi ove ot py is prepared like that for violet biae; uM an pf all learnt of it from the Indians. Tharnot ™ i v = ox 100,000.00 ster ide & " taxes, which will decide his lawsuit if be has |i cine i¢ out it be ' i) | drawing the it this year -- yen Pit hg, on the Pemoeratic National Exeeuture Com- fee bi there i nae it out it must be dyed with Braz: kind. - had an opportunity of i this mybette, Fendes sdates that, in and--be 4,080,000, mittee Gen, A. It. Wright, the member of] 0% 824 whieh will yd sale fo which some alum has been added, | #pecial - but if you give this pablisity it may be of use ees . Gsorgia sppointed at , Ls | tani. Whew s ! | eect tes its anth. | UF Slowing it to remain in the dyo-bath for]? this had been allowsd to pass is pian chnans on Artisexpeditions; . dead andtis place haa -pok. pets bean tilled. _---- Lea = seep at ike "teed ays. | DOUrs, and then rinsing ud drying. - bill if, alter all their trouble mud expenas, to the members of Clab---1- vaght The ity Councii of Richmopd: torn" ar the incivility of the British soldier ; SE | they ry Saab e ard anheryine y tonite va r Mayor to act in} iat told it that the irresistible Governnfent | Citicaas Cuequarres -- Take thaquea from i) the Livut. Goveraae tu Onaned! ae Chon hew ta ad the quae on: pint ee the citizens of Boston in| int-n4ed to force the fat of the cows and the in wel!-boiled am. a = sane We sun Susan i ok tase.-* ug se Congress to erect a martdetnon4 . 5 Moet thal' every. | and akin; chop it very fine. "a tan have to 'travel ae waxes Sate b edcceehtnomhe tar' Pe nw st f seman te 6 of mushrooms, using some liquor alsoj if you be it from neseesity, or ia the parruitof acian- Rae ng, pe _ottionlin, one of Int the State of New nah er pe tle of Oct! 19, 1741. ia he'l for conmtless ages. It was known that | have them, two or three good sized truflles are Vie objects. eee } thee its in ennually there than bera08 by wate ubemmial Com- ; iga; it was k { addition; « little parsley and une 7 , dl Ban: Rader és vila seers at Geer, er Cee She How, JX. Symi fe ef the a tee eenuk teed aa e ereiy cual gabon athe pped iy en x Grange ne . ; t Anténelli. be gate! paid to laborers in agriculture manufac has secured in Alask: ode t pleased; aml to these elements | fine; into a feriua boiler ar pele quarter of « 5 . j vias Some itn ce a & an . ee. a org alt atenng, Oy Sschdond tah reret wie: 'asd pe nay Coreginde + dialexaity appentel ponod 1 vate ee eg cage io pames of _-- 5 4 wt Oat Z . ra abi State. thidk, 6 whieh iWearved a namber of im ese rationally, in 7. otew un! the - 4 ofp . - is oe Paris, -during. the coming figeal-year, will | mense heads of Indian. of ea) ulation inte which they. fell, we were tri- Jet the butter get. Tabet cm te fe ot the & k sux4 King lwo, wns undervalued, | 900,000. & lanes portion eff The Engiish Yational eee Feat pee ae epee pr oy agen : Bag bollintirmendé - Det s 5 i a Indi beiever who shou! : ' 5 A ateMoutan 'bare has' voerad open: at] pe vara ya copies meg oe tee of aa A Tots don 3 by sebaating ero peiltiont Put it onthe fire egnin, ond add a pint of Foire tonte ae pene : Cawrpaue by th af Caloatt i Le quidrupied sisice E874 wlthouth | tor thé. champicurehip of dering lnces,--Pall Malt Gazette, eream, or rieh mi P baa, thet eave vonly fifty i et of cs tre Gaumrals Wheeler' "4 lation in the same period has not | Cestabnial Exposlilon Te loke Times : sate anna a3 a hn a B maheave. igh @ erry became Mi j ment, provided Ses and Kis hangfal of Rares kept the Nana | ee abled iteelf, ws t}eaye thet Sir Henry J » bag ' " ar py > of. eve to go | Mare. 'office, S Rah nud fon gre f= omtinerts "at bay The postal card system appeats to oe a} all the pretioinarics rifle mateh The Rothschilds Millions, oheeentel oe? member out - Hon, Mr, etery- dering tie ter weeks of Jnne and Juty,4 ftocees in the United States. A report just [small borés between the National Rifle Ans. pay ye E would, pany of vini- and whereso nugiy +f View, tometer with ind in the Post Office _ ciation of Great Br ied the etionsi} Sir Anthony Rothschild died eer i. ' < falls: wien wetuap and « chilisysr wes a cruei and untimeiy Wittbington shows, that 107.616, Asaceiation. + inuteh will aleo oo. | Landen: ee ee ie = mocha mucatd ath =p cards were wojd during the fised! year cur some time dariag the _Cppipunial, Babin} greet beaking house of that name, and son of | After poastbie aye . ended the 36th Jame last, ngulnat ¥1,079,000| bitiqn <= > ~ A u i = % ' iswied for the year Which ended Jane Both, tiudlectlastnabs' . The death of Bir Anthony Rotheebild, tol Hoa. at vad al oe Kelisions Hogan, "| ara. se repidly Spon pipet mentary estitoat hin : ' In Pooria, Uiinaie, Bishop Coney confirma. | sake is and ed seven pamdidatys. the ing of and An os Cae at Neshotal bears With the did. =) the erica of Cha aa of the bre ner, Hea potated out Bogtteh a duceuse." ba Hard mm Rot probibit the Gail. ie Tic, Hugh Miler Thempeon has agingers neon_as ik getea other ogy the tharys of Bimuty Dynsevpel Charch, an pepe it out pecs Orica, sent ef the British Army for 8879 shows the a: pa pe a ie | Hieven were ry vcsi veal into. the Fourth Tirpope were healthiest in seaport tos ous Preebyteian Obarel:, Boston, Rev, William | carops, tind ot samall stations." In the reg ~ Mt Baler, patos ta eee z the rear. Ret €. Patiner haw boone time thin effect it a Sahat lab bp Ove : of th Been 0 aes, ead it cont 32 ye jit + ethan eeen-ed- eee ete tile tee aed

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