Stratford Times, 15 Mar 1876, p. 1

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eae Ta -- x Nile tg endeetihiee of Breit ; eee on by cared a nmamerain. se aud love xffaire by the aid of ade to extend the enter. prise a gn io. sel is LY a Se tateh Sa Tees company, ot ea Telegraph nication with some pohizs" nat 'Saberte saaneee is ineiianed 'STRATFORD, Bieta 33 WEDNESDAY, ° "MARCH 15, ae ; it 2 Shot ..onele 2 hte eed 4 tarif as woal 4 enabi to resume active de Febuary 26th last kno that uo increase in dation Sas ot present conteniplited. ~ Most of "the teste af once for the Uulted States, aman ee hear ef utlives going to Ottawa to lay their cust before the Government. stoppage af this thd will be severe! felt ty te <The onan At ee thousand dollars form~ y granted to the Pickering Harbour Com- ha as gf hy. x xote of tha _-- increased by thirteen lnn- ts Des dae Serew Works haye been sold to She American Screw Co. of Rhode iatand. cm which appears to have monopoly ot Vat at Wan mere of estate than will 4 wet ong: Pay a good effects. of Meners. Serpecans Brodie, = The tans. who wht sn and ing joarney Badla!o, 1, stil sl accompanied wt his lady trends] The bus was not a large one the ae Pt kere aoe siege > neers by RDNCKD'P. Doe. eter eee crodnd wits noble throng; Te income had graced that feast, Where wit age ne parading beauty shone "High oa «thrcne of royal stete,~ 7 haa Jers Ane ipa, His lovely queen at his left hand. cS steerage sheen ime Three pri Next to their sovereign in degree; Gott itetres nebo Later em Se "RA Persia's nettent bent the ame annan * Berwad fowl the clapton, © erieit tp bins: "The A pos oe 8 golden chain, 'The rayal car She signet ring, al The first of far-famed eloquence. A ot man. a His theme wee wine; the gisriows wine Bonk atest the mage wkitl, divine. Tees rey pes_ona to his will The fatal wine, tins dam: thing, ures alike of rich Sand poor poor, A serpent' ents bi te, an wihder's sting. "To cow quered and to conquerer. "Hal~ erie se ner. in and soy wine tretrong "Bat bows before the way ~ Ot kings. and trembles at their mod, * What's law," they asked, 'if net car eat 'The swords the law we holt from Go pean £2) nations wail it's stroke," realza vperandhaiose n Lies; Tie Cerf © word,' Rebuild." is spoke, "Long live, O king!" the third begun, * Ase Tis | the fairest wowen anon Le ee ee etedby her, thy wee B followern, of the son of Jove, 6 buovtred Muet pay preva wibete unto a" ~ For Vouus triuaipas ever Mt. yevetiabiawemante valet. A breath. ath retcns throustieut aie eternity, Upchanert we te wchanand by y Desth. Si rath lo tht Stew ot rm They dazed in wonder at the aa With one sceord they Tenet Truth? oth by ¥ up to 1875. They want into eome contracts wever, which were not snccewsful, anil be. ia ees \ n eles . They \have complied with the reqnest of thoir ereditors amd have ascigned. _ Bereral | are: shant-ta:be! started im the town of Windsor, Ontario. The Union Manufactaring Company of Tole- to; Bite. propos" ererting ga" ey ing -tiened. wooden ware; ran capitalists are Hinge he ont a packing house; "the Mreniie Nail reniered mere complete Tis farmers of Prisco Edward Island have realized Dey folly of holding back their prices. Thid-winter th etepa for ie? have more val onte on hand any previous season. A sodden spel) of cold Waal! the export of a Thi as it Ke portion of Last year's harvest. as diet mrss the couumer- exists in the centres of the Intnned trade. Owing to the jealousy of some of the lead- : te woredsrt "to form "\ bompany has ne x « as one of the tavourgble aT The «ale gf American printclothin Man. f romie int ester aopkgeale « re ' shire has/been mach taiked off since last sume: / as it was the first time ad the his Dey deez olf cotton » dhat an county' Wie able to compete with Fs ng atid. Joes Obtained were five sixtrenths o a ht higher on twenty -ejght imeb tan th aver, 9 . there ia littte chance of » expor. y side with the Engtish facries, which are more sr siemabenes |, the latter showed to a decide! disadvantage. If = mana. | chic! chotee gpods there mead be | State. make lathe a of Americans sending the same of goods to European markets, The Canada Cotton Company at its annual cleariy the disadtanlages this interest -- to | bear fran the cotton manwlacturers iw the makes 4 aimost * usconniry, The ton ith them not England mills ¢ lone and prosperiias and exolusive jon of Ureir own market and eoundness of the eonelasion The decline Ta the mackerel trady taring oe of pred: ae value a P action. Sanat a oe tuing continued, for it is now weil st the textures were made of th» sear? hettor :tades of --_ and whea placed side | tar: i rieh sedinn: he valued ats 00. hy op oe ih it BM, -z Yea. Truth lamightiont of themrattt™ Ane what thes wilt, ~ wheres = Kins. * Though balf I have, 7 cnelt ~~ bmn DRY abaie. F) ask not rank. nor tama, The patriotic Jew replied "1 omy ose that at thy hapels "Aly dative ctty lies « baap- Hor holy shrines are descla ne dal ng enatring, ber children weep pear the Gentiles' scorn ant bate xs mighty King, i "uta © sive, igo ve dotont: "Til Derek of theeteryal won." Re thos thy reovbey chstef." be t the Perstan's word All homer te th et hen hing' He notiy kept tie eoeemet wort Restored the Gewieh Diadern, Rebuilt th tensple c # the Lart AN hati 6 Th tras ast bon Who teams 1 courage ee eee the only st fenec ww aE Agricaltaral Notes, anD Must: may be aweetoned with lye ly ier romata i them ashorttime, then! The Hon, Jamis Koex. L.D., Will not becothe | j lia iN i} --| creat i if w litle walt | ait be » kept in Met vile, Knox County, Ll. has aa "0.0 000 anc nal ow Zealand --has beun brought Livewe--i tab » prp- Kitt the Mavnagd Pr oon + i al {ow iv the first we . whioh \ eray aud History, Casi: Pouty, and Poity, and Po. are washed will keep them from litic onomy. Judge oR gate i also gunarel --_ keep -- Cabece $10,000 three yeara ago fur the en- i Knox Hail of jun by oolk tions of works ive of their histor}, Htersture end creeds. ik wall not ane we for. n Unitarian correspondent is anxious that filling the cans Hess wiping ng off all particios ' seizing the hpeeoages vo spend its ing, pot on oom, and | The -- pan of press on the es re to exelude the air | W, -- Vegetal UA i 7. in water some en before being poe -biew throughs washing should nor be ae iti ce a, ir for boiling. hat left from orf? morhine tended ta be Jo teed tor r raising the next morn. Fait on pmeme. be kept [ hereit water over nd aire is im- to use, pour off the water, whieh absorbs werdets Te Dates faep-Biavs.--Dick open, caretally wash cue desen or more birds, dou! progh te fals of a towel, and | tery eueonraging to Providence: -- oe aseedee Rie Ses EE me Sao Which may be kept any en rp v8 OFge Tat 'growing in Wak 8 rr 000 quarts of fren milk aod yam uit of eoutlensed mail are consiimedt da Voteptees yu. at an I expense @f about rid wkiin o.. Kansas, hipped 35.) bushels of canter beats the last season, endl secoipts fur the anme amounting nearly Slow Prince Concert lowalities in New Jersey have to ve by the rote beetle. Nerer mind, potatoes are plen The butter sme cht St. Atha Vt, during the year 1475, were 21.063 pare or sbout 2.498,150 eoanda-- kentiy 201,000 vis legs than last pear. Recent warm seaitar has ated peach trees ti prema tarrly, and: fous of the. ero iw experts kata alas appearel¢ a bad indication for neat summer. A Tennewtwe tarmer had his crops, stock, &o., damaged by Tate -- wo the et- tent of $2, a8, "ha gained b ee of en 50 pate Maine farmera de not og onts enough M hes tLe state aime one of ru best States in the Uniow Bor eate. We shalt l moeding in Hoveringham, land, ie en oruhond «3 eure and moro ) then 9000 grate bahiy rs erit> frente ied itrieet fer ne, the disks are of a shanlty rehome banka, of Lament Drary Coliege i re- te transparent, Hike > er ee t th Qrer a Fie ctoria sold Inet yeer $14,006 fine 4 worth of fat cattle, sheep ane ak all mid ine, atl three or four tlades of m the Show Farm, formerty owned by the gored When it comes te a bet tehe Hh ofl, | eouree reine isto bear ite best | | and otiy inte whetever + entices | aud Gnal fr; ary in eternity Bat ite immediate - fue Sater. --Boil four oes fro -- to | York is ta beip people to success and bep- Then purchase potatoes this year.on arcountof qwelge minutes ava 4n-1ae the aggzres: ate value of a foe large tod fakes Sala er ane awe ing's Ainabe promiede water, and pt pees or ; when ready The Bishop of Wineleater recently said,. the | ind How poli siteation, that he FE i Li 5 is e bones quite fiat; | Megistrate in Teo Counties" is greatly pnt Land & & ie of both Carenne [oat by it. This ing a: aaa of the Bish p herr ey es Wy { temont Provaremve badiway, con for Uroiliug oxet- " a is mast be done over a clear fre, | twice sworn allegiance 4 on --_ mde, | ease it wonld at cue time Have brought his other ; bot "1 oench lump of batier, and | Providence must go too far. Ssliege, Missouri, wi Lie, ase prepare! ae | England, a a memorial of. his son Walter, i " and cat inte | Younny mran a ee, whe di . they ere treated ty cold water by whiet suddenly near Loudon yeursago. The L per cent sulphuric. money is to be der the canpietion of per cont marinate sold. Washing in pare j the dowe' -Hati, whieh in tobe known we fuliuws, aud the pi oe are then pi hereafter as "Walter Fair Hall." | ei pre on | The" donor ive: non -of the late Gor. ported. prosperogs vines -- This he: es the cade tar nethe Sitowlanse ofan imereased 1 a af oq | ber oh wreddduts te concerned, but it ia in need of hinds, netwithstanding the sharks eft r) nog White eth tro camer ; fe utter, po having stared them well together, Iu teaching the young ¥e are too byterians of Pittsburg and Alle. of our eivi eres at the Centennial pogeb. byt te would bayé found in water an equally ap- and im to mder ©. getional auspiees, has reeently «received « length of time, an whieh, whew boiled with t aft of ai teen thousend dollars from Mr. Liitie sali, are Bot ditloguiabable tn taste Cearice witbanks, of Tanbridge, TT tacts ---- which the above ix foumdet, * ae in Apocrypha, Rwlray in, 5, andai- #0 Ve Jiomephus fr ieee? on] mansion. whieh will set the 'former in -- and potato, maize, white and 3 corn, and other plants Selitred to be indigen- eo ae have yo -- exhumed nets. erg Bane to Prof. bands ot bed ste dea . ~~ ver the 6 of the ms eit "s order Kh hoe f til Feb. University. Four years ago , Mr. Paden pala in "no Westar 1 'Hou hes As pat i tats oham Fane pada Se. on Pe chasacter- lies in. the ~ corks and wire | tions! paride : ot ti sartebren ein a or a« in living lixards Of the genas, Sphenodon, tomfortabin' 1 pac Sheeen and buiblings par np in New Zealand, The remains indicate two bent cider is late made, or made when itis as Some to 4 each @ new get tf Devi: as an "emer ater ---- Moved iiamed Cricotus heteraclitus a1.d.C i ae eee eed "a ~ a. "tere og Be Dent Amel --_-- Colletti, The specimens wery associated ays ere epee u ra with Housel Id Helps. jwats a fa the Bible" smd another declare ae et thor peasants © : that F T was it in the Northern Hemiephere aud +o eairia to Ba pint oareworn ; as fence eevee {sae to +9 ctream~tanee-ocourred to. Peuolin. remarkably preserved to this dayin -- resu! ~ in the human subject consuming such t shows its effecta in other wass baie qrarries af Pazon! altended at ~-- Neundorf, near Purna, » om of imapregna. iets tht are used as | ting sandstone. Dips cad Bi Rew ee i ' Had: Christ in-depth: it-ie yshews it | possible ta --_e, * &® solution to harden The stane the nates the stone with _sointions ci ee alkaline silicate and cel formed -- 'vithin re pores, whieh gives to the | considerable resistance. Hite -- 0, which it then reasshlen closely to = high temperature, the ree pod ----EE The Choctaws, THEI eae oF cov am MOnR Of BURIAL nia talk little ander ny cireum- blease, ba ing sleeves, and ing large, his hat stuck t fail of fanthgre, with two or Gi il etal ral be takes his postion an the there till he seus his fair Lee hc M 'the con when he grins id if sabe deeth likewise he takes it for granted that he is apt inte & saxcepan over the i. and }everlouk the importance of relighon in thie weloome and ¢ PP pre tha house, bctaal fut, Use diminish | life, winie the fact m "religion, as much a t thre FA 1 ne "eorshirnag ~and contains i " ee a bart " timueb more than arithmetic, | ® inamily, and jeim hw hae to make| gh " bate Sete toft ua to life. | . which at the furthest -- pose worked enjoy Uls-time ti to three grants. His snesrss ach upon an paling fies smoke for pipe, aud after taking a whiff hands § ij' to whiff pete, 20 eam veal gravy. yete on Vitiww Fiekiay. ac onc of Saae, evlery seed, | him whie - -y fel -- us Ge a her ul im, ft the y of the New Hampehire Boar Agri: oor cultural, ke, foses, aad other birds a pera used i: beasts of prey destroy more than half = « stone jar, kent and tarkeys hatehed out in the will impart x - j . Us Cras Beer yor Dex. os clone of that time wi |__ The Weeping We iew-- tamed eter} ed to nearly corerit. Take it-out,and t ne A euppoend 4a be pietiei cn ad sieehs or of 9 seed; one ounce developaws: b gins ameg, andthe long red pep- | biescdng a "heen may begins is yy ey Put these spices into and iife of evry teacher and seLoiar now. of any thing that | Nor are these [ earthly begindings "leas brea or unp important ae in the sig §, ata. allow them to ofdiud than te huaveniy growth of a: Herng. or tat beauty of g.orited her tillage is manare, tillage is or pickles, more i earliness, tillage ts moisture ¢ --_-- coat 6 aPeintortiture aw, weil cov- = and too mideh of Bm (i aon fowod » very ~ nor Science. lone horse with iw "gi the time and ea penne aera men with aan Socaal of ar TAM tat ft will Keep any length of f° We observe «mote-troms Dro&s 5: Farmer to the at speehnens of the "hateful Rot the privilege of woking the ae zone are "is evidenced rok oft are wm Ou the day sip for the wedding the grcom arrives ons and leading « pa he fastens er pony to the fuace, and 1 rided*ofl a short peeiu the diree sihere meat | Me willow al by the paalmist as that 1 wine on which tie hang harps. ] . brow clara recently concluded that ArrLe hig yp ae two dozen rus |the word tratalated should FR rest and i one qaart of fine salt, mized wth them. Mr, dot "South for many readi; the ister, tho aeBAL bout that a! leew sugar; copier at the & dordens and ona whi , modionp tho Gage te of with thesaizture, | leadesa sere has just stand up, aud preforms the ceremony 7 done, tet all stick to Tt that " 'Mestraiad 'work of 429 pages, under = title} Englisu, which is about as intelligibie w Pack in a deop narrow vessel, as a keger lof "Historia Filicum" Au Pht then § wm'n/them as (ireek; bat when the minister the piekie may cover the | has jast given ox 4 fifth edition of * "History dy . lew ish Ferns." i i i fi t ge ef i SEELEY if: fis ane F chaniam with the front axle, the revolution of ~ in operation. hokl back; teresting fossil or ong at aondl met withetan did wot. tara m of sol * made with soluble ginas dow -_ = caihate: oat Rar' the she PF 4xD Manntace | ShOd be T his back), yg tapol a about specchiass by| | the time oiber that tar wei retin far" tae haribo "erevvieg-at He, Withoas diem rit f par: foon a8 she mounts br pony tae mau atarte and joilows from WO to 24) yards be. ob the ge. be o fn ta deposited 'aly up, warviving wife a bal y F & Fat fli ome to Gad a what a Hod 1 was. * ma aon when 1 saddeu y slipped cantionst er board, removed the money from the eap, ripen ard ---- high eee it 4m tee SS ---- -- 21, pene deaths in 1870, bel reperts, apd Principies. a shown by i? SC nig |S nee ter by telling bor thet he wended shop: but my mother's words: "0! ine my joy when I saw that dear mother open ber eyes, "Oh, mother" * exied 1, * forgive 3 your erri K Leavonly se tha Auer tp Lh tase." ven, Will "By the grace of God will pd my mother's spirit had fled to God sien. im Summer, and Sin Wits ay them in a pan Poessin this life. Ht is to pia rong our ¢ the 'when t ; of freeh pair. ancl jet Mong retsein ts) Nqeite acters bere bys the coud and nf we evil, by oa as thar ials'y ' 'a aber siness in Paris com ented. of the aleiis amt sous out the tee joyrwnd by the pain. Phin life is not an <b t id are tein The mach sariter hour tien in » the yo ke and and whites separ. bile preiude without meaning tit the avfal the « ; soy a ' » light y tnt Ral «pnt { Curtain that divides it from eternity shall | Sether on ies ginal al oe for b wank te one benle enh butter, made in the proportion | be removed, Iti pota barren winter he 6 T & cer! nether of eyes mavkenth 'whe . seul potas | ' i re riotwo Of } yews wai - bu seed-time, | Hts Nae ee tees bang wan 'on toot, ---- et flour t four of -anda daily harvest @ and important ich mana jn # giishs, We A ca ioe eee ee --_ do vot open anti 6 AL Add come pow: ered j inbors and joys. The end of religions tran. iahe -- 'Gut ne ie i val sas ie f ihneiat Figg nance ie eaten with ' tng ts the devehuys me sasery charecter, the ane anys "Ky-su," which mo ite i = hae he sh ulcers "sm their poste, the let. potter: eh eres: $ t can use, for moited butter, soni | 0 escape frum bell or te Beas heaven. reve bad | en en epah ee me. the water in which chigken or peers wna | bewt rook are in (i. highest result 1 aving been op '-- i = § c'enggiong than wabstast wa sate' roti-' they are sfnoagh y moor wanda fal jasticon lo what is set them With hata do from_ ita fg habite of the-basiness as different : fyonr Teta i Dead tor T ett for I felt Sater was betlore utr | i to absorbed the 'mice ares a bota rata eae and Bat enabriand. wie world ba that I would | ¥earieu ~ 'shen bs ba aroed rom the fi ts hanare, ast in the jars Grratent and purest it is more like oy than the pasion sommon lover is bat a lover, born of the air: a| A friend ig aii brother, father, lover, husband may be-- in onure with the other, Love ls an episode; friendship ia the body mens tivaees That subsists upon @' t ing oa iif. 'The whole is expressed in > To tathin live, To grow to friendship. Woman, ta be anye's fstowd, must enjoy om, mental, and spiritasl, She «oald™be wiser ote to ap- t friend than to i for love, more frequeatiy than, *e we think, is the en on and. a-ha brid given me from above. patna nit Doing Basiness in Paris, = 10 ae + ae . hour var.ior wan tus nig gp ® oa r not and taken LD ke ns that Inads to the gerien of frisndship. wetiaiacy. aa Medicine ta {ketent Egypt. ' Ebers, the German --arelenlogiat, hae made sn. interesting discovery of --" "ts saulto bea porta ufo of the tempts to truce "_ origin of the reputed | Hermetic writing have failed and it has that the great .~ fe mannecript, wen ' throw some 83-4 weit y deeipl. ere', on tie doubt fo. p< int: bat, ewer if it bea Ww fo *o, the fof tent a feugment of eo tue Egyptrine hat tem recovered i mater uf scientific in mana iti pili]: iret § Ht -- were i E j Ma ety i Mie tite i i ni hi Feet pest, and so enable us tq estimate the gree uf civilization and selontifie attain. mot |. 1 H : | 3 4 ie | what ia a okniod 7 == he And ani. it 4 i! rteett 'aied reptiles, § Paty i" fiseit i r f! . id af de bts ay Tatine Gee? EEE f HI ite F4 af i be /] ] REE td . : fi : i metic books of cine. schevte 'all at. E H ai : | if was a mythological personage invented by one: foet aff Ee $4 citizens «snd a area. 'The Temp ¢ of Deip! oa a a8 % Uprey eras Ft 1 ik 'i gee it »E

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