2 ehe Stratford Sines, + 18 PUBLISHED Every Wednesday 'Morag, Tus orrice, i raz Dana.--Mr. Baier: Ts ey ye Ne Sag eee =-- WaLL PAPER WAREHOUSE 16 Ontario-Street. eerie PEAKE of Putte and Ps oe vied "ALG. MACKAY. & C0. Pin etred peace 2 wh De ae cre ecattnts of . ti lion: --either in» bar-res0 or a lewip rare | oat on 1876, STRATFORD 1876.44 from Welk agar A wu aoe -- one ee wel ot thee tro eviley pd pci 43 : wy Row OrexED. is : E ay i & watehmaker and joweller, | county of Perth" (or ied 5 : Woon MILLS |! ope aceite, oni, | ea IS fat as toes Nowest Patteras for Ded: Rema an Pictors, Om Rely Ba PP a PE ce eee ¥.x tri} ; eh | lanes. Sem: designe tom Breese. Decors. - We wil oar New thow Room, when wo will ry meet porate ta we a rthoye nt er oor Ber es ere selected | f5 Words with the. Henson's "Osusie tions for Walls and Ceilings, Statuary, = of thildren 7 , | tent Relormer,"* i to under- Teens, Follad Cloths, Flan, Blank. cron at ae neni by eye winnd that py tnt drank in my ~ oti. be. f = : ding, Yarns; de., de., or 'parlor games ool cigars a.| hife, Can be 'ssy'as much? Then be mses Tomato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, 'neo for sate tho selebrated! Ee ee a RINE PET lees iy special fat ths bert b 'ed the 'terma +'thie pickpockets, » robber * Of a oupertar quam J ty, antl only the is kept in : te es, era pico Annual Flowering Plants. }Opaqued Window w Shade Cloth,;| te is ll oar < a ° c= Yanw.--We were shown last week a | strange that all temperance advocates adc a eaeaeee antes the very best of satisinction..._ J all slang of the rabble that they hse hlic are invited to call and seo my A } | Samplo of yarn tnaualsctared in Belfast, Ire- priteon they ps @ the fas of hasoskiet Fats, which wilt be sold cheap, wc CRISPIN, Aipinaing Lg pee =| land, ~~ fax grown in this Tbh epention: 1 - stoi $8 Cash paid h is of Wool. was of exorllent Haslity, -_ we fail to see | jeyed tomate Pia ae = Milis at Bridge. why a splaxien ws mill cou este terms nr reese an before Lo drerindreiie = ene herd GENERAL PAINTER. J, SUGDEN & SONS. he malate ot Ce hy ry vena rotation: "The bess plants je fi. wonid be of immease ta.the tow H. GATEHOUSE. Work fearanteok "Mixed fet Stratford, May 24. m9 peg wee ought to pay Well-- ea o > 'i at Tal aa af any rox paatumeess. if the Government give 'Strationa, May 20 caatlens > Stewttond, Apel] & ae The Stratford Times, Yu Ops Pacem Coxcxmre---A pone = PIANO 'TUNING. * Gate FE. fe ach tates ae vO CHANGE OF BUSINESS. _AND cOvaTY OF PERTH & oe mony | CORCEFtA, weh takes place (D.V.) in fv town MR 2 Ww cabernet q < aa: " Pn A few ed AKES pleasure in informing the EE ERI eer mee aero -- = en aos aia TR De eehcees ofmead| 'Market Drug Store. ; " ing at Bosworth's i 5 wathataxtion to thow- 'wor patvenian Sruarroxy, Weoxuspat May 3st, 5078. aoeal post « Z vole stare, by pa! caramel tim. Orders Aa. at bis 5 pee {Te rearsugned 'pu we scant oar trimade sage mad Fi tor orks 'shillsign: oF Hf Je cant pay | to fon es ee serch Sa eae md itt wa - Ractive Acctnent.--A son of Mr. John that forke abilling se *'Strattond, Marek 3 ~---- Ader tet Square, Heratiord, to . McQuade, a young lad, was thrown from a} may = a MR J. W. CULL, an a Newnes eet tines Asormen Gamar Sure or Town Prorunrr. -- J. & R. Forbes Mitebeil, mee --We learn that Mr. George Forman bw etina AVE for salon number of new and second 3 rer ian tnt ant rune ty eomtig iets O Veal Bares arTURtAa" te Hits Single and Double Harness, | 25 Descrtas, "who they nave conten ae vith purchased the manell fara, aMated tw [Sy | alao 2 good W, Horses. song freee fence, against whe be we# | the Western part of the sown, paying there- Loose Hay iind-Atrew always on | Somtaudied as theis siocessar, Nn nem ' barted vole tly. He ran + | tor~the t-n-themsand ' hand, at their Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables, | 2OGS Teo inom sae aoe . tasions, but no fatal injuries. hundred property consists Aprit 19. at ON A te. New Rovre to rat Cawrerstia..-Via the | 05 rie all guod Rn ind well sientes for poor A. HOWILE. ~_ - MACEDIR Bort Durer asi Lake Hurou Wailway-to Port | Private residence enters | asa ie eens got ery Mchest | Pata mptrer unt esr tering | pitta See oa marten ent he, hag Dover, tue splendid propeller Dever, of as Lone.e steam, Brass au: Sag ai gas chandeliers, | cines, &¢., and usnally found in s 3 - eae Hewravaawt.-- "Ohadign me the ty to whieh the finger of ., ote., alway on hand. | « first-class store is sowicenirnneereone bracketa, vs drug be stork. oR de ta eeiat hc Pecuactomin Comal [rseqges. die Pogarnalicic ion wares } mca. fon. be. polmiad....Jm doe |. oF AX. Ontaie srwot, Sarva Surat | _ Strationd, Feb. 16 ' I. B) to'Philadel, This V0.4 the commodions premises adjacent to i oe as 0 othet he says "Kee te Sida ---f----- WO = _ ~~ able roate for peuple even ind travel to the | Fasson's Block, ates = be faggot rh fen and will act strictly up to it---Eprrom Tres.) WEST END ee 3 Southor South my at oars. . ---- rate to Pu ginger beer, and such 'ctor and exhil- PC ne i, Te at besonnet _ » Jaratii alway ir, Brown- WALLAOE. } eee ad eet an Wem [ing we hve every cadence, WU do pod Clothing House. |it tant tess & aang basing About two weeks ago, at a barn rai . . ae clade a, in ea ined wee oe at Stratlurd, was A Morais. ~The Apron Bazaar was a fin- ihe ighth --_. & weer recta New Tailoring & Gents' fieal Hotes Coughs aries = bate y i bee wir engaged enone core. che toginn ancial siscete, like cvmsyilsing aioe that OMT lheing sulegl; the chain 'holding Ube $508 of ow Sales conducted in all parte of the So saat a tec pMetlaspdie tg A.choteentock | jie of Use poxta broke, and the beut came to FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT "Office hours from 10 to § om ail Sais Thos . buffers, which ee him in a terrible man- | of aprons realized a good: 'tound wan, "thanks the roan ho Hives so tdirisracinyh teh | . stration! Mareh 15. ner, bia ped ob homen reasiving serious | to the persuasive powers il good-looking | we re lant, pot tee frag were ly injured, --_--_--_ in, injories. He is likely To Fee" fur pn io wmition | Owe af Mr. H. Jones, had his leg . iateg A datermenes good musle; ai-| ick {ana the- other; veer Messrs. Just Arrived af --¥esterdar. cellent retreshmenta, pe lots fume gener. | with severe bruises about the chest and neck. cm mada = Mr_Me no aprons in stock that . il exercise greater care at barn M N N Dowell, of Erin, and Mr. B: Baliontine, of would ft Tax kin man, bat some 6f tle -- than what ix us: ' cLE N A Society, es oe i 5 stream or wvical | Young ladies - dee iaced the. penld make see Sstarday last, about eal night, & LEE cehtp, Mt it treks all cumimer rr. Wm. number of 403 trout, | Who oe ~ the curn's Mextino,---At a meeting of the Terebel, th con, Wa war trek by" T wave: thin ane foouk Wow ina good ol iw Mee 3 poe oat bis have been conght within High and Public School teachersof the Town 5 'emda and parenal red. The buildings end ve y reed ' wd the last few days me of our townsmen, of Stratford, bekl in the Central School, May.| were in the stable al the tine the 'fire je took Black Sieahtetls, Mr. James Me is pert at Gil the following resolution wat unani lace, three horses, __Docaki " +. ing a-basket, om Friday Jast, landed ont of mously adopted ;--* That by lamented Eclat nepenaiy i wagons, an UT Crook the args number. of 160: ord Kony; the teachers | of inh -were...saved. many of jar ® good size; while Mr. F. | have lost a kind and evusilerate friend, and ' icnt lime t s oat ten . the west of the | 4 courteous and attentive trustee, "toe desire | out before the buildings were burnt up, bat oe. nen. 3 4 wer oo ee Bea Ta mitted to the freeholder's of SUF Town Council to rut ohaer 000 for po, coed day, "ives pone ge of prey in He, things. ~ Galt Reporter. The By-law sab- STrattort by 7 resulted as felow-- eT Law 37 Majority forthe Dy-Law, 116 Tax Exconsios toe Post Dovea.--otween foar and five hundred people " excursion- iewdt" from Stratford to Biggt Dover "pic, mauy of the ine were cally, the gerne was a succeee Mechanics' te is consideratiy rieher HL oe * Wenres ii sted Ppa hare rere a Totter trom tigns above, in shih The item etn pale i Tat the wook's Trorgx" rewarding dition of the Methodist C a in as town, in nereiely one essential titer. The Editor of en Trxe in tow ol 8 bird to be canght this kind of anony pas chaff, and we wish tyremark that ont columns to any ¥ n feel a desire to attack aoy churels ur om gation, an feel eo: 4 ourselves that altack is just. pat case, © shoulders are broad aisd bel will ne ot abi a share of the > bat in Mirai tore' he is tak aim. from behing a vedi ane amd we despise kind of wartare. Deate ov ax Orn Serrien. 4 is oar daty this bien fo record the death of Mr, Joha F., one of the pioneer reskbents Va y tu thio par Va of Seretiors 1. Mr. Vanstone ge of the then Queen's Bash wit ler of years, Bays entrusted oes t to rowide on ned apn him some few years og was ap ve family survive He was ties of marriage aad 'kindred wlth 1 a soma a t of poopie im this be song ey and the funera ral which touk place waa largely witended. rest Saor~ Kean "Dexeennnctans nw time ees ict Bde w Were Killed deat Ms = oom i a pe geek ce i! their that such he | Matual--. ise j that =} linus Manufacturing Co., pF writ -yaahaee THE BALONICA OUTRAGE THE Bt GARIAN LB granted n4°may enable them to bear the blow has m so heavily gpm them." weopy of; 1 ° . by the Secretary of this meeting to Mra? Bobb. A Casx ros a Boromox. > 'On Monday a -- case came before 'the -- of Revi- appear. thas. Ed and Tonia Gallacher both cPpeaial against be- seed for a dog. assessor wae pally and it was evident 3, "4 pike he "didn" question, anggeat that they eut the dog whe half, and les Kahe and Gathagher torr Satan the head aud + al parts of th F eee td BROWN, M.P.P., SEPORN HIS CON- ~ SITEURNTS. > Whitby, May 9--MeN- X.Broen, MPP. for South Otilario, met . fomgvel i. bis riends and supporters on Senay evening, -- rz wired the ed ns James chair was = ao J. me ox- lawee at Pickering. of '« Temperance House large room o was weil * "the electors of the for all they had done fur him, versa. his vote to cut mie ion nig ration he appro twtipa for i Bebool of techn 5 oa the S aaennannneine aeecanneee STRATFORD court OF REVISION. | "em Proont o Formen, Joseph The foils we it of the appeals: - ~TIn ~ aed of rong tay higbly , Caroline Rrantentoranc, Ann 'Aieoek, tnman, F, W. C. MeDonald, Edward Kane, James Barton, Jonge Cc. Hudson, Stratford Gae Ste rt ebrenien, Pred. Winkler, | Henry. Ubelacker, Jc Tk ---- "Caieiaeae i Pernbard, Hash i isherAtenrge Falman, J Wesh fidechemsithy, W. ¥. Cornett, treorgr food, Thomas Gallagher, John p v Nichot, sagan, Thos. Liddle James Simeon, James Powell, John Quinkin Jamies ieCaulay, (irand Trank Railway Co., T i Branoer, P. it. Jarvis, O'Higgins & . Thomen & Wi Peter Loney, ho bert Myers Ale xander athe "a applied ta _ his ere assessed fir the mew parin perty. James Wilson, John Tington Pre Jalin Argue appealed against being onsed as {certain warty for which their figured on cies, rolls, * Joho Howie and James Wilson against bet ry! enon as oceupants. Delt, er., that Sagden wid wrong: men Assen ber Cheutephe Tenmlly appealed against being agers a dk dJobu Idington tae vel thaw t property asseesed to him be changed to Thomas lallan tyne. T. M. Daly area i to have assessment of oer panged to Robert Share, Peter MeN ae 0 be placed on Resi- dent Holl Thos, Lidite waked ty be assessed for « lot in Hanavan's aarve i MIL. Toa! BANK, Datos. -- We lakrn that Mees 11 Nawmyth, of Herat ond, is about aarting « beaneh busi. ness ih the drag line in this village kiiow Mr, Natnyth to bea man ot pi sling | principles, one who knows his + and tally. . brinch store at Milverton, we would Am menEcaM Serie The eet ae 'eidin we have observed that Ame from INSURRECTION mgr 5 aia schairinan, (re Geo. se 5 oa the anes Hi, and vinta} se aa am seetned the Opposition who were ennningly 4 roped fo the attics by the Gaver abe . = + Ea . ot Ne: Townhall <i Sree Biz Ld Bhp wd gla jovernment for ita ot Me. 'ethane' soso a finally by bim on the License Bill, although axing voted. for, he vow | "in" WeVitvary "ikaw in the F carrying out of whic reat injustice was done and parti rs shown by gal Govern- Jn these topies whitewashing of . aptain Neelon, and the ecurse taken ment neaminees. od others he explained bis views at length, 'hich tet the Rough 'trade, the w Roost Fypstiones, 'most Complete, 'hea Stock in this Hine over w the 2 Of Stratford, win ettemtion to the the "Mts prepared: aa: da ggnee ro by caten Arena, nnd thoes pts to Cutters ee have the benefit of the cost THE LIVERPOOL @ L muah 4 GLOBE IN- PANY, to the JCC on 8 eS VALISES $s TAF FO RD, and Dealer ia , Saddles and Harness, WHIPS, CURRY-COMBS, BRUSHES, WORSE CLOTHING, £10, Ma. ---- Shaver's cffice, Ontario Bt, and Queou St., Bt Marys. 4 e@ We manufacture our own Collars--war- Fanted not to hurt, J. Ask- to be Cieenekad te) P. J. woon's® OLD carere strongly com ex. Deon pet and carraption of whose political dishonesty, he said, had well earned them the designation of the * * organiz- " ad iy posriay. raid, bat he now claimed aes the Con: peer. ak were the true Heform Mr. Seen thasieccecee an en did other wentlemen present, who de- the License Bill uncoustite tional and tyrannical m er, and eapecially severe upon Mr. 8. K, Brown, the License Commissioner from Piekering, for hin i er duet. " wabinfiac' lieve worthy the continued confidence and support of the electors of South Ontario." r, Thomas Burton then moved, seconded hey Mr. * That this meeting imdig. nantly protésts against, and condemns the License Bil, as a mensure ealeulated not to promote he tre caase of ereperaeee, bat one d a aloulated te work: i injary and oppression in the hands of part missioners, aceotnt ability to to the public, and to 'arta the liber- een Wm Extracrainary: THE OOMVIC Tr. D MURDERERS YOUNG ESCAPED FROM oe CATUR A PRISON, -- J41L.EK ASSAULTED AND ETUXNED. Cayuga, May 29.-- There wre eataped from this jail, Jaws prene anew? 730 nhc Jolin and ia Young, the sen! ved "here bers pa _ '98 from the gree ew 4 clothing, w Stratford Planing Mi Sash and Door Factory, THOMAS ORR, Paorsrrton. HE undersigned t« to supply Besh, Dear » Blinds, All descriptions of pan. Arabtener Raila: Bantsters, eet Lowest Pararca. "Ail oeaers tor Paulog she ama Lumber! My yards all kinds ong rt Fey . . or * % superior hind of Woolen Rave Troughing. a Con engaged in build- po Tl flee a A a inspect us Au stock. Ley, Door, eat. Fis Shop in reer of Workman's Masta Ptore. Dire ford, Jan. t078. KING OF THE 'WEST FANNING MILL AND SEED > SEPARATOR. destre to call the ai the attention of Farmers to our pew and im: fanning mill snk seed separator, We will warrant to give Thirty Bushels of PURE seed Wheat phn hour, from the wheat, it, pertectty. ALL WILD OATS, toceeme CHE. ane sine foul seeds at Without one. Den's Purchase wntil you bave seen, this mili work. ORDERS received at the mani Erio street, near allroad Bridgs, metabanery, BARTHEL. Foot & Transom, Tea Dealers and Family Grocers, Have on hand a 'S Moderne F of Genuine Groceries cor Geeea Tea pe so See eos Seiad ae ae a sod "the Coonel »|AL BION "BLOCK; ~ Ontarto-Street. Stratford,'April I9, Stratford. Pap r B Manufsotory. = UE ia bow prepared lity, and af city prices. A a Belted. aoe A ASHE As Manufactory in Myers' Block. Stratford, Ayr Goldsmith® 8 "Hall, r jevcaacect tle bate 4 waTemare, Leareral sae, a, SM 5 tford Marble Works 61 PACKAGES et antidaien concen se GADSBY & SHARMAN, Proprietors. Etgin-and A Senne other. 'Watehes, : . ash Beatiere, aes : AFLE AND. FANCY sadertnet hing ee fo rma Watches, Clocks & Jewellery ee years 2 + Of every SSS caes ores fruit e Sa see |DRY GOODS, | oe ge = eo pe a Albion Livery. Millinery, Mantles, Fancy . The bonse will bereafter be known as oon fi Comfortable . : ! D.L. CAVEX. Gotan open ES he ag Goods, Carpets, Stratford, Jan. 6, 1678. y ' ae Wt Pa -- Stratford, Jenusry 6, 1, =| pare SITUATED, between "ube coal gt owes Stratford Spring Brewery, Genera = Liars SMe Jor reat evemsuter by thr aaneen =-ming. WM. RUSSELL, Proprieter, - é "pla. hows i wen seen '8 one of the largest botels is -- Stratford. Excellent aecomodstion for Trevel- HE w: begs to the 7 equalled here, Jere and Jurymes. Bosens for hebieoaters. é that the } iy Rao abn nog darts oe Pm ; Stratford, March 1a We OO | past sasemar. spew in verking tana of os ines clioed wy tp tones to es | Pate and Amber. Ales, ee Re ee Oe Oe ee ee amd on Reasonable Fertna. BIRMINGHAM AND Patnicn, aes = Po a agg ig Ae iM. -- , 'a % m GF LAY. & 00 we) gs ite Re EE Sear at danuary. NEWCIGAR& TOBA CeaSTORE ™. | Fancy and Checked Sitka, by the most cele- 's Stratford, Jan. 5. 1876, " wve oha mvehy ine Aawcres, Vina To C. B. JOHNS & CO, ee . ia mes Mi Square, Perea foots, ret Chats, ae VR 7st RECEIVED A AMPLE Travelers | Ot peas Loaves, A tree omnibus runs to and from all trains. Reve -| Stock o of Children's Gemieges, Boog tabling and eee Nee ste, [oe oa Precch Marissa Prteek Tome Ofthe vory laf@et styles, and of bandsome| Srstford, Jan. 5 1s7e Persian, a : 'Tiere, ish. MERICAN Cecilia "ourtland's Crepes, @c., -- -- OUTH.Weet end of the GT. & renee the ben ae me wepinn de. CALL EARLY TO GET YOUR CHOICE. Siatien, | & Good Square Meal for 30 A G, MACKAY & Co FURNITURE. Setters, Seeeey 6 7 -- An our demand for z AND are compelled to enlarge our room, 8s Oat...Deads and a also our stock for the trade. Weare now Lie ta Englieh, ae prepared to from cellar 2 Q. B., money to joan on mort WE WILL, ON ° Estin's sadder Ls _.DONT FORGET THE PLACE. a *| Wednesday,'19th April, huaghien JOHNS "& Co., = mite snd Red Disk Hit SE ~ OUR OPENING DAY, Wt nena "= ond | tows | cflen, Lawson Store, | of novehios is made up a Jobbing. Modern Deagns," i Ta RES . DE Ze ASD PAUCKERT would notify the Sovahics nopar' UY censciel' wah tas Deparemne , Se ee cigar aoa Jobacea Vebaecclstore ia his ld wand, ome Soot oe 4, ane GARDEN AND FLOWER | i sterceters othe Speco weantvet doxrs | Pier steve cs amen snr fr out = . eee eee ne eee Ss Bj rand damplay of the rgth April, our opening day. SEEDS er Sesees of tal" him cal _4O MACKAY @ Ga t ? THE NEW ERA MAGIC STOP DEPARTMENT 0. 1_H_NASMYTH & co'S.| ORGAN MEDICAL HALL. - ~ Kad tha olebratat ---------- NEW TOBACCO STORE |™M=RSON "PIANO. a a = nee: met) - F. A. MARSHALL, --~ on ding country that be 'ata "removed 'bis | Wholesale Sheet Masic Dealer, Piratiogd, Ont - _'The Waverly Block, Suntec aii Dignan oh dei = payee Bs pc i. the Albton ee sone Ca Sora phe f Marettord April 6 1 AND-CIGARS, AND. ALL_KUNDS OF The.largest.Stock of Shect Music in SMOKER'S SUNDRTES, --s Canada HIS vg. EITHE! WHOLESALE. OR RETAIL. RR TI Win ve fone oll." A eal ws idan" wpe RH. COULTER. formerly oxcapued ty iy hater Std 4 "guna Ww. Ww. COWAN bap lnk tenga ce gpg eee org = Oe a Ae ay to manufacture MILK CANS! Did you sce those Ironelad Milk Cans? A splendid article and very Cheap. A large stock of all kinds of STOVES, SELLING AT COST. GAS FIXTURES AMD FITTI FITTINGS OF ALL DES- All wark done by, ine fs ne at prices @ ROBERTSON HOUSE. THE NEW BEVERAGE. 2 i BF A i f OFFICE--In Revels Died, Weliegiow-e Stratford, Jan. 6, 1976. STADACONA Fire and Life Insurance Co'y. Ht fi la! STRATFORD. ALEXANDER HAMILTON conse Lathes ag «ater flr basses Aner eye On Saturdaynight last hip org mate Foe . All kinds of Season ed Lun.cer, shragach Matched Lumber, do. STEAM FROM New York to Gusenpiown, Li- verpnon Sere and vaiiajae