* NEW YORE CORRESPONDENCE. "Dee 'Tors,---The dull times that have land--in "the the cemmisions 2 1876. ana} Roald baba 87h. 'Tins he "a partment, Saas ie = ree zf 1673, se as LH.POWTER Ji polis nat sie Gutice Wistar Monk. at ace. | ds Trmtagg. ook et poms of our prtows. Si 'Wall Ristoen a1 $10 Weal Dark Aiiah Sets {rp- Bait 'Bfewing. to. 2 clone and » the Et | wou oe cousitecatty tonrenatl aed considera Felt = ated Shows salting at ont, at | the plane has po is Se been eon- calor _bouuksy postmas spleredset Fevers Te © jastly "entitled them to, in order favorsble for tr cominerse generally; and ae stintos just presi ta iaber-as tojustify-an inereneed Keanu: > 4. neration, but-so much more is this the cuse when-we consider that this rie thet a | sien necessaries of oe: mesa 'out on fel and wer travaganoes. en & very somnarbatio one } ce cnrterorat. cert sevenfugty the Desntitel ae Te - -lmakeup for the lavieh expenditure in | sn ms. olga for palinaing tie Vie peter ro m@pecition. leincreased Tevente, €VeU-| strats, 4 it-vanis! FEST RECEIVED _ there teen no decrease in postat | comes. Wall, many of t . + id pre nerease of ttt. oc poorare gla te bid preiadl to rates, would prove such an inereas post ate Eanbipeat.t et- as well ~Enited-- Bialer--foe-eome- oe ean esccrediiel Os seaioeSoss charged ' thin. I the tnt pe th en | pes et pri merged ne extremety- jaa | wae ae STRATFORD POLICE COURT. 5 peconw urs woaectib saacts O'Loawt ERY SP a THE GALLOWS. Menta T---Themas Syfeester waltzed into be boy was beeka aa red as ballvek's dive: Péitee "Mtcisizate looked at 'fhe int, bar, and -- he datonetia ol wallerinng . the fat boy'« calves sithout . money sod | wahont peters and srectiinaly Mr. Ryleester over " Mer the. thin |. per Mi ant etn ¥ reakfast. Aloht .cix oe lock the Hers. | Messrs. Pletcher amd Smith, Presbyterian | Minister raked | at once once proceeded to 'ton, yeterday morning, for the festr trerh etree , ra Zw tintderer of the late pen- } to pay i jesty for the a ry ~--s bis-dog | "~ } against had --. court in disgust and shor' sly afceregde coat canine wranuner injwhiy Fate | dog was being hurled into omaihilation. terainst the north wall a a biatiorm ores Kast ax feet or the gaol yan, sboutysit feet square plat. Stratfird. bi Fy DOWNIE FACTORY. |- SPRING _ MEETING. Parlor, Box and "MMATRG wit bee aay om Monitay, March Deh, at andy oi Pea. all seg Tequested to LK HAULING. weaesesstie ieee ied, of the .meet- JOHN SHARMAN, Jn. _ Dawale, Mareh 14. iT] tee from uae ory was ta lee saan to & B pclool the oa "TWA HOURS AT HAME." inereate not _been | | . _ : very windy; ae came im like! Mary's littl | © Miscm+#.~-Geonge Fe "a curpel-lag-t wae piniss bi a : : - a the 7 -- in post- tent, with tems o> white ws cow 2 but | ger The bad efit of the * wala mab" bevught out and ; eS tee} «6TOWN HALL, STRATFORD, 40 per cent. Under Vatue, r aur *TERUE, Bpparcnt in his ewmdect- men A, McKellar, Dr. Rosebragh, ~ ministers, +. ' - roy - -- ages = bs under the circumstances then, shows | dan'afford to let it go out roarinigor the fine Fndulgung in an overdose nglo-leg, and | Clovernar of the Gal, D wi te the | One Night Only, Tuesday, 28th March. 93, Ontario street; Few Doors _E. H. SCOT &- ote agi immense increase of he enlelel al we have enjoyed. Another ciuse = = rep 2 A ai acho Pre yrboner, between two tirukeys, marched to mete All of which they Stier East of the Post Office. = aoe 'upon: ty with. |S The moana _--_ | oaiaal when be dizesverad that 7 line ft r nO fe standing t e large Terence "of tabor, ¢ * chat 3.100,000 witueee-thte-eudibi- | | Waa Hesiod to tisk Diegitstort post the sentence ~ 're msn in ert | Kk E N N E DY S ON THE SAME TERMS. Stratford, Jaa, 12. THe a a NOR: be on, and certainly New York wit fare a | Was lo ows a carpot-bag, "With this 'fites in bios Ise ecuymenteation "tran "s : a Word, by Frank Howard. rice Se. PO bent is what the country post- | Large share'of visitors. Wie Centennial has | VHe*. i sway-to Min Merners4 3 al ae Trunks | 'Prunks! Qne Little: 'ord, P " a a t to be a perfect mye. Han = Mansion Ho muse," aud walkin. pile waeo {the soner looked el pia = ne ee very justly series 'of. It, go i | ae me : yuew article bedrommen vod» eulivn Oh anited ier locket calm and collected,--he was vr Torn ° 'the cone aud cily pooltnasters WoT Vexroutared to be-patronived Ht spaldn't be tbe | nn. rat 1 be not ag tot say. en replied | ; ' Valises! Valises! tate ate; the-saving dota puirened wich al ol surname. Tia a | way prodected to -- hotel and " shuved m the orcasis "KB Entirely Sew Progracune : | nourexeepere, by all means ses tees | 'The Taryest ntoek in Stratford at " -- ont of the aniry pos rs Was a | hotel pp opened or ah 1 Le ae org at the srnious | pl canst he | a at once. ty Jolen Ealorde sing to 0 the ger wate. there | boter started, i is nll the Centenniab. | of the lew soon cw ceptared ian. ail be See a " . J. STA FFORD'S _ Sa A, by You ure asked to buy Cuntennial signe, to. to. | hurried argo the Cadi, whe crt hind Admission, 35c. Front Séiite, 60. Night Waiting on tho Threabol Po not be so much ground for com- weer enite of oe dom shirts, and' im faet | a& eloque er, i na him ls wvavies. an ei : AG. AE ACKAY &C Riess Okd Stand) 12 Ontario-st, Stratton! 4 Wotor Cressen, by Jules Tafirte i. int But "when we Gud that iu- "ept-Leunial " | Meg fact 'that hecanw: our legicta tors bad | Mille when be left bis sbep, bat that be was ' vc Bok. Children cai i cores nek adnate " . os a remany Panny i a poe cad of the feneral puld ie getting the about it. Det iinena is business, and 1 + stolen $200 u.pieee from ihe pub a | provoked te aftack bin over = dispate of 81° - 2 Cheap ! cheap! ! el f ¥ 2k benefit. or Wis um rept £4 =Sppom pert a | 0 Fg me should ste val ied in. t¥ranuical | -- ee _ Stratford, Jan. 5, 176, a INSTRUMENTAL their enibesitens "al tthe coming event, T)earpet-bag. George =y paar 'md eructinsrner tow: him. oe lose |. - _Cash! a from th - Me chani Little pet Walts, by H. M. frinst. ge, | from the country pooteiless, it goes sup F Ca will take advan but as he has 40 days to languish in jai!-- | of his remarks be waa lei to the avn abe re ec cs' Institute. --_s .. Centential Grand March; . Prat 400. } to furnish laxury i in- the shape o of free jaf ibe 4 excersion fares ae the (the whole of sor Y fee clvaret ho knele at ones. After & 7 : J. ap LECTURE aavenanemenens oi _ Waltz, Woodlan.P Beauty, by fi "E Hea- ans delivery to the rexidents of cities, and ------ poy of the Vis rag pad will be {when be comes 7 hare Eat Sear Se ee, Fh soreape a me io Dissolution f P t we 4 dr trouble, will the convicted of the offence of | and he prayed fervently tor «alvation, and baled Le) art- Manufacturer and Dealer t4 acoad Pa 'Sai Heal Remeotmnecs, by Bichd. i min - vrities te -- oe ge 3! | Sates ay they should m nea their driving Thonsee withoat bella. Mr. King paid \: ~ he wax about to die, supplicated the| Rey Manly Benson, nership Saction and H 7 % bosiness present. On ingten's | into the 'tfeamury the vam of one "us ilar} Lord to take him to his bosem, because be . * arness; * Any moc abore sont by post on receipt of enteeepenaieg = -- ) Wor ex ~the parade of the Lith | sud odiite for bia We have Bet heard | was innoeent of the crime of murder. Rev. SBIECT: bt partnership wus, CURRY- = BRUSH . '% price. penses, while in the -- no in- Regiment with their celebrated-tand, The | whether it is hie intention to scearé Mz. [ME"SHiOr ofterct ~prevert re WONDERS -of the YOSEMEFE." Gecrye Pastels and James boyd leather £8, -*, BAR ee oe se _ . Lereased. is-ailowed for arate was nice, the musie way -- they | Gerdon's auction bell tor the mext eae. | for -- isoner, and just before he eonetinbed Lyf egy wureeyare shew Tow ; merry r STHING, FFG: --" psi siowin tata vest = eee : = jhe- gare ay that. be wf, the belt was drawn sped the : br 1» od pedir « OT 'ereased work, ae is time" that "« Tond in the a ee If the Stratford band "hone ~ that bl * onght to answer ali the wmulortauaia exlprit i ¢ dropped sa din a in- TOW a Ata + ST RATEORD- oa Se eee i iene" tt abies collect- | %o, 19, opposite Dr Khtver's cMe#,- Ontario Mt. 7 eis th Steattor + Bim protest was beirigsentered in behalf of | have any ef fine uniform, to r Prsiter tanconsly, the dnly porte ~ntible appear Tursday Fe'g., March 2at, 1876. due by the firws will be pais by Beratford, and Quest St, St. Marys. ae ¢ ord imes, the rural officials aud public against --. iby, the pa which eg can play . ae ig on anc mes MeIntyre_and Rybert , 2800 Of summation was tea or t] teh Admission 25 Cts. (Signed) os OnaE Das SILLS. Gtrationd, Jan ii 1s78, ty Bie: 3 fail GAZETTE 182 arkind management. phase meee gah ke dyer, oor alg lads who ought to know | 0 ie fegs. In five minutes dr 5 l os) Mitoank, Feb. 2, ute. . a en ___.AMD 'COUNTY OF PER TH GA We w t=" ieee 'weil. ae att a nm j batlee, Seis hares Uy, Aiea. Me Dromatd-wrete + faud pay. MCAT. eBAtLtt zt ie, be 'Siecniiced Shuae ee _ RE SIDENC Bb SITES aN 4 : ae . - } etme i seventy na 4 Z aT. ROTORS. Editor and Manager. master rs havo taken steps- to place FUTH AVENUE O8 BUNDAY APTERNOOY: | roven, and a fine uf one dollar and costs in if ives of mayinteaten a1 PEARS: FUNENG => STRATFORD. -- . esos ==> = | their g grisvance in ity true light before | 7 seo fashionable clothes in New York, | , ticted, and a-mevere reprimand administered ations and -- e - oe " Srearrone, Wionsans, Manca 15, isié, | the-Postmaster-General, and we trust! you U up Fifth A the L | by His Wérship. They were also ordered to ! thea wer pie ue --. | GROCERIES | MR. ROGER W. ROBERTS FoR SAl SALE. i way 2 that he will, even at thi« tate hour, do | day, during the a . Last Sunday itis re bonds for the due obvertance of ol bundred and fitt yard AKES pleasure to ntrtntne ¢ the pablie x p ' {| Fooets } tiord, tnt he be to tune acd | (HE omtersiqned bees to state that he as cs aad EP ¢ re = them justice? the | estimated that over 10,000 walking cance were | peace in fotare "|s ne rewk tits tro | Repair Pratios sat the Soetoot tie es wot guar large number of kita on Commercial Street, . ae er fg COCK-A-L RE Mt AT+ emun may which ther bors fairly | "2 Sswelimg eiquisitely MARCH 10.--Murgaret Satason tak an tae | aif Ailininlall | anteo ex sho Settuies |i Avva Ward, whieh he will sell on veby ade t OTTAWA; Vy sa aan ~ i ro the | formation John O'Donnel, for kk the die . ie _ 120 Ibe. Good Prunes for $1 00] tin "titer. man Pe righ az wailecce, | teeuee terins frope: Maps a ine ~" 4 - entitle them J abds long eountless' of ping j ing in ber chasing her around, and | rue se pethng sated oh ite aed 'oil - . : j Rewale Wodkets Jew diery | Siew of the whole town and i high and dey. be- ' _-- . = ------ F hats. Their owners, of course, aré all young | making trouble ta her house generally. 'ntew ; oats i White, " 40 a wine in reas of Mr Ieniee P Woolte ad Se 4 i SGN Declan ctor ns ry se MUNEL-GORS, fora, who promenade op gud down no hgh Margaret we Hoe in | STRATFORD MALE IS. eis ae ' Stratford, Maret. | Waliate aS ee pestincen, i be sofa F orles----o 'thethaelresand critirtsingr the jadies as. and-Maleutm on tre + --< . ohue & " ver an barins et waecn of the Purists, corruptiopistr--have Since Tux Tes gatos into extak Pass townd fro. The throng commences ai "4 that O' Donmeli was with a Filia on eemee nt Z Fromite dn li SOUS Fe Tea te tante wie: D. & L. H. Railway.' | e se ta vere oun _ 4 for, the te wine anathemas en it has von no uncertain -- A. T. Stewart 'the night = the spree geranit, His Wor i oa pasa ca : Siareli ia tee iia ea'Ta ae PETEROWATSON, OO ee ae s 5 | ence gis ce | tinue ship dismis "| SPECIAL GENERAL pepe | Poaglae-8t sieattor the la j Pai sheet, per tab, tuesto atu ayei Good Broom for 20 cents | : 3 rd ' John ha Foinoon isa Sally old fellow residing | a barton bx: peas, Gs to & en, that " Stra font. Feb. 2. 17, ae bres a ke rchee Sood See " -- ep ant" te tho: 1 NEE: Cy eee ee = a: Wrens: eget taints, ead tenga oe Rages Fo Tre cs rad Gehr-ge Parser mnarsnnil Biratiorl atoed, be $ got dean drank as « Sdlier--i0 saris perth. tet me ; _ TT tne. Lie to Lk; = eee =i patie ot 7 TASER rH ted enongh (oF TRS publ dinners to 'his perroual and dsiioa' that the money thas thsown noe digerent it is is trom Basier sad r Mulberry pee state Constable Wilson overhauled him, wis ech erie oes to : =o --al political fgends--and sometimes his dway was a frand upon the people ot eons Ll es ge heart igre and James was fined a dollar and cost D.weed percond 615 oo, bar, 1 re bool ly 7 h * = - ' : eregn: . acess at his ledger the police magistrate ae wat tod to aaa pr "aise ong -- ' now we aVery Gro TPs CORE RT NEE MRR I AE 3; ' table . The "Wiites of the eves F : : an old fine hogy ' "Sat icrtgege efthe party loaders frequently roves of owr readeis will coinoile with us. CREMATION. was presented w t Mrrewast. Mare 14 4H "Be on Treat Teaid bods, either to the said aherelshlers io ta alaciatcig digres 'an their It l Temomberet that a few cot tad salenalay took ee near Dense He paid bis indebted tof} court = piecttigts Tislke Herring | oftier pereone and for other buancas. "Dy omer | PATRICK Me 'MULLEN, : 'a ---- sel 7 wer in er amm* en Ske oct tarpon 'ete | "Das, baa, black sheey, ~ as cine came - RW SAWTELL, ke ae # against 'the absurd Have you pohany waa?" t ' wy iee on deetery., | BEES te anconnes to the went thet he hee wale " words cS condemnation of.Mr, fenkins--Ginx he of the Ales. Wendrie, an aid CM) Miffeimah) waa 7 brador Herring. _ Moosetock, Fah, 18 M_.. ------ thine dante Tremmel bh heme © rn bier omen erro reer hy uot- Lae to the posit mn of Agent Gen Aeral . Tulle tere tert Ce Poor : tari, _ wha combet tee 40 pyed wheekes rimen ~ Freeh Grove non ee the zen- a ae aacortme' feeb O my gery h at, }eralin 'England. Since that article, | "= 189 old age net See lh lag sareenger rin : at tow x. Bees: B.,weiab/ wilt Be eel drin! ey far to-morrow uptards, Many were blind. lanie aud feeble, | '> Constal 'ileon ¢ was given one vege een ored to ans partol the tewn, 4 ye die," and of a necessity the Heacon i= Mr, L cgreirredl has seen = to | and could not escape unleas earried out, It hous to leave town, He left. ry [CROCKERY and GLASSWARE.| Joh n A. Foster call salioltant * x eas: 4 oa all the other little organs repeat ischurge the Jendina.--(Certainly we | was to have been a terrible nipht to wit. | Wiliam Simpson ¢ inta the sprin Stratford. Jan. 17, 9% ; - als P are Lob yain gnough to belicve: that mens obi age fighting fire. The flames cut | fair, and partaking too desply of the yale of ~ Chamber Sets, at $1., $1.50, and $3.60 ~ " ge J pel yt shay ace lad out | the rye, miry, and #0 this was a xEW ADVERTISEMENTS. apapealin wianaee W. COOLEY & Co : that sre not "tijuated o was dictated by ou pn open to jump & fearful very grave ving inten, be -- Lali Pere. eae Sy ae m °F spn rae mete Tue Tes office, rang with elon |" 2 - our or \-- ca to the pavement below, or else Ay haniga ep ar ~ ae -- greencloth, and Ric H. FRE STON. M D., 1 ROP&S s. rr China Sets, 44 pieces, from 53.60 to $10.00. Wilopen ous meat wool s tarceaaortment | Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, ' 3 ome a guns! the wine: | and now the murder is coming o bind, was liked Set ofa windom Ns waste + os careuse=Pameer danphtbi,-lamtiont at surgrats. Kingston, | Chima Cups and Saneers, $1 to $1.50 per dow BELLHANGERS ETC, EFC. ng, urth-t0VINg | The aceounts the Canndiasi his apon the window, amd was killed | the Union Hotel, was charged by Const Vatarbn. Uffice- Schalts 1 C. C, Cap and Sancers, S0e, per doz oF 4iovernment, as preac = were | Enstis 7 Em wigration Acenc Lave. itn by lating bo the pavement Eigh | Wilscs a with selliog Waser ohak teetel he «Stratton ke t ' : y ; to ve been ree 3 'and th they Lot =A th an persons were. burned _ or ki . on -Setunbay iy ir. 'a ots ly Glass Batter Diehes, The. to Be.- "ing that be tas entered in partner ministration. One 'Senerable tangy. now ere missing. wiztren | rieaie? tert putty, buteame Phomar Werretey | _ ~ | detaee T frome tite ta t2. -- "Mir. JOHN. -HIGMAN, = t, pass rs m " b tines Lamps, fronr Site ta $2. ced -- prec te Sy ae he thank cncrmoes nae raion two | pers ---- = ie ae me the: wets ey oe Daa, aap nf ami teen ! Cruct Stands, from $1 to &3, | FINE TW ties are ve reyes r sreyared SS Gesmeeta "wosrk te oi) Urs ro e pit, att 'tune Sir . hever to i ree tor i a =e } 5 Jolin's Govern ne ai fell, " That 5 ht- and the items char; ged throw the old i ser tte tothe mes $230,000 was the ) Yery ory on Saturday night. me withs rene hin, = TGn office over | Gia Bets. Trot Ge, ta $2. j BEDS |= i wt we their with thpir orders, a . sine. hab-Geaicg mec we ae "muclage" and * "juck-knife™ tran- | ema no [the eo Sport site ge hue thir 5a ate Hash, Market Square, stratiord = | ' mite Bat vege Po She mace pele dose) | . rvaLe "e stetped tute the hall deur i nion | amt a prepanrt to Ureoaact "basttiess for bts i Med = the thas tie regen ef the Hagia of yo angjent times complote- Moody and Lage are ens condneting | stead of peing to the parmp in Use yard, | ther. begouiating io ebeating ast de Market Ban @}ly into the shade. As proof of this | ' id nding 2 | te asked fre atin 465 =, de : ; fi. COOLET.& Co the iti | ee. tt a peebediacs hetr services in Fa me e asked Lan, ip pea cient -- rut © never * ' r son mot resemble terms. SUITABLE FOR Sir ante eh Jangary 23, wt ba ae iY -. week Ee stag het aacacd a = a ae of First, we find 2 ome eae fo CARS the Por tite wort Saas i ap a LIQeQUORSIL. Farm. for. Sale... ai ag end! se Jeuhipe ofan, and the uodeat orien tei Be 6 Poot 2 gig ee pee ere Mr. a achise Res.conte | CBE EING orth hail of lt 4, apc north hail of ~t 7 = itemas-Sorty o-stesling-+) o7e yto reerive the benefits, and they | op onl i pay 520 mal vets nto the town 7 | aan = es a SPRING SUITS "Ape eely theta con : ahh Y -- a BEA. vgeruptert, March ay . containing 75 ae ten of poor! wrnty seres" Next we have a pall or _ for the} pare where they would de more pood. They | eit pied Mr. -- had 'ever hattdl aid aylor & Barnsdale, s . , sienredh---ien hain. Asrskeetwdh Barton ol. the. dts nt draw vapertone: eds and koma rouversivnt i _ NEW en, MARKET SQUAKE. . Cevars thes preety Sree ts eee at Mr. Takes Get feet } was pe gorge a Taatios Wi Wied. | NOTICE pi y NGtMON ~~. le ees -'. eI oo @ barg ae io further . mitten na p mast ava derfol 5 te , i -- lord, Mare : POR is a * rte . what on metisereh attention to rebigrl tom, ples ' COUNCILLOR MOWwsI"S NEW IDPAS, COM MISSION BUSI N ESS. h's C ay kine a ol Daal _ Miner Petr Fhe or by letter es Miebell ¥ O. reader tlink ?--why, only # SS {jae "ninety and nine." (Te the Editor of the Stvatherd Timect.) Childr ¢: ar T fag ee Then there was the rent of an office, COOrRR's UNION. fin, --The ratepayers of Stratford are thank JOHN co U NTER, cB JOH NS & co . "County of Perth. -- mst have been a sort of Solo. At the head of tha Rowery, ae a large' ful for the timely notieo yon gsve m your | reli se horomnnre or ctuy mrentes . ; * (ENGLISH & AMERICAN 'Clerk te eng ee ar 5 Saint eeeday «i . « MMO siruc rhe horn "Coo . , s Temple, as it cost five thou- ee nll . en ag tn t ume of the important changes about to | Day. on Marart CAteeet, pit he by Stantey wre seer taccicun % " tm gmeh sa ore evkas these a'sles 7 ee tt Ame . ls te ome, oo) x Lo The ¢ nek will | in met al bis offiee, sn se Mot |b na ee etna Cm tw] PHTY TVS SLES | tach af Children's Carriages HATS git eal fF = * 5 + | are given every day night, whi! pric 4 suppe ty otbers of war etty fat 7 * "The ae ies enase tho bi ditaro of -- which is a shame and tanght every evening." 7 nf, DOL only as B mece of local news, bat that th | | Dry Goods, _ Clothing, Boots & | Ofte very atest styles. and of pene , «ite Frowearer ine etn 9 rence nt his of. 4 [ the haste of ikcan whic icc to diog isgrace to the present Government | °#24 men receive Fan er i vk " yore ary fans ag their opinions on the | Shoes, Giassware,lrockery,&c. nish. e and Saturday ofeach week, during same hour or years " "" wales tional and other | subject: an Ave te or med *n, smentionss sb Co re c 1 -- 1 taunted the Conscrvatives with bemg * , "er The good people | tranches, and the name of Peter Cooper is} thei sway be respectfully received and | -- megnnet wil esc wrampt eee | CALL EARLY TO GET YOUR CHOICE. tos" LATEST STYLES. .=4 STEWART CAME Comnty Sere d impure, immoral, and iniemperste. o. ort asthope and Downie. who | known throngheut New York aud the t piled considered in the various comm' nme wat } Auetrem Sales of Farm Stock, Ingplements, -- 7 ™ Gonaey Clerk' 8 Office, Jan a, Tithe, +t : \§ It has semamed for Refo rie have for years faithfully followed the | States as a honschold wo re is also o paed 4p adopting lest near! fo fe, eomdueted on nearer nab tera, FURNITURE : : mata to e aud lg othe banner of Bela, unde a9 > belief oat anak ae nad library. which is | £FiNg oat the varions taproverentt wee As our demand for f on a -- Stratfor a Max ble Works a " , s _ genes } dulge git that, meey CD auity an nightly, y, filed. bas ib oar growing t wn. = } STANLEY DAY, aie 2 aaurdlint ta calaske wan quo veces kan AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. "MARKET STREET. their = voices cook pl as an hone i and enn ----_ thible email Jton een and Temes, | Conpervatire or Grit, are anxious to ae the | Joba Comntes, ty fs ate r hy ly to & SHALM. , Proped __ es ' ment, will soop sd to realize bow | Montreal Gusette, Witne Star. Torouta | improvements needed carried on in the mont cn ore pet wove woe d him. { wstic. fen. 100 wash Se EE ee iat ad any wool?" « "Old mother Hub. ik one Laeger 4 fepere a shen. Soe,» Coacin n are Soles motbiny at Ld mote thin id essen va * bosT Froud THE PEACE aualagous, beth in Troe = fase + is ee wed 4 a i r | ws ' 2 F f oy _ il went to the euph " wor eriravagance" © | a lettat is a newspaper, what} cons Thich al a NS-*-e wade from wheat. 'Hran an epieare would fail ' tten ttn -G \ "ms hall o and s ach te i. Ned he, b y tor a Rar ia guing on at bome ; nuthing chee en up; mee gem wouhkl lay anide all NE aiGaR. & TOBACCO STORE. Dea La wom two tet . "iesct tims nein the $4 Farmers! ~ _Attention.t. eas ---~--s] 'G - ve threac are shout o wuek ss to read the news about his former ot owe advocato seh measure ; era in Stoves, Timware, ariel, ard | than the common American era. The { 4 mee : thi ; the Globe way hotne, a marriage,» birth, or death hes "ps, aed best althoagh no two Pope hat eget i en ALCKEUT we "ha seem ae House Purni Hremeia green tor weeks ate grain is . ¥ COWAE ws Senet i he ie nothing, and, of course, the Heucon atin errr anything political or local, and in the Strat- think alike tm. all shdnes yet Tedd | etgar ard theres storein Weel «teat, coe dics | Plambing, Gee end Stoam Fitticg, and General | 1%, STows from # to 15 ears on: sash stalk. 18 ATED - a strom 9to If feet bigh, Ears « says Dothing, and that veneraile Cler- A HORRIBLE AFPAIR. ferd ene whieh t I alwaze look for, 1 find | 9° hat imight avaist in nonsiog - coe. | 9aae of She a, Whine son Lind Jobling. From it to 1 locbes 1s Jeneth. "ig owe toahe erament s Cultivator. gyman says-- nothing t~and the Grit good chee Friend Butler, it's a balm for rect eonclusion¥. Now, Sir, you wil aw cas soowne ¢ = thy Sustenst brant aes eeare ty ee | ger. The cob te very small and ibe seed all" Those desiring a gst oyltirator would do well te orators from Gaspe to S: d ii 4 + StapoRD Wrrm a urD-goT pan oF ron | OT# dusts *nre, think with ihe that the trill of fare about | Jarwee «took of pipes, pouches, haklers. a Cleses feend. Rast praia werranted to grow. TERMS. leave theis ondewm 63 once ~ a! bis shop, ou Bruns- ! Ne lle ere serpin | S0vM oF TUR TICTIM-- A TOUNG MAN COM- 7 Ww. W. to be considered, namely, waterworks, Nich. | St "hoiessle or Mail. "Gtv6 him @ caih Varmers wil plaster Cell, and 3p re Ad by trail: Bor St emoagh for tas | * Leniad --nothing! Nat a word of conde anee- | Mf TED ON 4 CHANGE OF MaxaLatemTER. "New York, March 11, 1876. olson pavement, enlargement of kot | Stratford. Murei: 10, tare amine | hulls, or 98.50 ehough for @% hill, For #5 Nia thy (otamercial Motel. 3 tion. is pa What was rank bias 94 | sraunds, and a gomplete remodelling of the | a : eens our rock 'es eam Sor Mage Ridin, With fall directions" for ded ta. my in the ¢ reign of Ki sng Joka, is is eats (From the Londen Free: Press, Saturday.) 4 RAIN or FLESH. --_ ~% i and I do net know whe FLAX. 4 « Fecwodins Ondsrar mastheret cee el cante : ------ ~ R y t . ime e i mein a ee | oe King Ales canes ice hn reiga of} Mgcag -- py ae eee Jonie-+----fenigvither- 3 aa hed Be engage Ser mes me aire. Wikeook & 5 Keane meerepreparetio} sod Hash aad. -- w. . r wt the scales are ii or Ade vate. 5 ian i. the eeatet ee Journal oo "Mean Serueg. Po elections to draw off our attention; and we | Spring sowing to parties | she tet caltrentiog | waa aa 6 ----S®WXHNnk Ma bie atest R.MARS, HALL. Sree dro, f th OAT yeste: the sunshine ; ie ag rare . pping from the people's éyes, and} are but meagre, epee gelle tend CF. a ear | hope our local papers will all he open for in iss uring the eonsing mew ne ] and 'R Hi Fons. tne Bananas ( Herald Office, or Hrs just received a soreet Ura va se we funey that the olf party criss cl| ths cheeumctunten ops on bibensi--h peong wal = by the heavens quivering | talii debate ou what must pr ser every ALSO fe) ers, ai orders, county of 5. Address at the lowest market aoa he "purity," hes tpn pe "morality "and } mas, named Graham Smith, w employed and filled many acres of aDrnn "anaes een: ts art ag aagpeacry: pes pe hg jan. me steak sf 7. 'tend oid ial) en ig Dewdde: gage cnr egs Pee bes * played out. The shop vi'4 the pth ot Frid = leet he oe rey de i- vat Works Is worthy ys Sideretion, . ILcor x a KFA = BtratiGrd, March 'ie . ene NEW ZEALAND OAT OATS, na ' : 3 ° , to tans thin * _ | fiaked tor shail trom biahely per sere. a> g anon ' nad bewild - iro engaged ai his vocation, when a 'thirteen- asa," wan te Rie eity Sor | and we hope me ib not be . ft Bye Fs Sey Ellice, March t4, 297%. 8 bs Com a = iT] -- ent ion ad i pete ty oo « ne Oa rn 2 rs hee thro moral vision, "of yesr-old son of Mr. Joshua Martram, living| i= ; 2 be sate eal Seed poo report of mph --_-- - - Broad-Cast Seeders Hower Sead, experted-is «-fow days. pat el par nl | ea eae | ange hs | eka oie a | srurrns rauihtowe tours | no cuentas é ac . A é sees often do- 7 a ' » arriveria 1 ville to. | saue atthe at 5 ee Jen purists present to the world. tt was going oc. Being in-the way, or o, nak, She $0 ee aad mate amen wo toes tbe channel Wednceday Evening, Match Ath, 1876, Lot Michelly Auntie, Hnglich, NY. Seate, ta --_eoOoOoOoOC They would nat rae preg . a Sent! Friday in Bath peek, flesh 7. it was not as m year. AND In the Forester's Hail, over Powter's store rails gent + Mex Napeany sae ; sskerd them Precio : Pagel sifte bh of resemblet mutton, | hut why? Simply because it eould not be Market Square, at 7.45 sharp. fully invited 110 inept hia stock petore -- RERALPosruastins, Aer Res thse Ueeeatenet te ben ite ' re of blood on. = and { the best w: reillora Afl members are requested to be present. OI ar March 1, 187. a "a ~~~ Lae - a on _ ---- ¢ -- --+-- bal th the red ot ir in was workin wilkei Fe ¥ the we ever had, lost his position e he = 8, tare -- Last week a mcoting of pontmasters the forge buk-this See oy | aakes. Chickens and hogs devoured it not do what the council cowd not ' -------- 4 did. ot have the itch . pay TIVATORS : a ts2 egg nw en the : reaps, Bd Swith ran af ohne than amt taney bet loom pe og oly ing clonds were 'Now, the questi oie A 4 SACRED : . CHANGE OF BUSINESS Dancing Programmes ? . bew Teg bis hand, The pio: time----2 p.m., March 3. Qnon- | Lthink there ix. Let mo sidewatk be dad fy -- --f- : JUST received at the Trans Jobing Office. A hich a os : i Geneai | des is ban here phy a et ie Sok 3a aoe an yosewvend ena antil a maj woe Se ratepa yets in that CONCERT AND LECTURE Market Drug Store. J serge sacar oF Fanoy Pat Progremisas ~~~ by toh the compen stumbled over b » | brow = a given to Prof, for i and are willing SEED DRILLs, emery =~, -- -- Laxrence well-known scientist, | to pay half the eost ani keep it in repair Tiina the thet they her ; ; who 'sare itis no doobt animal flesh. He atter being laid. It such were the law we Saint 'Patrick' s Day, thott stock atthe fd wit Uieir Ducteeen 1B eaaaiattebinatin = ine and with veussearabat vholene', ran the | 3 wen making an _¢xaminetion to-morrow, | should have carelessness on part Frid P F FLAX to Bartram's back to the dept willing to attest with poreone ener driving across the sidewalks ridpy, i7eh inst, ~ : MR. Je Ww. wo UL fS.. . whole neighherhowd waa | Lee pag ney gra eager : i, |Plowsand Gang Plows Ot Mined & " FLAX. Ginko poo the fi peeing ae oer ST. JOSEPH' $ CHURCH, : oe 4 gentionnan ot _atenone owe nee ' the | etatument if I say the destruction by each A. atbedek pm. sarees tng aor Gea tanein SPRING, 1876. re Protessor J. ; parties is considerable. Agia not Doors openat 730 pm, | him continuance of the Dunisieee eo iaigely ex: . , ex- | there be gravel used at least i many places, / mi tended to them. ia ? -- Tinow some will aay this has brea ined, |THE SACRED CONCERT ee 'ind failed; bus 14 wes not dons ; : MACEINNON & Ce: am of Riga Flax Seed, ; was not done property, no | - Under direction of --ew ig ax 2. outle made for surfape water ; PROFESSOR CAISSE, MR. COLL youd that he has ree} © . ploted the stock of Drags, Patent Medi- CLEAN, § spe oa enroll é@e., and that uwaally found in ped par eng oud Lam biloste. ry drug store be im stock. ae, AT cot fake | --r '_| STRATFORD FLAX MILL. Wat wae ive| "IRELAND and HER HISTORY,"| =" We ofa thi of de storenunet| Steamship & Railzebd » of the gore} Rey. B: B. Kilroy, M.A, ane loeality where the phenomenon f ' j - TICKET OFFIC Pion! 2 to" 4 tots of Flax pat sine: ne 2 SIE a a MO) anism rl Se = : FM shesserduek peal | = i. Mr, on RR ae mes calle Canegas Sir Geet aftord . Please call at sa ce al ca Se ---- E : . call at ome, Joeserved them for t a 6, 000 yds, Magnificent Carpets sairnianenn sala mae "Cooking Stoves At Cost for Cash; AT. ~ Abel Coulton's 8; THE THONSOK 4 WIKAMS 3 aby acti ee Sara L rte served Wanted to 1 Pe od mort mis ot dighen of god eieen tend,