Btosun Cant. Two as all floar, egKe, one-half toarpoons gitar soir toe ot x tis ae pe ge a al Cie On6- lial cape igh. pik. tna Lemon eee cup 'tet 'mater, te one tablespoonfal corm stareh, one engey, ---- : me ~ -- = fpr gre wets sd a ee ea! sa) Shag Seeger ae ee Seer PORT, rey: KY; einer Ee add one Se Tixaten. 'Te be' nie © . . ; ie. a . i i See adc, deals * 'ehetanding ---- ceadaeniuatite sha saadtold, Gold, apil aftes the crigiinals Lad. tewsa.,. Sateen Murders iu Four Years, ot} in-dt, nos. boy vegetables if they do.tot-ralve 4. Mes. Calder on... 2... BesEety aia - a pment ARE Sepesacare lac het bees abies bed mend ne dowht> by) sting Sera despatched drank or ficked the thood, waling | if they do not raise them they} Mre. Pigott .... My iat ¥, + naake hard sche with 'road x peta thas Ris | die 3 i at. With Mr. | it up with spoous of with their fingers fro 1 Ther duals 4 Siacette gives some particulars . j Mnailoh POSE ORE Crviner. -- % 260 gf vaetag ning SIE cmabied trpet af yt Mappante- tant. cher extraordinary ofinsr witch * oo - . wey he ey hor to make st i eigte ae bare. hoger, marie al, where they. einng {sist amon the punple, a ecied Mish the blo poemenr dn---the me, to value fretof thea death. ited be ren mae pi a Negus webicle::£-got <n 2 a ~ omae reigt= re bd veri | aks or preyed aualssst | brews 'dl Tat ae Berar. ts the oie: than by its price in the mar bere, « pont before the annual ineettis oR ub i --. Kat abide hla nd --- { the grocer's; caer hotter 'woap.thatt 80¥ | bors whe fa wile. ncaa 0 a peate ips who- by bie fn who raise vegetables to sell get trom two | 1875, bat tie necessary textes wero not | rrvessverara MEE eas Luy'at the stores, yop) wa fautenead i an futefesting fact that. the nes to tive bumired ae at whole. | completed in time todelude the panic: nt in} 1300 3 Roast Bune. talse- 143 arene 1 i girl om sate prices, and he cutters pass =-- the report presented at that gneetiaz 1.348 76 per ta " hee radial: por vad ip a mextarx; 4 re | wore. Nowif the laborer at is reality ba there eatin have oe - = eg me pas NULLS Agana Bai lowered, did t theeity fehers bread and at le 4 ary a aa | during the Fea ot tans fwtat. and the semne an ae + reeesed from his t ial hosality ; | cheap es in the country) fied 1 mod trnies oy fee ae ti . "harass Te Vy, ~ ------ enrrenehing the prone: or: ssalion, being abrut bi : erigiual usin gardener -- Landred to one thousand} will show a jaate factury Gmalee on " iv one tablet tpooufal of vinegar. ths B oder war: once a woilare por ae! ie ie _-- worth | To this Ras to be added the ameun ska 9a To Remove Mrnev? Wet the efeth tell i vared with thos a at centaries bac nie nay tas mpnemede worth half as ynath to the fanmer. A gi last srecenac dae aml payabls 39 76 ith walt soap aud sate bet it Lig... a j uualesion ie. orkinanelip, the bisesit-} Whe sutituted ba bisede. th muro Ved NOES + " ' ee ms wis, fine ach p 5 i being net 00 white tnd pare. the glase cuu- | gms a . « the amount of land pa sit the wxscefation this wie f vie expenses to Eondout 4 60 Or. rab on sans, t rougher, and bales Yao. Tea Pu fo t u yield in fe hd crop, and every y Rood Poattion aa Pew alary.. 75 00 shal nike eu hs rab it iu well, rt at.} bright ahd be erepres nore | ated mau Who megionts if loves hia beste ppertani to mech claims that ma + berentty fF accry amdttore 0.0... a. 20 06 dries wet Moo vit, P "or i with. ---- are clay. fei | conve Mi it a ward f We ) Fecoutly ny printing 'tod station. woke i onal the mildew Gil ds- 1 fi ging Of the enon: we ant timo and mone gry eON hg ageneral ages - as keer w 57 wth tel tande at Pekin, and a ts oP an t ri | Be spianles ee A ' = wo 15 m8, wil} very duc. worst Hite we it Baty : do postal cand-..... IM 47 . soem 4 hy « eel tant ; A Privaty letter frown St. Poterobus,, coutar daring the ev will te Jes n : ne tertian ¢ Trea ures t 'a nee ty forward altod hog's ined, whieh bas ts biter 'Ramonene~ snot te, +, canara a = eee . met wie Sete at apr banehaten _ -- commen water, wud then vs -75¢ im i zi ea; =a ay Waxdry | Tor your apr: EO te doubt a. Lamas ery apa peg si pedro te vednake ~ aepaneyl ay would by enone to mute oat 0 operatic Fadia nn sexkJ fia. ouline into pce veel Vs --s cla Hi is tab! Degglgreborerre ter vt + thre -trmt is : tub tee- very commencenrent, to be lost, aca 'i ee es where eraft had iar it ait was stronger thense boiler, which had had stected age ie pny berth to Southampt. with « thy; ki 'Phat The 'beter tun, peat Paisley on. bra anc pap ie 5 cafe te tp 50} their beads uf the reat rivets sing like hw Sere for spite river, 401 sly uow is oo. a cow with a +3 on "the wad ast' core. Ranes bringing" gation of the vessel, the gn wile wae tmsy atthe stove getting breakfes: ready. The mnoke which » from the clevated ap Pipe wave the moring raf the a rustic stomnierdr motion: appearance of ~- --s __ Sint | tunes ae dace ss * | eve ryone aoe $2) Very bnyttrien, | hoped th with = - Jae eae oe * -- ting bu tos x18 discos 4 . ' ery PeLymeserth fos saan * st "211 00 Carsie Ouateven.---Putin a stowpat one him to conse and she ee ih Tis ees ee ae ita 7 sre f | Ad farm gatdens ure usitally amal!. it eu.t- | much weavutes ws will } ian vepoleream, the same of breaderymle, a tate, i a partion ae that of } But little more to ita pond panden tam | Al wf aloe a o -pect. ' ~ $ 30r-2 Set oer ae Oe aaT o deer} eae ee | the pera het hive cartswhith: bind }i0 minke 1m cee aay Je Boner BVANR i 1. McMaae Set over thé fread wien 1} perry a rowel intention ofatones ip . gall * appen eat Ciuroaghls draiiod oo thot 'it can | t : f Petropaviosk; sailed with a it Low mit. ae Anhtentin waked np ail the cream remove proc -eding t his wife re 'bee jeables : Keak» ---- Cathe 4+ beer "pte. Sane am ott -- : : a venatehes . 4 Was Sroagh back dicahled Y. Wann i etaby bon beat a NGG» TOLD: copie ot rie alts paee senether ttt 13 There ware even ranoais ti tate af the garden work ext be cme i Ri. ne oa with the ergam and crmmbs wed fry. |g 3 bser-€i ale 'ina approsching to me cab he dure toe re panied 'the ganien werk = Ma Te aT ke URE. whe , wes ie wike Panvens of the ore, petens ae hut tink it worth thei ote saa ile 3 Mes Medteal aud Hygienic. fo Basx Mackres.,--Cieun the fui cut | point ef des i, b ten bs eLow. Whe ut do auytang me the garden antl th ' tod. < wif the b take out tl® Foe, way iy einrict Duyliang po hin wife laad fy, "f the chine yee ap reve at " barracks 7 canter tr " dante the: 'ean es igo' a at oo . pay A correspondent who pow he fis satly at the appoi ted hour, 5 5b di, sure than ; ted, some Mange are planted lor i satu, _shildtsood almost up to | rialy ores iy thik $ " oe oe pensakesd sizestocio si. Newerthelees a men sere ple se eqled peat: Mite algsiallbr val rien one The end naires 'ine &6 Jt. pac a groat many luxuriant weeds is the results. L ston a aie as & cai panes the frigate wit ourls of unis ' me Nn beaiiets 'i . 1 eles Go cee ry sie where = a hot di ae pou tiers over amd gourds @ Trigate with the rounds of wu up. | wanuring , atid this should be done at the ' mi alone, grt sume book . sith parsley. cn} bate of trom. twen! nty-Hve ty forty two horue am tie ie wot excite yo, ood sit > SSH FENbERS Ge CLEAN). --D , ouk | bends of manure per acre every year. Tt is | ' Pig > Ot dow ud two (ioe yourvelf, " auphor in Ub hog' hard, take off { that ivel:. 7} better to vite of manuEe ; aketel? 243 becyute 3 your teeth together the same is oe lack lead wb. il) Caras aes Kk fo, nie, stun i ae he ae ent of gaol in odin f te nse the oar A cunstantiy, Tin with Leas HUeg ry two or three days or once a woek w the aiatue ashton 7 tab s ics pt ] rm os et «t epenativo thir ws 10 is with farts crops the bet peswibs ae " very Grescmse taking to read xlowly com Terbirs or yeates e 3 ere ther irupeteet--the Duke of Fainburgh |! I give on anted. a revpecta. | ate Peniaeesl by rotation oF sertely. "08 T Wolke tng! See toring the elps bet not the in Bs fom. hours, and. sax. phe heh} Mek by hus ry tad distant place | glo im i 4 txt of manure Te santa Ha8, ail tive, pataterinbert prone: ned 7 Le. Bewtnetw bee * Seat ee ry "j é . t%o ' tan of eo) Pnieds to enrie tadiap ep wheat mi sak eit "he scala Geui cath dial vol in finis Tie i. [st not | | Spal -- bib ea a nge> OF ad k ah Us ae newts oe ™ -- " a tric for lows tie. "a i Leaman oman s pede Sia pe aan Swerse im oper Thay an water. }¢ w © iay iikely to carry money about | ure po pr used in connecticr ne with ata weit bien xii bs seeds the fatal r ~toer = ina Caisse: ad inte raited bol ear eee "tay them ina vepkip, and eteam thei ton uumutes more; then sprivkie salt on thean we n ith pia . Tive..or. ten, suabes Serve them im the cream. Hey are ereee dinghy ered: [ten cet ad oD, ih: BIS SB ix wager etut tetapterd, 9 AN ots Mace Maas oe lumotis, dagbt orinces "tS gut ouboes Wikite sugar, & po uf ¢ 8, ounces « --- winds d orange aad eliron; he 5 Tesolvod -- a be ely a ns resket asi ae ck ont wil Lethe fet: aii. me < ae a palys; on eda these ae the eit citron. onare Reteite: _ A new spre wt practi! mts mart res are ai fe tb oprey nome bly de dag ast 12! -- id asad, | 4 tual to ig comy tr ae 4 rT t i | Sainemarten: ty y take hear a de } wean dae ot bats ver was al Pace beep pretended ifty ov phaser; Gow" Pivot ail done. need put the oi ha pre sper ¢ diguu bs daunting. ing, and th horongh Pnete't! should be planted ? prospect thet if one p-cach bined in p pharded at be better ty kun Trish of having to plartt part it hy and No 's Large? race ting uf fh a 4 _& peeagt 1m Le at 'Manan na air & arco ee ee teeratend p the whale. - (abate: kale wayne sp tbaio bi tat a4 _ ioaeare tt patent aniver aud co dl wute aaa Max inth-Laat siete Sed ¥ the giaail pans pried tor ee ad Pete can b uote y bankwas Series COCKS Rerion -oadepen mt tava, "as mitts he pote © Tre peo used, aid ina qaick oven ee * ye cut fortns 7» iy and seskes the xem Srna Do dnenimous ly & Ted AR te ~ on vili wt the doe «. 'the hyacinth Sie islely soul be , Lanusen Soeetty by Mr. Ali. | " nat Dastion Daly his ane tsthad tds as tefore ba Aimer eu Ceesraptik a sf aeetrer sree v £ } ' yroen aed: Line CEN ER Ay a eee THOT, Dd fis es cophisu Bebader plates He ated th pohey tat buts 'a Mise ee past qaart of Pen two © tbaier ae ot eres sm of | t vir burg | oxpTeset tis hope That proferwort p ia y -- oo Rear Oe at 54 me te tanker 7 i thsaagh en "ans eaeeeiiliaal ud | maritime city of tue conti 7 ' . mik enoagh ¢ a dow met that tah be . ' , u teow en ty pall them nt ; roljed out, Cat Ms col iy in eight picees, 10.1 1 Lichthalen, the German es and Carden, ied. and booing the ee therm cut thin, rut slices of sour apple upow ad hans e aan tie ashi cual felts, € rere} = r~ > hoot, even if tecte ate Mo. Weeds, . hem, fold them wp tight. tend steam or ba' eee one atterspt: At rt 4 oF De ELE ss . Herein there tt ; ccoschascnt¢ he mga isis woth . Bo, - ee ' ng satnedee ras - . ET . wah a -- ut fe publication cox saree ths 4 eater a. eA Provident Amwelation «. ye Smmae.--A worruspemdont cts of Michigan, 'pubisted ' vith: Besri of of Ontariv. thia hint. Que of the nicest of Jau Gusadite ob tha a + fm ' . tnader : am : = Fraaggenneyet experi : 2 of moths 2 " -- hea Ppa Baa, Se ca f th f haev Take a wet ten as other cloth, | "7S - iss peg ri ane fehlat Tian site a and sy} Lise Oth aed te . ROVEE npae oh mae tie. pratt "yr His H Epon the carpet, and then runs Aeis tu adel si | dae 1575, the Previd Bree Ne shert Eats prs smu Lhe ses ba sting | Hla to lintia. mas. evan wed all over it, sa comvest the hot. 2H ble Shin the ehatr, are wiong side out when stare ther 6 belong ty U& Crathaua Pivision and | tf tute steam, whieh permeates the cary apt ta de va e pours ber mixed starch | among the- semine na fred | beneoth and destroys t __ of the invheute | , into . jeatend . on he | bo The i ery i water on ch. end in that we, To ay te -- reports couersmimgy thoi i They are eacgl B WHO: WES wee more starch than if necess ski atey. sexpec duenee of colored lights 4-supuhrantia ear Btn Gasmdant ws.vere i | eee ' rear ie Teatkay way AE ATE Madi Te Py sicee of root sriniber tiie ts ited FoeHevron: Brack Gogex, < ' becusesed aan tabon wn aoe iveetor wae indaced. fo experiment cn the + quired fur f eo in enter thr ttt ue were cictedt ave ads of overy kind cou be ma i aried, v ofthe | subject by the advice of Seechi. thy xreet No. : tier aks, piltus . hy « iny them when "porter cwdn | te t pees beir | an ibaa a} eved jes Lee nee Pree - - tae oib a" -- ealews - as 4 lr Tae it ot a. ine r Pugin See j we ia 7 7 Fete ' cou ind te thes rawery a . T e x. coat ents aie aa, wtdl - Tre meee: ame Madey { y = = al ave boom sine ters iy yf P goods asi ow mien' s conte nbe thor, is meth of F eras vighly spesgel imtead of dipped Caro IAN | ett tt should Le that the onlusias. be a: { "| Ra ~wtreny, "and tis ofteney arGeléd cre Cae j wo ron] St Fitna _. edin dhe soppands the brighter the mi F and bid ed ly era of "th © Mune at over | pers ty iat' thes canes - Photime, peceme Tae wil Bevis So os wT avr ss fetiteend yw hope: teri =I he has seco the planct Mercury twenty-one | , ure Tei SOSeER null weil as oe other -articws crac 7 bie te - Hie teeepient | ¢ apes w wnmasiated eye since April ak ns tat . Apre en 01 ceri apy wegen | anaes | ASS will be remembered that the | He miay i ehh ta ae, ny rid of one email be --n tures | | great me "nr barr Copernse famented Wit | oon ag asdde. j 4 se babes Stadt bos be hise soceast | be une eb Aemetebed oy deme ieevit mieret Jib butter, eid foal sbert crust, o a rot to a enbilger: devas Tisw | bag to My shoe sont, os See taltet ¢s iulty 5 almonds. sre, aed cut the app a i éttitety aleten atmoants te} be woot with tl id im email ard = spl into'a ey safficjest 7: 3 re the « 1 your arto sweeten t ped ape hich 1 Thea ¢ ' ib Anatwy, | dates ematonzs tr . wen ca eo, a placed fully fir ite it, during the next tou year a nd . ea | | in th Fourth Hy pri wes JS was wrang f wie bd'e tran of Mevonry cron the face of | bewetit to ke te perf > funrth, See. third of the e | ty wen the eatizete & Dr the sau on May 6, i bs baich 1+ met the bith mature storks. 'i 4 peligge (Te Oh ar arg iB re ib. ~ i hows. be a meals Gok all tha inbtlo tse cous} {tw a Sse sual ty, | A edie deus boon: somenenced pat the | beat inna tbr iopention ie deed. ' the tance of the jie. | Heselvert, thas te s oh Con . | vated by man very early in "peri. iit of this sab. | be tender . Bw. Bell, 1 was hes chet { ot of errs 6 de 'ont an iteerty sav ORO "2 ook fhe sro rte our | in pr . mn, and altes bot ghee yoy | State This -- Chatlenger expedition ex The ii ibe *, remitting Ue aasunt of sopertivs f | comntercd a in northern Ansiralia with ned nat claiza -- bee s + os enn. by 1? : z t ei Tet jot Ua tae sD oY {320 be gr fra wemtire working forme ce ewe met canks Gewvicus ' | fy ae factories at Fiizal a} Xow 1 " ; moved ly Hea. J. Bart, seconded y ne, etrew nome silted 4 ane oe t +N, J.. numbering ie) yerrorea -- i "i ' "hers borying reir | the acre, & . ©. White and re-vlved, thag th "top, and serve. This cake may be eaten eill tier te ¢ cutensoat pr dune 22. Fhe aves ott Tred, anil oxy secure Teegtsee: The Chal. [A henvy « B50 lo paid the retiving Serretars, for past bot or €o d, aid is saffoieut to ghee . fey ee | Shi tip $15,000, were bore bythe ecm mapany. | 'eneer is now engaged in the last pest of the} & fight, . _-- r ey ah Pires o preety eS eas M at TR : ci RE -- sel RIE " sioner " bether . the atuie of the Dire _-- in appointing + Pletcher, | News Gatherings tate his poorest 7, ast i bpp nag ees ag aoe Fe cates . ore mel. | Lendow as Gonernt Agent be ratitied, abd | ' = fpers of artatocrac Y | tte ttrabte of power gd Be gumantered it_Dottig | Urat be --- Sahat af a de joa is ig £ Fy FS ; - pie we nan! fad, the om nn hn elects a, Gee Allen shamehips call at Halifax Jeying the | ? and Vat afte sitbuleay, | sonphival quarterly «form of exjos. © Ube same hin ithe f wittter months; and teat nai ar 1 tiv obatriactee ed from te infliction of pain w bow seed i ins th ap by the Lotermaional = manifested in the- to ines: a i ang man aamed Cares Suet a gh ge ine, sites o sabe a we HY eg sap oe ieven Mog Pgs meme stisbutable to te deligha pleréed by om the ste Fos ds sot Sead ' bobs te euutinge ats ' gamed the hei p Basort ele guts a ne ee ar a. Hisar we saesly with the statement that the boys the 1 i th roy ven _-- tara ont Dy tbe roo. nel the kevenen = in, impalling an fo a Anas stnas g we Fa tsivtte Usk au erkyeniry ting cats are divays those wh tier op: 1 [ae Se Tala evar thet thinned Knjrae ad. we UnOoS toadly, it thay nee Mrong enough, ion bee vara -- sent bd eguboi siesintiiTe : en a ease ect Nong eed wel #0, Themmederns me dente ie of eve. wa 1 v7 Charles Bei bei u Holiiwell, aod thee cits of Quebec, om ty abvent ot had been uty wortabuly ee to fazer thy theory of wate, hot instead, on the pround | Teale? 4 tmevrreet:} m} iain alters otc Dingald Stewart, that the contiment of erwe!ty ¥ of adulte: are stil! at ain pon ware for the setae: eciv poms an abase of prrwer My. P. '4 Daly, President wf the Ontano pare! " ' na ot a ole ong on Aiouned she "th . x ws Dairymen's Astceistion,why bas Big aide compliv wr of ia ty Petiet has been prepiats 1} eircle that el eal fo ta de el conent . rt 'al _ Philadelphia, reports ak iats ed moaiee Ali ~~ re -- why Ae 3 ptieal forma dees ve ap peas ' at - year ene To ot eatively aie hose of | Chamber of ct Depatie It provides Gyat 7.- | it wpe mere € slik Saisie ihe rpricer, & '+ iit thetr attra x} mort oval wi is Cemmon ea all other lowtitutions i iy los considered aucompiives. pice ony ne: i pr thes ope he feltthe dipressdon tisomet <tont | dispa Maite Ave aj. 4 Aveviiing to M: iy the diffien'ty sabes abe by wieny of its os . "Comin ke se operative at the pou physicist, bec ian he ee pe "0 and] ombers bai musetitg ell waren Ax 5B os me) En OF Tare tee me i at Beaae. coe tea actions sod Joat 5,000 men, Darinig. the nnstlr at Protd hat Sy reduce tho-two loot paymechta ac conaparel attack of Gen. Niympios on Bulina the Turks frost cat swt i fh eee sith the aumimute previounty paid. "Weinte acon oi lietir we The i ert tobe able to danonpee, however, that brie tel b tm | tee, Ue yok ewetinae eat oF 'entebct 4 an on | Party pow hi ai : : tle | the firent if 4 Mie i t '° ake' | mul tend com hie be ; raul (Reman, tradiiaimet os ee al «tand con tl it ; , bubabotoone of the : 4 . can be A th, lee fos _ Com fe ra Bik notice thet the uam- bid cart, a 4 finally j hard iene, eet hein oe nf = fax bgt aan Wal} been ~ bestowed cde ac te a orion whatever Fy he Sugita, 6 thet wy see = ao Soy saa cr "te r Ware? bs suny bs "L 4 } x 4 theo af the carlie.t that ttt wis of Domodiatils i ark est are + be planted affec poohs, pnd carly putatous, eoerp rads stare te. aes iveath of em ar can be <n to harrow oer r the ig' ts aa ee tind i cod @e enriy on share tre sis ake talons sp Sel 1 tesatnewcts H =~ qraut wae " 18 | ds apn we k tdra to be readly alld ae te & sachet ow far wach the. seabed. altet 'the bi rabioed has been ta taught to whairmnd ration! wid. Wee h involved, no abstainer '- tery by ao bi eames he rey Hot te scat phy ort t a the aead be pha ¥ be af thecal eerener paige are ¢ naite wit theta fo lim L the oy * hich eeope narate car world frou old & » hand other on ule of wheat wver the Rvarber along which the :bedy 4 a for ssuie tine i in the we s¢ ip he oy a fund fort vatie wth are hurtful rather than bene fiewut te out wortanm abd thu roud ecb preher prevail oer, id Beit Fa -- to 'prurt fect the honse of the de sry f thee sty LL fabs. 'len aud Jaxiah eal teas dime 4G ey oars | evant u Basan, Soll under consideration. Liv vet oe of de p wer be that ¢ wt he th deer vic f Te i bs] shee wy theciaay On the yn: alcobol re- 2 the effect of Treineed has feast Mrepetary i Dialt ; Collection wid } Anditors' fees | Mecvent om t Vice Preetrlemt rns cope hes | | Yow The berm i wae idé PAS ag Cha. Siena oo | it sha "May 1TH apr ie ua of ¢ ach po per Hole Ret in, were vara that hie anliness Lai +. and go yiawetr under... -- "sg "good rent, od food are T thee She wish to be soa md is received weteted ¢ ane 7 the "pe : thi Uuel; 4. Mir Mr. with writ we hawe! n u snch a matter determine, Bat sei x obial | enee hae pretey wrett drtermined the males devas ayo hem m such eases, however, fi | After declaring that, were there the | e stkeep the vicit quite oocre t. Bie aah -+ cavieo for apprehension on that scare, or they will call down the venstaes jf the j me wont ul maple F binds Ly to the emefgeney, Dr. | Mother upaw their mative vill tage. You einige ° whe ee Of to Ay "But. so far, I men engaged to be married al thie p lige uf 4 vafore 1 i phil L - uy bore: whatever accuring from the 'entire seize a wromised bride», whetn they y carry ntnkwete Sibhsbhewwnt of aicobotin hack &. be the Flaw feslernds ~ always "take place at sunset, wo that the deal re : maa ba pay Ai oa ; ite he toa new fife. B that they * we agara froma "the tomb, egg shied painted red like those at aster, are ah ak thrown upom it, alter she quet iv bold, at which cover is laid for de- cet ee fw added tha tails are grvey by M. Htalicne, Who. came salsiencc ba ia B sh gh. wovts tnncss though be does" aa, atten: an perp eter 7 Nor 4 PURASANT fe Tate 5 yan tag - --_ Plaw Creek, ene. ten maracout Sere which he the the house they were "irdeto = cal not leaving at once were a desirable piace -in which te pe 4 EG er erento. fhe fart of i Serearis, malian of bis sensations ': as netaally engaged at the haitie of W, low, tells: us that bis thoughts went rm i, a. uarrate of * jame Chicken, wheu be was about to pring in a ff sa ag lp 109 was he sayis, in ecsouiwn hh: oda "A otter Eesha Peta etop it Ray Greed ar by any: ee sonng en: * Pp sry Abert t } 1 ts We fu al tliat aap | members |) have not pard thot | 298 the Lith, | annunsi call for 187, With sit Tat ae er 12 wi phew Actus tp. wah Whotars y Total. vo Hell a fi bap chs al Martin Luths suntiee town of Eislob: foi tease pret aah 'ha Mas is Vat Ceok ts fie PSEEN OF J the assesatantaty have: been Ke 'tr vely ° : a ath tat torte theses ie moar land that "it gee for gli time We finpen. fai fy be purchased x easneiiataly ss the 1 cee sweting it was repr hagiesr Go a) general ngetil, Whose - fiat cite roeentiz bepn Bink. Ha that fox at & pa 'te or --s ryaid rede i | shasti 'The . 'hl nd tha rs bes beer ec vanieeanet 'ty ett, tgun & ¥ oe u saad a4 5 - 4h « nice up wx £ abl sin pegulaaly pow -- in 'tas ie wrabrpodt the m0 Sangre ver of tha "asi. ad Lb wih: th uM wnt part or elote Woe take great pleawinw ia coy "igre to the ance eetiess OT thd Beoks of the Association atulate the iicets embed Eon | we n bat ation of tisg Tae + SemMantee Brnate of ahd imunedia: td Ue sd waa r ery hour, w 'Tho. stow npean ' poe 'ligenses, Hekopt f ry ering! is Seanad Seaneey n ert id's some which explained ibd ti tea water, and is in autilor Seti lefected 'we eprom minerals hes oa th on Se newwttant, &¥ atop, aad uot be resumed tha: inet was ytteemntition of the fog ad © nd @ rege amonnt of vital pow. rhe nut feat at first, this drain ite seal nature. je-exiats stuadantly nature; it is various mitriatic and weil, Its chief fooality is in that riaxs-of ied wageietan -limestone, when it is ante fore ee ee ihe ald 'be | 2 8 goed aa onnt of vitality [ ail of these per- be ieee | ao L the Charles Frazer. Fe Reade aga tesistaney of general canvas culbes * any : bnabti 2 the ditection of eaeta or of ometimes fownd na- colars and the cated is charge coming in for an extra 1 manner, -- sc sbi iret? Exotivw ix poter A Tines cut rcepun: ® yung Robert Atkynp brother to So ape rm ol them share. (ne of them, rare geatianan in vpeeelt hh doy -- aks tos a 'ishing Be ire f from the Seecah Mr. Raa ie