x - oe - a ¥ ake a : : , é : ae! ote : ae ES as se ~ ~ * : = * F , ; = this © i ' e - bl r the re "> * - . ; oc ----- x ------ -- -- , ~The Spider's Web. SES puemraaates t 3 eee + | " _tntat ih te Comte pot to be my ' ' : 5 * sarees Ml ' Fined te ,' . Tur Cowen tsnat Phe en a tr Ti things ha in on ends Fig, needed?~-mine. + ¥ > arg : : _ "Dear. it ran, "Tehould like to | xb ALS <= The ki phate or tee hing pro as 2 Horr ar tim "tas yor sor dior. The aes. pa ag ro as ero : = aeteere ware ee BOE ping, restart tru f-n-rml--use, where cess, for the reduction of silver Saplaiebes, beners, erties to lve. Heneeds nit - profegee. ibad tr three power bre, > -- = FRENCH COMMUNE. Storer a "He caine nearly every ' : 'ts desired, fs Giie of the latest eontri-' | bécoming very popalar-in Ts ie ag Tapes fw '1S "minat ry blys home seenied ff ; : ' , butions to the wide-spread demand | California and Northern" Mexico, low at ace pee a ee : , ot we 1 - "0 young! scot, Us snftyalleminale "your frie bat a flor a smiall inexpensive motor. Un- | where ithas lately been introduced, | ance and counsel enlarge hope po and stimulate weniasmy arieshen 2 ianan Pidiesrn a meny: farnagy ene ew poe : -- . | us, I mean, The Com be Uke the steam enzine, it has no boiler, best eet t TTY, "means for mie----my life - broken, my t aay. "Materialty Twas a tres rte 7 le " perthoes or "Tax Morsimaank's DacouTEm" i Teck: consented to-accept monet ary help: from .j- . iiknors 3 oa from bis flatés workionr parts, slides, Faivos, eo: forever! Twill only ask 'you to let me ting eoedenan " : as "A Woas's Founy," &c __| help you me oe life you -- choven fn | pit seemed to gro 7 bend 1 there » + . does net ec meet, i 3 west. po to oo liens nt I forgive you. Clement "Dei a vi mont, et -- Here Relae's vokh faltered, and tear? Pty ote haere wad well-be . sr BS Wersanive ee ae eras. ngee. Alter #1 foes "Brest Wien ne -ywne-seombd-tevemb. yerar-4 7p bore 2 mule) And emsblarm siete into. chaing sping. I_wee so | ef weep by aime Must I consent ic friend, i . work "aad Whar "eo -trwe! | te thé omfal sacrtive you: kno off: ees ytemtain ares As ap" or ut iPmasceone Chigicasi -- ameter: - Tae Iwasto be re I would not have om take a hae por migre t me, Matters are getting "Inch Ginies ie 7 1-4 thet ak, wey 'posseer tr tife-The: , ee -------- like ~ Comte an "sCan 'I describe the scene of utler Toneli- aemtrri ut gold not ba Sa rt al ve » ' A ji 3 occupies a T floor oo of less than w: wou. bis tutor sen tee tee pi meee 1 [een . y the | een aned-mise nponmel By a leave bib th pt 3x5 feet. The ensine two | &¥ ss reaches. ™ ae, fortune left ind bie by hie hea one Saniontoos then. 'Fhe Comte went T never caw oats Cag? dl werd all "He saw that 1 would not besitate to by his hie valet, who poem in a tow ec: Hnders. paced silo by side; Fan olf atid 6 cold solution of" hypo- to life. ace i . jained 16 the to his chictens, Tearing tae anole, ii Which | METIMIAlaNces pert und taht not tom", Morvele, @ball Ledmit him, | 2 mders, 4 and} sulphate of soda Isjaissedt Anas Sh tne ae ae a ne least doit f enougt for plenen rare, pics aiabitiou, heiren tor fr upon fy well a =f aania dae a han that there ng fe "There--you will t = "¥. 1 "" = . = icomeche = pana pines ore in the same manner, brome it be why we were cxtated--to ork hve ps drew | heiress 'i ly. ¥ 'es--since I arm on! the test us together. We met frequently, ki moment, of all he wold have endowed bak er beat ae caestan ucher, The subject of SE ttle remark | With connecting rols Dain it © the pt ne cs Rin = oe long _e. well a toe, Sas Ga aaa Comte saw with pleasure our with on my mati ee with Fra psa ever you rhouwe te wend for me.' entered, in boltterous, ignorance | crankshaft. 'The are set | Sulphate ; courret-ther aft lily we ry eae Ss iJ av yh ay, as thongh fimacy, oF aad € were loom ~ when the six thousands year, 1 was to i 1 wrote | very wae of Ronny the rela over "And with that, he lef of the circumstance ta owed his | 18) apart, and an opposite motion is | Ver. uaa te pay is Mca lished alow estimate on it, The a seater eae Seek : med sdiegita t with rahe to pot = aeterh tee Wonstot ; es Sack raed _*Let me ue harry along, my ee ee: admission. He would -- scape a. -- Pen that is, one aoe eohing the hypo-suiphate sola: A man should seek to live | out ail his days, ' 2 "Ke i pareed onto! eo note aol, explain my- con foe bi rex of rah ibe hind nt wi it tia ee : ter wt hoot i . * Tey with all the lathes aay of 7 pone iting to and fou endoes der = be loses d air-tight, and -- tion a soliition of quick lime and sul- } (.5,, by ting every uieans to pes ihe . "offen noticed an ill-dressed, aouciting te Sees antl rote Ti fore ii bere all the Ingenuity of a 4 Feud the connecting rods there-are-no | Phur, made by boiling in water two | among these means are the three tiny» : 'gre wate! the house curiot ely. 'Ale | undeceive the. Then Lappeated 2 woman. Mdine. Michon wax openly wo ited an . fer = working yar except a small | Parts of lime to one of Sulphur. "This |imaniioned al the heal of Wits aele. Wik a gisneed af me with a leer once wiee, | Clenient. 1 had levted to exrn tiry bread, er ; euemy. from that day. She demanded the the my qualities he himself" lacked--for the aure a4 One-ef the | done in the tanks by the ald of | aman denies pimsel seep, forl, and tue aad Lacarted oy aay resag, Ther death: = nace honed Tlett "hi me "ater inge "had. been m clear to me some | WOP°) age prs: pan mane. four times a one aa gro lg yr the Tho cylinders 2 caat' lang oe chen the steam. + nie i gives beater "anak -besty-work; me were rem: wht ui a 7 i] i i r bnt ite general aspect was one of savage | ina house where, be said, time pry mes I coal Tog nothing to rid Rope of eo erie rus Tt Torsitge plots jen served to further. other, ans is provided with a jacket After -- = a running off pe oh i Lge ln -! -- ide and envy; the lips looked distorted; | would be safe and well cared for, It w i payeell of Se money! L was Temsining in my rooms. She reine bebp , eine ciate em ~~ oe " through which the water circulates ofa thutd the ee evs run weil and long if it is well cued. Con the eyes satiated and yet hungry; the fore- | not until I had bern wverel i in all my efforts to procure © ak ay. 'omore popping at -_--* Seritone by the ald of the pump, The smaller form of a sulphide. It 'st put into | tentment aud cheerfulness are the ot) which head was traversed by premature wrin- | house that [ feengnined § Ma Its followed me, | found, to the places wher no more fencing | w' cylinder is placed directly over a | Canvas filters and afte dried, | keep the nerves wearing out Lary z peel coanier pre by ae = theese thon, the ne Tact ~ y ; af: ae That tae soliciting emyto meet ow: ted the foils! I jesteome from the Em- | J} coal fire in a' simple circular | When it is roasted in rie }-iget send Wotnel: think that ti en trea - t wan | on tutrease af Kugrousts ase tradiwecned me i : k , Q - ; - i sleep " ab. ¢ iets res Sop ct oa | aa Mw an | ptt orn |e phy Nn | et ual | Ruta" Wem pe | ml sa a = f a hatars titnes : : sappeared, me? , herformed joints; er and preseeve at accptel esciely and all its lamsend [ rlope ace contanet pig ges crea wi in ern verible nats ee Sree laste 0 andl rm course. Ki Walon has tarwed The counection between the two cylin- fox ci Ts ceasrgesaen Mb and the talline" seiaileiaatiniliidl dias . vereign representatives. One day 1 "Bo T commenced a rieatla' 4 life, bit by Ti my yee Con ] back on your . 'There ders cdnst#ts of a small square east- gent wor! can cenit enenesaics stopped my boree asf was entering the ~~ had recuvere ote . nil was working-a elothes, furnital enough eat m 7 to the Co te, way letter be war next week, my boy--all our peo {joy box filed with thi sheets of bend! it hi afew day's ¢ bok -- Semrtyars, Slecpet, Se are a = oer Sor 2 gt reer 1 ras sine, indeed! jo make cure of i." Clement, | metal sct on edge, and provided | with the bullion Is taken "out 900 to 3,000 Silver In the World. horn of Se, oerate meet eT eee typeby i oss hey lp hak T ever received half what t-| bad kan ar rei ea i im-hie tooth, "War! Then the Chasseurs | small alr<ock on top. "The - . i ie We doe wot hh, t-revrewiere roves state ----- No, oj wot here, Mademologiia de La . acing I Rersed ihe) eee fAtrique will be ordered home, and Fran- | Of the engine easily "um undecstobd. sain being pumped _back iato = Hes, that there ia gueh of 4 fae sis aires Cha colle" - ; _-- °. pare 7, AD chaque with : The piste ¢ compre ssion or_ cold used over . The sil- | The prodnet.ou of siiver um the whole world oe "P hha never iakems wy "guardian's | "yor my story, then he turned to Mervale, and | cylinder Teacenda-- and compresses ver-by this: process extracted on a, OG whiehirose in Dita name, and the nal surprised me, But CHAPTER TV. -- + Sanam, "Weil. it's time we | the air below and around it,and under | Within three or four per céut, of the ae 500,000, im 1854 to $47,500,000 and in hat haunted me most was the Voice that «intents ata «ue CHAPTER VI. ic Ls sg he nine, te Bi cent this pressure the air is foreed in thin = assay. In a conten or of ade peonben estat dae re Tear Ws epoke them; and it was wt something "-- placa llaas Sialta : sheets between the leaves of the re- . is eaidivided a2 folunes: Enca ud poll i" {fis adenaibat-pemantingss earl ward, {Lae tl we wat ' _ ut te de | > a .- CLEMEST DE BOIsROBERY. ; Het ee there will be panty 'of sight-sce- generator. ae conte tins bux be boohda bellions ores; and tt has this torecom- salutes $15:000000. a Dy rc as bt ee ets that . = yoo oes 1 maght ee apa oe purpose Fi as i eo Sastre the lattwe- port of Reiat'e slaty BA ' ret though." ea t then enters the hot it ty free*o all whoare Ln- | Denmark, $350,001, Hissin, $500.10" Aniterg porter's lol 5 ie sted on ne. de ~ if, because, ti would ba been even more " + Pet Aten, b * Z a xe nate 'int si ae ia Tamia. 1 aia now speaking of two or | (ORE Osteen thos 10 which the wt Meu a wely. tinder, and Bn the tnffuence of 30, CI- the . % Fras it was he who had rts acd cay, pasbed bark se it. Fodst ~ amd ge $2,000,000; tipacn #4-000,000, Sardinia, £00 lie rake ioe bie be ' ze the ore before crushing and | 000; Mexico, $20,000,000; Centra: and Soutn Amer: "There cial existence ux the Comte de Chiayolles! trv _ pace he na changed gre doally. He :. dew broker listened, b d she been able Leceaaght ot" ould be awfully sorry yt the heat, expands and drives up so ie sigh iste 7 ee ui never for moment eat its fusu- | ge ie bee of tha Bret Fo p< AL shall romain: me.will | thetic ba ee rears ere reach the cost of working, Tefac- | ern America, $000,000; Canada, groin Y Su Alle def ; +4 OF gue Wumert re 5 poltattke. protlucnhy ANID 0 : ik A ores LT he eae oe States 938, Soe Oe = Lachine te Chapallendinangagediicbe angi ht bobs Sirs ates Thad' yyonthe Gad disappeared; and in its stead, "Oh, yes--1 know; that's always a com. | OOOSE wie est ee ese ------ eT . oe ¥ imagined a brighter 49 owe than vat wel |p poticed a furtive study of my ways fort," 'returned Mervale, emt through the regrnerator to the cold 1873, it ia entumated that bey total pradisckicns u : aiid, talkin Bis by toeg acm. Franeinque's frend fouwl fur me. Th6 | and words, a fenderér, more embarr: pep "But there are others, you know the-- | cylinder, On its passage It parts with of siiver, vince the discover of the new word ™ Come + kate tie street; weehall be freer rootne ce pocrercand. more desolate | demeancr--a mixture of caution and lover- teen in as bis friends | 'he Hummersons its heat and enters the other cylinder, _ fgy Christopher Columbus, hes bs UST LS 00, Ce dy and ina soon we Ka ion of te fae a mre at Mctaen} | like favor, that breil tm me a distrant far | svorred, BM. Clement de Bosrobert; The| , "! knew it was coming, old fellow. Js reduced in volume and temperature, | Snow this morninz, As the honse | ioe the largest source of accessicn ivi f we cidntumand ihe Tuileries the frat " ---- " au ses 2 De yon antl more ee ae ae that mlhe-p arperition in question, being gracious have not got over that yet. Well, Here it taeets the cold jacketed walls | ig very open, pot banked up, nud we ing late yeats being due to the Ne vacte at * orgulteh everything eave | which most gists wa ons of a not alone, She is splendidly han vi hi la ai I ech i ? t 1 : te, the absolute necm=sities of a pauper's life; x tia oD and benign in character, had deigned to ud, in a thin annular | have no stove for the dinin-room, _-- j Asi, Hagen, shunt lay mc ane of you r | endset-4 eee Sean, teva toons tte cat rusty wis » gE siege = Bech ego _disport bis dainty. psrnce in pe.of the Pasar eink you wont ce ou and me, wl und compressed | and oply a small sheet-lrom tent stove | _Iyriceace or Newarar Rcalarleealon -- = Baas =e 2 i ahork "ttt ironwork he hal procured "wallowed ap |) 7 sould bear this half-spoken court concierge's Resi tn aye aad) all ao were te run for trip | for the school-room, it is impossible | er who enjoyed 'ie be beneSi f te we = Ts i eds op iia into fey: | mare-thast half tire serait. sue * ail. aanund Doe See SS M. men that, De Bolnrobert* rater, tttakes back | to keep comfortable, especially our | practice of his: fexston, and had * are! seal = ~ --}-taimed ley: oale +P ithe Uiukets and , = mare said f, =e 9 mera ---- hed sai Madralec et . some of th eiemade pasted withen the a achenars tare being bug | closely the influence of a hewepaper upon ~~ aby TF AEs eraieahle an: " remarked when he was politically rs Sabot whitey snack: a Las } bspemcsi =coeratand: wy wi | inclined: Indeed,the dandy did: not Aanntekant no mere; so don't aa sh rs! it this manner; -the | t + whe » pantalodns, the- pe pO ng a. ne | ware whe Gels ahoat "with you in the = ong = = 1 mate ihe fi wagracions Tale: Tee making considerabis use of { 1 encouraged deen el base ME nenrned Yourse! _-- fis 'stirted by thinks rote ee are -- a coplivn, inees-anbalase af shot, woh hate = ¢ xirning. ' We f ' ia i " iid ie ages who have reese to Nes spapeyy Wt har 8 we Seite ore that, semen el Rect teiad 1 "Bo it's impossible to see her, Michou!" Guildford, did Loran im all thoee continually. th rats attention . courses -- aly ps ge when compared wilh those wi el gene TRE PAT hen tr toi?" aemerow | of itil os? wit) chemwee te yromeipy about peeps: Pi he as one ter tas yl gi, Ta ~demands, 4:20 sencivivial ulling, | meather,Snum.enweah, Pal to, hawt rome hs » dahinyt aerante it gyal den balled fur say hae & * asked the Englishman, akzions! steady tire, Nird constant augrp a ar teerteruabpeteuron upon, ye Bolten bilais, Sena' a etuatezs - 4 ya pe papers then ac eiteole welmntanetyTenenrtoeay- fo se ee See Shontd--sey-e0---fimty-agind.| cull water for the pump and some pains meres to show | How. aed comeynentiy rea ad in = ia ee Ear mane wes L ber elst We ammunend up omy S enplschinents; that may onaly view ee not coma #0 : He's for teria yet traced the fault to The cost of ruuuing (hose eaeties Pe hitter how tocplay thie -eame.} litany aergen eee ee : hie eit P oy we wi nedthess few tot tava... Madeap * doctor and dector's stuff; and ls wast- pn lg the word. "Mad ts exceertingly small, and their sim- | I have found that to awaken an in 2. They. pre better spellers ain dotiue ceili Mu Bay nadie "ry tired to esi Het amt Sabo here at her bedsid to her lovers would better licity of construction, ease of man- | terest i civilizel sports, differ. Ory Sit Gane Am Sentra ai 7 & Fite -- were in 'Gilieng. my head wd "Chen Ft was not at A -caivad the his time up there at her a ates cepted asm wo tell ase eres: in some Spore, bey obtain w partialkvonsedge od yes ae ee real 'that y bende with wl leat ms any sitectitlec:, bri Shed take fy:ats Asad ee, age meant." | ¢ of whic abe has been the | SSCMENt, safety wtvintiwnen, willyune {ent trom their customary games, 1 | crepbym aimont halfthe Live it reytit "th cot. te deChay, pak F Fetitative op stock of | auowered, pag he incenia this, 1 wens bine th an Pernod anything | cen oman isso diaboli- | deubtedly, make them of value to | one step toward awakening an interest | ers, as the newepaper bas tuade thea: fami! + of bttag r fon of inest Sinks neers young tae Kaew that, coma diy, Tohoutd be asked ae mer' dead = thd cally beautiful, she pe do any amount of | PCfoutis wisht: tu lente amount | in the school and its lessons. Ta this | tag with te location of important peace aud = Fok 66k to tweak. te night enane hee will loshin yaeend ellie. di daect erce wiching'er Racetag | Of power. -- Scribner's Monthly. j they resemble our own children; re- | vations, ther governments and doting» aa ri 1 e "ea; = Bat,' eai ih A esaciita.: ; ietoay yi ai tives tearntiner i tp tnkel owe ° via hast ing look; | it. And now. if oie me, we'll go move outside s sient. ond _the play. 4 are better grammarians, for fay 3s ee ts om . 'ou posi Want refere re he tnd ft Ok, Rete. prvi you blind? ' ee en out." he added To Purrvest Accim ts To RAL wOAD groun ad from -ocr schools, beat al jar -with--every--vareds ob -----~newmns ee ee oe, ES ee pro Presence tere forthat, And who inte Eure , 7 oes be. 'dime. v4 readil ley his side dreamingly, | Trarxs.. To prevent the acejdents t , "hr mewspaper, from corinen pare ties ao Sa Ar i Fore " a Rot to take 2 A young mast is ' "His bead dr med forward on his | "Nothing more. He's a broker = j_aervale walk ye ade ningiy, -- Haase "y i ig ng, and wo should es hevErndlacalim ly stg R he a nis Ime ee The te we Fy; would seal alee; othersine styottd pe EH Te and, Tabould there was in ing the track, the plan oration of the statesman, they more ready - noven-vivenacdid aay sco ouch * oat outsct | of course, be at your service. You would | St 84s Leauld not help inw andty criti- | say, rich aa Croesus, to judge fronrthe : vne car jumping rack, the p accoripgly taken part with them in tho -ameamia, i the text, and " etna a Ay, ee ware HOt eae yg Tee ae ae ora 2 Friel ae, Booed them | number of valuable ¢ he's always | the | etree the. Pace Mall has boon devise! of ap opty tug te to cars ® | their spurts, endeavoring So introduce convent onalyse ite p Rarpttoaesilpe rid me, aly corte keeper ie') in livery, but | 7 suppose sof them, Lam afraid, are be os . phan Oa poate Shea = eebolt has to 'ound. In} acen: yor whe' yt wii! a! the lodge.' ; suffer tently charitable (wv attrilmte this oie . -- -- = "y He dove a littie in my poe) oo," pul ia wrinea she tae spiel al and made skews Ue Wke ine which bs aise be- | the middle of the aecccon, a flock of | eS _ eee _ } eR pe be wl ja afewsamowments we | change frte anything short of a | SOS 88 0 coke } Michon. "Lends thee a know--bat | oid. tin the Cham tween the wheels of cuch track. This id turkeys yy peal eee ~ 4 ; 1 can't guess your meaning, M. ne onl golden dus wild turkeys passed near the school- _ partec. 'Crime on your port, Be-ides, you bave Boisrobert, What Tak te v ¥. gs ce i low --on mort. up the Rue ae nt the | runs about two inches from the rail, | house, upon which the wild instincts Tux pecpie of the cagnty of firey s om & Finis cate wave Mn fr ae after shal, money eo meet tesuyghty x aes La sorry it bart you te egg pees neh 'thd that kind of talking loudly é ee eet debates | and if anything happens tending | of our be Abs were manifested by ie Intich in earnest Rhoat the Punkin & dite, hag onl vel henever, x mixaneke.. Vou would sot eadare the > ae i oe il) carivass. They are deterinine) r ; pees arto ete ' Sng R » 3 2 othe | itis {or profitable to have am: thing im the Legis the | tothrow the wheels from the track, " ede; and an excitl ? ; (Ca cortans aioe > para oA thir wy, fel ene obate: my and tbe. | Dame ohn f shoul. among all 4 ser Clemeat "Nolte fipeer et Herlin! a -- with aad oping. - "Kress - tho--rails, ree bows aan arrows Shand a regres sme Vota were potat ie S Bde lus rougis wat 5. to see. my duture sn cory, Mack wulurs, vant gif snd sdicierres Of the street; te seaete sinned the one -- acdresned light of arace fo whom military glory is holds ee heat " the dea a Was at one entered upon, in which, as codaty in Uie Diukin Ba bane al fe ~ bats Pe = ; Aug jaye Biber : ie ' © train to a speedy ~ . , cted, rs were 7 + Frineeque wee spoken of, 1 elt that 0) Se can got yor WOKS We ea, ih @ ow Ie taiie =o repaliive, tient "Rete 1" ell, che mist" Tooke after. Tou h sant " "BGC a shoeneitt, itis "Asinaed, "prove yeaa es ah te wees? oon Pion Mew save! orn ie. . was the-one coe te int ak hei r fancied 1 dared to hope, that it might | tust potlose wight of ber. Her rent ovens an = inners. SteHe=' war some- "eonsicker- = erates Me ss ee Pak ae : EB nd < Bt to , have. grown somewhat tear fo you, | owing, and that will keep ber Bi is looks well. a Clement as be | a great saving of diidiwud frulllag what entertaining and enlivening, and | the measure on its merite. ---kie-tasath oF tar "cle we ikle the Gouate | o¥aeit Tate I ot ~ io By pete Sn slip otk ws el bs saved legos e tobe iriend, near Mise | stock, and add steatly ts Lin » ww afienatt | Leould not deckde which were the AT Till Mr Aleaander Mechescie, M 4 me et iideont y onor, perhaps, stand between Py tly. The Jew' its ue greater: wurtonity ~ the wid turkeys - lor at by, hexe ra vrecbscos rege Nelle Be oop tpt tee | and again Ehave said this ts tage wall, to | sayt" ho artch the better, seem roe Lone ery traitor though be wary | trom and wert soni tn Btn ted | Enns aor ARuTkinge™ fbineg eho | or meat clestom.. He aad bin coustibinuts, Sumimerson a rT. fashionable ee 1 plies. palate uly ye u 'ana ale | sty th Sings of rast; Be YF | the man had yet -ome of big Lagi ae 5 : do not tie a macxrienta Americans, who gave better alls thai} wa y wamedhe "erenginae © aor. en {| chance her debts should be and be | istic im and hia -- Experiments ucele with brush, or the wild boys und girls who | 40 Bot agree on prebibition quill ftom ans the Ruaerign asm and whe knew | "My little tose ut meney war eahapat. | fendehip, tors Are nothing to me now! | goss away, see where she moves to. lea he Wenge ta shout with the r provided with tints si-siew show | were chasing them, Butt wasabund- | He says they are not ready for proluvity a 2 ob . | Love has made me f rect the very mean- | any means you like; but find that out, aper. that hi nei tienes they just declared hy a good workin: more people (han o Take ped-very eee: + -- ent Mr, Micbon Sharaf the wort: fe; liston--you sbalt-|- tet me b atthe. ; Thad with do" that excellent boast "A Berli that " Oo AITAngrinens siplisbes | gntly more sucee masta in collecting majority that they are. ot-bad'that..pale, delat wee beauty which peeves tae a fest unlors now aged. then; | lioten to me! Llove you --you must not | for the t. You go upto her. M ae very -effectivuly.tho tol wrt 4 NLU, | these uuutanod children tuto school | Only $40-edey ad thab-e seems to announce Atnint of negro blood, | but, seco spire sel! and pritiy.? | make me go? Saeey Sage nee if the Th TO se conTiern and it ts extimate t thet. or eet of aegis tin they were in catehing the tin tween Tor Toowntoand = sana Her face isso petfect as fo elicit eome- | ween © give satefaction, ¥ "Ee started wh and 1 hand: I hon. oS The additivnal! stress me teepertod These be Bewepapey -- " ome |B hives Sow utente started np and seigt iy tw beet eryiag: oF Yhing tor od ate "bot : : etten' | turke vys mre quite €%--| ton. Now, let's wee af Sea aa aceeced mare Af ot SE emaptnints manta. ot onder' within, | ee Be aitemeine ebedeten | hort, turn her inside oat, as | yeanee WET bo SS Sundays to WMS | to the ear, it wus! «=i Tifa. part in thi usd ofthe Lowand arrows, | the Glebe 'esd Mall comperion leuk bent feet as to become alinost irksome and dis- | and omeres "+ Sunsinerson | sepeesston, athe n a Ply A see Le you giant to do." . -- r , . os. Fath Hoods being furnished with them nearly = semegion Say if there is anything quieting. She became, not only ny | called with a young Knygilehman once or manner and we be ted ~~ vat peeing 1, ° The richest man in Vermont only Srors om Taz Sey. - Father Secchi, | soon us they can Mor alone, Boys iti & printing company's drestends, friend--I don't think +b Ls twice, and brought me some valuable lace | a sRoine, will you not answer met he ty ! an Toe, ae a counts up a trifle over $100,000, in giving a review of his olwervations | or elglit years of age will not wuiy "it is @ inst special rauway train. , ; oman friend--tmt my companion, and, | t@-be repaired. Her wondering, child- pleaded. the "coat | aharp, com ie prehensive -- on the solar sports and protuberances | @ bird larger than my thumb, at | Tm young mau of the Spectatys stad whe in some dfygree, my emunsellor; for a girl | like yy nade thowe vinite he short | PTT a es yuat: Tw. yea) aeed wa ale -- -- rage ai ont fate Through sleeping cars aro now rup- | for the past four years, stutes that | the distance of several yanls, but, as bmp Sone Barber, fer the parpose ; will always ask for important advice, Beppesbine. Not that Suey ee j swert Isnot what your own conscience > oe. of hn toons pee nee ning -- they extend over about forty-two roe | Do hase sewn, actually cutoff its pao of finding out something aboat the Younzs. 2 which she never follows, at her first en- i Cowate ite Hae would | says of you enough? Fale« to your friend, | streets abutting on the boulevards. without chaay tations of the sun upon his own axis | with the uiruw.-- A Quaker Among the ip fiegeetole pa a annee be fain ha oe = eer fein sore mond a + retry win i an nen "i to an sho trusted you for | It was necessary to M. de Boisroberfs | China had "a brigades Joss before | (or solar days). The average number | Judas, Toungs ; and in the cron pltoo ipriodea be # acquaintes do : tev Tite sadae | 'a e -------------------- : pal to sige taeda ar ae | eth nhc ot ay aor | Srcaed Mead ly: ua ol) Tames ges ec Cee marae | az been A hele manda | Ponies heer" Wahees | NATO wee "cee eenga es -- a war t The mayen a frei Frat Aw , * * Tun witb the mac on . #5, Was | ie it Interest : Loeala qc ak curiously il Thad | mad as yor may thenk it, F ta, eat | sarge au woth é neal que soepation in life thas thas of select. reduced to from four to ten in 187%) 7h. windows are invariably double, | i2é; for no doubt tteontajséd ali the cements been, when Lentered bie room, Sushed mayest? te thei ai~en tues separated: |-su the'cauee of ogee a ral saa, beveve ne -- ---- Dr. Lambert. offers a reward of 1,- | the average Of the whole period belng | aad pic space between the sashes fy | 20eeary for the purpose. That yoong man with my rapid walk to Eugene's lodgings, | even motmentarily. Ste hail news from | not pledged to you. He will not return | fm ana Rintaayra Teaing Be sacri} 000 to any one-who will show him | about ten, and the progressive dimin- | Gocered witha Laver of fine sand, de | Ot ont Again. half-erying, perhaps af sume een vi Algeria, but the tidings hurt me oo, 1) for years; he will never see your face) ity of i Age mS man over 110 ycars old. - uthes being very . 1 sizued to absorlk moisture and On Satarday-last aLing > McLean, of the leaee or perverse t of the scape- could not but re she wished to | ayain if be can help it! have wld you-- | boule. Fi PA Botroberia ban 4 Th Mic' es by the protuberances was 4 Se ties ate and pre -- nome = up hy tie grace To wae trying vainly to reclalen, care tne of a ng regrets by making | ou have heard from other sources--how | maf cha Parisian Todust Gescribed oe hizan etitors have lett tre.. i inastmilar proportion, yiz. ' a me stinks from silvering the instance of Mra a oat habia ald embarrass ie by remarking | them known. Franc ieque Was af every is endeavoring to consule himself at ; agp aan f lance as "living om one's thelt offices for the puljdt during the from fifteen to five. La P71 the aver- Mercia shrnaars hurns of paper com- Mandrel 'te 9 wali to 'ber | ions aul that T walked toc . Onty Mode | one ofthe Governor's balls, ial | {| Algiers, Isitpthes, such biack treason | whey" ond whieh pel ight, be last year. pein "aliget: acelin ft <noty tatuins sultare set in it, and ae T. Mandrell, af notitied by her pot . fouglt a duel about a native dancinggitl | te speak to you of my love? You are 1 rh ire! areeer we ants It is pto hol "eight ge Dumber of proups of spots Was | tines tie sane is concealed by a to do no, hoataran to the pat Such was the xccount she gave. After | lous--your life is hard end desolate, - 2 | pa nage Rages nse J dees ptoposed to hold an exhibition | about twenty-tive, which number was} ofiiess. There are no outside shh which was doue verbally, she omitted to in. her second riwit, Juliet never came again, sould take you frou it, and restore yuu | | Teen ehioptred of ---- sacs a ustrating electric science and its ap- | reduced to six or seven in 1975. The | tors or blim 'ls, for they would' be | form them that her husband was an habitual and the work T was todo for ber was left | to the rank you have fallen from. Is that | ing the course of his flan el Plications in Paris this year. surface covered by the spots has die) gecheas, since the windows as required by law, aud ugh in my hands, as you saw it thie morning. | 94 angenerows? | but the wiis vo, Gal ae In the East Indies th lates t the ininished ten in 1875, being ninety in | Cyc all the winter belng fally this informality the Magistrates were com- the At ila ad 1 maaen he 1% ity ied cae «Francis pre bode you watch over me. | ruined, and fallen out of society, and s0 country are cient be . : Intl. Itisevident that the solar = | fitted iv around the a sex a a kind pelied -- a here ge aby rane 3 rougher ork, so t Th eant he did not hold himself free, * i" son stating a stranger co not have ay br tewed sed fol" Four months after lesy- That manny be di = 5 tee wll ae gry Pa gecesi ay building railroads and coats them -- -- xe surrepes a pa e | ef cenwnt, Heavy curtatn® Of rich | told that tis father was under the intluence sent.) Fa 1 'ike Cera A at cock-crow, | ing the Comte's howes, Eipew 'hat ten real nataral condition is my present 'enn ob t' rth in running order. eels ! ~ | material still further deaden the effect | of liquor st the time he got the dmnk in AIl my fes inery wae fading. The | ger ureant--knew the real prosai¢ misery | and you should kuow me Sah eomagh te po . ap 4 cage ent activity presented by the protuber- | of the coil uperthe glass, asubstance | MeLean's ber.---Driltee Erpositdr. ye viligie git ha {played the 'princess | T had czied over, then forgotten, when for | ter na tube ton tanta truer eh fe great enough a? Se sh An economical Sepunees nitty oath aneea, The puratieliens Is not abso | much morpermeable than 4s gener- | Tux Toronto (ilobe Company thought to bur ohe ile : and tayraet Pep Range on | fer - » ia -- wer was ® | finements are the fast thing» that would oS the "yicher '. prowdenl ps it area at home; but | lute, however, nor could this be ex- 0 guy believed Open fire-places are | 4d a little stroke of business by oniering swe naroyant thot betit mont | tes 20 Be verty, haits Ys aa een : . obtain the six conta is what causes Red, stuce certain protuberances, . : i «be had teurped, ch that ite fig lites nec reenitien 'hee vied and Ti. ie eae many rage : Je nas st => added. "fastest" patrician youths the su: ne : ; fy ny esi. ba 7 'ing it te -- in Per 'do exist they are |* was ae. ft und humiliated me. It was an agony to ask | am doutifal whether T have renlly gained to do with these solar spots, In con- | ahe + Vitterness then, if I did that woman below to intercede for me - vor? Maria Davis, charged with bigamy sequence of this tofnis a year of minj> hevare ¢ pl a filled with flowers me ; diord. It was a poignant 1 could pot t the impulse to }at the Old Bailey, London, was re- paum of aulaf apete which ate truly # Russian luxary, Sains ewmore and more irk | ehane to give her paltry things to pledge thie His plows lad been put forth: mith because the first hudband, be- |" The houses overtiow with them-- | did nut ques like to run two high vaneed; it was becorm- | for a few francs. And whea there came, his 4 ing totally bling, unable to iden- Father Seve ul 'lik hw tinds Herein flowers reevive you at the door and | speciais 40 closely -- _ wien an event that de- | one evening, a knock at w se pone and Eu- that I rx] half ashamed to won to spalte th pore th "Nine tify her. was ' the explanation of Professer Lang: | yo with = ~ hen stairway; Irish om cade ve way fut iw fate put an end to the "Ea entered, better args ed mn Lae lieve them iniplic y. lant A. from overs epping the where id ley's result, since the latte? gentleman | fyjes festus slustrades ; ' inie Flow toit { ed im out hesitation, | a + had strange erect forwart gpasi ingle wb Sk x Hod i nes o "has obse snrved that at pfesent there is adorn the a ae 4 ON every four, Ia (ets! abet let rn Giuinertable. 'Fue. "i to where I wus nitting, i Soke down yy e aguest baowtelge of bis private car bulit for thw ex nee ot-ter peratire tween the entrmsure . a i» " Te ies - seo a as bes eta he R P eget i ee , eb Qt bimsolf; It isa richly faralahed the sun's epuatey aul its nt - | as spread out their broad silken ng, Dedgine me tom that night, | * po . tpeech 'So 0 You doubt my veracity. okie = Si s ; ES 0) Pas ane Sas 4 : ag as he was if and phe, ioe, The Comte ' 'iat shag going, He had come to | y at simplites my plane. Scenes 4 to speak races of person Sc Seen a sun-ehowrer 'ecalied "the fatroskticed, was applied' echictly' to CURE Ts 4 act bale ie send for a doeter, if my indispo- | td gecd-bye plainly to ¥ ~ c rile, trem ualities Fores' Wedding." in Be od England | 1! 5 fi \ their blossoms with the Free Press in Toronto iedere Ureakfunt. sition resisted sleep; and Jullet (she was | ,"*Come, come, child,' he ead, in bir old | what have learned of your rabeveston, 1 becrs of corruzated itun, oF sleet t of tho vornious; Saturda: " staying with us at the timey mn ge Ao skeptical fashion, 'things are not so bad | telieve yotrte 'be pen to of" uark, "TBO / frou bent ty a Peculiar process into oe buttertlies around mp oe Boone age. Spe prigelain Phabt re 'Treally tired myself too much' Fran | wit you. Ite the vapors yuo caught | plain common setee than 'stodied" seadl- opie per devil wil a vite witha code} ternate semi-cirvular elevations abil | crystal, -- porcelain vd a: cimjue looked strangely grave and wee -- os = " ere Rd "nt; after having paid homage to " pomeneed of | els conn aml this soon became ex wrvuy cht ten natin, hed, be garret: oureex by a preliminary employment of Practical pete ly employed for rooting purpose: . "E locked my bedroom door, mat | And then, looking round the bare FUN the latter meané, dam glad totnate the re Orien- | of ena gd a eretgiaminle : neclally ri ralive, root which shaped vases uf Japanese porce of the house unnoticed, and Sonal a noah he added, more erioly, "Dut ye Why.' 8 | former, which we both understand, and society béen the yeopoms! f 7 reo bréige over the w ket then beginning iA be in Hreat re- Bohontlan glass, placed in atthe corner cf the street, I remembers: ret, with a ve! what | with which I, at lenst, am more at home. "the Ohio, connecting € soe einer with Cov- | ¥° : 7 * tes nie ' nd ; ofa table or at the corner of a side- afterwarde thet enotet eabtian, whon t ve you been doing ts » your work good "His mauuer was ay and assured 1 come and go ington, at presetst priges of labor and i leo plies ey entirely boom omen board sjring sheaves of superb exo- carce " fs ost & " wrsede hailed, replied had-beon waiting | fr pote! i a child's roa Kwan | S0Mld, scarcely identify | thin fea lect in the pet | M¥terial, at $7 . sch Seat and eteae, the tnumense #. And all this floral x! Both routes are good ; there ie List voiced cynic with th '| Here, 'saetiy tarp hems for a. "party of emtwviderings it was one of the, best fallow Thad lath woe? to rarart nd be: ? weight of stone nevessar giv aps : : i pA mtn not nero but shen Wfor work. Madaroe Michon found ae, portocr for the tite ke the ld | Cal. will not be more than one' al roqeired projection bolo ot ote the cee a aig' t bel erent at 1a sopertcnd the sucess of te tro ene aioe isereaaed a7 ne, nati the |' fore BS cam de, Steen A a of Ww is just the as large as last y ¢ lamon crop | principal ubjections to its use, while the tr ' HE believe yourself ia Prives Will depend principauy upow the activt- at ie Rep han a days' labor, ae toy wi will oot ae me amember of societ, is also . yp woud from fire besides vw ty of the two it t h : pacew. fuffering | val softer more than four franes for J" reside. A soberly be fast dying. the megvest oust ~precludes its employ- a wf tickets, The » show the ex he ite. a ie "Why. tn rotting yon ta thie way! de" Aambre opened 170 { 16 planted in @ cheap, durable, and sab- BXCAYA TIONS; tent tq which railway rivalry hus been cared re Lh ae Ce a shat -- ae boar Bars oy mt gira Are, | Jean; L hay pif amy Ag Minnescta during Hog rth -planting stantial: materia i. Then, too, the ab- The success att ending the German pn Ren Jodsien for $4 is curtain § eu "snot one in Paris who woukin' '- ¥ kl CCENS BSE here "iejeenee "yey 'ral fifteen francs for a thing like this, the bout o tion or eSeniinacy seesob, by contestants for ye -o re pr ge of Pa tewctiptlon 7. Mabie, | E sate oad be Poth rs 7" i cori ts ae tee br choven and miums which had beca prone Popes A *-| isfuction in Berlin. Oneafterthe other | 8 must be rather . ia , to it ca vai by the ea "1 told bim what Mre Michon waid, aid not brilliant. the ones. | those planting the larsest soaiec amie white ti the ti f ly adorning th Tus Orittia Packet, im sme Ds ny a PO the ta | Haee OF fire is Jia. se ij Some men are always lucky. A hun- | ble to split aud fly y patos' its cost, oatiedien, td prt sey prdreshemes ak. wt pay 5 Oreove several times as inuch as a with about the woods recently, discharged his gua | that of galvanized iron, while the lat- aa the as of theearth. Nike has oe white cap the ge rn peda | to clear out the barrel, aud . unkaown A parte hace out any og tone ge K olerable or kment Bor Top to him a fine buck happened. tobe in Gaality of stoues that may be. em- of meee here; Myrtellos evil ver" to the ity. an the heart, The eabentalinn is chiefly due to Prof, | sdmi . Curtius, who many years i ir a i a, Tet Ra gry I pee be ther Mot hat water ad dy pes She ees snd end ehies 'a ' 1 peony think Iam in my room lee poe pi * a m1 . 'Amd that ha! i Gan ft tain will be . 7 e pear anend, and you are indebted wanting you te = wankioh dusk tel hang, hae tuck respectatie, to AMdine... Michon--niet a very mild or him Rte ether ete he here. in a ----_-- Me paid close attention to the ac: ago. ingist-. rad more to : e * al oun ts. year landlotd, Franeisque will * ed upon an expedition being sent to place, how or ; aver ro ees th = Bo n of 1870-1 uislate tions of the car cement. Hie heard the virgin soil of the at Grech Eee ae : Pye : et wtead t ; that the Cote 'will open hi» arms l- and. nnd do . yn -- vet ~eagpeamt Bases my er There, be good; and aor ky ton cs "Gini. and T hurrled : oy nraitaeet ? of a Poli CHAPTER V. arms, : se sat = teplied. the : im Te t te pap Ge is ~ "| ofthe East, will be.a proulient: fea} scrangee Tonner aek,- thought ar I saw A woman, w! or thd ee : and i eat vgn aed = . ' J atSt, Petersburg uext sum. | to CF ing hagas ply EO : caliper. Sa a hers set sae sinc have not | tend tat rope pom Busts hane eset ipwerntes of i foo aaatees ae Le Ee teenie {emer = ne coms | Jas ne under construction: the Inflexible, i §¢ af |