rrr held at - Mr. Neasom's, (the Revere pall Monday Inst. Mr. A. J, O'Higgins was appointed to san ond vo salon Sal os ela [-¥-A-i eloeral meng ote Vietuallers sepa Seer polta, the: great defect [il ra een axe. Hcecsnea article wn in ey wo leare that The a ee meeting waa again, hours for municipal ¢ z ---- "| ot bank, have oman arsigs sae C, Browning's, Balmoral Hotel, on Wednes- | MeKay, ertemgeenge 3; Jooephy Taggart, iat | Mr. dome MeCon ah, in fsa day nesta blk, The resolution passed at i teral Wor # tooo os Sanday | aires, Deiter ant | ne ar, ot changed th en Teenie tr a ile nn | iain betel esr iy H. Kauffmann, John 3 reveal. ' , sees Hornman, Benj Roth, and Werner Hein "Bthote at helfpa-t seven o'clock, by the Rev. John | charge 20 cents in future instead of 15 cents | io, i or - . aa gpk A ee puns | Hyan, of tres. | for' meals, to railway employees. Dunsmore, H. McCallum, i Prat sae wr pcey He . N: Collection at the close of lecture, Pasuwoxanua §=Weoprxe. --- On Tuesday -- Frytogle, Joha Weiker, ' Ea ing nrinews in this village, and has the ee- Cover Dishes, ine inch aise, $1.00, + Town: Hast, To-ssomr.--The ing, Sth inst, our fellow- L. wi cemanioepis 7 vi bem Wat vale } 5, 10 $3 poon rotsors, 29 conte. actrees, Miss Ada Gray, is billed to-night in T. O'Loane, Exq., postmaster, lef to the aliar | at 4 salary of $60.:- The r ad. Bi Mace ; f echool D the Town Hall. She comés to Goderich's fairest davghters, Miss | journed until Saturday, the 26th instant, for "algo -- aouuh ane Diamend Glass eeanters from Thetsto $4. \y ree by tho press, and we 5 daughter of the sppeiating yen ing tavern eer a the soutien of seas rater tod ths ate ee have no doubt she will be favored with good | late' P. A, McDougall, M.D., of that eaten, Ger--E Grrxen, tp. Son ane here rae of the eae Oitaee Bete, Aicorn patios, * kvtigs 47" will be pre- in St. Palatal gs oh ioe bik bee Bnet eel ene ey mle Giaes Sets, ity pattern, 15 cre. sented, With "Mies Gray-as "Cora." The} Roman Caiholie Chere; tioterien, by 'preset. Communications trem Ds. Stewart, |- =. -- 3 aaa flay bes the stamp of a New_York spate. Fasher O' Rhos, in Sep pedeenes of-s large ant) of Palmerston, ty tisknans ot Ba _RAILWAY | MEETING, Cheap lot of ware always and fashionabl rom the Si ward Beatty, anes, aad trom tH tT --- ---- a saat easoassesaessosd _ . 1, re "trea trickgess | TATION QTESTION oa band at = is her beet creation. we learn that Mise MoDoagal, os See fy -law appothting certain municipal officers | Last week a requisition was presented aa - " speed at "billed fer Montreal. Dried apples and salt! Suggestive, very! Os Sell be 0 eoetlemes to bim, and. wishes him a large measure of prosperity. Oo Bapley Day Dasha indent bei allow Mguab ho be sagyilad te der the age al 31 years', tks ted ia the inten. tion of the police authorities to prosecute Pa cP eccen,-ond the ee all abled of Use law. Paw roa tarm Froy.--On Setartay lest Alez. pees. Bernard: Eally,:'s end. Jomes Maleod, PM, charged by Cousteble Wilson with dis. tarbing the public peace by raising a raction near the railway urmed them that they should be aware of the fact that unlawful fan monet fazed, and as thoir "shindig" had put Constable Wilson to "the frodble of bringing 'thens te and lodging them over night, they must pay & tam'of $5 cach inte the exchequer. The mousy was paid and the trio New Croan Maxvractony. --Mr. James Wileet, son of Mr. John Wilson, Huron-st., han ombeched in iba sien trade, paring of: et « man the sorner of end Mt, Michael diet Mr olen toe a ght. hae siaff of workmen who thoroughly is ae the trade of cight making, and judging from A ol, ae t, t 4. ta } ott seon build ap an extensive business. Mr. W. isa young maa of excellent buriness tact, backed by plenty of capital, We have every con! he will secure a large custom _ _Ewtonaxta.--It will perbaps bs an item of | ment to knew that within the past fow weeks | lodgad in the weather will soon be warm and they not freeae to death--antil ngxt winter ! Xeromrts or Insaxs. --The annual election Preceptors No. "Ditleers--of-Manden tél te the lockup | TG day, 2b alt., made the ee eee ------ of the esi held by the members of which she ral the choir and con --*« of Gt. Peter's Churel, ot which she of for asveral years acted as organist. The PY' = i it Selene togss fi} if i F gE Hi ' e ct é emall offering, of oo oer we +2 sand rt in Market 'effet, Ts offered Se see he gifts "an in this life, and at-death send Lis nary sieecss attending the growing of flax 8, 8. Fuller, is proved Names. Mealtence Acre Tons A Mer otrey, hae od AG rar Celian 4 Fr Phare Amt Paid. 1% ? i ' 1 t t That God, have so mony times honaged by the har. sopy_ of this - sats 8: to meet at the = Ce . oxned of ars sensed of and fi , Wan and pas- ged. The sum of €10.was ordered to be paid foe tise of a gravel pit'on the 6th con., presentation took in the convent, in the | said gravel pit for a term of "nine years r of prominent mem) John Wallace w $1.50 for work on Rev, Fi Sehneider, of Lon- | grarg! road, J. MeLeen $1.25 for repair don, Father O'Shea andthe members of the | ing seraper., » received the + ' wo beantifel far 920 Tox Work on" contract. nel G re ng case, contenta | Dixon = id 919.50, for thirteen rods were of the best material. On each of | graveliing on townline borough silver in the cate was engra Me ica? all return on 4 resolution of a presides. Guesallanel ed by Mr. Orth, it was resolved, iat thi council ily endorses 'the action of County Coaneil ia. not eabmaitiing a bylaw € Soaneil by the "directors of the railway, and "epsalution bo forwared | ty "Hotel; RG. Roberts, ch rk. conded by hechtel te. re-appointed Sate ealary $110. On motion. ot Mr: test, -by Mr. Falk, Alevamier Fisher; "t., oa soe treasurer, eala: ry $65, . Blew art, seoonded oi Mr. Kosi + Ry Solu A. Fraser asectsor year, 1976 a. of $70. Mr, Tomer destined Pier ? \property, each upon all extra dose in esecss of ono ored by farmers or others pos- | de \ 's EY John Gray By mp wea Cayan wm do > 9 Lara James Dunn Downie | 5 WHE WAS And others. eo. 6 | i dah} 351 [Bitice de M4 _ -------- AMALGAMATED SOCIETY Or ENGIN- EERS AND MACHINISTS. SECOND ANNUAL SUPPER. Pinte Friday ermne S 'Yast about seventy gen- meneat down to the second annaal supper inen by ee shore Society st the Thoberteon fs onse. "An 1c bivalva"ar" Pept wir providedby mine aoe whie esers, Villian hind, James Ryan, vm Metetlan, bi Russel, John nks, Thos. Liddle, 'in, rfcF ward {London}, Fred. Dillon, Andrew McIntosh, os John Whitlow, F. Brand, James V wt in i Wiltiass 7 (neo'y), Joba on, Come Jonep) W. Draper, Wm. Skimm . Wiles that the as. aeot pay asian ssa to this matter a th nat the clerk make the necessary he collector's roll. On motion of Mr. Me. sian seconded by Mf. Knochtel, the clerk on the tater i iret gare Huroff Yoad in * ing gear. en on condition that the residents om thetet Ot EB receive imstractions to to do ronnie of Wm. mpen- sstion for si sustained on aeoret of bridge ab Lishon was again presen and petitioner county ect of 'erth anid lao, The -- thes cowdud to se ona Stuck. Diag ood rhe sgh Charlies © Henry Hesthan, Douald Mctaviah Walter Patterson, Joseph mm Te Jacob <roshetl, James Laing Stewart, J. W. 'ag 3 Denis a Kipyan, iy. 4 Mérrytoon; Wa. Makins. cht, Ma Henry ote, Macfarlane Bates, Waa. Smith, Gee » Dan. Camp- bell, Simon O'Donnell, -- 'Mitlow, Ceo. po a seonve of good songs, the-toast of iu at nee the spplieeat pet tote uch & looms ing ratepayers, asking that a Public patina might be called for the ' iseussing the propriety of rescinding the engagement made -- | the town of Stratford and PD & L. H. sam.| Ce, providing the Tow enahip of East Zea z [ grant » bonus of 915.000 to the L'y-Ce." of meeting was beld in the Town Hall si The é on Monday evening, Mr. Themas Stoney in to | the chair. Mesars. Mocre and Parker were om behalf 'of the railway compliny ; Reeve cf East Yorra, and a few from. Taxistock came to urge the claims of that place to a station. ted that the road manent -the traffic was fora begin- The directors _re: was ue Song a f= ¢roak pemaenpr] arta average of y. cout, to value of property aelph owed their veent position to their splendid railway ities. The ad directly, fad repaid their 'railway expendi. tares « handred times , Mr. Barges, roete of would ta. that township unless the interdiet in are removed, lcs Sk --Mr. Fuller thought it would me contermpt- ible for a town pe vaagead aot exist. ah tareratie ar @ station at contritrateds | in. securing. thus. fer . peti of of the road, por fourad no assist- AOR ee indian | vod eee ee be considered: a fair representation of iene with Mr, Fle fa conten pide Of é¥ery Tittle village along nthe | the rear of the-hall thought was gentleman in that Tevistock should pay for its rai ways as Stratford had done. A geod deal of -Seltoey conversatic an adjournment to Priday Town Hall, when = is evening nest, <0 tbe a} be ped a. dofiuite conclusion may be arr ms a "TAYLOR & BARN SDALE'S Soon or TE BIG TEA POT, |: ~~ Market Square, STRATFORD. Stratford, Feb. 2, 197%. w ora A: Sesuorth, oan DAUGGIST 4 STATIONER, ©, ONTARIO ST., (West Eur' SI BATTED RO: All gots have been pus mn +i BEST MARKETS, And Will sokd at SMALL PROFITS, ° Bpecial atiaxtion pald ww the DISPENSING DEP'MENT. Awavav Tn Stratford, na the" tith inet. the wife of 9. GC. Comper, o fo-enn. ee ne the Gore of Downie, oo me's ha ef Mr. Jehw Bradshaw ten, on the oe -- the wife . Postmnaste joo wil Foye on the ae b wend ad the wife fot Soa lev. milen, oa the ath | last, the wife of Mr..Thermns lomToe ~ At Wetlesie®, toe tine Ath Tae, iw wits of Wm, Morton, Req , MD _ of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Esnuen- Bawecrs--At the gag yg ol "yore ines! of the Dr MeDes- it-ta Tullartan. on, the Mh - Fe Me My. Hiram ar, thinl prawn ot Mr. Mal- e ims meet both ed an on tehe!l, =. the That ult., by 7. Chiries Puiler, ey Mian, =M. "Abst beth of Hit are Sanen Conair At Rtratford, on the Wth als., by the Rev. Sante Henson, My, Jon Short, of - Siretiont, 20 $0 Bias. -Senbyation Senders. bid lia a. - eA ane tree eet on the ith inest.. by of Sarnia town- 'Marre Maisie - ly ths of Bi v fies er Mais ps NP rhotaes pie the the Rev. Mr, Campbell, Mr, Sh; to Mim Annie Sruith DEATHS. Honsr. Ab Sinetiond, on the sth inst. Ines fsthiom. Hr. Guibert Te coca te net. Wi aos te alia (on the ath ie te. tape i pect and 6 Ganwoop-- At Pulford, peer York, Enefand, on he Jenuary| Bamana aie of .- see i Halt aed upper | shire, aged TH years = [ rans, Warwaab--Ip Biack Kaights of Ireland, held in ume, the increase of mezabership, aleo that this knight fs making most rapid and gratifying - Hotel, o . ™" te Wallner on the tind alt. she wife of Stratford, Jan. 5, 1978 pees THOMSON @ ry 'WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co. OF STRATFORD, (fiucoomors do race a witncsnn o Mitt AGRICULTURAL AND ENGINE WORKS. Trea. the 3. Reowonr. | W. Mowat. | J. Conconam, | W. i Maneuai.. MANUFACTURERS OF Pree Harvesters, Singie Reapers, Mowers Lae von bined M Seeders, Seed Drilis, Horse Powers, Sawing Machines, GEO. KLEIN, jp ---r--Us oundto,be.up with the thnes. "Now do please notice these prices: Py nd And the whole rterk_¢ id amd Shoss mast fe shee ork J The Tailoring Department Is undr the Management of Mr. P, SHANRON, DA MESO +_Mtrattord. Feb 9, 175. New Butcher § Shop. sausages, A call ia reapecttully solicited. Geltvengd Se cny Prt of tits taro, wd. NORFOLK. | Stratford, Jan. 19, 'M4 Cc. B. JOHNS & CO, D.call the atiention of a . 7 ST oe Stoves, Tinware, Lamps, Cut- : lery, &., 9 ~~ Opeahaceces phasors Mpeelels, (or. HOUSE PURSESUE of ABLES; CHATRS" BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, &c., And parties abot to purchase win Sare Maney by giving them « € ali, Au owing to the hard times, They are Selling Very Cheap for CASH. (Stratford, Fan. 5, 266. - KR. A. BRERVE, ba, MD Lecturer oo Diseases o of the Rye and Fay in te 'Then te Scent of Medicinw, ofa-be ue DISEASES OF bec EYE AND EAR, ALDION nope. a. ornat¥an, On Saturtay, Fet 19. Office - 32 bhuter: Residence and cements Teens: Mratford, Fob. 9, 1478, = = TO RENT,-* > cpus ove set, on Haron-street, fully furs- : N.G. cno Stenttord, Feb 9, 18m. " W. H. cael " WATCHMAXER, --n ETE, ETC. Ontario « Stratford, sOnNT FOR THR | Celebrated Russel, Eigin and other Watches, Watches, Clocks & Jowellery Ot every description. Spectacles to Suit all Sights. Swattord, Jan. 6, 197%, r) IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE | are Sone: FURNITURE At Prices to ewit the Hard 7 Times, (AEs BUFERS efit tt & 00 thee svontags $e ajue se 8. call belare pesshasing ebve- where. 'attrasees fromm @2 upwards; other articles equally cheap. PICTURES FRAMED IN ALL STYLES.-- : - Resnémiber the Pisce No. 88, Ontario Street, Opposite the, Post Office. WILLIAM HEPBURN. Stratford, Jan 5, 1876. "yy Beratford, Jan. 5, 1574. GREAT THE, CLOTHIER, ris Te Fe 7 a 'hnoadeialies Br: swe =r = a statin: | ie eee WintérClothing WEW K PIANOS AND ORGA! ~ | ween Sate he | Aone meet feta anhae ih mete alte. big = want value for mioney to the QO < + 'i jo Pianos, a0 bi a : = os iiscnare "| Under Coats, MESSRS. ESTEY " Of whieh thace are.avar same gre 1B Gafly B06. Pants, Vests, 'é bare taken over nedret : 55 fo nderdlat Seane be tortor sore etd Titasarkend | Fur Caps, Catalogues seut to any address finest Ny . Gloves, &e,&c. | 7 : Ww. "CRISPIN'S WALL PAPER- WAREHOUSE, OFrosiTE THE WAVERLEY BLOCK." ryne undersigned begs to announce that he iy prepared to offer | GREAT a ; W "ALL: PAPERS. ing executed and' at reason- able rates. W. CHISPIN. _Stracford, dan. 5, , lena Ls Hyacinth Bulbs |, AND GLASSES, / we f / f A Cholce Selection at J. He NASMYTH &.605, | MEDICAL HALL. al Sanlovind dA ON these ph tan" BEER Pu STE4 COcgs gu, A Before Taking. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE Dedilt Frito sae agora in taney mabe are Brat sues bs Matinting from is the yountt of & lite ia oar , Which We desire to seud fer ky ees oe nature and The se Ti perpastacs orn Pac lressing Bohl ta Strattord Bosworth, J. M. hy a prion sever elove fore heard of th tht? Fartot aa ee REMEMBER, ODDFELLOW8" TRON Market Square.' Biratford, Jan. 5, 1876. ..Theeelobrated_ Smericin Cumer, af Boyce xn Men will ad (8 advan 1 ; _ 'Being ansions to clear out hls prveeut aige re-open froza er ES = Fit Guaranteed Every Time. |t."""" = sii Sol hones n'be meake ther be meee sg ee pent articles opto tbe. er eee Dank semartnsnal: Oh é Sand 6 +, and GEO. KLEIN. a foes, asker, Draw ingen: aad eee sutne ander $100 Fatle without nots Jan. 4, 70 ' = pirat emnfery a Statues, ss, Borders arsenite ce fand prompt CF poll te oe Canada end Amerioan currene: © Agente 'n New Yor' » : 1 See bank OFFICE--tn wey Bleek, Welltangtiia-at Stratford, Jan. 5, IPE. STADACG ire and Li HEAD OFTICS _ Authorized Capi *Gioaoud ; 4 on. ek DEAR' Bap Port Vice-President. 5 eee eee. pea ERA SiixDuat, <= ONA Insurance Go'y: = QUEBEC. A. QHANT, Bog & B. HESSON, Ew iene STONRY, Req, RUTHRRFO: Pale and Amber Ales, is situated ca the Yooqurntd ssulg 7 an iL Ves, Boone 4M Gig GE COC Ks Water Guay» s 4 sams 'qoote e14iue oH Lees indigenes in Xo tee of sobecga asd the Specific Moticine st alec an "antatting cere torsionn, im aadal & Mquence of Self Men an baee of resend Universal sntvade, Fels the est, Dias of Vision, di many grr) Grave, 60 of wy eae stady and many years iseases, WILLIAM GRAT_& nS, aigh¢ « ail Drageints. NOBTHRUP SLY Fat he ert be, pet ot indwor. peate & Co, B, Ay te at riers wollen, OS we heanee Ly The 'STRNINGWAM"-AND" PATRICR-GEREEBSy ear Mr. Smith's Tanuery. "«---- "Str Jan.5, we go plea aes _ ee Jem. 4, 1875. Stratford Sausage Shop ST., (LANGENBACH'S OLD STAND} F. ANDI OFT takes plesatiys in inform. commence the hanags tovinraa i the brick basiness in the brick warrant- ey OF PIVISION-AND OTHER iF In the County of Porth for the Year 1676, f made TEs ares COMPANY MeTAPLIsGED 1865, "< actor PantisMENy. Saddlery and Harness Making. feast the building Btroe Property dasmned, > Se.pemaen, A mares = Clots Pan ee eo -- Soe af. Obharte hecek: lnisly oncapied by ie Meamlay, Pre Pension, Stveibies ; # Block, ir. Jona Ht pau, tet, # : ay os - s sine tee eee man em aa Bf vege ing large quantities of %. een eS: hey ore Reese Curry-Comhs Prushes Saddier Whi pe, Vatisea, | J. Salketd. Eva Lainie 7 Rows, Downe And all other articles tound ta @ fret Jona dawn 2 Seelte SECTS aa ae class Making ment Priees atmos Brew: thy '. allarten. ~- ele "Spectad'eteniuon ivan tropa, Derid Ceabeartih ws se ven le o» Oe "4 eu al) work x = s é + RaKee te, Magniogion. , ey. TOMAS FITZSERALD : Fa rn parm sat FITz D, Wavowat fy "a 3 a George Levers, Het Fort, and 2. A 4 Albion Livery. . Mtoe diet "tage. Barrtanarn _ GOOD, Homes, Comtartatle Conveyances General "Agente Wu, Davideets Eco {beothy wt ,dewble,) Al orders 'A tesponaible wet of ceente o of to poumyll © i pt renseqetn the county, (Mev!-ast Bloor, over January § oy Xf. MOWAT, Sea."Teven 4 Ateattond; Jen, % 1078, E ' Stratford. icing ol : jomin | inet, of Sypbold fever, "Eawa d. htth xn of Grain Crushers, Straw Cut- Sener », JolmWetlasdfer, Arch Bra fees $9 fhe Amaipamed Bee k ty ot Ei rae 4. Wri, Hart, John Wismer. CB. sepetunent Orne Te ato TES; Plows, Gang Piows; ce; Seirrrrt _-- eorsand Drank wit Licy, Wan The wid" Benr Wes tee, i Frank seer t Chrehy Mil Milibant, by the Bere Bl : AUIS ~y to respond, which he did ina aaah : oe an eet lae nase ont Ant "om HE undersigned has arses to tie A nab Faninaas be few re aver ictarsh, cialis oe; G Bwaver at We the 3th ult. Mr, BUILDERS OF STEAM ENGINES AND z cngeey, on Fe iy eee iar Sen J° SGN miscrs metterbeds cee | Who, a) nee Mere et | Seared arene nena Eiiee stint cor meet ina iron workers ot thet tise. A thas tio thane betting omer _---- oe See He wes father of Mra, Wu Alesanter, of | Water Wheels and all kinds of Mil! Ma- of faruere incaled fo my eo Co ge ae HS, a ehin Yalean, rai pgingers, and several ee a Pd age op ep oge pe eS _-- a CHARLES HAMMER, cos tareghs tet memati teens | ofthe I ielatare with regard to the License Fi 2 g Contractors tot Orist and Sax Milis Complete oS iee wae ingly in 1883 Spee oN Fogg ge ie rey 73 2. BS. Also for Water Works for Cities, Towns, | PINE having leased for a term of poe per he ine engineers. waadenhip 3 a z 5 end Villager, on the Molly System. Wavesioy Muane" mens tone to thd poss sao was then nly 8,97, bot tw Ti the 'ota WALLEABE: yom ; hae. veiited 8 fursished "the bailing tamer 'of mesnbers, eld over, was ies oor Tat 725309 y F} CHEESE FACTORY MACHIWERY A &FE- hpeette merit * continuance of the iat 200 being tet a These works were started in| > the leconeed es bis somuand, be will Fens oeck hs chvotwed teas 9206.08 0d Yoee 1889, by Messrs, Melachlan & Gower in an i a Addecea-- gy be better able fo accommodate the tra expended towards relieving men who were perm bye shroe hands met 8 a ic. The howee wil hereafter be P| out of work, or whe were disabled, either by tothe Sees, at. J, oO Mdedaeekewent : = THE THOMSON & WILLIAMS Strattint, Jan. 5, 1676. Bp civen | Svaikeod, "oe She tsk, 9100/10 toare ve: | tein. 8 prestna! mechanic Seqe| © & "a ea 2) Manufacturing Company oom r occ Des ry pipet po Tore peel iE 95 aga Pa 2 oF : Lf Sm teat hie oe _Sruarrons, Ons, ah: ARRIVED AT Sgt eo} « |J. J. ODBERT'S, enempet business done w09 400,000 anne £ '3 3 i : A splendid lotot | es mln. cabieay ott pause m gu GOLD & SILVERSMITH. GAS FITTINGS, Notwithstanding this reat loss of 917,000, E 9 S od Sieiats rag woo aya cor 'aibtie, paige # z @ 5 Gaseliers, ; Brackets, Shades, ae oo Seems that by "aote Z Pred Peter. ry "Woods, 4 tof nice neat wit fof sis, montha, and then, eu believe. asked | 5 & in Churches, Haile, or other 4 St © pene Po sce por pom ed rg z mc) WATCHMAKER @ JUWELLER, | Just eat nnd examine my Stock. Prices as low poop oe $0, tmp serag,_ wit Sewn % EC fe edeving ; asia Sie jah sat Sees anode IG TES 4 rere STOVES. |S et" as * z |S > Ede ganar cparpaatidatad at maa "a set A Lhe org Pec OE a tBA Y ~ percent. COOKING, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES, | Deceit to Unt mow he, tery ne | 5 gm To Cast PURCHASERS. he oaghly needed. pas} oe Sea os sey oe ee | affiee tu to the right, and to - factare pow celebrated . arnor, © new invention, of Rn gieeds 2 = eh stand the firm intend making-s- 5 fovdicy: before ng ori G +, brea tiptesadl ee heseeeraniend cs ne aE