Stratford Times, 3 May 1876, p. 3

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a Every Wednesday Morning, :| 'FT TUR CrFICR, FARIS' BLOCK, cea DRUG STORE| 2 Terme; $1.00, be hes annum Invariably in , . _-AND. COUNTY OF Pex GAZETTE. __ be tose oo ie te igpeerement HT. BUT! } enee to the entry lit, éach class was well HT. BUTLER, Editor and Manager. med, node Was nace Sraarron, Wevxxapat, Max Sup, 1876. m worthy of sp rr an wie | the «i ls was not up to mark, ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. | with the exception of to . a r * were anumais, ee ee eee "oy bite Treeding. Bi ot Ls Ye. | euth shares By order, STRATFORD "OAs COMPANY: 'on of and now tn arrears, atc that unless such te bar six weeks LSS Binwtors of aid Com on rasan fed, under sald seetion. JAS HOGG, Stratford, April 19, : aaa -STORE IN MILVERTON. ants sae ee been liberated from ow cognizance, in the sum =a tate, ait the Sombra murderer, the Penitenti Crean Ur.--Mr. Johnston Abraham, chair- 4 elamations, warning to clean up their Cicith of on: (ovnspeople wed we b : a . inane of the law 'Cieeaness next to Bradley ihaiicacshe wel. Prizes, ist, Baron tad} 7 A -7-- - i "Tus " Kino oF raz West" Pisncrso Minx. [Young Soverei V A a I Ss E Ss axp Sxxp Saranaton,--Opr enterprising | | bu iat, Goonge Sanester. ee wat: Tor foun Eisimen'y- Settee Seer Ht A $ - One old, Lat, : Sean il =~ machine We learnihat Mr.T.J, Birch, whe | p, Geubem: ; ba fe taking orders MT ater wee Grebe qs weve ys. SPAFFPORD, _ ost ANOS Ott a eet | reer $0 Rdwin James, Newry.-- arcs disposing of large numbers of : oo ------_ ty rights. machine is one 'of the | TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MERTINGS. Saddles and Harness, best of ite ki vented, - 8 Ee tse tous A aS Powsik Ti koa met om Mowtay.| WHIPS, CURRY-COMBS, BRUSHES, er all was | Mem present. ro W . crer all sompetors sto. Provineal toy | rondeny- low I0 and Tir om. Tee yy wa pont erence $ abow , w an * py tong © fall, . Every farmer should cauaitoen ware instructed to attend to the Me. 18, opposite Dr Dae he Ontario St., area told by rk clean grain sod Head ice ot path: ; Be, Wo, menpatnante cat. on Colieme--eme- ~The David P. Connor, instead of James Clyne ; | *anted not to burt. Naw Toe Taste. summer schedule | Join MeNid@ol, instead of South 4- ers ew eer y Lawrtier nas, instead of Satnuel Camp-] ASK tO D6 Directed. to railway took effect on Monday Ist inst. It ga Flaherty, of James ' Vi aie Ali day . A A. Seott, ed POU ay isa relative to arbi ' foes over. trains on the main line east and west will F lle ' __make oes sonnestions-at Gt. Marys for siege per Sl gannnyr OD Se woop s§. rae alee ade r anfr anied to each ofthe gravel rouds, vis: St.| former piace. 3 Centre line. daily belwees Btraiiont and London. The Council Rye . _ Sead ele pen reat ir ta Goldém ith 8 Fall, i '| fresh examinativn and award about the water oo 12th and 13th con. The reeve and wt ERR SOAR 'Stn? ve ae ape «|/AL BION BLOCK. {Htotice-to- Stockheldere|-- Spuind: 1876. Spring, 1876. FRING. IMPORTATIONS, fangs a department. ot geet morn gon nae of ma! : ing the lead! ting 0 eration, invite a New & Large 'Stock of Prints, siz|A. Macnair & Co. _. sUST ANBIVED AT. a JOHN "MoINTYRE'S |" Flour and Feed Store, MARKET SQUAR=. STRATFORD. Alarw JOHN A. BRUCE & CO'. OO) lets Gard a rr eeds, ¥ Com, wll the hatest ert ¢ approved variet nc pee uy a 'aga tor tise were semte of this section Preah and Pure. Wes TURNIP SEED, of sieht or ten diferent Rorqemeny whieh gave JOHN -- _Btraiford, April & attractive this in a fow days, of which due. will be giten = "KNEITL'S OLD STAND. Strasfors, April 5, 1876, "Farm for Sale. The wubscriber offers for w ewe Le Lot No, 7, Concession a township of Downie, «: eighey i bie rf Wat tote TT ne those who may petronise Orders may be left at his residecee, erat W.H ROBERTS Jewellery Stratford, March 1 RLAX, PLAX. SPRING 1876. 700 Bushels of Riga Flax Seed, WARRANTED CLEAN, Now ready for distribtion af the STRATFORD FLAX MILL. FPRE undersigned bas opened an office over ee ee cinta oer --_} toga. for * | Bank depariment, at 4, amd 6 per cent. and ena ome Bank, Market Square, seratford, "Fo Al ------ PAPER WAREHOUSE 78 Ontario-Street. ~ t tor 2 es - ag oar Sttiverto ton, e Phage re mpttats fone Sverean, OHN ¥. I MEL MAX TLE, our Conunercial hotel prompuy #2 ceeentel and satistaction Stratford, Feb. 4 nm. | Stratford Marble Works MARKET STREET. GADSBY, & SHARMAN, Proprietors, Btratiord, Jas, 3. we L- ss ALBION HOTEL y NewSpring Stock = _ xow OrEVED Newest Patterns jer Bed-Rowms and Parlors, Elegant Oaks and Marbles for Halls and Offices. tions for Walls and Ceilings, Sidtuary, de. New designs ta Preaco Decora- Also for sale the celebrated | Opaqued I Window Shade' Cloth, W.. -CRISPIN, GENERAL PAINTER attended to hen pein ees -- of any calos __ aration. April 4. PD, &LAKE HURON RAILWAY ON AND APTER MONDAY, APRIL ad 3rd, unt) further motions, Baad PDal WR will ru: Daily Train each way, Ae follows > Leave Port Dover, 6.20 a.m 1. am Leave Stratford, 415 p.m Asrive Port Dover 7 pin A.D, WRIGHT, . perintenden: at Amve Stratford Stratford, April 4, ism. MOWAT'S BANK. W. Mowat & Som, Denkers ami Brokers BUsess Men will find itadr 1 inl open current sea accounte, as the re-open on from eevee Aine on Fuads y eren- "Ww ley He "meat doer to th a hae seleted. coe "Tetormiehed ts tae welding fae "to Suit all a THrSgMTet ts thew as ty the past eT inhi } wide td Liieoy Re Bi Tene nH iT SpPoa hrny, my te beter abe to ecayndate ty helling "Albion Livery. palin. house « hereafter. © a te) Comfortable the * Albiow Hotel." Duc ~ (both singh or double.) a orders ard Stratford, Jan. 6, 17. , Ly henne teen J. J. WOODA. Prep. "Phe Wilson House -- House, ford, Unit. Frcaren, perwers th Bridge and Court Bratford Spring Brewery, recent uportant improvements, bythe Tn halaien ne cont ce WM RUSSELL, Proprieter. which tmakes It one of the * botela in -- St Excellent acectwnodation tor Travel ms begs neat the EXCELLENT BUILDING RESI: Le x jon Mortningten Koad, Icing of Mesara Batley anit Ld: "EASY. Stratfont, Maz. 7, int. tates wind Fanaa be . aE GRR Mee eee The best Finnan Baa. Lies in the Mar! Stration!, Mar 7. teenie aes Abert "ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. ---- pee ee 7' -- ie rere A ar Onder aignest baring jeaned tor a went TES FOR pate | i, % sod a on Elisabeth street, the residences JOHN A. McCARTHY, aro Direct a Hoxtinnd:| ] Fresh Fish, Cad, Haddock, 'Sole, Gurnet, Sea acs Se and leave your ovdare to Semen W. H=ZROBERTS,§ -- mn ETO., ETC., a See Ceolebruted Ru: Russel, ny and other Watches, Es -- & eerdiass CARPETS -A SPECIALTY at REGENT HALL. +} A G. Mackay & Co. 5,000 yds, Magnificent Carpets prepared Pale and Amber Ales, At short notice, aad om Heasvoable Terma te situated on BIRMINGHAM AND PATRICK aTRaETS, jth's Tannery. appiyto ALEX. ORANT. Stratiford. Apeil ia, Je6. ot] The Albion Shaving Saloon. _ a BL. BERNHARD be Page 0 anwounes that be Town Property for Sale Ma refitted. qnrt sate apreve. per mente in ae shop, ©! abel sas By comfort rT Hose as desirably situate! Town Lots in Daly's | of bis Shy Hair Dressing Avon Wari, t Lert i ay ag | in style. oe cae | page ie Aon Mote.' don sna "Wi mond baildt Terms ¢ further | © new paper . articulans = py t ) Praser oo the pre Li ford. J = 5. 6. a7. _ tieon, er toH f, Buties Times Uiilee, - P . N Market fijoare, Ontario. Choice Fruit a car Ouuinibeber 'Fieve! A free oranibus rans to and from ail traina P's seteeasers ioe 0 ) pear hen purebased the are of A. T. HAGARTY, Proprietor. Sydrep-Sorith, cone be chericest rane Stratford, Jan, 5, 1876. ties of Prost and Ornate mt) Troes, whith be | ~ SS -- ay An early Cc. Hi bee solietiet ixowHLLe GOETZ, ILLE, Ont and ae, _Fraet nd Mortgngee *OFFICK- Th Mowat's Block, W, Nington-«t. Stratford, Jan. 5, 17h * Keeal TYannve tough bay at tow and sold. conducted ip all parts of the county. Office hours from 10 to 5 on all week da: THOMAS _ Stretford, Mareb 15. y Market Drug Store. i heh andereigned and the Tel ores they have ding ther to seryuaint thei friends thelr steok aid ti twillel Tice arvorgon i rook wi Market Square, Stratford, ta CHANGE OF BUSHNESS.+ HOUSE AND "BEDDING PLANTS KNOWN, 1 ~woudd call spec FLOWERS! FLOWERS! = NEW CIGAR & TOBACCO STORE T° ALL LOVERS OF YLOWEKS | WOULD | tetimente that # nave Me EDW. PAECKERT would notify the 1BOO ouaty Flowering Plants | digarahaet c ne Ene be Dee gente' = hich I -witt | Sst of the post ofce, where bo keeps on hand a bor a tow Weaks ol eicen that itl eet the fall aasortitent of the choloest brandeot sigare views of the + aoe exacting. My stock large soak i a foe nag Cigars of some uf the choicest 2 Li mag eee "gl ford, March 1 1978 at ° 40 per cent. Under Value, All of which they efer | ON THE SAME TERM: * rte) - = « - ticipated. Public services will be held in the : ; cas ati' thea reqesing luakimabte ant Sell- MR. = =. Sor. al atpansiael' 90 THE NEW E MAGIC Central Methodist Chureh as follows On | ent of any jolm that might be newled to be | "strseford March a, rma » | W.R. MARSHALL Mz_Stock of Tries nother Basket Plants ramacic stop |Land Rollers, wen by, Bary Sanh, MDa, ene Sot" Ths genton, ahead selec rts | espe lms oer) ae oo Reed aa | ORGAN P : ' -! s so, thes Adence ts a . Wetneacy 5 5 am ek, Galen me 5 Road; the counell de. The Manchester on hand a limited supply of _ Se hat ts ; "and bes ak for vanapuane i. Bt LNHAM. per anger ey pa Paya: Appeared NEw ZEALAND OATS, [Sec Berattond, Spr e Pe gl And the eclebraned Broad-Cast Seeders me place on Ths y evetiing, | by p Siebert, jon be taken by MACKINNON & Co. ac when sddremen will be delivered by Rev. | this council tow of the ted ic Fue A race 8 Ca ion aad coer Children's Suncare EMERSON PIANO * Thomas Brock, Her, George Buggin, Rev. | Haron Road in that WAREHOUSE Flower Seeds, ex: RoeiT MR. CULL w ould mention that be has re 7 amp ap oe ne ag rage eg gf Paper ee pope ene ll -- To ciESEAREA ee later eaten | C. B. JOHNS & CO, a -- ~G , MA ' . ] ® Gret-ciase " "Ui be kept in stock. a a ee nT eee et eet. .-GEO. KLEIN qth Senate Papo fet weve * Seren ae ee ee FAL MARSHALL, . Jections will be taken up at each of the ser- | and the resolution was earried. With regard @ec., at gy pmrehy Makers peapeets 7 Stock of Children s Carriages, Wholesale Shevt Musie Dealer, Stratford; Out. CULTIVATORS Pearse Jo she Jorming. of 2 new school sectios the Bye oaas aa . fully invited to inapect his stook belonw purchase Boots & Shoes. Pin seiy: Yokenl asin, enh of Ta ee rs <6 ~ I tha inspector andthe restes soncerned. een on re ASS - ak 1 ". anon Sa _ nmish. Plane without first following table Wich is extracted from Mr so DEN thet day at dpi, and if SN ee ee ce ee --_ _ _. Dy B: Rateg/d peovimmens books, chowe thi | seat cack be ctivet/cesan 'tn toma CASH ONLY, Farm for Sale D. A. Mo cL CALL EARLY TOGET YOUR CHOICE. scenes cae wsiiety poorest SEED - ? at hak pena, t of the town of Strat. | choose, they could resume business after BENG porth-halt at tot 4, and north. how reontving his =p rind stack ford for the year 1876--nearly « half ftps imal forehand pans aor Giving a taining ¥9 ecree: ou tind om of Hort Gee: sf thn Largest ond Bat eka FURNITURE. The largest Stock of Sheet Muic 9 | Plows and Gang Plows Tear | After 3 p.m. the conneii adjourned to Mit-] Large Discounts off for Cash. | fe *Gonrenioat Bvichell being only miles Ontars. a nT eee oe sraiand we -- oe { | amd Real and oe On resuming the een Ea, ee Th that place and me oe sean, ales Ser fenet tor the egetas creda Woe are Dow Serettord, March § 173. : AAD... Land Bialidinge : ? resuit arrvet conse- t a eg prepared ta ta Turntsh feetinng x totern the Leen oe = = ~ _ ~ - _-- } t ty.) uence of the non-attendanee of the reeve of e rgest Stock oiediad JOuN pFuse Special Bargains in Prunena "ne. 'Tree "Plantin i ' and it had been meat. On the preiuises, Metal F o . 3E 3 y @. aoe go eETE* pe agen 5 sngatelg fee te 'aenen | AND THE Pele eremniennveeey 4 Goots this Season. 7 -- DONT PORGET THE PLACE? THE CNDENSIONED i mpered ail al BREYORE PURCHASING. 1 165.2 " pod| pected present, i F} P Ml Bad it to 7 entrusted Planting | SBitee Sacset epee] pote | Seca eee phoerNeee Bron med Lowest Prices ety ad , -_ C.. B. JOHNS & Co, and Seqting, during the coming and -- Geaper ny _ So a, sh a ing to the clerk -- the co ad- SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES Dealere in Storrs, af ech , Herdwate, and | raeeaing, marr Toasle sa men finass,t 288 .152,49050pe075 fe, 051,060 | journed until Friday Ga Friday the omcecil IN STRATFORD. Howse Furnit pm Aprd 4107 a | again met for the © of carrying pans, ° . FROM US, Plambing, Gas ant Bionn Fine, aod Genera _msettand, Ay SS" We offers trial of the Peters te tne | tee ws leer mom eet" Ss pe peratord, March 2 8 «| MRS. RUSSELL, | ta , = : {22 | resolutions passed by the reves and higiself JOHN A. FOSTER, Ten to Fifteen per cent Cheaper| ~ , ow = Ladi H D ~ lation, we given last woth, wea] Elie ci iae,° te fom U8. 8¥e és) Merchant Tailor, Than at any former feriod. 3 be a 8 ies' Hair Dresser, \ Please call at a No. 5, Fullarton, Logan and Ellice. The Bs Marka Street, ® Men's and Boys' Heavy Goods at Net Cost Fi a fz : Ss "$ RIE STREET, STRATFORD, Taw Gaaxp Tacxx Maxt The meet: | council now detached 9} lots from school sec- G8 to interme the yok that he as sold D. A. McLEOD eS 2 355 Nearly ovposite si ; | tion No. 2, . and le bined Wilhiemenn & Os. }- § 5 af Paahioaable Creer te iy. tng of the Grund Tush Company in Lam} ty wicket thaar 80. he into c now saben | Setosate oe ents Mi tt eae er eines, Oe TE ple he ceresterd Ape Tas Seen, eee sateen ely section to be called No. 9, Logan, and haring | Bat emtered into partner with Me, . w. Py = 239 oat 8 aa ENGL . important, seeing the directors were | July and passed ¢ -law thas dispos- whee ey 7 lowe Bionk. ° » &e wy isis GREA LiSH REMEDYT able to present a report which indicates that |.ing of the school di iffieulty. Adjourned. -- eit ek hare Rew Boienoe! N EW FI R M "1s = Eva 4 ac & in short time A dividend = ee meres | ow Oregeet, ty ae jet ents tack rill a CHURCH HYMNS a gi5 oe 3 THOMSON & WILLIAMS &@ portion of shoe! t istrae thal > ae~enenas tamed det acme Poe Tey ¢the . _--_ > 3 q < Goad rabid tas pee ben es tosh tes tne EXPLANATION. Momcsa oder, ant 9} vies that daly eumpe D. W. CUMMING,| 271955 a WILLE char debeutare stook, | it, _ READY MADE CLOTH S o# : sock guncral' interest, and all other cbligs (To the Editon of tha Strattord Tienes.) hneies tame tere W. A. Bosworth THE CLOTHIER, 72 2 Se 3 Manufacturing tions before first preference stock Sebringville, April 26, 1876. HATS AND CAPS. Sen nee ine peta seh ares = 4 s* oO Before Taking, have Leen fully pail in cash, : the Sia,--Ip I ime I eee an ithe department is now full of the latest styles Is prepared to supply sid experienced clothier. for the parposs of ' 2 © . bewhiet than tor slong tne post ro Close 5 rver." {Molerworth, | o Ragiiah, Franch and Amerioan Goods, and the setae iba i Rerattors is Kae se 9 ¢ = tert Bl can srecinie. men! MEDICINE Co's Works, 8 # wenue for "Year Wes 7 tegarding the twin believe cured 0 wervices © an euertpers and b> | 5 7 tratford. 9316,100 leas t the corresponding one Sara © Mitchel, called.) I must admit tford a - ¥ Anne) a -- = for 1975, bat a the wxpenees have been re that ane of vai ry SE naa af naa Hon Eigen Boske for Write parlWaiewon ry eo $ Zis Sue es ee = Sa tone" Tun bot thet, eototshonending tin | tonto ot erica ot the i Per Btratford 53 'Bag St. James' Church, MONDAY, THE toh INSTANT,| BBS 3 _i* = decli: con: t for any . et 4 be > 4 ~ py asiotber. As long as he le s mem ns ie eae oe: &- is cae ha Insurance ts A ; e 6 peg laghar yg ied | ate TM Gree aa oy Foreign and Domestic] = > @ Qs ommpany the institution antil he is! "4 lity, and at city prices. A ia reapeetiully - rn a" Cloths and Tweeds, a 2 5 -- F ate Sen tethowts ety, ot, i certainly HENRY A AGHMBAD: ay me River shown ia this town. 3 ! Se p> 8 | santy ces many pease styenesre THE Te UTEP od BON i, GLOBE me seat chews is any fault "Bustford, Aya ta" Our stock of 3 S kK v8) M ie ict Riera ed Have transferred to davis, in his own lodge 2%, ONTARIO ST., 4 7 = - ett Stadacona Fire and teen of on Sunday STADACONA _ 'esa bet : READY: MADE CLOTHING g @ oa Draggists " Life _ 'company, re Fire and Life Insu Ci rWOFES You wa oimag ayy y mall oa by wa | T sad visinity, Parte igesses A 9 300 Bass Tar Sie na cy Sage urgnce Co'y.. ~ cas A FR ATED ADs al alt ae Ry iid wed ie GCap ait w eee ae aa et ee wien apie oS he. Oy District of Mitebsit -- QUEER G, tr oH APE A BEM 0 rca oe wt Cupwe Parmatiny Goeth as i | Sette Bergstand ter Mi ere foe Nesey r Beans Financial Rewitr of's4 Months Business to Shst Dec, a _ =-- a eding + wm = -- Ma eiscurre ee ewan D. W. Cumming & Co. IMPORTANT, NOTICE To THE ICE! ICE! ICH! 1; Chas. Praser, arithmetic, 2 Mary A. i oer dte Stratford TimesJ Prieur Coit . 7 = +. sptrationd, Aprit 5, 1070. TU R my A leer INSURANCE COMPANY. Baas EET will as hitherto have mar, 1: Emarson Lean, geography, 2 ; Kobt. | your yaluatle paper tor the folle out ay : mere FURN Igcarporatad 1874. Capital, 61,000,000, for the kind support of bis = geoeTaphy. 3 }3 mn cres of 'Land . ~ | publi. sioner "Liwelting, 31 Mian | ones Selerenas ta theye | a daar 2 Fifty -_ At Prices to suit the Hart Times | Hag. Jang Shgads Presitent R, lsckburn, |" Serstton, Marah M8, 150, " adden, reading, 1; composition, 2; Agus | bath the na : =, peg --_-- ; 4 to hele adeaninas mALP., View Matthers 'composition, 1: spalling. 1. Class | county. As CS ham and det - "oy TIE endorses ware fr swe the nor bal of oe Cir ieee store. purctaging tise. | Deposited with Government for the Protestion The Auction Mart: Bhza spelling 3, grammar * ante of the county are of German : nr t hepa, situated about # half from the corpeor where attrieses | apyerils; other a ccuaceaie Henry Burgess, composition < se & " Tealdmes - « Gan. ation himite of Stratford z . < wien aqualy cheap $50, ~_ QO. STANLEY: DAY'S OLD STAND. 1, writing 1; Clara g's' Kaus aaa e Cai tint eced wont teed "Fbere be» fe PICTURES. FRAMED IN ALL | sanures against Loss or Damapeby Fire ov , . : * (--MieKazl, rnding 1; Fi. Sarvs, je. gram: mache aay Agnowia the Deas teen oo the STYLES. Lightning. S. Large Consignments of one ak meee emo ee a GRO. 3: MILK CANS Stratford, Apri 5, 1876, Remember the Place is y covers losses by Vgtnimg, tt = Lai wha mar 1; Emma Sexsmith, arithmetic 2; ware SRARGRD oe ' W TOB. cco "STORE! No. 88, Ontario Street, Opposite the Post! Parmers will find itto their advantage' te in- | GOODS: a Williams, reading 1, spelling 1, writ- A. GRANT, Beq., Did you see those Ironclad Milk Cana? | NE T ACC Office. , porated ayn ae ~ cous " pd Mgr d wars eee oo be SRMRSBON, Haq. THOS STONEY, Rag | A splendid article and very Cheap. Mr. R. H. COULTER, TLLUM HEPLUEN. PSR ae LOOK AT THE PRIOCES!I 1; Kathiven tending #9; | ¢ Stratford ---- (Latx oF winnson, Stratford, Jan §, 1876. Ly AMES , Black a. bore = ateon, writixig 2; Heary W. Davis, A large stock of all kinds of Begs to annotince to the people of Btrattard and | ------------ : BR. RUTHERFORD, 7 Fostee, Ws. we ; ae Fo RI ---- ST O-V ES, tne waverly Block, | oy ne < ent. , pee Law Weice cams to Gaier-- ~ nie _ ; $6g on the by-law sabuitted to the ratepay- | its resources. Farmers' Friend Gang Plough |. The Waverly Block sects AGENTS. . fe fy 5 " ' 4 i é i rt nest door to the Albion --_-- i will kewp on band « choice TOCACGOS AND teres ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, td-H:-NASMYTH-& CO'S., MEDICAL HALL. GARDEN AND FLOWER} Gtrokery. & & Glassware. at, 'eee 07 'PRICE SOLD PRIVATE OF BY AUCTION. +. COUNTER, Sa, J, COUNTER, Jn," ----. | Sewasion', April 18, 1078 ay es

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