feep the ioask Tang. titel}, Sehien you knew I had 'no resviirge buf yoo---- ay o fear of the fiend you be- mo conemptinn. wf Mem: imagine that mere hunger cul "i drive me to-you for: warmth and food? ight, one take. ey acre: a ee el "Number fifteen, Rue Caumartin, fs by <" pernon oy "Tix Mocsresask's Davcicran," "A Woman's Forty," &c. 'CHAPTER 1 At least, the ++ 16 M. Michow in per tations rites: oli ight are aul be! 0, , so imamaculate are the stones of ité eourt-yard and' entranee-pas- its dust-heapia toe ¥. tot " no" wandering Italia minstrels ever found: its" i * ; 4 encase to es fe toenter the penctraiia o the bac! . ¥et mardi the houre's ye and were not popular. Monsleur and Madame Michon were" secretire, ee which. invari- ably denotes irroctaimable sinfuluess in the honorable corporstion of caneierges. They were not prepossesring, physically; then they were compnratively rich, and, what was worse, lent money at twenty per cent. (or weresupporod to dose)te- the poor tradesmen and servantgirls of the neighborhood. "Por -nlt -theee-exeellent ~ e not 2 bitthe secret ree reasons, there wee ot xning th: 1} perradedt in the Rué Canmartin, whens = case poaeoae weryed to enter Number creased eet, MAG deliver a Hine official paper | LUNee prww thtek wr er : i [ook WORK git, Of wal . "The Michone have found a cantanker- ous customer nt lust," sail Number Six to ; : Numter tp proriagialing work and | leaning on her broom, « wand the skinflints deserve it," wae'the na! very i 2 charitable rerpanar: _.gonversation nt, houses, harbor the servants ef the lower y ; paper was.sflived te a | ritten, in ink, "Mdlle. » bacodlenae." . "What do yon want!" "inquired a harsh within. ald : oe 'i stairs were many and steep, an: i ble f re Cai ss Sot bie - ager aes ' + ept th a9 - ro toe bk a6 atover' noba-at its s Heil. bo dead. "Bo, out-of your thauktolness for this ending, do this one good cffice for -me-- write 4 'he ts. wered. --' hose ~som! to. 2 i My letters Wave neealned uaans- Tell him how mistaken he wag f emer Wit: 1 pray you, iasuch a maginer as shail prevent ae : pee to poor Eugene. Heeould not p ioe ofall events; aol 1 would rather ue should continue to think. of tht o i me thon ae living; than fee n me. These are Uie lus! Do thie bidding if you Would atone-- on have 26j Ui reprise: = "eos Lacaros." Marcia: fae --"treeming-tony before thi vague, unhappy re a life thet had somearly emicd im eelf-dh- struc hile pity forthe girl he had gaved increseet i intensity eome old Tnacconntihis hatred +h tar_perseeutor a "The sconndrel!" he muttered "Al way? 7 die, and disappear; le remains as he ever w le will prosper, and n some jace, bought by infamy, with crowds of tering friends around him to-hide the wisious his _p ti thence. this Id shell besten ite coming." f . He HE . > & E i sini tH Heh ri [ H al ag ie Pd Fil H i re J REE s HE i : 2 itt = iH $ i RESas of regret and repentance to the eis! had if iT i Hl at nf still lived tue same life; whether he Es 283 a 5, F E L ef g 6 ach I'll ¢ teeth. | m ROP} with _ i & 4 Fit 543 EF Lt $ big: fil 1 oke*a i TE edie 5 t a ef E E 3 = 8 Bhe was expectitac hits, and welcomed his =-- rogged face with wwarm," grateful 1 ie. "Well, now, my child, I mast see what 1 tan do for you. Firefly, 1 have your not to tempt dHetvea ' such an attempt asthat of the other night?" "Oh, sir, I shoufd not have the courage now: bad It ewili! 2 promise. uéeded @ reviving ¢ler Andere bs he ore mination; ior Mand dime, -Michombitit" issaed ftom-thelt house, and Sn pn ddowtr-the eirestp andthe teas--of onl r » ter "wan! Fifteen, with refereeee to an attempt at suicide which had taken. place in their gure. +. "The official's face were «-etern Prown, Meat rather discomfited the couple as they You are the coucierzes of Nuauber fif- . Canmarti fi in teen, fiat the ficial qaired, b - "A young girl, name Reine tempted to suffocate bereetf ly charcoal Lagarde, at- your bh . Whatde you know of the riers and bow. tits to occur!" , perstiactve clijhenee was ree quized,.M. Michon always became gal- lant, and "gave "pridrity tet wit -- Madame Michon explainod glibly, "I bave ~ gore iud-- 10 athe poor girl, , Leaw to her wants like a moth- er. 1 cooked heF meats, tht nd a hi ) esterday im the CEG HAN ae off beet day on' widich this bietory commences. Mortorarhjecte interrupt jesary of Police, coldly... "I iw iach the girl owes you, but how «he came te your bourse; whatyo Ne simian has been in the bouer str, for about aw year, The night before che appeares, - the apartiments--imu cowiie--were taku 6 geithun--yoarng, 5 aes fo the upper classes, L sbould may. "Te took the place in-hermanme; but telt his own cord--Clement de Boisrobert! is "One or two, sir, The young person FEO Rae Gel Brier y far Tarntsspey aed amine: her alady and gentionan called to orde: some work, I think, They were Buglish." oO OR. "And once an impodent, untlay-locking tp te bis snesth, called to seeher, Weowere net quite sure whether ae what led her to suicide" "Wi ies be aiiowed to go up. He never . #ir, she embroidered, and, t > ehecowns never particnlarly" bright, she tol Then. the hare thee eae, e broidery didn't soil Bithy bit tie pawn ed her tinkets her yowns, the curtailing and carpets from ber rooms, until at last I used to way to Miclhou, 'Michon, thal poo « ting to mw ehadew, and nypet 'Ah, a Miss Susemerson. She Fr peared kind at first, bat she fell away "But do you know the lady!" she added, "Meenyteedy-+: cs bale Be hie 1 need not n seaauupise Joutthe.work ia still} shot over the estate often wt ce! 4, Ge bo | take luncheon within "Phe 4 wmile, "Have Lawl , he w i G worse than idle--drank. and gamed, and es wala soarished a viclent: hoftred wt but ---- called the *Ariatos' on all kinda y I could erably cheervfal and contented, I m- to pity. When his a it took | s ala. the solid fortis of BCe-Trane places, Now, | Vilageywho had Jolt forthe n-sny, ~is-of rn with his Lips, in cited the most at @hon, Hae the no relation=(" "Not a seul, I fancy." will do. "fo; Rid et tae tall you that the next thae you wegieet to report such a case to the relief officers, you will / errpat the -tommbeenry te ttiee +4 plessure was, in there days of Imperial | Tule, almost equlvaleut to a term of police | ". disposed earthly prosperity, avcd on the necersity of turing over a ve It 4 w a They felt incliond ts Kick, too--an in- | 'On. Aination which generally comes to c: "Really, Angolijur, the old mouhard" | promising to return in- the exeming, {petice + "war ght, You have bot tbe gi come to this,"sald BMi- ng fhe tone of « mleunder- ehon, asetiny' stood Dasaths reepsint "And I should fiks to know what would | becom: helped M, " have eof us tf we hadn't , "But the girl may complain, too," ven- ~ tared Mi + half-eone z timid Hittle obit} Net ake. Be gides, Clement hax « hold on eer am hose ears, When { pretended to pawn whe zit make who, Tkp the Michous | the official cor ih mal hardgesa'| gn, is ae one incre favor!" paid imagine what a Lnuder the pillow, | ug + "Burn this, please | de Chayolloe, whirls tie soldier hued p 1 and, without pausing | @ll-very reepeeta! vsorde the th Masou e ered his cham- ~fore niduight, and they had that | tebale--for repr used visible it's dhily occupations in por and the croditars billing influence of | ® Yer, be alwtet monn f ij m bai, wnel Th» broker was intent on his letter, and percription had arrested his attention eet i 'okd of 9 | byme. stepped te Jiaten; Uke voices. inf Were those of Lugeur and the Comte de { gerrhpae She tad herent hr tris; -- must not starve, either, poor 1 on tl must leave this house," she answered, Y hurriedly; "lide "hye somewhere" where nobody would dream of looking for mer . "No. twenty yet,and such danger to avoid!" said the broker, touched by her ing terror. whom can you be afraid! What bave you done to have je euch enemicei™ . tir, nothing! But you cannot un- ved = "Let me onderstand/" said Marcus, tak- ing her hand-gently. "Telltae yourstory: Tiatay be able to help you ina way you Reine reftrerd-at drst; exyinge that other affairs than her own were bound up in the beter: of her life. But the broker plead- . savaeetnmonnd 2 that she reflected he had perhaps earn the right to know her life. Her gratitade 'for the for many months prompted "such potent ? ? faw that ab ted. and began inalow voice to fill in the vague outlines he had gleaned from the iter. CHAPTER IIL a GuisurrEe"s stort. say Vania thorciigh Paretenne: by birth' but 1 am purely ts My poor father Paris once; and ever: mentioned the place without horror, He thoughta was searing: every garret t city, and the -bedy of some deceived coun- try lase floating under every Fridge, So, ; marry an | where we were born. 'The village is Ar aes, in Normanily. Perhaps you know jit ales tein berre Henry Ane boringth "battle." Ohir Paria Wee che of i Re tr F " f E < Vitmake you holler like a loon when ! Me . i i F F E 4 i 4 4 § f : ~ Cur Frowzns.--To keep cat flowers fresb, soda fe bg eLow- preserve. ico. in 9 relsigeraton, wrap it in several thicknesses of pe ss- . Kememberug an injury ofteu docs more r EF the misebie! from spreading over the entire e fe aD moment than can be bailt up in a year E Zen Reusr Srez..--To take rust from steel, veil sf 3 g requence of intemperate habits: The com- pany therefore claimed that his policy of in- g E ve _& EF 73 & ering flowers, take them from the vase, throw Chik water, t E ° barely" bold your finger, put in the flowers immediately. The effect is wonderfal. 3 | Pou Feawittak.--This Ga good 'receipt : F '= ray Resi inegat, bat a oonfui of turpentine: use with a bit of E ad right yi ary aga ¢" he ssked grow.ng Goow Uexext--The best cement of which e é York, wilh be held at Saratoga Springs. com: Tm . 4 ea Hi a we ay Sa oR - Z #4. i The temperance" crisade™ ~ has symptoms of breaking out again in Obio. Two oy tired of th i have IE (avored With fisité tron the ladies, and re- quest edto permit prayers and singing. i 3 breeding toallow a letter to go unsns ii ity E E & § H t E i ge Hi : public meetings, and hover around refresh. ment bare aud drain the of the custo. i [ i : i i mex who hurries away ot the summons of iiway beil. if ii £4 af 7 a t Reform Cvub, Mr. Jobn 4. Nieboll« bas been i ; 3 { p steettomte ohetirey tte estate--the largest io the previner, You Oe Rae Rae prrcee "aaa atneens in ideas, hin edication was a goed middle- lass one, and fitted bt fur seciety sewer for that of his f | then Siege ee tar, oni L Uaruecn. os fourteen at the most. "Eugene was the great sorrow of war pampilets and papers, emo fato Dieppe from Kocland. Thie have rewained a fusuly grief bat at the ich J apoak. a nas in tle "i, all yan to foment a specios of small civil war, Alas, e tha poree® on Kag y with bis new friend la! : i ' i= Dosis atdaaist sak lat up, goodness knows how, in" Par Sud then, wha pie +! + tioned at home, Eu. matter that 'our pots the room, and argue geutly with the rep. etato Ke ion betaine ib @ month or twe after his Parisian friend » ¢ | wrival, ¢ played high, het enormously, dder-letting of bs it, when Bagere+ << a x > wacrow ate wartime' - = F ¢ 3 4 y { drew from his hix own, which he . vd. amunges with the 'entire ="YouT anewered ihe dJonite. "I kauww | sri et, , ae he broke the weal. eautag. i mace Is pl dal I hal Mainkets for ber, but gave her half their ; net your m mereon--de Boisrolert--what acom- | bare noticed you fark Hig ruined , tlie cha- we wale ont of lay new money, he he would back Gein." Me could stop ot ke." wiles. "*Pake care, Comte de' Clwnyottes? Bea F tedaciaztivn; 2 aa gene was « . thy ' loree you to earevery one of your big words." it stirs it Naz, war you have waged against s. defence: | -- "E bad pleen, asi ow aid ee F E g f ' eae Monsonville, Canada, and Kichferd, ot si i aE E Evidently that ed panne was ef i i B . poet ~ whese duty it ia to visit the wharves, F i E How a Bauwar. Koso wox Hex Scurruz. The Burlington Hawk Eye saya: Did Tom 5 j EF is Es Tue roasting de of thé round pact of tae i i 2 i ia} Hf { d cayed fruit wineh kills a few, and yet allow xh le of 3 rich: kitl their { Hi ta this talk aleut " sumptuary laws" is ail fi Las eee Bf hjasr Without Teena, Upou the purely "toch ; i Li 2 E zt i E Hilt fil ig License Inspector laid information against it $ f ; appears that ot the Inspector going to make an ex i ern I Hy EEE Nothing circulates oo rapidly sa a secret, Idleness is the parent of future remorse. j of your readers who might find occasion tu svt The sonder eh Sa gp wet saetling { Brant intend calling aconvention of tem- similar siroausstances, I place it at your dis. t i f Semen with be held on Monday, the mt 8 ot Oet tte i Ea Fs t will be cot posed of delegates form the 5 ec % S. Sauda form the mountain, momenis form 2 fl Those who go tolaw for damages are sure to get them. ree es Never marry without love, sor love without reason. i i 'The best snnil in the world is « snuff of the Morting air. e of O4 no day can the retronpect cause pain to | & good fe . A bad workman is acoustomed to quarrel i é. F 8 : i Es Hus J hadeiee lines, written nothing until -<lay, oat of regard for the swly, by & band that shoald | father you bave runes, anol ore likely to hours, nerveless and dead:-- dieboner. Li seems you have mistaken - tow hat, keopers to teat yor ver.pou jafringe the the Curate apetie boylon, ie Wad efter Mun, sad crieip st' brit me Gi bb Hila ate oa by your proffered aid. Hal you not is ha lost ath he peer nek ing vr base t 163 raeye te E Ht a that while F i | i Prepare for sicknew in health, and for old oem be happy wben old, be tem- Men binsh to hear what were bot thank oaek m j Marriage bas many pans, bat cebacy bap no 4 - : ie Pe] FE & 2 F.E ! | i fi it f is like » bee, honey in ite mouth, but » in ite tail. : Ff i i i | | FLé 3 Imitate the dove im immocenee, aud the sar | Peat ia Wisdom é ; I i I Hi eri