_ Overskirte ee di Vary pope sian Drees ¢ hack are Bessie 's oe caters ty wish ga ws black tare rel ban hh rer = ; - thet. f Fashionalle. hats ate, thoye of by size fare at the toms ot the which heutdowe toward the ¢ Tie: ticloot «and ro08 kar arse nt + aidasees:. ore sabig-oteigert a 'width from ball a iad fe half > J opaiee fans are They cous tm 'ih "The ina t cen enient AND COUNTY OF PeRTH GAZETT BE. yom =: wieesyoren Hi ONTARIO; WEDNESDAY 5.EULY.13p-1876. 3; it din two or th ree dar! ny be 1 i ae white muslin -- ben ify ' pee 7h fit fer apa catty lt ~ -- x party of french are B-. only ele «of sala Peer dahie veda). with -- tbe severxe._selocted _{ arel 'have mere to the west -- of the river. f iner @ ants feo ot) he caty bia wealthy « desired but were rettewed te te ent ube velo La ' sits al to bare masaed, anil. f wt of the vee of the River 5 aly "t wen ' "tb i it Tite tally Pir ewne Murray THE CENTRE? Misi EXHIBITION Tintiateiiaia Suity 5, ta76. Phe Wee Century tor Womert-- 2 weekly }-40 by the Woman's Centennial Counutttor, hues teacher its sixth nouber, and in as neat asa | iit terest of weinga. " The, eign, which the printing aed the work of fone In rin, even te the kind) 'of the Grew ip the PHIL. ADE! ne AW ORKESPONDENC be | fotale ee } gamenalc! r found some «hares on i ying in wait. ¢ @atate. aud baked. -warth.-arnex;-and.- | fe nder a young woman, wee Ra te Margaret Hien Phe were anterior ta the -- bene interesting diseoveriva have nig wr line a the Monte paper printed in tle ballding, and condneted | of the seeno, } rab bits, ari ner opin: HH iedevoted te the indicate fal. in} sisiduals at Tiorting wrrt-therwtre rtttine sheweub aig | reas sea Lay. Mic dbinsaia. oem gre Bt Avokreslinn cetblerreet, ps pterbeoebe * that of « aris for and endeavoring to , the-g who have had the misfortune to be Aerie tivt confined entirely to their legitimate aeons Pines ipir penton' cover for lareweds of pron of marrage bax jast in leet tried iu 'tinbuer, h, the defendant which, it was proved, was « weak minded firmed ont, ane 'had. aeting ou his brother - fin nal inate gula curttor fet teabasintisd ites boetange vessel wrong! ght | Wy the hand, from the eek | of the Ewquiline, and at the bottom of whieh are thre tters of extremely ancient form. In all probability it i the oldest inseribed aby 1 tin Lati ad anticieatet fea ane oa moral ~ with almeott.a nnanimens voice, declare that the effectof the tystent has & mentof the right, conditions achnol. the; peineeet te rts sich a bey to his parents © Shall: the Red be Tsea. | Sancta of plntakion 6 New York at, ye the Suaare now angel to reseind ther which bas bees in. * lophion wf fe, y téstized the goed re ~ which oath I} etaasien seTeter HFAHEs Priel: under certain atnd limitations, to in: punishment, work! yory general the warale ot ocholars, -- of teachers. Gite re t ie mathe ty ©: im or satel 2 a "een 'rc paar: | Seq ot an * gat then it whie cy tite Stabe he offeniets - of the scholar and calls for the exereme « authority i in hin rostrainst, Bat i is btain inte \ The Le a Chirekman ia responsible for | diseesve ery by teo Hangarian mo geo ota Roman palace -- in thie « eirved with .. completeness gooey . he fting ti the enrb was the month of a deep a cc. * room fally -- #0 mea coidaiaiagehatre, ward. tables. " benches, and sare beds and tobes oe latter. being filled with armor and orn: ran peer to have been yt. a seideen att Hangar sts tex that the rom belong to a palace bui during the Roman oecupation Mt Pannowae from thee ther 'tee -of Tiberins to the fifth ventury. Ar vlikerty hell to replies the-otd hits torte one in Ind Ista nee Hall, has been sucee~wfully cast iat Ry -- Henrs Segbert Troy. "Hhis the ef us od behethad, -- Parent, all has been done bers parental tesponsibi not Always easy to « sonidos trom the school to sex * = the is Yery prone to yah smeTe ore seme petty « . grievance, whatewr it may re ally be, anil wat which her mater) affection wouhl mor got cael ceed with it: yor aid f. omg care Of the boy pee te aching him, aut be dosen't Bo right it's sorr busines to iserap hit" sree teacher re plies 'tet he sor rie aie: mint rete forbrken by the rales of tive bourut at t te iT © bis ime: olf as lhe bowled," re sponds the --thend lemand. A n anything him, avowal mat dinabity evhich ney Tails to dehight the-baddear, and fyspird thine te wew demonstrations of taischn f eee ----_____ ait ah te topper accetding t+ + 2¥e te ee ~ ert Tm Neite, The every hurt 4 te shopls bottom mis pete a iit acai a tr rs trey trese -one her tint that d Jutiowity writ ba she A faty saplion awerneyr-ter SS her ba ea wolk Special it torre eesitbentons-#: tar. foman has Hor kingdont was her owt chenetiey shiek rig home us , + Blue Live E o's u t th. toe) independent " wus oe pxech that hear -the ' worry that bith," anda. ronte with why is ut dro ie ery tition of an iy me woman. will wae li di me meed not 'ye ei reyer. ing cay ta ake ee te know from eaperie senee hea F) ine with a wringer --* three women, with ! ing of cl et . wappes vou cam opera e bings more pleasant than the ¥ * Wile their * he mM, ot relieve biel mm from the jabur of vooking fox qi Posi mauet alwasa ecm '. y re table the pinged of iis yp weil cooked wen qaite ay In ts ' ty rs > oo ti, rahe & a , srt etromr whietolut the Papen. hase trom. ENGHAN inches te : than ae errweds pe Fees inp Q seo meaauaste ea od te "wor | | tes tbe lies iy ini seter. Lota) sid at Srewputnere of : stot Hew i fa keeper of this itretctutioa, wee La i tasted at Miteededurgh, w of the on nen, aud. jrorlinps aoa Ua gubich atich enatioenas ate_.neod. vit am twas bet crac ty Folimen for tien court and ministers to avoid prechyte ties, ae a Sounute p mirened at thease ere a ho "dont om Ww wil many others, partieatariy Ys erestite t heen tt "her cet tiffs! @ te the Sineanity* of their lelstors, i spoeectttiont: thrieket clexpelntion, uz hae ge acUnwos tend ~ iotenee, Wo ows one guint | bits wi an, itt for ney rior begperel, Gavern- signing t rare bell was te pr tot the wien ' Progre dering the euntury. thonaand peand weigh? of metal fer each of Mea, Oaas: af Fh four bk Tina Lae ere mm the is nion Anny, ant one wventarr ort atttirst troncery: It will i tape os 'eens g fur é er 1entate = 'pe frente vg ae city of -Phitadelphia, uly NTH. for the z belles of 4 Iniepondons Tae tea ce a Se eae captured at Gettysburg. Another cannon was « British Gehl-pisow taken at « 313 ~ lation of Burgoyne, 1777, and the -- bs pub nia iy the teeter : one captured at' Hemis' Heights. Ow y water the N a rk rds of each tanner was a t Nate For @ the centennial year. Copper waa! sotie 3 years the puldic pail hitth: be te the tron yesess Lake Superior, teacher s wher hind raison in the der uorthess sy > beakineeh. tbe 1 1} oosateh be dation Some: of the peopel ab beli is highly --. any aaa thing « wald eon -m of a remote wd en ns theme _ ---- "so rs hs neat of Scottish bearnnm & tween he works 4G wry el "in tl TiMe Ht fey bi wy freed "etre when, "a cat bomen, ail? toward Sal tinast i iene enettt att that rl "te des a tee statlan Sather b ointed ontin ix coceliant. 2 stood. at, the ee Saree ta | vo that 1 have planted avert 'a Ay they prefer garden ur dairy We vers 'eanchasion ot lites are prey se rhay in yersetas bi aad of wat Ht ah tw grew [aed ter viii otf agioh lute tidy hasan 7 tine te fetmore its + nEsuey why trapeplast " ter har acta ¢ that ou cag A destin = drni pronger na pian we wil EO AK Rol ad | a Hittle method and good management will | work wonders,-- Mr. P.M, ia Trlteune ---- News Gatherisics. 7, SRDS trustees «f Laval £ bret sapidosnn thet may ge =n ach ah ia Silceaiaie Tindepeiadont this y ewok lakes has re tans. WAS 3 ak = Tho stobar sem na | foun ay eherpy ithe hopes: daring the ai on eer & raat t brit bes foee thew } . Met nh ore yt whit war te cies say sstctied 'ascainonsison Ti Sheesh ole fp Dee Cideae sara Eure = imntass rabies Thee peqralation inonotis wtake ow a Sterne th old ehaww das cages aes ae ite owe haw. the ent ' Trrarrhrwet writing: a bbe ernepaes aot beee * | Seath were not conspicnony tor r jevotion to weblack shor hanes of fhe founds rs. On the waist, psp in one'of hrs eonvercatioas renewrtent lve Rowwedl, nike me ste, i is "E87 eh Hh chewing soe of the United -- "nd oregr wer Tian conkl der way Fans hte Tirtes slar ee tH. mee ievieeg wee. | withont m eat of ar im tain i jai Lenses seat mer sn au. wiilsthe sailer cab re, jieutiy be cotisiderabl: M ten. & ts Mid asthe hy NYA, Tor the bal co re pnd i the Atlant: ute the ¢ s otek: cor ae aie a hos Am astrar gr tage! - De | ia 4x, 7; - 'enaua the repetaicn m area wherrcheed bea 4 Fi ie arty et trod Lo rabes sone Ri. 'anchor which, token withi: of the ends iemuch deeayed hing a gcol tae 5 z were. aa the. ak mniltiary beta meal, 'sink f ther of § = pe 1 Bi a mated viele tian } hae peipal tor wus in the middie" A 26,5 Sin Bi of "Glaigow tins ttheat of Fainhurgh gen a} <« upder --_ that | oun tess " by th « wl the onset the pe } amecy ' spac woah' } » One ¢ sg el other is 4 feet beck, i; alert | found gniity of ie se. Abert baie / > 3] aie ting siya Items of Interest, | to Taar iret feta erg ee aan du yr as ; re svounsd Bris! « burly tele to Dundee, was alyo treads for a anes ae > had wal oman making ~ oer w reg mediately seized ae mde ale strong schist gee Plons a seusned inclined and siaster, Soon arg ott ethorts oe hes te : . rapid Ta ve orks "a public works constructed an | nuineged I phy » whe no authors ey living. The ation ng. oo will bear the adi of "Condensed ct ". i , their 'views mck fie Funeral ue Nslbiatey fh cat ag "et 'the oy] nti Reva ei snags | is noticed ia eo peer with the prea taae 'be J <r} hoor her vom Soran aboutto the antabidernis-alisiby hea i not ¢ Mre } sete reed wr wt te Stach Cure if ieee se fea An + Taek i "Ba haere wa teva uke Fysgred | Dr. i at t! 1G Pr. Schenidt, vf the Athens (Greece) Obser- | iden, and the blind tutish of his spleted his lunar map, it wilt shortly lie tssaed by the Prussian Gov- Me orm ix therewalt-of not less : Ls Reptterert shroad wt ost, orinte ee papa =m ee sD career Vor Mo foniniven, whe conaaiiting oe -- penpecie Retee, ppppderes mca vine pe < t aa born in Vera Cure : inert 'Sti te twenty ches high. aid ia said to weigh scm ny. Verde ohbind pe Atak Stastilly My sy tinaba iy r pode s geil ean ou * Wig-ae ca oe "tite. carhett-ter + stmt. wi --h anilent propriey © Standing by os dle a Thaml ale we tesch nt at ile tes ral we peaks lowk like an --eaFate res OC ty Re ia ae Literature, . raph aale iu ently At ats aarbuy ha * ' be ies of Washuigton, an, treathie 2 ott Be a tits. £m. i i ir state of America, brow, hse 4 Conte maporsty History of Spain from | LTS te the conctanen of the present Ci } Sar by Dow Antento Parala, hae appeared t Mrs. Stowe baw for sotuc years been Awe cririnpeghtids ar Toast Aer being tar ate uueral Rites ef Nations and Ludi viduals, ia wt sheslly in England. It r ty contain a curioas acoount af the Sega ad, by { the di fire, cremation, wal air, 1h at al, ete,, an will be edited, with Suites sboed srk 7 ww Tee. ' civ Vo ont its own side f "thar xuber. " tale of there i ' hb production * ary "sate upan." Mesers. Henry 'Mot & Co. ae rs Laud | the 'can m= ane ant MonnMient. may. be } tetas, after all, Ther Stev of th 2 reports the existence im the library of the . pete MS John the i 8 mplist. at Seerat, ofa seen tert of the cleventh century. -- This ing iit sot Tees nits sheets, is written ide hi in » tre brother of 4 bat Cle. ; p of disciple of thy Holy | Apottio Peter." Honvlotare » Guly u | translation of Waa work. wee Known to be in titeh ay rur-_scteet the bad grown up under the shaduw of the fi H po -- of art. saited . lecesit ¥Encireli s the inscription from ' the old like fle "Proclaum hog Ngee oa heey eteckied w - beep ond « f th oot all th nate uh | |r al ei rgy of Barbadwes ax to sir coal ree ory shore Beg iSecripton te is . cond increase his Lane t : "a revere af es «ight +. representing tle | tb af his neighbors. will 4 av Ae been in the 'world the tro tnplo tr: pew on i te 4 Colams ns oe ide ~-edeode ee | ii ae | mawels in = + ws - masel. Even Dr, Jotinscon know that wealth sheriiny woul la very ae Cat ar} bred Reve: ifthe Southern "States? were, eet Selenee, hes tee + --inesettry ; amnerng we eort botdeness- tree: . ' ' Ne mt sin, Vat the Com. | Uhis sort would be very vat " me lian tel M. Hutte h Ge a Ml dian religion net. tes re fer, a heh German banker, who has thatthe bids maa} factorer:, te gn. with the shorter | Lesdus ein eda Opie j been for some tine se mttied in Italy, bas late- the werld has known this from bag {tines rt -edismemed sryeep erations : ° ty weitertaben-1 very meralist las tatight it. « 4 lasrgiver fearmmimend tas catia The bv eB vy " Pty untertaten vome Wrtant excaratt main siestis ad. Aeon fia Katina at Rome. Already bana ect ad ch Th aad Tate 0 fetta ton , 1 the | Ststralia were found~ ite Vietor Ot ceveating woeuies Bet aes , e eet dividual men tte never heen disputed, sat tabi Fie oh quiarts beds ace in New & nur = ong Adati Smith a isto nations, Jotimean' tines, Senet the. sepuielir of Cains Merten With Adam Smith, huwen Yr, ine Meaty lettor € Macken pf wh, together with ap in- a>, att | explurers fom | while, ahich appeared to be of about a sh at book theets quite earn. { something | quite st rang 4 in ee gentle apo rtical. steny tone eH tc oward American pont ral os comipa with the rongh mr = bye ha pores Of biped ot e fogin of a let t m Tew laid, om 'ant S + "460, have dor. ed the veleatue region a thre "bywzyuljellen, jis the cone of their inves! they «nc- crater voleane | Whether he whent 3008 ow the who has minor oiiecs- in tris yift, = As eee ct ie of whether she writes sh Oe cae Sa = bodake the cro: 4. broken up by fis- ee ait h prevented farther pro- eres in that dir reetiun, while ire spac jel with tie noise of low! snbterran th, from which [ened dense massed sulphre: 7 sincke, accompanied by similarly ate and i afeni ing rn Te WiRAT Wlaetrated _ a "Onn 'would hardly think iat the tick nl and the iriy would ever be util, omtmeres, but an ge chemist has i fd ont that they yield a etd bine volor wernotive te & intineness poe ts ren ok tay he of considerable Sabin to the analytical chemist. One of the best and most dedicate tests eapployed by chemists to scertaiy whether 4 salation is acid ¢ - tort lou to ve more wai lieati call tune Ntmus, BInay. si pect _ soon. | see ptieranin tees #0 the new oolor is call- at roskingged inte all our laboratories, Ab the Seience Caiference in England, late- ly, Profeseer be aro exhibited his experi- mente on the aerial eetlection of sou The influence of the sata nse upon a deneing fame... Zhe flame was was stoy- poed.in ite Wtheing. heer sored echo. ¥ aE 4 ae when aggre! ot differtn = are vee i Gternation one above the other. Vial ible. elonds differ from sound Ye im that "-- are ye gr pears pack. meet 6% ed He arying and ates ting pe ner) Mess Sou ol is gia * by many layers pf biauketwor even by thick felt, but it in stopped by thin eambrie dipped in water, and-turned back a+ an echo. fog drifte through the air tikes a p aug 'cloud, i 3 a he e a sounding dalr- 'The « abet of the Wet minister eluck at noon pn an instane this. Strokes are strong' vamp {it the ear, nel F and clear again asthe intervening sir returns: to even denaity 'e learn om ner sie Sa mi the last ar "the Sibe rian treater, y fouth ' reno af gat your. He avelled over the 'hole tw a ard the The ithabi Tha im wumber, . are mostly iho and angers ~tomby! whether it egg sonia eclebrity, _ wal liters - attable an Rate ot penerntty Set. a _thia Et] HATERATTE" the Tey" teehee sas damn << reasoning as ever was prerticel by wan. He ehowed that every tan = tastey manl ~s weit t Bn eating wae pia like benetit to the Stata, Toadies, Tia is wubaity diepustifiye than 2 hh the it records rsren ob fatiows him in his bes the trimmings of whinkers froin his hair-dresser Cor Tailige' al, bams, It scarcely mistter Pend the teadied person is, the object of the tomly {fs the same --to gain something, whe thar offi wile, me And. any peeve phis-at ag Seep Tou it an ob { fashioned iaue, Wat none | better, We rewl of the ereatare ih Bees i: works seh were read hy oar great-grand- That a vieful hiing, the sini, Was gen- brs aces to hecome a toaly --to praise 7 big Aa tter the pernon eet tse whines ale ee yelied: a sing her praises orale A bes were amongst her ye meme iin indie men atin hae hacer on of thin kind ; and | ish! 7 ar bis fill of flattery " & parang aketoh in a weekly or Moathty pablieation: . x hey ard Cape te Be thie Be rane: 9 >t aipall | emtpourinees of the .teady'« jrishing "a syns sent & > bie delight in the fret, aed ati etmatist took his sear va oh tips a wid, "Balk {° - with the air of andmperur ois Think, and a ert a aril al Niuicaber' in © ripectin rw Pokresd one writer. Berklee" relay ran © slanping na. hands | and aflering a littiy serenm when the-distin- : | Gc "Herr or Diretersbnp weige ab merica And : eves aver the poom as abangh tyre ithe «aw the fa fathorlamt. Far off in the country . villages ah ire Lay | On 7 . oF ' sins, bat 4 residence in New Yor and 4 daily perstial of the papers there 'publishes rs in itectt experiener. Whatever the signa. foot. of the Senior or Angelicie, X. Q. Tor A. i ove around whom neither the - ylamuar of the ta Ht teens nor a haze of palin @ Users, will foal bk weoring it out, end ; wing in its en 'Te i . 3 Mary Keres Daun The seeks Bente, feas paren a Wi & izing the ieipality of Paris. to pales a lean of 24,000, '0008. for public works, ee Oats the Tiatiat Cham : adie mprsvergent of the pert of Genes ren Fre comt of 99,050.. franes, of shioh ~ 3. ra franes Rade for the works sti with 'ash "Sale od 5,000,000 for ihe warehouses, for example - Perea in the interest of qommerre es in " than oh te State. The Artsy A eae ert to Bartolomeo ofthe piand, bas can sient is bbe 2 "Lome 1 Ye anes af Thani Crove at Florenoe. Sretirxce Heron Be Gaui Sinee the thetwo-callyd Russian peasant do tot under- « word of Raasian, and live in axactly rey "ee as the 'Yahontibans. "The in- _ are Spor Sse suppoeat te Mabel latent tons tae siege in baal doerwal.