ESE . - DOMINION 'PARLIAMENT. {==> this country, oag! Mon were, on behalf of | whe are bere wili it to - develspment and fw provement ct was Fe "rewent ts tater wow fa that t+ " . | sources, the great wack that wilt be called f atu Pageant ser hte by Ube country, for alter we iy . F i = i taral se eee egg coieier ak call 'for the Protection which. is spoken of ; but, ' esmnetdacenialien ouly or he the op ortunity ip acdend the resolution the direction I tedicated--'fhis Shin lads sanon deve ake inne te my. epposite aad. the ta mt | boa. iriends }what I intend oe solved to . [ mesnare ora re-a] iieat™ at 3 be Bot only tend te aller } ent aod lectures and emg etm Ao ta t0 tes Tota fa the resolution, Mr, Soke, which, aft bad had the goud fortace preceded viny 2 bea, tread trom Weatrent weet! ity coffers d a | that sousion, "T shall me scely ak ask ral ah a that this it: course, 'They that taxa:ion should " of | protitnoly seers the Goverage- Gemrat peony fa poo ests only ton ve et cceasionally en steps back; bat on "the whele we beid rteadily to the principle and carried it out ss atropgiy and uolfurmly aa We coukl, We were tar a be coneiet oa et nether tin Goes | at thig tate bour, thet ia nearly one-third | teas it cons one 0 ame pave moved, sod-which-t intend--te propose eattor. Sie Jows Macoomstp coat!nued--Now, Lr aod alter the already made, do Wot Intend to eater into | Jong eerie of remarks ou the theo- thes of Free Prade and Protection; but one thing le very a via; that tm all tn bende A t 7. Politics! ecosomy t# a great act- ence, aud 4 tentative ccfence ae yet expert Free Trade 'i i Rompug loa branch bas been ¢lovat. ia ike ed tluke tases anes ls os quant dene. pas wee great sucorés of Pree Trade iu bread, almost to be e reli: to, and since bin this discussion, sod ia various discos. | wou! ego, we tovk up the Natlooai Poltey, etic - ues been mace «matter of fy Dok det targe vote, With a very shortetghted policy athe part of the manulacturets of Canmts, of the seeston, bon, members, some bad it recoil on them, it 1s becates ibey op of thems, think that Pree Trade a qolitteat posed econom believe nom, thal ihe two must ge hand io hand, (bat you can't sever tbe 1 delicve _ 1 bebeyed then, and f it ts im tte totereet of the savteaftariet i tha "tha oot Pecanged Semaed ie eae ree now, + fires factares are in Lj » articles the wiser, . The | amounts to tn which now existe in this wince fee ee" ta ett credit Aw ts: roe snanoed nets Intention -- of. bringin tis tal i only tieht sreasenk vahat teey would be wee ted . they driven to despair be the See twenvery 4 } + aed chants | also tu every city and town tn the may nol be eo ae tu ite after ~ | blew re the assurance of the Gover Fry deed i eta" } mercial suffering, depression, and stageation | which exist in pri country. b-hnsed Govern. | very any fauite, which Bos pa to tt vorward with [a miragure we the kind. t wade cated, aad -- was tnols al by "my ben, 6 estt. Ttitend, and by ego to read -_ ter, the. pict ren thst plenary onteien ro Aber eine ns com baat wy cold shades 7 'Dppodt! an Sear ROE ¥ nr 'They would have retaiard the coptitenes of Tike country by bavieg coms" forward at te peed, cv' c taguation, ruin, aud miemy to the resins. Jt ta no compruna- ws that mistake, tht avert ettot of the hon, genbemen oppoilie, wit reduw: the eredite! the Opposition i Avow and feel thatit l¢ no remy mh te us ty to which I buluog are very Resier & ¥ottra to faedy mo y y wets a werk ago, lo consequence of the Gove sara having taken thie poiloy. At be ry no iniloitaly bet. + ti 'at ile tauneutly & att tired from ba Frost ord enéw ping y imperant Scenes tirat mak iw 1a tie pro Bilt be deprament ot b See eit wots we oat Gertitiaer, fer the a "Peedi growth st te eariy meedows aod* pant So for Ube peneott cannot be sa will the tration ey decay. ] taference -- drow, that there wou; ad be tmuatioe: hoskane. hore '» | alteration in the tariff, wed who piedget | | Ne patiicle fitty in to 'Incinoe los thelr credit in onder to wet thei: goods ont | some spri mer. Will the isrth, bobd. That the ¢ + thet teh Syaporenitg ore teters clesred of malusia by the March winds? Wii-enee j tacks of ou usval winter tovic leave wa ener. the rdévent-ct Othe weather' te Waid on: epldems, fevers abd Contagious ran re . tim ry tl for the foot GF niet "ty. wenn the pres ol © Lard tia White seemed W Be sO ordeal La tore for them at the outet, but work been moderatel; practicable, and wet ot bee oot apie CRSP, PUY tt Beet or ae te rr te dence ought to be rece uiand ia thar, toon Nae 1once We eto: Caving coe practicatia reenit will by ees im at probe bility, eccrue, In "yea mo, We shall more grvtefatiy ay rect ts "be Dieselnza of a geduins w thas aliewJy been Iptirac,* re th penkts i that _-- fea x ots Pole, nied that Jack Frost bas not per. 4 Care sl Snakes ?} ter that the "te ¥erament sbhon.d have bern * sustained for years and scare if the tele! of tbe manutectarer#, the operatives, and the starving tamilier. have spoken principally about msuntecturcrt, es ite resolution of my bon frien? la cortined te ; but } the projeviiga tua@t totoss put I am eure it can Be shown that tie agiidnttiral isterests hore th» same sights asthe mano. tectu-iny. and the same clata Altgeongh vot « farm be farmera ant got hepdy, tot iigent rons of toll seca: tile was Infectont Inte Sta ea be tovited ateuoe, Ee a| a and he oflimateiy B geocral stetem-n' be -- Zi on --_, and be now gore tha té od into panera rr alr, ats Trade Wye agsio an? agaie ad 7 must be alain. Free Trade tao weedy the word expresses aware ofthat, To a certain cxtént with = : t to have ri trom the Chief Engineer. In consequence case, bat bis hon. friend ought to hare risen pre oa Sanouitlee in the saga! tween astions meate ; t dora pot signi'y that one pation must blindly adhero to Uiat } mere a] eames to uislucbing cause, OF to the sitastion of the nation itelf with or of wreTE warn, or Gt OF the difference eT] jor hee 6 farmer, av rveriaar ws oF vor wr aoe Uyice i -- ™ iecioaliions and elootr. aye ant tifa, "To by fife, We beard from the pane nly tutes town. It ls oot every man can pain ca | sige nations, Frea-Teets' dost fot rane 16 ay emetic, mate @mppy ee. emviasl: thas withthe impression oa their mince that Mont es', and ---- told o+ here that i meshigt- vee air' to at ! ae Cotamlttee of my | trneda'd ot pene DOW awekened ts treir ae, sot wal no ff C pads to be leded with American cereal god ticulturs! producta E effect to i ~ into that = ct how, but tring "Mo up a flere oocesi- I call Gpoa all those | id, af mauicglturs a! Proiecticn to | i A thted care Wheto = Title dans biter of « terres t nam by aepake jut above the 4 BAIR ST Webi th arse ee Pe toms of complete coma w ihe amroouls Injection was ate cole ct Phe cond ést apri, bs and b cam ite lively. A Fels Lopes Geoarmlig. @ tocoml 06 papreet Bao Phorm, ota ye Hinges sarin m4 "* T informe. altecwarle "Lot btn. thers tntereste go} éo im * | Aareine Orricl Adee Sis) Jeatactlatiingts meer 2 woth ti ber Tecwrers. Adulte: case paler ee ' . at Che awMmog'a wRergsia Py po ey any ------ ae tegard fo si: country Neelf = Thisiesdt tho opin on euy teally great political economiste. we ia held by the minor tights of eng,} the Maaché-ter :cdool, but the economists bare always the: «i ence of distarbing causes, and hays always at sidered. The) are various, and a« pation the second al to amend the criminal lew reieting jo vio- bat aad bey ats upon our Sakon quietly to have | a coatinusace of | ans ©, therefore, prov fiation 'mest be a Ubreat to. com mit vio- _ RL ted wee Ieacalca hr) the agreement, but the mail aad supplies for 14 bs 4 by + | Chisjepstem. 1 to-night 1: will be my daty to ty ene tapers } pom my coustitc snd a's) upon tue pews, cad whether the mail service would | more than the toute. 'Sua Severn len was Shesatern, took § itup wr doverameat work. enon cna an wen weil amigranta the - i sare 1 F ! i tk i ils ak FEF 3 3 j i 2 Fs if must stand on itsown ground, The treoriats a tage to es "Toate Rh" Sees " and b rT L eda fal ¢ ecieace opposed "to the protectiva Of the industries oe aconatry und fr any ct:- low; that ts not the heh Leas irultergeeeh <a0-amtie teas. it has beon timin tre same words people F pallial Stance bt padheecy 7 Hits postttes ory ager I myself have heard it quails by fata in the politt. _Sal economy ey in | Bogland, bor tate m petior,s y the bon. stances anstion w kh potoaly excum, but just Mr. ¥ cao--Two yeardago when the ques. tlon was up With regard to beet root » i Mr, Mill had withdrawo bie Sir Jowz Macoowatp--The hos. gentle- must be mistaken, If be terus up the The boo. gentleman is altogetier wron, Tails ts oe: " Tne oaly case ta which princtples of politi Wy, protecting duties can be defensible, ie im Ag anly, erpr tage part or divadvantage on the other; but a Welland, ta. Acam 7 j down in this work, which he leaved av his th there sre Tao compected with the ranalactures of fom | and for ot Ler Silt pen, aod gations, in of eutialising a foreign iudustry ta ite y F pose, | thd of catered a of one -- o wae ee eed for that purpose. Now e & Gt to be 4 os US wins aa feels bis fanction tm lite ts to become ae atti. sap, to eater inte 4 tivde end all the other vatloas -- Taras a-pleations of the ontary, that crust try fe Geet wod «fl be moet pres. petot: where every mau bas most liecdom te choses thal mode of fife and ex otclee the oF Tee darts: fines, they bee bettt up great cities, Se ty fain modern times. Loot at the Hangvatrr towns, the comercial citles of Italy eof doow Comotries, But tt la eald as areannn induce Faung men to trave the conntry and | go into ths LoWni. Wert, the pottey of the t will not F ima ae seria of the soil ia our laod ; tholr policy will not ern? them tnto oar -- 'towns, but into the towns of the United paint parents. We havo hoard ageat about sso Wall Ax T reid nen, the principle while of Riotection, | os mod: refe extent, laa justifiable and true priscipe of political economy. If soa buud fe wall it will be hkoaodam w « up c) a wiream watt: it overtiowr the coustr doca a great derail ct -- the dam is mb-ed fo allow am der The water in = over, That ote turn the water altog<ther, for that world , | Favage the coustry taviead « of doing Li ser. vies, butt we allow iin AMOUR! the stream to percolate over, Mf. Macaxssie-- D0 you wantjto dam Pro- wn 7 - Sur Joan Macocsato--Mc. Spasker, i! you may be iniertered with by bie welaugnter" process. fr am other sourore perience, A coutitry which had this skiil + eed respects ba better edapted to than these which were earlier to re field, snd besides it is a jast remark of Mr Bue that bo thing basa greater tendency fia. in any of jection t sa its Gial a sotct i cannot be expected that individuals should at , Of Tather to 6 lose, Li os manulactare cf rele in the neighboring innate y araet be sokt- Tet feountry. Wesee frequently in times of great depression similar to the preseot, when merchenta. aie becoming vent, every kind of goods thrown ow tue market * siaughtered," so to peak, to the great in ~ 4 of solvent and it aright. It bas the permanent reel injary that is dose to the trade of the oc vantty ts gt Lie of those met, chante, and br the wast of confiliace thas iad berthen of carrying it on atil the heve b. ea educated cf those with whom processes it pro. rT a iy. continued tor +i, bo the ipevarenient mode ta which the nation can tax iteclf ceo 4 dal astry which it fosters will afer a 'ime be adie to ------ th ft, nor should the domes we bo allowed to 'expect that i: will Se condbaned to them be- of stock: y the time sptmiot one from the actust invalvest whose goud: sre sisaghtered a Free Trader ia the} poopts Buti I gay this extract 1 | thls couctry oe market there is etreum: another serious one of sendiog goods into this country for tbe perpose of bringing | hs reset peat a them (1 was tols a] i be was " a eading 3 'it pare ¢ pcre som neh genet are t) the $ Sarre * Uastes the c 1 meta ota tan ne a patie pelea an | oeet her, i 4 not eve =a 18 etrengid o" ty | t native Weman oa the Wee tere ole Siaigse-+ Beli, 4 z Ausccatin whist: sites theit cu: ma may be + Mga sien het ter 'eden odent "lite, 'ere (0 Bee © =< uf those cgusieane et the oe 1 "te | recy be hind th ets, con omen Tithem, by arneke on the onk o. She Loame un- foaad a system may es aod withost an | Ses aod all that huvolr.s ; Dt wifi fontiy, os b edid betore, that tote, mad kue euriece panic boty wea smrcuis bell t msajoctty, r he Bad Gi A Tittle aur ti? find tera ead when tart o outecl ves 08 the subject, aud Uf tie Gin av ment bad i on. ge { ithatthey meston this occasion, (Low pon ad ae toe Brat tae. ey ot ae trad Gl The cotalry, er it ls a) Bio ialiow this opportunity, sod men 9 who can an put thie | | talib, Montpiatele, Mousgenn, Palmer, Fins is | Costigan, C two pee to tbe 2 tion why they bare | 400, D lorme, Ds ot Georges, ny | mend, reraroed T teu Toidcteau, Thom: og n bis secret beart that want of confidence vevery Ptaanco+ eulforably dex er ¥, pt able to way on colleagues aa yet, The mana wath « low ry ¢ Uret ae) Gow a forest. We have but little realiagd capital ares of n| its tt FF [ # i bl f CH E g ales Fy itt i ie tH. ry is sa never fei do we not see lt bappes.og m country? Have = not an, ne trying to drive oa taken ret. They ore ly alongside ao peers Boing A Min ot hata pointed ovt if, cum- menced first, The manuleetains. 4 by | Untied seatow have been .gelng om fora Wag period of time ands large i : : ii g-* HE it b t _~ the sake of gettiog +-Se--3372--tac_-tomperatyre pore a | a a | i 3 i ee fF sim ech ae ta Moatresl wo mene aeneser eatiaze 328 about Hin thia rdirectiva juat as biacdy a9 the; folluwing bit, to the trjury of thec | try acd the injury of himeeif and kee a tactis, be an alteration ta the tariff, why aid --_-- cd + biewtog thorongaly and yoru} in whac | eres 1 ven im. tepcored: = ia Sr te a ee Kopulatian o ol Japan, The meat pete chiles at Japan are Tokio, Yih capital (lata ITF aren Yo), Nasye row | tse ih Age Bago liad, x aS a aod | there wag = Sppeal made to ihe people on Fukuo "Toces ate eltted Bist Crake this qucatica, lhe answer would be retorued ; sud +a ; favor of the policy I sdrocat, and eguinat the ealpeble, and 1 wae yolme to ay almoet teen, Oporet by the Gaveta- ( vpkmien et eolmuoh Vole! YVess--Mesors. Baty, nea aH, 8 ato, Blas. | and is tell tae | ebet, Bow |i, Browns, Bev Beoar, C. m- eon. ¢Victorts), Carog, Cimu ma. Gabby. Cad- ad *, Dice fardiva, Desiin, bDom- vitha, , Parroe, Ferz , Pierh-r, taser, Candot, Gill, Haggart, UHarwood, ony > Hortons, Living, Satta, J {le eta), Kiew-7 vt nas ald (0 tt), Mecdountd ¢ ' stomnid oreste), McDuueltd (CB), i Dougall (Three Eivers), Mo Hila: Ge + Caliaw, Acts Mason, Mitchel}, Mon.' @ 0 " % Pieik, Pig, Pape, Bop nace, fi. ences jzum facts, bi it rae the pin; ballin, oplean, Steheneat, Tapper, Wats) the ot the Goveromeal, fu some way o oo = Trve ms AVR, Write" Carine, OW Rite comy forward with a bot eem grit of relief, T ey were Pa \ we), Wag (Pusila ) --Totai, 64. how. 'Narr seare- j (en *), Wood, Woraman, Witcus (Oita 7 avowed avi taman at the bead as tue Ueresnment, 908 | wer, Bus, bance fo Bare Tne Bochant, Bor he led them to only pres) 'alist, Bertram, Bigvar, Blake, Borden, Merron, vented by the ¢ beabaeee ot bey fieade la Par.) Botrda, Bowt'5, Boyer, Bavtt, 'Buurter, ' nearoely belleve at s pressure | | Casey, Cargiain, Cauchon, Chariton, Corral, ord them to} | Obri: tie, Chard, Cockbarn, O- fis, Qovl, Souptt, Cyunteg sam, bea be a, Dew. Pectin, Fiact, Flem ag vlna Frectette, Gilbraith, Gibson, Gea, Gt. mor, Gurdon, Goudge, Grernwas, 'lager, Ug jones (Hatifas) K i, Kitlam, Kirk La saan Hrveeitierere ---- ha y= - | M+ Downeli (Lovethiess), Macduc wall ce ait), he o ber | nem -B), Mackwume, deCr , Mo- mt, Melatyre, Mclsaac, Mulco Menab, eat. | tetler, Perry, Vettes, Pickard, Mower, Hichard, Baad red by = Sieate dgeneh. i Bay, Kobilierd, Roe (Durham), Bose (Prince | was a, Edward), Ryan, Rymal, scatederd, doriver, tat | Sn nibiey, Short, Sinclair, Skinner, 5 ult bompsea Gaewnass " tts | ®. He tatew | son (Weiland), Tremaine, Trow, -- ani made | tase (Alveit), Yor, Youne--Tota, pati ---- a Some mild Winters. in an artele + The by Courier, bearing upon the question, gives its readers tae milew.og tororm slow :--. beo inbabitant hye come, Here fi | what be says: in 1735, January was pleasant ait FE each rr koent te cvutain at 1 net ye: ca in. bh wasaki, Kugamoty, Yunst, Kusowe, Yohitamd, Gita, anti -Yourzs9a, tack fo thse seord cioaa, Gavitg mete than ue population ©) ce ono 6A 1 ee he- D-parrmt t0r-Edae nitie pict ithe gical, prerd la gy be Sak part ar ath tm, tain fo the wihl> er ews, cae Rarfles, acconlug to the -- ve esl mate' theie ate Iewer than 66,000 anette de) ertialba , Rioto O87 234, and 530 B95 Suute ape tons' American Cye: ar dea, rewt wtsoke "od tpuaes » - aA irikeg t+ paper, in soewir 'a teaniiies ia yard to fin matter, explains why Rater wil fall this year on the 16¢h rither thay oa the 90h dey of A em by saying thet Kastor. Cay ls regal Ak bo ¥ a seiar bat # lover a eytleethe cyele that fegnistee the golden always Degitit af aidetght ; but by iusar __=talculation it begins st noon. Lf, therewae, jhe, Hylton, Floto, Huatiogtay,~ 7 ibe Pp fail' ou w Saturday alr je Mii couuted ating Ou-& day; aad-thes Kesterdey by, Under tao sale tn tes prayerbook, the Sundey teliowing. Tals {s what tappers thes year Lhe , mec. el fel) mocn fais om Seturtey, Apri ¢, at 2:43 YM. It he -- Cotated UY Mitng oo ay, Avil ¥, and Kester day le thiy 2u5- day tollo#irg, that is, April id. lt may bo whied that should the she } March 21, bets mw 12 M, fait moon iti happened In 1810, Drsawira f xpLoricw --~ Os Saturday tact a hae' ws named Cass. Hampurey pro. todig Hout sithackiwl In doing '#0 rey otrack the charge, wben it exploted, [berling himt trom bia fect acme disteace. oderate and Fevruary was a 'summer | General Hospital, where Dr, Herod attended month,' la 1738, ae came ia like} bay meet te ¢ wea os body waservorcly barat and Gited with nth | pa atorma; Febrnary was Wess again apd March ss la its i. wary 15th, the | frost waa entirely cs th oand, F. was ike spring » an tainter Ia tt re " 1773, Me, Sintth-seoordes commer | weather, want In the year 1762, Feb. 27th, the New York Gazetie and I rte, that 'leet Taare. day the weather was to Wocommonly warm, that young ng went tute the river to eam,' ta Kaglend that teaves the trees In Jasnary, and Siede oatciiod ~ e = = is & 3 Marca, aod the' vinws in April, Cherrics Tipeoed te the latter month, and grepee taney ery Ia 1573, the trees were with leaves in J. be A i hee pilics ~ Sere But Elm! atone bad cptered each Of bia eres, Tia tmorsiog be was lo a wulk imyptoved cand. tian, Dut it te feared te: my fige dhe ay et ot beth epet--Cuelps HeFslt tor was disceverto! holding a young lady in bie inp the other crening, bat be ary lax! and March bigetesing bat eolt aa} | stated that he waa exsmining her for an w/- | fection of the beat, and abe @E nothing 'WronF in fayting bet head on wtielin, -- --The a Adcertiner waye-® ductor ter in that place ee & fhoc wore " how a tad thet wae niocty siz fet ling ead had over eleven hundred ) ante, Wel, a bey so Woo 4 to have eleven tuadred joints ihe pate of ac Alsiama whlower --- of the spas was asked If bie ma tor taks a be oar, me; sat; oo old migeos's alive be feck ao ® paddle to her; duuno i he take « bei 'dle to de new --A London paper anya that @ the tee 72: ws piece to test, even for that brief rand ir Commeresal Advertioer. in | 775 the same waar edd, oe York ts that thecorm was inthd earat Haste) = going to explede a tance neither rnow Bitrogt at Holl Gate next jour, say rost throug bunt th wiot winters of 1598, 1607, | the Ne . This not wide 1008, 1617 aad 1659. gg A in 1673, even | at pr tS eccomiodaly the travel from im the north of Germany, the stoves New York and Booklyn.-- Detréu Ave. News net: Hapied, apd. the Sahiasesen ta Feb ok stein tovehes wiiana, tbe wae donot hear of anyone wha a many ¢ rans --A Trane reporter note wt a mau had drauk tweuty glasses of cy 116 wae sraeits. the mai" en tly com~ woek, | won't bevy to be sown, Somv ose stole --They are chipotle fow Oned Bopide 'to Rotterdam, H: Hand, They pick | thes 00 that they.wou't Hoiterdsm bid oa | the way.-- Danbury News, --Mr. Batrils bas Qeen een appointed Private Sanaa anes eesoee Pen : a ae + uke oak seis