Terma: "he Stratford Times, FO wo --Daper ir. on the Lake. A pleasant time "we fOOLEN MILDS!! = are giving the best Value in Strasiont in Tweeds, Flannels, Yarns, &c., FOR WOOL OR CASH. + fr mane cc. * > nae a polis masses aflerings, - hight, boat 10.45, ag the Last Friday ee ee an from the east. at New Haaborg, & brakeman Joba Hix years, 4 native of ire. 'Mowais* Bank. wax PER CENT Ixtenest Reanahen [ou depomite tn tine HS MARSHALL '8, ss SUGDEN & 'ONs. tlemen Stratford, July & AND CO'DTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. =: po SS Sraarronp, Wrowxspar Acoter 16ra, 1576. 1 Mr. 8 8. Feller bas hetwcou 300 and 400 | | harm's aan the wall sdddenty full, 'at ou his bead, ie Bie Wa » few urinates An aceident whieh terminated fata! curred ahont (we miles eaat last, wlan he endeaviutr 4 te _ gat Mr. Shantz beneath 1. ous weight, crushing hi» ee to a jelly, and fracturing --e Lis riba, em aMicting Fe vernal injuries." a vo tpeedity rel Mr, James Trow, M.P., , 'secompanied by ene af Ris sons, has gouge. am 4. S2ig $0 the weer ry all Ph ne wnavaiting. puereates and in terwards rs al. . Shants was fifty- icing iiers sila pac Ser F. A. MARSHALL, Redford's Block, Stratford, "Fane 2 toner Se Stratford Planing Mill's Sash and Door. Factory, THOMAS ORR, Paornreror. leraieped supply Bash, Lag hay HuaaeF zed aa ot gen: ner Leenahs tanbeenn: Tot Wooten Eave rie a superiot Wat ene mers ia a es | e aelera prowptly th aifendedy tinal, La 'Finis! ra * eis fied ito ir var Toe wil 8 . a ap sag will pas Nim mee Shots heriapaa' wer Anes penn i SHEET MUSIC SIC WAREHOUSE, Special TS ven to, gelatine lous. Deatts A New Era Magic Stop. Organ, | Dominion-and on New York on most favorable For bath call Value Ghik'< Wied nek of rosie Coes (2 Vou Humana, gab- Bem. s _ =e United Staten Beak ctiiew York.X.B.A. noes. Diapason, Sn. Viola, Vex | Otfico--Mowst'r itock, Market Square, Weilli Celeste, Vox Humana, Sub Base, Coupler, | We street, Swell and Gtand Of Snish--very haad-| Office hours, 19 am. to 3 p. some, or Parlor, AOS) Hours of to 1 p.m. only. Genuine Emerson Piano, lpitesSaeibcaet.eitanpenasinaalie nee County of Perth. Tanner soccer sy vee ot il bn, tn each month, from ten to three o'elock, Clerk will be in attendance at his office, on y and Wednesiay of each from ten to three o'clock jg pee st his of- eg, au tarda, Friday F Plabarrea Povkn Weduewtay, we bourse. STE iy Aire 'CAME BELL, County Clerk. _Counsy Char' a Ofice, Jan. M6, inal . G. YEMEN, L.D.S., Hy Rebolts where mg his fhewst be, eee a rating Tere ee ering : "isles Palniees - eat Stratford Paper, "Bag factory. HE orsigned tp now Prepare T oe Be techione er other deser' nm of aehy , a ply aon prices. trial ier hs itty, and o 2 reepectfull » lieited. HENAY A ASHMEAD, wy pies: a vi poner re ' ") ae ¥e College of whe O fogs / ¥ eae porn ae oe DE. W: ------ vornsts. "Mews 1 the shot GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. Importggt Change of Time. a Celebrated Russel, "Elgin and other Wat tches, Watches, Clocks r. Tawaiiers Spectacles a Suit all ents. All kinds of rey peine 4 done and warranted Stratford. Jun CARPETS -- REGENT HALL. WM. PORTEOUS. - a 11 by gas to vf barra supe * ee rey maena tn for nee voller S A tree omathas ras wine sae Good siabling ama Stratford, Jan. 5, Aste, Mansion House, Corner of Welli_gton ent Patrick-sts,, Stratford, yas com modious house has been mate aE ark to 5 ser For Toronto ami Enst on Main Line oe plea perry ny ' we - Leave Stratton aa me - Apress "We pe: ae Sy re ~, Lae icitted and returbisbel 4e oe ; ies ievou tetemta toh, t Inthe future. nx By >> Haprees i eNereeed ve OS te Ser eny {4 sree Bolate Week the 1 eamd-tactitier at-nte-comaand, he wi} 24608 Biraliond 10) a4. uprese - be better able to acememmeadete travelling 72) « we.~Kapeess Pathe. will hereafter - 120 pie Ripe the " Albion Hotel." 43 p. m.-- Express D. CAVERN, va : Strnes fort LT ast at, X thrasterd. 2 Bx a. m.--Eapress oe Roaanees ' --Exprese Avon t, pms HE. eu is prepared to serve up in the Tee oer epee eae ee conaists all the deticacies of the season, if SRS ok Tegard to expense, in & poke public with the advantage of & Restaurant, se- sellant seablin -choloest brands of liquore 7 fr ail the wewest ant 228 Dm toons Hantontae cay style Wr avin 'inka TA pm. Trains Leave London EXCURSIONS GAs. "FITTINGS * Outed, ot A Winds o pamtng ional y we Teese ca asern S . : very a "SOBENT. jue THE oneaT ENGLISH Mca Before Taking, Gray's ~ After SPECIFIC MEDICINE all Nervous ae poh ta ar eadat tree we datine ta bend tres by toatl * will be able to :" iad er ieik work ot = jarge tthe corner of Mai lnted. It isa hentene Leildieg, three stories high. and gives ane sta y Gieneied waet tantly ' by i| Flor del Fumar Cigars. The best thatean be bought for cask. ll Side Bar on Mile street. W.8 -- Stratford, July 24, Late. » aay be well peri baikting i in town. eatin ° iter Per eat Veraninasy -- tireet atten. truvtion of Mr. Pred. gl " seattan tion to the ea ay Mr MeColhim, s po Tn imaprovemiPt. ~The a pis ix ¥ surgeon of Sadi, mind = ; Mir. MeGolham te iowa ba a e aderning the tat ---- here om marviges, | tive piragement from tire a, end will sip iy do Onn Noe Frees thelr ex: 'one 3 "Sopp ys "the citivens "With + yn Block, 7 music » amrewary Rearrse wav Ean to romper ctvmte & Walloce couneetion with £. sciety, Will take place between. the -books, either for High or Pablie aad aorta inst: om tht of Pred . which he sells at the lowest prices. | Switzer, ou the Mitehell road, @ short dix A firet-claas stock of y, inks, | tance fancy goods, ete., always in stock. Give bin Ronpeny Thursday, morning, some acall, Every at tomer. | onknown entered the residence of J. Crvic Hostpay.--Comar Exeresow Hares | M. Caldwell, a ie 598-40. The thief or --The Grand Trank Wallway Wil ran exeur- thieves tH room, and sion trains on the civie holiday, to-morrow took the mone noe sd his alotbee. whieh were A . hanging on the post. 'ahdwell {Thareday), at the bolts heard notes about the middie of low rates :--Toronte and beek, $1.00; Sarnia | pieht, but took no particular notice of it. end beck, 9 45. 80 conte: | Entrance te the trouve was mae att -» 5 eonte, A special tram will "~ be ran to Sarnia at 7 a.m, Sets onew plainly a on the easing Fast Taaix.--In order to ofake cimuec. | The money wae not missed till the morning. tions a3 Fort Erie, the Gtand Trunk folke Braotana.-- foveal suspicion: ™ have to make a "big push" ance in a while, | have - been ed around lately. rive tly Mr, Robert. Hinchey. ren dase Woods reel rage of Abeta MAS, No. & Express tran ee to Fort Pr Oo, a dist pe sa of lig poe a be "5 beoke oa otal a r mitive, to thres bostt, gmaking person who was tent down to Stratford a» oa the Spare: We han S80" | short time ogo, for having a set of ba pafe when a skillful driver, hike our friend nh =, The fellow evident Hinchey, stands at the lever. tagts in pis pos oe ' Ag on, Saovurp ap Arrexpan To.--A lady residing | gional burgiar. a a led | Ta¥istoek, presented 1 aecownt of medical afteudance oo 4 tary we need only meution b the & bi H rll 3 E i i i t F #2 iF tr F i f tt i dry goods or grocery store, or he Adama, of $97.25 for re. Rats aa family. -- f rhher Piferctretet's nt Joie Fre ber, seconded sone thes aan racbeell and = 10 Days. CUMMING & FOSTERS|... '|Hats and Caps at Half Pric SALK TO COMMENCE JULY 15 Bargains fer all Strattors, July & mt The Millbank Agricul- tural Mfg Co., ESTABLISHED 1869. Meunlaeturers of PARAGON REAPER & MOWER Aud all Agricaltara) Lu plements. PB " 1.0, MeLacata 4. Evuszor, Wu. McCauxEy, A. McCeLer, ave to furnish ee Boy rea ma. Jownst possible p Sawing Machines, Straw Cutters, Hand or Horse.Power GrainCrushers, Gang Ploughe, the beat buiit coat Canada, General Purpose sini of all We prepa Shinery at the w improved en, ine governor, tt wilid 1 Tce wath with lows es and less boiler pressure, 46d 2 4 begs 06 notify the public that ew Browery erected rand hele the » sod wives working order an, P- le and Amber Ales, 4 short ne BIRMINGHAM AND PATRICK STRERTS, Near Mr. Senith's Tannery. or Orders ------ Bretford, Jan. 5 Groceries. a Groceries, "Foor & Fransom;-- Tea Dealers and Family Grocers, Have on hand s first-clae stock of Genuine Groceries at Moderate Prices, 'or Green Tes and Beth Tea, Japoums fhavour hi stock oF po bw, © please our patrons all we ~ business of any kind, there is no better po- sition df this town. 3 Iba. Good Bound Young Hyson fer $1. iw Reise ee 5 ee 5, Lingway. pti si aed thes Cand L. BARTHEL, _ Mrasiord, April ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. "en T. pe of bbw Hea al Pr Lip ae ve Frail areliv, prac rs if r Seations in detail A REPSCEX +t --HELMAN TALLER ie ENSED Auctioneer for the Oo. of Perth. attendect to dow Ente: Tin feneet ond is weds, Ageat foe DM Knsliah spoken. am lenion- ~Milverton. Mitrerton- Pet 2, 000. 000 Feet.of Dry Lumber| in SALE, ALL-QUALITIES. » Ary rough edge Pine at A tot a sane poe heat are requested to An Kin <4 of bil AMES Cc Ono SHAR. WE OFFER A TRIAL OF OUR CELEBRATED AND Single Reapers}, GRASS & GRAIN, And on all conditions of Soll and Surface, and guarantee ache i SATISFACTION OR NO SALE ! l be We alep offer a trial of our , | Wroughtiron Two Bar Johnston \~ caer Spat tas SS Seba aD eee Se ie sapplied with ¢ pitmans,? :- fares and é kuives, a "Can anand betes, 2 Ginger Ps gg nuts, self oilers, £c. Snacut to Mower or Mower to Reaper, By removal of ¢ bolte and in lees than 1b winutes tue. Pease call at our works and inspect cur +--_Machines |. Betcre buying elsewhere Send for Catalogues. THE THOMSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co's -- Stratford. when a Stratford. Single Mowers} ; of t Mapes 'esters aad -Chenere wifl fil be cam eee. essed iamgeroriad od vans Saratford, Tene 7, © RICHARDSON'S a Farmers' friend Gang Plgieh The Bes "tes th hig Neate wow. cowar™ ct te ators: tha piit hie. ee tear Le we rmramete= tow th Prince of G trig ther eided la tows aad country END Se, to GP ROWELL & Co, New am « York for Pamphlet of 100 pacns, coatataicg Mets of and ag cont of mak Vertinlugt $12: yatuetwe Ageste Wanted. ( Gtand termsn free. TRUE & Cu, Anguste, Maine yet ts © soptes $5.10 $20. Son wasn. 91:40. Brier a Oo. ~ PIANO, TUNING ROGER-W- 3 VERE Please Ta (eformine the po tie of Me phir that he is pr pared to T\ se @ Repalr PI "sn as BS the Wortast notion, ax t guar WwW. W. COWAN, "Stratfont, pis i wre The Cantémiial Restaurant: MR. CHAS. - BROWNING FARE Ss La: paar in informing his frtomte = Sernehore ani vicky, Cent ou: ny Square, where 3 will be aaoey meet and do Wosiness with then. Freit. Coutectionary, leo Cream. Sols Water, ée., abwars on hand. & Meals 3 an} peg either hot or cold, and served ap le. o ene ge peeny eal meen Stiatford. May WH. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO FURCHASE TOWN LOTS, HE sulnceiber beng 'evermened to afford every = aay te peter wus of erecting dwellings, made gr REDUCTIONS IN PRICE For juts hebd b him reat min the GORDON SURVEY. JOHN IDINGTON _Jenen st76 W. R. . MARSHALL, B® TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF CHEESE MAKERS To the fact that be ia now selling Mitchell's Annatto, No 1 Lemon Cured Rennets AT Cents. All other Materials in propor- tio W. HL MARSHALL. Stratford, June 14, Le. _ NOTICE. rp ae undersigned has opened an affice over Mowate' Hank, Market Square, Mratford, and ia prepared to transact business for his ae Seeetes loans, collecting past due ee se bon and sold. Salve condseted in all paris of the a W te 5 on all wéhk da. THOMAS athe. Stratford, March 15. P. J. WOOD'S" Goldsmith's Hall, OLD + Cheese, Hamia, de 10 Ibe box Soda Buscuit Bax for 96 _ PALL AND GIYR WBA SRIAL. sy, PRO CLAMATION! civic HOLIDAY. with i ne citizens, beld on Tossday [ALBION BLOCK. Ontario-Street. Jan:cente Reis, ers et 1.00.) serene sat Ask to be Directed to rave, a |PORT- DOVER wt z dees fab rm toey reer lef: at his rerdeced, ve startet aeee®: orat WOH NORBERT S bai Ice Cream Saloon. Richard Court Has opened out in Market-street, an low Cream hema fioda Water, with ody bon neweat sae ngs, Confectionery, Fira! and Bree PP 5 ARD COURT Me. carries on - old 5 Outarimutreet, near the Pust Officer . ™ ~| The National Fire Insurance Co. OF MONTREAL, AVE patablished an agence Fire Risks written at Swatiord, Jane eel a; Fass ate 'ron | am tape cams cs Orgchats os Ontaris' sear on, April 7, nv6. TO RENT. HY. apacious premiene lately known Herel pepe on Ontaria street. Sutabte of store and Pt mg Your flats. 4.7 ica LEE. Stratford, May 2, 1676, B. FRASER, M. La ' Meunen ot the ie 'sicians and oti teen oS isis tee Booval teva nM d, and pie faontiane of the ware} Dollegs of furgeosa and Physicians, Edtaburgh Orvien--Ol4 Ainlon Bleak over Me. 4.4. Clark's Atallen Warehouse. Paid ety PY pel bad Fr. TASEMARTLE, gunsmnh, hes re- " hig and Albert ere eesten, abe grape mal uege's Arins Hotel, where he will bebappy ch poe ach y new ones as may favog him with Berstford, July ¢ W. F. WANZEL BOS to call attention to hia large nad woll- Bess stock of Family Groceries, Provisions, disa Vopetabies wr the Season, Lem baeatice beats gag ere west of Wisco's to any of 'oun toms reasmmable. Stratford, May ernnean t wet) ord 4 "et Lary way t f the a ent and Blue oun: om of Pennsy Hania, PEAR te great Ot ad Cm ii of cary te aa k See om . WINTER, Auux Also agent fot Erie Kailmay and Beatty's take Sue we ke a Steamers, connecting at Druluth wath | Carpets, and: tae Oil Cloths, Wem SATE A col preross from Encioh § and a treme bi a, -dinerican rH "pe ebewtral facilizies we possess in Pashionable Talloring. thet yoods enable wa te to offer them af tm onX FRASER begs to his old Suatied. ~--_ friend» and patrons that be will, antil farther notiow, be found tw or doory south, at De. frasers Pee, Fi and Venetian 0 oO » Union Car- Seoval thus reeviving Suaicunbin ant' oe0- two sad t ts an fitting -- = ree-Ply imperl tec Two and Stratford, Marol: Sl, 1876. ye Fare Vly Kiderminster Carpets, Super and Sa Tay stent trath mignon yWorlks | ~ "Pattern: a in 5 ns wi on tian, Wool ~ Tapeaty, coed Pr Beam Mats, Wool Mats, &e. iad & sian oad , Oil Cloth, in al] widths | Ntrationd, Jaa, 510, : ore, oul to any required....j. . An of atoek and A CARD. -- . MO rar ecipeateny "7 aia Teal il wh " ons we weaknem, early decay, tow of KNEITL'S OLD STAND. rahe ol, fee will ow rave: a ihkoe me gol dy wes da | Stratford, May 7, 207%, emote eons + so we altremed errr the Rav Jossru T. Inmax, 'Children's s Carriages. Sas D: c Jone aie Nowe Vert City: am ew Vou uae, 7 ris. is | C: B: JOHNS & co., SAVE JUST RECKIVED A LARGER Stock of Children's: Carriages, Otthe very latest styles, and of handsome finish. CALL EARLY TO GET YOUR CHOICE. FURNITURE: * port FORGET THE PLACE. C. B. JOHNS & Co, shenan in Breer, 3 ese Hatiware, and Furnitur _Srsttord, Mazi, 18. GREAT "INDUCEMENTS, THE 'CHOICE OF 17 Building Lots, ST: MICHAEL-ST., . iN Robb's Su Fveys 25 feet Froutagi Srom 120 to 137 feu deep, running down to the L 5 Price from $10 to $14 ' per foot Saturday Wxoursions ALBION BARBER SHOP, Chee aceon d "CBC a esta Ae Maonnir '& Co: ro Medicine is sold by all Drogg iste Maritime ~ 'adi kil ted. acks p dation te Jour Or dae ue Packages will Pisiien requiring 'Aesnatent toy: ide Soasbal seven ear age, and was widely known Micaiden in » are er * ais for Manulactory in rear of Myers' Hoes. A. G. Mackay & Co 7. 'nto for ra inaiant ar porn « Pianta siainere ache Spleen Lk id wan or leas ee, would do well to mention es eee Stra ford, Jan 6.14% JOHN MEENER. Saturday, June 24, 1876, . WILLIAM GRAY 4 Co., the facts to Mr. H, Gatehouse. HAKMONY. eaeaeanaitetant ama M. WEES i i Jane And -A0l-ferther , on a "x ee i; Danses. --A plane of rapericr soda water; | ics pe ff Le som sails monisin oie a eS ' ee <=> | Mixon Pane, will be teaet frost Servo a we font by JH. neat pee such a& you can always get at Mr. Kt. Court's ||) THN. Mrte a aol oo -- rate iee thankete teepes 5,000 yds Carpet? Stratford Oat Sererrerd in tinderick, reo establishment, Market-street, Ay Eo wpriatorship of she Dacmony - xg peat favors, he Tosi soitet their patrounge for . yas, mag pe ITUATED between tbe Brides and Court | Goos ttt following Tuseday, and to Lond - -- -- --The Avon Hotel bas rreeired a i Ei by strict attention to 3 (3) the aT improvemen ta oy the ein of anew wing, Branton' and Sern " Blacksmithing. supply of delicious oysters, whiel, Mr. "or- ie: wants of his castomers to merit farther ® 3} Fish Market, on Deownie-Street, Shich wakes it one of the largest hotels in | Suratfard to Goderich, 5 teous serves up in excell" nt style. videnee of their eppreciation PH which will be promptly attended to, Mesnember ioe rettrt eseatons coms ter Arius . brant 1 | (THE undersigned toy hla afr, Mr shop Retcaven.-- Magistrete, 5 (cease ----- ure 7. ~-- be it} os my "cna Works 40 per cent. Under Vaiue, : BOX, * aig Fret cee bah Mr. Unber bed James O'Loane, hi 38, | store in this SE He beeps constantly s = Serstiord: Wey 76 2 2 : ae camel Manger, ts thgiieartac ant "General JOBBING, and will resume bia 'official duties to lay. on hand « well assorted stock of poods, eom- Q0* n THE GEO Woops. ORGANS. AMERIC AN | HOTEL Montreal, Jane 2 as manner oan ns attantes The Res.Me.Mann,late of dry _ good ries, boo oo on) a O_. GEV. WO jo doen bs os 1 wBery, are ie Station < honct § Sauare 'Meni for &) canta EXCUKSIONS TC toed. accepted the vatlto Fraver ehurcty Sl ck and ander Rirattnd The £4 -E 2 ____] kvery accormodation for tray F ack HARLES HAMMER, The induction took pisce on the "Mth inst. | store is # on canvenienee i "eorle in = g 3 -] HE most thoroughly eonstry pat a aod finely ON THE SAME TERMS. Stratford, January ¥. is7¢ nae sialic agers Falls & B Sucbasaasta Dass Leia -_ A Tarat.-:Tartie soup is the latest deli- | tls setion. we are. glad learn that | @& O Ly 5 als the daked Inscraments of that + possena : ea =< -- i ERY_MONDAY. 1k OTTAW WA a Mr. Jones is doing well. 'te is an energytic ec ¢ ee 7 Tickets 'he Round Tri Good for : frison Howse ae Te pula rm gps nme mg the ani an ares 5 Sn. ee Mee ah Ta eek f or pe gn -- _ AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY, * | de to succeed. ij leaves By od, = -- An agitati re oo a - 4 > 4 ao) Most Beautiful Solo Stops. at once. Plumber, Gas & steam Fitter, Tea by a ee cae the | Incorporated 1874. Capitat, 91,000,000. Benen a a en Bicames SOUTHERN BELL. aa el 'elerator:.im this nor RAR 25 eet. ena Rc - aes A..G. MACKAY & Co. ~~ BELEMANGER, ETC ETC. Palee can be ctnined at che Grand Tron fait | MOS Jeti 'Sitgad: Present Re ItakBera town. 't would be a great odation i] oS 1 " . ~ ae President. accomm: he Bonne > om The agency for these reliable inatrumentahas| oo) yo sauna 8 Pp 2 eeancente work in of) Ueabeve |"? -- $2 produce " © HANG E.-- The Sleasters ot the --_ and M1 & y See oe Be Ee I bear es, and guaranter eatisfnction to = Depcetaad with Cevernssens Sur the Fetetien . Is _Loca.--Mr. A. Engels bas fallen ber hhusioty hav loved, £ FI is) __ =--5 a whe may favor him with their onlers reat! Port io and hee Hiens p thing tneepiag inthe United States | iz nec. do change the dats of 'their Fall ° nO F Bae el des « Sinenareee THE warranted to gly. sscataction. Shop veat the Railway $50, = He intends investing the x shildtion, on secoust of 7 aud Strut. n S-e $ ' MESSRS. FRASER & TURNBULL, Stadacona Insurance Market Building = set Insures against Los or Desa by Fire or toed ile The - 7b sg of Stratford -- TIME TABLE. Lightning : Pextatt ae teetien "fPuesday e S86 = C- _Strattord, April 26, 1470 ee fl : ee ee i a ae -mpany_ ----- = fee alsa wren a Ttutead-uf the ath-and: Gth~ -of-Oewber,--wa ry <2 Py Bh | Wiha all be pioased to exhibit them to all im | ' rium Albion a ~ rer the Fort peta he tase aenr a | nagretatkstte cd io ainame se ands. ois = = eee oe ' ag ia = "cores Pose tok Bae Ree Sey Son Fn ae Para. The met ant fair, held | = 2 "a 4] May 1m, 87m, . THE nan he Mt & GLOBE IN- Gree (both sing " double.) au orders attend. Stretford Wood tock. ort Noree. BEAD OFFICE--Vietoria Chambers, Wellington tr-inet.,-wee not, stri = C.F : creer ar rE J 4. WOOD Pre. wae sami BLACKBURN ol hae tout Be tatiee'a ot Few cite & aie Sooper GOR SEE SE ee fe ete oe ---- 2 Seatac Serenity 2 ed nh oo cen NO ee ann eon of Mr. 'Hugh Fraser, while playing du | were in the market aod "these of inferior =O xq 3! FANNING MID | Sitcom Fire and Life ieuvande ampere ; Port Dover. Woodstock. Btra R. RUTHERPOR: laxt, fall into "a well at | (ality. Buyers were in abundance, being a 5 Fl N ETZ 62a 9 am 11.05 a.m. Agent, counties rerth, Waterloo, Wellington, ' Mr Moberts BrGk sant hnd before sisictance | sbomt one for every animal erates 2 | -AND SEED SEPARATOR. rc Bentdend-cecbvinteneg:- Reation aniacesied | S30 arene ns iiagink, teeceh ead See one cae eee eee ee ee RUTS WAWERD ase a could be readered life waa extinct. i ve rh epi --o- =e x 5 * wil please note hovel timation and govern | Comm pny Qr ceny to loan on mort seemenen ~~ --- eee Steattond, Fob. cy Lc Ca Ercvason.--On Thureday last Woodstock | the came time. Lat there ten lage tarn | GS "hse E desire to entl the attention of Farme Sates RoMeKT ite rk pani eatery er en eT A. D. WRIGHT, -- firemen and friends "excurted" to out next time. Bayers threaten to quit Robertson ouse Nenel ceaShae we ai cheveatienten rn) A Soutien! Bruaeh. _ ttesttord, June te Superintendent ts toate , ; a leak i, enwaes Aeeeatnt:Dannany Adi, Me WM ROBERTS, B & Shoe TRU raat 0k ease iy train, Fesh . they have better = -_ oe ahaa NEATLY FIXED BAR ae TRushela of PUTER sted Wheat White a asi cd Ta ter. toanutaets user of THE CENTENNIAL 00 oes. : i, . f 2 rite ie one Lo splendid band-of that town. potatoe sip of Wal- ad eet hour, feumthe distion STANLEY DAY, toms efien, haw mouw's: Shost- and. Ghee Siena, VIA a . - Tax Creo Howrbar.--In- acoordanen- with cr the pibseu year, there are 050 : fe witt tak a tees LL WILD OATS corner Erie and Octar io streets the Mayor's prodlamation to-morrow (Thurs. | "2 th Voters stare' Cas. Te tle town of | Hennessey Brandy, ToT tn CHEST Gea ether toad seeds w 47, AUCTIONEER, rapes Narineed dient wy |P. - & L. a R. and -- Listowet, there are in the East Nerd, aM; Booth Gin, ta " . lea r over day} observed 'V Gentre Ward, 151, and W 1st, Molson's Ale, Teli W Perfect CHAPPER Nom cntnch-sraker, stuarrony, +H. BRUCE GORDON, i tase em <a The principal features of the day are ex in all, Carting'a Ale, It will cless: aad separate perfectly. all kinds | o,0,0. 4s (marin Sercer, snag DL, A. MeLaod's Gea Teche Menued T Co's Offce, JUST OPENED AT to any pact af th wr rage Beischel eee meer of gras senda No farmed cam. aitord to. be | O7PS5 Tl ane See AUCTIONEER; VALUATOR, a. ret Bc rere ara toe re 2 fe i mae ind ean go lor almost pothing, is now ready for the dtitogs. which «ill be Diamond Wh! ky | Tron Purchase wwtil you have seen this mili . The steamer Dover lear=s Port Doverevery Mow, On the cime bolday, to-morrow (Thars- fir ti thie woures of a fw -eenks. ano soxh mY. mURNS reel vewl gt the, mannaciery. a. Alton ws" Auction Rooma, No 1, Obd | ay, Wedsenlay aud Friday evening, en eriivel of " "ri street, t% Rallroad a day}, the annual festival of the Primitive | ing by its capacity, wit th seven rane of atte Oatario. = hich passes the D. A. McLEOD'S A handsome assortment of 'Boots and Shoes... BOSTON ~ Call and seo the goods--they are fine. MY PRUNELLA GOODS are the best valse in the coantry. D. A. McLEOD, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF RUSTIC FLOWER POTS, HANGING. VASES, FERNERIES, ac. AT J. H. NASMYTH & CO'S. MEDICAL HALL. June 7, 1876.° STADACONA -- Fire and Life Insurance Co'y. HEAD OFFICE QUEBEC. Fisanenal Result of 1 Menthe Bs Busines to Set Dec, s875¢ "sTmaTvoRD SA eacaiaed A. GRANT, Hoy. Chairman, & BR. HESHON, Bey. THOS. RTONBY, Raq. Agrat Stratford, April vg, v76 CHAN OF. BUSINESS.. ai he