Ben cere acomed soe " _ 18 PUBLISHED 'Eve y. 'Wednesday Morning, dARVIS' BLICK. 'OVER DUT ER DUTTON DRUG STORE. 't i SURATFORD WOOLEN MILLS !! Fertan [Far giving the bat hme Sunncsvt lale 8, FOR woot on Cast in exchange for wants, 12 of 16 pathmasters made oertufied to org Inhor livte and the clerk z EE linia ie tebe. IV. read, A cireniar from Institute was inid aside tion should be obtained emnall | scounnte, chiefly road connection 'MABRET "Stratford, "Ont, Drafts Issued on New York. Interert | Sm. GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. MONDAY, MAY 'sv, 1876, Toronto . esp icesquemion eae Taiipem Sat teock of - Stoves, Tinware, Hewes Furn- £T0.. -- , For Bufiaio ¥ WATGHMAKER,-JEWELLER, £76. C, ao od ot Sateen $e serve up in Gs } preg wget Hts premieva have Steed up with- 1235 a. § the 6.50 a. m.--Acc. t Brantford. peretiora, Suir nn mee 'Celebrated Russel, Elgin: and | vaniewin ae taveinge oft Newcten =| vor Qtertch o oor -- ------ ae other Watches, Excellent slabling, choicest brands of liquors | L48ve Strattord--s20 «. m The Stratford Times toot Sahtonabtc ple st'arisia" oe om 2a Bie ; ' Watches, Clocks & coeeadionty = 145 poe 4 "AND. CO'ZATY-OF PERTH GAZETTE: ---- i : jay Ta We LE Ot every description. ___ WM, PORTROUS. 'evsing! ttise Lawton oe, BUTE, Bates report. upon at | ity of Bertin mre mg & fe SN --_ Bpectacles to Suit all Sights. | >y es to onder. 1 pm . rag council 'adjourned.--Tomw Covxxxt, WHITE STAR LINE. FR er ince ores paint Ail Ring? pf repairing dos asd warranted. Sane eee eR ns te wee: Bratrao, 'Wrtiemwar "Avoont frm, 1970, tte Sictuaeait-eulidk Naeiedibiinadi Every § my services. Gas used in extracting Testh-tend- = Counecting with att Meta Line Trains tor T avemte ten f ei the operation Market Square, Galarto. and Detroit, also with tains for Goderieh. Mr. Trow, M. P-for South Perth, has made hack tnt wit yaa fond from Ale ot A NATIONAL Li ; Sere |. July 5. mu SAMPLE Rooms tar Ce ial Travellers, Note----No delays at Bt Marys under this ar- pas 6 b the M. . . ' oe sranabin rwetationthroagh the aye | Engng ee a oc 322 l Stretford Paper Bog|CARPETS A SPECIALTY |dinsiaiies eee SSS 1 MEER, Tense Farin sehell Mechanics' Institute, in the a we A = : moma ou to the Mi With some obstructions lying upon the Huron | =<7P* T. HAGARTY, Proprietor. rs a linndred of 4 near tford ather due consideration | Ttaly é aes Man rel Stratford, Jan. 6, 1976. Serattord, April 2, 2870 " coupe) although they eyt te . eae . " mre Cexrexxiat Ticnets via Erie and Lehigh | that it ary uch, with Mr Kastner, vot they Iai par ts now to sappy on Grand Trunk sie Valley Rail and 26 cther different by the west eeraion of 8 porson apyointed John Brown, dscorigiten of Peose er REGENT HALL, | Comer ot wont gon anc patriot-cta, strattora BATURDA zuaies, ochearsiodind to he the best, can be at all euch creer were rei us end et city prices, A la reepectially F168 commodions house has been re-f es a had from. U. A, Jackson, No. 24 Market | atv. Remtner's claim their enrel tars Seeningation SBtratfopa. July 18, ITB. aecer eet" HENRY & ASHMEAD: 7 . 'alow for trandieat or permanent guosta Good EXCURSIONS thn ------, Tea onl of tors re ry ni irons sd cahere raping teoconn: |" b Serra ee ee A. G. Mackay & Co, OHM MERKER. over.the liquor og arising out of areh | rev I bo is now ¥ doable = ry - > June @. Sat urties. tune ne bh; 1878, picnic beld on July Ist, and are loud in their | £.77eT%e ibaaatet danny ora een £ oO a M. WEES Haviog 1 Ane til! farther netics, Ratran at] a emnati tion of phe aw, which interferes | structed to potify Jobm Eller, lot ( con. th cs w TS 2m deity receiving Waite Fiab. Trowt, and Ths Witsoe House, Sreoue Pane, will be inet ~egy-oo ante narrmennnf AOFEREVE bis fence frow off the ; 3 g re 'aii other delicacise of the. season, and while . Stratford, Out. Sevetford to (Jederich Orr to Lake Scremon.--3tr--Wm; Metini-+ stitute a tn i 3 oc = ~ oes ot for nificent C ATED between the Bridge «nd Court _Mratford to Goderich, ec a a ie Soe er are ict : ay gone up to Sake Superior, to enjoy the | Avont--o ber rv neot meeting, in order that the o - « Fish Market, on Downie-Street, a Stratford. Enoailont sacamedation tor Sree. Stratford to Goderich, S11 vue way .cewhew to proceed # ° pare Lake + tp get oy poe oe bas point. "Mr Weert, to ir ie at 5 3 which will be ptly attendedto, Remember lers and Jarymen. Rooms for Arbitrators. - Leadon, . . © manititude who are, Samiring fo ww | attaghctete-samesonte cee teat ttignes "9.0.4 ot the ot ite 40. 1. Under Val 3. WILSON, Proprietor. Brantford, ' 1 Watering carta, fies & yore' vy: The" count wot D4 a ?@ 2) nan's Marble Works. A a ankle Mareb ti, 1% re " Marabeig =o eonnv ens 4 it trs mpait the Utes for the present, and thatthe | Sg ee EF 5 = ------ JOSEPH HICKSON, ES Escomone Toe Pot ter a tate Teaoee eg genes |e ei ® Jey / ES etna stey oer TT age | Ament imam Seton RR oe ce jesezoeHurom Railway bave arr Het? yan Tara, eprendiog alec bd 7) THE GEO. WOODS ORGANS. SSntion A Good Square Meal for 3 canta cnn: CC Plosghe ot Aoi omy ecearamee Peotone : jon trains Sirailord te Peet af er teins is > See : q@s-3-q~ De a WM, INMAN . fuaraniced every Saturday, tha giving Saat Et oe ele [e3| 2 ON THE "SAME~ TERMS, -- [> strextort:saruary -197 "vy-| Niagara. Falls <tentfael, dom 5 tame nn ne emer . D. & B., $2; 20 lipoma "> to apead tie "iaat saat ay eora® Harkness, gravel Div No Bi hb. z 4. --- a o --? 'Titans fant res Ape per rg omen ea x noe * rr : itanmisain Semmes faqusnay Senter ea . Souhed inscruimenta of their class ---- = OTTAWA gravel towwlice Ho & D.. $5: da, grave] | 2 W ij Tickets, for the Round Trip, Good for ws Reha, toute tot for 3 + 3 Bousekeepers. ty all means see them [HARD ARE! = Fou Baye." | MORIGULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY. F vi J -- 'Train leaves" Stratford, ed == tract, $24; David .aravel Sm Most Beautiful Solo Stops. at once. omnia 08 6 - chan' Pamasas atl the | Incorporated 1874. Capital, e . 4: Wm a g The Correct ae of Doing | steamer SOUTHERN -- -- cutting Sown hill temp ius bi E r ° . A. G. MACKAY & Co. Business. Ticken the Grand Truak Rai- | Bem come oat. President |B. Bischbara, culverta, $5 5, "aa The agency for theses reliable instruments has per ete. -- v Koa, 86.47; De Lacuna. wit, a Qo Stratiord, Jan. 5, 1976, NOWADAYS it is customary to advertise | ~-- Dapeitied. with Gevsunment-tor tee Pretecien "~~~" : * bean secured by wae aes - 'the Protection mn ove tier Seas <aer 5 2 tara eR "reat neribonn deen ac; Ac, Bei prot tw max|POrt Dover and' Lake Huron $60,000. a Sa ™ goods bought by bd Twat Rasiwo.--All fhe tabasco chewing: 1 ; ¥ 'Tucan rege --~s ~"T WEBSRS. FRASER JNNBULL ted) ao Bs ia promt ae fh La - aifway. -- ------ gels or Strat. sa = Soars 5 <n, gf soon . Steiacsaa "Trsurancs' ee Seaeee TIME TABLE. Ineuree against Love or Domage: ty Fire: or~- ve a . aA = -- =-- 3 -- feds peveh shemenven-nighly upon the Fo oes ate eal ave esizerin = = & rl ERTS "W. F.. McCulloch, onan ek Seheauainann| Su emma iy wai sii MD FE aor Yor so ; 4 pes a oa Wie ear 'i auiian' "hss dow a otter Monday. 3 horses Seite ete drich to Mrs. Patterson's, on the wine eee ° -- new ciilver . 2 >] Fhe or Satiewing aaeabce. > f quar tae Pert Deves-end lehe Mason railway P ie Unetr adveniags tet -- read. A vigilance committee is abant to be erin 88 2 mole oe oO ® | terested. aty side * | Rewer mee > * ayrive * | caret: A mas Rad = Oar LT organized by readents i yy te Bx -- repairing culvert, Le} Aa 2) um I ER fo aa yon + eL08e iu- rrr -------------- | Stratford. Woods Port HEAD OFFICE--Victoris Chambers, W. ere throw . maven inte-the-|: = road, §7 ta Morris, part cravel eon- tt o xy 31, Lara. _ _ Ww COOLEY 72 om. Aléom, 1034am. | Street, Ottawa weeds and Canada thisties below, alens the | in ey ty ea per A ghG yas ro} & KING OF THE WEST - . ' ated ---- pris JaMES BLACKBURN, Seat hag or " = leave arrive -- " a ae 'Tux Pvauc Houpay.--At a sani at of peesere rina = "a 'Audrew eet NENT NG MEE ae end Ede Frog ai mpony, Plumber, Gas & sien Fitter, Pry Dever Dover. 'Wondeteet Peres - RUTHERFORD, --y + Chas Wilson, rave on St besiness sad mae ENC ETE. "$a keep pe rn citizens held on Friday evening to name a | i477 i Ky he i: ~ Robertson House. AND SEED SEPARATOR. | am pisese ron ae sad gofers | [prepared to execute work in all the re Counecticn made wht the , W. B, Canada rece ne ATED j -< day tora wed the sbeley oe nme Hen: Sens: Rutledge, chartty, * The | -- we themeeires as yg i; fantonten. sasiatnapion inp Southern. aS ake _ Stratford. Ci Sra ee ee eis] NEATLYFIXEDBAR, | W"Serterihoeeratons Se ee ES Oe Ol re "|Boots & Shoes discussion, it waa determined to the saeet te in thetr aetinates.on of Shet day. aaa { . to give Stretiord. January 1éth, "TH -mer =| Market geet - une & e . ss Holiday upon Tuosday, the Sth inst. about | ™ 4: Sears, clerk. Hennessey Brandy. Thirty Tshas 'of PURE seed Whaat Stratiord, Apetl 24, 107. , Po THE CENTENNIAL * =the, et sewed 'in the week. "HAMPSTEAD, ' Booth Gin, . the dérti STANLEY DAY, arn -- VIA lig ig iets obama é <cmwin Wed eavesday ace Cartes Ate, Ben se on pear, wend iter fat to OATS, "AUCTIONEER, Gace Liv ide P. Sine eae ---- i. a . & broom- poder from _ eh how bam CHURCH STREET, STRATFORD, (both sing) ble orders attend ° ci eth cee ergs) Sed tn ag coanuty| thee rarer Ke @ ounce erassr in ie solved thatthe day be ' oprite the the pea ot Mr. Jot a MeMilian, eon AND d will sees and separate parlectiy. all hinds Ovesce 141 Ontario Street, ower D. A. McLeod's 'inn faneary & J. J. WOODS, op. Gen yous Tuchets ot Montreal Teleeragh Co's Office, JUST OPENED AT ! - 3 - : without one. crore sre -- she - on ate coeage Nov ie a G eet * hich snag. The deix es vouring to jump | Flor del Fumar Cigars. Don' Purchase gutil you have seen this mill Seaaley fray illo cubation pubes of Sized Wasaass, ANDREW GORTZ Pon Dover a base 4 Le wok . : care Auasichy . Gt. Guous: =e from Rot entangled if the lines ty ae ie ere the Promunce af Outarto GFSRDGVILLE, cot and Mortgages ie, Weep Se Ser ety at Erie, Pee ' The fourth annual contention of above | aud fell heavily to the . breaking one on Nile otreet . arnt, 'beer had aq yours experience rahec somtaatl "draw Gp ta Enginn, tod German_- yee we: at Batwey, which poses eID A McLEOD S$ i Union will be hell in Hamilton on Tuseday, | of lis legs aborw the ankle. He waataken ta} "" d Ber L. BARTHEL. mtarre Kevwlaige of the camer of segues | Commission in QB" money to loam ou mort | romantic acenary of te Ateghany and Bive -- a the 5th Sept. itis 1 thet there ~ Wall Village, where ander the care of W. 8. ROBERTSON. Stratford, April = 74. : ome a ean nen Sf Fenscante taterest, Omics, ter i Sieat he acre to Panckagn md Pennsylvania, though! 3 Ma o » recavers an y ~ ee, _ < lets, amt Owners wil can bs 6 lie be a large attendance ax delegates will be | 1 ri ne ts recosering se laat ae could) July "er ARCHITBCTURAL DESIONS phan eikaag WM ROBERTS, see ee. WINTER, Anasy, A bandsome assortment of ak ete he mestivg ofthe tag i add PLANS of Padtic and Private ar | _Seratford, June 7, 1876. BM we KUAKER and se "engunaa ates Also agent for Erie Railway and Beatty's Lake Su See er apse weld be hedek ze. palsing 'Ready Made | Clothing Ragen Wy ee yer genet om oy Bae RICHARDSONS | town; saben Leween's Dost Stow yA Tohed ommeuing --_ . nex. ah 4, Speen bale, teatrh. one of ttre: acc os } ecco pel week : corner Firts nad Octavia streets bestia Bo te : to eich plete from" Stratford to ttend = aExGae. = svunvacas" | Farmers" Friend Gamg-Prowghy, |* tet is inwanrs ts. wie. dey oots and Shoes. aiken nane Nees Jal" Sage ¢°* [> Wetecibrd, Jan, 5, ware ae BR ; ae | Cl . A IITA ERSTE sare RN, Pen "Tie os Tue GT, R-- dinshaonar near the aa HERMAN TAUBER, Plough in the Market. ¥. 'BRUCE GORDON Carpets, Oil oths. ei Ne oS AAT See Pete "Beid, driser,ran from - boeenes one Mh . For 10 Da: LL ceNaED Avetioncer for the Go. of Perth. Ww Ww AN AUCTIONEE . . 4. For 10. ae ete a ea Leste Ww. cioxeen, vatraronec 1A, Macnair & Co ford to Sarnia, #1 miles, fis twé bouts: atopp= | mets - -- ys, tage RTA Ge, Oe = zas that he -----= " bs B O Ss T oO N he Editor of i tan Sraarroay Tiara. -- Reeidence-- B to inform. panlic bes _ " = ing at all the stations, Conductor Bostwick Den 'Sra hen in the village of Mulbank AT re Feb. 2. pl 7 lng A. afi rape ee Branoms Asction Boume, He 4 Gid} 4 bowing # large and well-sel eens ene rast alten Tf bes age nae, happened Yb sali Harniccet He w | eet genteel ale "Parwers Noi | Sst ce wien ica -- rater, sto, t he gould peop plenred to e be : . five wtations. speed tust have a tne Weir cieee oad ta uke, ziened, i CUMMING & FOSTER'S Ure . rni the Sad leave their orders in time He gums wo rs ROWELL & Co,, New York Carpets, und Floor Git Cloths, Call and see the goods--they are fins. aunt $9 satis on borer. when ng inte eon ton ot wie ak ware feasted 'ocnnty -- MR WM. HEPBURN tee earrzie om he eoval ot horwe | tor Pas srapblet of 100 ® paces, containing late of ae tur Larner semen: . sideration and customs M , % ' direct fron English ovmmasinasl ~ Goma due ci Fon Rite 5 wlnetos ter poh op ort peri Frade Foal FX*YI%40 rarchaeed the boiiting lately cece = ewe WW COWAN. eae St Sa eRe oe me M ue ey ie . ye Lid e an breeitast ekfast at Stratiord,and 10 at Pasie for | Strong within my tp ~ Te was | gy o Half ann Rind by Me, JM Seott, Outarioatress wii | Stratford, Apri a 12s argh Tate's ca. Aoguata. Maine carnn Nnnmmad tectlities wo petsess ta obtaining MY PRUNELLA GOODS : foltol, and hid a soited appearancesas if it] Hats and Caps at ------ lower prices than they have ever been soid for tn Tas Bowsixo Avcacr.---Mr. Prigats bowl: | hai een carried in the pockat ee- Price. -- - FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT The Centennial Restaurant. | $5 to $20 Taal oss eee . ing alley seems to fill « maroalie (hae On my TAY me f was In the meantime be wil) sell his presess large Portland, eae Saree, Tonstien O . Union Car. are the best vaine in the country. ao -- place for recreation and | Ob S6st anxious toknow its contents. It} gare ng '¢. NCE JULY 16. a eee MR. CHAS. B BROWNING iam and Fina...Two. apd ~ ne an vht be a reeeipt for money paid,--a eure ALE TO COMMENCE JULY 46. . . PIANO TUNING. Ply Carpets, Two and ation vinted the ats Med contrary to ox. | or, nt tommbache ~or, perhaps, & sermon ; : REDUCED PRICES, TPAKES plessare in bis friends in =n ; Theee-Piy - Carpets, Saper ne they mabe Copaser" and 'strikes Bat fo Wy surprise, Ie was a song. --a love Soagelas ior removal Restaurant bert door e jacwon"s Block Market MR: RW. ROBERTS and Superfine T in choice - without pamber. After an hour's play thay hk. as there is uo name altached to Stratiord, July met =~ Square, where be will be happy to meet and do | 'TAXES, pleasere in uforming the Publis of paige Stair Carpets in | 5 Vener D A. McLEOD left with a very high opinien of the game Aun series Call early at 88 Ontario-street, eae a gee o--_ lee w Repair Pianos at the and goar- 3 Man Well ogame Cloths, ' * ' ~-- ~" Ir. Priest b eps hia ue sutrt caewieeed T have traveited thes eurid all over, amd awice I have The "'Mittbank Agr ioul- site the Post (fice, and secure barg 7 calveye oer | ote Orders Lesa his' fealdecce, , , ; Yurnitare -- Ontario-sireet, - Jowrtery | . in @ proper d nuthing approach ins nel ronni my Lody, and wrought io the tural M' f"?>q Co., - FE pcan} svi ee Store 7 'The calebrased Kivi O0 Closet. turett widthe - iasiesilapein ian . -- ing vulgarity or profanity is allowed on the re EE ' '\ESTABLISHED 1860. WM. HEPBURN. every day, in season. Stratford, March 1 7 required aa pons wm lmaien of every feature, Bevery shade am --_ _ Stratford, May 31 7 HR ~~~ | Am inapection of our stock and comparison ASSORTMENT OF Moonuiant Excvasion ow Lane Rare Bur 4 al) phat iv towely ue matert, the mand of Mull aga 2,000.0 000 F t D L be Fashionable Tailoring. Prices re pos y solicited. ° . <__te May stern tt a -- pene ieomacaaiie 000,000 Feet of Dry Lumber|QREAT INDUCEMENTS| Jom x ras ice v wyatt] KNEITL'S OLD STAND. |RUSTIC FLOWER POTS a ~~ Ew jon train leit nd, | Te syn will mat Texcbe W, T sea alread SA Gin ear oo et -- SALE, ALL_QUALITIES.__ sce ie R _ notice. be fouad two doors south of De. Frasere}- My 1, = el tal -- inh ye th nes akc the Fort Dover & Lake Hurow Kaiiway.| Qc MTT T a decedent | PARAGON REAPER & MOWER © = wy OMiow on Erie street, where be will be happy to] Rand for Part Doves. where arranges | t's cag! Sit doe 9, ain eens tein neettmemen egegr mene yeu] TO LOTS. [Re Serra eat SE Children's Carriages. a ale foro moonlight excursion on | ! + : = Be jooksng for crawfiah, im hope her sweet HE March Sl, 19%. tye pas the Take. About deg frore Biratherd. | aes -ipbuly te tenet: dhe ennid uf S800 a Proprietors: geality end pre | veeey SS tiehe et bin Petes, wee, soormioel wlcg ceding FE RW ERIE secompaniual by band, and between here --_-- 3.¢ MeLacman, 1. Rt.ior, ans, out promptly at mill, Genbebiid haw made great - ~~ tford Marble Works Cc. B. JOHNS & co,., and Peet the pumbe = wwelled tet aoe 4 pleawe We. MoCanranr, A. MeCuiy, JAMES CORCORAN. REDUCTIONS IN PRICE MARKET STREET. Mave scet a LaneR aT Sbeat 700. e train arrived at its destin. | /6 parton neo Gh " =) | Weare now to furnish the best ma-| June mm be ation about 101.30 o'clock, and the exeursion | 4, (2!) Se =e sete ps br pepo chinery at the lowest posuitle prices, in ---- ar lane teed by Mien to ths GADSBY & SHARMAN, Proprietors i igts | iy got om board the Dover and |" fed myo sng, a tay eve sere' ; GORDON SURVEY. --! Stock of Children's Carriages, J. H. NASMYTH & CO'S ' 4 tall 13 -e'elock. zutagn | tes ss far a glance at the furure, to wee what my | Sawing Machines, Straw Cutters, Hand or ine Stratford, Jan, 5,16. ly | Ofthe very latest styles, and of ' - Arip was made iu good time, the train reach- wen share eeiy ia amume, the anid of MUD Horse- Power Grain Crushers, Gang Plough, WR OFFER « THIAL OF OUR Rees enh techs wi intending a ctaed mee 3 . finish. MEDICAL HALL. ing at 5 o'clock in the morning.' mouh box the beat built in Canada, General Purpose good bricks im exchange and alo cos A CARD panne > wrhantaeanagdad re ee ee spain aa --e ering fom he vrs and inners] CALL: RARLY TO GET YOUR CHOICE. } "J" 'tr6 : daughter of Mr. Robt. Cook, Goderich town {ised with their cash, LEBRATED JOHN IDINGTON ages _ perp ie eee ahip. about thirteen yeary of are, died after u | OS 2 acer play wctor, teumee t sioverete preteen witao mona . Jue 1, 2876 FREE GF CHARGE 'This great remedy Et URNITDRE. we of three or four days. It ba sat tre fae thee fancy, their approwal ie on. nd . ddrened he R omar ie increasing thas abe was either stung by tome insect, or |» "orth pom, ™ Li oneness eC . pla ey geo Sin le Mowers W.R: MARSHALL, |Sitrac New ¥ T. Inuas, | ae compaied & to enlarge cer shew oom ana guitupad by sites herb, on the loot, white om 1 gi shat telowety io sauee, che maid of Mil sei ntbw mani ae g Br. 10 exe serene col ee also our stock for the trails. Weare now running around bare foot on Thursday last, to repairs CaLL = Dyppeced furniab from cellar -- ast cernetoed_ onl Stele ind kee eee as CHEESE MAKERS Ice Cream Saloon. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. ime oo 2 A AraC eT AS io Necegloesamen Ss topes eee wt -_ - ees cae -- thedest aottueg r eee -- Medical sid was obteined and the swelling Were x proper to worship a creature, to her f would St rd =: ; | ase Bena td B28 a ER Raitt Keneto re Ra , Ramet 5 5% nie Gz! NS lanced, but ithad then obtained too m: the knee, ra rin rewe: ' opened on ") Dealers tx 3 i hotd upon the sy and wax beyond the Fora dt Lovely ia tmture, the maid wf Milbank pri J ry, Sin le Rea ers AT $3.50, Saloon, Soda Waters with cil tne sewen as . Howse Furniture, reach of human |] fore~ con: WM. RUSSELL, Proprister. £ Pp an tags, ¥, Fruit, Cake and Brea Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, and Geperal tinued to spread till it resulted im "the girl's iL soahi; 1 seal weve bee wi Jornee, an) a: mina TT NE aeternigma hogs to notify. the public . . ER CCE tier corvice--en_bio~alé -- jodting. eonang my . » stand 06 Ontaric-etreet, Office. dea Dr te mes hee Kaif 'way won be Wetter, if bat she h ayy sarmer. ac ie Ceehine aotes a In all hinds of * Mo 1 Lemon Cured Rennets ashe -- v Brsrrone Sewoot Boano.--The monthly | ! "i! from Do sarees to aweion frm, then Pe and Amber Ales AT 18 Cents. The National Fire Inewrancete, GREAT INDUCEMENTS. Brepeigtan. meeting of the Stratford school trustees was | Por of the maid of M ene dassnabis rig N All other Materials in propor- Milverton, June 7. me Ba aad aio reat | min mise tm) me Bee se| maemo STADACONA 'pesemt : ( B. GHAM AND P, an agency 8 : W. RB. MARSHALL. Fire Risks written ot reasouabie rates. mani, Bailey," Mifler, Myers. Simith, OR SALE AT Near Mr. Gmith's Tannery. - f i } Gibson, Stoney. Dr. Hamiiten and Hor. F Manufacturers Prices, | = orsen eth! - And on all conditions of Soll | sentient jue tm W 8 Qwax. /17 Building Lots, |Fire and Life Insurance Co'y. presented and passed. Ia reply my' ad- _Bieetheet, San. 6. 0, bad and Surface, and guarantee NOTICE. dimaien, tone tt, alice ae ee poner ieee nn Vertisements, tho applications with sceum- UST be ts G s « at -- credentials, of some 14 third-clase roceries. Groceries. IER undersigned has opened an ofiee over A. \. HOWTE. HAEL- Financial Reuuht of 4 Months Busizem to Seat Dec, - - 5 and la to trausact tor is to 96,000,000 amined in detail. Scurt cums Gfoenerten: 5 Groceries. ithe, Cogmtnting' mon colecting pect Finger. imager a gas In maa ° ead was decided tp give preference to lveal ---- ete., #2, on hand. eee ee aS oere a a caer rg Ee SHEET MUSIC S10. WAREHOUSE, Foot & Transom, . oe aw mie goes ce street, Jarvis Toe, Surat. Robb's. _ Survey = nie... Be nanny Foanees Touhy | A New Era Magic Stop Organ; 7,,-- Tisalers and Family Grae _Me'slen sflars Seial of on} AnseigmSalee-osmduoted ta-ail-parte-of tha} "Apett. Mm cD us & Lntereet, 7 ms : * | wrought iron Two BarJohnston | 0Sssbours trom 1010 som ait, weak dere TO RENT. "y _ Opposite the Charsh, es + seis" * y Have oa hand» et ln ec of Gm oe Sisitiagd eros 1x BOMAS BOW. menerctsiBlon z Rypieh lavested Funda : 7 Seer : as Avon i ast mm hand cad depoet ---- = x aesnith Ovhes Aceets . sane: oe Combined Reaper & Mower. ae Penseerts Seteble 25 feat Frontage from 19.0 187 feat = ee poungryreeny ia suaéitied with 2 pttmens, 8 Greg Ask to be Directed to <i : ; -- pris. neat ontapen se Eb mation fienenton Reese Sw D vais Bows Road Pork ana|F70e from $10 to $14 maga og - - per foot. dome it very 'well, "wat and Lam f their it te saat and Door Factory, re | iis Stratford Planing Mil HOMAS ORR, Provaseron. ancl ae Py 'By removal of ¢ bolts and ix lem than 5 minutes 'Please call at cur works and inspect our Reaper to Mower or| \Goldem it h'sHall, by P. J. woon's ALBION BLOCK. Breaictas Baad -- eee eipeaoareem ray manip rs Sera Ss and Good CHANGE: 'OF. BUSINESS. Begormsake ain x3 te the goed w