Stratford Times, 3 May 1876, p. 1

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ont ot tite world thati ont of & dream Do pitied or ve: | es sialeak No < fa toot les altbfal or tau ext calculated 1% prolong.tifo, than that which w to be found > a , ki thie in Co py eontipasiy of ged and ch men. and in contemplating with delight the Lesaties of Nature. * The Countess Dowager of Darts te dead. fan oe dovgeal sbtestsion pilainsns by tors tron Carthagn, Ten nat sisi, Lo ew ees, penrbatienget "2% eee 7 RE rR le Sundey, Judge Corson. af Cab 0 Orehant, Ky. veschet dost Oy Sopp toa rig- that, ore new bab very few thine: that are AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZE PTE. ously otro soni both tena ; 80 also in life we shall = aE pg | Methiixtiet chureh, last Wednenta nd some 48 winy evening, ten tht seo took baltary hee tase teak z - __SERATFORD, ,_ONTARIO,- WEDNESDAY, MAY 3; NO. 415. =a et. Steed ion of pride - ee ----o aman -- . Devi Graat, of Gleamorris, eomunitted sutrite ignorance. Our pride feeds iteel{ bg de Medical and Hygienic. Zist of Pebroary, on its Ww: Pidgin Kalakata spp aber San Pree ' The Forests of the Werld. by drowning, last Wednesday. ia ik the possenton-of- some 'The bore of senile way te im November, visited our 5 5 The esse rea chick we be believe to be extrasedinany brit. wed ean go on under @ muck tower Porc '" To car ¢ chappeduande, rub cald cream on | 000 sue ou wes Placed apom to bee aoe ~ ------ = np in the full belief that he haa outwitted The «ores of Rarer on tiated 04 4 Prsorge ene against the lian: Bat did we see the precious jewels | ab sem bagi platform-ears, w' attachments were endeavored asteni penty tie the whole caine Be omad pine ot neh te Sons Per: © pions. of ras fat pork | ad upon 13 and #-wheel cars. A | tiation of a com : betwoen hin ] t tetas cen, We fond aioaremn and ehould | all' ap 'them. ope will "disappear in a ag ooares Sr This Wits ey" CRNON Te | Covernment and thet of Het 1450 000.000 ar Le a) P "Fhomne-Cammpoall,-ot-Weet-Wawaseat: tei? iy set ourselves to incrense one store of | ww days, £09 pounds of pewter It is probably the ly. Aifeetion the only | tasek freeing ae we or denz wealth of etek You cannet be too torser. A man of thoaght i willing to die, "ienaling Lis te" lise; he hae ne | ite, --s caoading syrup of sarsaparilla. -- bate. Ue Poncape w ° fo sao hear any = plain of 7 eet ea manor n 4) of vuterian root and tmake tea of- it, vie on going to bed. remady for is said that a pint =, Bayes every ait jitat befor: t, will noon minke the thinest. figure pla ag Mere is a Stmaphe pleasant tieahs by which thin, scYaggy wounen may acquire plamp, rotindsd Ggures A flannel vest shoald be worn next the Lk ear rou in win pair of daunel drawers coming up high round the waist shoald be added, Attacks of diarrbera dysentery, or evan cholera, may be preven isting quite tly of the present ilia. of affairs is ie p th terrors, use he \ nat thie vission, and isthe victim of those who ba bi doctrines isnta - ome as~ Calvan re An A ha peo bre: Romanism, or Swedenbergianiem for that it oe young | such am, household use. bin to trust its wings.--Eme ean fancy that outing "more agree: abe thes Life on the sea in i long days, end in summer weather, for those whose : ; directi tastes . There may be _ships thateare foating pargatories or coffina. choose his craft ; for seamen who know their kare bosoming more ge tigp deol two of * -- erty the eae siege ads during whole ukeet, of ing. it "wearisome Tan Joutaey = Sursrtay | ¥ Ferien: SE yucibig ~»Andles, Column, 2 ate "3 New Yous Pasmiow Notes, The P style. . tool i iner. toad for Scere Teg ac RS PE Ae be seman vst si gah lagerys iriking eulors will uot be seen la f black hite silk, «Saris yaa are | or white si Ladieg a cteat the poet fashionable snap orweta, 'Tax-Axticnoxe re 1 | fast number of the Rava? w erty you aah for |. oe ine whe euttivated this plant two yearsage, 7 areubetanesi it would erg over one thon. a ra sand bushels or sawr Last season the and ery excellent effeet. "A layer of cotton 19 happens _ | Wan "ee ready ba dys, for ere i a (see repert of ecg showed them &) eontain bale ios is-worn om cine im large waves tailing low on the forehe Hight-bine veils" ae embroidered silk binewe or co are fashionable, -- feed oF pring hate eae #reen, vet are the bacsdase from frai . Sete in colored linen 'alge raed calls, with hief and warkite fo match. are very fede is h. tine to twelve a. Pia we inges 'ith very qlaberiton headings mov of the spring cos eat umes, odie yt vis heat headed with « bation, bas iuvented few fawtening thijes to aphe later, snd as roves ot be neat couvienience. , soe rashmere jonas, are et of cream colored Leng silk edged with fleances of may bebad in apy color te fume. bones wacqnes are made of rein gray or Vina eamel's-hair cloth, ebain-atitehad bra if batterns with silver and gold very low ib frent, and is fastened together in sashes gros gram mbbon Th a pointed and trimmed with a fol of gaze ce laid under- neath the edge. The seller to pt gaze dined, and acetes al outside sean with a pat net rer sg "the pointed edge, Eee Love and Literratenrs. Trae love is grounded on esteem. --Huck- ng ' tase is gp nod truth is bettor, and love best | ot all Thue Love mé tittle, lov me long, -- Marlow Love seldom haunts the breas} were learn ing lies. - Pope very sts sien te vebement partigans, but love sill moreso, Coethe, In love we are all foola alike, --4i Love. one ome layeth bardens, at t anctber | time giveth w "Sip. PF. Sia Love ts the vistas of woman. Dundevant, In love the deceit generally outstrips the distrast. - Roche foucauld Were tovedwelis ia paradise. --Riehtot Love ts precisely to the weal pature what ae the san is to the earth.<-. Words of love are rn 7" lebie -Batzac. Love as If you should bereafter hate, and oni wbioruht hereafter "Were. in its own cols. Madame "San cy. Bhe thatis loved is sale.--Jeriey" Taglor. How shall I do to love? Beleive. How cat i shall 1 do to + ighton. Love ia an egotiom of two.--A. de la Salle. very lowed I fet love the dear so mach hot honor more, -- Lerefwce. eee Reerex Caeaw asp Berrxa Berrea.-- wri Mrs. BE. D. M., whe writes to the Farmer giving her views the causes whieh t ip and ba! haw et something to common with all y cov ot thi the stalks he tober rt the brigade are forme d very Inte c wi one BM Wery: "fear arr made sree fede alee thot Wes shined" tateas me eatbers on ivory or pearl sticky. These 1 match the ev re eat . eepry Chia ; ie that by mung » titre of petroleum =< spirits of tarpentine, steel with a striw col. |" oF wall. f andia devine W attract much attention nm Phi WW, . Washington, ee of Dy. . shasmatiens, § is a 'i smnition a ie of hieaion. : beeen George Mele meg She tract of soon! of colehioum, og retative -oountey, . --_ lacratdent ef Denison, "tex, bas vent box containing the follo 'General Washi hon court ait ol leowk ae supposed to be the which he wory seat, set tr gold, presented to saturation Red General Lafay- mie peony Presented to Washington Darks, the famous Indian Ber | befure the Revolution. Suen and and, most valuabie suciee { of all, autagrigts letters from General Washington sae i= tle telly Land all wiving hb with wheih they are turned ont by . | ereotypers" rua eee How A Great B Newgeper is Prodaced. and the miner of iting the N. oe os by, =_ will doubtless be o As soon as the componitars hare fini " ed their work end type-mat H properly arranged in ara The in whie plates ave Potained and 'the io the "wre atmowt ~ } to bed with cold feet. ~ Never: try pra Sabet begro perfectly certain to that you will be able xe keep too warm. -To lic ste stig ht wile colt & strain to pry syetem as wi a oe be "felt sericuats, per- hapa -- in a fit of sickness, phyvician of Chieago «ays he = 'Cares ninety skis out of every ono hotdred saconct scariet fever, by giving the patient arm lemonade with gum arabic dissolved | ¢ in it, Acloth wrang out in hot water oud ve removed ve a ie kc. nees, | foom they willabsorb all the atmenpoerse pole. hey should be changed every hour. they bis very bnt Ml read of th disease. The aot ar ona has also provet effectual in the f snake Bttew. yn ag in Europe 3 _ Americ@ are now cotton asa dressing for wounds, _---- Royalty in the United States, meirix thes re ig ta of} ss in vagal amt was killed. which area 900,000,000 are in Bisitiah North exe bo Amoriea. In South poets eee oeenpy | bonus to the Credit Valley Kathway. _ Rimomnt tor tha [Wiese Blair, Hamilton, aid suddenly, of apo- Vercotm but preren in time to ty witness the hn SO breath { lathe ood on tat pole wig butthis was all he The ODS, te were . two contineute ofthe New Workl and Barope | plexy, Inet Weduesday. gives 3,600,000 geographical miles. The] the body of eatitth the | proportion of furtet land to gel whole area t 4 Arash: BH " Thursday. Py pe wa aberve etabed, oe H 88 wat. twenty per ¢eat.; in America, se one per} ele by banging. last Thursday, during a 01 of ob, Sapponing, theretore tmaty pet_ceat- + eernypcraey insanity. = . erosa | t 'wpe in Asia, Attica, and) 4 tebdaien vessel went ashore ef Halifax, tn Abstralia. | the grand total of the forests of om Wednesday's mow storm, and became a total wreck. ; my) areas -- 3 g up | a woodlatls are ctispated ab the filowing Tae dunbie verte ship taBexible, Wis wel ter ur ie: Prussia, 6,200,000 acres; Bavaria, 3.294.000 Seheeenncar was safely launched at Vortamonth, Pores; bg gg Austria, 1,230,000; a Frow tan Tink or Qrers Victoua's Ux boas ro raz Trex 6¥ Dow Prone. ada a the New Tork Bi Toftha Emyeror of r Beasit calla tom wd 'the visits of other rere personages the Puited Stat wa Pali IV. 68k OF Uw ya «in 17 a inidvhipmen in" line of battheabipe, one of Adi 1 Digby's cepiare h him while his vessel was lyimg at w York, bat the scheme failed, and the lvel to beeoue Ki 4 offireat "Britain, Jmele ah Wuaeo. Vicdor aacceen Lisa inn VAST. Queen Vietona's father, the Duke of Kent, wes a hasty sient ol Boston o little later on. ol} are madein ene of 8 componi i ld, then placed eireular Pca mow formed. out and the rou pea pe off, ao that it abet, such a4 Was pub tes have to Le cast over four ote wight oon are required and they | sen a on the bate of he Ame edition-maung-} Reno. be sent off Ly tho eariy MOLTEN LEAD INSTANTLY salen INTO TYPE sD Hanover, 900,000; 'i 4 The Regal assent has been given te the loyal Sarony, 901,000, "England. 11276 The} Merb sapenias Woatagtaaile Wie: qin to [secon yeurotnysinnmench far epat'= Serves? o stupendous "whiel & a he pobgaeey Me inde it te & notorious gambler ; oe Den-Tib- shat. the eucalypti often renehes }-- 208 Mz Blake-goee-ts Europe shertiy:- --- iz the town 2 hight of 499 tet in Vietoria iu Belavanis bave sailed tur tree the sapin attains a hight a of | Cuba 275 feet, an. and the wbrelie pines of Itely '300 Bis-ipestolms Mh fF r eflorts feet. The Califcrnia big tree is said to girth . destretctiarat woods MET Tor: oe is open te ll « Eero Ween ente, bowever fe very enormous, ana the New Tork, cat the Geengs Rubpht,dhoemaben, Pat reprodoetion. Tu South Al Sirint of emmee Bonnett, ome af in workmen, on ee of acres aay ore destrured, pis gh made entay "om Faure day, cut ber own throat after ew that of her renga 1730 bad sen! pot Wy eg awry aay, jorests 1073, which rate of tive Commercial Notes 873, w tate of iguinution, if aentinned, would result in the tote! destruction of the srg Team the Senna of Commeres: The aggregate tonnage of vessels ia course fee -- mink eve amputa! powed the thorwaght ay fe Siters the tir, and prevents ibe germs, OT aX we AR tel Pies Ie As are wey for ehilbiains, oe anol nin, ta be Tiseslved in a a "i Tmt of water. sol. et solations ae ia pre Tor alechor 4 _ oe up to fs » Pints. The solution ia he wade lot, amt the affected part to be r imine it as long as the beat can be -- ewping the teeth white there is noth ing be er than fine coal ashes. Take a very ti w Tt 4 even « the tewth perfect!y white and sweet. leanse en dreaeiet gives the folowing diction for, eOating pills with sugar or js the abop . pille ets ctr bare been thor with oan. ote muar J ozs ol distill el waterto a syrup, enough of this «yrup (ten: rrature booibet in0.> tata } to me serait = is : on wificient te dry the bags 'while --<o in mo- tor ambrorked with the hand. After this first e ats dry, _ operatio eal. sid Bt st cin aii! the pill is covered with ae siffheient. A ver g for pill, is the lez., daxseed, ---- Centenulal, eno mg the © viens spe yoy th ints Tas ons will be a 1 file eight feet lon, rs oo tiawiead messenger boys, oe the exclusive secommodation of the visitors, wii be in attendance af the Centennial Grounds, The pavillion of wood, glass and iron, designed for the engineers and surveyors of New York.» an elaborate aad setae The m Penasylvania.. Railroad depot. | noar the M Machinery Building, though only rary structure, will be taraisbed | cog ot tbe tempe wit way possible edu veniand he Qaeen of England's palattinngs which | ' wilt be exhibited at the Centen:tlal be |) iy mem! 5 from Teans, baa tendered a free pashage to ret- eran soldiers of the Mexican War residing te Texas to and from the Centennial Exhi- tien, < "The tenuis! Commission have invited [ Mr, P. ra Gilmore to condact the musical a the Fourth an ta] v Gilmere 'and bis full; gran and seg vn for thivly days fotloctae a open. "ihe 'apie of the Providence palin poms are drawing maps, which will be te the Centennial Exposition. a of of thers, the af an oy von map of Rhode [sinad in the two halves of a *°S" lelamtha!. But then may eo Island is not ee Davy Crockett's antiqne rifle im to- be ex- pt brinted --2t Phitedelpinnas -- Tbe coon that : Proeiiae pean downto Dery. made » profonnd bow, hag, shut his eyex wer sd marerored: "dot ae ve about' you? xapposed to be staffed and A tered om the shelves of the Louisville Lib- im Inde, © ot al the Phila. papers coutain columns of wdver. aera papers eet afi Ease the neat six months by consulting the ad- veriisenbtihh. - he moet remarkable af the .contribu tions of Hawaii to ial bi incredible neatness aud kill, in gy erty " j ahout twenty years ican be oc sugar a6} iy heat} ie. Kemneal was his phate y bape g3 fo warry the | #2 21 to necept the King non ntationed4m Canada, He eabeyaent S y rere Governor of Nova Seo- ud Cunmander oe af the British i Nath "Aav a was in kis tock sierra te ) box ye as Prince ijM Louis rulers, oom panled by: ner tenes Mires tine th on cater ery extensively over ihe sey. an ck for Havana, citizen died in Frsland two years ie the revolution ot 'i: 1803 Pehla arn maprrte Senet 3 ' ago. ed in New York; visiting Baltimore 7s tei in love with Mine Patterson, nt was accepted by her, and 'ied ath ceremony, by the iv. bs bishop ot tho diocese. Tu IN be started for ri ri aa» bred the marvin annulled by and presses commences | and copies of the id are now being prin- toch of Plates are: mede for § "Phean pi ghes smvernh tm thee. sor are Gulek org noe and sre ence placed" in | L Gf the the main sheet, over 100,000 papers have been | ¢ toled woed oat aa is indicated by the register at- thi @ papers _-- presses. from ae machines or are gathered Cy and clubs thr ty untry. his part of the work is truly a marvellous ight. So expert 2 the men al gy eed mat sive rapooeitl eke ee who ss the cperaton an "the or. | Stet time that they . that an correct; i" any padre made. W Jae | the other | bandling. and wraping. are guing on, 1 men are kept basy in farnishing the various news orks ample that call for thousands of pole peng' daughter of the King Waurtemburg. Six Fs a ° pi is was made King |" of td estphaia ewph Bonaparte, a brother one year ole than the jpperer. was by him made andthe Kingdom of Spain two years After Wellington's viele ry at Waterloo, J: 'os. eph, with leave of brother, quitted Thine afd aiming te ihe United States aa Coser iter, fs eb: wr ate of ue -- MN. 4s itfe one prs. taateite, i the | he hie oop Lonis Napotes n. to the ve throve, andl bailing he w went ta Florence, where be lied" in a het. Liwicn Ueymagenstond ot..Canina, wee T several years younger than the Emperor, | th came to the United States when-a oung man, eaahs <n life 28 a farmer out West, v was nl student. ae = of {ts aiding 3 aSices tol isinbnte tem thene their "easton mails are made ap they are placed veady at band, and are then vr cara to the different depots. These bags are of various ors, indicating to the baggage = i they noel "fre! delivery at the neares 4 dation, This Tork of pc fo me ae and news rty minutes, and % Brockiya aad 1 Rag st pepe are required at these pr hg in or to tuemselves give their orders asd call for | papers at these in te property y. wo sons of Joachim sare vane proclaimed Ring of the tices bs in 1808 th His brother, Na pleat Lacien Charles. oolmibstr Hew to Franee in ints; and ree: wes the title of Prince of the Impe- E United States for attempting to the throne of hia anele, the Bites npr by re. Volutionary means @ landed alk ia March, I837, and hen susie ta oe York, his pemmadnued woth May...when he sail. d % i ter see hi ed to Switzer! sev hin ated by are gone harmed brotherialaw of the -} mast have been general office 1 making 4p. ibe comes the business hpi fore brn ten at Thirty sec: re and Sixth a, in} Harlem. a a Hi yt en a er sised ime 7 He rol th a small hh d 'aud sity quienes poll The etrwam nap type pushed out a pad trom one p mle, w without cumbersome or cxpensive mechan. rie ay agora oe @ seems in the pr wr rent reduced ied tbe wimp "radissente. A axly truther aid than thet of of a Hered nary who é is taken at the counters from Teich the' | papers are delivered, but pe par pag which thirty th bought and ---- fine of $500 or a year's fmpri. ships i ment, for wanton injury or dectrection of --_ ' inprisument for allowing cattie to <a , apy danbta ae per rts re pg 5H ag 4 1 lair act Smet = sampuice sad improv ident ee is nsome . The by law they are Ly, it is omy eet to see that sho baleg dnc wie ai? pachsged Belieeiily sobad ---- railway ead' tambon "a satoparers. of os So um | management thatby five o'clock nearly all T that : the demands | have been supplied, but in order ea a "AL the res of the Pose ke fed. te 1 el losing all his Tr married | the First Napoleon's sister ( -- to sornd wel if T and chery alin "Vachon reo de Joinville, 'xh ae the way, me 5 ng Tiporeat news tes an extra eorge rolts 9 ~equal to 110 miles of paper, As the width of the roll ane | Of paper is double the width of the Héreid, the 210 rolls; when Presses, hoo tomn made. into over 200 miles of Her a A Buried Box of Geld, THE TREASURY THAT Wad TOU SRCURELY MinpDEE NW THE BANKS OF THE AngOTO, tected. Catholic re golden in the hands of a ae General of Great P ger ot af present year, 1876, the baie ening of patent "that ne 93,637 Wolverbaraptos. 72.549; "Plymouth, Tae Th the the matintelpal baandaries of ot ae dsovs, Leo vine k &e., din 'of. the feel of varie ing third; add this to the form: ides in upon # eOustantly in progress. J as <i. kyown that in laa many as 10, t forests were supp with fal, and yet uo attempt s is to 12. Ow re Paeanrey gaan ptr 9 may porbape "ture up Lis noes" holds the shove uy 'so senshi. arias miele heading; be may 7 of the way ate a he feet, pay oon "Lhate boots, both mew and old, tor they - [nave beried my Sant tn a. paooatetn of werna * Friend, when » man is "tight" is he not then} - AP - rd nd "corned," ead if your boots have bees ; *fetight,"4te1t any wonder that your feet are nal feature ) new tate is that it "corned 7" Remove the causa and you re. Sateen Tete 5 one we. a8 Sat to sat move ther flect. The Her. Mr. Beecher ence | OF O°, with the -- dectared that the prtvllagc:29 wearing 00 obd ns. as oe _pesvenity. coat WEE O58 Of tha chief blessings of rom. o~iowenl ee is | Met vacation, and where is more pleasureta} Here inasich man's son, whe hes been '| be found than in the wasslisg of " old boots." | *dacated at- expense;--who- bas grada- With them, as with an "old nag," there is no} Sted from and has come out a gen- y. {more brenking in to be through, | tieman, 'He has studied, not with s view -|They loag since with | cf Stting himself for, any avecation in life, =besors" ef Oriapin's store, and now | '+t withs view of a gentlensn. Ho the of. walking | [4s 20t for the sake of knowing anything, he Saad Seincee mameen for they na} &%* for the sake'of beings gentleman. Soon longer, "catch" here or "pinch" here, or | Bis father breaks down; and he, when he "raide a blistir? somewhere else. Autumn twonty-fv0 --S ; | baa been called the season of "the secre and "te bimealf, "What a af Pag lr may bo shall He asks his feet, vied the season of cast cif Thea it} od tg ee = Ere ese} asks hie bands, and they say, "We do wot know." He asks his head, and it says "I lage Pe! down" | never learned about how-to. get « nate s00w | living." Could _ be more. useless tT thetr | than gach & + Could there be any. order, | thing more pitahle than such historias? And sheds] rae ting etm 'th qeatice of of 4 falling Boing wade aud exported is very marked pees) | Tori.'78-75 the average qeastiy' ma -"72- e quan' mani wln- | tured was 814,015 pom og it had my 98 | talon off to 168,007 berrela; andim 1875 to with 8 1 499.989 barrels. Meantime, the bick- | whit 193,384 ry » a3 a3 Hl i j hi orick and at baw ais wed vastety ia the may be that cace fa adeiaed @ public or + baer bar i and cuffed "| about in tops, until, as we '4 dowa the stsest, we ar~ trangied to pasely Ten we right af us,' " boots + alt -peund,"... z Hie E aecount ing j pontrary, of ot Oslenttn: ~"Vorsmest in "india j and #0 only 800,000; 461,000; Brooklyn, io eee ti ries: Aer

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