Srastromp, Werwesnar; Argtt. Toth, 1876, ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. The subscription to. Tax Trurs ts only 'paper . 'address; nod 8 one dolter ditt. 'exhibition of bulls anu staliins will be al 'im Stratford; to~ Wn» parcel ins flocks of wild The were out in great force, bat the number of pigeons securod was infiteal- sare, letter am: = #5 -reenkved,. bat. et . Sara -" ok Shas fion of Mint MeOonachie, the Le Mr, Minne Kauhnan, © art their proficiency ia testifiew tint both tearbers Lae ape apylied themselves to thelr w a BLANSHARD. -- the altarngon. thee pape E in bith -- Da ihe 6th inst the ihe inhabitants of Wood. Gad of Dini siete sneer th | finn mates Sl had Pusdes rang, exnliting chit - te Cangtitthe hed echoes and bier very Foca.» Lares e coarmernie fo thee 21st ee Fierce Traen the fests When havoc bed hi biennial tiaeneeeentone . Oa ge groves tbe at ork SiSemperierend 1 EIAMA. Hea Sicesa poset bes alin wep fod " , font Wisp Dis hent = The muni; cour} the aieashig ti as . Elma held a special menting at Newry, on-pae hnath, o teotels of a Minutes of fast meetin and adopted. | Fis tat Kal ey rant Mahe s was pasved ' nim! ¢ bet rp aa Ral parochiong. re Ganon genre oH or the "FA Rowe sod at eqeakling *oSep yM, the amoant to be which Then lan ham', besoath oe gallery's shade, na i oD el fabactry: way 1s $a, ipetading provincial and sounieipal | FM 2 Cock Seat neta | Ree = opted Blan = a a OE foifowing orders wero issued ow tis tre treasurer: et raind os trong guru set --Torvtlo Globe, $7.20. foo i Tot BE | jet tds hin wate Th Tass, Persasee, fp age ' Thee Shakeersat's ye! Piles ves the tein! strings His during Aust he! anew creupon glgwe? romped, Su! ye tee Ieee ah ts fuel. 'hat were M, sabe fale. oe the alarm nal. fire. About 3 o'clock Rei ages Poo) Has tabi, , wit! im, m., the store owned _b fs | Matred. ih 9 ylaace: |} MONDAY, and euperiones| inanertacterine eotiing ix Satyr, tI Cited the sersiort oft founide Anuerioan Cutter tras Utes, ad - i 10th. INSTANT, Foreign and Domesijce Clothsand Tweeds, THE READY- MADE CLOTHING poe A Hats, Caps 4 Furnishing Goods | JUST RECEIVED D. W. Cumming & bain Btrattond, April 5, 1970, Fifty Acres. of Land Frou BALE, E uuderighed offs she tom half of tt Tu ever ss Flow wadPerd Storr, MARKET SQUARE, STRATFORD, SRR Te we 3 |goun. MocINTYRE' 'S sae te ten = 20H A. BRUCE & CC'. TURNIP SEED, ot eight oF ten stifferant varieties, epich gave tlufaction last yrag. 40nE wintils RE. [-- Rraterdt Apt t Children's Carriages. C. B. JOHNS & CO., Symes eccere-actasen=: {Stock of Children's Carriages, | Ofthe very latest styles, and of @indsome fiabwls? €ALL RALLY TO ORT YOUR CHOICE. FURNITURE. id ter fernitare ts increasing eo enlarge our shew room, and k for the epring trade. Weare now ta furnish dwell: ings from ecllar Ww As our deman are comnpetiod to xo our wtie ipa wh meannipsiaanignant monk: ERENTOR, HD. balhOw, & Ble: = Piet Fordin, sa Seeds, ret wt Ques Unineraiy eas * * 1 Bu pier OWee- Sebotte -- Pract sae aorgret ih anne ory Steatieed dtr hk tate of yo i nee sn "Outdriox" Werrasted -- sieht Fresh aod EO TEN re are [ee be os ------" "HE EMAN TAUBEL, Lycee Avctionser forthe Co, of ear eat = ea eo Cemees Gesthl motes He 2 Ticked Sttivereon. _iite verton, Feb, ot, ds ~ Choice Fruit Trees. LE ts a potent the Saree rewren Smee Prag) a "Soreanatng at tre choieest-rarter {oe of Pruit ead Ornamental Trees, which he. wrt anh ww the test favugaiile tarima An earls | call sotictted, SA. MoCARTHY, Saxe. a "tratford, Marc Direct from : Portland, . Tias om hand adhd ie regularity receiving a very thoteo latal waren JEWELLER, ETC., ETC., aco aE Celsbrated ate Elgin and other Wat tehes, Wate hes, Glos locke. ee Rha of Samy ad warsgntes, "Stratton Jan, 5, 196, Albion Livery. Ge siogh Borer sndeatien Ai , 'Ail tend. i debreaiien: ed to promptly aa at ao roe Str tort, Jaunary a Sm 1. -- | . ? | 2 ie 3 = p. & Pte &. ee eee = Fe hl : £LPseE=S mee IddS a PIO GS 48 VIC "pazoT ir ~ i } { | "OQ %» atynodo niet Tps' } se dg Jo 4T oBre, ys Ayrensn 'owe 3 O ' 1 4 BS td "# 24 $493.63 a emu inmuvenine cine 'The vem of punts 7 eetosalararat anti. was diseaverril to be on 'tre. Aad Jeatnuny, tha deems anatmunders, yet mores: seer Cty la the wntzsstom, N PH as + " pi Wh. Russ SEL. Praprieter. 2 eo ticeusee rg "am - aiddock, Sale, Gurnet, ! ry - 'the County of from: xt March to tat | with the store observed Catheart Meee Reeth saree = mitered a =e Abent on. perv. £9 esared | POT FORGET THE PLACE. : x ra one . mh ontaniencl bees to notify the pubtie Q men! ie © ---_ stkea, the balance Le ay Ogeters, sbe., as us pu May. The big hanl wil! take place next | to be ina blaze. Mr. Dinsmore and fenalty ' weil taalcred woot tamd, 'Ther < hsa frame howe and | ¢ Vant the New Brewery durind the na Se q 'week. barely to esenpe with their lives. "7 Sone perat c. B. JOHNS & Co, chs bent Fenn tee Hes in the Market. od enasiaws, 0 orking order and be'ls o, g : ifinee a desinndl . 0 Any attempt to save mythinn waa "Boelgss, "AEEX: GRANT, Deaters in Stover, T tt 2 mt] oo amd leave your ontere | PESP* ' ou F Bu Mar These Kr Mina, pense. salle Sa | 5 oan Us BF is about Raed Yaga Sm ees ar tata me 4 serattont,-Apeit ty tem 4 aoe erie Mrusiig enone -Steattonl Mai. Zo. Pale le and Amber As Oo 8 o "sag England last week, We learn that a res: and ta Mr. Shier about £2,000, _W | Now dronping o'er the hallow 'd tomb bs Ons ad Re Pisin, nnd Covers "Vai short notioe and ow Rim &. - a ia, eoreestbes meee te ay tar]. Sees Rebates the, Wilron Howse, THE NEW ERA ERA MAGIC STOP. a _p-3 Bk 2 Reinarenrerseomemmietsirnie tg, Sooraced native Reale, inst | paemee Se Danae : Were wey mts wo meson LE SPIDATRD. setwean tis. Drrte_ant AKD-PATHICK STREETS, : 3 S fs , , | sittenest mee pa age ue on naan = "ORGAN ao eae eS Tiga a 2 GF oat © 3, Maieg fers or male or ren spring tock. ae ee Gro Ts aks | PRPs Peery scat ewe aor we | aera "COWERST PERE : buted tothe work of an incendiary, Teng eT Eczetiont neoomnsation ter only - + -fienbort tas §, 1am, = z eo Q -- - wis fart 'Sire Oi cowl nn and med the ee ee acter a ALL EDVERS.OF FLOWERS 1 WOULD. : Ser reeieameoaed 2. S aris on > ene street, between the BEAPORTH. ag is) WILSON, Propeining intiigate that {ba And-the celebrated The Amon vd + ---- bg a RESET. : wr. ety SES = 7 _ Thats rise the phantom throng, ft re vanadate noe ty 1600 Large Fiowerteg Plants EMERSON PIANO.| RL 1 BERNARD, tees to announce es 4 ° = cima! ema ee Memes Sem pete nit rts sine | House & Lots for Salo. | Sauer SEU] ae ronase or njonteti be sop, et Seager] cl neem nner ¥ 'hes olf bie re tthe | Kd deeifed on the hotel in Seaforth whic | is othe wrss-o Sct xs ad rat eee ees so * BAL MARSITALL, a FAME! ite | 4 the following: --Thos. Stephens, R. Car- en eee ae Ward. The lota are 9 amd If, O'Loaue's surrey, | MUUSE AND BEOOING PLANTS KNOWN: a Sener | Wem | nn a atian , Alex: Devers: Thos Troe, Peter, Suimes | isan umeee ce salar sabbaabed.. Kor tartar, parti intiviheeay neaamenengeesaepenteniaianceas naan i ott |S meete mando proper mee 4 Weir and, D. - oie oh goods cod faithlews vl H Or to ROBERT 7 AnwoUR, ae HENRY, My Stock of Ivies and other Basket Plants. such 'ork ned monte F2 : i fortunates atrock off :--S. Powell er Ser tex vic of hls vuire! focks eee Stratford, M. a Pind An [uepection ts requesied at an marty breed a ae . a ox, iano without tive Maxnet Sysere in ~ and a ig a ag D. & J. Curry, Michael Pureoll, Robt. Hays, Tse fireside texezstewand the fubed page, oom jot of oetrasoenta with Foo to satisfy youreel! S*i ee Rooms for Cosmorctal Tenvatars the business in Stratford, pacha: Merida, W. Andrews and Mr. Daw: _ : THMy "peapreny Copoarg arg, oS OSHA | of thietr auperiarity Sod eta mites rune te oud from ell teaine. | | There hae bees utered in the Strattord Cus, son, certainly sympathize with 7a Sokn eam Seth, the quod to chares and "her, 'KOSNVUL ¥ B00 Stratterd, April 4, 176. T. HAGABTY, Proprietor, | Sur, Deparment she lalge nuniber of 44.000 Hays and McHiride. They own the property | } ih cor ty gme fol ae + os F The iargest Stock of Sheet Music in Merettend, Jan. 5,1 1873, to W. S. Robertaan, man- = ke whieh Bing of cary | and it ia 'conparaiiely And guider wig. aroryo het teey: f-~ ee neas pert WA I iT, aioe Canada. aumnican Horet.s eipalty soi b and thay Rage home pete: " ig [Powe "tr y wie pal ba "Tat wane io bal WAREHOUSE Stratfon!, March & Poseation Toot Meal for 20 cents. Cocktatis, saat 08 tenn, ieee fen : = Ter sccomodation for teny ees See ra PALACES ene einen sort. aw, ee Oe | con pe dw pace not agg hobo The same beat act = > : wee ae | a Ms ea bot ont ait ay Oe ---- PRADO WEP. SHLD ART | ~RQptarloStpeet., Five : BOE Saiptasee, bal.3e ger anew tm yortection. yea > crit ee i eee ee eee ee (ew Spring fioek oe Gentoo tie ea a pot oat seine nes "hago aye -- roi 3 S a Kibiere Soaiter shop. = ; STER, "OT = E a § a diery ih wari ite meltty, i-R< 3 ae . . ' Patera teen Tz ¥v " 'op Tet = aad ' Yo ne Fei * New Fork = Mr. ae an Teast opposte aoe Pitta Litem i) i) b Peed ee Mon gol Partova, a3 cegC "in B Whe ved Ret) i. « eeet end erred Weta dna Fs Try em gr | eee : tc appinte | SHIBFOOUD JONOOIS MIN | -- eievons oats ond itaries or fists ond {EES B acee penetra es ota ttl sclasis the ofline's altel Ces ns alate 4 | Ayamgas wv sno Oc Nee designs in Sevece Decora- x $ A. Stratford, January 12, 1974 Ly aon i louse, Station, : John = the fires eving, and de Hee Sled oavy f tions for Walle and Ceilings, Statuary, ' c £0 fa NEWCIGAR & TOBACCO STORE| Ssatom - a te TsGe{ eo paver tbh Beth Sim from the chmtek rovhiag | WOSNYUL > 100 5 +2 ' 'Te ENWARD PAECKERT would notity the Parmers wil! please Call and Examine * 'was ll for some time before of he Soor; the psoas ik © was a bas of Where bi » dead * wears Heed is guahing ; I "SUSSAN Also for salo tl © celobrited gz "A a & east Soe at be hse opased « - wate os 'het on eantog pusteen th-e0e bent ae alo demolished, and worm «eel Ss £ bie See ninen where ee ~ gur Stock of ~ SER Be GRE ory ee, be Poe [a othe = a Reet going. ee ti : Opaqued ¥ Window Shade Cloth,| 5 °m | -s fal eunrchast pg ctnoet benno 'er wane My caver Siac haga Ei deity ted tae! i + SS Lt "| m Pe fae pe improve and Toga ST ueandreae fyand jn chance on the hee oulaune sits on ooter aay peaks .} SarEEOORD feta Render. S go : A, @ ige pipes, pouenes. bolders, €<. Cigars . : ;, exiabliah; Ate SEY night, amd wheta ber humgry soyasocry i so p WwW. -CRISPIN, 4 aa 5 Pp -- or roi nigga ecall . - ergs Se. Goceen's- Dae We ore tack tneets "iiven:tiea cansit-af- donaiinenonn - i d a a O¢ - : - L d R ll } spaaiie teenie -------- of St, James' Oster Ga Memiacy. Tvs Freak remariet that _ S 2% or ag an ce] ers; saa Church, t 'aveu und rema at GENERAL PAINTER. = i : : 2 pec wits of te Bt. George" A ney: OF thi Sie that Gay te ul te gad mensie 0 Neo plac NEW TOBACCO STORE £7 Johding atton ted to with despateh. Firnt- g > mC)! q 7 services for this in ths . ped see bow 2 pile hire "Vee scourge of esgih Ube store of heaven, Mr. R. Hi, i. COULTER, pepetitctel = ae ae eee g z S << ine George's ee; a Fhe chor sift wne-einde The. He Gly uswopt and nalorgivas, are or Srapron,) Stratton', April ten = * ae t Broad-Cast Seeders : "prelase some new chorals and snthetha on [4414 )tichment has been» enous two] take sad vrai tee Barely reiien.. Degas te aznamnce to the people of Btrattort wna} + ; : 2 Cl is : be, the oncaxion. hi is moved, thes ------ ment- wes and considerable Liquor has, no doalt, the may sonatry Soak be Nek amore te JOHN F. FREEMANTLE, " 3 ELS eed i a - . x ba bo * Strattornt~ ss. eon tutred ont: AlitGouyh the battling 15} owe, trem! Jing wig t ohall insect eeitbenitiong Th Ww ly Bl c Acerime hie 2 , Dell banger, % dinspen 3 3 i= v9 rg AnD at E poofltradar well as en Wf seers yr eaileness andisin a pabtio | ine eke lef sing cagics sweep? e averly OCK, | nrauswteh-se (f2ut doors east of a td KS - * ~ are teat -- ------ . tia aot of fe ne ighbers in sel weinity ie etal My J akgareegle wr : Ontario Street, next dvor to the Albion Hotel. pede "i aeak She " od an rien rrtarh Ve work & OQ mo s . ade | s : ung, MineTEMR.---The Rev. C, Walker's lecturoon lied any suspirion' pi dag t Bs Sitges Gace A eas, We nere hewitt Resp on etestee tecen ot} EGS ect bee ~ _ ao arantoed. a 3 CULTIVATORS . Pes te aay is > tena -- warirall i} some = rae = nena en "8 cretion sik 03 AKD 8 fort Marhia Work ~ ot a . ' = : lk gp pr pp app WREAK. Termount eri te eel becree ith euokErs gononies, ET STREET. on - a a aang tat heh never sed th 4 a 5 ah ere wnt cts meric pe sor eter Neapnaln ca Bk _ CHILDREN, = te ae 'e Ta --_ = tae » col f avtee de ler hung AIL. roprio! aaa 2 snnenaeae ery, the Titers, us week vere wom tg ve where 8 Web ontoved aa low ns first clive articles m2) Rtrattord, Jan. 5,07 "one 'TO THE REJOICE!! SEED ORILLS, 2 ot ita nea a sarpeieed bis ape pee eter te scent tf ihetornt gare where Shakespeare be sold, A call katiciterk« Hi IMPORT -- x i tho perc. ex | Seem dmb Trani ope gem aay fs "rn covrren, {CHANGE OF BUSINESS. aes worthy friead Commodare | BS red was totaily un- re Taney we Can ; ail to er fit Btratford April 5, 17s SRE Ae ae = Sareis, his ontenus i t have heen mere ot tees "Heat it feria ared mbowtt five | ar a anal ghory's wenpdied YY. RE N. A. Bos rth pe tebe: $5 - stand by: kis stehamncat "IMMA fae. {Ms sory sys eniaht aes Bese bere ont of Pie te i Sa a Sn» me | Spring, 1876 Market Drug Store. FUR N 1 T 2 ; - = Plows and Gang Plows Wi pore se. set China than the peopla Tiitbuk too moral a place for Unrma to bell | gy) 25 Oya ct ind ae a ; ws 1876 Tete ea ts Ar Pricer to-nwit the Hard Timét Mas receives. the largest saoainn oes Ph . "| fartisien to wome place 1: aitald = rays dn ie shes mad = " nd the public, that they Lave dispower of . lant: ' = Sap he Blau" i | ee pam rin | EARNS RA, pring, pian Cemtnurernamfejaetecse | emp caus : aw Caceed Sespre ie: sha) Thaenp-|| Re reer onan mene ee tt soon ai A. Macnair & Co MR. J. we c ULL, eS -- Ever broagtt into BEFORE PURCHASING. : son, charged with stealing cattle from Mr. | ox 3 to connt the . OTURES FRAMED 1N ALL sTmaTroRD. bs: d4ioveulock, Seaforth, received "the benefit pen by the society which be terms that etme raring TA na dey ae pers Py 1 chat -- of engres perience sa 9 Chemist PI STYLES. 40 cext 8. oe peesine mae re pomienenee ania ek el "Ades peo. to. infor in Sa ot Ae 7" nA Drege : Drrrenext Srrizs ¥ "ola | cae cane oni fe ger thas tl tty of theh walare se * nya eg Ziet, whn fey have condense ia pe : dadge Lizara, before whom he-clected to be | village aiready, and although they are sas We ce! et =e aaa SPRING IMPORTATIONS, Bane ceuthiaance of the Daetdens oo largely Sar * Pe Beloeted toom the bast ? 2 "tried. Mr. Andrew weer, of Sernigton togulariy organizel, ye A they are well known | Whe 'oe aud. goudocse round the altar stand Betcotort In the hest markets and bought for euded to therm. No. 89, Ontario Street, Opposite the Post dmevtins en © not swear that he individnad dele to thad soci y, hey the face Learning's annulate@ tram, aad beanty's rated MACKINNON & Ce, Office. Maaufactartn, . . ~who stole his pi altboagh | he believed hice toters eur custemers the best amb ane » : Bok = We offer a trial of the sbovenam- | Ae piss put on, amd ind fantt with the leswet | Realms yet inborn, in accents ew --, meek: PMS fies the 'teal . + he 'Thy song shall Jearn, aodd Mew it for recy own. yo ry - MR. CULL woult mati Gat be has rt WILLIAM At mneh lower than impl - Beadle: soe senkep fer ral ou thet Taree TS ckatees ey bw Boge ds prod sraruenent: Siyinae pant aisvaena pisted the Shere | at evenyt Drugs, Ly Met Stratford, Jan 5, 1870 ever before. : < insnfiicient evidences ans Keg 2. few secptions, well tn fiw bal gaallnay. 'Se ing a glorious pace ; : tng the tending eons 4. rene aeiethearae me ahi ane seen ne Gall and amine my stock . "eet etre Whe Folies Magiitrals w ear: car Save guna te anny a Aaj ee seen orion, Steebtant: Pet sere 2 _ piper 'Tiaass call at corm shusten 5 in their vexhorr "la . bat judging hermanions monerc of the mine - S way Le abe peecoes, 'Me, Hayes, Crdwn attorney, } from eed Ee sara ' i z= hie = (West End.) of an k 80 a -- c Meats etn rsk_ we! wont vo | oe Senna icon won tink | Amt ay mi i FET ne Baas Wow & Large Stock of Prints, Boots & Shoes.} = Bain, a & _ BTRATRORD: ia Brew sauces. o > nance cay See Mey Sere " ste game seouimend our patrons to. examine the work iene eh and Iona Chicago; Apel 2, 18% 8, Pu, 4 caret 2 eg agi ny 2 o . at 2 y. m 3 ees . . notice by Mr, Rogers. The anthor, Col. | thas lire in glass houses should not throw) ™O" 7 vital D. UA. Mi Cc L % die D = ATER . . cmap i ¥ at Ya al CL Knox, has passed nearly six years in visiting | * + ot, Exawreatros.On the 18th inst., | Bumbers of the {alr saz, who wore evidently] Grey Cottons: Canadian and Arcericas, af 4% ar ry = meee eT } THOMSON & WILLIAMS 3 jue, caverns, submarine operations, and | 1°07 oi Mis Hil, teachers, held their | ttied by it display made. 9.0, and Side. ree - = ds fully prepared to ae Ms tha secrets of} arc ly «x Coons i ths Joseph Stafford haw' just received trem a SL. a rie for Men ant We are giving q as. s > . 'beanty et tae Bid "4 the wandertel ee ge ee aket wa Mew York a args took of -- Our lupartation 0! 7 Bargains in Prunella} 2 BEEP PL Bouts, a: Manufacturing matt power oy man-to veh the of ita § 2 _¥ wwe "ici arpots. and Floor Oil Goods ies Season eo. 5 < =. oa al 1 dangara that hie way, rxashined by Croly, ie> Attridee, "M BIRTHS. vite dng tat Cloths we . 1 find4€ weeny "i _ weer a 7». dogs, = 2 cova stresccnniaal - a tory i rw tn ery he its + aogier | mith, and the teachers of the school. de Meroe WF acta hardware inar- HT BE MR PENRTIY Derry traseyetes aoe" £o5TE4; ---- -- = jem . = ligetew ssi einai ect eee ane Z ut 8 = SE RAE: --_ : 56 ae era aca qusstiang pot to- thems du | Memer-nAt trattopt, on the 3th fot. ths. wits Ot whieh dee uatien will be SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES|"= M Valves' 3-0 Co's 'Works, Stratford. in most oo ar walle st 8) iiiciy advancement tinea tha ak ex samo: = gt hincdalue C- Monte samrebastot 4 dng KNEFFE'S-OLD STAND, a -- ~~ FROM US, ree wi 5 stattert Mar. " . - 4 a = oi ~ = Sees: ee ln a tion as poll ts ie oe ed tan tnaret pa rhe va fa na unl - Apel An wo are now nelling Coals frem ae Stetiag me = "AGRICULTURAL NSUEANGE em es ote a aight last, the resilenco of Mr. Wan. Rasell, athe rh we believe it would be hard rat eyo Mra. Heary Tento cage percent Cheaper Rs STEAM Gy q 3 hr 1874 Ca erg: > 4 of the Stratford i rerent teachers with more | "Leslie, sf asco. a? At it Ag air 1! an ai any tatnior yerten 2GUagp 2@*8 #. ncorporated +, Capital, 91,900,00.! Stadacona Insurance « | who resides in Daly Terrace, was py ~ reshinente nites surta--in Elsa, on the latins, Mra, Thomas a een Heavy Goods at Net Cout AGE Coc, p< | Hom James Skoad, President. Th nfieavern, 8 this, who encceoded in lor bot ats and chidisvo at tho dinne 7 Aizee ta Hiehbertan the fed inst, Mra Av- DP. A. McLEOD = Wate aS, 8's as phensats) edhe emcenenine . act , ves bert ss 20D. = G pore Fy pg He omen) age hae sit bene ah lay pass of socially " poasaily Granta eazs.ea wave ota Inet., the wife of Mr, LWAYS solling oboap, _Stration!, Mareh 22 | B , § so "eS beretuepeat fu te Wrotacton pn, rancal entered the room where Mr. Russell {abd insiructive Mt 7, wane m oe. Lorene. ote 20 it the wie tha decline ta the Falstall, Meat Markets ai Crasxpang a $50,000.00. 7 seas nme en rma Sati S| Batheertond Sines ant riven taking bat eae ie Papen: cand 'Tea: Trade. Serer : a omg | ee _aptny Lage or Demopi by Fier: . ialon, aid ton. was not disebvered nntit ne, "mr rnd water pty Mages the Se wer wanzet Ee Ca, ec as pea 'Lighining. yin the morning... The same night Mr. | Pomd they caw « bhnaing. wate of} inst by sf s _-- ~ ' ' re tl 7 hana, lotion, x = Thie- ore-teanett = of the West of Rugiand How, rs iF 4 wrmpissm: used as peeeere teacenee Wea ptering Extrs Darya BE cae ict eye tate ron a frigate gener = Troy) Petid. 4 perroyy sticy Tenoeae cane lost a watch, chain and a small amount of | 4 tnvery, # im running fro it'eith') scree fy the Rev, J. Fuk - ails. teat be io cymand 6 1. chehier' Shop Ge mr. ane og ¥ * 4246 their advastage to in- money, his house having been Mithilerly bar- something ike toa oit ¢an in his hand. Croly, M.A. of the of thee '. Call and ve capvinest i regs BS Sear Wilsons Hered. oo is a ee a mic " glarized. It is evident that * SH: Jack" | They wit G x, soon on the father, on the 12th inst, pats ee Jonn MeLean, " awe pe Tessas, Sas Ages, Fe ee arwaye, F ; : HEAD AP FICE --Vistoria Chambers Wellingiaa Cera aid co far the constable Lave not | spot and in s few minutes, with pails and] Sueneriord. Ray. of Sa wee . . Rmour Price Lists | (or part cf ie town, Give mencail a ae ree ener ae JAMES BLACKBURN" Surationd, Jannary 148, "76. : ; aines ater | war-Po Hisgheth wu tive tabs nat, 'by eWANZETs GREAT ENGLISH RE Piet sae tier ti Sc: 2| GOOD SUGARS, THe MeDY i i Paerés, Onveiin~ Se. Chins i et ei wantergates. of | Siu files Powers, al of Mitebe water i tart che tes "od 7a: oe Wotetens Weulngicn ICE! ICE ! ICE 1 i tea an. uaiter- 3 Peterman -- Elderry, of : a i the nd | Civ toiher, oa she fea tne. by tho Her | L1, 214,12; and 13 Ibs, for}, Blacksmithing. arom aod Terese ve uaseuieaies is peer ago, Mr. of tho same bi ie 8 tt Bea aicanahinmaati : fran at vil, Me. ag re preg is Peg pad ONE D OL AR. re smleraicned 'unions hop i 3 fi f pocvdasering steer the pray Phe expiration re six weeks Had elapeod, it was discovered ~~ athe shonider was . Nor eo long a time out of ae Mery matter to get Harkin Collings operated stealer ao oe of. ie pets as H i i ' i i | tt ' got under way denpiter of Mz. Thesoas, Barhte, Wolliera. Dicraa:te Wickert on she loancig Or "the "os Byers wile ot Mz, Franeia Ulver, ache) OD TEAS, PER POUND. Largo Stoek of *| Sap. Pails, aa sae &e:. ae @u0o rst} - Grockery and Blassware, ies ~ oMmar. 1 40ets.,; 50cts,, 66cts; an Foets., roan oe os Street, Patt pce at work | in ta bos Ik Tine, ame! euch uf mt "MESEING eet Geanra i beth i, ja Svan Hep Bal tistatt es: Pinughs of 'all wakes repaired, aed watiahi ran teed od to: uty toleimatad FLORIS a Aan of crete ran +S aaaimaetaanraicat v Rysterereenatts seas ieee |- STRAM New York to eaatt nstown, Li- EF: werpoo}, Glasgow 'and Lon- MORDELEY se Em JAMtiS, tec __ Stratford, April 19, 1870, 'The "Auction .M M "Mart. ANLEX- » erates a oun Se