Stratford Times, 19 Apr 1876, p. 2

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Pon : S pansy seed 7 : : pager: wy = : ose severetnaite : ee - . x aa : Ree eto wpe : ; : z : aie : = . ' " ee : i = > - yin as ie ie : S peer ; . -- ~ ee centenary - ad . (Boe vas: oe tis ee Z ~ --o ht tel + 7 re ainiea . . Re as ; : " - = ° n=aeirad : hy rr a Lee, See, Kucmabetidball, over Poser stores ATT "¢ ert sett | sie 8 pg te cig ore eee ra . ' ' * meyer Be. W. pik, sree 4 1 . - x Spring 5 ' Soe i - ? z rs - i ' y : en i on fae S85, . STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL. cetmnnwtreet oconptad cree seer an « ESE icine paaretakt| REGENT HALL 7 ; 7 jl ne 7 'Tie Come" inet "oa "Monday "evening. : : ed Mac Mac y oe : , wei e ne > " -- . . ; Jobtn Read, reeve . Seo: Sas "KG. MACKAY & €0.- : . A prepared to chow the contents of -- = ' , : _ Oo : . - "at Birmingham ntreet.-- a SS = s Gs smitas See onl i Macgregor and others, for cutting erat ee eg ae i _ * building" vidiwalke on. Cente sn ee E ' - re me sm ey Vv A Ls I 5 'ie = ~ ater _-- Ever tap wacrree eee 3 a dec pia prs ~~ | DRY GOODS 7" peutnon wanna from BABE ALBION BLOCK. sT # F FOR D ' ~ , 2 gee nah '| Millinery, Mantles, Fancy _ ' a 3 . * seceaari . : TERLOO ASSIZES. PY ratte : Goods, Carpets; ee iain vie ? wiiPs, CURRY-COMBS, BRUSHES, -- ------ - axe - _ ~ pncaenar atenn stint We take the (otlowing sommary of an | council to pay Mr. Boswor RSE CLOTHING, ETC. J. & R. Forbes @ ngs, which for real a -- portant Arial, uhh ee o8 at the soles | comet, far 1 " AVE for salen number of pew and second apatine, fi ty, for volume, and for =: Seem -- i ' = fe _ eld | cL Tat week; tro tien Galt diee cee ne Dr. Shaver's cfice, Ontario BL aS Ge vd teres. Bungle, at Double Harness, 'cligance of style here te arenas _ pot __ -- to beve- Doard af W = agree te Sh Mae - + nian kgs es 2 ' : u 7 ao caso of Hasenpfing ¥. sen > Was ew ove Coen--vee? hand eb heer sul Hoarding stables as re sinhcianaiaainieapeseimans mee : , Tailway, axone Ont sor ranean a Et fama MeTaMGeh pea pet to hare etry Apt " "Kal stateton west mesh eensl STG . - eee -------- ---- : De 'Tattar 7p EY = --- -- me as Sty Cheaper a me : = sommes penal oe the wth sof the te the tawn of Water- | hat they were instructedsby the Gas Co., wel a 1A78 1" 10786. STA DAC SONA ee sore caer any her me a : a = how, ogg on that OY, Te er of = eect ae i a MERC pe tee an ae | --_ ° pone pe EA tbe jury, foe whieh | The co pay the bill and sro Importations! T is Fire-and Life-In "nore romprehencise. bad atirective (has or that a the day meee Iwstion, and the cation as referred to KAD OFFICE former ocumoean. thee lk a the secant ow saisniel Ronit A. G. MAGKAY & CO., seeaiceninies . . . Grand Trank ok corning fre = ' {wo3 & . 14 Me ; ~ eee : = PSE sod tender 08 BNE & ct ARK ass -- KOENT watt 7 not flocking t A pear daar fn demeieih tei pee, a) T : : ~~ a narrow space for a. eon, © airy oar : Re iz fit ees 7 i . ; OF "E : - . bthers that of the j (inane | Fancy and pet Da Goods, : , / - a ee 1 aaa CLOT UNG. MATS AND | Teta! Lowes, - hand pas i " oars. 5S Invested Puts , alii : iad passed the E 4 1. assoumnent forms, ~y227~ Hebert my a ee = r -~ --o _ : _ . . te ~~ y . shi Company foe wo a toa -- _ " _: - o: ane' . mhe PTR T celnrsl Sowaget. ' saga.» Thes ~ say oe kane = seu ' GEO. -- --- ste tw saat haved eatin to eae" aa tbe, 3 wrascs Srearron BRANCH, _ a aor - ; ection WEE SOs pegs ere fiat TRS tries = name noERD: * POR RSW STN SC EER RSE STE TOT : t KISS -- 'Con mo Met bon usmner handles 81 aorre Oe ie Er Lae Cee ow Tre . on a_i ¥} = j L * oa! *. Lae ore *) m ae bo Oe a Co cee eee a eee ent as "RAS HABYSU MPEP AMES ENED, be BROT & wecatinn jc Soe Se ys h. __ " . 7 ee ' was." i col b Forrresd 5° . a . ped 'othe plank om, HERTS es for, clothing 'can rely The Bask the Strongest, tha Neateet end the 3 s = . awe be pane. end advertising." Pia 2.MG-- (finance): | you petting a cheap and Tashiowslie adit: a. Seeepent Plough in the Market. 3 ; ua ron "0 ropaising, te F, W.& G.) --" ia Ff ira = Toor the defence, the Tae CUTTER Nee York Fashion Plates 78 le thal the tygine = Tho C Cemetery Commitioo reper that ; We : : ' way ogeter. nt ee Le hail visited the eeme = ies re recsived Mon ¥- - = i , = a iper condition ; they asian th x > Cy wa be ae j efopes, and wae fob E Ie yadgn bo mati S maple tree atid THORNE & CLARK. tI an ee ? * ies : i Leaasaststt ee . _Strattor'. 4 April 9, HR 7 "ate The ber taal SE Au ceantercatents garment water tee) heme | gy| mnt ocpanTet t ter wm len ciel , enaral rl he own t = _ eebnening 8 atitl on . 32,575, ¥ oie tr rules of th gratified a at i the | fifiee oars Anction Taos, Be. 4, Old _Strattont, _Cemetions ple Row welthes in Thee, eis Albem Bor ¥. = Fascy Starters ant chet Sidhe ty the a . capt fe eal 4 2 Latin ottunn ated tn teen od aomety. wr --~Pashionable ie Tailoring. tae A mace Me meen Fe ang Se errperinteby Street ferret, Agersh 12, be h. PRASEN Teas t scquetnt tle his oF ene hee BY rey ws vs Fibers, Armures, Unies anient plots tor i fa if theg | 15% trom and patrows that be Wit, nuit fershee Re Ane anacaes. Vowns, ¥tain Living ~ = =ailee money. wild | 1876. SPRING. 1876. notice, found teu oars south af se deter a pr i! ¢ he will A Acag he . x = " Eniest boy. «" B = ™ to the town, Hs ale omen | pag Ta here be i] bag a Se AEB [ESgioakiet' nt mete cHOW ROOM OPENING ! 5 ce = " Peter, "32 " 289 2 . rene ; © Chavis. 8 monte #0 tan THAEs- ramets nreone sh Miss McLEOD NTLESIAN AN F eertetre ohio Se a Hows yest, _ = --_ aarst by Mr. se grog 7 of re } wes & to inform the lalive of grextfont i GEN i M + aaa charts, ae ts ant oe "seen as ts Crete OS =-- eee en alms - eat, F i that berunfier only we ---- a J a wail obs ates hes san ap ; Fe ahing © ath, oon venpte ' aia tel . itece be required ts saat od edd vicinity, Was ebe wal eon [Ww Bo anise Krteakd tte oboe beet festa pearresecss an Sho, bettie . i eotsee ne eagreanttttn= Tt. 2 ae AXS ST 2.5 parties Paving Ducivess trast A 5 se AG MACKAY & Co 4 . ss : BS bens ar th sets See J . ner *) ax aT ers -- oY eurkar Es Sen ae pk patel ps enn a mage not xrw NE mtn HE Ft. « nm, tome ork -- ae ST , rie Op ireet, we were ee etal! thak crers | "A mpotion scan pasred antiwtsit SEW SPRING MILLINERY. | S75 sy ee aeesauceg tt CEPARTMENT E- ™ a ae sign he carne to he bat tw suse his hend it | gy proceed to Torte aaa! ae Ot a ener: a crude 7 . ov emenwe wie é an sce ander -- and bh bes ge that wl iat to the Licas.-Governor in regard to a PRENCIT, ENGLISH a AMERICAN ey WE WILL, ON . . =~ . * plag | kpectal CBT NCI, ESG * a day arnmie. Apeute ated. Ow . ; ' x sa eenye ae nil pave Lessending time & H ts, eae ree, TRUK & Cp, Aucrate, Mall" } Wednesday,19th April, sea on sng aboat | at ol Decode epi xe Bonnets a VALUABLE R OPENING DAY, ~ worthy, proprieiot of the} MePherean's Ss under, snd Hxing he © i ou: ° . eatsute tirebar- ftion of taxation frota Uhat dag. -- Passed te warty obatylet PIGPOEY py ~Sale, : ro merchaime ia ae the dour saw Sy-taw appending @ health eflcors for hat A BEAUTIFUL peoRT MENT or > > wt x oda. eam " art ticking year Tel -- a a .---- sachet Fi oe capes canten fo nena " when someting | on mijou che s ce Dp Fars - ate oe Sane . <r lL wv duckots, & roWN OF 81 UST RS Bg Tats ew cere rd to be & = | PELDARTON. wien 9 Cae seonecied with this Departinetg rareworthy eat she bold | Gjaneil met aa Monday, tire intl inst, aLBo-- . Letail an on hie 4 Lat | pera all present. A by des 've eapest appoint Flowers, Feathers, Sttke, Laces and Nets, A. G MACKAY & Co Hy abie to stond fromthe Me a teg the sete va kona Tar alles, ireulars for ut dts go away. After @ ee kote en Ka sn Jae Gowtn In the most delicate shin! yor ee eT at apa oe our opemng aay. ed" largraace, Be |) ¢ ett : siagieronciel berms A. G, MACKAY & a however, reluctantly took his de fe rs mr 'ir, TED- ily a shert time on acto streets When jdven, 8 D: he sie! wat iit 0 the loek-p, by order of the fees rin W tarper, Deas soon all io see «|. nator ys a ver dite, ee 3; goMING ! - EXCELLENT ete ag 8 FOR a sate ° ' } 2 "| Bordwell's sea Hibernica,|" ; ~ afiarnoon. 9 very Gecen not pet im at alle We. ALAND that it is thelr inte: ation t0 bos! . regs bed MIRROR OF IRF to ting: putt tet om of tits c Moor ay ns dg hig aye pus whats | a at wari, France-German War Tableau. Pare F Leversas®- / Sr eg alarm ules oe | uy ate tet seit etoa Bi jtel HALL, STRATFORD, van fo preetics. Sel Sate ta : Siete mrs Orne act es mn pom tacrdey, Pivavaday abd Friday, Ape 1th, if . the B ural ri tog ground Marnt fed goth and Det. art. After some . Roest Bain, Arbogast, that a . . 6 oe Te meat bn Mr Y . = To nee ae ie anne ae or ates in 00 PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY NIGHTLY. ' anak rine ok: er rorks B® every Hearemary. ie - 4 ms x ' " ' at eg sfaggomd mattel oF Fotieecterre dE ~ Admission 25e- aint B* ne Will endl Bessy foe i ' . the water. na arnt Gin ee eee 2.20, for cr Coatlars t [a oe avlyar peng t the benlgs Matinee, Thursday Afteroon, at the intest Atmerican 'Caushermere Gunps for dre lee bet iets 5 Ladies end Childrea. Admission to Matinee, CASH ONLY aad sacqwe trimmings. Coreta, new styles, Datiows ae oe deter Shen Onistoen 1 : Steck, Gayman at American, al Sahel x ; pent stations \ 9, 1870. " " i caett tem fult faabe- . aod mes rks beige ot eat we ; MHL Bain, one ne Giving his customers the benefit of, Sey GENS Sie and ine al esd . * 3 y Laat sTO. ' sees, Laces #1 please: observe . * Large Discounts off for Cash. | recipe of our pomeres pertain, ekiort See ge a ies Cregeen "-- MILVERTON. vn | Gate i foouphinn 9 : "ich pei ss n aes SORTA at: wae ei "ad pei prenind ee : Pee ee AY SURE Pe ay ional ore The Largest Stock. te od. rine Or deen. ee, iio i "4 Sates oo 4taee® ee ing that Meyer ---- Sow beore in foot mks ih ahae too poten te ~ ae oe +3 pe = se Games wil ba gr Miverton, where ie wil 1 heey, eT ee aaa oa Rg oR MMB : co semen' ne Pate . e = "ee hates male pipe "aoa ia ---- owast Prides! 25 etka on ae arnt men In STRA' RD. : ik ut f Spectaliy ied for 3 The § ase ll ty Maly Ape ri} BA br 8 TFO a ; 2 ee we ftrattonl; April S above tact, -that when wheal weSthe rrp atl ------eneenae a . . go mmatier ne Da taiking pean, 68 ' also ie 6 Viely er, per , eon, A eal, ern sai ms . - gutless pees toe pet 09, SE aft, pat JOHN BROWN, an . . : = Se, Ses tainne pet ~wrtinke--and---wery + areseiranrivataionts Se == Ee 's Cent: E bechalge Broker, « coon : anufac tory: «- - Sed at cost. ~ : eukert road | i fuse seneknental | hoe Stratford. ont. Sshihe { child of Mr. wat } eer ner. 02 Tah | ens 'Frerunes D FUTTINGS OF ALL OES-|.- ° : 2 Se bere eat cohen ee a i Df Be: Nob York, Aart . ' ° a in marriagn at elicited. 4 " An work done ty ine be warruated snd sill be a | auean ent ete J. J. ODBERT, '. ba 1976. Pinnwci«, Tapemery, three phy Excra. Speer, , allowed on Deposits. s saorve fr ' ve _ Stratford, Apr, be a aspepantecntteiies Seen ner eg facta ot the wo event Vctice to Stockholders GENERAL TICKET. ANO rae waka. eA : x fo "and exesadingly| -- "?" puatay. ov ta8 - refer "it ut « et

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