a is Tea tte, See ae 'Pik factewing 5+ ia ode veritas for we op: : ening Of tig Centennial Vahibities---at Phy. " adetphla by daha Whine, eek ---- . $ wea in ait" Reeser = _ it ata the pe tee back emell, bias ~- Sones money can. inne Ba 9 wed, ew Phas she pune that w rie Thine eye town, Speier: ine pint ental, lat ma no country, ee toe bere peuple blow "4 'i e : noes with the naked finger, the ------ = ane 8 s* me + 3 % + while the New World grewte ee ee ee vain 7. : the too ex wehd, thre tho atrecte 24, - L878. ower oh epee sy VOL. 1, + Sheree Fe STRATFORD, ee WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, ih loter 8 toil beroemtls thie sa: = oe ee in -- . ---- , = of Uheer can understand. een noo owas Sy, Cone IETS § aaa -- oes wr ethet is a] deve time," ow rvelstirp of battd apd, weed me Ki . ellation in momny instances, | present. te prov There = ape ee where horses frosty fad and boo io icbaral-| deportment; bnd- where the. cit peak t melntione motion ont of wae. "The eon i ite the nex; everthing 3 ™ and the Denver News describes cceasion | coy and self-willed ereatuse, ge any | tesqae English, Thos. wise lest bere insecsnand tured panna: shortly put t tolerably qaiok | 1% wanting, therd is great reason to suspect | the standing apple treos in Kitchen. gar. | pend upon wind." \. sh bier, L escometit he his affections trou tor war duds of a gathered, work, Jered la ad mare. infallible Yiethod | ten f the other. Sterne. den, about two and 2 half feet in diameter, eee ee ee eke a oak | ceed fit iow be the peuitenad, cack t we ao a Tha Orit sukgsenr ota, a of producing colin, distr aad i ixZan "openness of beast. [tia | produced fag opely sneered Lrg Meo | be no rich peuple if they were enpable af feels cave carrying @ how Whips were tuade ja treiented vith Loven ms Bewce sion of the Lowels. The borse is uot peeatiar | found ina very few people, and that which eet ney See cee since bY MY fing this, . With: an nek ort in this effect ; and even their mastent, w) ig not it, buts eabtle dis peadeconer. ea ene yoare | The vieh find relations in tho wost re. wack step rach penitent Birnek himestf with For ast bod labor ment io Eee, rtifarty frum coploas draughts . to gain the confidence of others. ae weeks cee a mote forvign countries ; the poor. even whip across the naked beck. Tie boa eysty saad sande the Meio of an welt umorMlistely aftgr eating muebs solid | "hare ae pe on at in the bosom of their own familes. sno sory remalar i eh night, trim wt . foo should say sincerity, & deep, Se ' . i "The way to is through the ina few moments the whep-lashes were rine is bon h ei Sa iy. fee Are ebaracteristic of all men in }eoncemed, that the ---- on we Fd ta Ketan' sor the market; to -- son With tiood. Forthree miles ¢ weil ta 14,60, ------ ae a ver rreagins Farm and Garden, 7 --Ceriyle othe e a A lle me he affect. the | through the desert." tortarars " watked = pagel thewaolves, ; Sit saan Fake wn, Cocca irespeaneiie kia, "ht fe with sinine ation "Wh toes resmaina 0 64 Beem, hste-the limesand | "The truths thet we least wish to hear are evegh seneard the lant Cay >: weak Has: ee Sn Suan CINE: Si TW ial a thing!that | oi thorns anor I cam say we those which itis most bed our ty in must} Jt OF od to wie md te aor an = for eit af? -- a tiee onion cothan one sound af gluten, ue sehise te erect tala « of, ant scares any hath seen. havechene a the park' 40 mmothered- = a "<r yen with any force. Bt Soamaiiey Was ene 140 the eat, "a Ce serrata. -} the most untritious element in wheat; hence hefumoars . trees park , - ae espe sever. aves - saree ~~~ the-omon.4s sn-vcnucmital food, and gives ~Binetties inthe moat cotspendious wisdom, we camer ane Se et oe Sergives every thi ing to kim who tor Advertisers und noa-advertisers. | ayeiosat Felner A sigs ene om ee powerto work. au excellent inntrument Tor the" "epeddy" ais: parent plant by ing af tie upper portious | "Ti Ta Be al wes - ; fc a knowledveof-t = éf alvortiaing fan art of diseorering yeint | +" as i Tenet Helps: i" Arpareeras sh shuld not be mats to ripen | pateh of basins ik only. --H. W. Warren Eng.) Journal of Hor Wit mst . h older than fcr ner po arwopersee direct : P lis soud, bat acat nowt as.) Mhose we have to teal with saves the labor tieulture. "Who is the greatest jiar? He who speaks] -- io wes te still extsti 1 balls begia ee tarn, @ a coat of fof Hany inquiries; moat " i ' Cosme Pownen-Bight oupees carctimm, maitire, wie & sprinkling of salt, } «ue io few words. ~ Chisterield. Taz Crors.--The Kingston on tegrets *A foal admnives Ielianalf 55 much xs | rane in-She living rock, in. of ase ounce camif-seed, fogr cane ander. ree the pinantisiesenadaidenen te t fall wheat, rye lever, Sheree tell China, in the ok weal tarde wed, balf.ox BH seins aced, one yance | = . Gleantnes 'omise bat poorly in that . "Phe | hen be sommisted som y- Africa, of rien, and even of parte ear aman ¥ orate #, | -- Atany Ae 1 via hers et hice sin Koni has donéd damage an extent When oane gives much fame virtue] 4 tha United States, in are ithe Kt uners Jam-{are trouliel with Maggots ingen ' that in places it will be wisdom to sees a7 tet. * t of the pre-biatoric period. Aawyri- / se ' . sive ine: Ties scot Sone prefer: the ob i eteep it, and itt And a maker ater - ae plough in such small jons of the crop 48] "(ne pever needs one's wils #0 much as fan, Hindoo, and Kgyptian walls and monv- din aed tay sree panko tite: "The for carrying grain from the _ catuln omitt water (0 onions two or shree times with the gaat tml ecg ee ry ue survixed its effects, whilst generally but not | when ame has to do with a fool." is there vertiaements in hieroglyph. itmenits Woat to Al ports has dedlined "onan To Daan . SS wii old. Kid glove) Salers, + S-* Ruarantee it will Lil every | ces MME AEEY peste De tee wie Boe ore the | "Allis lost when the people fear death lesa | iow that outlive, by permet or ye Meg Fatt atuyer, a resident of Reading, AB ceusngn Sot Gusta per tena within the peat the evl a oe as Bear ak pK vasibbe 5 have the tint man visited by a i sod to, than poverty." a penale eee them. | . £ Whale ee years. Upon hundred bs mt at in span with a quart of water, Viauis shout aterod with rain water sagen of nile powers of Ste and walert* vary to seit and lo- ns rust signe -- of yoheny eunenly vd Eagle interviewed | busbels annnally shipped to tide water from boil i Town to E} wae 'ed sorte tt et ia She se, moruing wc ut evening. The leaves of | | wba Zi » nos Teal bs ed fret eality, but tt may be set down aa certain that Seren ulsites ot - Female ~ amen of ail kinds, and what fe hire and obtained the piace statement | Western sections this ee Suid, US te on devating plants rhoall not be sprinkled "witt- hem it theught of t--a captat wie Hirst jag] the crops have been more by the "Varacter but a crude, undeveloped, rp sat set e resperting his eaperiense fe eaid- $20,000,000. the = rar temany of their ska. Papa tle Fo ar eal bears who. perlectinl Las nondnanaa reaver vam for 4 wee arn --_ jaloet z Tuegie. of socten ' eosin thane bata 1 dg fas wates on{ 'The colored lov if yo tp rain weal r at : - oeeaaion 1 x form tleing \ er glove devany color if yo hy cauno lasted by 'apaite ib fo the air sy amy @ was the rat ssubacepieg I in os Duar ann eon ae ey "thie or > a 2 Lay ii, Fe, adh Lat e 7 tn wo iE farm in Ciaru township and w ent down | is » Masa armen Dari. we t "pos ing divine i tution present cro being | and the various elements of its composition = ' eenerally been = orl it "hud moretrom are Yarivss ways of maakin Te se Live ngtedon yi water mar necessary to the gatistaction 'of the | over 220 pupils in attendance. It might be} The subject i werd degrees, till the | Where by the masarn ne a the at at ad. | curiosity than trove a belief in hie ability to Tal ¥ sarartinjey after 'being "ied, should never be | iiian uind.-- Leigh Hunt well fur,the ¢ nt t» consider the | qdestion to be, what were the main re ch ol are! A locate an tebdergre a re, a Lan- 4 vi =e "ati Whe agelvony is irauk by Sears bia mith Windom, priate of making an addition to the darmitor- | quisites ine gnod wife? 'Thera being con-| vertising, by + thot = hiel: bows (is high nty fan | _ vining rod. After a hard! he sugar; put on & iawn 'the buik o of it goes directly to the Targe yey papery om =i ue _wis les.' sheae the trush ia most felt, as they siderable ty of opinion, and room fr | t the nd fas a the Gait sfbepaiatie the ee ke rod he sab 'You ai tdig at the ' qnick fire and rae thes Pati w few ay Lisle of 1s re atin He Hamels, eungent of Sot Seine mot calcaiated to ssestinaaaty it waa that eseh er Soren tts Py hat enor. | Tisht place: you are i t to one side of Of peppermint, foniys dropey) drop, on }stomach. Ta parelag 'thrvagk-t *T Ago ie alf heat, Youth all Kekrt; age reasons, qlnatiaret should write on a oe ae! cor owes Mont 4 The contrastis great from the time | *e#trems "He eamall beans 1 will soem be a tin plate to 9 poo by xy te ste the. solution : caniprshe , ate ts here tt = ps the yonth feoks; age acts ---- bd | of pea | when peorle Lad to kat om Hunt tlie "adver | eco bald in bie b oe the 'pices ol tre-opanad and vigorously worked, These are | H itis oF | points w, ad = wid in his Land knew where 6 Sai candy Ae. a eeoee intestines, . Uf, thei, he oa tae stoma, ch | dion = youth under the domi hose whieh pre toand | in whee i Salva them i and thie time, (eek tin hie there was tome} be eS ae Amatiety eo '4 (te oe * when i 3! = a ; a wine - at baler i, dicated ne nour. | aay tarts ras und gorrswsie| I ave no negroes, = [sie pumber in all the lists were to : fromen is taconite te n the | tie wer: wr to an appl te ssp ad ick age ei se Y begin to be soft, in hay univ emily oxianoed, and nniver- A ve [railway cars, and whereve they Tut tw Hatifax enc , a teacup of ot water." Then pad thems in a ped oe ee ee ells eon teased "bat tet us not attend oaly tof ; hedaer sorters Ths clbdacheaned sigie of advertining hed te | * ce tha bg tie Singer. and remarked. "T'll frou hia estate, but aa he had a property & us hem. non beat six | railway con ar a - l look tf be maden allaring om. Feople had no |" 3 _ c ia whieh eines wna, t- * e nfais. of : cms ms | eating planks, pros! pata, u ~* te, "hat sn te, we ped) find that evry day has vote they wild Nene and Te 1 "halt at then | 'have 40,000 cl tom the tifernt pin gi trae fo Wapapers to read, magazines and ne| there is toa a per 'ue ghee oe tage, ike an bouest mat keris now paying atm nme te come Wee ne, ke it | it.« laut, and then Tireop hy qnick- Ci i he Scie the a "7 te : whit: Bat Re smayority, | pesnted tet, "Sete ry ie perce and prevent it eriaras ia. --_ = " ~ ita Water v9 atowly added till the Mine ts ox mute new of the human beat '00 founds of cofice--an me of nine or | the following 'order piven, ar leghsat tallew a om Raresé say we i nn half an as ar ES pg ert me a fe " priv draughts they could 1 obtain fr 'ot insartptions} vite fer rwantie 2 oyeits.~ Capetaily 1 } isapr: and is 5 tmber Pier is @ torch diglited, in the pee How Tary Giatuen Cocoascrs om Crrtox. Stivex Evewewrs ov rir wy Woe move all the wire, then wash with 'soap «nif hen rich ty t th prepared im this way bas been used in mines | of...) illusion: ~Concanat toreshi of Th iw of neres ere 1. Prery wa gs ar - phty, and we ey in in aod other exposed constructions with good Th we 7 j spread ovér Uha plain beek of Gal The 5 sdvoetial pte y band. =e. siti = ee ee Hen | results. They who _P Over errors, were not form. a ret & limbs fr thirty to 2. Sense ar] iy 1 tas water and hy other as white of egy, very aoa 'aid an, _ Keplace 1s takes 21 ed for ertte fun ap without knet or limb from = y 3. Tesren. and in all casted refreshing and benef y courinesd thal, there MESS ta ot rd $e + ieee A wise bs an makes more Opportunities frat reir fe vd renga bear the 4 Eeccanos The anak ates made by the old pillar-and. * a pow motiod r ; ard an ox that igtes 1.300 pounds will con. | Sar be Fi mud walt in sires t the aNKRN. -- wore, petbope eeetinne STE i: the per] pera pacaasty apa) Aatics ia hl and Leilth ; repose tx death | reg and Ht main) this sls all 6. Bracty. od. Bas they were. re iia cmp in nr iaing weight: Hf bo mm to fatten we way tp. - = Tia : Texas =~ > | tet hetones 'The ongties plimb. these trees . avieten + ce BL ot -- 'ts ety 'wit atm F pounds s bay tes a Epa we | aoa aemie (Bt Saeed We to eee moi Ons Je es salvertising - +! wdoee freee he ire ve weight to Ji pounds of good uay. To more frequently a rnetive stambling | legs near the ankles so pa to votes, "te a Be ns a ~ a ~ eit tue oblate -- abide tr dais hay, 8 =" a hice positions around the tree, and wl without | eritieal aml phil ; thing advertised scap, or a medicine, ot raeedat pe A et jrard, eu Se be weil fh. GO per andre 7 + i help, th limb bjecting it to this, let w " was money buried ro rew her " Fo, Tetnete e the yu fica, and" ent them Sand -- re Pac cs bonne within Phawell 5 werk 7 retary 'the trait words in = terms compo = sigan; os an ne mtion fon or iam Lote and I desired bina to find it if there bai via ppraoeei 'pratt eur vamawtanell . ie te bis -- beings, and each pra r 'single tree |ing the aven-telf ar "nda MA toun wees 'to meiner a ay ied, i PF aad | there. He p ager portions of the grein a o han' Lf rr ; 73 (ei ihe om naa at Bt 'docen cocoannts, . aad t bh i he aden with his divieing rod in his han a in the t thy i i id HI May ard we that-of no-one, 37 list like.a text. said, "there. is something ee er here! from make te ~ = ehand well on the ie ab, aol = dl pete for boilers "$1030. eal tor Koow! ego 1 iy the parent of dominion. the fruit haba tree. eovoan for. "he Piety, Dy this 'Ido ani mnan an sere Is poms in it. 'inally he stopped and xa "Ware's the-epet" ' le 6 ther th white seus, bal! hs ie total amount was me na Dr, Darr saan: asked Porson, what bo | ests aro really_bea: tiful, senting arg cnuliaz creed, of mode of religion, but nt ora and de in ¥ He had found the exact place Where T wurtet = ae eon a 5. = When the-voiee ie $26,000. A thought of evi. "Ise no-guod in it," was] pul growth, gravefui proportions and charm. the noes a of Ietocpion an and motiy sé in many af | the moury. «t: i t the}| The proepeste for a cval trade between Pic- Naat te orawall for $2,050, to Tt, Hotieay the reply. tmz shuvle. | The. frail t iteelf with inclosed hieh, « cand thousunds of doilurs » year, not bees reporter | mason yikes ~ * | tom, otresl, and okeba Farther 'ord, . to Brown isa nie: af majele 8 othechibt, ee] ome Fiaty. bel believes in things " ur- | customers, bat invite comparison with their See bad nidie theo yrougs abot two feet long. | Wl! be trae tested this year both by bed A Sums, Berlin, Ti,, $1,500; Eoodon Dachessct tld by Atsenr Yorssny: of tres friends, | ts-< roe yas hs eeu and "and as regard to the Di- | riguls. No people know better that ther Th oat her of wuiy are vear's growth. A] Ts and water: -- ord, te om hind degree, a wort f, came to pal Be the fibre of the sueli is largely w vine will, as ither in conscience, or | \dy returtia hig sitvertizing, bs a b in the . "H maak th r hazel tw bead is nLont ad goad has apple wood for ae om i ete it ix," said ¢ ron, the works. and. G Amid - the } ctas of inventors amd dealers to which we nf a " tor | seperation of the and liquor arate tonty lend to i the commanut ie the most Tapoetant tide and surges of life, piety, like am anchor, | hare E of = fog ihe iepeed hatter pas temp tema for anes Rothechiid never fand ralualde prodoct om this ishand.-- sure and steadfast, moors woul to that goats, fancy srticlen, joe! Ty, groceries, vet t a, appro real Bada ts the dissection in * ; that they will nes ---- res bat, won Tismes. which is beyond {i valyof natnrat visions }und shoes and Ya of pe abs the nator fuwe. § ies the at-| engage in the groeery trade om the premises ~~ . ES nen of a on we ys. ° "I » 4 wr ft ito re he en a month th ; and where piety is wanting, there ieneither | sonal apparel, know it past as wel Owe traction ban 0 as to twist and| for which the license ia sought, } th ver @uur Lack with hia $2,000 | Proverbs, Maxige and Ae pal Senten- } comfort 2 ner aay. Bat i le who set themselves w " pa, | eh sist Soe ooo 3 : Ht rahe baron suaki Ielicns hla eges | by ces wl the | : 25 By this I understand n arate} ariet ¢ to the business crack the twig close tothe hand. By making] The tumber trade between St. Le: aabing pe s, bit ad nate hon q i zm yale nye Aadalond, 'hanital Worcester, woer, for $5,000, dioxk 4h Hiwe ft pacity: balk of mind, newspa ate worth silaliog to. Lawyers -- -- a rata nog cals aS ee ew dey ines wall, Dake of Richmond to Potts © Son., for §1,- | ene ach. baths lader rep Chinese question te probabity one of all Wat i inches the term, better ander: serepapas ate ort Bali " be Sep on es Se eee nag . ; eter the ow of 3000S | a meat Lent wh as ad han dneib. roms ws." ime Ae bens as oth mwepe| uci he vet noah wae i of so oman i Soh pence 3 . . aan Ae fhewvg jininey-§ is ae you dis we re we -- rd wn -- ---- ooeupy i nage tas it, in one of bis admirable cou- ya's Ss dee vetiaemle ia Gitersd? ¥ uavoran the veine ol | eena ie jad & «f yo nn infletesd «0 the sugar ie by ox for mites, are Mute _ te ch a Hight and diy apping cred varios me webs ent practices a - we may think of Chinese immigration, few |" ft of lt toning ir t they are} ° ' 'of Bu ost der proposed @n- SoU - Pack Prrppprec--Teel aud core {yur or a. mestines wills it, the fatlowing Fal rules will | A Scotch minister tha disconread on the | Till deny that they are a remar people, bios thecee na conte taste meets ee etre | om in the courts, whereby they imei Sek fr wate a cok bee largement of Bt, Poter's canal. Se ines Papier, pewentvng ten oir ES chk. j A ni eet ial catelexsuese eh bia fork: "Brethren, when | ¥bose Evenietge of oun nits andl sciences. | 3. Temper. By this I do net mere} get their business advertised gratuitonsly. , Got my ocenpatiq broke « few tay Gish ; asprin: Hotht mart we thireeFonettia + geet b pg Siaitmed os. the L reatit. of madera amiability. of. A | Phys are, We i, 2 Hag ee shout the same j. and then pot One-half te tive-cights of an inch bo} daky's swans; Psd ar Ouy swabs, parson waa tailing Baler bale themenives toy Ps se: : Newfoundland jam. Take | bow t.. Do wot open the trees until they ran Jan' they il! oie oie at an' ayedeoking| The proverbs, mnazims, te. we give willl be was in his- domestic life, . | sional & or rigidly laid down by}: _ ame: Shall it be? : moaiene af as ae 7 tafe -- -- ne tae .dtookits th heal agi gti 30 sathen sg ES Came ned arver ball the alight of, thea ib Sone Woeaalt be ata ¥ As tite dangers besetting mit ye ft ent ps t of the tre that ot An cler water theyre a' drookit; then yaa" a aa ithy hi tom of. them likes 'te see ' ad wntil's Shute aol er ne Ke Sivas 0 more than an' the his Shoes ange dove - na be be at ie boa tw bi Armen a an when be been distinguiahed patient young peuple of the prveent tay, in the forms | % inte the ve dish with 'the les Tio a t it less than age footin di yre d "Ousk more than eweetuess * wanted ine to kill or eure, or is f ry - f Ee lie --" ated vile chen sae attire % ket te » he y lee deo eu P trial, or an rem an ad t obey ee _ np Daten . 4 - : 'wner w bat one cannot be charte person -- = oerly ro geadl bert . ee ca ng the newspaper may ny and Borges cireulatel, be , : at = . corens." . . y - 1 o bent z hare.t, were Wat oties ti -- 'wat ier i eed Bat sor the attribute of te 4 be called upon to report. The tlird ging; © way. es ~ i Prone ctheee, er f any Ga ar aay | Peet eae ae an at oo die sous "My books speak to~ bord Bainonet tiny oe B this ane under. called 'ned professorn, the clergy, has the ee TT cs uses of _ tbe land, the TE TP od"hart trust, Xaver leave inthe Lreaitef gir your-winge-x bit tiap, an'--ye're We myc art; all We Pett "emai eer pa org p faiorare cated ax} eetreason. fer not advertialtg itself, But ~-- whe le day-after ther hate va we run. | as dry as ever again. he wiee man dues not wpeak of all = complishmeste, Many an int lligent aad Bier rey . The quicker the orice Fy © Wet] Men of the world tinld that it is em vitie | does. but he does nothing that cannot + wel ¥i rng; nor sa.beiped to eonvart he pe jel ol con aor td the wall, in tab 5 dee Pho following taete "1 ta do a disinterestad action, € an aken of. play, not spesk any othe th Pea Seika to vetigien:: arent work-of of ee d.ipading » are pale be rometrivret: The rast of ie si in motive ; for the cake ol of olsire- 'Attention to small things ia the monomy moth tongpe, and may be weil edaeat, | Mr. Moody and & gory & peste oe ieati os mbes * ana a is he ' -- more ¢ "ee F. : bo grower, mor guin. | of virtue." ed, To be able to write amd"fonverse -~_ by the advertising of their meeti eomptiabed : iniaeiots American owners and shippers oa the . ne mata fie ston al Dos bens 7 asin. ie mg ss iery ts the pravenid to calumny." and be iy ee ee liberally teal it committees, mee sud ipo citinena omeqenen: shoul Fok ray tp oa = airs gerigond ~ Saas ri i in ein w many ican arity ng Lt re Treads, Chee |i} only Staniting there to be wtared 1 ay oa p A _sirtee om | Sie maven. fo qncnigh to entitle her to, the felpos it nowupeper 6 b h Mak not patents deceive themaclves. No | ahippiig liner on the western iabes and rivers cup ef} grownds, with spre wt. discharge mere }" * ? ' bal acre jamal * " . + fall i bh b : i Saeceeeerner ee raed name of an edneated w ' ¥ i or interpretation # Gucr, the suc ranch EYStEEE "Water: - - ~ -- "Repentance is «the spring of vista." 5. Manner. How often do we seo every . ra Bod "Sou Geaken the venders of | American ee ree furest. ' sos Items of fiterest, aoe Pree -- talents, but it onp- natural and acquired exceilence neutralized} \fice th all that }low and dangerous javeutie pabtications, te mills of Rathburn, manalee- : BICOVENS THE CBANNCTED £Y Bette pies Odie alentn neither give. vis manners! How often, on ; there | rly unholy trade. * Every child te in] turorsd lamber ot weer. young Inqnir 'How 'Tax Daur terexsats AT THE CENTENNIAL [ge bor supply the pluco ef it der hand, bea plai all I cay bo a eee Gas in the ensiomorn at oon eer for Shemcaped. "het |, enjove- oy i aows lone oe rr t learn to den * 'be "Ttereee petween re chi 'The Exhibition al "He ter ireend. ere im view, and pein Jowable, and a multitade boi a of painting and who are ble reading iw not provided ky these most di- | wall as three others near by. The amount ; worl and "anottier? Amteriggn + te virtue; tte novice both in thewne and the of taalts covered, by the charm of wf og)-atigt ii the newapa. | rertiy ite best interests at heart. All | of timber eat tm that section is estimated "Beret A great many wijlt are of w tusk detphia nL wapdsome sirertars ue bag frank and manu¢r! There is a life} ory by scine absurd cols of wtiquetts. Hat, | dangetous ions" do 'thetr = character. Try ome place ro "shower the | feet f m Lent, mi ; trl - pss perth a Dre wey ae without mankind, bat ome] aod power in this attribute, deservedly piac- Eis the lawyers andthe doctors, they have | character ata giance. Often they wear the OE " fat putting |eatt Lecomon sticky and soon clogs the} fee 7 ie male bolidng = rete hae néed of « friend." ing it in our list above form or re. | their wigns Over their doors; and have» mosh of gree 2, ------ oe nearly tab ot Fan anten the top| torts "Tn anothor, a shower cf run sinks st shores Spars Fog ay | pow and salt ster. canaeeh s Sibeniilie ed friendship." which, in marble or on canvass, ent town ution of the value of news. Do not from Windsor, N. &., and other targe axe a is ¥ nice, and quickly | mee into: the soila aul leaves anly = look 'of | 83! Rous tallied, 'dameaiation there ' ; ly admired. y can be imitated paper ing ya took ia tha al af tnt vending: Sites sare souk Site other Fa 2 - , oe on the «arface. Wé call one a tight pane w od civorinicndeat WS The cine " vuetiomce ae rot #3 with ee. but who can imitate or paint with anak pg of gilted srtiete whe. languish | tame -- 'blindly | oaniy. There Wa goed 'the another a heavy soil; a or ene; wertors $ wings | the Le rahi J trath the rivaci! ity, attrad- ait that your er girl, : _ ah one ONCOL, wet or dry. But there are peontiarities in | of mere Sach aad Rerciet eae Be neicnow is so little persuasive, and. pro- | tiveness af --. seosndeas tale male forbids them to publish aoa fondnexs for books and periodicals, [arma eer eras -- - ener eriowsn, HY wo eloge nent." Phi us 7 th that they tiene bo it | learning something, it :! i pptoaoe ot talon geod is thé only avon ton tn onek therefore, thar i te -thapeitia Wearwore persed by--tiee may be weil to know what that something egger eTifectoen ele nl mot » i t cue that Bever wears wat, no need for the tougue deseribi rules of fession to spend a handred Mi ae ag oe rman ohiidove ts panarncn work. ap de prepared vy ure eUmaius bs fa pent . Vt #3 from coarse, pebbiy gravel, or lope eand, to as many aa GO roid af at one nen waiivats virtue ia the Hinge ne meni} 7. Riches. This porn on 2 female | or righ gees sar in pre op aol tn She hs v of wageinely purveyors it } #2 ornamented patra berecbnmas a! 3 bord. - stew, ntiz we masta Ywn | ome, compact clay, and between these ex-| time, each factory sending two or three sam apis omen." | charactor, hut of an eligible wife, is alas, too fetiteont sad a le. the | Opans the way to moral errors of every kind, the usual lettering. card itentt mis eason with salt, 204 iff remen there ix an simple ebope fur diversi a like complete of A "You must listen ty your wife, and not be. | well understood aire remark or expla-| intelligen' eults - pangs. tae, money ee te att vier slow growth ta pis white in color, Tty adoption will be « Liked, » Ltt yerper ns wttbe pudding Muto [47.05 got only differ in tex: Lut in other | Potter will also be made. The subscription | lieve her =. ne Ty ---- ge wall whak Waly," davioge only gleieehy' seed ing in postage Fa nee a pie diel bake very slowly for an hour and Yano eharncteri« sties.--Jouruat of the | to the butiding fad. suing om satin. stone is net deal or sours, what a peel ader ! rer Inawtn any Soivld- their pictures at & rate to daalers| vies. The point of the wos ie eaaity insert. | ™te.on an ordinary letter is five conte. é - haif, ond then vere " Furs; Si acts torily and there is wo doubt Chat the re-| tion ix that of a father-in-law! If with combining all these qualities? 1 have | SST Pit et to advertien them, and|ed, and, stfitet, aa easily thenst back, but it stated that the Quebec ' wile ' oan tw Bras On Dh --Tho majority [Vasile littl, "$15,000, "Wilt-be The | wile ind» datghetor-in-low; oms- ies! and loved some: but | *2° 0 beware of the sient foes that, having once | Gulf Ports steamer directors are : A ¢ uEM r. coment for Cons ; Bre. i} centlenon who have been entrasted with the rs } wlwith their consciences " ainant nyt mae be made by Led ae! teneutac® he show thas cars vo ym r fee red ters and 'sisters nieces, I foutune to to meet one one ne wih for violating a professional ruts BY tideing ths " athe sad Lnfercelenial to sown in ari wil pre nneth largest weight | ieee E kine | Ott CAsH! to bea tiger to be able ta hold oat, and immediate violater. So sy of your heme, ' ; -- ty. Tid green bxdder per acre. It te interesting, ay Tor and i a happiaes 1 mater of daughters is she having' 2] oe itch ofthe « ie the d bs t {news ee * they | Sesame of thelr labore prom lee at a'viey who has ony #0 aap Bead paper edvertising. ~ But "sree The great Belts of the World, = ir € in Agri- b. veri "The --_ or pg are of quicksilver, one af theas we tant ent with its consideration, and a loug essay might \ from ant plotavof _isud | criti showing of od 4 see - eine fase and thei of w : ine wer ny wite re i cise society. be written upon it without 'exhausting it, and} op, t belt + Me called:the Tear bens "holes ix : that there is not deformit: s¢ gront beltof Moscow, poled tp ireits ki were set ap vert, Socsensialiy equal in chawae- 1 cf thee enantaien. "The cant casio oraen willingly eat eoaket gestive dvi n farm, Holokol' or-King of Mela, is the lanpeat. ia goods very. an ieel Sp disaoe' tof auil, each messuring forty-eight rads in | down their oyes to ba loo! dia for it on a single column. the weld. It in 19 feet 3 inchas-h ond é years neh +y ih. Tha grote Me plowed bf Dest" or eying ra ckvaies Hon sevaguatea sretaeeh tht saargins Ob Gnit Ee thahads | Bercy Toei get Bet It bevthuated to wnigh 4€3.772 pounds, and S lighten Loce alts, i bo Bm ri ae ---- WhURD Tirta tert: jiu rae fees tent " wood or irott, [oowr benee in, wages habs, x and part ar of re plots -- hit, P Cet aaa in a great oinsoy other wives. in the other in drills. The plots wore cultivated pn anether; but wernén' and girls look at artizinxs mended slupihl not be my rh aud hoe Tune 15, seed aaa guy the one another." weetment tre vhandebel which-eill req t ve the Pr . - from oby dag according. to the | sume bumber c ania 'ad so ibe ssa tidal girl hai coarage enough me Fide coment wal reviet the | ing migh. | he »pent 50 sctive Wisinere life, and ", Hee sd al. ceen an infvential ition. He was a "Fhe tree overthrown by the wind had Fibvune. ol Senate fot pears: taore branehes than roots. woe »The dog in the kennel barks 5 bol we f a Sha fa me panting vet seth ie Wat the dog' whe is 'liunting does ¢ Ps epaling of oil paint ou ieee se ana be fgeck rg Be "le whe et thing beigivon to hla, i sgt sie rat cheek Abt nouns reese ne "bint drink. [2 ' a ayer "ater they may 'wus mori ame apreel easier, "Even But thix 2,000,000 franes In no way repre. |: sr ig a ty ma inh 'the # pieyraent of a varnisl that has been boil- sents the loxs occasioned by their presones ; hie r wou souls wills, others only feeble --~"ed with lithaize should Long maul tne Pi 5 hee mangaless = ees tant that the tet cont. : ' Py tng anid ery diy "hefore-2- Gat Yon you ful wa one et ot yl mh oa ms ts thaselore, tbat "ap sing after a_hua- penge ctv mene , subtleties soph as this part of Norws treabl / or orn Powe in in jest possi Fa ating. water gad net it by the tire to ateep for fi Mer: adel Te aes x ng aA