Stratford Times, 9 Feb 1876, p. 2

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R.H. POWTER es "| wa, Soten"« Lecrtax mm tre cxxrtat exw) pis? cicnca, 2 "9 "PECULIAR horny . Nearly 1000 people asetnibled in the Fitio- STRATPURD TOWN COUNCIL. - A 'erower an raornicrey sasmod. ° - 'The Goaneil meton Monday eveutig tast-}-- strech Methodint Chueh, on Monday night; ebaly, Mr. Gearge aint tev Jebin Goagls, th pal "ented jcoamcitiere Abraham, Carers. PY" The chalr * av Mant t = wwe Vineet MSPOR. Ponte, whe" SW npr : PAV an the" Ciorl tad bent the > ' "aw intraduced the lecturer. Mr. Gongh said, | Mr. Abraham" wubmitied that Jt would bo r * ghdigage pris ae " See conn aetna vias, trp} -- OF all the specie ol aadtaals na "two | Gnwie adopt thal part, with fegard to | Caries Duperce, work, $10 67: -Phog Ladies' Buttoned Overshoes only $1.00, nt } 1064 and.227; 4, we comm clearly isaty a familly likences | wore found alike, and the same held good gf | the resolution making it Recessary for the | Wilevi, grading. 450; both paid when se Powrsx's. " betwoets them, ad their prednpemeg-coures are Mes | the vegetable world. Kajectally waa Uhis the | secounite to be eortified to-by three members} Sed; ok ¥ work, $5°37 < teal. Gaiker iat agree of severity, Rod Ci | eae in man. Itwaa only inthe general out: }of a committer, "As it was at present none Letina te ie au eek by tb RECEIVED re ee oe eratay | DMO that men resembled each other. the ttehe unt |, were certified. | members. Gas C ae pet n codend cassex ~The discovery of guid inthe Australian | , 'o,, 838 15, 10 99, " utethicsisente ot of the Hageriag | lecturer then k of Mr. Me(inigan naid he in his | paid before 10th ; referred to Fire, Wi PO , Aepeomiion of rtay-2, In the img year, the-thes | tien; and in doing so, ifto any he gave a} potsestion which no person but himself knew | Ua P 3 a, parecee eee: = SR = OP * IWTER'S,. j scams kaowa tonal sexpert tows of Melbourne | ati niue to those who have to fight the } les | anything abouts. The ether members of his wa: tie tik neces i __.MARKET. SQUARE, STRATFORD. svrd mente 2 See accomplished, ~Wetoult not do without out | knew nothing about, . 5 _ erator, Fel ie. | vielen, and by the year 1830 a tide of shipping and , hor withoal other peoples mq His Worship said Uhat the Counett had the foes, market td finance, ms emigrativa had set ia towards that country, awl coo \ We would even 2) power to expange it if they did not think it RELIEY COMMITTRE. t= NEW MUSIC. tinued during the fullowing few years oad wale of | @ gray halr,.a wrinkle or « freckle. next The report of the relief committee stated sack an the world had never seen. before. of aa to who wae the real +1 Mr, F 'od, by Mr. Moe- | that James Corcoran had 50 Rady ON eS mer a . Building of every descrption hana ar eee a A gan, that the minutes be adopted. There | cords of alabe, to be devoted to the relief of E. H. SCOTT & €0./=* pot ieraptive arom | Poor man who lakored all day may have she | being ET eek cenke mae dian tot nae to a ; Pa re y yeas he supplied Articles worth | © af Ate . mina! Also, t relief Se 3 im the United Kingrdom wore worth wearty at esxay'| composed af inlibiaal ae --_ vax pupectont. ted to s number of persons who wore ee net -- pred es ae ey case a woeful mat I te be if it were not "one r az, iipahens, soseniel ss Mr McNab was appoin "ieet Engineer Ae iene MOST Renan SEC _] swelled ow y sett hie peeniiarities, In iethers, their peeuli- ° oe, Te " bs. ; in reom of Samuel Walker, 7 ; ENGLISH SONGS AND DANCES, daly aitiving --emgyaam elt pen ve aries hep it r he | Were or caved tor the eer acd Polis Tage the ne er, t TT CosTOsE Any plete of Mitrlé not Tieiack orlornl FREE | : OR CHARGE Post Office Book Store. Voepnary. 4158. i ' + - <a ar . hint; at ty Tone iitSateated tte ap That the natives of Canada are am) con going people there ca bo no] sensible ihe papcipal. government organ said it was the intention to bring out none but agricultural thie year. We would ask in the name of common sense what need is there for agricul- tural laborers in Canadas at present ? | To import this class_of people is a crime, and means just so many more ea ' " A forward "of men are "on throug onntry at the prosent time, who have to misery and starvation. Thousands bh the been bred aud brought up on farms in. America, and they cannot get a) Si = aber day's work, even though they offer to" do it for their board. With improved amachinery, there is scarcely a farmer we Residency of Lae 'The etal poumlecrtay, over Fiaveletk eumun ted ste Seca fightin men. _ aod Neale. arab y ? * and ia stetmgth of moral omurage, commygamate stil a be Brite: tation. Solin Casmpbell Seek peat in "The Sword of the heawery aretherving, xt generabhip, aay. he "awhpors venta Beit af hora Nat the » ike on wen --~, . starvation, and will be forced pangs of to fall back on the alternatives of either begging or stealing. In the Mail of Monday last, we find the fol- remarks on the latest 'emi- ty asa nation will y eat 4 accumulate a sum eqne! we herve sustsined by erertradiag, : - nounced by the Inctarer on # strong fheory. Nothing was grander than to see men werr- » you huppose gives me most conaolation to day ? This the Yalties have the victories gained. y lecture on DETROIT CORRESPON DENCE. TER FASHIONS---A OOSEIFT LETTER Fou THE LADIES, Deirait, Pab. ¥, 1876. Ma, Epsron,--Since my last com- . pe require munication with you, we have been j ,,: it was tively refused to ero being ing to pay th re | Opponents of the cbnoxious ing peiut blank te certify. Mat trabam--Yoar utters to any account niles ers eertily ther knew of their owk-kpowlalge "that the work had been done. A long pause fora fresh start here took place, After a lengthy debate, which was © om} age the latter part of the resolution whieh 4 th tee muanbers ef a commiltes to wat. etiqua' is not at your Mr Forman's no seconder to through. _ T! council then adjourned at « pa 2 pte IT Tee X epeeial titteting will beheld | _ ing text, - - "Aagi0) |NQOUD GaLVUaaTAD 'SuVDAS 'sVaL ANH om ee + Wp aon Depupuaog *«, sfsuyppng wW : te 4 {BolT COUT | f etd GaNNVO le1inua GaNQS ea vp a quero yaidg a2 oUutAA . 'eid y ours peuuep 'eddy SRI¥VTO [NHO 'sodfig svmdog 3¥ sop.10002p eojyouD | Valentines! Valentines! Valentines! Just roeetved direct from ENGLAND, A large Stock of the Finest Valentines Ever offered iw Stratford, ranging from 4c. up te $3, tore for Applicants. Bae A. Gz Mackay & Ca: 5,000 yds, Magnificent Cagpe ts a __ at ; " "ines sank, Unase Votan | All of which they offer ON THE SAME TERMS. Housekeepers, by Si means seo them : ; once. _ A. G. MACKAY & Co, Stratford, Jan, 5, 1478, - IMMENSE CLEARING SALE OF Have excluded to oom plete stock of Purnitare by 2 PER -- We wish to remind cur Qustomers and Pubile generally, that our Goods are Home Manufactured, and meyrng evry Mwy Rusylenad ranted. We ia md | Srwwse eo tee forcten neasbot Jan. 5, 1878, 4 Sta SR Wee a Genta' Wedding Gaiters, ita" Co jaiters. LADIES - FINE. GOAT -AND-- FRENCH KIDS In Button Side Lace (this being Jatest American style LADIES' & GENTS' BALMORALS, GAITERS, Ere. mow the wery Iubbers, Overshoes, MBcassins, Also, Misses and Children's Boots. Owing to the tightness: in the money market, is enabled t purehase goots from the other aide of the Tine at greatty Tater, Ore tomers will Bnd it greatiy to Cote eabenninge w t is sk Ls} =e \e 0 MM t -- -- a ee on By "p ot an 'i OKs Anpeddty, which was4 'lies strate handed in. lotta gt is 2! sea diy, God » im weagcets BY | reeeivel with great hilarity. Heinel found <a ae Mactsinote has fer fo a lett ian ae oon. >> ae > ~ oO -O= wight, 294 not enficquently remitted fe Led pre sal -- m oe parchased hy him--Ordered to be paid. L.¥.A..--A moeting of the Licensed Vieta- oF : era. '| MORE SOGUH YOR LAW BUBIERRS. allere' Ansoctation was hald at Bargo's Reral+ Y a - = Ss yt A tetter Mtv Hayes, Cor Crown-At-}Fiatel-om Monday eve'gy gnk_seap- ate} fp ---*. Siti anon ig eo ie | fri! the cave Lo thelr meri, "We | termes abing fata rum te amine wt | enced; Consderabeeiavant tnsieo'| -- 7 CD] ricoper cotgens wore som out om Haglund 19 nie | say bo damaged, bat, ou ean' tourh in| Permission to feat a roon NOR eae brought under their notice, particularly! fg" f ® Gangs of onaeey when the masiit. wat') charackey, A man's character is what he & LCENRE. ~ 'sm =| the subject afeompensation to parties who yes] 8 found to be So aomatiy glucted that they Aaa no | Many a man at sixty had a» green a heart) \ Petter from 0 Clerk of St Callariies | ™ay-be refasod a license under the new act.) Jamu AP __ 4 _ | aeraatiee than to repare +4 Balan or - | {lor young society} a4 many of your men who | asking the council to petiti arena | Watel Sh ceptalnly. veteupestive So» The de BREVE: B.A. M.D, xe Mdledh taalcholinn, wal «cok aa | Ss Seeedateiet ines bie een, pops ey! amending oped pen oan ealton, Many parties havo expended their Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye and Ear in fee snevcial crisis was imminent, when the Ruslan war | and gate un iliustration of how «person feels | the of the eouncil,-and jhe all in improving the property they leased 'Termite Seheal of Medicine, eoa- which caused such activity in every when troubled with sea-sickness. He then | was hauied over to the license only a year or two since, and during the dull | .. of basines, that the commercial wary eet -- "aan ae ae N ccare week Mande, of the past two years, have made noth- OIBEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR, became ns rily ns aver; money 'was srone elways ability/to ---- A letter from Idington & Mickle, asking | ing, eteept business and to pat them in» s2.00s t shonid | for damages for injuries sustained position to redeem their money spent in the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, atl tome who | John Shepherd.' As there was no sum stated 1 4. Several other eub- Oa Saturday, Feb. 19. nett two or three years, wa 8 would neerifies @ friend for a common nor Injuries mentioned, the letter wes filed. bet with the eet, Toronto, ' ; jects discussed, Prospect | sersttord, Feb. 9, 1976. pases This of things | Mr. Gough then denounced on THA yImauxx. of the Bill ing the it bed caminn od onabated Wi the fal of r8s7, when the gong | Scriptures aud their phrases. If the Bible is | {pplication from Robert Salvadge for & re alg = « ea where - teverence it. Leave it 10 28 / room for tbe firemen to meet ia, and alec | 7? deemed adviaabls to adjourn till. THE 'eciiis the and had tet arte dpmrsiencaba rec wmgeoor} where they could sasure their uniforms, ac. {.seut, at three o'cledk, to seeet 41: 2ir. Nes- connection remarked | Ajso, « letter stating that \Joha Gibson had com's Revere house, when o largs mesting is r So Tee cern neptd | been elected chiet of the Brigade, aod asking | expested. THOMSON & WILLIAMS from a by means of » the eounell to | she appeintenens. On peculiar fondness veins. seinéded = . of these were ie Mateigan. the sequcet. was NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BoA possess, and | with Manufacturing Co. y, Wfastfabing it] A Wtter'was rei Yun MriT Yarses Fisher, Tp nhee Pepek. | Stelle Pore on agncutnns i i AEE Bes'y of the Ladies' Aid Soeity, eeking the G. CROKER. STRATFORD, ae fos | TRA DO AN =Z reer +. 4 BRA $ Soeicrarney wit } maces em ere ne fel i yee | ye oe words or adviee | their For Sale by Auction, cinta Shs Be oa , the tres women, | ater from SS _ On Friday, 18th Feb., at 1 o'clock p.m, | (Receoesors to Thomson & Williama, of Mitchell, Ga and "all | All that new 1% story frame house, 04x 98 with Obtarie; fatare.years.. Oa motion by Mr. Abra- | iitehea, 15 x i4, eontalas 9 rome. Size of lot 6 greatest blessing | ham, seconded by Mr. Carey, the application being part of Park Lo4 Na. aB1.0. C. 8. oe pal pogo ee | see td etene ceeece a e AGRICULTURAL Britannia street, . Apother clase TSS SELECTION EXrEyess. Road. earneeiney Sepimaan enh hy Med, Tecan Se ete cual Gad be eal ee ate oat St = Ratt Sikens yee aa Antes. ENGINE WORKS, Fe OS a Se ee =e . . ST eR atte precncenntinapalefasnisiiivinennninegwereibags reconmasccnarumcacncnaesed . aristocratic, wishing to be consi- a TEMPrERaxce A Wi sesogate dee D A; Meleed mruat be paid ; before the Gret of be aierete: dt woe con im : whee ahiy ttle. A ewoly signed a | sae eee bane for ssn, The sen DIRECTORS: ae Tagined sad ew Scotia had mm an from life = beeen to grant scaly 15 --: PS paid by the re poe, Lrevhbont: ee tot end chem deal Soar, having paid ws ratt chair Gold} ig 'nish on & burning\| pet} gee dy bichon Ioan' Pos D. AcMcLEGD. A. R. Writsame, Vieo-President. hitb vnnr Pee wolarscprniitir g holes of Tre ship at sea, The "fast" young man was cri- wie A -neaagganl teapecee nf - ney ioe mt Stratiord, Feb. 2, 1675. w % \o I 3 ij » le - Tice spd ing soe gt tieised by the power of mi the l\nie couneil to shut the tal at race. - J. Rupwoap. | W>Mowhr. | J. Contonam. | W. sagen Tey LER cea sec sas To | of btaining appa wen next aindod ts: | Yocvmee equines, Neva Mowe, Mes Batice senate =i! cama chraagh dh! beawery and of the then Some young men galled sishua of the nith "e i [Sdezeby civan. that om Monday, the sixth day Peave Minener, the late Lewd whe balls, operas, and dressing up. Many - of March 4wit, Robert Mauna, of the town- dose rectead in Beck. of Eachated ve temue fourteen and in this way ee. ACCOUNTS. ship of Bice, i the Onuaty of Fert ito la paper suney in onto to telheve the | Woman thought the same, and in y The 3 _" ie Fudge of the Sesvogate Court MANUFACTURERS OF sont sneant of OS so aid' the' dicerevead Tesal many young men tu' the Dead Sen of }- wore road --W 8} Sane i'. : throughout the Prowmees Ty ion ooh the be Hife. ¥: 'Ladies, said the lecturer, you} Albertson, wood, €22, to be paid; J A ficott, | of the parsons entaie of a parrk dac statewmaa had the dosured eff 4 comnts % dertul for good. This beau. | relief, $14, not certified by three members of | James Lindsay, Stewart Jindsay, George Lid | Johnston Harvesters, Single wxs immediately restored. The run on cou eval powers . nitte . say, Maria Lindsay, Robert Lindsay. and Thesnas yet, and ina month or ten barnes ite weal | 4¥ and fascination which you possess, war for | comin Liilsey, tvfant children of Thomas Liudaay, late Reapers, Mowers and Com- chainela, and though for 4 year or more the volume} a ase, It was pitiful fo se pone of . { of the exit townshtpof Bilice, Yeoursz, fb 5 het. ri young men chasing all through life after At this stage of prossedings the eounell dis- sot wie are ak eceee ent seciding ding ip ne eattonen bined Mach s, B 4 snsued, when saddenty and without an}, warning. the | bleasures ad if it wero a bubble. At last they : et ages ot | Eitice: caleaiiaaeie ? and = broke out 7 covered that under Mr Mowat's resolaticn of Seeders, Seed Drills, Horse in the Terrineres of ths 'Lue | grasp it, and find--a bursted babble!) He ious mecting the accounts. could not.| Dated at Stratford, thie sth day of February, ron vhen 6 the, Brith Corrwrmnment t Sefenoe et areas time or streng$h 19 | pass, ox they were nok certified Ly three of w| AD. Lee. * 5s 0. weet Powers, Sawing by aa is, seapercedes pupa farther on thie point to young / men. od ; des's assur \e . G. a pmlc ge on beer gw & be lh Ths cobtont af motores drinking was de. | mmiltee. Mr held Sects aceonat scias Grain Crushers, Straw Cut- ters, Plows, Gang Plows, 4c. BUILDERS OF STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, ALL St7%s. Water Wheels and all kinds of Mill Ma- : chinary. Contractors for Grist and Saw Mitle Complete. Aleo for Water Werks for Cities, Towns, and\iliager, ou the Holly Systema. CHRESE FACTORY MACHINERY A sPE- ciihaienmiaenies pore P. O. BOOK STORE, THE THOMSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing Company. Sraatromp, Owe. |OCLEARING SALE| INSPECTION SOLICITED. Stratford, Jan. 70. FAM EB! I™ wont harlly be credited that the firet per son mnake a pre, yer mere in the « on Publi beat | of Temperance was taade yy & * bas the reauls, of selling whiskey, bé found a entetitute in eveters, and tas been rewarded by duing tee ost bosiness in There has beea on it the Stratford fvwe- toms Department the large nember of 609 oyetere from the Sth Sepettuber to December v7 ry. 4 * " ta. e 73, eomeiguact wW. & Beberteon, taas 4 ios Oyster Cocktails, at & Cents per Glass. all our new-inrentions, theres ar many them 4a imitations, bmg. te. = uh th A make eka. We aleo dish 'io, 4 5 fo Tet Syn, aed w re ated COUNT OYSTER, Fed for the New York Market. We retail them cot a1 10 cents a desen, Try thera and you Will never bay canned oysters again. Robertson House, Station, Stratford. " Stratford, January 11, 1#7¢. Lan fon New Zealand Oats Di = or Oa either in large or email sale in Strationd dehn & Fortune's obi stand, viiages in the Province. supply Purposes, For ¢ omar be peermer, nese Hue Comtsmteis! buted, THE. CO. OF PERTH. MUTUAL - FIRE INSURANCE CO. "area Serre pt} hel Soe ___ Weey dosiratid chanse to sovarey a0 A Good Building Site IN Tae TOWN OF STRATFORD. OUR Lots on Patrick 4, near the Downle Road, will be Wein tn pranona! The lota are 20 feet eoch JON BROWN, Heal Revate w ; |For Sale or Exchange. T a Margain, a gord Business fot Ta BH A Michigan. wil exohange rabclar nenin ~ in Perth County i ae _STOVES.=- Coal, Parlor, Box and Cooking Stoves = At Cost for Cash, aT Abel Coulton's, 93, Ontario street, Few Doors Zast of the Post Office. Serantord, Jeu. 12, 1976. Trunks! Trunks! Nise! Valiscs ! J. STAFFORD'S (Rice's O4 Stand? 19 Onterio-t., Stratford 'Cheap! Cheap! Cheap tf for Cash! STAFFORD.,_- Manufacturer and Dealer in -Gaaidles .cnd . bharness,- J. Tits, Ca ERNE Thos HORSE CLOTHING, ETC. So. 2. epposite Dr. Kharvcr's cfice, Ontaria Bi. Raraiford, and Queen Bt, 48. Marys. Stratford, Jan. 14, bern. Y r G. T. Meat Market. CHARLES WOODE FFE, in thanking the peliie for past patronage, begs to state thas fe has opennd a ne Huteher's Shop, a lew doors south of the GTB. Passenger Station, wheres HW x . mate talies of alt matte rates, dell Freeh and pickled tripe C. WOODROFFE, deta tom. pore, lah esweage net veg Setters, Jan. is, ™. ; 7 a . RESIDENCE. SITES IN STRATFORD. FOR SALE bers to state that bea haa gw ena OF £ m ahs he will sell on TM" nateretened 4 Bonet ot ard caste) teh very The property eomman " i bie Bahagh " Ne Boerth. West of fr. diately in rear of Mr. Jemes Po We: Wilhacureu's private residences. fp paroela to eatt aud favorable terme of payment Yor further ty t ' to th i ode' and Mr. WH bo sold on the mow PETER WATSON, = ---- Douglas St. Stratford. Stra tor', Feb. 2 7, ott BALED WAY AND STRAW POR ose 0s 5 & R. FORBES Livery, fale and Bearting ntablcs. Outario-ftreet. Stratford, Peb. 2. 76. ctf CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS. NE styles, extra lon priee, and elegantly beun Jt. N. A. Boswonrte, West End Drug, Book and Stationery "tere, do Outario-Bt, Stratton! Stratford, Feb. 2, HT. ow JOHN F. FREEMANTLE, ©? mae! doore iy leer of a 1 hinds Brouewwk Street, four promptly executed and satiefaction guavaitteed, Se TE. 2m NEW GROCERY, FLOUR AND se D STOR PATRICK McMULLEN, No. 7, Downie Road, Bros to annoanes to the public that he hee orxnmmeneud the abewe business tn Hesson's , Peed, 2c, whieh will be at low figures. 'Goode delivered to any part of the town. A solicited. P. McMULLEN, Stratford, Jan_ IT, 1876. " HORNE & CLARE'S GBEAT SEMI-ANNUAL $17,000 of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Eurs, Carpets, dc. HORNE & CLARK With & View to torn all their Lmmense Stosk into cash, will on TUESDAY, lt PEBRUARY, 1576, omnenet ast SS es 'The fallowing sona; Imperial ie to rs ae --aarees ing phe oe hess a peng was by Ciel Caatobe. Dear ers De tt U S TE oO N ' S Stratford, Feb. 9, 1876, " the spring " Son a ted, aw thie ncipal- streets were ; aber, H1.75--to Le pal : * : dstermination -- nothing but bona fide (Te the Meliter of the Stratford Pines.) goats with caren entters from | by three members of <aet ' = GOLD & SILVERSMITH. i _, This is the old -story ; : daylight till dark. If there are any G abana oa yg a gr nace Et RA ree ten mye en) ge eT Dene _boan very mveh stsesed « here against farious driving the =--_ " "ey yeas » bet paratively apeaking, telvodt, | 28ipa the yest. tyw weeks hy the steely th feeble | his eo ively refuse ty to Seiten tcl eral | abe Aah Stn win on he | Te carl en. bng feqaeat | aa ta one ng "He] CAN SS FY Peter J. Woods, move Sen atl to tnensien i | eons ets oun wa tao, | Setions accidents. r day i pong boogie peers --, WATCUMAKER & JEWELLER, , S = * | lad ith littl we, tte Sette as naglare: | aneting the etrragast srwotitere 4¢| seven years, was ithe acl of slight creator ota son, i oloecor . te otering ' = 53 eeah seboul, sit, ou & ratepa: . t- to the account. Mr J Peace ey eho = oe | on aaa aa eS AYO. CAT Three oat wr take hie che vs word for | ewellery <2 Discount of 10 ts caine =o earth: Toe a as fa Mererbaatd goin' | neck speed, the first one striking the wes uns dene, and thet the man ought to Ss I ORE, tender whieli immigrants are secured is- to anfortunale... sbild on. the bp pela « bot if have got to take the ehair- TO CASH PURCHASERS. blame fot this expensi:e snomaly, The | of paying some 7 milly in the § for shoulder, with a force thst.tore her | man's for not let the ehairman | i oe map pel lglg beg er this year, On the whole I think I] 600, her mother's and threw | tify t it? ir Beet et only Pau oe eee IT os ns ba tapas, aks ters, Se aienea the col-| ner three or four yr Nyce ore knowledge. Me Despee-- wae together amas of pour 0! she was parent, | Nor 1, . Me they -. Paagerad oc ye pd Ban 9 LB or ago} PPE Simp somthing To brn. | ho ae raat POF her parents (oe k sihen ie Megs ong ey | MARKET - STREET, | 42 pints ot norirng Dees ont wormatet mtanting tenigrent is divested to a APT Stratford is 9 iarce--it trampled to death by another rush ete ee rg oe vcore were . No treable to show Goods be pire dee dy pes vay rh of ct Gandia aoe Seay goad eaten dk led horses from the opposite direction. cntty tn na ascoent promt io bin, a Stratford, Feb, 2, 1878. oad He ie also told that special rednesd rates of wwe yary bad, end & fo nes: these whe got ths Bewtld--covenely fenstared hand and s | srsest, when he bnew asthing of Bt uae - "re rere waht denring eo fue ak, sis, the Monty of eonsking my mind 2 | Xow. Sor a private chal. with " our | sas, showed thet the whole thing was 6 | Stratford. A. Macnair & Co's toons of £1 Ga. Od is given, tecarel i het of bing ser bna * on the Si ta | Sate, Sie Sessile, Sas sasebetes £50, crial. Well, eos be de? 'Ithotea pat, end as you ere not in the school book | day, vis., fashions. dress of the Payee of they committes will come to s THIRD SEMI-ANNUAL tone Ade nacilrel lars, he tls the | Sais, you camneh have any sues to ind is trade minus an overskirt,| stand. As onlfthe cbairman would certify |. tenth amd "says 0, for falsehood in (hat cane | with the echoul twachers, whatever yoo may trimmed on front and sides to | ' this scsount, Jerry had to go home with- Great Clearing Sale ! 'il not beneht haa & copper. But it he in a | have with the Beard of Mos, 1) itste one ; the back is pailed, and | cet bs money. John Carey, teaming, 1975, rlork out of « sibuation, of « na'er-do-well who | sm net gulag te give you © lang iter, Se "sar fowed ial; | eoite ys dager Ag me ge me Dee wwe rr Sono teat ts pela ; AS a gan: ot ery vad 'pointed or rounded mnatabens af tie gementitos ecstidien the oo: Falstaff Meat Market. WU! commence oa tem pbation t- Sumber short back,and vorded around count, mayor attached 4 - fare inn nine eee out of tom foo strong for who ray seheol tax in Strsilord: <9 | bottom. Vary: tiandsome suits with cr tnd mentor commie Me ber ee Wednesday Feb veer: preg yd nye Fagen tage ag -- ] en eee renter hike oe de of silver bine or car > a aie your wa sol area ein rhs ' a and' © tural tahorer * aud gois a magistrate or | Sad. Yeast tres Uhet the children are| black edahithere, "embroidered above | s member of all ropa Re | Saka oer a AND CONTINUE FOR ONE MONTH, clergyman to Sign it at sight as pablic peti- to inenlte, uabeseming mon | the teimnming om undershirt ; od Pena) . Ping i -- a cies : oe par, em cared Rod way ele ray od La ot the handy of certain be gpl ol olga ao meats. 3, wee Gay part of the town. Give nee is sei saith inten srt ct a bandon of poverty or ecana. The | _ St. Ie i not trae that there is ssarenly «| silk or linen floss. The demishirr | 97.70, Fiplor& Bartedels," ait eat ES i emt Orne seg | pat ang ang a te | oe "| SPRING IMPORTATIONS. never har eo rity eee agrinat te | ite style of trimming, at marrow | i, HBAS, pl; do, 02. pu. * Jay Dre CLOTHING AS = iegredeasel "lebaver™ . it not tres that childves are actu- | ruffles, about an with bine |iea'by thr wos age ny foes : | » xerientteriet" Soha ks gates he ae ne eee eee bands ef same shaded silk heading | ter.) Mr Abraham: I hops that work was CHEAP AS EVER a ae canes, hms ina" | Sg ear = em 3 [nah grog. 9 to ralen. The up treet, asp) ae Me s ott _Tieport of the, Deparisnent" sone of the | house? -- ball fining long ; he | 1, ceneet ot the comunition be. certify. . COST PRICE AND UNDER. i ohare BtgBiemrn + Phen 1 Glow Sor yet na Perit agate PAN TS ESS Tg wtike-a puilech (ncbce aceite te bak, Seow be. John A. Foster : : Te ithelie taoe abla to'is the ages {Lett forthe apport ofthe BG. epee | quilted around the bottom and lined 7. raid. wages of men, breaking stone, ONT AA. LP OSTCT S. | this ts no saan, bats pense DONA FIDE abe gent him hie Geket out ofa refund borus, | ehool t bane ~~~ with far, The favorite -hat is the navy father fene theme items, | sie aig Lod yng open nar oly it iepayate, |" Cun. Bogs not the cond d language of | bine felt, turned fp front and sides = 4 long Shonen ob ac i api ace town or sity, He knows he would be useless | a5.¢ retarning reflect disgrace on |. n feather be Finance Committee, pe placed SE f maar oma farm, eonsiuding that he. is ag : he ind Tedin with flowers. It is finished with | seb nes eens oe: @ THE RUSH INCREASING, Semen Secale be toe Sod te tut 1| & plume, reaching ftom front aver top | Posting other committons. fate bare Fle cannot dig, into 2 ee eee ee sanbomg ad Bo paach: 'the: Wah, » Tha | cat crmeaaine weve pesent Bak Ms Foren, PR oe py ETT Jog Seevautsiting, 21 | Naat thaidboee before Teompletely over white folk trimmed with grey feather ""hhie Warship said he wee oocry. thal : See ; beg ame that | "helm them. You will bear frow me again. black velvet, and caghmare | Finance Comuiitive were not prevent as it) Cy > 30 ATT RUSH. I. at abies nie Youstrely. nee ia I py Sai Borat ior 3 : re F SHARP EYE. | The . combination veil and jhed taken too mach when eo4 yin Sy, sir tor the large: mpace oo--} Stratiend, Fob. 6, 1876. : soul eam be nasde Wil Sup yards Ens | hy eniortont ss with necounts which mon : s A Ww ina posits cahmere whieh (Hear, hegr.) "mek. es IL ' ey ee the ¢ above made | is cream colored. If you pofankir | sink thet nm taser Sam ta : SIR Sy ae fF & THE STRATFORD MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTE EXAMINATION, FPO be bold in the CENTRAL SCHOOL, es. Saturday, the 4th March, 1876, ; to" the Promlent' not later than the ast Fob wre Stratford, Fob. 2, Bre. " W. COOLEY & Co. Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, BELLHANGERS ETC, ETC. ry' ery oro eutered in partmership ph Jemrert wingh SqRiratiopd at... ier oe reas mee oe " =

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