Stratford Times, 8 Mar 1876, p. 1

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Religions Heme, -- AMddew bin fuck tink tg Dome and left ee iteash to the Se ld ads det that "revlat the invpeetion of the seminaries. y sn met one fonne vis ntitied~The |--------~ wn Aucr _Fedce of the Am rs) be atited and ao : probation at the 'Methodist ' The re ort that a. Varley, the English te a. hg died, prow io ae incorrect. At \ OL, I, revi last necount he was =e improring. ~ STRATFORD, , ONTA R10, AE MARCH 8, i i i HEE 58 ai ba REY ag z | PRSr sie, ei owt. argos ERS A MAND; ROTHER "Viet ing Lo omtablich a Congregational House in Ensio ri, One bright summer mornin The Trity "Chara in: Boron, idgh estimation om its reetor, A Phillips Brooks, and is said to have jnenred to havea -- -- chat with - bia life'to the smeunt of aheet $100, old friend; ey shold shi if give "Irie stated that the Bapties have, had I really c's wi more charehes organized more 'Top my own. oft "eat-trve rears thes t9r- ne--trenty-+ those who cannot ro cc a Year. =a ee ae " You-erer--eeey Brooke Hartford, of Englabl, bas [to tho worse atl liquor in your life ?" where b Rev. resched Chicago, 0 pas "Never!-I ean 'safely sa Of tue Unitarian church, Rev. Bob- " . pA be ey #4 wered Watkins, heartily; hut sure Js, of Cleveland; who| tty great pleasure in a couple o Dr. Bebr . " wae the Baptist Chareh lweanse "he -_ glasses of ale for your dinner! become an "open comtaunionist, is to "Well I don't say that I do; still 1, eituer the Congregationsiixts or the *Llike it, and' don't chéose ta be pottiea) triek, and fally endorse Mi, AMerriey' shew things to be good. crea pee $4 ye pore the | _ ha sday hl okie ua Gi watjeet, "ow Unitarians can Help Re nse fools must needa i 7 Barrows, of the Arliug. bighl; the wors donsby Movers Moody and Sa . thers tor Street Church; Roctel, -apoke wt wr What do you inean by a * good hol 3 od? creature o beia in Engiand and (his edanter. "Wi : 'What do IT nan? It's simple ae, eines __patane pe oe +nough ; jraphine He lank nade, | ever of C fienal preachers and of course. t-the seri tikes say churches in' the Rortirwest who wish to] that God be helt all that He hadmade, tHinme@uicate with vash other in. Ua matter and "be 4! of pastoral peprescunneel a occasjatial sup hictht it-wee tery phy. For three years pest, she Central Com- Aas Le f cree help extabiish ea org at different ponte. The result of thea visit has -been the. " op t.ahon has sent out a Jew lay workers to lorie # I've never yet. seen such -- varaging. plants than I do, somaybo you have.' iste David Suew, bent president in | --" Tat, tut, man," said Joties, you ' Denton ted ibousand down to the} take up a feilow's words 6; Home inion of the Tetbodin Cc Charch, usw well enongh. what Jl mre. --_ "the ieee ~that-- grasp that the ven. ~ LADIES. COLUMN, © --0-~ \ New Your Pasicon Norse, page verted tainted with serofa i Te ek ond" and With the despre dors tasicating have mio still eta , he Spable, through The fiat State fai ever held ein in Jacksonville ole elon iu dress wiil been vegle this havi ing trcoer to nomen' in miserable dens of diet Bight Cardinal rate the eu of colors a ced \ be Ren | Who had come frou 4 the stable: yard. tent "s + And, " he went ou, while « a bight pd caine his- on: cordially a seer gerne toon the various be a et 1 wut the and every cee pose | a proper ia, shrough the officers who may bes Most of 'the bantiome ant expensive muffa rider brow ' tr we in eo state that 'te Americans . dightpess, and points of innk 1,063,600 reeled _ akin, snd eins ".7 enone them | the measure an: ns of---what-ie-dar to im | 2Ple, and we should accept it as such, and will reach put dt out on interest. If thiv is done, and Pcluldren's cults a her memory will be te -- rh an: va cestand seation al badiy sa miserable bein ng's as 'don't t long om. and if the words, 'here's sa = hem . to cold water-for tie rest of aay } 775 en Home Catbolies rpeara tml gel af fife ae for those who drink to excess, | th speerh on the Gray Nnn's i atery ot why leave them alone," or let them hey bold tlat the question fF. yo esalright themselves. -- I fy men going home necne night very i y feainst the By 'and by, a Ae toa as doup dite one ec replied Watkins, "that's sight enough, bul are you sure wine, | off the or ond t t irite-cunie inte: tint-cata-} New: Jones ay bot eer they can lic together i = their wretch. Ledeen. but they oan' "rosea Fala -know, you're gardener, and know. more about selves, bere of alll life ouhera * ap. - Hot go farther, wot only to necept of if as aft fot. the preeentriet+ writ by ite s wslerce Foon and = find. it "dificult, ol 'bly drank mensure. Tho Jaw is grand tata [es = rin sinite ons against - and threagh sympathy for friends, or a lore+ away and _ well he grotind areney 4 gal qaextions, "phe ., Ss tem, @ womies we hare been talking temperance for Toerlaw to be efficasions must be enforced, Jrinted wabete names ap in the back | contrast. higuatle for fall evening dre Seeger h is exstomary fora bile drevsing i mourning bo appeai in @ White robe at the iF Coarse 2 and tulle hounotsin the cream shades th The ame sl eat grea! a North their of some temporary financial advantage, slip | next ino. | a oe ye ee Laxty'» eaenwidiias Centenni-. er ae Tobe, | r We hope | of for the bast, at it is a faet Too Levi a a caer "other way CWald they pone have-uet eqnaily valmib:e worn. with a. relret | pea tained 'their pusitien and Prinerpios a wollare? leimperance Lave malitained pete "*K --s Of Weaking the colfare for fall dréas] ~ or five curls is ling nearly to the. the back, and finger puffs ontop of oon Sur lemnehia of Bnrawae has adopted the " Tar Ta Wome s Temperance Union a Phil- we wank pow is temperance | adel; Enebri aud work, coustent, unflinsling work, | ate ast neg 2 Bxoontive aud co-oper- 1 ¥., bas 3. Dexige._Lormerly. in - order a 4 (he temperance peo- of the Inebriate Awylumm at Bing! pie r Teap sited, até tris Teh 'the "Tis tea seasmunn ts -_ . rege nd -organdies are ary, Ubitt: uate reas ~ - me for holding the next. State tar was w tre ry yt eee Soe dhephetahet...sib,.19. 8h 1S7H,, Petpet enterreece : Baw she Tis Walew marrying | @ = peel aes <_lapeteare weil to fad abe ft at diss eta i Wor Tt thee be: vee alli 8. V. P."[Repondes, oe the hair is in] The opouam { ow in tbe _-- looped . and | the kangaroo of A ° tied with ound in Karope.* a) amall Sager pale ter Sreaay th the nddition of | are f occasions. Tur Indios ot Kalamazoo, Mich., "have doners tat the UGorernment may opened a 223 | sudoroe the tam, Mest tings show eld by x of Competes ia tory the Province, to expresa thei: paw A pi those *ho are dignppointed that the law -- i, sy Bis ' t--ror wh Po rit eevee AB DALE Methodist inca a fifteen Hoxty ; hesi : lenairthip 8! Eiveut.on. ley, Tae YT quite sha The Presbyterian General Council, ore | * good creature of God") _ are spoilt _-- tiows should appotyt euanmitteds in every Co S2ytjon 12 toe raral portiogs of tis Sadho tnat 5 tm Tut eo its first general meeting at Ediubarh, | 4, 'tithout7 Ey taxing to talk abeut sehen | Se be h . % pate "Tae affair, i Fetin dh RR Signe] Tiett, Jerre ter ot eee ~ dbjietion os pected to be there. clutinh in Afiica tovee what ¢ | the plant ss hn spoke, and throwing ward exlending the work in that}it on aburning heap of rubbish; field. He goes to Sierwa Leone, the Mendi a has had nothing to do with | ¢¢ new paints. rat; there it is, jast as God made it; the Baveriau Gfarlser Ecttung SE tat you don't feel yourself chargeable | , Mission, aud th several the Bavarian ae of sichinenaa iio Sram iettia te iyi ingratitude, use instead discontinue the cenction frum the con: -- it's ies berries you root i! te priest«.and see i a) atudents.. The Witazg aera that Pa Well, a as ay God could ing vid Ned F the fext cumeription « seliy-endeine: 'Chpe Nth priet-and s namber. of stalenia | M¥CT-have-mesut ua to cat His crea- cre be requ red to carve. if we ; us." he Febraary nasiber of the damerfean | "So F think; and can't you give up i aft Mis csary contains a he wissiomirion? taking another of His and Wack is of the po cm In Virginia there are 2) Nerth Carolina, MW; Sun saa, J, omong the Chinese in Calafornis, bid ong the Indiney 7 Te het aaa as long =e popid said, "T think quite as strongly it contamed wee dt abo 6 tnw it over, ire he do. on the sin of baa Sore v amsee ae wna a| aie , 60 for . Everybody says that ererrbety ahead: bet tory otis rmctrriage at ted - Gal Trnmiaat; bid searytody ti not-honest either | i146 ramains between 'thé backs 0 home. That ae f the wa could be Loneat in our trade, weightaand | ible, T shall nover think the mode 'fate dea.jng wit cur neighbors and | nso of wine wror INEHANERS. sa ani." wth stranger is recs right." Thats *T ont tay 1th ~-- ti take - it, strong -- of integrity should govern bat Ido sayit may be right to as-is j every mau net oniy bat adrai ee boilers | and contends for. There ix no rp from it. c ertunty our Saviour anes a "too honest. tam water into wine, for the plea~|, a virtoe ao f than gold, richer yo rtaes, | sure of His friends; but the best He 7 Ay brew seholars now say the words used more LS picge. tt is smash rieber ad for matihood or womanhood than wraith ean} ticre means intoxicating wine, secure, To be homest s the Jews hal one name for mtoxicating | erage p pot = tobe likes ehid sud like an anze, andfayine and another for unlermented ; Chriet said of Littie ebildren, of such fe is ae "tans heard bemton mrvtoree da aully nig' shtshado rans be another of it io-net cosy 'for a young Ind, or for octane RBs npemntes " -- eit a ao. oe a , Cae al the Laman Mtottzey a0 the hese" eomtinne he, palhaz ap ad fo as WR ain ae 1 TA a COMA ss Rarery ne oud Cites in the Provinos, in order to axsi«t decided that ander 4 the bew license law the pate oe "The ew York Supreme, Court, General | , Pisid. striped and pia materia will' be Tux liquor interest of Minnesota are dlrea- that ao _-- has oe rh peg. and to urge dy agitating to poreal the Inebriate Axyium Por -- "sare a : a with the ogtish ao Michigan aw lew which aS logea th he -- tural . De. serial Nh Wrhinatn, who is at ur agua ee We aever .w Tone it * 'im fomee and matatain i. Ef it is sap | couse to improper persuts bs + 4 buf ~The eee aur ate, 159,50) gallons chara Soca "States tr ter but Petr chat the mabe waid: ray violstion at me bets the Goverment rine 'chemene Fou. twototalors, I've 108 "a am ny dead-drank undér a "hates with hia -- torn-ait "ss face b _ after ures' th | you will have it so--which sends Caroive Mi; Geeg-a, 33; Piorida, 3; Als] sixty thonsand of your fellow-mer bama 42; Temhersre, 00; Kentucky, U:] every year intoa hopeless eternity?" _-- py, 1d; Arkavnes, 2; Louisdana, 1; oues turned over a fow spadeialts very ikel ly the ae half. i the boy ef earth before he answered, and then selene "nteady nan, cnr your pe in Chageh i ia never empty, -_ that you wonld not speak BO well oft ani he 'Li "Ein the right direction, and we eongratalate see' that the influences ofa mod an if he nee a oo fear- trom the fact that men ar upon dom a! ven. Bt te : 3 the hinedom of raven' | Bot we with, tlhe right at one tizae may be jart the ° contrary at ond ? You remember ee the nsorpent that Moses mate ern eA Te bax From. bias titer VEY Not every ove ia aware that the wood po st to thonsands. Well used by engravers iv the, gro wf met the faraway Trgions erpw the Bleek and from whieh It = aitpped being anfamil [art put way from eff the mL £¥ Feud who consider themselves goed have ever beard of Pot or rs ¢ ig¢ Es z ed 2 4 L4 i~] Z vy | towns. the way of od the. "Golden Hora of Con-] pase not very cgréatly- abusod ; the sqerericg, Tarkey boxz-|°. were BS tur att aaa Gn quality Variex | tion: ~ Hert are we. with drankenness 2 mach, sore akill ie in coun wo a grod | ournational sin---the drunken Eng: wan" ett 'he best te of a deiitute oo --"- 7 " bb wel i The teof a lishman '--a-by-word 'emoug 7 it bo Wetkinw comin, *Thoneh 'af pureelf, anbapay mother, are the seasons of your own: -cinid+-- your ignorance, tour waiteef the gotten yeare of life, before this. tender oaild was eimrnitted to your cart, have eansed this | is goin 3, | agouy--this deaths € staouth!y god _eveily. with no A ne = i im, ar fearing, bat every fine cdf wil bep We ttink that drink in eur fect iste just a i city of ee ae ed it stitutoa dave buen resorted to; map, | become tectotalors, without doubt. a a) = rs we ne 'i t : think when a man has cue e a apou, "a it wie BU Wits ) . >, muti} or composition bas ered, ss ho -- Sr prem ap ae requixite qualitie . ut the serpent wa awa In sh ition to engraving, bexwood is| tirely, abolished completely. I'll wae | foe pales, rules, panging >. aed) bound Hezokish and lotw more arhers ou wh figuring ia . " made on there fnctorios in Connee. | BYVEr Wo od it; and it must have fact that comsume bentoats of tons an- ween a pleasant thing to them to : nusy i this purpows a the. very serpent. upow which " their] ay ope thet hae cree "held a_satyen: | forefathers kad gazod with dying eyes ters-rede in his band knows -- | -rlooked and lived; very 'kely" it wood is like. prea in color a texture from all other wood, and it's would atrevgtlion thei sir faith and hope hat tenprkabie that" it comer" te fin God; a4 perfection only in a qrenrseetively Sen half measures, when he sa€- it was togion i tattle Boe. = Ce et eet | productive of evil, he xwept it clean vs P e varies | SWOYS d ever again be{' in to ina it in Boston from: $75 to | tewpted to pay it worship - use and f i a GEE rf i - - Ws 'the instrume: nt by whieh. life Was to eaforce a Fog ct obmerv a « of the pesenk pe stand what prable a such Ai tempersnce laws. "The price of fregdom fe a as-- course of seven hundred years the vet? names of the that very serpent was broken io pieces, uf cs warth, because it became the. instru- hen of sin, To nty mini that seems Tiles or ie Tein end yet these are| t speak a very lesson. In ou st tet =< date at for hin. _ be : that give n -- then I -- consider become _-- Now, it waa torn fro her love ;-and Telpiess | reah posed { quiry, the whole thrser busin: abe 'walshad the ioghte tlie | | s, lavestiqnied: bad lie inbaren tly frand lent charac' iy ey Mises. quch the same case as was the oe BT] eam poor, It tothe art this wosd Aad compel t when King Hezekiah qostroy- |" erty might be rich.' He humbled Him. Yh, thore L qnite agree with ery of ite searcity and high pries, mem) sab A beth who drink to excess should uch passage - th a Ba: self- --s to which re vd hie steps, and i seerd 7 mithat 1 Piven which He Areiny to us. up T Took npon tetas a little cross ~sbe- one, and after a iitthe while you won- tacked The ao rh God's wunile is | OL one, ~ Then too, account. in the book ef Kings. "Tho Lord was with him, end pros. abvow lat' earnestly wtudied " guidunoe of life. There is an order of nature = béerted in exditication, 1 ado. say lot drunkards help themselves ; Sha aia 1 4g their own look-ont 'if they will wd Aye, bet that's just mg paint ; § Tspevtors and Comm muniasioners must tor bg of tite present haw nialniy tem: » he ut the andivedet ew ¢ hd. 5] wi 4 ie Gat support ¢ salovianie. ' phan with > Aig pesioal the yr taken. The price of paces bn Vigilanoe, tem: ikip al of Onden ars takss of a Dankin, By = in prio " maniaipellty a! the en! 6Toet Ot aman sey in diferent a to ire Ly ibe Meroe By as (sui the preeut law is not atrictly earried SFante mn vut it ta feliy to tak of eufereing a strict.) dent Abe fsacoessfal « ork. 4 dee et the sims ed tren 1 = oral Fecgivas people of thas country to | brought tox ste | sy A nirong an show (hear appreciation of the: tubers of f che som ite iv Leynlaere whe we ni bly refaved ty bow down before thu rum Tragen, a to do hemage to men who ' y a de art Confereneen prom ta the tront. Let |e soa "ye, however, that Mr. ibe$s--exhort the prople everywhere ty prac tey twtal atetinente trot od litexieatng wer Tages, aud the good cause will spread country, worshippers, ard devout making th8} pared for legislati di-conso.ate gis because of tie abundanes erty, and that the large increase of peace ard di Une word more. Let us say te the 22,000 not ared women of this ns rovinee who signed che petit. [Goubt whetuer Mr. JUS ect prosepted t 9 tha. .Seatarie Hogse Jat His E of Avseminy, pee that' rahe ier Tepes P redterouy Yan the pew ora mighs ak idant be restricted, we boner you ba © argument places him.-- Montreal Wit- ' is | vou that your effurts have been crowned witia den wi grand success, #0 far aa you have asked re Fe Bas uz God.) rk has only commeneml. Lf you will = Vern futher assist im limiting the deadiy tra: we ani it ean at spped atom F new 8 Fear? your hasiands, tethers, sans aod broth be er ' » Your neighbours fro de. | grading and soaj-desteying comes of drunk 2 € ork has only been hopeful y vat Lee e you should organize for eomunit --~ - a ue ou! fr. Purr yea have never seen anything airs "egy Se bateente" w dection and wara fen details of 'whieh we has e not space to that led btete think «0, providing the flesh' anand met i patie tir srarraeer- scene Le eeseiteameete arse Precept Selec a Hed gs at ter sheep became og} biPSd to render, important rs poem investi. MUBMer, AD Ab i from ali ayeteme of tian pet opptsseton, 1 sa "eternal vigilance -- Healihfal Werdsto Women, | jive weireling arms «ix short months. and ---- LD T conti not, may ta the poor mourner, "yon, ifte Life. As % young £th » ne habits of atten- power aud . perty little om the skies, sited fe -- : on sa fr wom, tn suoald apar mp fr OUnTy cold, for the sake of fiuky luere, fil the atta this, EB ve T iecorte a on i = th: a as always being 'g giten exprees the thy entie will they neon ounre dried eg to have last none s evening dress for ayou -colore | dilk --a soft wtay Mads. wii "4 cronies and baay te of gad noe a py pate 19 burglaries which have taken place of in their i | 'ate are tn : ol abst =P * " anes morey out of the Romanits ae a "olver TF BOSS = 4, of rip. iatorkat, au eas 4» collar ule ends at the like rere at GV7--_-- Faget. thse ex Hoasehold Helps, pa Tes Ice Oxesm--To the pint of arent, 9.567 9,580 ft.; ream sup of strong tea, seri ot ta the s les ree cu or scents cron a Pe 1260 Its wROMETERS.-~Strips of paper dipped in sat solution rapier pe fhe beater ot as srebion gad in| i iat the dverskirtand the} To bring horeee aut ef a stable throw the barges or caddies to ie ar oreantomed ovr over theie beaks, aed one seam £m in the tage of voice with whieh a over a eee dross ie te it with Jand en os eyes Tenet hae ie ieooure he ie Gi are wider : "The Sateeaton Nn xy of a pean ney od Paris dress siaendien snack badlreaetenren stripes of finisheal on the in bed, "congee raed up ou the right | for tad gold hineis it may - ee! 3 of sik, mane mad ing treet dinking. Coudam: As Re ances; oxalic acid, rest oll, Uiree. quarters of an onués, turpen tine, enongh to make a pete. Apply it : wih intimated that 4" wine ring © m tematicaily defrauding the Government oat consider (bem. Tharo ia no ti i . Ringe." I stood last week, by a grief-etacken young mother, whe, with paie cheek anddeerless the i inten eet lamba wil be fat «ul the flocees ounce of resiv, pee sit te it, when die. to it through ; an eighth part of nm specohless azouy over her dying of the wine polar pai 'rwoeived from th wa . pose. Sprinkle is with dry, white wager; the }handred a What is the new title which Qaeen Victoria there will ro little lett rd ana young it to a deep pr thas " ichion mee = ine ings for the par. of 5 if tern words to her, and to} noupeement wea Avi ¢ thee "A to ~ laret for another back, until all wea anne 'tubes like tee. would have been strictly } the direet government of my | : . . oe cad * ' remen rel fundamental staiy--the knowledge of the | ting opportu ose toe pes aah A this pocarh jaws of health--had been entirety omitied in jand » bill uy ieetion; ard pow ber child was dead, }to yo! jon and reaped 3 hysical ecainiuaiian, had boon implant by her wother, and. she had ente von the} sent on the ad iy +] reaponsibiiitios ol tatnily Tite with adadea of ag, eet on whet was peeled for the care of a children. | ¥as uy s raniaees | tg ith the marie i ia long wud bd Regs ba. hues may while 7 at cael onl, and lot lt Fornais tl} sine when. it wiil be fit The sical stil of & tomar: bated tah ith the area. grea @ yery agreeable favor to bar. , the best ja cominonls | ° aioe ofp Canning, whe Placed in Meee cod the. Bast isi atc ese "ented Avene ia Preaina, . vera or ret | tone and then mnartile rake or intoxicated vite then, cxsentia! that physical lawe for the practical Soe im pa a fl ut of |} the x are ire. hor- cig deny nukes sas uill £1 soar pa ized guido in the or pertrmt dealings of [ile for |4i# about Ls er ines phos Egriuere eH be d Fes a i i : »F EApa ef A E ig gE i Lid i Tu sponge in, and returned i fifi ors andl her oe atin 33, artificial vanil a, pussesing . the postion and propertiers trae orn " 'the simpte of over. | 4 teaip first begin ~ te to provent pebeeedlt Nahe or - they ir; pe whieh Far it en drasghtta fever attacks; and i i E +. abow se fo sunk 240 fn a 18: "4 in 73 daflerea at paces, aad on p Erie obama evveral earthquakes; a a cea a in hall an ounce; Augiers, 7; a the seasons thi foilows: raary 15, Degember j t H He | 1 ail the "anfuey © Ti pe large numbers, and can be | upon - ET ind the gal sevealy handy Sel, , he ayrag rarts #38 it Tot ha tie beak ia hook ii ae Telurenge te perso tel experiance, the pes Littte f i i {

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