a 2 8 gf. See Insperial Parliament, mut Roc wrxecn nl ~ vai PReRes ATIOY. = ieee : " "Royal 6 jem cilnsicn. The following iv the nit NEL ° read from the throne by the ford High t : A My Lords and Gentlemen s fet OR kta Tappy ter betbiego, release you Mem fo your astets Parhament. . ij = y feiations with all the foreign powers re . and I look for 7 ; onfidentiy to rs inaiu! § food understanding «hie now A ND_ CO UN Y ml ae we mast go right ne whieh in common with othe fly oO ERTH G A Z¥ ETT --_ Another powers I: hare made to bring about, Ss ee 7 F. Ly . E. wot al a rtling thi chr. -- oie . encod uutort exiat - - - ---------- ad aot add any! ¢ to this eto of ihe hign a Seven er sur eenar Cetus oe ; eam STRATFORD, ONT... WEDNSDAY, AEGUSF. 23 1876. x Five-year" ot tion elovee. taal Re hitherto anreceenstal. Tleeconsiies which tegen ' ee ne omarennt Radeinanneeeinnenee BE O. 34 us ths M;.second year, pasture in those provinecs has been rie repo . rere Cur, COP | 1s , barleyor ante. Om LADIES' COLUMN, [cismncrecw-ce tee] NEWS OF THE WORLD, [*" = Tso tegese meme] JMeter ars $< as ne oprah et ial Sonne] ie gpa been inane 98 <i Trea eeaiears Mic smmenne. |? ARM-AND-GARDEN,--- | teiy set' ti conn nth nd-on 9bn.* . renin, im on 1. mare ae ~ y allies. ah 9 SSE my Fashion Notes, ferred, ud tue of the very best meteriais te ; The Prince Bawar' Ilana Ek athe K octet coats streak, aetatde tat Sind ae etal a ie Ca rom "This is the jen) round vinxt offices Yor the ion ectiatient - good cashmere. or are also gentleman named Hines, from England, |-U. 8. Consular , 1 Note ua . i o Serge or beige very ° Agencies. If this is the siren 5 . 2 ike tn tes toed bearing bh Lace i #orn again on everything. suitable, and the trimming we shall select, TUE FREE SeHONt, PARTY WecroRIOUN AY who is travelling on this continent for pleas- | case many of our renders will regret the loss i fact it is png ever strictly ad cos whaler, a eaigseed spon me --_ Red {+ the fadhioiable color in Paris. cross-way bands stitebed om twice or thrice. Wto 1. , ure, became soqaainted with « party on the | of Dr. Thompson, who has so long filled the | _ Polled eattle are apeeding into 4 y_ | throngh the Solis. Ouch alte the eunsiderations of bhamanity Paul Pry is th of th i x. favorable model just now for costume de Hauiras, Aug. I%--Tho Prined Edward | on T ay inst. In -- office of U. S. Consul here." Yarions herds are formed in Peay re Tari Sena weee much at present prices of policy. Beek, tite, ivory.créam, and geloted tare pt an ed a paletot, buttoned | Inland elections came off to-day and 7 Gene to inte olty i mes _~v Recenily a number of Bagby Grangera e+ Mf od York Denpenire ter raat. al labor and corn. So it quite often diffrence has arinen paeeen my Gov wreall-im rogue: or woten jastertat fence n hae Man ee path alah md jiged, in ba 11.80 yesterday morning. 'nes Exdlsheen _-- at the farm of . James Allen, The town authorities of ed Cal, hase Bay ons that a piece of clover that has ements eee Vorted nes _] Bounets and bats aro profusely trimthed | The.chapeda should be a bat fol one of me | tee aon Non-Sectarian Educe- | entrusted the stranger, who hed « very bon- | }, D. in _comsoqmence ol cicknons, hed woh be- | passed an ordinance declaring gsr of the | ae pare Jeer for meadow aud another >the reper re ve ais. aidiele IM Tae otevene tam s torch ; party. 4a jottet.wu De Blois and | est straightforward demeanor, to place his suit stacked about twelry | Sommer homey boo a uulsance Sithia- ihe eee ore is own in barkeyor oats, ated » tse treaty of the Oth - J ine. this P gh erred vlish,} are ihe eee U oot et iy Ba os aura coenan Pope-| satelel-(with-- is-owa), in-charge of Mr Joba poe ola hay. A neighborly and brotherly pence mpg eA hota They are de. oe raging pa ms "*Fhas-the mich restes to tbe seubea! currendet « | then ivery gr cream cock's feathers of glossy In Summcride, MeMillas and' Uatergny, | room at thee We depots en | The Detroit Pree P "4 a at) Anata mentee Be being givenrto, the cover aed Umer eee ed aeat te bade stead wg fall blown bios. BD goa Pe att te hie Ge Free Sebool men, have teen elected by 4 | In company they © erst ~ he island jp Lake ven MEF west cs | the -- gna pier Ms idly cooisnw | thy dnd this is all the better for the Iaiid, ta 7 coming ma: of is town, on 4 Sere Sree alter exertion, uf they wolud | we hes fork concn cuentas pr of. extra Pants i wae too und of very ongpte at on a Be about 200. The gencral returns | representation that he wanted to examine ten miles of tho lighthouse, and is | be not to go with wet clithing ee = ore land half the time in restoring dition, are great and obvious, and I lashionable iparcte are trimmed) earner, The deerskins, of the ea tarians, doubttad, and 17 Pree the Custom House, -and-also call upon a indirectly to the route traversed by vessels en. | Wet feet, and if the mol ony pa. How disastrous to all this * failure _. _ tun the hope that a new arrangement wit with cream laces Jt ivoryritk fringes. E avon thi goed thoeed gia, axe -- or men elected. brother ic an insurance office. At the cor tering Detroit river." 9 ein in mar woald os nt oe * t] of the clover is, can be readily understood ; pagel cd'at by which thé matter wii are discarding famuel | sloves of glazed kid. anepeaiereye, fe Mi tis ner of Park and Merrick streets, Mr. H.'s| | Mr. Peter McNeil, of Crinan, sold and wating mneh trietic pre wt rie ta tation brokeu into, bat the be ~ s a stactory footing. athing suits for the knit combination. A nice costume either 'for a i a A Woadertul Phonomencn. now-mado scquamtance slipped "away, and | bundred acro farm, with good a, a two would have Jews rheumatism amin =) The steckic aon: deeply thasktal thet say dear eon Skirts of dark red silk are woru under | walking is of gray striped eer ehtes | 1s mervae xx - Hines called « couveyesis and wax drives | for $10,500, 'Papean Melinron, of Crints, Health, by its Bat pe ction sgtinst lowe of eloww Pr » re in goo | .« of ivory gaazeor grenadine Paris. | camaleu shades. The skirt is ornamented Mineauas €ose ce <ToMacl OB A BR. pag nigh ginny 'estern, He enynired the ante of his farm, consisting of | need aces nten Gn youth te un, i. | drainage at tie Tene tt ii the witer ty th ~-- prcscexe t part of pen sh -- Wales, visit' to India, round the buttom with s flounce ext on the A CARP OF MALLG CEN ATION, ob pap a sgecr My heehee = by a boy ta with 30 acres of cleared land, for | ance of etudying the Lintiry of the wortd } laud thate pone iy Sot. If there a ach has viten ccaston for the expres f fee. or aa much worn in Eng: pet oye ta meena. This (Brom in Saapension litetae Journal, been presented the pete am 7 new «pire of the Boglich arch, pa ont beg ks rat vd snd highs ar prea cary '2 l eee ae ont ead ~----sard = van tered Lea "ne "thro oT ats Lolacd ie -- -appet, draped by a few stitches ; quiheres elt eet ee ae Se 'whe semned tobe in a greet orange i very eat t ag The wa alturiats, bod lit owed the ' | aed very rare cae fl ing vee ebes = dn pure fle power conferred ape sith neal bows, ehosett for the | femee ond toe et faille. | "ite Onnaceivt tthe SL ut Le the frame work, Moes«rs. coos * trainite and good the war: the subsoil stilt hard wie by Sood tion "asstinied € ina ta pal? faille, Bows of bine a --. sine Ml inhabiti pee thief ascertained -tnat be ms rene Siadplive of cotniy i = Wen wtere Reve} fro: aap sits a 'td mh might comes and, tr treenee sof Indie, 4 making, a 'ee polonaises ts be worn with be ue Laurer, een Anes der rage miditte of hs. o heard af ng man She taut ahtce ee tor iors 0 pret | The beat method of tmatetny ears To ' - Pe wi ition to the ancien. | tare been revived, The beck breadthe ~ isi mniey -- hed song ---- ena el a usually they were bf toads | o'cloek--and, finding that he was closely 2 eo pelle boee tay eg aig vig berght-} potas reer at sulpius inne the =o 7) et oe tap roo of the e oO Is = c oan 3 hases 9 desiced. te recor - --. ef dark bine cashmere, and partly of the angio or tape wortns, and voucbert for lowed, be jamped into Mr. MeKay's tower. Y placed in the | 1 cia = tal inact ge on aren ie = cups cael yon wi - a the Peale whieh Tiel f ny York ledice weer the bclv ln 0 clece | <atee material stripcd of twe Uphter shades | stilious ald men' The emt io kent wagon and demanded the boy, on the penal. Mrs. Carson, offSew Se aes cushions pled OE | ine hreak off the tap root. Ay the ground _ sul joel fon fea twist; Hie most elegant Parisians are | Of blue. The skirt is of navy blue cashmere, | pot of that omen. [ne case in hand is ty of his tife, to drive him in = di. | te , Thowas Grant, of tcl pom expecn $0 runs wired one. sensi booumes warm and again free from fr < "a < cavindian D people. ceriting the Materials, wornin 0 tet immed "iM. Sotho ens ae. the eee |. o kine either te it a ease of | tection. At the earner of Maiden Lane and | of ba The tial post the article --_ r weed es we: doar of | ole clot ceo me be Sout dine X -- hehen and order wil bere Dark biye, veal brown and invisible green cnlteed bye with velvet; the last flounce is | whom ke vi i ee poo = ihe oe! tee! pont ee ao aot "ae - oflicers on Carson di did not, Foe ag eating Ray hs batbor entific Americ wo fetes! "| abowe the ground, wiitre the frost wit hewn Seinemead 'hits. Engtiely | 2s a narrow headi tly a re at this ity fonnd that be had ae ah Two-year o : ia ee | Ra ad i |e gt ger ae St | oe teem ey at 2 a aixé, ? oft 1 = Red bows, red facings, ini and 9 corsage of the desk blue leg' be ¢ \ r on" Thne. --_ _-- birds on de place } pumas that ae 'aly. 'had the TeVIOUS seR- ain sal sup ufc om Lue the ation govern pipings, and broad | iunie buttons at the side, and forms on the ranlunh so sbadiveut Ham, | after leaving the corner of Manat and Han | (OP ae this season : ae pete a TI m t -- h od throne -barritorie. m #-revers of the ton, Om. ond is abont fort gan of age, | Dab strerts. the return being generally sboxt two passe larger than oF sparrow. yellow in ary at | aba tex, ond ~ . . sat a sm, dak bine, green, Binck O€ pray: --s We BAS WEG sts an ' cede Sg se cigars Be nat anee, and beantifal » ; ater, and they have most of their tates al . . eras dark bine material, fastened down by bat. pyag o at Clarke's a 6 Crain Wis pon he euthe -- a vpaselne i ks Kunila Xnigs Free States hae resulted ip 1 fashionable woman wears ay aan Pee oun Uf « Lighter shade of "blac. "A trix, hotel, in Ctijton, hoping tpiemive some bone. | bitemeif at te corner of Main street and the reaching to three tons, On the whole its 'themselves to ob! Teed Tlic ta,ury bo clover, in ite eveand Wi a cettiement of the long contro sail gore 4 like wax around ber hips; an | corder commences at the point of this pie od 'the pure air of Niagara, and it was | ¢TO*Sing Of tho" Hamiftir motor vot "Take" Frio } Cbsetlom this sear hes gid better. then Oo Be al oie or atty eke Kint af teote |g ry 'sean er, in - nd Winter war ce of pap ie ply * Sener espa tne Atall. | apd forms a basque npow the left-side. Ati iso thin, epare soya pagar gg a ne peal pn my rer ete pall parooegy trom $11 to $1 ~ A pr een vaieal, ngities | : _ vince of Gr.qutane Shepherd check polonaises med with | ite tanic it ornamented with this same hand. . moe Seen Caneee . but onead the employers on @ from to $12 per tan. 8 editor possersed of comsion th ers. aug left om the soil helps mn in eth fiatsh | clack. xetred piping. tia sida | ome tassel fringe of two shades almost toa shelete.., he rs, Ly the pres. | it mentioned the fact alond that the wt. --_ . of St. Thomas flax mill, will re- | 82d sense, sitting at his table ros aie ot aoc a 7 wal com oe pal erent ion ©: | sockets, are Worn over bh of et Vilvet | Vows of-vervet "tester -down alls Aemetd enee of his horritie com) nen. were alter & stranger, when the fellow at once | °° the pegduet of 475 scree this @asm year out, would scarceiy underiake to _ Js as ' 5 file s "ad fee ton sagan "ee tbo tng states. wirtelr in ¢ ial te th | oat ie pao Veives tab, over the inside pocket. Pn lara o hem hile Lawak, rom |g of yep gee - ; struct a farmer who ia in the fields every day. | water Lan Towed It liberal covering m the intere te of Soath freon. Zatogan mele whiel the Inuset brasted A bieok Saitig Uelistie lo 'uaa tive : the | end belsswed te the ates ee cum. e thief is wloutly built, stands" aboul 'The Whishey-Trialn. _| im the details of the basiness of tari, | Pall , the couferenee in regard to South Afmest Toa ed 'chi bomen, tee oy skirt is trimmed with e pleted flounce, and | he belonged to the Chban a in whieh | five feet eleven in bes stockings, . babin. bia general reading and study | | ; dffves. ip regard to whiel the papers hav |) Paria sted ty A plisse-with two headings: Princess Fone twa the _-- ts @--liemtenancy, | ¥sizhs over two bunderd pounds, sandy com. PRRRIENT BRAKE UN Mis om { catebes ideas. and Linte whirh-are often ai danae lass sida aagg . sirondy keen od tadern gue, 5 bee witiny | ree' mets i feces ys tow ides draped behind ith gathere eluclgred tanie | which position be» mapelied to resgu | plezion, aud candy whiahers al round his teen eurmnee: --] great value to some of bis tondevs fr tf og _ tat Se poreraet $e do. ithe stet--camnot fail to eontribat The cicuaegn cit Th & dude Jgpyet of passementerie and jt this | and-a bad of hie failing heatth About teo | face: he hisd'on « blue cloth enit, aud ware} New York, Aug. 12--The Herald this arian ~ | may come te o alla aeatoin = yvettiement of varios ant uae pape eles robag lappet-is-nartowed athe walat, " i - pan since, he saya, he first be. | 2 &rey duster with « beit, and a black straw | morning publishes an account of an interview Many ry « timber, bit it jam northerly sated, when to plow un- on ---- at trod S16 ee eae esl Sea erabicah cred OP ee Ee he the throat ; itis. tsiame-}bay ware af the neesence of Ure rerpent in | hal: squints ilightly with jeft:-eye. slight with Prevident Grant, in -whieh.-he.explaine | 584 be eu aty--it will not b worl wer? The ad : Apileha. 7 [ s Sor toon thas i rp Bs ONC jeu property-- Par au arm lonbticss of myst af the Homer of Kommune: ece trinameed ebeen ally teal ~ Fama eresug ween th that Sieknede | aoas ow belt edel bis neck. saab ds het talk his zelations with Bristow 'aid Wilson. He Bome ---- ago a factory at Sottinghias | 7ee a thank you for the liberal sapplies yoo a eatin and tassols; this same fringe poes all | it was he Wneation tn Wat organ. treridentiy 9 Seotetrmnr ~~ took fre un the-seeotd thas, sane brazut,..ta.}. 2% Hay ota of app ate asl 'and this ill" ones Loin bhi pebble med Ge Anal]. " round the tunic, and the bottom of the lap- | previous Nepean om about six tmonths Pllc era contained nearly fifteen bun- made in cuvpection with the official . | the a Tariously, goa cwnward at He te Fassia 2a ached DReay wad naan to apinae: a es are RANE Ee «he nang 9 oun -niven-is-featenelander.|-s pring suns wiowity i down od drank trom | dred dollars in gold and Amesionn, currwscy, | ov iesse such en MME Molaves bag though the Hors lay, © var hick ith bot erties =. ark eon rd ariay and wavy upon & proper footing ©! - = + axd fatscv.s Tr} pmmider poltolitins fey wheter lhe "boticed a ich~ and~elrater:-vatnent at £35_| tary Histow and ex-Sqbietar. _ Ad an (clinkers amd meited 'machinsty ido me year Let he mee was arpemys ah Whietyodoad Loeete-}-. Krom. the fall ofthe Bogan Lampire in the | "aun. Faille pocket, trimmed with tringe Ven lnaiee Daas sottte ot "which two Chime Tingy Worth' €57, There Wf OPUS he tierer' asked "for the | DOt Bet downwuhte, Becuiie went PSone "erop; the yoven te theadvance ofthe revenue by th West to the Uth ue Ith 'century. women" end bows. wrt, ant nemo Ay <6 thick as man's Fr eel ok taarhesouiol an New York | Testguation-of the former... Thres times when | °f poplar. The (ardes arly im July, had been ext . --ooreparatea. stagnation of trade compelie: "pent inost of their time alone, aimwst satiety an n ehapeans pao inenth: © notice, subeenent axneving coat very minete: His hed ---------- Tees _ otienle he voluntarily. proposed to. resign, and wag | ~ Ascmmeh-esb detest. dems is debt, { aal ceop ot the mediaia clover Will ma way Minvters ¢ me an increase of tax nyers ~~ ax biack ane 'bat, with a mind that « . leaves no doubt in bis 23 med o Bank of argently anxious to do so, he (President | would no! hesitate to recofirmer nd ¥ nd tore: ond bear seed belore eckd eater. tum, tdeswe to acknowledge the readiness | 'ent abroad, but to be tators of such ai | "0 are at *arned 3 ide. | specimen of tiem "ume drank in a smal OT. ~sumbored res pret al and 21 and | Grauty prevailed apon hum to stay in office. p | The erp ie ter vahvabts with which you have responded to that ap | 'teens ol amusements as the tani | - Chee ts rimmed with vroamectered faille, In due tume seein crvatanen. . 'el Owes Bristow insiwtedt acoeytance or Hie send will neually be worth pot far frou Fa peat, and pt the Same time assure you tha: | be times countenane ed. Francis I. fn ogee of large asters, put on very continuing, th at vnealwon in bis stomach | @ England.-- Hanilton on, I7th, of his resignation, becanse be said he could pet acre. Se iti is dot asaally good no cffert sheli be wadting to _ the ex] "4 the first i A ugh on the left side. advice in Caba, aod eng Ledges Air perear ' ms ordeal tending jew clever in for manere wire it : x | Seo to court; before bis time nothing eas to | 4 bonnet of Brussels straw, with » round | to the States lll ip Deka Brith another discharge or cutting dows of Treawasy real cotta ace, peetpaney Sir aiela Ife : a the ea pe har feOND, oruamatted with «-ebustet of -var00s | amd -fouk:im cure ener aMonirnia nee canaleaze panin, pal fox tno Hhled tne Beistow ; aoe 6 im ; Medan | douers, including Beal grasses, Uue Tells, pe opie ee meg en Thr tin -- tendered if, and fed the date of its ocear. In a city.--Redton altel. her choot usually cut for wo omplete srmor. In the 13th and }4th o- voppies, daisies, and butter-cups. cat Mee ome detess bn with | ieot toncioie wtatcy tirat sor Hatley be would like it to : or ts be Sua aller the : dices luis boen bar eel i #! nels abe L sou passed for the amend ar + ha: A veareviy sny existence. A biack straw hat, lowered over the fore- | ejecting it. Iudeod th, ot Kose reptile, or : visit the United States earii~ oe giveth tea a: men iawe : ~ Sibi € obby abi Fhe. " with a coronet_ of . exnake seemed rat All attempts to induce anybody w try and ont ao harves x jing, wat Terist, promote the-eatety of om fr "a oan nal cot an toneties: wet [curved ostrich feathers, tinker which ix alight. prbe re gree ary " medicine, . being. |-raise Vanguasd having phe 7 aml need, and the tabi | is lett "i iL. nye and scamen without unposing Unneoe le of the fair sex wore woolen under | 7 a, a white Inco birder, which it] of the "wt TL vom this time' he beard | be sais she lies. tall ome that Fall, Uhere will usu are petrietenr nyo the -eomsart- of ~ sag, dn Paris. th ay had meat only threr , combined with biack veivet to form a bow sien, of Par ent t faician, Ds Gonz. merous British have soca siepraetbe ernest ee "eres the prospenty of which ov anes a week; and £10, wees lee jou" at the back 'The crown is vrnamented: with | | eouh be-enrrad ty. nearer car ly the. Prnssian (royernment = natal Gntercats i) SQ. IMARY Ways arein | "fe young jady. The better sorts of citizen: sour large roses. ed for France a dee + IocateCrawtord 'xail-} pend th 2pemiaton tears i i " - mature i roote all being there thé Tain fs a velved. wed splinters of wood and rags dipped in oil, nance gate hencaenly ry trimmed with ' ba he arrived in due time. | yi) be held in the autumn, tor been S ti a 4 leaky dressing of manure. ine tavasaie making aluture provision | netead les which, in: those aaya, wer | * "wath of red geraniums, and a large cius- | the aaa mm, and for ; ' | flowing lett wntil 4he next] Spri iuapooting the clemen sdncution of th | <fwxnry rately tobe met with. Wine was ter of white prumrones ; ruching a white Inte | tan _ af $500 agreed to « The the pa- Accurding to the qensteniy rebarn a i the us tla rough flattened down pis mm woone of great ind) and wil coe atthe the unsade parct w Dipsensiege pe m bg back and then ro- rag oe oi f (hirthe cram! * , vw. and if ph inte a wo successive Parlin | chere it wae sold Bs a cordial ; to ride in| And ne now we pass on to other styles of cos} ford 1 Repth Sane eC nd be Ne aa as ak coe ' or aH, There will be added a conside rie | Sie ireicaar soutien, anges | Stee for te enter ennon fo anwar his Ghat wine opera | or, Sete, ee er We decromat ates tan | iectee eget ome ict Sra ana tg ale ih Janes at school o | treete was reckoned a grandeur of so enviabl- iw owe. alia good voatert res asdeatls steaih- orem at thee: rick of hs life, oie whole matter to the ydgmaent of the country. eter nering growth 5 reas wae shiva that Philip: Sw-Bair- ; barrel lads an smart mb wane pembetaleinr ion jam tlie beyritple The jury, called to enquire inte the cir From the testimony given by ex-Sedeitor ay there and enjoy it ail ty tam» ss lambs the food they bop love. ole bis ation have been Target a re eA ies sivas Or #kirt_ in ts sae horrible "sensetions: lee wad - cow ected with the deatic_ of the | Pee ago : i Joust 1 Bind it ao. Dut yor a rally better disposed of in that ime of Henry VIL. of Eogiand the peers of robe od "wide = ibe as ine fede sume Cre bs Hishep of Meath, retamed a verdic of . i "to that part "oF Wil. seal bored" wiih aimee satis a ' sobienthe Crawfor! was --+- suicide daring terpenes imaanity, an Pe von's weehueny winch charged (seneraie most unfrequented districts said angemenatewhich pou have made ,orne hack when they went to earner and | ed ee ge bodice is very oar all rend: he enife sankehie j a fiorang, tote slingane. . Sabor wad Povten wih concerned in pacer ehoer x Sayfa wy "pb ra wed: wsaitthas ning aud eroipen dy ne efSciency o | © the same manner took them bac! k to tale whaleboned. The tunic is a mere Reed tes "est -- was ined _o 'on The seciitlelads of oe Mas Lester B ! 'Presidénd:|-20m *stanay folie ig, Manse doe Kertette Prine - pens tn gienen, a trivauai of witimate appeal for tue Unite | ountry seats with hoods of wake placed the crossway, sewn on one side to of th. it flashed » | cial Gente. ofa auchester Botan | said he once put « lotof papers rolled up for ere er thie" a ~ Kejdose, by ened atte. same lume the Jin p bear beads, and tn mantles 'ot cloth, the basque, andon the other fastened to it breed that ee ee ainent ply ui he 8 dete nat pial ar aggro pale pemr-mombowe og vate drveer of bis desk, | | Mr. William J. Fowler. us Use mite ass PEE 2 5 vee threvias Commnttine of we Pravy Connell as an ecure them from cold. "Pwrthr-heetr ard supe; it tumgs-and.drapes-} - =r axsmmrirg a fearful re | Sopeeribe mgt ee oe gardens to apd auhanquentiyy tank out, banding | his journal *, utats tectee | Uf jou Joar we base rancly plowed ustler oe tte medi spent, at ot Appeal will be ymod ---- sm a very graceful mannet Thie drapery int Senate -- py aren yor ropa A ough - i ae us | them to bis son, who wa» aa his private h iB, favorite theory of his that thn ' nil crops of clover for manure when we had _ proved aud strengthened, i Ante am sw, therefore put prover bodree not-an-} Esout niet. * i papers when: held in. i se for it, snch w a eid beeper fede thea. Paris Epaniom, : der it, and yet very low down, mince it is | as weil Sete Faris, hee uk uact ae a one moda ported opoe by U. 8. Grant, jr. did not to use poison. oie | Fouling welt econ ace ih - roviding safymarde against painful expen- Beom th Lo ---- }qmite at the edee of the basque; witielr ive} Thy a4 in ody, with his terrible. burthen. siob AUt feaeection whatever 4 monstrate tho wi his the | rintks thet seeumulateon and inthe paents Bpou art aatenate, "J - om the Young Ladies Jou ; very long oue. The only trimming of this | pow Opt ear Sluatever" 10 fe, Taw Stratlond-on-Avon Town Council, by } Babcock with the Black Frday affair. ox mf ex. SM scaler our system sets I fegret that a présaure of other busines ; varly sutamn fashions are wa os dif | dress ie a very Grecian pattern, em he wid mute large --eynal in size to those | " majority of Forth has decided to discoutinne | Gime pot, as be » E Pisumas o9 preere ted the completion of your «Ie taveut. fooms home of ihe summer ad might | uroidered in red sik. The buttons of bla | i. wil. of Cuba---and most of the time | the ringing of curfew bell a custom | Was in San Domjngo, and as fares Gen. is eulti ys to] manners oo everal meastires of auch a pvp ac none l The Tong po consist it | passémenterie, with red centres resembie oder gee nt, t see Pes », as if craving for whieh te tern bere for several hundred | Porter's connection with the Black F: "* e " bein Beige natte, emsiimere, combined wi ih stawberries, The standing-up collar is trim-| ing pains, at walsh tena tio derek tate to Seopoeed 6 ah aig ig arargertong 8 -- id not Sk Oak | art i baggodbe gsr tyemacevtoo: a Bt nite 1 see a a ith | med with a Greeian pattern. The pocket. | pigmly to be b time Ite serpent form 1s an i to abolial ae an ancient instita. | be had ever bought » 6 worth of gold in slimy =, Y t t-ow joriasl -- rite materials for the dean qj sod polnidd, ls ilo elged ii nly. to be seen, When Uus cccurs noth- his life. these many and frequent re- and terminatin: rt exis laawa; We | what & called "warn out, ~ the largest quan- = : | simuar Greean . Bows of crimson | titres a pperse it but ene pater quan- -- Carter, the »enior sain: fur } ef tep will bs required as we the , ----or ase stil employed in ticguut toilette. ot nae ne Mr. Ch andjotbers te retire 1 pat combination with »«lf-colored, bat ehecks | 4 binck grenadine dress in the Pr CE Leatenent Crawlond "he three 'Ts A ' incess u with To agai refer te Mr. John Johnston' on Siting sinc | Seetner send eee rae Oe aeereeet 3 at ee sed ee ' u mi + rm ae in i wl pena *« will ; eae u xe \ . t yea farewell, 1 pray the bioss possess them, are not now selected for new | osing themsecives in the fol pr Al Sg bat little, the stomach being wa open semen: 'Let no "enue saya the fewi d ars ay the er | | state that jaring the a ee This - ~ bpremmeretheceed ag a te sh esnet 'Seif colored thaterials gre very -distingue fine, topmen be beer ew wits ot th the a small gusty of puch emul hfirseon -- Alderman Barrow'as their candi 4 whiea Wilson wae after this date, excepting such a he "y ) owning and managing a large farm, wheat labora and secumpany sou) in discharge . Pleated, put ot, as in American : icate _-- i growing, i " ¥ shots rm eas consolered th erep, r mm ree ae totrne lollteing ea batiy trocks, ten inches from the waist. This cera oa bat whieh seeme to have | "Profewedr ltauusay, F. 8. Direct the Treasury Department, that be did not it the akina are Pog A ae saa | crops were mostly Talead with Pirate _--_ eins ae r vey. nico model. The | part of the dress fell over the train, looped | "rp « gore him thar so rude «| Gemetalot the (eal Sarvey, seit desire any persons, no matter how the | ing seed" potators te er eaths onde | tA the xtentent yield of aly ' A yentiewan of tol sade Qin abit * "rimmamed cK po pac ray up by 8 stitehes. In the ley the facuty wha ecl ba = s panied by Mr. James Civikie, PRS of the poe might be, even if were his own Wa seorching sm after be 1g time to veeupy the groin' came" Supposii 2 3 iF an au nooo plices, bended with énotuer, ce featens ---- front j Davie waa a quilling of Yuk eis st. 2 a ne ee par pt Sania a oe will H shortly ee wo abl 7 god vena ve te of good ali exree: is ae ial ' is an F 5 ciiet 'ts "the Wike vik aa 'Chavon hs Ofties, for the purpose aang & gealogicat i i vai " groan, be won ey 7 ei gc De reeny r Pars : examination of the rock in regard toa water sig * doubts AP ie id best "place, | Pauuwet f sirname and having taixsed hi« The b va iow rt fs. wah an sane | rand with @ bias, fastened all the way | thre piped flounices ent on the dress, and at ye whe: La = in ; S| ie 'ths oon ep | wih eal Free te : the same baflale bees with -- en +e is wpomet m ttle om } iad Seas Ie frets. 'The tant ie body an death, ewinent practitioner | Tee Her. Wilham Kuight, whose name will and phair bat my more gradnal reap = lar m crop, Clover ad a enmenae ii ote nid / ' . it 1 ap s lure crop. Ch q eee . > a ae pitied eer res prover ggg auton with'a heading. The tunic is of the | cases = on re * Mop ot tie most remarkatte | 'who in M the find the at me when gave it finally fee site had storing im this way, diseure | sown on tue wheat im the Spring,and great O..33 J wee i bl -- Princess shape, open behind and forming | j,i, Sears: GHA! we quite agree with | pa "hurch PY "vt od y opinion, from facts and information: | frequently avoided and « vahinble « jaVed. j open n-yard manure were ; pl ao por scion oh plats nee ee poluts, whieh cross one over the other. : Church un Presbytery Wt the & -- browght to my agen 3 by persons whom | --London Gardener's ies | Tring" the fallowing oa the poorer places. in : te r ; lain revers. | Hound the tunic there are bias of bine faiile ; 2 : that there was a conspiracy j She fice laws + twink hled dawagh iy the [ee petautes beter witbans agen Lope ee eat Be mame taille, AMairs tn China. | been elected to the vacant chair of Moral | on foot in whith he stating i» | _ Statistics giving the namiver of tines of | Tf Auinlind was not occupied fur any oth oe . "of & long half ftting jacket without slegves,| trimmed with bows cpm tha lef jlosophy ia St. Andrew's University bis Presidental candidatare, ook I regret the water falling in rain dar he year, are bo | efep, he »enid again Summer fallow the ar ; ba hed Tm not doing "1 bine opt a wi reves at -- -- ride ; a short jacket, fe forming 4 two points at Yeomocs wtios Gr THE wf a BSR A-tucpada.bas les asutaaiared the conelasion forced upon me now that there Fade whatever in de termin ning the bramidity | altes th west was cit, and thus Lids-e acve " Be ray Eecgebth be ive.) an \ the side, a bow h pout. rRRKI NIE xe Royal Laboratory "Tepartasent which al was more thai, -oming srath tn the supposi- of the climate or its adaptittlity to tite } of wheat fre we the same every two years = ung grey ribbons, ts in « bow | pasvue of the jacket is ichunaed behind in aw Faaxctace, Cal Aug us. Advices -- weighing only 40 lbs., exercises a 40 tion ------. Thewe- tables ds an- | amd ty the re mae "a F lover sas "had ¥ A hing ne w of dark -- the space comprised between the scams of from Hong Korg and shanghor loth | horse puwer, and ia intended to travel at the a ahvetiomamis for tand | eown on is) and suvd anne. Ur tank oe light bine ditto, botli sale "att en i} the beck part of two narrow biwe plisses, and fait, stat+ thet Crosvemor aml "aber the | Tale of t wenhy miles an hour, It is formed --_ Kin al One State may rece: duffienfty in cabecg constantly ipereasing ard her | ete. The skirt is of yrs ate ull in| blac bias all round, The bier comes up | Cottman: ers to Yunan, arrived « on the model of the fish torpedo. Its exsen Lodgings in England, fi ; ! twenty Be, |< ye ay le ros Rs. srovite TSI EE, ; leah rivegtrt et abe ib: | Sed wills three Flies Breen _ gare in fromt, and i¢ finished -é at the | bad on the ded, lining been since in Phere thal principles are «y and aorene time the forme such | h wily purchased shee and you pretend yo we ort know "what toll is?" | sine above the hem. Atov ae with ¥ back a few py yn first plies. The | Communication with Sir T roman the | it* most striking feature is an airengine, A Mortd comespoendent writes: as = ean wiry elma asto be unlit for agric utes + ul 'the we piper ihe Winter a straw, hay, breed, | don't, then," Tsaid, laugbing: | fonnces ee realeey se soordl bay slecces bukng to on Waders departira 'trom | Which works its onve peepee of tagiich lodgings: Well, if bote! while the latter will be oatial a sneint and dh orn and oi cake meal, amd a them to the see piie H-seee plesee. ' AaB adhe: si isk of - . . ; a hy t try lod > ' one, You may Mhotleo that ¥ tal b toh < "You never heard, then, aid the pote ae | ray o pair te fe Piped-with-dark- Tas tron oF as Lies HES Wieas oY ou Lage bei Pn et eg the White os t -- an ne, ene via! Points in all these statietios are keep A. lis pom ee . Pplen at omer, be 5 yon never thas | 2! " a flight bine faille en- | iS resturant th say arene e+ BT asta, User a a "ac net ef at cm) that | had jumpod out f the f nan into | Viz how, when and what khoul of weather | that if le received the matkat 5 " on a slegt ride. the ge sone esant ---- with ~--_ bine sith embroi anbety pot etandoto ne = _ Englisls waned esol i! Fi. - be the fire, Noone knows anything about the showers.--A-ball inch of wir | com atu has.ond pay back for # oil cake "Sei SN 4 . --_ tenets ance following : vcted. We do net think -- ono priection to which the art of robbery bath na gent wale eerie aning two or: he beaght, that hd did very well, ------ fui wever pay it 2 RES Siig ears PEPE Ta mi, Wade } » st attention to, sialyl thee a | are Sroaght who bes not passed through the wnethe comprayetion in the mapere, the Lge wet wt tne ne ee a ae parr yee nn ae ive, oe ener aera se eae ee so came Yo the ecat bridge Fetaiased fie tat up of the vanie. aeteie ona of lee are con: | abode not many Wook p< ie the widow's struggieca to hobl the veilover even wit with a oan eel os fat ofthe the SSDO you err go go hunting in Africa" said OF the ect tntelient gamed daly md the water bare hess. oh- 4 Lenton, smd oe ee S at to be of moat value to the ere uot enongh totear it hast mc "Why, of seuss." anneoaly activity in | would think vt drinking. ater of which no on@ | toast to be decent But the rooms were b, . ' "What hind of dist you get?" : . and the "Gus af A there was bat one servant to attend on not when everything is iu a dannant tute. | I Sreraonl Jars "Elephants, iene teers, af bay tall othe Tientsin £4 concentrated... POP aged acchient which terminated | the whole honse, and her back hair was It also aften occurs that the amount of In tolhing over wthods of farming he - The tative tm the Kaytern Provinces is frome ray «ry --. yred sivas ore and'she had to do everything, stig ® ane oe ee be tar im exe as | wiil dwell S nstset on the importanes. of heii trou a seit as Ber - 4 P matel ween Ire i i fires to sabi than pokes ; atl this is ¢ bertiyard juts e fe ' Suda we "ean ar ae a Tong bridge with severs pasar poh cr 4 sata athe ete It must be exciting sport hunt "~ theca of ike "My ie -- pe -- ag was being The pe of her ey tans he a pecially the case in the larger States has bh cori ard raatrare Wt carefal attrition to his ae: the widow asid it was no un. to resist ander p iapels ee \ . 4 daily, « groand of the latter, when | clearl that . extend over a distamee of several biunlrel 0 f " 3 iain who woald hare hisown way, +o she crane Me ' pieats. Three i et pr my ted The Britiah ship of war Silvia started whens, sont by orgy xamed Barrow, Cm eey a te yr oo miles cast ad weet or north or mail | Soot ae : land and reduord ow eh e tall withog canary y,, | * bow mie -? tunic, and . . ag", | gacss, = sdegee anoth- apes another visit to the Corea, prepared ape tages by ag A bateman at | Nothing b i , New York, Hinots aad Kona, | ales i INV Seres, a considerable pari ol which on e toll for every arch, faule ex ; ' mr seek redress for an " oh sol wicket, upon the left | her clean. The landlady hérrel) re As a send rae prviy that Ks le gy sleeves trimunesl bse? sy Ap pl i Bi. neal You tet! Why, them tions i j7t} ihe forts last a ati = "ro. a na ts site esr. neath tke well get almost | od pear shen the roe al me fave srahly « or Ube | wareers newt to raise frait trees on, amd-he no ail to mena al wn dare was Another pretty toliettc faille av oats je Tamra minediately. no cal mm . darted oat situated for fa rm x we sie sal ot ote = ee ee of two shades or Guy aed -- ot beast, as they need Sie tent © Fee aoe _ sonnerd, was caneed by injet tee heat. t ie Moore's Harel. , ising a duns A e Laslie y oe -- mined ---- Liab « ton oan oceupied A poe bg aud -- well kuoewn Kun Epaeol a Roan Conc ~{ demand seis droanant ck te wollen material, Why, I saw a couple lites way. an MPd: nflariated ane he and of » narrow peter fae eat straight | oP on : Taeping rebellion, "ix -- buljeved ae eat repair ot uflice oatof the same tiseae. Avove tsix, fali spring jamb could shake ' r > fut tat-- wnat 'eogi? said the Kouht °e 7 . The ether tiger, he skipped, youcan weeretiy supported Wy the | ical and Veking } aor. Mr the (ail. with a deep founce, edged with bine faille "ki didn't seem rp nal Tease is serivasty disturled by | brain too gchanctively, with the waalanebely ae tous © as C8 a week You'va attacked ayy character; you're aj be frout part of the Bat that an nit we have now to auncuner. bahteet £94, the airerd ren, 'ot 89. os is wt of liars att soandrels iu lore! sereasa, | way of toe éhaterial ; the tack widths have non dam of $36,600 wax paid by hina ta | ciewnt and abe a trsightionward, tag | S| the Storted, | ed the excited visitor, aliens ht . hand is | che stripes Jengthways ; a small pliste, edged up after him?" the claims of the German Minister, Fgtishana, she wns, perhaps, the best be the editor's aye ts "I may, I demu sat- | with taatée, goes round this part of the tunic. | - 00% fg fx ei ty and retribation in the caw of | Of 8 tan fora rucial gathering it woul ne of _commetaike for Be eas isfaction, a sai. a as. he drew. 'back The width tn the shape of & robing, whieh * How, for goodness, Le pallies fe_manen + Here in the com. growing region +e nf moe 5 "Take --care.of the pes his dat as if gous down to the botton of fhe skirt pn cith- ° aan In se Cavey Pleas much land fs with corm cor thvaaily | rate we - your spending, No F > "And hy you --~ itt' rwplied the city | er aide, is entirely tovered with narrow-gath- he wen that tiger up there, | Detalls of the Rarbarsties in Bulgaria, to reeover damages i wtalkes Leake mad at what comes in, il more goes eut you poner preventing a atne under | ered floances, or rather, frilling, eut the how he did roar! It tie a i 7 brought by Bir Ceeil : i shilinags peer a be . ig foyer in making amaney,.bunt, in @ inirader's noes. " iganhe » be he cofrespondent rg - x si : ' ~Paat'l! do tbat iW aet "pate ag fren pe of rece mia ba Béngxi, ' be Anat 3 At 'pate etpetiecs, like mice in 4 der. = [ial by y Aeeoalegrared Wald ; -- by dyop the pieats, raid. which the back= add trim. | ium. ean way |