Stratford Times, 9 Aug 1876, p. 2

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LO, 0.P., OF ONTARIO... omaxD wastea's axxcah ANVeLL matoat. = a aeee _-- si seaers Siar Fiax.--We learn that §.: 8: Piller, Req:, "pie to considerable' ong im 'tite' and aie ett Work Guaranteed Prices Low! cameo SCOTT & Co, Have just received LARGE AROONTMENT or ew INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, 5 Cent Music, 'om pan, xt ag eats & tactn bh the Ge dent Central Prices' or the nebangdishene --Mayor Daly and Duluth on Saturday last' Mr. Henry Seweil, town clerk, was also-one of the They speak in high terms of the trip, whi was an enjoyabie one in every sense of word. Mr. Joba Iiington, Q. C., and Mr. ?. h. Jarvis have arriv ly things "Haat "Vininoms" very 5X, yc Pas | Uae Centennial They wets delichted big thing," oe Post Office Book Store. watt pringeaye J whatever. Boiecxs.--Mr, James Weir, bas his' brick itdeod kiln in operation and w: ie oe ian weet nein ae te Sea Tesise~one which inom prove to bf Oddfellowshi im, asnals of to the Noth Riding of "Perth Agricultural hich will ¥.aaa prize for the best flax to be permis rag we have not SERVIA'S CONDITION ROPELESS. shown at the fall show, grown trom aged | ! as rapidly in membership as farnished by him. The flax ix to be be desired, yet our growth has been of = per- wan nacemt axsectes a waneaate~ 1 08 in bandles of not lens than sit iwebaw manent character. Our lowes are of that DRAD SODTEN ROTTING IX THE KU dt weter, with seed remaining. a Pegg aioe ft shigerwegindl no intérest "i The Row.aue. al. in 'be, is ondom, Aug. 5.-- News' Berlin des- |S fh gto Mr | re rm nr |u ler will, no doubt, still farther stimalate its Fete on 8 me me me a 2, |e oats "a by. Stowe Tunowzss, -- There we profit ae we should present Ang. 5.--It in stated iat ir Tins ae make 0 oe te will show an_ increasing s contingent for the Porte will not are some. evil disposed 5 s nip ope 9,000. men. A Vie dispatch of throwing stones at trains, caine ant rene of those pe ians admit serpent take in breaking be mn the Danube to prevent an ra -- og telegraph pais between | "rid. You ars, mr obedience with the duty | tions of foul, They 'om and Sarnia. As several of the lads nt cir which you | that there is no to feqular navign- ha boon detected. i wil Dot be well for "called on t0 conform with the re- | tion. The Hussian Society of the Red Cross them,.os-sny_ott $0. eeccuenonts old weieosion to -- has sents sanitary = stone throwing in fsinrs,-- et at rT hail ball ee tr todges ee ries a the seene of war ii Sérvia. way © unless (hey w are tirged todo a0} The are tuembers Yon partion. 6 partiality, and to cast aside all a eee me y be. rought ag you for legislation, ond de decide cases. I sincerely turned from 'their trip up Lake Saperior to | ho the best of motives, and be able to return to his todge- -- his hen : Jedement on all come before thin Gr = one slosted te the high and red position of Grand Master, 1 felt the homer of represe the i Shr. Stratford Times, Season, Wapeespat, | Aeoesr orm, 1876. THE JUDGE'S F FQt "ALIZATION. We learn that the revised equali- zation of the assessment as prepared first-clane cently shown o sample of the reg bricks be Mz. Hepburn otlier goo f Fjusdeuk, pronounes ~theur and equal to the bert tised in on Ly arcbilvel, and oreeey forth every flan ta pe alin and inereenc Dae), atad bran aaa that When aie ow ee erate Sameel-Atkinsoa gharged assault. ~ Fined $1 afid cost: abasive language. Fined pt pod costa, =} aaa: Pr Samecl Atkinson charged Lenvan. wi mull, "was shat down for the rest of the day. Angust 2. Sere t Lame gad for Slee drank and dis Bans we * told the « A tember of bye ere were seer eet to Gend,: Town c of 'Stratford. ' PROCLAMATION t civic HOLIDAY. bic bare Resor held on Tuesday - | Sewemting. nom ies tea a Rates of Liters en Fares and SS amma aay xEw ADVERTISRMENTS.. Best re a MM: McCALLUM,- ee ere, Sails tie Stratford. a, Pon pe Reduction in Price, -- has resulted in another Turkish tween tween Saltecher and Alexinata will be inter hall whors going throth thie place for Saitechar. --_ from Alexinals_te eae Mad ¢ been to Aug Yesterday the traced garrison" at Se tie Purktar partie Kick, destroyed the f ---- ads em- trarkwd- t bere @ battle yesterday near Trobisye, but no y partioulans 36 Leen reowty aan f 4 lative Ws te Slaton oatragea. a pny des Lizarn' garden, Erio-atreet. "The top 'pro- mised better behaviour in future. August 3.-. ~~ Michaet' MeCauhdy; 'butcher; wee charged with suaphiaing animals inside the corpor- alien limits The case was diemi Dan. Deceive alias French, got drunk on the Sal disorderty and was locked up. Fine and oonta, $8.50. Angnat a ects, and the case against Se was Wm, ore with ot bei Mrs_ on the Jehea Battersby cha: weoopes and atusive lan to substantiate bin case, it Sa without costa. 'ohm } +, 3 by Constable 'win with disorderly con- duct on the st Fines and costs, _ = Michael Mieka eas got drunk, and aptured by Wilscn, He Pcarorgy better ene and was allow ones at Oth. Liecraire Rien foand fault gens John Montwith k sive language towards her. ris 'neo man conduct on the part of Jolin « A a sth, eon, 'arg Diy dune case was . pmported a couple of at} weeks ago, ---- ote sant intercourse and pers en. hE eres presumed opon direct acqna a plea ititance with the mem here state that a battle has beon fought pear u Hig dkeactintee in which t = eet that te stpport his fan Jolneon left hus mite Thursday the 17th day of August, 3876 . Aas PUBLIC HOLIDAY, Er Hop coma Teqaest the citisens of Strat Pp navmanel Aleem T. M. DALY, -- Stratford, Aug; #th, 78 Saturday Excursions 4 PORT DOVER Ov = after Oils Latte 'a until furtwer notice Tigkets tu Pors will be imeued Good to Return on Montag at One Fare, $2 90 the Round i Ex Pic-nie and ------ Parties liberally For term &o.. st "p, Ww RIGHT, a --wWosta Stratford, ie Tis, 1876 Eve 'Grand Trunk Railway. CALL & SEE THE PRICES| -- aT -W.. ELSH'S wellery Store. Siratford, in pte Lr NEW GOODS. MEERSC HAC: a 'ARB "aii" PIPES, & holed tac: choi of all men, oF ' PROCLAMATION { JUST ARRIVED. F PERG: T. R. targe consigmieit af =" Shingles, Lath, Flooring, éc., And ae sis: a0 cheap hs the cheapest. 'Pe we ALEXANDER HAMILTON Lumbert *! Lumber! BAECH LER& @& NICOL, Buiiders, Lumber, iam and Undressed Macufactarers of Doers and Sash, Uiinds, Most Eace Trough, Turning cpecsnangnams ect Jamber on tte premiiees known ae Medford's --e --. wen Kowd, Stratford, we beg to tant we. o aprinee + calapest by Lm in the county, eren at the mS. Ls 4 fs SN Likbwige rall a tte! be Creorgian ey Peer at our y becred Heron aun Cau ute -atrenta, Rooting, 'int tna 'Sif ina Battenz maile- -oF «took of Doors and Sash work and Sc 2 ee hina Oe. Forntture are anne 'worth the aa 't 'd SAV 09 HOw {even Line aac purchoetng © comven: made aent thoreaghly se: fed before jar aad f Sad feet stock of Lrry ig Westers On- HAECHLIED & NICOL. . ant. Strattocdt Is) | #3 MARKET STREET, E: REX, gRTREEL.. STRATFORD. | "SWOkE fie sta yinapie sigh staves att Los TORRES A trial of reapers Bat mowers was he! 5 op Blebark 2: townships, those _taunicipalities who have baa their _ ases e dignity of-the Bench is ae remem. Swed chin speaking of 'the verdict." "position the learned Judge was placed in when giving judgment in this mat- fer. The Town of Stratford, through | Mr. Formaa and the 'Bolicitar,. pro: wonsider.._.the | G. p exeursion pt: thee naan An usemeuts aa at kinds the " ww t illiamenn was the recipient of a hearty Tole of thanks trois sommes eos who.have . tom a and ne aay wake "Taek a Tar toy | ovtapomsan te neegard ote. lodges, the past year has been ane of pros Mr. A. Williamson, jr., chartered a train on ge 3 ow which we have reason to be thank Monday on the 1, D. & L, H. kt 5 4 fal. sent the of Hee few: all kis gmploywes a free ane tip & t Dover, | on tie | th. June I catled the eteeutive of the Over one hundred pees Ay Grand inde a An me in Hamilton to elect a firm went the trip, and thn i m) treasure [health and the yetetan, Tt mi absent: "The eoutive procesled to election, the choiee fall ing on . Tadenac: at Toronto, who be hax given bonds to thé ame dni aix teers eT aielig tO the ary Ol' the Hae We "at | cadnadhidlaiden «ithich,.. a it peas. fromm <iproeniag feats ree L topes imepediate. T al Sultan hers] contin > be i ible to the {the diplomatic body breads bia nerves are ve ach » and be mast not be "x ¥ t. Semlin, Rs --2,.000 volun be- between omnbined re tapers mand wowers, share weet epee a about tivo years ago, ind she has leen an ex. | az R YW ( ' C ie vate ary treat > jhe ' nt . Pore a tendo MITRE Of tie business of | it pleased our Universal Father to rostrate a -- T ttituat Ex tant tise ce | Gleanings Pieler at er Lewes rcs ts e sot an extenrive scale, P 1 £133 P at Alexinatac. promised to brave tewn, and it ts to 0 be | hoped ul from..the excellent appearance i. | me Epon se led of rr eine for a rae of Ragusa, Aug. 5.--The insurgents have | he never shows bis ere again. 7 . le Cc o.'s. for thirty days only. AND BE HAPPY first kiln there can beno doubt of his wer mae ae. mi Peas im ere we aaa La WER P re) VINCE E Si on ata tog up a lar table buslnew., His ates ay Sten cociawrl for vite. Be cupying the roads in that peaghborhood. it TRIAL OF HARVESTERS , Better bargains than ever. ? "thy id rol ol en otr order, % os AL "STE R> abt ar brickyard ion the arm of of Mr.-A. Monteith, | poo. you will aid me in overcoming kuch tare an am stack ot unkhtar Fache dare a - Gyand Trunk rand seaereaian- | Heavy Factory Cotton for 7}e. M. P., in the Gore o troubles and griewanere that may: tend 10 seria (feed Chas STRATFORD MACHINE TICTORIL ». t Railw \y Coulter's Palace Cigar Divan Pausnwoarer: er--- Hecognising the truth = cntiat with the dictates" and Taws 'of this eewwar iby. the piece, or 13 yds for $1. Boanttir" A141 NR PME Awl 2 TINGS, ere? beerectes Thanh Ay At th, Gth and Oth, al ® return a And to the th August, inclusive, nt theese weeks far the Exeursion. pty te Halifax, return From London and fitations betwoen Lon- don and Toroato . NS. of Bt jobo NB. ed Lredindd iron reaper ad ne gp by nw Hestione between Th tenth and Kingston -- ~»eo Mt ; onal : Raresren E ACT RAION. The snnoal . E5 > ine tirana. |* Tronk Haihery ot and their wives, , aud sweet-hearts, took place a Seturday ast and was attended with great sneerss, About eighteen ear-loads of exeur- left Strattord tar 4 sence ived from the D. D 7 » M's ins the, tes that ay canoes we ag pgp oos -- oe Law ple my offi oppor: oe for secnieg Up a Teel. "inlascante mand of vatmg that = ich tends so Taue) toward inspiring our « faders vf the ¥arians du A, oo up to their tains value, bet this "is » difficulty that will always stand in the way under the presont system ot ' Eee oe © pi tnicsualitien. Base "Eye ges from $24 for resident lands. pay $14 $16 i ; Logan from $23 and $14, to $83 and =! from Elma from $16 and $14, to $25 and $15 ; and in the an average of a $200,- 000 to each, of personal property, is ad , making total of Assessment foot up to 823, 989,683, or an increase of about eight million five hundred thousand dol- lars, gg oe increased $900,000 $1,097,424 ; Listowel from $150, O00 to $312, 425 ; Mitehell, from $220, 000 to $270.25 a very change and knocks the couaty assessment intoa "cocked hat," the of which is to increase the Tate-in-several municipalities and de crease it = others, as is shown dancing, of | out the arrang o'clock a.m.,and aftera pleasant trip w day. The latter being provided Molen auinbér went onton the Lake and enjoyed the felicity of an attack of sea-sickness, Alt Ta very Leben bay w was -- and the happy party eS had lake sraas aes, vie the committee who so x Le Alexander MacLachlan, the EAitor of the St. Thomas Journal, a " . and a teal Scotchman, has been painted to the vacant Rogistrarship of Elgin, Gie us yer ban' Mae. It's an unoo guid thing tab bea elaneman, nowadays. of Tax Ties is seriously thinking of feexding Gnt rest of the year, clothe his ample form in tcemodest Kilt, wmk-iv. commen. with bie It is really deplorable to observe the aie effusions whiely the Reform wre- ting off in connection with the recent elec. tion in Glengarry. The Dieton Tames turna vet over the event, and this isa sample of exuberance "Massa the waa rbd out, De-du-da. 0, _ died Modeb Sechomreaads - woh -- we With (#7. McN winning hack, De-xta-dab, °. sie dish, He broke 're ony" McLennan's back! cee: | and jn -dab, 0, dectardat We aden the Mcatreal Sais and th Amdon stdvertiser--the "only Feligious" thrit pers--to insert the above in their "chili. ren's columns, ---------2egee- STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL. REGCL«R MEETING. pula ro mevting of the Grave and hi hie Powe neurs, who con: Con "at ee was it on 'resent, His Wor ship the May Mayor in re 'chair, Mr. Joba Read, aban, Iigg, heeve, Couneuhas gan, Seximgoogr, Gileon. comMts: Letter from John re "Boots complaining that the chairman of the Thar of Works was neglectful of his duties. i- jon was sharply Ltaxstion, and stating that I be introduced indature. ition a would atthe next paella of the Leg- tanded safely on m the shore of Lake Haren The day was at aD £h: | | curxioniats sought the saibenguons tbades of lthe groves, where mpe pro' were anpacked soon dotted the i directions... Swings, | love making and music were the Editer} tw spetede Teced inted invitation frow the joint committee of arrange oe ot the Ce mtennial eelebrawon ala. prior te the meeting of rr L. of f particulars are laid Pion in the mnmens a tion. f have o abeyance for oa Grand 4 Body, ta appointed to make and report. committee be Aid Avsociations, which are in a aeons Total ousber of «wagks' sickens for « where lets were Total nember of teemrBis. " ings 7 us sf eck 2 Otthet mal i moacearshap, 1 each 4 reerheed relief Awerage mortality, «wm 155 oy Ree sipts evan pare Ladges S$ Aveo expenses by subordi. aagty tr average. af evoe $ pat cent. for <apanies, ana ty'ys perce tr we Nef Sua bo so gk as TF ities Crees are Lodges. Widoes sad Creneral Fund RES Cressey hy London, hg was at its ue speed he engineer of the G. W. train ob nerved in iaoerr in- which Loth tralna ware laced, and hie train being a aes OMe +~ consisting of an enging and o and 6 car--he resolved to try and crow over the eromsing e therefore eure tie engine full i cely got his eng: ear po eeage when the pom "ol the Port Dover train ran into the ager train with great Violence toppling it apeide down, and throwing it * ales. was for cw inl Si Haurt rel for' 5,° 677, "and 6: | Dre 'ss Goods for 12}, 15, and 1 20e., worth 20 and 30c. Cot- | ton Shirting for 10 nnd Lic.. (THe avy Cofton Tweed for 20 Se Wiis Sr ais WEES ntrinn ATwa te te Cael: of the very ™t amt cust fastonatle styles The ot "bomb te of Cigar oun, scatattig or chewing Stratford, July bt tReat eet Campaign 876, since ou th Wallane. vila ene Ag porting ota ww aril 1 p04 be iird inst. = he ering wilt.. the wife of thom, on the 34h ult, the on Motda yeti Tth A et bties Ma ag iaioae ¢ oe, afta Ty Ap Mathew Jauten "a atthe habe Them peon, aged rm MeCaLicm At ahat cl saa on the o ant inet, Mr. Donald MeCallam, aged 64 y Have you any PICTURES ro FRAME ® N. A. Bosworth Will de them mm the best atyle, PERN PGR gee: pew Ad a th [ "[ Property Intnrad, > ower FLY STICKER nih -- WN. A. Bosworth's ®, ONTARIO ST., (Weat End.) "STRATFORG: Strationd, Aug 2, 1876. are pe a \ COUNTY OF PORTH MUTUAL F. 1. COMPANY Atmennt (Ray Bw or wig ¢ v inw y cotuplain of a tn ¥ M lack of etiicient a ol. Awtiich de- These & Me 2 kar ea Xt peattmal aed Richinoud wee Be jand 25c. Beautiful White ft d m ol ¥ hare rom Quebec | ' reagealhpegri ch ner ba fer rs and Eclipse _ Jolinaton took fire JOSEPH HICKSON, | Quilts s for $1.37} and $1.75 rene The. jaervianis. Panser Ge Lil Tits, : swerene ened mene |e eet hy: $:25 and S3.68-prentiye- en me _ sone To ue andite.wadtis of cut mete arratont. Tie aa wie: 2. eS Sok "ana Se 7 BT ese "y = sWeTgr ko' | i 7 T ~ writ : re = aeiaia & we . chen The a an, Sn ~ cance reaper too the STRATFORD if eduction. "AT Pair of- Pants GEO. FORM AN, é sae Oak ole. or S22), worth B3.51h.- Coat Land "Offi 'The nets of the capture of Garuao- | vari ssenrthr S56 "Land Office, raz by Egon, Pasha rng, which em: [24 abd Catan Harvie 4th. We ar Spring Brewery $4.50 worth $6.50. Car- | + Puaad te Sqr EE atied ox' Rantonce wait mote io wns tenn Me M- Y. Meleun, of [pets -at extraordinary low f NO.- 35, ONTARIO- ST. OPPO- , he mh ome he OR eer be awaits Keueb's serival. The main Ser- | ma) Mtg. Ue ate ah 5 present working Qla- prices. Good hemp for 25c. ;|SITE SHAKESPEARE SQUARE. Sher wotly hell by a cuard Eoeah abead | Rlabt and day. potting Julinetow reaper eae} Aged Bottled.Bear.. rei "5; " ; so naa ima few days, and then the | #*ers ready for the harveat mason. Their nod for 35e- , sapestry for sn owe sail maar rag ie i apcenacrpelberd a sta Spuinat 20 MAby a At $1.25 Per Dozen {8 Brussels for $1.10; a lTOWN LOTS bern, oper tien' de! herrew Cana ans abies sea ent of delay od | sicur machines, not be lost aight of 'ase few Ww Laukrupt lots left at 507 A SPECIALTY. Par} troope, = 'th . Avid by experienced agriculturtts in are now neering: be _eee -- Q U A RT ER B R R F 5 and 75c each. Call early and _---- that Servia has sued for peace he war te ELLICE. wail ics 5 ~ . L and -Excha virtually niches. at Nussa the entire Tar- Tat ' "aft had a L aa oo eon at Pm AC- Burs SELLS Ex ages we Lare Arrnay.-- ar we Fone th . A I x arvis FURNITURE. Mattrases, Bolitets and Pillows. Whi oh for adit' ij will favorably with aay other establishment Stratford, Aug 2, 1mm < TAYLOR BRE PMLA alg ae IBARNSDALE|Ezsas a2 8 PRESERVING SEASON. THE CHEAPEST PLACE SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR. sa charches, pabe buildings, #e., dv. Re-| 'the offers Toe ikla year ehe: . - ne offi t bs ferred to report at next meet- Gropd Macter--Joba i, i. ee. ry, b rrombape pm pce ly pnseee tent NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ing. G. Master Strat. . _ ' : Letter trom Chas. B. Goode, Montreal, : mercial trateller from Montreal, named Gra. St. George's Society. offering to vell the council a plan'ol the town | Graod Warden--Dr. Fowler, K ik. To earns ~ one and a for $14. -- Fyled. weed Secretary --i_ 2. King, Brantiord, -| (Wt os monet 'ane Lat not cy | A Mocting of the Stratfort | Rt. eoren's Hociety 'Grand Roprocentative Jen. Weed 4 bad as might have been expected. A staff of | next at o'clock p.m, for the purpose of elect, {gg Eat co so osual traffic was not delayed. 'Bros De Dr. Gumpbo, John Welsh on ZT. | "Senden ouseumel ig tas aah ped | Seprember 2-2 sei, ford, aie he sr foot the om eroming, The} stration, Oct. 9, mit The Grand Encampment of 1. O. 0. F., Thunnou & Williams ay ey aoa rar Tuesday last, at ped ecm hard all . * COAL FOR 1876. rs Were present representati 1 -- «| from Compe. A. 4 ILL-TI PUFFING. Cunphel tage gar all MED 1 NC PRO en se by Car Lond, delivered in the Stratford Encampment. P.G. P., John tT the Editor of the Stratford Pmes.} Grate or gues 97.0 par ton e: fetter Wax wie present Thaw reparte-ct-tre oe # 4 entte the Beason} Egg. essry) esses. TD eee s ofthe Seder, The t th'! last week, [noticed some very Mattering re- Stove brane! Onder a e following uew marks shout Mr. MeGuigan, the, chairman a doasthaniamean teeiig nes dere of the Board of Publie Works. Whilst ro Willagee' ae oe Ge ee ee wan isteg the faet that-Mr; Fever he ketmarhe, Aero, <b poe Se "tent tue SS eck Wo. Brampton, May Sth thai be ie mo more tied | Stratford and Huron ; Dnring the year, 817 have heen imtiated ; | for the position he haa thin year 5 y 5 ' 61 admitted by. card; 5 rejected, 8 re-in. | then he is to be the Sultan of Turkey. I can Railway. wished to cor-} state; 2 snapended, N.P-D.; & expelled, | pick out seares of old-women in b -- which was pre- aS: : adhe mr the worthy chairman. af the}. ~ "¢ « freon iis The Mtoe tay cee Board t Wo Committee the pated hereby that geaaeas $2.60 Mr. } oui : , Well the Maat said the better. If he be the fisemen | "Gop" w. it. Cote. MPP. Brockville. j arts th withoat 9,000 oF Gounet fall, tn the 'Town ot when practising, | @ IEP. J-£. Young. Igoe es set Serationt, ' ie * . if the thinks sitet 1° = apes ke. st Me ime, as 12 cifersnt grades to choose =e come «J LARGE QUANTITY OPF- wise ANDoSTONE 'Taylor & Barnsdale's. : a at Sopa cod te Hoonia'and lkanie. Toop [pine tae cake eet tee eee Rea } Estate: condition, ene situated in the city of Sr ber 12.000, with 50 squadrons of car valry Thos. B. MeCurthy, who had been Half Barrels at $3.7. Block, Ontano-street. ® ton in the art, -the iets er in r w sity "ai There are horrible scenes at Wat ok; Tin | bouse of the wounded men, that neither of Hamilton on pie we ot eis the eperatsnn ol | podios bare there «ince Ma ay Lith | the ae poate es who w-re stabbed by a conple of tere aswociations thus far have bees bene | rotting in the sun, No crime invented by | roughe in 'the Flies yohar & on Sunday Al orders len at - Gea pent prep ot -a| Terkish tererty has bow it wenks wee rad a ee ted mune NE WCIGAR & TOBACCO STORE. | Deeds, Mort tgages, &c. Tp T ® goodly wam to widow at a time | and there is spent mead of assistance for | lox his 'aa con. y Trawn ; = when most peeled, ar I have no.doubt that - sidered doaiata, "bat an ser iietical eae: He |... TAYLOR & BARNSDALE'S ME EDWARD PALCKERT would sottty the : ' oney Inves-_ Q ; id er ny age res eve society of _ London, Ang. 6.-- A special despatch says | is doing we! he names of the woanded win public in general that he has opeied © ted Safely. oO nrdens. € eons reco™ GGGINY | the captare of Gurgnactatz was a splendid 1» be Joyal nel the faets of the affray are " es : . sonore rae oa thas bepart ane a the order gene rally ; victory oth fought well. The popalation | shout as stated m oor last bea torr Wa. RUSSELL, Lirewer. i Cigar & Tobacco Store AGEST OF fpert will meet your a reveal and | ted te Paratchin, whither 300 woamled have | tote were lard inn Wedneuday against + in bie old stand. one door east of the post office. . + : the s usiness of the Lodge tay te transacted | teen taken. The _Tarks hare abandoned | Mather end, Xi twa cae _Btrations, Aug. 0, 1676. OM | where he keeps ou band a fall assortment tbe | Confederation Life Associa- RIOT Kieck after fieationa, } with being the pe serpeteat rs of the dastardly R.A. REEVE, B A, M D, sare BRANDS OF CIGARS ° > a The following in ss abstract from the easb- A letter Prery Fhilppopots duly Slet,jact. On Thursday constal B. and ECTURER on dieeases cf.the Eye and Ear | z ' tion, &e, ' = 4 od ft eoent { ote» _Aetimcrtiny and a romans 3h a. ee a x. re of the a vast year, a compiete -- Of tteities ts prcacdiog Te ed gst ta ; regent te - > CHEWING & SMOKING TReADROR. bots wikia. niaahaens sea tar asstereith « balance, seg octal that 4) villages hare 'been _burned, Logan to arr st the parties mentioned in the DISEASES OF me EYE AND EAR, Fano « large stock of pipes, pouches, ae. 7 BE FOG Oren Priest wo 4 foci the returns will be me 'end t pars ere ewe, When they arrinnd pear the } Claaz at wholegnbs or Metall Give bir call TERMS, Oo -thinky the reports of the atrocities »| homer erenpied by the parties ther were tm "i Acg.2 TS, 7 eemreny ms MIS semen Meta tz} Miitled by the one -- sakaniel. after, a ioe * was given yy confederate | aipion Hotel, = on Saturday. FP SDR g ye me sino WO TAXES THIS YESR = iiiaeom: 8 5 'elegra Vietinw telegram save} ~ ie ¥ part . . ; ie that a cc Posie win a 5 dompesia sitn mated be tbe bash. The constatdes im-| jeesutence and Otbce 22 Shuter &., Tornma ST. PAULS For Sale or Exchange! t, sa . Kaseos reiuod atrorat ts slistely saw the manoeuvre and they aetf - Interess age render, The a Hin my in operating starte after them, The *arthy's _| WV E would state that we have bought ont * ¥ . : ot acres, in bt Reurned on Expemse account, an & against the Servion General Lesech; pel on (heir men, and after ordermyg thear a 'B. FRASK R, M. B., Rnd. at fet Sie =k v park pera or 407 $81 The Paris the Tones * order wae disobeyed, they ER of the Phrricians ana | i Mr. James Wilson's Business, acu Location high aed dry snd ie i Siusigh marks that people are surpriséd that Eng. | fret at them with thet: ° he Yntarin Poo 'of the Roysl | ar beenenrtt he Past * a nes Pum + lan nad and France have nut a seat Military at- | men whom dolor " i arahy fred at stopped, Cabege | a Surg bey epee d, apd Kicretinte ot = us - Ss 8 Statue Ne : se © Eastern war. -- -- ene gut safe into the cedar jf ee ee Rargeons and Physicians, | ST PAULS, con 0--Hous se Sureey--ouse just Panag ane oo. ¥ Owing to the absener cial information wan doybtious joi br tne a a Albion Bisel. over Mr.3.3: Clark's | j And tote Suiplote sie ita beaach store, payplied fiuished Kasay Terwe bg cerned : _ beet: possi ble ied Iara the tele Soppin'e feritnee sho ran eompletely | Itaiian Ware Sly | kept tu scountry stare. --House and 2 Lots, soe ------- Sry ms for finan cial ope Bia whim. A search was made in the | "ooo ov. " - | P.5.-- We tutead to bey and Sell Butter and on Queen street, oar O- T ae le) aaa ann trare Re al... at " a Tremaures shade dates anh Su duaceerel, The parts aot ™m: |" Woporia of Market overs dena Uirain, as to a goed loralliy for Wnuk bg 4 pennehiarnieetnnniieeninn bn RAILWAY "COLLISION tured Ly MeCarthy not being "wanted," be | JOHN F- FREEMAN Tha, has | DON'T PAIL TO CALL eat Semen Seasatee cd La ne was allowed his Tiherty, bat he admitted | ,, Pinang ireet ome the haprers 2 aha and | Satintac! 4 Vi on Dow- - a on See A WTRATFORD 45D PORT DoWRR TRAIN DASIIE® | Leaig seared ott < years growth by the | Ares Hue, sre be will b inpey to mest offi old | aainanien qeprantaad, we L, near the Market. lee Q jv banal + card . Into 4 6 &. EXPRESS.--- ONE MAN 5E- | close proximity of the eonstable's ballets to varroms, aed ay many wew one as may favor him with | TAYLOR & BARNSDALE. monthe--t . Resnetat ROteLT Mem his ears, No further atte rt has toon mee dare ar | Stratton, Aug 2nd Lot 312--C. C. Survey = ies) stgeiacareaivinantimaied ais coal sis = WW afrest the partes, dich eyes bl -- _2 Chureh street, bet t. Heweans" Wikaties ty an PE ae RE ROMS thre : deuce aml Railway. A trout, Suepended " as a REMOVAL! REMOVAL! Srd_ Enetied "ea took place abort nine o'clock, af ie craig Coenty --~ ; ~~ T2tr Acres ~Front-of Lot-3,. ¥ vec! 7 ff the Y. D&T. A. Maudway over he ma ~~ s = To ae ne a Gi.) few_ro BIRTHS. WILLIAM HEPBURN ee eal yang a lncreace op] sslsock station. ee _ ved to the baiting et Yani or Market REDS ihe pa 2 4 Host Dow " P oe: ---- ee cei etd, house aod bot imeaniiaid tallemai onl esa SPs Se we on the } we on the ith inst, the wile of jelnt ih & Cas Metieat Watt wnd od] --_Rovee oe -------- a = Poownt toned sempiershig 100 | erossing on the G. W. Xe wert of the cross dada. vee te ere alt, the wife of py bps Tatrons fer pee favors, and | $4() toSa0. per Lot -- 5s Lots, v. ing. The driver proceeded #0 gould Jolin Mproai. te danaiter hopes to @ contineanse of shel enstom. Arnold & Robina ima, on . 44 rate, srerhinice ital en ini hr whieh Rone, of = dana q "e =o bd Special attention is invited to his stock of ees . ema i that af ote cars ies his na. a the A inet. the wite Fruit Farms in Otter ate veing in the way ace a a 'dauanter + he G. W. RB. fast min trom 'Hamilton r In Li Istres we Ty ult, the wife PARLOR, BEDROOM AND KITCHEN Sieties B lots fro ai one- the land, actos, and SO acres uv ar Now wieb, on FD & LM. Bail way, inp' tor strawberry and small etteuk. soln property 'ill be taken in part payment on time, 1300 Acres of f of farming or graz- ing laad in one kong CENTRI S CSUN. PENNSYLVANIA, To exe! for Town ominty, oF To farmers, or Yen, clny ad sanaty 1 -- witeeae and | ay yor A por 00 GUe corer , rext > 2 seren aday 'SNIVOUVE ZO i > Le b>. rc I + 1 HT A

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