ther of y-are alloktod Jen ee Be mesg ict PT pacar "the = Hal af SUN Bye RANE A : f phy - tythey ith mountain. «' it. "pen iis oi soak nae, id igh sonal, tomaingg ahennt toga, . growth, | this: or, TAL, Col Laurens went to tras Siew would wot avail lin | "ue death and decay; of the healing j Potmce. as S eckal aribaoudor, ulty aul bie net wes sth, ithe were willing Wet, PRT Thee aor tm the shape. j-etese bctccy biny ated the F aa ty Minister "pe ' hi at disease, and the wens of curing or miti- | ms fo the coxunimatof the com aes anuics fest ite ot eek fie ane Se oasis Pass "in A 1etieg. "Our Hanae hevoge Our . ATH ja_obr cu mul eee allefiorts fov physio Ted, CER Wa Sa Poy eet ae meta, ser gut <s sey eescats occa -- : te | WAS ere otten Pigs t shatiai is om ou wail' Dent ithpoweidle," to > men SE SSETITSN WB ta me of the toner os weer REEES Are of the --sta he syrvier. the t de ue lun ban, being anold Licotennt Con George W. P. a a eu writ," Pinan engraving of Ranker of ' Marchis- aventar of the Loga- what of Teaen, is siraply t Suey stand Sais Visdena Caniet py + uetrater Goakt tnt a ' = al of its panelp cong ae pric rity a4 hene 6 erties cater tte hytrtinngovet » this Kiseay to cen only be commanded by the King sd peorson. ort Mage: fe Freaker." ' The gion a, * aad "the dime a is A Gicmdof 1 u suigton spokes n of as seige of Yorktown on never euvelad of de- a ut ILS beyond a doubt Turastances just of Maresh de ail. tills A tit cat tte toe wt tn cing, fabit. > etry AXD HUMOT,, 2 Lailies' Cotamn. UE Pe ts oF Ecomoxtt. enbtic tisat Tike Triny of Seeewe of the "King "ot ween ps -- * "Thre: inesiiiee ob AAS ek 29 dene Binet ari a) twe foud Tver in» faba i wT ERY MY = se 90. aso ap | TAT LE cuit. raarriage of Li reactive the ag} yng ¢s Bek, Doteg We eee + oF pea Ute s Varere to of! bert that ne --4r-other- riod inwech nun. ceet been. tnade ta j cai wunrerous | 4 work « : } Pi aj | eng ho i m j b a once his ag ect The (fn. "4 Pen Ports. these "ante Aen Te And be diet! ~>e - hens 'ts Poteieke * re tes adh. e salt formation on the foorentiers dein f arsicn of America "Wy Rattin print thine ra Te ' dh raced 2 Wiser. om nn sion. t sida Sf Pokey. aememtereinielen-- a ithe Aftcaal prt neip alia The mail itary by deducting babs dopa t halle a AT sty denertey sibs ee aiepaplleiiy fru) t t. to ra -- -- ae ile iif wat stuvalay we 'Tithnes, whith was presented to yn re "ange to and. fete teh the hl . z aes che Ri outed arch pet. 0 ' pr Sa HMC Lo FTE 3 fa | tons ee eee cling Of The Earl: "To Marchal General | gap "They: Tiny Re a TR oe ae ira > prexat long to try oni ilitios ibe Bamana, ® century [ "Washington, with the respoct of Yuehan.""| booby one of gur .wiiall bu pest | The evidences or of the pregene often builds the not Ta which Poe. ¢ va i TAN i ppgeant preachers seers connie power in the affsirs o of | Now, Beckan lived in the age of the Revo- boys, who. Ww. who watthed 'his orrer. weal | cleut people are found alto cerybe exty hatches ¢ Ont ite ccrromy, rat " nally tap 5 an the biog of courts, | whem the donent coun aul jo! ta few American xcept Thor ar men, and | larged t dt ceptions of an ns would wot have 6 addréwed to ONO | hundred yards on his way on wkiely. at . upon the Atlantic coast. can | exon in the than wine j tui it hast ready test he did the Chief, _ tere] a fow pennies . on the grocad Infor. | mist of somite soinclimes of imposing alze, a. + . ' F, Stor Ro hented hehe a bai ae Eien 1-4 aa 0 works, So imerovy that im) Pie beet ci') feats wor weliemon | I kita hetiteture could not heal kin now. He | becmme the band-mnidof almost all the elder pier, om A ari fo the "AetintOW Th to dhe rustic a be HORIO cm there sreor-wrere aes: : Swaw i Mis aisha: ener. ceattel natold "Hy night sinters: of watronomy, _teaching the O- | Hows, wits A utified by a sight of a t sovrin ©" Th . Lacntis. esthinated to = mot lowe than ten | eye , a a At Ohta ae iscenice OF Lis ad ie erent Pe Maa er -- alas tat the rscment wf hin dire neceml ebed dees way: toy" Fecen 4 taetonres of-carth-aant tome svidentty | ick genotanartas *P r t 'in 6 J th hi ransanrertenend = fart-one of. |. , ; ' iM ; pas sot hia Die acer 5 po rire tee. erg move pcabibigidzonbka Bas gts } , : ; > ary 2 eo ere pate demenneet. sd ty z t z r wet forty, && cirete ap of the boldest and dont like qnanges of oved ar bz pe ss Pe snthe. Shine th , a Er ow n : i 7. 4b ni a rahe: A a racked es , ; { be pas pened Py a poes a ia A eae NERS = : 2 recite ap ereaenig 5 ot _-- 7 . i, ' Whe. them. was the re y th deraniicntatan oh' én Pua vies t was tale the best terest. of I 1 } TER RIT Pe pd > semen ripe mower p. cat mates eg Line fat be ditch wad iV ry deveor " } ar mane Talla teaueds. | fucnece of te b a | vou tah tT fh pee 8 re ee ; ' L thsat bet who is! ah i a | thrown on th ? bite yal ' sed ; ite ard - Te ate twonty imnilew w | instimtione wei 4 ay ! leat yeed i ' aj is mer ~ a fr ftimcearpie. re "The furcal placta ee} ant 1 of | ef 1 OF PR the Al adters de Com theese openings ta | of Brazil i "hates eerie tidrdiainetieta tint t Py t = ely Vayow welcar Haht : itty-twe percent, ' office in Wasldinptrer st . Rash te peete | onal - pa te ~ ehh | t 4 4fte . _-- 3 w tho cacstenl obrerver the af ' airs al thin rulers of eter | tr qt ' 3 ar apa aoe ft Pps, cone, Bray granite. tsa whites #5 ' i : Pa ferst nr tt ettle of the beds , Bae . ¢ 4 are ono imo ten Cer eo ee a oesbiuateneays oT t t 'ta poi J = z ; a Paci cic dbo See fuer tess Uyak PR We Tita or ee Tea pathos mt 3 - re. engage otf. + = "His pame was peel to Patrick, _ When Patrick -~Sipirit, =O got rithiat- bet wafer qente aed Alia aa elt, dane sainebnisad TEE. St in dtoure a plows ' »e th Sone sheet Sixteen pe yews a Age, an attack Wier tinct trie ein watine Leen hy. pirakin mand he, with simae two hundred ve) vuilis. and droopiny; anger, Chat wet asa thn Fre chs ech a tee dens rani sot tek the on eat at tolrtand 'This captivity and ith hardships led bh to thonghtfulbess and resch prayer. hndan ono, which be aftercand wrote of his couversion, showsa "tinroughs heart. work cartied on within him by the Hoty shows. too, hin rolyiow. wan it % rat netpenanes, lent form, tat « faith rye. not Baint-worshipy ect bremsile 3 Jal Gard... --dneky Bilt TH: igen: Of the wonky a hte, whee ecte Fédns Christ, ied whos paneer ts "BE EF Toty Gihest.' ENTE a that pet purterisamtlea yes New "York Havana heen settee ot Soom "sera iss. as of 2.00 tA.) reams, or in vere stance cuarse as high as 30,00) 5 'Wheat this paper ; time a raystery ; brown_sempping- paper: was used Cor was for a fo. ut it box recently bee rewenterd that it en. tern into the ssonulaotsir » He un a aah --_ sa -aenaeratock tee the of sata the tb lake exterior, per int. riappe al with cher ee eathy Tolan ae Shin "ni t2 anes or the no rondhut "ath e tluers To euch; refinement of art he Been carried that by the mu « ~~ yolled oft Tie et pape feet impresiii of the te pert: thre meta eta aasistaal as en talico Sor or etgam sil, no omit. cote id afte soiwks seere then ae cr wath 'ith be het fe ie better of the yao bes anal f odlgeate nts of wen and women, there is ne knowing where they wi nor into what ovis © wands ur ® politi 't. they will lead us" the rarer Ta err fot ror vatiosted the fact ies he was laste pet engage! wi ache. ee ec sail to the proprict you a " ' continner! Toa arg fst bo the young imaiu's fare, "fee got wmethingyt iat will unake that ore tache of yonrs start out like boils in Spring time. .*** Paris, one of whose ee oe "iv in trhety" OFtiey theeeren wR E Ww oer £48 fowe ctl every half. Ath ian KA Re rea er fing hicpar. Selo caine to figh if nesticcr => the worst ium = by et " = a et teeg te - rw PT thee preterm tire areca b : with | Ne rig Pas a tattiew ove weak in rol, ley Vell, thysza,~ com! uly 6 iealf-inte wae; + ee was too sturewd i bi a een frat --o thi dlerks swallowed a table fork two years gS, now inchailes the hintory of ite wnecewful ex- traction in ite iarge posting mivertinementes. S ean view the fork and the clerk; ith a beu-, quietly lat ro plied : believe 4 stall have Sse aimee 't get too mel OFT Pcl thing 3 Ave pom re stovest to 2a x Laty g get tro de ann a week ered tee Laval, what do you say to dropping the a te en- rent ix the pre The tery could wot ecco hat | } tanses which mont tend to dota the rr trate Torkich inwirrection two be He | soem how Uta hoekicady a thats. Ber. "Tr it to leave." _pmiyer ever hrewseh by rage of the ticws- i be thought the "Tas tes Hakan, wee marsied: te Seite re had kept } a perlally it uiade raload toe fast, te twe extraneous | covery of are the a vad the depreciation of wilver. oa ' eof atter wine of eae pea UY States like Turkey and _ At scat hental the anxiety which Woth these sources aot obs. turtance pave Vacs. or Gon» he waa "Mr Madden reckons it- | 'the dale of orem Serie tk, oo | to 2 The rélative value spade asa malad by Herodotus at 15 to 1, and be Plate af Ia "ery v4 tt: | the thine of Platy.- pans He ae the Chrndias "era, front. whieh ah ts F fist wa : ? d 4 + ab ote Bini ha {Lasts BES See REE Bore Wie Breast -- caren ~_ a ropredset conmtituted | inate in the weioe way as is on ophira-cater it tiem sce £ ali tic avid one at saad at the ( nackette wit. witels wan, then fret } oem -- S200. 000 to $190,088 { Finis Bern ff we hat a . re aes 5 sab egedvertsiedlbeninethisinied Moral 'The Stagnation of Trade, . nhs lish ee use of (hit reem | nr The Jeadeo Satendey Hecirie belies cs that tom, it being nine . the real owas of the present (Bes ov or | petairn._ Merny a family | trade is, that for a i of Mhout seven | of which the fle yee were suffering and') years Use world w Moro beter an thr Btls iv t t when I ge dar eee vote ta uuAber of po fens ie 1 known ee profesa "an okd Fa eit which pre "6 all over China, but eaealiy the province of Shgng- tung. Disliked aad persecuted by the efvil authorities, the: ve fora long ' ne endegvored to keep-their be and practices secret, ir reli lon mica i nape ey the te "delivenee. y donot worship idk At the close of thelr religious sérvices the churches planted centuries ago by Nestorian m a to have preached tha. Gospel for hearly a thousand: years Southern ond Middle Asia cond 7 on pele tag "AS the' presen. ies ate gacrf@, 1 Shee ae en ores, agit ork thant Jom wre oe den » trowsera, ode cplorod: gersira Tak women of a For $300; worottee weet Shika Me Lae pad eadle r rt ity three A a 4 ri ' ¥ rites nee | x, echoes de OS. %% omer tr ravers note warrrers ~apprer iter thie *Macy Waar SSN" RS GCA Tobe copumacortae i ht r Bieonies Sane wor i vower j beret ret hy -¥ y er ih arp ere PET my Charles "§. Pulpit Daua ty tte ~ Ameren eR ~ He ' rty , py endl she" theses t i +. ; Tt Youd Wa ic ghar urtion ert Bihate anil » qretalty of the tezi Sisal : P azul it sold the. 'goss foe which the money wis ws i re oe ol ie ' New iiipecasions = = oe + i eit: advan a at athy doocrile th nuk ~ neck lavastors Phoy got the nape i i ve, Te prnst not, wnflel the ce gyre « a {i if Pitten; ' cniyamed thst the = GLC} bere mul pot alt kinds of b a say > a . ere Went at one times > agian 7' orig and very ft on ett, ee a aieisiien ny eer tims ee si, be Freed te ¥ the outlat> amd <s.N _ ae %; a Phowg ; ole rater cs eet ' ' ais it ny Lave hoe bad tailwyaa been |. a4 trates eet nore of 'That the «um: (Ta at th oa f ti thing will etd irus pe 'te United ttaten t ty rakt ned + ret eee with oontdenes. and of Raa iter UY --_---- . -- eoticenseeauieoscllpt Aicssscescentanenonian ; - REMARKABLE PEOPLE AN CHINA, Senreit, Phils di is frequent at | = A witowe . this senson uf the ye » horses that} ery, "tia, One ot ! fg nd is in € hina a tonnes peo- -- been well fe d | aa are in oa ee bs ut i fake be a as , swaniiys jon by din ofa nil, and the con-] sequent obetrietion of the pores.and | : of the skin. TMs treat 1 Pan vilspeter in | put eatin i Youxo nian « there f. "to marry their u: recently, 1 ~ ery fellow marti the young gh, a -- Hye peck te red of § close ebout the xevk 'and below the tens of tha hither ac wethe Ciriness, ay ee dineas, 03 aad paidam. wae : water execpt & sen Shain tietnsnd- i | Bor nt whe Tt pa Hicemuan Wee shoot ng, In" 'News a al oe out! Visa when~ther "hen a ina a @ fo wen dite tise h "a > n hae ie me ed o. fee ie cat, ip to "tosiead ta the wall, t ate ve inteud sab plishing a sper, If you ac mt ike *t renal it," vvaty the work- x your a reo in if the: same. bt he was 1a tod the boon. oa we -- ect ekelétans,- eco The proppaitton sea Te oe ms LS tha daughters are arrivieg bt heacuen at -- and the inte ot a woman, bot in a perfect state of preservation. -- 4 Anchen Shanti Pal esi pees) ava Par apes be Braise. resem ss ih. the Hetet a tintot ~ Whice + ae rt ' & CoTey = = a "Smrse: 140-dah bbe pala wagency of eval; fudiua anes to iar in varion. peas ite Vane us Suttes ter uidels vily * the " sormalty 4 xo cortarmls hy as well as ak nivmine it potdered bab hite stock, «hist rattied plait tod wi mi moe stam WE Tear a ud on the ai tise ik armutt oe ost getsteel wlutesd the Jay. Asta ibrov carriages or ebariota iy ston, fase of ditinetion. "To waik Tie tae the son! aller 7 1e of dinner 4 and. supper partie. cue et se shorite oo thas: ove yamivement & aud. 1 Ses were bom fiay ty} loaded wih vty format, though i ays eapacions the resed "in emtauty to 8 foe & Geaeter to bear cape + Wu hut. to his he al ¢ in, tevling; inear- Brahe it hisoaclf the _t7! i hor. the, her ae the iriagreanio e renomer iy tise gaureout this mural sense, who wWeu Seely eee pas te ging ouditions of alae b et, ho pled titer ty refine by gh sunt ty dar set ode, fe ope oP, Pie's apa: Abe ast his will, "Not is thre ~e say, oo we crowiE" TY "Liye cto stiepurtant pendiacwush oted gone ius the is wed to have been dene uF COMP © Me ices ty Seat Exe? prstion, phitomeply. . the vo wim fost the what od, elaerfal farmer work by the mance" other, kone jietheons bette 'ink winder it. hai. sind on ba, Sear watid Wai. ies ts Sentence "itt wie to ea «oT should be » talon oa 'he Sian, tricity dvoperedt 'ingartrentaety of women, tha mannfiefare oC OI ani eather mers fee ol a eases ae - Py at cr. ee caren bends Lids statu ine "conde ra a wan t WN Vireanes - bu te 2 amy and Froprict AT are Ls : ES