rs 71.00. 7 At N. B. Powter's. . August, 16, 1876. NEW _UsICT- Ey Scott & ca -- ~ Have just received & ASSORTMENT OF and American.) 5 Cent Music, [olay Al tema we. oat aad eee Bost Otfice Book Siére." renee 5 Rag 9. Tore: on Ss -- A. Ot DebialY OF The The Stratford Times, ey aes Sates Dominion, and __ANO COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. gests that when Parliament next micets, the Nera wt eco re = | New INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, Mr, Lander, M.P, . Cag _Jand Dr. Orton, THURSDAY, AUGUST ITA, 1876, Enendiesen rs "s = ries FARE ONLY ONE LA ne pa ip ee ' the : ep ea ene aigl : ee Mitel scanertion at Wocdntouk with ube cellent Grent Weeters present. London made five rans. cusceahand ean pla nothing. Will be aliswed at the Falla, which by our own reporter.) will ensble excursioniste to eve all the prinetpal Lineoln I ee ae suatine, Stenttot, held a monster Catherines --- ee a eee: ra the 23nd inst., at which Sir John. Macdonald, ta Tickets can be hadon and afier Monday ma OS. Comeren, Hon, Radwoy, lots 'Rapal 'Cosction Seok, 'Sasted Hon. T. N, Gibbs, and others Square, berationd and at the Fost Dever Mall. way Station. os Gent Masages. Wee Sap, P:D.-- tei ane 0, ak gpa ted esas lleed otras ilibaire ; Grand Trunk Railway. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES 2 ' Ne A ing last to consider the estimates prepared | for an amount of money some time ago when | Will Hon. George Brown and Hon. or hi Ff - '- of in intriguing in election matters. FAR-FETCHED. 461. Yl drank anomalies atds_were naturally Conservatives! We can, fancy how some of the malt whiskey loving } South Ontario dred Grite in this county who tan k SORT mene Wades te ceobay Ream thie whale $ Conservative party in Perth put together. CONSERVATIVE. PIC-NIC. Joba | i eo dempeom trem. that honorable: -doty, | { were no. . Campbell stopping at one hotel. If Mr. = _-- re- | Stewart Campbell had been an Odd Fellow--| Manovrs Carsota's Concent on Priday . hi Sellon---h might bave hon | eroting last, was wel! attended, ~ the okl Pe hen pare Serpefieng nt <2) om) sere re went, | Councillor i 1 . | of the Russian Gun from Shakespeare Square for parteunknown. ,| Stretford CivioHolidey panne tae ena | | | Exoursion. --|peesecse| 'GORDON'S g/ADJOWRNED w= |Combination BISHOP HELLMUTH COLLEGES, | =" SAE E Pear PSTATE PEST R aR OPPOSITE THE GRAIN STORE- HOUSES, AT THES G. T. B. STATION, on Saturday next,Aug. 19, Whee all the unsold advertised for lan a ill be oMened without Tasaee, _ 2, STRATFORD, _ Ma se sicstainge A emeeppetgemens Shingles, Lath, Flooring. &c., CLEAR PINE LATH, $4.00 PERM. ALEXANDER HAMILTON _ ; = Lumber! Lumber! BAECHLER & NICOL, | Lumber, Dressed and Undressed Manafacturery . Doorsand Sash, Btinds, Mouldings, Eave -- Trough, Turning, de. i Having bought the Steck Of Tamber on the | "hres > known as fore Lumber Yard, peblie that we pit te hs bos Ae the county, eren at sufficient numer of regular pateengrr cars y be provided oe Soran view ty of rowm for " ; : : Will be wo © Finarice Minister Mowat, and to strike the | going to England, so thet if he should be eek woth Ona oan ot date and folowing day. drew 'the smount_of the - J. HICKSON, General M she devotion was shown in this case. M. rere Rend, | ofered to cpdenros to tahe ie strter me rebon jail, when the sister asked 1 bist Tee Hem Cowstancesmr--Mr. W. ould be allowed to go too, Mr. Brown re- THE saat plied that he would not ; when his sister said : = ~ = that where her Robinson went she would fol- PORT DOVER & L. H. R. R. . | in Stratford, he tendered his resignation | low. Robinsco approved of this WILt: RUN-AN present aud | as High Constable forthe county of Perth. | to rejoice in tha fact that they would be sent ym. At the. focent meeting of the Beach of Macis- MoD LORNEF ee oe oe no enn BRCUPSION, Train from Strat- conyine- | trates was conferred upon Mr. aneempnoneatiniy: Tord Do Rl sD es Rp gt . " pO ES ee ee "TO. . 'we Spe ® wil execute ae +e the duties thereof without fear, favor or (From cur gun Corvespendrat-s Port Dover and Return, Mr. Thos. Goodfellow has " kyugled™ for Tax Caurriis,--It- was a matter of much unknown and takes with him the si parts ; | jocular comment among the representatives money he received from the Insurance Com- . snd-was be cosekted trons the on. | THURSDAY, 17th JULY. to the Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows at their | P®™Y eee +8 aig -- recent meeting at St. Catharines, that there podlnase Tie belief | ory (rd = ee far 7 TICKETS, 78 cents, 'T by an ince: A Frid. t. patation asa firet-cinsa 'musical performer. | 7.20 p.m. ~ The " Dover" "Alma Mos: wit piece of land near the residence of Dr. Fraser, fou fitiecinginte ree en trend "eb. Whieit?, which will hereafter be known as "Romeo | tieve, untra comments on a little party Superintendent. Place." When planted. with trees it will be that waa got ip b afewof our youn, -t } Peet quite sn ila sear to the Thteriection 'of pla Wert oboe tne age ah Re Te aielicuddiinetone sander? : Downw road and Waterloo-stresta. Mr. ' --A- named. Skelion,-a|--. pr ig / ritont of Tagan Tokay Tat ast vat| SOHN BROWN, A HOT SUMMER, We are now in the second of two the andience would not allow their enih z ory pveesces F id horses by i » Mr, . 4 hidden from view by the band stand, this | Mitchell of Michell, wick fe heent %; | Real Estate and Insurance Ag't, img to do. Tite. Mr, Mitchell, we believe . E. B We have much pleasure in drawing the | bas had a lively time getting possession of Conveyanerr, Exchange Broker, , Aitention of our render to. the advertisement | $4 borees trom the parties who held then, OPFIVE: No. 6 MARKET STREET, of the Bishop Hellmuth Colleges which p-| gecitva Ligcon Wramorr a Licenss.-- : 2 im another column... These : ' ratford. Ont. Leos ia omter institu | ats, Watt of intra}... Stratford. Ont, _ Wea peet of a rt: [Mayor on . Deg rv eg yor on Monday, os a anegs preferred class character, ha t Inspecter Coppin, of selling. tiquor without | Drafis Ineued New York. Interert ae name pears, during whieh paied shes: license. A evidence was s = I . ave secured a @ amount of pu duced by defendant, but it did not save him. allowed on Deposits. favor, several bun pa from the best | He was fined $20 and costa, We under- ° families in every part. of continent hav- | stand it is the intention of Mr. Watt to ing been educated in thom.- We-andorstand 3 : that: the Professorial staff, as weil us the | ria) ce tnt, oat Reepers week to be) GENERAL TICKET AND "STEAMSHIP AGENCY. a care! certain i ~ ase of education adopted, is entirely | dividuals in town are doing the | Centennial Tickets by most Popuiar rowtes. Tuar Saxnoxnrest.-..We are requested by| aseavnt.--Mr. J. Ramford; of Logan, : ap- Steamers sail as follows :-- eeveral prominent Germans in :this viet - hefore ba I na . ALLAN LINE: _ | 10 state that it would be utterly impossible to | Morning charged 'by Mr. "A." Mitchell, a itl Bos atteatence NEW GOODS. Calyp at Coulter's Palace Cigar Divan and Also a variety of MEERSCHAUM heny BRIAB PIPES, &c Also » choles stock of sciSeButatiet" Nae ot [Grand Trunk Railway: ss Birettord, May te, Clearing Sale at MacponaLp & Co.'s. for thirty days only. Better bargains than _ ever. Heavy Factory Cotton for The. ! 2 prions fo d tinoen, ot FX GRABER'S, | by-the pieeo, or -13-yds for-$1.; vou Tam ei SE ae : i 3 ee halen. ii... ania | Let 28 on the 18th Concession of the We wont likewise call atten, , -| GIVIC HOLIDAY, -- tha Township of Elma, pag erat f v . Church, where. = to THURSPAY, AUGUST 11h, 876. - Pe ew | Containing 19 Adres of Good Bush Land. Sate ene Tak. Dressed Vinee 17 hotel-keepers pay 0 Great Western Railw'y oo spelen oe the privilege of selling Ptrasfond to Torente and beck eo Sale precisely at 2 o'clock p.m. Work and Bobeel pases Doers and Sa 3 - Goderich and beck... 00 A. BRU RDON. attention of the public. ves No. 2 company, Stratford, bas teen ap- [tat Peenel Detwoen the pair. | "saina ndonand beck." FREIGHT AND TICKET ae ~~ best high land 'Pla a re shy sod * * . idl "u . 28 Trains © ave aa fallowe - should inapec before basing pointed adjutant in room of Major D. Scott, | Prown and Thomas Kobinswn were bi t | Por Toronto, 9.90 =. m.. for 90 & m.; OFFICE, Deted this 16th day of August, A.D. 197¢, Sensied ana we Snows to contain the larges ed, Lieut, a appitien. i yee- Sha rove Conrt, ant tel te for Gederioh, 0.20 «.1n., ( train) Market - Stratiora, and Guest stock of Dry Lamber in Western On- of % 2 Co, ~ | were y for their trial ; but prosecu- ---------~ } tare. quarters of No, 4 Co., Listowel ia removed to tion not being ready, ae wae postponed FOR SARNIA In the beilding formerly cooupied by the Royal A.M. McCOLLUM, BAECHLER @ NICOL, -- Se. eine very . Special Keeursice Trafa at'? Reterntag 1 -- re ERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of the | StetRTuny'x" et t inefficient condition--thanks to the present : Ras rove sooner eppenees | SELENE SE ed as ; Cheap Transportation to all Points in| V Ontario Veterinary College. . - =f G i that tm AS owed Nar ag ade toe one, of the | Conada, United States and Europe. Residence--Worth's Hotel, SMOKE THE No Qvomum.--A meeting of the | er ty her urotiey, To T bad Led te take exeursicnists for a trip on the lake. ange ? -Gouncit-was enlled: for--Monday even} neaneelled cheque, -- The latter stator ib | 53 eseqa Strettord, Aug, 2, 1876. mat R. H.C. CIGAR AND BE HAPPY. AND GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Of the very late 4 bie styian, The best fC nity oe ohare 2 Cigars, aud Tobmesos, . Sirattonbe dae ---- So Real Estate Ban ai of 1876, _ HEADQUARTERS. GEO. FORMAN; ~~ = Land: pote one 7 UR OER es " LOWER PROVINCES mentioned eine, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, and Oth, Excursion. Pores to Halifax, 3B, or St john, NB, and Spring Brewery Betutiful "Prints, .to-wash, for 5.-6: 7, and 8c. 20c., worth 20 and 30c. Cot- ton Shirting for 10" and-T6e: Heavy Cotton Tweed for 20 and 25c. - Beautiful White Quilts for $1.37; and $1.75 worth $2.25 and $3.00, great reduction. A Pair of Pants for. $2.25, worth $3.50. Coat *¢ I for $4.50 worth $6.50. Car- pets" at extraordinary © low Masager,| PTices. Good hemp for 25c. ; for a Union for 35c.;-'Ta 85c.; Brussels for $1.10; a few bankrupt lots left at 50 and 75c each. CalJlearly and secure those bargains at MAC. Dress Goods for 12}, 15, and' MO_25, ONTARIQ-ST.. aPPg- SITE SHAKESPEARE SQUARE. A SPECIALTY. TOWN LOTS: -t Buys, SELLS and Exchanges Real Estate: Deeds, Mortgages, &o. Drawn; Money Inves- ted Safely. AGENT GF" Confederation Life Associa- tion, the Masi, leads people at times | 'when extremes' of "weather 'are' ex: , to-way, unreflectingty, that BEELETE re ere € sg erZ FE A E Ly > i Madrid ay mes i date says: "The heat is " , exceeding any recollection . gince 1800. The city is deserted. " Forty field labo died near t I = if! il ant if BERET FES H H 4 4 e wees flow of the is with certain ' wii aed ck er evra from the barome ~_. that of low sr, there will be i a Hh E And oeees ugha of = a ee a unk ens Old Aged Bottled Rear +} abd none of these sro organized in this | « bought it or traded for it with the fan. oorhood. Thy bon aingh a ingham may , on the . town, whieh event will epeedily follow the Wile of Richard Halpeuny, of » datighter® relegating of the present Government to the | M¢Coottne--in P: the cold ition 1 i jrmnann, was duly honored by the assemblage, which then at once di i . Tie steam, = eu dealer ables them to execate work with the utmost the wife of Mr. John Carpenter, of « daughter. expedi tion paientaamher thn daienteindeom.aate ve tei Pilahed reclaiming.» horse of his 8 . where there are German singing societies, a sing way Skelton, mentioned in 8 paragraph INMAN LINE. t Uermans ) to atte: Bamford was fined. 'end: costa, ' sapling afte Unt 'ste- ebets subject | S04 Mr. Mitchell got his horse, aie... ae originated in twain of the Welsh] Arriicatiow row Dnvonce.-- Notice ik gi reporter of the Beacon, who in « joke, mg that ap; m thom. seid]. be-eahe to i yacton _ WHITE STAR LINE. geeled to Mz. Sera tomention the matter at | ment Canada, at the session thereof boblen | Cee : : meg the Gadshill pie niet 7 next alter the expiration of 4 ths frow | Britemnies. -- > > an Sep 3 x apiration x non' om T Pruboxit.--Wm. Buckingham, Enq., Pri-| the date of this notice (Grd A by Mary NATIONAL LINE. vate Becre! ty to Hap, A. Mackenzie, Pre- | J80¢ Bates, of the town of Mitchell, in the | Spain . = weds mi. od torment roa cn | esa terns fe | enn weal, | vi pote y last. We pleased | ber husband of Portamouth, in the county | Ital ; ~ * § peo i be id and -- = of Frontenac, and Province aloresaid, on the ---- p bis friends from power doce not | Sune ot Memy and adultery. "i John Brown, q to atfect , 'e * = --N Agent. -- r 64 day is not far distant when Mr. Buck. BIRTHS. again become a resident of our | Haryrexxy In Palmerston, on thesth tet the | Stratford, Ang. 16, 1876. oly : . om the oes ! matoes ! hades of .. Mf, Bucking- | satus in Pates Meera a um onan s Ris ae 's friends i ratford, of all thades of of Richard Smith, of a daughter, ARTIES requt: "Fomatoes by the beshel polities--{and their same is legion) -- [oc At CI 'Ohio, on, the 4th inet, | E> anti their orders vane Br te Sle a ie a the wile of Mr Sete Ucaiton tomekent ban: Siied tn voustiln, tor fotese daitveny te caveat aye gind to meet im. as hey apprecia merty of Stratford, of of the town. his many social qualities, and admire his ------ a ee on & th uit. the H. GATRHOUSE, cit 4 4 : 4 SE. telenis. _ Harvie AU Wratiord, on the aed fost the Garden, south end of Long Bridge, Tax "Paee Parss."--While in London wife of Mr. Alex Hepburn, architect, of a August 6th, = the day, we called at the office of the deughter: on the éth ust, the wite of | PES ada SEHR 0 - Free Press, the Tosding daily paper of Wes of & daughter COAL.---NOTICE.: ' 1 to not bee enay te Lame, an oe th alt. the wile facilities which they have for carrying on their | Muten~in Hibbert on the oiet ait, the wite W. 8. ALBERTSON press-room is sup-| , of Mr, Mathew Miller, of a i - 8 ' ve ied with all the latest int- Follarton. on the ult., the 'AS jast received a fresh enpply of ena of all plied wi . applances in greet ee a gail EAS jose mp kinds which he will sell as cheap as in town. tion. Their jobbing office has « pro- | Y4MCon--In Mitchell, om the doth wit, the wite] Blossburg Blacksmith's Coal, reputation--jhat of turning oat the none Fa eer uit. the w iaarinoags: anada. The Free Press ho | * ife ust wore in © is an of Ms. jorry Nebtnsuntet; daughter For $ per ton, at his yard, opposite the Congre- y condacted journal, paying great atten. | Paittrs--in Hibbert, on ud seth alt., the wife | gational Church. to collating the Iatest news, and spar. nerge "fs Mitepell ou the the wife of | OFFICE. Ontario @treet, opposite Baptist txe, The | [ts editorials are well written being feariess | Dtacow--At idge, on the Ziet ult, the wife Aug. 4 1976. =e in their tone in dealing with public matters of the Kev. J. Deacon, of a daughter ean amen 'af z if 2 To o- ': May inte in the worst wish of Tax Tres. Soe "ntmseae ov. | bat eoushelth nteel language and with due Movie cf Mr Wa McKeever sface. "| Read Our New Story. propriet: That the beautiful and enterprising Porat Cig, wife of Mr. Geo. aes an or THE SPIDER'S WEB; and , i F--In Listowel, on i . that ot Mr J.G. son. | Meck cin Wallece, on the Sth inst,, the wife A story of the effect inf ™° Mr Jobe Welizey, of & 508. 2 ewe ------ ini in le 3th inst., ife of --.a im, In, Stentiond tartea. | Mr Jet Lage Ge et) PRENCH COMMUNE, ar it ea iy it cory The publication of thie Exciting Siory will a ; commence ip - eoaeren, THE STRATFORD TIMES Of Wednesday, August 160h, 1876, with his family. He waa in poor health at the time but noone thonght thet he was Pi al poh woes See Se dangerously ill. ome two yeare ago Gol: © "Spiders Web." ere interwoven with: baptism yarernnge oor 8 bentes aes sasnes of was, - one fin bout Ld le com - fog ns om ns presented reader, sony hone yor ata: agheetnes . years will not effece from the of the Gidest volunteer officers in dis triet, having been a member of the Straiford eas aerate ee rifles when seem agt nig, ese PROT ag , tion. Shortly after ' Frowmoted to 8 eaptainey and sperdtiy rose to 'Sehool --Books | the position of Colonel, and was appointed Brigade Major of this Military Division upon the resignation of Major Barretto, a position Fish's Arithmetical Problems, ORAL AND WRITTEN. : "Smith's Examination Papers 4 4 FE i F rf i IN. ARITHMETIC. i i Feaer itt a i Hit if ehee ir will The remains were forwarded from Galt tg} --- ~~ were Stratiord, where they were intersed on Moy | HARMONY MILLS. 4 'on the 64 oon a EF cuyr ce Abbott's How"to Parse, kneel-to the Golden Calf of Grittiam./) _gttice, Ang. 16 1976. sao aed ahelbes se | SCHOOL BOOKS, Sra eres, "ROT Oe favored ao debts ow. the inte firm must bape tote 4, BRADING. - ul i i f QUARTER BARRELS At $2.00. TAYLOR & BARNSDALE'S SNS BAER ee PB SE ~----~+W. A. Bosworth's - ti DONALD & CO'S;;- -darvis Block, Ontario-street. M*. EDWARD PAECKERT would notify the i' public in genéral that le bas opejed a stand, eaet of the post office, peg ey ey @ full assortinent wf the CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS LoneWina & smoKina TOBAGCOS. Gipue are fico sf pipes, pes Gtve him « call, Stretiord, Aug. 4, 1876. i REMOVAL! REMOVAL! WILLIAM HRPBUBRN ane gers gn: 3 Special sttention is invited to his stock of PARLOB, BEDROOM AXD KITCHEN FURNITURE. ~ Mattrasess, Bolsters and Pillows; Stratford, Aug 4, 167% ad TAYLOR e° PRESERVING payment. $40 to Arnokd Lots at Your Own Price and 2 NO TAXES THIS YEAR. nadine | Por Sale or Exchange! NE WCIGAR-& TOBACCO STORE.) +: . of the O'Donnell Estate. Eod, at Seto $100 each Park Lota, $150 per sere: Location high and dry spdin the most beautifal part of town. 4 meres, in . Weak Cigar & 'Tobacco Store| $500--House $1500-- ouse and 3 Lots, 08 Queen street, moar. T i$ A 9 Rooms, eatre weil fnisl ed, xattable and ia a good locality for boarders or business. terme Hotel-onDow = ale Road, nesr the Market. Possession in 3 months -- Licensed. atreet, bet Lot 812--C: C. Survey, on ween Mr. s Tesi- 't6h, front. Charch - deues ant Matiway, 20 Acres--Front of Lot 3, 8rd Con., Gore of ie, Downie, 15¢ untlew from Markey ian. SiT to oa. SEASON. THE CHEAPEST PLACE a vor X SUGAR, . 7% . . SUGAR, SUGA 12 different grades to * -.. from at "Waylor & Barnsdale's.| LARGE QUANTITY OF GLASS AND 8TONE ~