Stratford Times, 16 Aug 1876, p. 1

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'te bowonna t the benoficient raps whieh. pce color and their loveliness, wel. SEBATEORD "ONT... -WEDNSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1876. sein ars' cbeasgpa ay EAD: fae a tty whic th mn re te had to ot herself, would 'have 7, i Mite f= -- mn i on of the elements that mine them -- -- * non * , t othe coma in se otghs Jute doesn't a endl dole collar, the sland ot vir 'te mite tye and downdast ---- min thele. pienid, relent, ee LADIES! COLUMN. ' which are Gah Canadian Items, British Items, Tae Turks in Baigaria. rely the less did thy Selave w =~ ; prgiies:, _ oan ot dew, cad seenalie ae tack honey 1s" nareltiiad-sihediptee seat Me. Week, Yabo ol Marti, Tas yardiavsl "wy The Press Seoeintion tearay trom ope of} Tee "rete sith = enous ol * Gnd perfame in. return }--Bliza Coak's Jewr-].- An Elewantly Useless Fenny Lady. =| Femen --saan...of Asiotie }--. 2am MITTEN GOV EREMEXE TARRY es sera ao) = Bra ag eke ' Mehndeon, and will commence eal has ocearred at a acer}; -- Bac or aera Te " = 7 activa operations nex , Lexnes, tig. tenets en 4140 which « : Tae, os to which sho had been' sabjected cannot Yer _ Good =a avanied | Pigeons-sie now saut with the boats geing | bt sigbt.| soritene = == Lord Brongham or Bre : a to Hunter & Murray, of St. Catharipes, ix to | from Wick te the fisheries, sq aa to | OM the Balgarian atrocities. Tae Times Tacs wa peed ae oq smn Obnery atiene which | were masde tomes f) mmted. | ae be relet in consequence of thore gentlemen y to tan wx to the amount | W499 +="Ouce more epesneres Bale} et her tienes: if yoo reeall the «budderi ' a "ps ier areergbentie te Fee] nichy i ayers tat a fa Bs gs ahs » | declining to accept the contract. of Gah captured and enable preparations to havo occupied the attention ot he spacim that vibrated through Eng: mt de ment of manners, mea gr oe a vn cimatiamens oo at grata me. : oat ind : * Wile Songem The Post Offee in M'ton was benker, into minds for its TRONS. " few. days 10 caries tidings, happily ta, tom them' ] 7 tenth fatten --teermbnchond, - and conse aad a quantity of postage anit bith tamper: } Bradford Yorkshire, has jast-been distins or an atrocity which they comprised pot -truc, which ao reared oe i -- ae ative iy dexpotie eouptrice Al Ali fartier stage together with » number of letters, were car fr thetitservercd: afte Frat She seule | in ae Se! ratified to--their Tho relinement is is Mecttot} fur, ee i '6 la¥orita etd, the 'Tied BI We traae" ttt 1} matiny. Her cottage had been he. little werit or valao, if --_ it is not rather a ide wa - spent in 0 kind of a ot . reve - to be-avcoanted a defec cliasag- aad or nese, from w eh hh abe was s b Rirt is ar pg Laroeqne sg s abe an ; a he al po ge bate. togaed cath Fe eae & * FT pom exeept by semr ee ening cote feo | Diba ASS i ql round tunig, with: ' much foullis, bas | an assanit on the man Wa inglord ones, | wollen, gt en funy t Tames: . oo } cation, some- eomrplaint a: nfl aswared | white snbecibory seh upon if ws ™ Fj "binds at Gatinean Point, has bean arrested; the uth but his elder somos threw him in again | The «A she seeond abo aoa mang the third, mental or bodily tneasines*, or rome scheme | Hit not = fogt Padid not at the edge; the bodice, which has; 8fe sti missing, Willingford ix very low, tat ' the imi-sho was bad made hix for momentary amusement she was | in America 'every day." f don iw how 0 collar and Gaby cuffs of embroidery, is | ™4Y recover. Ex Coluuel Yateniies Baker, having served } modern t ; 'hax tp oxcaps timeoualy, read Tietned har fon from oat -- ~<a generally too languid er too indolent to jo carry | many feet it is gaining, bnt I roel it is vgwtting made with pats at the back the gros. Farther in msoatienth ma in the Medor ease, | "he term of bis imprisonment, was to look upon as ral. tt + horebver af woods, after: at cmb eee into cflvet. The conseqaence of all this was | chead of ane: "grain waistban:i-» fastened wib « buckle, | it shows that Berger, the working yowolier | from Horectmonger Lane Gaol on Jaly 26. Bd 8 | lowed to drag bervell away ps the scene of zs ala ax Well as goo manners. et to | that Isabel arrived at the ago of eighteen Pyeng fited i headed up -- apd a small pen of flomcre in usually tobave been all along ax coutnplil Hehe» recording to the Central News, ac- eriltey Her relatives lived, sbe said, in say anything whiel those prosent may. dis. a an amatear hd them to a Shen, ee con- | fastened into of Meitor, "had sent $6,000 in pt th a titatrs » | cepted a commussion in the Turkish army, {the hamlets of sag ne upiand, 3 hay Paper hae nl mer slisaoast, " ons maladics, and was a tating they pa sulicently fot cs Thave already kon of-the -wide~SGerab }-sines Meber.absconded. j and wail leave at amee for the Raat. . riers: - - had cacpes a vou ber way to shel « rae of refined and courtly breeding Fanny aimenteveet wittr Hifp; aed -all it 'dir ferconeromed- Haid men war net: arses of bright co b tied « la vassney. Rod 5 oS 5 4 the ghastly - 7 or ses SORE rasan © intaand_ of countenance and ie to to ally 7. as any other young lady of ie age ee oe forehanded pias Silene ow Mee pale panes sesh jae' edont by ihe 'etre "t dete fr sa ay witite ovnted ts Se Te ea by Tarkish = Are 2 rs wer tet age of th ea faz..the Ne arty aines paved Dido 2 show er he ss a " pe ear vA of ehe-knex tained | tiara! ee iat -- talncrimtn Lies, The werd at neat ey yah Pears sR tata Loer-aeod Le of wither oe Yolen Ber. Bi Jose ph is aboot tw be filled by Ter mor re sethe Lith, peas. The Some. whe | teaiineng So Sia Teves there ea 4 bs: er Lonts dg ~~? cultege ate respret, nay, the senibianew of estornr or }-zystenr nuret tujelicheae ireauiaas false. tastes : --iftne isa bald heed. went tmaparts caterer the effect. | copted the call --w ener iv_hins c: reerive rT -- me 4 ~the helpless. alata ot sf na ion an the ye tand urar the Grnmada even love tur « "ery thing that mppeone as ané | had been cron ated. wematnral eravings excited ren quantity and qnality al hair are ELIASE Dr MARSY. ~ bptagé vie tho 27th ivcrt Z lenis and un thu afternoon of that. date the | Men, and ebildren, hare , ane s oe tho taking a ready int in whateter con tor bodily as well ev for frental "stimnlants, | raid ty iadicate character. I doubt it. 1 a Corporation -- Prost an address to ber | thoucatids and their towns "7 mat} 3" . iy op th he names of eonlials,..tovies | Lave teen people with all ther different vare- A ---- Lappon. aged forts * | Watesty at Hol md Palace, i ter roy: 1) soci } | Ss what rezards onrmidves a Fests "toe sten:at agit a po character to. speak of Women as Workers. cidentaily fell into the Welland cat | "es ' Be Lealy Cer wha | rs she onal Py tituejts of hit stig 4 : ee ~ 4d deavoring to cross at Took WZ. and | A coms ts course .of formation to | Mia@ane mecredulity has Yel to supp 1) mats t ne oh on nigh pile i isabel 1 bed not, sdk bet syisters been | Ap article iy going the newspaper rounds hi : ™ s T2. the A mal tne shor -- rene tims La me ee minder! Hiab fact wine tuto giass under = papent Talon thn phobic laa ted wi i hare had becn barned. Poti ne * nn hie sotionl di aisetipe might bare Lanes 'aman who tested one } 'ne side ta Pe P iy op tr 14 oa the feinloon aces" H ThE be . 'awe ube ad ery kind, ton highiy efflescious; she Bot even [nde lo: ried avout jak, euuss Iwan eing tess ime rr "the apridearcee eae aam . | heen copmulored capabic jee at tan. | stfingy bk athe a Au fudian hi on ' and there materials, a: snes of th eae ; i : ai_is mosh easil t ah y. waud © proses of moptal iustrigtion ot Loma. He reco ayer . reat dear .- been = sLout the ta t nwa ¥. are | = Lolevs that eer "- u city of these outrages, they are -- 7 ------ ae : 4. Be recptloged oman « t sade tel seneres to ene of the pire d the dresd of a¢ porn Fy fhe next time be f1isticr of this tat t ses and certain! a a ean pa Sore te lens than agoners a) mannnere of the Be Ws ation aed Sle exeey Fig dere . mtalire. "acenlinly this mas bi nly sti "lat 4 CT. the se a wu the tee mét =n hin hestippad ap and pulled his nose, bli fate that tithe a amognt of be "polite | me ne sane and frfegalar ax 'eallivg hima puppy. What did this man rorkaoal by be puid for, irrespective tes areas i, © Servian Souter But the tie rp were pee "Bie whi hiner. « wont be var = rides Jackies, hair dg] tos of the worker and fF think employers hoe A q ro Ferien jor Sewre- $0 t toecteort area eer vonanberahtr --- apd "thot but piteh in and give bir am all mabeeed Heblng. ree fiiy wold lai mens =eeb thus. ete) ehstd. + * 'wih 'saat at Important changes in ove atrocities have . - Sersvian fron * same ieee ad uversed with ber a ee ee ot tain ee ~" women coupe % place Pepe ghee ~ 29.32 va hare the. Twhe in detach ' ean AcTVEHT proverbial Ther te yy ee a ae a pad, he Bethy and I At a mes a" vv the bar, by which ali the u red _-- she Srth col mao eases will cusleavr ny tela th chief ones vol wetuall: @ircurty wore represented, it bas, says the a. : Teh ler rate huon, ; sapeheale ro) Ses pres of a nYasion. t in Jund ae if, when the wire The Parisian Fashions. Na inquiry without its Use - Fomet mic not vor ay tess Loe capueel guins. off a _wreuit hall thy any haere ean " gree it -- to be « mcevesary condition ef bm. | trie. she gene erally attrac fel attention in ex Freee the Quees} tite bt og that many er) Great dam t ' tered " vee foal we a id) earn Ney ap moby | her easy and he Sage mci, hing Ms : that our cleganter pear yn reves See ene ae eon lande " vane '. Of nis cir in ,ecuther side Ss ae le m - Ral Preneh b toldiry on weiler uh ie ordar to beeen | aud by a eounigaabce 1 perhaps, was tie eave |? z pad Lad ents mm any a one from "s , ~ hens, nod any silk gown for ~100. he feline Logg, ae attweiler aaa va gic rg Te URW are RY ON werrier | ob te ew 'i } te At hepa Waa rere Tetious to tie arrangement was that ; : m0 io im paw bie antecadentiy to a pressive, Unavasiled by any of dporo suveré - aed T theirs: "they do r pamor conid hold a ag = riprigpeteee Iusink {the Saar.' lo know the 'vahte-ef cer ~ wean trials which-pat to the test the real prised tewur qmantity they pobsces, for | D*8 thous th by ipa FT a c ister bones tude af im eS 4 r RI 2 : ae ba Pe wet whe emt net mecnbet. thege- 4s A greak. £ Aes os Datant change of dupie YY theo n it woah arch rather | betweedthus Company and er Soe he Pert ' on the part of the Hritish Goverts and | A Lady"s Dese oe Prince : that She wits tre Heat nitier s by! ed uae? aa er i ee ' eb Pieme =-- criegtiemnin mest: ri ied mae every ate wd a cael n Fare, ate a7 tt. shoes =i ren tt t th Se mbo | 4 4 feet + Tein 2 of of phosphate 1 aa reo rey . . a -- : see -- of Shorehass to | bed be ue -- tae --t. «offen! i mmanl r Teme siy_ on - ctnliv ', Serer Bs a > perpetoas sin te gntet heey mit Ha fat are--weit-}. He uttle tims, than one wi ; nea, TERA ition at a clergyman of the Chuke Of} Secretaries for cit ee oy pee and anions refervnce at every step to palpa wes her spat fa, ofect a tile eink" 'enipovel" bet Wie MW edmirary aa fae tat) ang yee Bide ol alten}: Steps wid bo talien-ta i wh aad. -- bide. mob 'al roe hleabi be ¢ rik 1 t uid a as that partments dle utility. Assured that the general resait nena te deny herself, and ex a . ae . ubtiee ran way Sa Piay to tothe' att tetipnaatcerm neve 4 Raetiew: ra Ober" : hot ren preprred deems am thee - elk palace. a ee eee will be be aebcil, it La not wise te be too _< aret at being the « aa « of so mone Among the povelties Lasact indicate the cemtainly it shen net: bat it is #0 never | reaalutions will be parsed metmortalixz tg my seat in the Hous of ' Ree ter were ate a het < oh RE - D treet ae Babee eas anda ment on exactly ay shie wixhesd --the | latest tyie of China crepe shawls: which are. thelews, and [thei wtwars sill, for thaw | Gova®nment lor a Post Office car tieve thet in ¢/ vow wait a morgent bere," be added, "yoo ocala 'trot A i deo. tip tact. of a sory old ityle vat ars ia . ; aus which must be done tL to the morning newspaper train f eer kind willbe ited to | te se wen font ae prone We Highness past" Werdid eo, and "that trivial aap" sppartatty: aoe mecpmie : petite kindness fog itivey ere sm than the olf Lahioned | ™ Weenawpes the . if those} repte, Tenple,are beginsiics med hinder The ES. and unfettered ¢hotee by p tt 4 "ahtatn a 'xd & warded by ao remantic evight an this tions are olten the necessary preparative to. | Shick the expressed her gratitade waa ro- [sb R. below women havo ty werk elwtnre----A. work | the abenslily being left wait heir efiete ts of their represent truth; bat if the atroci : ternal : ' eee ee Ean to show 1" a. important ss hh er Tie iabere "ot the | petted aml increns-d, three bens alter therteript of the Te | fore Ubat suea difieuitees, if you shai "de antiquary, the ot entle, the collator of }- "What a feeson do wo learn by a sudden rf eke highs hance' ot electing your t ihe tn nike OF moaidering aueamceer the deeeriber of | Teverse of this order of thingn'--a letson, | the Magasin: we Eahil os F ue -- would ~~ = think Gey cash tr | put im once more, an ashe rdyyuard, » in ther beantifal national " -- ~saueigesorpic en {iauors which may appear | perbaps, the Mast severe that aspen francs. There iro al iL of Agri Le, fortheith rem Sy gar . 4 awe ce being distiugaished ali proportion to the unpe 1 we--mrade of China o ~ th ss telamers by alight bine mantle ud the result} on ee st preparing the way forthe }dependexeo upon animal apd Selish. gratift. | over with cither her "hori 1. AL i, fas ph hes Apat lees painted pre : we Hb ges 'gimad '" f +, Ail af theo ag ~~ schiovanbaila OF 5010 uphemstid yeates. whe peat. Eon impationce spe Susi. colors; bet these are tdst and tH (inks af Qstag wit? etl $8, Sat Hie aie or tl he ged ghd rge of ime as ot second doobotihos in | slandil._. : SS eam ; Ininyie detail pine hese are ly found at certain % salag ese first. attond, wail be . weares Se graphing" offie tart ee { them surpassed ad a seh oman jordin brane ae too faithfully picture of those 9 age. ci i oad A a houte dtay's work; hetatberne bbe -share of |fe's + erectedon the gruunde 'oa tual The jampicg Vot-alt-er in groin thei By she cicia! speek sea int ern PE Aa Fh ite: wee wan of shout an : ' _ ottvensbnde...of particulars Fosaa af wish wa Wo batieved oarestver ins bwhtet ave worn indifferently; both: on: the' t hanten for that day, andhe 'now. reste )from | qualities of te horses. j Mies oot ai jessoms conrictel of crime id * | apotogy will hare an «ec Mr. Bourku ru, || 22 bet our incues i big 2 toil bore rp es prinelpl a- | Caguabibe, bs hesane 2 indulgence had hith- | uoek and the head, and these re ase the { Meiabora. Taf iz what wan does; The Wellaand Tibene 'sys hes at Wet eppeet regained to te and ry pry the Fei mc By the sbnohgon! 2s minate the career of fntare ages. To no one, | ett? halied tt re test." ~~ Peheniite abewks, iS teats for, how abort wont They eannet da do, for ae Ot the tie atirmal Br and in order to get rid of auch - "annecgessary regriea of the Britict le eat a et he Qomia sec, wh izsnying a gttak steal, ~ see periaps are the inbers of bie predecessors | This Matiexs oa spoiled om, the stury | these warm days satilae are aie 'they-hawe te assint o* ome hath before, and aes Tow go hw aa a8. expense thereby treurred." His now dnastad S2ni wen and fragk, and asqal, a en whon they are apparently trifling or ap- | 2068 on to nay, ia mareried, but having ra of thick parte «hk ther wa War. cerlee. ir work, The very \weasfast whieh 'ourt Uwe fey Wedel Paced slay. areal a $0 presente the class = cin | maoke service than to the mets. | Mental resources to fai) back ee, no corn, or white; they are ma. 4 fativer eats Lae been * y prepare! by | ri bee asked exemption aa ronsd (ees of prisoners ter which the Fregixtra- - paysican: and he who ix well 'acquainted { tasto'-for the setive duties of lifo, she seeks pay bat ace pretty. Ny Notted ma the danghter. who rixes na hour earlier im | oh 3¢ the to aot wats ot aed be tha waters aml photographing shall s; vai With the science, ean seareely fail to pereeive | artificial exeitement, the results x such as | gillax are very g I vhen worn over to. agaist ber muither wite that and and (way ners saroe flee peed, and The Aslten tagistraten "oe refused to } present opinion, which f trnst f : 4 that ' vier wre gradnalty von. | Might bave been expreted----she lowes caste | bead Instead of Woods Nets aba of thin | Other things. before she « for be a ees ae iveies of theft theorge hada compositer-}-tundify; ie thet aint sao. afi 's verging fo important ceeplts. Unailied a and sinks into obsarity. ner ailk, and with long fringes, are asraced | Place of B, After the meal is over, ' ty the 4shton Eveatag ane Officer, and « .' We shall see shortly ~e at on bornets, end aseworm as pevktier with «he a 'nga S n ly Appeared | tarimber vet Irved tT Hocidty. for} direction Mr. Baring': opimon wi ti 1 1 A ee ee ey ae oa pe aa - for the esha ay ng abs a J tke Dromcte of = letter.| fied ; bat we fear that if w th the prepesss eds ; gar nets a) prevalent hare Port ee) those bY Ae Ek ot Schl suey tsa' f off bd compe Ueokongang ta We ablond a ci th tg ten criticising the at Fees it « ; 1 Ree fp it up | for tiie season, on Feveul tie tris wetebliia- 2, tired and) + _Jert = whats bend eepeien z ate ar on very ; ped mt: ment opimons by @ with ae sociely in . Wher 06 fete! eb svary from baron hed te walk to bast. | ages fous opto 'Lis Ftair "The growin WHE Teranhy sib treated a pauper olnkd, Prieoner a SS Le Cd rf omc' ke Formation ond | canny articles in the drag stores (hat have | Por -s-dresey-toiletteMme. Carolina. Fe ae Ver ART ait i wey Tatt-| dopk i Mx, Di wit ¢ beer Y poles up under that heed (and that, | boas is making boarrelet bonnets of tery fine 1 not given to it. That ¢ wels off to iter phere wins Punt nei averd by | erittesmest. -- ; --_--_ 4 : wi a a ape Sth alow cporn, and, or esther a | . their being non-resnberite County Of | aus tite can with measure ai ~ Mt TT at Sen ' oe on} Shea fe yeerg), emer ebaimgetebe- Met setae mt fir abd eunsey ue weutly 0. acvasad todd ore ee | oe ~ "The Weterno® of NeW gate. eS ee ever producéd. "Glaneing f tenenttr ater gr ht thase--&. 40 'eathas F rer ees te gl a he * ee vaca tetcor os at the formidable army of reatoratives, tn- | white or red For full dress secusions rt it ie satd bre made tho himself to rebnke a penbe fe 7 clegraph says; = Ue vigoratives, vtrengibeners, tonies, ete., to | there are Lambaile bonnets to match the hh ; r Yiat = toak bidee Bi thet Mr. = The 4 markal circumstance connected with various oils, dyes and.per | diwss.. with a opus: we was om his errand. « uibare ia. e op Bus- ~ - wpway, ol Bowers at one side. with n q Geramacrehin of a modern eg jail itself an, af say Dothing of carling tongs, and Teil how me prominent yart iw Fhe--Soee---Lioaal gus ar ae impression 1 are when he ays th the mir a ane deeite between the traordinary emtiaia- | combs, brushes, bair-pins, and "rata," one ; -- some aa eve entirely Li of th nal :M Is members. oe Montenegrin C tion in. which the post is ay sd saan Wor ad think there wae waffle: epey of arti. vel to Be eS chases wenthas ol gar which " . Pegretted if the h r -- After Waterloo there were perunge fos times} ctos of Walk, bamnet. » we or neskiong shows 219% rateparer: number of acres resi f sles ol jato be soon " acres B ten as manyunilisary and naval dilcers out of | Novertheigas, liye may net bo a anbjees | eqpt a iret ee ane tae mat would: haved more able. and vein Bb sissy --* teu "roe wenn be prevailed awpioyment es at prevent; Feb abd the cur final ia utterly eahadsted, althengh ma grey patie. were are several Fe abr and | Cad hiewe den ovted higher | 5; whereas eT " recidnatt, 88,40 & { hy inated ter + plaxscat of the late pie: Co. One gee beads are wntrely exhausted of their hair. ~rie of gage plain gad ped | the cirthas falter co mmetend of improving. art wa heads 069. 9 10d ule oe nt he " oe men 4 --~sad te poe oniy 02 | Homething tay vet he writte that-head-} gauge, -end-chneked gained, toa rps alta the Enapicyers do not -- the recat of thin, _-- 8-10 vain af eae ut -_ ! ites segiment being out of etka "the Governor +) whether it be @ geod head obbeir oF not. ples ganae ia almost aiwaye used ; for scarty | NOF COME we report wanke any real anil persinal pu sire: $83:910. 86 tees is, ns ae is ensued, to 'Coidinntis Pood there _ bet Hair seems to be Wit GW oFl as creation +-x9- bormed-teimamaingty ob the c wutian, fey = to a rf Urey aie ol) they want is 509 rh sar che up ' lon nig : a a Lich strong ae pres were first cxnuiss whol k 2 Wi : ations ry rio ry a taiber ae son, and from lomttt hove a : pu peeterred. The most popalar of ail = -- ---- ety and.dowe proper . Se Tl (eines ir Mirren ah at hor erie wi " and inal al he line .---- 7 ee aati bth rertome "© 143 family. Impris tment follows' eft aid" + ental a! : inter. <i: whet 16 eolted e* tik Chat a woman's wor La cenidanh rs Tur the-camp were put-ander arms. Jt_was. : fe eset 1 eter ot yidtetice: Wet Sterns is weren : -- g.o1_& erimmal peven. Govertior of } days wa» miostiy carried on by parente and | fristed gauze; itis romewhat thiek, fitful. beim one: tiny raed, another bad ~ Uy Saab sab Note-wn sana { fond Luccsnary pt fost om to dwarm the | io soufirmed, mtg etoren hierar tind years, daring ave - Now cals Wal TH Wid times pemennity ne m+ goaciewme: the olildien a "dressing" | te tafted elt ovér with uilky streaks like wouder that they vither refuse to employ | The Dirceturs of (Re Wealend an ud strong pickels com. at ot ake aes ee BH day-time, and ~- mated ety-niftetal of msmera nog occasional. }whon they didut bebave themselves, eee sew tor-eloy> talite dh. ns past [ber, or only do so ata redeced rate. Little | bave divebarged the two tel ua y officers confined that regiment to tian, lt in Sie SE the _-- a' ugh marl "DP inen, Mey are trasted to § must necessarily have been a bair dreesing | fy soft anu pretty. This ganze is arranged as | CO"* mmmny ooh tied POPS atibe tin K thes. dor should aol keen nae "sd "5 : as far ut Cattare, have to pay Fs Sines wan airteea> eo bandene- mina the toqaes made of feathers, bands work almort aahard at bome as they | robbery, and the neting caster hie Fi Fat T "Ste taNGanss "ar Piiporieenw ithe forevten.f event wiow 3 cae i | eo mach @ day forthatr keep, 'aiid "are some naughty children get their bides 'tartied." rad in fi a ander the chin by the aid of a | 40 With bim tiilless does be Know that pat ite a donee Watren, the won were a | Th al statistics is a subject whieh. from Coustantinople, «x i " is oe lean ae dix R . at cu de for the re stil in enxtciy {the Birmi dette. We balleve, Bas of Gie"son rit the: _ hot en reeekvE BO ee "rai but are | : i anreators, the monkeys, when they discovered tk to be dear at tome can only bo done auensinalion is preeméating: tery ewe « Sara i eae or "lew eabject t ¥ 3 wosien i by of the writers om . Yet two months after their oc. the os graduaily long their . yer) they busbends of brothers | een ntoa photograph ; tha fuad i as tne! reeutted to restoratites, ne doubt, warrante! would be eo that it is not | their pletures a. but they refase . vy eanéilarniton' ten werener, we ane Sim ie, in aw PANT | cece y "iin t, and any break of yas yas were w Weoswee A Rood beet Of hae 4 Tien thet part atlotr-to-j-and hy. presistent efforts sareeedah in pre " naar foe te pglans be ng the mildest ¢ ti customarily ad. Som the yo soa inive them the quisi chat wilh wager ~or }-venting Preeuthortios fram ubtslninge Uke | {aes w be n9 doubt, if we may judge by 7 wel dette lot as to eocuinn ae weet aren od by ag matmarager sarc tite taps moukeys sud ~ a to sepply os an and sashes: made of romain th the yeti *) me ke, wilt the female | nesses of them aAbatemesiss made at the 4 . Proportion of the afair. | oe ee fuga. _ « Coram OF } cues by att ¢ Again coming into faver, and they al. | partaf the tambly we a 3 , i thew: - etl. aba eacerdnd Jia, a free eat the thoughtful patarlivte may have sacred " aye fastertd with a buckle; the bande, ' -- M Linsey oe cme cor sues a The serie ciuwion, | S872 eocid be neagined than the view™ that BE rea ae that monkeys hare teen seratehin; whic . . Saving Wi r. Rose. a or erchant nc ad { A - rtee bedroom window. BS the trie: of William Penn for rasing 9 tamer | ace. But ali would not avail. The ween ng 'ba pert pcg totes a ei wit oe ty | es¥ingin Pi adel . whe & wiisetly liv é Greed | Oflicers were Ayo ett. | t we, tld sage Rapagres bases --_ be able % pulgw wh eter se Henry 'saga one n 7: Secias ameouailans bi Gavuan chaten test See ae eae a i. ee aig ace penne i te rather aa aekaneneat! <tyle, aon in tha -- = Bb. ces MLL "tee eas mi. Z, Belle | Mere w ald no doubt be a deereane. This pything bke a fair |i qusnpeee of the worthy Quaker had only been preaching | .( the eomaiticns OF har prod ei Te shocs the form known as Charles 1¢ ia | hevery morning, of giving bis wife a i E. ° nee Y Menuet). 1 ; - of the oosnte wich bate occurred. | poe --the Reeorder. enraged pious conte: | decline in bar. So hair fed in the market | the most sorresefal, 16 is awhoe hacks Las | certain amount of money tor table and other | § ¥. Colm } 7 me is 6 'NI nit ha et -- tinea kirye fraek | even high ne 3 macy al the prismyer, roared out, 'Where is | st neo, aud there bas been & marked Talllny | a wile bar across the instep. fastenod with a | bowebeld ernenses cf the wee} se -- T jearktnble tee. tbacald ws Hi eouane 8 | diver Wikinsdh, on hievisit to- Moutemegro, the variet jailer. Jailer, bring fetters and | o¢ oper ines, which uo iafigoretor, however ehie. The stew) diam He never ain thened hia be%iness tohia wife, | 8%. F a" : ad er heeald, 'when there ba dat uerod of Turks i stake him to the ground. Bubsequentty the ft jay oratingty appiied, haterer been wholly ; x and she, deeming Lim suliciently cay able of RB. K. Comp. Panic Spry, GS OK OF heen a slanghter of t) ie derersption --I a. neo vier ordered 'Captain' Atkinson to cisp | aby) pis ehees. ° attending tobe own affairs. nusex duquired.| Font. w dgt . ; say whether in cold Sond os. ny red : his prisoner in the "bal» dock,' and ting him | fy the most distant agys of which we inte them. About Sftesn-yvars alter their | 2: Fi Cem, Fei Heepmad, At the provinces of Turkey that no int thigenes [M8 inte the 'hole. A century later, however We | any pecord, among the wost savage _" marriage, thromgh scare slight mi Mamnlton . 1 of thene-ceearrences rire rently from | . Gud tho b ui Nowyate who deten one, the bas has ma: and the rascality: uf isle confdentiat k. B. B. Consp. thew, Crogan t POS. King. | these despatches. a. mace ranched Sir - Hen news ar, bat pe sth thet teeheenk: . charge so doaghtily against the notére if} weutstion, The American aborigine regards |oned with ribbeas, passinandext of Mr. Rose suddenly broke. and his fall was em Comp Dev tstdeiead ure aban: Us gg ean we ae if the bemer ouly the sr twud. Just imagine what 1780, to have been a civilian--o Mr. 7- | wou highly that be wili Task his own Lair m | thep eylet-holes. It covers the feet almost | "eats sytepst on "Cb 7 a La rk when. gene ah tying thurs a ead the cor: | order to get that of bis @nemy's, Bat the |. muchas aboot. And is lews fatiguing to Sw! ail __ beps the -- rympathy ss ot ----- peration chosen to nominate miitary or BA | peasion for wetging ogher 'o Bair it | weag, It is made in black kid, embroidered merchant kept the aSair occrvt, and the je govert io bate ¥ : : bi Graf watimatios 2 jorehip of their most pis coutined to savage Indians by any Bien. | with white, andin prane ond wary blue kid had h wae. bs was succeeded | ner cf means. On the vther hand, oambers | to wear with cnntatngs solors. They peregrep im a pupae. Sibortiyyalter dusmer . ep tar mentee be *. * intime gave way to! of civiuzed men cover their 'bare ee with | are also made im eet Kid, and also entirely | 44 over. ov the day of lof a naan of the if aii t:--The Areh. ; ash ps "F -- dhe Ss! we oh a, starts * teat her husband | Between one = two weloek on Tuesday | phe - ~ Cauterbag the Bains of Len. -- Pera and ie ee ES va es pad leer « 3 Xus » figliggter, Now Ge and | ™ : hence Post . pay, o« by a Colowel) jgiies add totheiy own aoe par exert m nee : 4 . . and ©. B. "The transition in public forting | the erowning ghaties of gode sheet eo most styti + for evening wear ot acighlor, etling ee as regards the social statas of a jailer is, o anal ism vot ddud doave varie, made of pal tee of peat grey kid ; they idly bo ing in mh nv " latter Tome staly merdsh to say tue least, instructive ta note, Paeouers, | rere, they be" a. "departed aire they | are cut open iy trent, ant the kid boul ix ito ber husband, sseabumal to tied bei act and ea~hie arriving t ministers in tina for Cotas aeloek ly bave not changed. They are a@ | give themeeclten, they are often (hjairs of ' covered with either et silver very finely weed: day {o lowing our | there, Nelson pointed eat the spot where be | of slit me omninations tv confer with the aac whe SORES OH tes "Ww ave soatt int the well-lighted, depraved, as ab andes cunumg sa ted. worked. 'Tho. stockings always match the | ™=triag yan sions > as ween the man go down. ret bishcps respecting the aleg- TERT ERL FORAEER ~cnafortahie wal « tthe palace, where with a8, the officer sho hes churgs of "Tee be hair cameic with Sameon, It didn't | shoes. Pale blue : sk can be | * taken of s rue, andar s rieh fonntain | on the bridge anda hat floating on the gress of icpniigions thought at the The Lond Ne , : alty we ¢ ourselves il them, ® coatse, vena! jackin ofice, te cut witx Bediseny' it | wom with white drésson, Bat, In my opinion, Lip Lea pages | which were in theme atibed ii Tho gem t tals mae ies iy yet Ld ih Ut | water-prouls and ulsters; themce who frequently #appirmented tis official | wae the cocadon of Samson's going he Ree | the test of ail shoes ix the black eatin one ns totax, ane, as your brow | relations as belongiog. tas youne mas semied | xe hupeful, Who | Gon tcl sosteseambent Oc Prices ts | ap stairy between rows_of servants im the _ revenue hy Reeping dram-shop within the my have teen "3 man amade with bare seros the inetop, and worn | '0o8* sad toulay, 1. now cota ib to you, tt | James Macphersan. Search 'wis wade fur | lied larg re exe tietoe of the state of religion special correspondent a A Price' tite * besa: national droxe, After crossing '» stiall bat ison walls, or who tortured hig prisoners masta, bie hej sores With black open.worked ilk stockings, | 304 May glean frum ¢ sore consolation in | the body and it was found oa: kinjntoma testified to the real | Turters: arent ast prottity-fern gue room, with Eastern extors -garniah' = them, baw winks ae season £ sap fe Sore Buekies are often worn on. evening shoe», sewn t by Neleau. Masks Pines + hotwh w fad oi tenaue bentivnted thlings of eat | Carpets and.parqaet toer, we were aahered S ma toh Bhan higteu . cwear their tir 9 thee seade ol Rhine eryalal, of al becus were metleed about tho head of the ert re = as x & | into the Prince's. proseuce,, . Unfurtanately, grate, beianging 10 « brilliant and chiv. Wulticades doa't wear Sea ere longer than | coral, and of turquoises, tho buekles being wlikel with. other cprpeetia: one ' res sing rehe of thanks, ex. t folk of the 6 un vider bn dia. Prineess wag too Pi tewppear, Dat be in- sirens profession, std accustatied te thove in as ears, _ Vol fancy shape and the shoes either light strong cuspickon. of Bul A play. An t | preted chee of Thr of the importance: of beneath 'ker ae he vilegen ia vot irodneed nt to a déar Hilde low of seven, zs the best society, Sirange to say, Lowever,} That naughty-young man Absalom' wore | culeted tailto or black satin. Very few boate was before Coronets ia ral hast | Ciitretimen aod Dissenters having aa 'ay dow sr aodecvsed reel eee bot] da son, wlio Boekeed qu eegsnrsewem S| ce a Feet the criminals oe BF sowme to reform one whit | hie bair long in order to cateb the girls, but | ape worn in warm 'eneber, except those m: and Gordon last evening. which wey cou- | torityef better understanding exch aes ertcn ine cate att a pte a the Mentone conte 'Mite puiabe has this Ube rdieof the Captsine '. of ecru batiste, and doeskin boots with alter tinued to-day and-adjoucned Hil to-morrow, | fivite on quéstionrs rks interest, wine are the miserable wonbent sabia id a dteughters, »Prinee Nicholas' a than they be wea tee pumones nothing actitoen & petrators ef the! ay. ponds ana laleren. hing. Gubdiaer aed 'atk | ae mith perfee as Annect. Ho spent _ ae tolyto their feet, and de not show ad ' Prepre " ' "| oro years in France, and "all those two years ~ - ' * afar as There are two periods in human lite when | the least. Fancy shoes are namerous, the | auce bus iwarinese, and dbal, Son, with copa mata et eli riends of the Son' en ae sppearnnes the | 1 cichei to be back in Mowtemexgre," Ihe 'aml; 4 abort hair is most useful are those made of biack « d of Fina ! of Nelson isto the effect thath bis ¥ ly Bells a ' 2. Wee Ml <i jreadtully : te Ga ether. I should ea! 'kod ot ages" In a avi our bait is} white eheekod ibbeat ik, 0 na hell, Ac pevem opveares by a ery of drowning' ae oo ncaa ite eee SBP Teom how hes, We at There: . fault, ee tiiris whan they! second be |bha i No mad Lent oat of the wimlow and 4 Bust. 2% " _ A if se leo wor me kg, i : . vai the merehant, ming towards the mite of 1 the tive ; od let loons with "Wwe | oe ihr chamois oy the re oe = brie ont asain 5 and duty _-- * mort Sage rs + a tear and & eilay. Tit about «. ha distres |: arate eling tT aw "ena wy Ct ad te! where did you procure ail} tbe Bownir "4 tae and iain after th | ot ta acing a «Nest ay : ? rank. jead evilenen le oho er = cite wp wewkly HAY.s of yer, hogsebeld effect that thedoocaned retelved infary va tie | 8 ie af the Hedenese 95 = fae as that #rviar ks a1. 8 bat Fie ? fifteen al head whieh hate eter mr before tie oe epernee from E js are helped before you cammence eating <n again for Speirs oe es 4 Stay » eee ait per sr hs 3 our Solana Nelson. male ele neon byl 2, Do.not eat trpan the tip, at the : it Tutat te veo? bat in ev ww ad by Nalsca. ¥F . © ; soup fre ' vi gegen poe Beeld 'bale iin iS Sciats waka a me Fy. to tealing prevails thet « brstal ava ry | head daa i yar side of the j > so mateh : the. thme ; striye the eg a committed, arate ca ronal head: Phe ood.-Lomplars 4 of Hamilton, Pusunty| "PEO and enn pieces are arranging fer «| tulon plenie at bake on the anh 'oe tH af # 5 { 4 =| Sines the sham "Cab 'hae lnen dedlared iegal inquirios gre baling pew be Pee state shother chakes. 'Shout ot but ine ic a i ef i bs petite ebaeks fag of the Donkin BD ts

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