' "the Stratford Times, Mr. James engl pode pm build shoald make it a point eall and ie . | pec ta ew ta" na aay, Witt neous need Sowa = nai of Pi tinew goods. her Mr, MeLomt = other whoe af moe ta | Fe they seated Le the attributes ol oe aly: padres at thatthe d a net far" Britis Patiament uit Treland. dene onk aa the past, a) atul unie loyally re sb hone angeetat ha A dead: sometimen-- Pree "aD ed ne eae Serge ao approach. gg in Oat win ( n, a* battle fasbin 1 = * ANMONY iat ayaa fa trpar's-€ BT at 'Gonestce:- _ On Tuesday, Joseph Farr wns tried on tes | Saddlery and Harness Making. fr, Geary 7, Jones has ore ta shoe shop im --_---- ' eit Seite sah 7 _ ri, bac wits tee nowt sof June § ing tilbis new store ected. Be intend? w ost? Bie > boag 6 mes | aeuned: t ses Phe atten ahaa . "th or vlerect work nt wih te et. bemoan arn 7s fo al aay of Mee Jon Bwift, i, termecy vite Way 'flee vein Pr fog Shaky wie "huay be . Streiiedd. We wish hin eteiz PM, . Sealepagennanion el Tie a eamaly ree soc 4 Prieta spect: arian wi arcire ve, Attached, with speciicatians tn Stratford, "Aas OF. MUSICAL "INSTRUMENT S. At Prices to ewit the Wat Times, 1 BUYERS will find tt to their advantage ae pivewwe 3) "GREAT Clearing Sale |. W. CUMMING, = t fy , Gee is 188 eee a | Stratford, Jan. 5, 1676. Stratford one. Brewery, | # they whet tries. bly before Judge Tomas tho first for . returning thanks far t i vail woatbver bes "8 REISE tn nt "eae oe ee oe larceny. Pri. | small work Tuas rirzoraath, nee piteniel to - Seoe years. demas. tor hts large etock of ahd en i == new tution Oven he tpt jeoner, it sitras, om-the 18th of Pebruary last | Stratford, Jaa. 5, Im. larger than ever of ot nin of of oa Stratford ord Times, See: int there, fa hap Merah eligi sis, Ww igtexClothing " Youd moucyatasyen pet cent, on fhe note of Albion "E£ wpe ines = Mond . det 4 = A COUNTY OF PenTH nee es ae => yobow a. cake ene -- to smooth the asp tities ot ie iat. tt the farmer's. "After some. bargaining, the Goon Horves, Comfortable Conveyances, "abt ot wk "i. T. BUTLER, Editor and Manager. cers tr the f year wore.as follows : is were done'we would indeed have « great | farmer, Mr. John Critch, signed a -- for jaan Can ow mj be grey abe faten. pe En wsaramivnad 4, W,. Drown + * ty D> Ht. aud gioriogs country, for mu her | #200 and-xecepted three ¢ oa 4 et 3.3, WOODS, i [@) hos Sruarrust, Wraeesnay, "Manctt wad, 1876 > et rE Don pyonion stot formation the pohie ~{branch of "the eee Canedian Bank, - Stratford, January 5, 18. verooais, "St. George's s fociety. Ty era; mana: ing directors. Mess + ; }-ferth, tor: siher_teo as === | SD Gock, J Scots, kind A Puley.. The wight be. | with jest enoogh of French snk German in. | Frant® of ther lank ia Stations Pores New. Butcher --e , Under Coats, | ANKUAD MEBTING. a ne Goooa.- Meas Me ig oy sera taking in | Daetite to make ns d new ma, aly These cheques are dated 18th April wat kcal lices tathe P its. Wi uw epee & Cor ~Survte Blok, have. received their | the organisation of 4 "nine" thet will be « The musical part of the 4 r. Criteh says that Farr told him at the | TE nadersigned bogs. see Ro shat yy ants, Vests,\: a me Cepese's. ing stock of dry goods. ~ Tntending "par terror te al! baa contest with ent was finished "ath. 'he. tallawing time of the transaction that he bad money in opened © Buteher 'Shay, Svposite. ¥ a T. x . ' <rges Roval Motnl, MONDAY er: Ne ebaoers soit Ae well to esl and. examine thea. x i Homes the sat Seafo vl ford, The o He Beet, Y eition. Underclothing, #th of MARCH, at? o'clock, © acy, for pus ae Fou Tur Cuwrasmas---~On jonday test we Tentum Ergo ...Chares gent of the Seaforth branch ¢estified that | perk. r aoe, GIS ETS On aaa, ae poultey in t ' - yous of 6 08 tere current y ond Se eee priaaner DAM-no. funds in thet bank and | Sarit 4 Call io reepenstaty solicited, Meat ' Fur Caps, pee ere ae plongl"fWwhich Mr. Thomas Yeandio has miauu- |, Oe heen Be never bat. that he remem prisoner < J. ROBFOLK. = : t aon im al ' : be bank 40 get a cheque on on Stratford, Jan. 19, "76. -. j Gloves, &c, &e. Btrattord, March 16. a j Organ Voluntary ee = . s ee eee -- | The organ used was a fine instrament | Haye-) said he woodcollect aame and charge : oie Wann oe a eee At prices hever before heart of th this part of ne NEw aporod " au. wa a5 ay pace tg» Mr. F. A. eer per ernt "bat ee a not | T ished. Apply to the proprietor Gnoxen the county. M mame jo ie eo went - John Criteh a= estes ized prinoner and related oi. eS = te REMEMBER, COMMISSION BUSINESS: om aes MITCHALL. Antes as ch : . C'mo>Moasrs, 1-5, Sinclair, of Goderich, witnexs 40 the facts, Sie agi af Miresiords welt Bee ae (oe at he seed 2 re ach be onoFELLOws' IRON BLOCK, -JOHN COU NTEAR, wishon, -- ire tlemen who figured a regret to fearn that an rt of Mr. quil ' points objected ss a seye pie Brees he jy2 LeRghe wet the . en! _ fi s £2 | Robe: rt Jones, reeve al Lowa and ex-warden | to in the indictment ws toform, in the mean- |- Market: "Sqiare. ; rs -. iu disgracetal of the county, The | time merely fi guilty. The Day, on Markof 4tfeet. area wilt fegal th this j " deceased Indy Stedy hed Teett Ill for several monthe,| aed of larceny of a watch partienlars DAILY AL 1 WN SALES tw ; age, prhaeny: Queen's but it ws not ex _ rate se of whi appoered ip our last diese, Was then Counsel, along with a batch of about thirty 4} near at She wns highly respected taken up w e faulty of « forgiving spirit. wo, her demiad is mourned by a large eirelé one 3. Mowst & Ren. Bastbars sf Brobes. | Bey OTe Clowning. Boots, & We a + time they sane ng - menihe = geol at Bos 25s Mea will Gnd a 4 tr Consigninent will recive prouspt atten- ¢ #0 nex bey epot ing of lart, week - the fe-open from saven me, een. tide . _- a Tary editor and pack jars to eontiet hi. wna | Mitebell bene, of th A of. the t i Bible as nen Ponds iin an tainrtey Avetion Sales of" Bivin Sicik® Taptomnatas << -- ~ wight or wrong, they will be rewarded with exhibition bas | Society beld their am in the | , 4 mening soon Piss Ra in for loans '9 from 10 a.m. tll 3 p.m. c., conducted wm sable terms? Hrd Sars aie das. we made | town hall, Rev. Mr. Boyd, the president, pre. | Syifter, on Sinnday evening last, under sery Bunt deparsercotat Sana Crear ceat,and sl} _-- Ax -- ---- Bot.--The Galt Reporter | « point to visit the shope of the Siarmen- a : Psa ot Myr, Wm. "been egg bt ed Brectat In STAN, EY Lae to M _ other day from Fostar their Lite | were deliv ¥, Memrs, Hooper, i ¥ prowipt heeh ta in Se ieite pueeal phen bee Giant thraber and sepetator, and coriiinea | mont and Lavell. Good collsetion and sab- wanand to he maschel, bess protected 5 LDestia isfet cual pyrts of Canada and Caste | Py rage therrtatttanaent tha Cart ty, bon ne a --posidans | 22Aves Sut mower, which Py te le te held in in Mie She grew madually worse from day to day, : -- ya <-- York a salve (ge oe erate ~y-ph oar town, Jake" MeCirty, Mr. SteCariy | orl See | aa. wail at ast all hopes of her W. H. ROBERTS, jk. cee Strattord, Mare 1 ak, Seetis i arin epg ena | oe eePerterity ot the which. this | A concert, under the suepices of tho Odd ra pen pci gr we sheeas corned raced | WATCHMAKER, JEWELER, ETC., ETC., ae FAM RB! 4 Anse. cast, De me RS in ad eared ured the services of a and the Sen SPOON, de doing. well, He left the town some Kpect, i seom vidlay_ exthitig proven Outarie street, Stratford, . wee he east " ith teen years and sow,' on his frst return set Tee ckenttecianase an thet Liss Glen Sree "ny panne sodones, the were . AtDovelock the bride was roa Tm ki ay JT tint hantiy be crodityt that he fot per | wistt, found himecif slmset a poriest Fiireaher and Combined Sirwer wat reaper are highly sxveative satione, Ue} a corpe. ren Te ADACONA [2 memes mores sere is "meting ia thé tows of hie birth: --His father ary not so a4 some others yes we com need, and all wentaway| A prominent Methodist minister in Ot- lebrated Russel, Be and Ti ear ar ay sa nee ' such: te the tact anc wheb-ine ooen- the resuity---- at Newry, Township of Ela, and is still Se at ae is Uratiord wo have ta ite ovan tawa, whit ing of balls dari ire and Life insurance Co'y. tnatend of selling ' cy hs found » subtitinte ste factory capable of turning out wach first-class venina® 3 Bday Peta d other Wate in va, and bas 16 Sksaut by domme haleand hearty machinery. Ae #pace will not allow, we refrain | Jt is the intention to hokl snother concert in | Lis + on nal. 23. m4 heaha? x of mmap orrice ~. Quunno. the hanmems beabeons ix Sopahtard. , Tes Hocas at Hama.--Mr, Kennedy, the | fr m giving « detailed account of the improve. the hall in two weeks. not believe in neralos 7 There hasbeen entered tc the Stratford Cus mette which were potted out to ws, is 4 i whether on the skating rink oni 'the be bomen Watches, Clocks & Jewellery eens = toma 4 the Iacge sambér of #000 by to say that we consider both machines perteet | The . the Corparation of * the Sta Sercaler to Dececher amily, give a soncert im the town hall, here, | Wt €very parueshar, wid ties manntactarers, de foram infringement sail ty have | OLS boople. it el pars ri Sana oe ics Tn HENAC ry Sch ta eS neers. me evening nesday 2eh serving of a as been made itebell . - . es ms & }. Select! i ' Presidest , Bobertecn os have been prin- = " at , the inet, | they co well denerve. 6 'tem of (eabee wicks, for which Mr. Wate _ -_ occa hd pe te ths name af warranted A Choice tones oxo Pibk Bement acaee sfyaliy sold on special programme, com peisiag. very large | uaa ENGST: amerenen A " 5 solection of sangs, will be given on that occa- | ST. PATRICK'S DAY-IN STRATFORD. ne ea a Be = ee that onght ss characterize onr Christian | Stratford, Jan. 3, 1878, bl RIETrene mee ae Oyster Cocktails, sion, ANA compliment to the people of Strat. --- en -- Saunders eorporation | ci¥ifieation; I protest: ia we ; ' BRANT, Chairman. at Sak Ser ten ived af | SECTCRM RE RKV. K. B. SILROT, AND NACRED eporas Cl timant and Christi : | ag |B RRSSON, boy. na sToxEr, Koa. ? theit ( "eg od rear rtrati eae Kin. iar'oe, SOREEA's CCRC, -- the event of a enit he ---- vey all outraged ; I oa . the nam : ope eager at IMPORTANT oe TO THE J Hi NASMYTH & co S. + Seige 5. Cents_per_ Gla. nedy will intersperse the ps ings with an m5 sible on the bond as his -- large, every grade and strata of # mast ay oem otal cic unrocene the Do. | t4ke alt our faves ar mbar ' abandance af Scottish stories, which he cam{ Avery large audiences assembled in St. A Srectima Marci --We understand be from the capital stamped sith TITURE MEDICAL HALL. minion. Firs aid Lify Polistes mowed at moder | imitatirne, bast to net toe. ts veciers on 7ee narrate with The ac Stratfard, on the evening | committer of cent af the Mitchell Mer | the ice o eek cl FURNI: "Surattore. Jan. 8 sore My | etiireetve se eta Ef itera yin, aa eq , reeeive the ce: COUNT OYSTER, FH Serna d ; fe] : iecey ' ele}. 5. OP "*"Ped-tfor the New York Morket, lendid altars and costly stataes bar's Srivocie ba aes ; "tp wartle? other += 3 : = - oo samt = 3 ;, rer en tat they will ave to Brosh wate wh ies dite ago, ir. Howard, at Darius Wieishpa eeally ekg ore we eck BS SS Rees vetity the pabha | WETS Shem oY we 86 govern Arson. The them e consisted ouinmaitios. -- Ecpositor -- SOR a Saanaee . . e ° 2 ° TEs a tins end you will never bay een wsters agnin AD Ren bering rigs ~ eeeee sete io) in by 8 rn m1 aa Forme the] PEC ; m past sonar mew ia working tind obit sade Robertson How eegn atari: } : -- Lmeeml os ton -- PN SS RTE arpa sn 2 4m Lape Seal gs pattol. STYLES. s¢ = att vc. . Ax Oty Serrexe, Gots.--The Galt Re Chorin. ca 22 prin ution © ¢ Rowade 798 Pace en eS tN dn a .Pale. aq, Amber. Ales, |_ -- 2 +. Sormér chronicled last week the death of Mr. Bo ett Ue Lambdten lathe, ---- seucsh. pthc Of on Thursday of Tas | f pea a oa Se eS ng Re meuuber the Place a a . san pert 5 oo RS -- . o i" nes ne bedroa ribtie . -- ae aioe wt Herth Dumfries. Mr, "wae pa the ae had | "eek. Considering theseveriyy of ea- | es ded, gee 1 fo pel to their horror tha the ie. a, sannied -- Opposite ecto i - 28S § ag is ited onthe commer at "CO 16x GF leealtls tii} within. » a the tt acuilen't style, the ther aud r 4 af roads, the on eat wna |yigg- du the little bey with ite moe \ fier. & 5 | BIRMIN: AND PATRICK "aiek pies oak When falling strength jali-} Rev. --3r--- Kilroy peers 1a nic regen ja one ens at heme! at be | covoring the wee who WILLIAM HEPRURN. ak Qa ) a Srnith's Tennery. <ated his. terits of life waa slmest com- | ant said he regretted that the servieds 6! & the man ata The cat was | Stratford, Jan 5, 1976. hy S = Ucited. 2 xyreat a Ce youd, aud « col " 'pctiling 90 few lange 'shoat not procured to attend b but lew lev. J. tis vet ma te very ae rig a hale and not a moment cM - ~- = = ---- = 9 et - _ fitrattonh Jan. 5, 206 hed wut «be * i S a on le fe element bis cae Bhagat era :, : Ag Seg won Birsitonk (that was Rot deter. orn, wat ibeulty reaterel ta Blacksmithing. 2 5 O T¥@ Albion Shaving Saloon. at hy Sarre er ler 3 syd frivh Leeturers werg patting in an appearmnce by either | soosciossners by the spplication of w 2 Zz = EPREHARD, oomel = = THR 'S to Cats sia, Le trhe trons his--residenee | in great demaay "ATS" heat ey ; roedn of. pee mh Se aud reversal aliort epecelies | whink was dashed on wie gel Tae ah ond Hy Soll bei sap ta ied oo hafta 3 bed cP 've z am he 2 ME tted and made gee GEORGE Scie Saad IN s rowed eoaestead in North Damfries, | audience, whether Irish, Seoteh, or Mngtinh, | OE 8t et att rn thean-maruius Le pares Pan S36 98 | Hammer, on Huron where be wi = og s @ | penis fo Mp shor, which will adte the exmrters ary 30 Days More: whore tre resided ap to Iris dest. He was @ a reel in the Bmerald Lide, and oromek yenes SS yu "Tieammtiye sole | theirtate as well us tbe cr 'Suantvew ee tec ances 'Sins in wishing apen} £ a 7 ' bad na al ks enc ny Dreming = or "en par of «ts chrivting elavacter, and wae by their presence showed that they penne: mahi services recideget by thet 10 sobuorttrg | 090-0 nat manner to give ast aad aed, Deets, Sone Fs be = i gp j/Shampoceing -- _ Patsy caiatety ti | tae seepaenssenintined dp Testnes Satet = mes ei i : "ke he « . ne nranity. He -- a land--a land pated to 'ag ward ing the meeting, It ens 4 bronig ht tora clone by} BTRATS ad a URKETS. fees ail poeciy ey omairse pyre abr perv = e Os * eae m1 paper pore. or et We. ia sSaisiee eisourt ca cen centers have 'Foaven babies kare his sii vw, th ; it SE ef | of every true brishman i t in apite | sing. the National 4 aa | cc eatiy woreeted for Lia Stratford Times, by Mr, | Cearaut CHARLES HAMMER. id ce 4 & . { 3 _ Permasogy, Jan. 5 Lotten °C. " te coutinue : for 3) ta, « honger. hain Life fo iy forty years, ata fonr odne, | of powert at deere Wad @ be illiaert "hi 7 Nee - he . o P S j * . Mr. Jolin PD Mour oe Da 8, Méwers. | torrjon: which none of hat ras or dang hiers | 2, Tt oon. ffereh: 2x; 20m. Poesia avd. _Jem. 8, 6 5 bs m ( 2'3 Commercial Hotel, ieore Moore aud baa Mocs et Water. | née ashame person } Fal! wheat, per by ane SLOGto $1.a. opring, ate to "ALBION HOTEL. S ¥ SS rt bel ick hap Btratford, Ontar: San, -ani tie, damwen Sloore Si Marys contd deny that tee 'pect invitee a --A_ puililic | gy cy: marke ake, peas, Gio to le. vata, Se mer mnt riigned having leased fora term of 4 : ' = AMPIM Rooms for Commercial Travellers. P U BLIC C Buovazy ty Dox phi a possenced erfal on Fri- > w tie. tt mar, per bbb. 84.50, oatmeal, #45 yea ad G} pa. & arth ooo ame pends pe pore aati alt trains. a x a : Inined,| potatos, por ag, Sie to Ke apples, per bag. | "Wasericy Hou oS next doot to the poat office - Eo S ! sipayend's stentive bewtiers. stenlacy mle his tev tak to sak be Lal eal pln Bases oe nsaisted by | Om, W727 bent: Ter Ib. tte tobne, mutien per thas efitied anil | ref ee baie 3 oy teestte. ta. en Proprietor. HO] [ D AN F; pepe les pre "tha? Varia ehewt -- ab wf 4 wien womens, ber tmne-honeted | "The Yaiter, pars Tivto Se" sage por doe tac to Lie. | hopes ty werste contionaues of the tera par |S 3 He = we ' a bi . - = = - time when the eonntry is evving out alevat | associations, her swift sm g rir arak4 formed to b il tarke. \ pear L090 to ve bi P= e cpee_fiie * Dey i AMERICAN HOTEL, hard tities ard so many peer arve hills elethed in brightest green, was itt the thistinet; enameting ot ibs Rat 'sachs ie ea he gece. to be beter ahie 4 the orelling 3 a ' | out pWens ood a: the GT. BR Panse any wonler that Irishmen were a brave, | Was indeed creditable to all ne percord 6255 to $1.00; lard, 12s to pectic Peony howse will be known fe st @ Meal for 20 en conta, y Tpon te attend a meeting ef © . operhrrerted : mj the elusy of the exauinatios the Aldon Hotel. pL. Gave _-- 3 ~e } Me IMA S| KLEI- LN Ss other eveuing, to explain and, ir r _-- uk | what mature has -- fore hated, the bee | TReitiet te 7 t = a MARKE Btrations Sy Caeser ene tae fy lis action in the premises. Mr. reed mr turer remarke was sotnated in the | ing @ very suscess fnl a m paced va é me a me rare rtedat dA 5 ae Bo Stratis, Faavensy 8, 2078. = . hot a eur pnt fara hi ae. Fr po tery "convenient » koe car naw to the he ntgraiune © oonwisle of comic and sen. fr Mu March. 21 Lsté. ~ ; = avers . x _ANDREW. except that, a» he aid, the Tories were as miéree of the werld< ae was timental a pert sclum, mabe oe Fali wheat, per ly *, as te an oe 30 IU 'ST AR R IV ED SAT" -- -- = eet eee Great Geshing 'eee ee 5 uit . re on cms as bien poweif. The mecting was | 1619 milee from the Straits of Belle lslo to | nearly all of which were vers well cate We, barley, doe ste She | pede oe wr eer EERE' rin ih, reat tortgaces noc ulin tant Mz. merth eoast of Ireland, aceording to a | ed called ferth the applaase of the audience. | to Sle; potatoes, ~t + a am | J J. Oo DB E R i 8, ~-§ ¥ v Cesnsainvion i ey to bow: mort . Bishop, * ghee ing -of c oro i ives, | caleulation he kad mate dering a rent The total proceeds arc mnie te tr = f bog per owt, $7.20 - gee whee, pas A splendid lot of z "WEF ¢err- ¥ c by ba er nen Cle Tin Sale { who, ecsing ie he had no apology wr ofer-- Age aga the Atlantic. The coast of fh, Heo GF Ike, eae, per dow, ie pga = RER 4ND £ aliler's Saddler Shop. ams: eee '7 a ' 3 nt everas good an apology ate vewataem. | Irland hed 136 hétlors 0 of which were] FOWXSHIT COUNCIL, MEETINGS, | tech ms to $1.00; goons, wart GAS FITTINGS a PRALea yy ZS - « hers = revolt what wee called seound-clas ba A Ter "bides, yor ews 6400 to @L ar , ~ Baths g -- . re eoudemning the "ac Mea and i is & the best barber in Europe. It was pote, aah Ae -- "che somamtice each, Se ¢, be. 1m pertes, ¥ 9.00 to #t.te ANCEUDING nw ,P p Bugauxrn and Builder, manufaeturer of porte tnd, Di «hop w be reqipeted to race eiend was only a #t inno tart to exnenine te Au iter Statement. wood, per cord, $2.00 to 3.25. Gaseliers, Brackets, Shades, = VA TER CLOsS ~ ° town. pice, Lawn' toot and 'Shoe Store, nhs pe ill be ti waa? abe Superior th ahd stilt be | re t a they bed examined i$ and found {t es we . ' ' * i pice. 1 8 \ There in ne danger 0 og ations ro to aail around it; Lat for all thie it | Sareck Moved & persis Sole wiedoy| HERMAN TAUBER, And all other goods required for nice neat work | = ets, |e oe vy | THE 24th OF FEBRUARY Teri are ne ened such commercial advantages folie ata ante John Sheilet, Ruth Jani atteoded tent low Paton, he Merri in Churches, Halis, or other buildings. 3 q Z ls prociaimedte bea _ be Temnime Acctsuut st rms States --On ocd aagrnaernl writer bad said "it was peng ine 2 Wislow Beive,8; Widiow Tobin 3: made, Agent for P.M .€o. Gerinas aud | Just call and examine my Stock Prices as low =H ry Siceuail, aot Ww eineeday morning last an sceident ocear- | for tile ee om wstored ine and -- $3: ky charities ean tone, $3 30, fo Rnglish epoten. Be "Kew Milverton. ty aa. meee a showing Goods. = 2 > ae | PUBLIC HOLIDAY ret Stratford station, by which » | beantife! rivers--its hills were romantic and for Wis ; Joke Fore a ages to vogey 0 s ik ° fe E > by ails, 7". :' . a -- -- tigre hg in- eee 6 me ragpea wie vomurpeuns for a ne (hus 5 ravelling oth 'se; A. Macnair & Co' Ss CoOKIXS, 80K: 'iN Panton stoves, Pas PUMp he r ¢ sen S| i - 1H, THB rotantly eaggates 6 was lig the County of Wick The u "reek t i Carr : $ 's3 fea 5 ? the tench in-tha sard.. and} ridges "ne a S noble = ers, | Counce thes stloureed Fog itoaday te Sarat peel ehee el cheap. BoSTES -- 8 -y Tr eo. . | TOWN OF STRATFORD seeing the London train coming iw' be etep. f among the Shanasee shé ta. wad | A Apes 9 Sahat eset 'Wx |Great Clearing Sale ! J. t. ODBERT, Zoo! VALyp 20 "30°88 |. : } te the ext * ina Tes perl enepne | Be the Boyne, whose swift runni ag tear en ee 1 Ae Stratford, Ont. = KS 5, Fr j ss aa which was backing up strnek hit and passed | be utilized in tamimg the whee oman eww pli ROME Uh cen heeedenanaimee: ae te w 5 | And mrcoenting soaey, 86 «ower him. No the accid, = sete, Sims, woe annals ELMA. pa, marespebniutinmcting 9 ma . 3 , b = - j of particular note, arge were scat. 'Will commence bead SE Pere ; : Pome | ag discavered bying doubled up under throughout-- ongtle aed} yon cenie gee Gaoe ill sell, by anetion La A a a - * Re STE4 vy 3 tad =) Klein 8 Great Gentine: | "the engine. His wae breadth of the island. Sie cgay Horude Saintag ohe hu: acres of land, du: Tuesday, ee _ Stadacona eee = m s t Sal f . ca wheels having com over it.] very peaty. lesturer & legend | See oe tat ee tae an rece teu! | Wednesday, 2nd Feb.,| meen: Ei a- lz £ nf eo sew mpomangend a sresmtreerty od te ee apne rantl inns conben Tr ees | meats Me MeCulloet ts extending bis tarot} AND CONTINUE POR ONE MONTH, wag to eal! attention to the following amnounee-| S46 > wo MIE Y G ( GOODS, > -- boars, He was G4 years of age, | couple of-centuries ago, and thas weed up | have a good sale. VERPOOL & a 1OMDON a LOBE & & Pel g aati * wand leaves a wile and m family to} the forests im order to prevent the I ~ at In order to make room for THE Li SURANG COMPANY, 4 Gi We) z as mourn his tatémély end. had only, re- | people reaping benefit' from them! God BIRTHS. perp on CTs o i< EPI Ready - made Clothing, ~ sided in a short time, coming here given Ireland a fertile soil--espacions MeGiLtrve.y--In North Easthope, i SPRING IMPORTATIONS. 45> Pay e z E 'from Hawtree, township of Norwich, | barbors--swilt running rivers--a hardy and | "steed, on ihe Wth inst, abe wite of Mr. Archy picts cena Firs end Life Inrerance Company, OL, Crp, ES a piel CAPS A Carric.--In a paper published in To qorananent coun aoe, ond weautths; fin the $b inet., the The whole Stock, amounting to $14,000, will | BIB, present, Yothuess Eats inttrewted O00 -Chandetion 7 § i ronto, called the Nationdt, -we fol the fol-| country, and the brightest jewel Regd Besta nds Gatch. ve the toon he te dt be offered Please note this intimation and govern) BS SPR Io Peng. = |S 3 lowing item, eaxping at a recent article which | Britich crown. The question then | | Mr. W: Blair, of «acm. / ihesateves ghana lead mye «8 S aaa aevenis 'sD SHOES oppesred in Tax Danae: How is it that « maar Fig gt *, Iedend 90) OS ian "+ alae Satan albanien COST_RRICE AND UNDER. Sec. and Agent Statiord Braneb E . % {Wl commence on Uint dux~ at 2 o'clock. Politician, whether tbe polities er} Sore cn" ioe eoalengt te wat Wal Sou" weer s's on. inst, the wite Stratford, January 14th, 76. stall ee . VThe Band will be in attendance "at half-past speaks polities, must needs forget the small | land? Why ists chat (pe canny Sutchmen In Kline. on the th inet., the wite of Mr. This is no shani, buts gequine BONA FIDE. "THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! twelve. The way Goods wil, be slaughtered 'words ware Attol in, hich be shact'anpe of despiens Mine--end. the est Reghe acre at beers a Rah --_---- GOLD & SILVERSMITH. DE: i Cres yon h éf New Goods jui more -- * '« A ' worth ew just ar. Sent F im which to ive . brs ye Tiel on the Ab inet, the "wile of Mr. Jone A . . -- re nae worth jus citieen e to see Pprospec- | it ix on account of -- 'bat | Review on » 10th inet, the oi Pt. x which I will be atte + to sell at wholenie 'tus of the Stratford a ne paper, hés'| these pecple weev old or oe pei Er 3, W. Devlinsol 6 daughter ot 7 Pet J. Ww od i s I Prices. Lecome ashamed of ite gousand') he netsay what. (Laughter.) Ire ae wae awn. 7 : eter Oo S, i i 4 | Nearly a quarter of } x sien seed 'of print. eoncealed itecl!. I te disenss all db roe pn Reem gage Meg MoMtLt47--In Wallace. on the inst, the! ger An purchases at reduced prices for chsh ; 3 ¢| Your choice for 12 je. Public questions ina more kindly tone than | It had been said that " Engiand -- wile of Mr, - . WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, ™ | 6000 yards linen toweling at Cc. per yard. - abs ee eee ee ed rage we eat pet never able > 'pas aa . ue Before Taking... GRAY'S if fe ( fy 25 jaa, Moschetegs and Cornwal? mare OF ' in a ad MeMurziax-- Kerr. woes eh ite Cot wing of ie. Cart * pasertions tei to Soleo, Pome bride's father, 'a the tra ie tks bee KNEITL'S OLD STAND. : SPECIFIC MEDICINE i Bi aa38s on toms at Mi ee ~-wild and untrothfal vtatements ;" asgoring| always a tronble to her. Hej Allan, Mr, John -MeMillan, -reeve of | Stratford, Feb. 2, um, Jewellery at a Discount of 10]. oti be sold «t Se, thim that he-is bat "the sorry helmmmnan of «| believed that a brighter day was dawning and | North Vesthope, to Mine Janet atthe, THE OTTAW roent. ft Pang ape har Saageeorggen Be wy ag es . le. per m poner, Eeyings 1- per yards Government :" that his exeuse for the | that England weuld, at no distant day, give LEXW--At the mansa, Milverten, on the re Pe " ere produced by wer jn the use saan wa 7 oF PERTH WOTUAL "FL. COMPANY. I aaa Basbrobdcry fr * ot tendo is "as brasen a falsthood | to iaviani the privilege of sell-govermment | 8h inet. by the Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr David AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY, - TO CARN PURCHASERS. Sep Eee ane sleckate : but oo pletes Black Lvsiey fr wee. as Was ever @ the four wallsof|and os Pafliament of her own. The cary, te Measoeh Siva, of tomingion. "-- Mosesnn ees bs on PSTARLionED 189, ST ACE OF PARLIAMENT. Pare Grey Alapasas fr le the House af Past " and that he must} speaker then refered to the langeage of | inst by the Rev A Face Rice, Sa] eee TONE |, "Cepia OL AON ANN. <4 Uoerbenimnpotence, abd all Gisasee that fellow | Praperty Sesured, ener jf2syn.0n, Amewet oy | The newest things in drees goods for coming: he "either a foal or a knave" to may such eet: eee Retaet Se he Be oie dem i to Baily, cliost deughtr of | sop, Jamon Skead, Preaident R Blackburn, ER" All Goods Marked in Plain Figures, $e 0 soqomnse of Sal! Abuen, 0a Less ot Rewer? Chaima Paid, $10,000. spring at cost. poor proapectas!" (Tux Tiwes | spoken is workd, refer- . orth, 7 Eoq, MP. Viee-President. Bask, , omer 100 pi of Beoteh Tred, elomant Patteros calle & spades xpade.1¢-has-woaxes to! red memily, to the conversion inet. Foe mugen, eee, on thet ereiidsastinet Preteett ee ' pPebareny Eremsevare O16 Aes. ae eecipaien of butinoss sit? yee ented bie -- aerind 1) Tet tedeed wots faith --by-St. Pat- 'Mr damca Beles, 20° Mise Jane 'Ane ovter, | Deventted of Policy Hosters, All Kinds of Repairing Done and Warmatet. | SntS*Tresmature re na of wh as a rule, a daa feoen toe se sad train in ' . it Send - cauted om path coe Bast Ba ca v4 whe rick, shewing ae pore Some without Paere Me ~ At the = st te $80,000:00- __ = ____Mo trouble te show Goods. - tehare a ror in ae apes set Joke sna Pee Siesitard. © a pleces black browiciuth amd worsted sttended wacenmbed |" bride's father, on i a -- -- | the Specie resut view Preskiuat, Boabes- Rtradbeed teak ins the YALA. to the power of Patrick's preaching as by | EK. Renwick-sir, W llfain Heury Pratt, of God: | Ineures againet Loar or Doings by Fire or | Stratford, Feb. 2, 1876. Ltt | eaty aod many treating | + 9 tner; c The Tailoring Departrint ande the menape. __Stratfe place ) ¥. c00m4,| stroke df an enthanter's wand. "Afler| etieh, tC third ds: of Mr, Wen, Lightning. these particulars in out | 2. 3 Manan. oe ot PS Bierson, the last Friday evening. Ti was the? } Proud-tmpenial-Rewo had tation prostrate, | 9 Matheson, of Rima. At St Marve, oni Stratford Paper Bag and Paper 2, wiles Wy Seize te Nene free by weet Tene Deputy, Downie, New York- Cutter. Fit guacauleed «vay 7 the third annual mapting of the Maple Leal fhe cea ohr ghia ga gee the | "tive lsth tact. by the Ree tobe Fottinraieiss patie Sompen Sapa ee by Yetning Mt Hox Manufactory. 'The Bpecite Medicine is sold by all Druggiets f mgt nage ' ' or no nate, B.B.C. Precisely at-ight e'clock the maet-{ Mareiless Hun and Yandaland the golden | Se, Eaiwas rduegaeo -- Farsers wilt fete their advantage to i= oa oe tcaisten taccis af the mousy, by ea: | James Brown. Bay. FM Fullerton, Heavy Pastore wi te coded. Seta per yay bene Place to the iron one of grimn visage war, it] Mirie'e aig Fol the oth 'nce, tae | A HEAD QFYTCH.~ Victoria Chainber, Wallington spit ee m7 raiiay ow WILLIAM GRAY & Co, y Wioeew AGE: ot and [eee tesiend thet snatebed the sapling taper | Jonathan Ma nerd, to Miss Biizabeth Burton, | Street, 0 bec sites ou the oh its Sp a , Req . Fx-Reove, Mornington. aia igen He Sod naans end mabe 's here. nim a boty so> ci>--Cavernea--On thé 9th Inet, wt Bae -- "" gxames BLACESURE, Foraliers ood Fancy myers A Wake ante a " Hgbt whilst Taridence of the bride's father, Li dy the ------ ee HENKY A, ASHMEAD, NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toront. mental darknexs -over- | Key. J. W. Bell, SLA, Mr. Downld RRUTHERFORD, -- * ro. Wihelacole Agente. ip ayer opener a err ey cons Ramgnenet: x. US Dae Agent, coanties rerth, 7 Wellington, esata trae of yer Hak musk (Qvire--Howrow-- bs and . " ~ cogemen "Talend 'of anlate "it was: dure | °Tarcter"y" ght tamwent i the sak jt. | HAMS O04 SOs wawtnp oe 4 Stratford ae Shop od aad good man Set Nar shores. So pranch | 5/5 ors meacisien-Ab- 06s peitdinns gf ime "3 : nates ea i i go Ribbon from; Deas Goods trom 10+. prs Pa font, < Ss = Jeseciamnins Falted Cots ®> wil tnd} Wetet sek: Sy Santer Mnaet sci | THE NEW ERA MAGIC STOP -|-----Mr._F. i COULTER, or cementite | ae ir ci "tekia Denke Wide © __ ortho simi Janey ehisat daughter ef Mr i oe tie bok, Stratfor Planing Mill Vase ie oe 2 amg) ORGAN ssanghey ete cae sire et aon? 1 ion tothe wants of the Dit pes | Dobseco Sater of patron AK Sun"ee 4 a USAGES. Daly' 8 New 'Block, Manufartured ditty, on the warrant ed Freeh and EMERSON N PIANO. Ontario Street, near Odbert's Tin Shop, Whang he itt keep on hand a @holes Staak of -TOCACCOS AND CIGARS, AND ALL HINDE OF SMOKERS. SUNDRIES, Sesame | wah oe Meckiteps, | 18 fees Woinen's Prane!. "at bo prctay 4 'Men's: prea 52; ~ Bearlas Foods, 'Ue iuest gre ewes Sais ar tok completes "3 pair; Mea' Kip Stogasy Gaiives, 3 eh A other 8 tbe kes