2 bow, and aix,-would like to-aeo you." " cm-nepitied" Jee 'Jenks: ete age composure, and resting na on the doer-knob,. "In case apy aaa sir?" "Don't disturb me." oir. hantom of. a Jenks A I "angen, 1 mucotaly 'ueenathes se aithsewaegeols ip _ feasional attitude, and setzod a volume | "Gronat ReLonave, L Ftemblatie OF baat | aoa \ Twas ap Sete tuty, »deor opened, ad fat figure of a young lady, a Seep mourning, softly gitded oc a 4 procira ro an exclamation @ young girldhat had barely reached heavenly depth gazed upon me, | bh a sad,-inguiring air, as she | well . "Be seated, miss," accepted the chair observed hesitatingly, "You have heard of the Buffins' of cail to mf ind, I wi aoroniren article In the Herald, re- fering to sume trouble bout the Baf- she had ol. I read it : . an sorras ov it if iil i hey Hee i f i i i " » & i te : ? ka." 1 a, Bx ng zy 1 'giasses on my nos, an a , "gir?" in an interrogative tone and, : apoldiined: ~ baer! decid at me _-- i 'and vanished fn his noiseless wa: though the p 'had near my own, énd i "Jenks," sald I, hore vexed at the | officious politeness of the scoundrel "if any one calls, aie 'em they needn't -- detain ulated, "He is posi his sleeve vain I woes ore if hehasthe | Penpadenas tw fair companion varied and said _bayonetted him in zouave style; _ paisa," and still mrutter- oe ant, I con- area my 'a Send into the street. After w wal a few blocks in silence, Miss Buffine Sisley ob- "Mr. "Belgrave, | my "Wateh "has stopped: ~Can-you tell me what time it is?" "Let mo soe," I replied. ostenta- clously displaying my own handsome ease." It --is-.just--four | o'clock." e"What a pityT' exeiaimed 'the "young wen. in . tone of disappoint- ment. "I intende:t to a the wee of Dorls's casket. but of course I a too late. m2 'vane are lowed. Mother's P 7 hues engrsed my py that} { quite forgot about we ae momen ats rt ee nok 100 large, perhaps I may be eash itfor you, my- self. *, "You are very kind, al rejoined Miss Bufflns, with a sweet smile. 'The amount is over four hundred dol-_, lbit my lip. The was larger than I anticipated, eee, as IT mace the - 1 was proud to recede, "T am sorry that I have not so much at my command," I remarked, apol- ogetically; -- Tthink Ioan finds babstitute at the next store, Grindwell are friends of mine, | and will doubtless © cash the check, as wae ettad ne Sa cr nde 'afternoon, Mr. et hands with the princt shaking who wore spectacles, pol low ait couse "How's cotton. to- | is up, and up is rig plled the merchant,tacetioua Take ith pleasure," respond-: ed beviarme joking at the document, National nae on York, pe neta ber i= rae 'replied .Jonks, coentiniiet Miss = Bains with a vulgar "Hang the fi le se I mentally ejac- ly ¢ tively laughing in » eomne conceal my wrath, and softly rentied, : q | | rae Poi Bank Note arene * sald the t. "By- the Culted. States Appratsers é | " added, pleasan' "who ig. Second atreet, above Walnut, the pa a girl you peo isin ahects are counted nt least eight times, "That's cores," Tanswered, witha | 8nd aregister is kapt of cach count, knowing wiak. "Tell you some other in ae establishment "fort time." _ : continaally dexployed in "Ha, " Isughed Grindwell. printing sees backs of notes requ to replace a worn ont currency, aaa a. devi eet anit inv ia wereived in sheets of age T could not thinking s myself, to tak jon m departed greenbacks In plates on which sixteon engravings of Syhana" Biss 2. aote have. ane The nam- Eleanct Baffins was kicking Bent ta the fan har $pilty chopped pater: boata agaiaes per factory ts not stated, as the box js the stoop, with some impatience, as I sealed with stamp. presently rejoined her. A return is made by the party farnish- "Really Mr. Lam @try to | ing and the party receiving the pape' put you to all Freyintts Sy she said, | of exact' amount without the with one of her winning smiles, as she ch other's count, #0 the and deposited it | that the possibility of any frand upon ie her ~SIt-is certainty {fe As noon kind, but we have no time to lose. If | 84 eac each is aceounted for,.the pa- we do not hurry, we may' miss per is rent inte the wetting room. Dorie. I wish him sa eeiceand te he chief.of that rimeni canact and will not submit to he "Ty mae ast. "Good "Teaveos * T exclaimed, at | last; "here is some myst earing up." and without hesitation I Tapidiy recapitulat:d how and w had become acquaiited With Mag But: ') "fT regret to say that you have been a ya wily arte ful imipostor," said = ee yageg? "The ce anit Miss a littie girl but nine years x Ifa thundertolt had fallen at Lay could Ynot havs been more | Dorle, and oui Treason began dawn on my -- seetaxveally t ately "my es pocket," » selene that my wallet, containing fifty dollars, was also missing; #0 that PRY Whole 1688 Dy" its wetsatrenture might be summed : id-take me. to any Intelligent workman. ean sotapre heod it with a fer day's experience ad bullion is taken out #00 to 1,000 There is no Waste mate pers ibe belay pusped buck ini 'tanks wrt fren ver by thie -preeess is extracted to the o allwheoare in 7 sperlaients are free * oe e i metal, eur rem It is, -- oto por I amie known my io theaus lien, ands force detectives was instantly put upon the , track "Of the tulee Mies Bains; bat * ghe had availed herself of my briof in- | terview =e Rote, and, in the interim, had made good- her with bh "iil: cots booty. --_-- | Enever 'from her my sing property aguin, Tut T saneales myself for-this treble « by sum- discharging my gon' genteel" man- "Jenks," servant, ho, I laughed in his sleeve at my sitnplicity and credulity, I don't ther now I coukd possibly prove it; but it was enough to see that I wasthe iaughing- stock. ae ; lawyer ae om Char "etreet™ to the purileus of the ee egainst' th torrent of ridioule that engulfed me, it, proved too much fora youtig man of my slender legal oments, and ine | few weeks quietly hauled down my and became a broker's clerk, with no Hiegariog ambition to fi; "notary publie,""*or even enroll my name smong the dusty files of the Po- lice Court. ---- MAKING GREEXNBDACKS. * 'The general public, says tho Phila- capable of rec government na protecting it- pat against their rautetent issue, or | of uards thrown around | the various stages which greepbacks ais: before they are placed In cir- Every™ contingen- | ey la so 'yinao surounted with nag enact | ments, and so much red ta neeea- | that sense re printing In the integrity t counter: heck hax ve bewn i printing the backs ok Hotes, ibe -- Por tn: which work is roy by v4 Lis ack mal. a jar eat tore of that very oat but very loca ing element, enrbon; and ts also known a8 plivhtazs tnd a 'ite. There are severnt peneil manufac. | tories in Keswick, Eng. 'The "leads'*® for the Lest pencils, oa we were told, were fornierly sawed Out from masses Bul mine now furnishing enough forthe purpose is in Siberia, At present the smaller fragmenta of shite are ground fine, calcined, and mixed with pure'ciay, which has been ee - intern porns water, allow: teims tosettio, taiiae el oss mi nike Tiqatd from the Jetting it settle agali seviip ery be plastic, and after being dried on linen Titers ith the powile need grap hive bc various - degrees -of used for a tine, hard a soft one, mixtures for the grade * betweem mater! tritur- ated or knedled with water ull they are of the consistency of dough. This a moderate heat n tak out baked in covered crucibles ina furnace, Sometiz nip in a strong receiver ; through, a small hole in a thread Bethe a sha : at and "baked as aDare. The of the grade lead depends partly upon the degree ot wane to whie hh it is exposed in the dar, which is thorougily seasoned, eut into strips, dried again, atid then cut al Afes b ena dried wi are rounded or po a me "8. shaped hamP we Late or Cutting nineh ine; ¢ f third, which feeds the peneils froma hopper and turna sheas round the brush coer beak pat ceils never go through this latter pro- » firrehed b length by « clrenlar as which they are saw, i: ever-pointed" penelis are made either from the na- masses of graphite or from * Launceston, to + faites vr ha retired art : they! resemble our own point of the m o-the | portion of Ce utee ot the castle are * :tocbelound. Ihe 4 believed that the -- had beeti originally connected with the mu po dnard-by @ narrow a --_-- away, oo thata bridar n built over, had shared -- = ate. are tracesuf masonry P both sides, wand bake Ty sijewolel | Peter 1 atheratl seni ioh bemne leia de meres walker up eras: ne Ww. ny cacte "y wa =< ; zielax | t+ the ses, tuto thehigh lanc, and h-"} tory silver pas - { he pear saa wa " 'inted out to me the supposed fie hit minimunts { Camelot, the scene of the K eT i ae _ tameteraes TEENIE TRAY Patera Aer pes 4 hich ¥ The very nane oft the Joad pencil, | saine Y sistorical interest." It had none Like so many others that hays other, for ta» gountry was as bicuk ras household words, is o mis- and wild as be Tmaginéd)-with nomér, for there is no lead ip Pv Away norti: lead is ide of ead, and white lead whose abbey the he came . bess. --A few tiles away was the little town of Camelfor! tthe Camelot), and yonder a tal! lake that might have served for the burial place of "Eexcal ibar. Aino over to the matt cA af. Tintagel, a dreary looking place wt ote street, containing a the poorer olasa, a one handsome house, which was the siin- mer resitle! tt, then the editor of Review, Tiw place could have but two charms -its historic asac h are y attract poet lnweate, for he fréquently sperits weeks at the place, roaming around the wild coast scenery acon crenaint ; adi oclations and its solitude ot eet eRoe deeds of daring upon its now desolate ators AN INDIAN SCHOOL, Snow this oral. As the is very o edup, and ogo' have no pom for ¢ ning room, te pm only ~ --_ sheet-lron tent stove for the sétionl-room, oe Impossible = keep comf our half-clad scholars three boys who ae sontsinens: the thighs ofthe others are naked, bes! bein, such the children com bi to a this game. Hl Hee Metin thats ent from thelr customar one step toward awakening an in in the school and {ts lessons. In a iy outside sports ait" "the may stound trom st common and we should find their iotenet in them. fnaterially ha Fg 2 hqnse, pont of our ee were era! LAT pede j and an exciting oot fice, te and a trows tn upon, =e which, ua might berexpected, the turkeys = the what dotartabiiins and enlivening, and Teould not decide which were the was abund- lecting antly more successful col ese untamed children into school ain than they were in catching the turkeys, These ys are quite ex- bow and arrows, few hounés of | pa Pang tinn framing other poetic te Hie, and joxte be added to. tte Idyis. of the with which to. terest iNsome civilized sports, differ- is Lancet ia reminded by "tho gynrcons displays, baa festivities, and other nifestations of reloicing tn the East with which the Prince ot | Wales has been welsomed," Ofer iopers itr hetnog leygosy is no one who has net m it can = basse tag and it is secritbe But | the. Jamartiee Jes sjechhoy Dlhurrum- a-refuge forthe destitute and sick in Bombay, the Lanret, on the ----, <? Tim ree of Indin, a fi Bae et ae by tieeteet "andthe. par 'a is so Toll that often two lepers ded into ane of the Thiv are Without furniture orrven , acehdiae howe at tre nds of rive and are pice with Whieh to ey tor fuet to treir food.- ¥ consist of Wotrer ty, and chil ive n, thee kdeon being the off- spring of the sueh, some of them being on in the: Dhurrarm- sala Keolf, for mo pe eration f the 'son 4s atemspted or, ep thought of. Usfertur . ere ee 3 timts wasted tittvonty the of the Botes yemain, or cles a out of all form of Tithhs, sir or fie about as they choose; without are, ehooph from one charitabte physictan whose name is wit! hel ld, at his own rensiees semingiy. visite friciids and by no minister of any te. ligion. "They are abaadoned,"' shys the chai of Tada, "ot Gost and man, not that the Dhurrumsala gives nn the Bass! ola mat « in which <banidtub- "ot Sox life; south die in their sores along our 2 and in our compounds." whoare very inich afficat ate wt mitted into the refuge. Those who highways and byways until t sick enough to be taken if the Daur romsn BUSAIAN BOuERS InN WINTER. The windows are ~ invariably double, and the space between the sashe covered with a layer of fine sand, de- signed to absorb moisture and pre vent the frost from 'silvering the panes, Twisted horns of paper con- taining saltare set Init, and 'some- AmmEEs tie. by bed "aizvata | Onl¥ those finterview with het guardian, hastened thecurtre afloat. The: appliances of 'the great tranuniitted hy herediiary influenea, me ng on this work ninst" be peopled the ruins and tht be fully realized, whut more powerful | : thre: 'beat-- solitude around me. with bright | = saaliter- ood sented for a Te. eid shone tons. form in their use, or for their absolute gs jos, and « ti ob Mr- It was the poet Tennyson; the face | prohibition? We believe the fact Meise i 4 Mr arian of and figure that Thad #0 often seen ly admitted that there is'@ cOfi=Nijonee, hare 'anual appomted to lovk inte : plotared could att be bed Like in of mlanix "its See aa ze men of niatk tie "had a striking | abd A ert Tiss carsabralee eps. west appearance, erever you met} that this question-is 7a 7 + garrtee nae '+ him, you would at once have set him pe el by the greatly tetter papers We a) down asa man of' no ordinary char- re ans of these artl- "Bed by thie post fice Serta ae aS acter ; tall, but looking taller. than he oles. No true phiysologit who under: | he really. was on account of his spare | stands" the terrible ~ of these | - at SPeeree ints, tossieot to oof 3 fram with keen peti their trans. ° : meal Sa bulaw ¢ wo Londow{Glebe "ot recent date _ "be? . dark eyer an Saar eyetrers a | paona oe ute ares ae ee oo "hina seca ympa- | uatinaiah, wea | bowed in the most shaven, with a long aind- mus- | generations, cam Jook on such a state | | cmomtuyhoeheet auaitach woth bete'y . It = a ee. turning iron gray, and long hair | of things without ayprehending the | jones tug fron. This ie a matter be wit } . Ralph "Dorie," T stammered, ik ? 'The hypo-sul sta: or teaching pro- of the same color (to 'shoul-! most serious results, » nugitat}. ; aly, cess, for the reduction of silver ores, | ders, he hada y unkempt ap- < " @ OOUNAMNEORS WOn aM, 4 with $1 5,000 ehyta manee ~"Rhet'smy name Mr, Belgrave," ' f le becoming peernnee his appear to | to' arte the pent bed mem said Eleanor's" smiling, as 'al x hs Mr 4 ve been made by a aes Mose Foas, a & weatthy ctarmers tt Lis ts aah tie. tet "pisctun om | slg lh the and wayed California ee edna' | Of, and it looked aa if some years had | tives emile from Gorham Village, Me. | sist ie 1 iy come te it n, plo | seat. "You must\excuse thig Where it has lately been introducod. | olapsed since it was first worn; in his > isle & whlowef, upd fils houe- wtih fe now reguis a head hecmi-ooking apartment my house best adapted to ores | mouth he bad a short black pipe, keeper > a Mre Jewett The other | ss; cconomicat f =the "ee ; like a¢omb | since Eleanor left _ abounding in. sulphur. The rock Is | which he was smoking. Not the kind | torenoon a knoe heard at the ws stnacaiir ts ihn: cosmaliractio' ' to. be learn- the >} crushed dry, and: only requires to: be }-ofmanthat the reader Imagine |. gront , on... =chic: gyeat tor the Goverinient: w the fine enough to pass through a acreen | Wrote "Come intothe Garden, Maud. Mra. Jewett, who was alone in the. | tor tue jurpona.cf receiving next of twenty or thirty meshes to the him, saying :-- ABO, BI e ton = inch. It is* Chen' roasted in reverba- Wag nti T have the honor of speak- pore to see the mistress of the house, tel fu ae th salt, ny roasted | to Mr. Tennyson?" Sho replied she was the only inls- round 2 ooo i th be or| Inreply hestiMy bowed his head, tress at the time. The man then in- "might he HOW Hi Ton tone, and" than cians. The distressing malady which as of seer akan turned on oat | a | ~ Lite) him who: Iwas, s and that I had and was told ho was dowh in 'the fala. | weed hor Sor-oove years 100k th ore ig Coreredl,. "pt running to- Tintagel. 'upon. the. He aprcared sary anxtons tosee him, , 3 herp Fa feared, "F00r | tive ior six lnours. The water is. the ane made go° famftinr to wed Hira Jewett. to" fa" dows. seeing | Eleanor an orptien." | run of and a gold solution of hypo- readets itarstnre, He oom. | and call him. Sho refused, end told hesita- Twas quite hore talen by this : = { sul of passed through the | menced me questions, mostly. | the fellow she could not talk with him accom e aed s in the same mapner, until it is | concerning the United. States, ita lit- | any longer, and shut the door in his , Ps ang pl my caicieions at cue fal pubditney by the test that the hypo~ the English authors that Hace. While ec lady wee talking she glance | blow unable to realize it, sulphate solution carries no more sil- were mostly read there. Heexpreased peg oa, heard se one up stairs, ton, n, Ting ra yer. The precipitation 6f "tie. sitver : ~-for-- low, | #0. wiemt eetly te A rom, pin 3 "* nov hel ai crayon is necomplished | whom he knéw personally. - then {and eakking & platen, stepped inte an: When aid Eleanor leave home?" addi the hy sulphate eolu- pointed out various ob; of interost | othe wre sture = ego --_ _}_ about six months Mr. | o20 yn inge e fped --_ * peg, DOE, EEATINE 6 a an odd ex: aan at by balties = water two more re aang felan: ; ak | presses obeury parts of fae to one of sulphur. This | the King Arthur's in a Ris reply mystified. me more than. ~favtone: ite by. of. |. deinking | ane ge, plece_of rock, or Why,"? a ee mee hollowed en shape of a bow, WO | ae ye 'pei if aes er preeipitation and A rnhning off Jange no énough to hold the con ae " from "your ofall the silver remains In the } tents @ barrel; rect t-chaypet, "poss ino oo praia for- ly, and we rr the fountain of which can be traced, | ward and coviced tie pret The fee OT was {oe era in enlace wad aktoceents cried, { Rid tr-whieh-the altar stome;-w soti-| rw -thee ron rte . Fraccal 4 ja now teed when it isroasted In reverhetors fut- pince of hewn rock, stilfremains per- i ea, Oc: MY the sulphur, at seed ne her rudimentary ed: ae ale ea Al . i mete The island ts bute few hundred ration is successfully performed -and | idsindiameter. It fs almost ciren "es 3 or The Emperor ef Bracil ome ane eormggy ets ame +t ALE Screen £, nit ferret, tmmenretcce-- erate pistes = Eo Tape ba Vrauee. wren, were tue } ri . ces an. aéconnt "iF ths OP RRR PORE cele wf tithes willy pefrrener tthe -- Saygyertoke 1 lesompe « wl Ih = of moss, There are ters or blinds, for they would be filled in around the edges with a kind Of cement," Heavy Curtatis' of rtetr rare; when and -only ip and A. They are closed ay Ulled with, Sowees which are truly_a- e ion the embrasure lan glass, placed in the contre ofa cabdest at the corner of a aide- 1] td spring sheaves of superb exo- iol allthis floral. splendor "faved jiaet tens went this OWIRAtY l " As ening it te bewort' The vit ro By This isthe Way Asters Are Made, "4 A Mouree shrect map iit sit tbage we bi " | rene, x. Levurriee garg Hi an 648% e Mind "at Hider, 'ti st 4 state o ier hin ay het ts tot veld atest a A wold iTS at, 'We don 'Ewant ¢ "The i in vel a wink a her! £8 vared as already described, and baked, ne ee ia the distance o LA Ws OF INHEIM TANCE. eins * Dr, Nathan Allen,.of eT EEEE.g Res E bis 5 & several it, as J 1 have seen, actually cut off its head th the arrow.-- Among thé Iniiians, ite ee JAPANESE MS MORSE. One of the greatest curiosities in Bi te stranger is the wonder- | fal variety of coins that are used daily Tn some ins it takes one it one dollar, These ceived by-forcigners, who, as a ¢en- tefuse to take them change. Imagine making « trade of i five cents, and giving s A wi a @ tifty rity ace dot me makr oe job out of wm bly sent it,' @ gue ihe all satiated ts Le. dikap. fe oie Lihat there was not imore of therm = pusher iS irou infs the Bre, got a wdik,f, un inverted on bie Kreg, mod with the s wer xd LC his hard, waited for the rigkt bea : e ; irom only-dont. $4, amd. it it exer otheta Wear out, and there's enough med in thin plecw fo dertta worth ef meerdly; he es. rn. ol to wife, > tut pee Pretty soon the tron wae at teas right heat, igh habet Hie Judgent ite tabbed the resi about the oijee courts sa i furnish Prep p ni will de ourg mie, er,