Stratford Times, 30 Aug 1876, p. 1

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Bh tater Times, ay. Morning, > Terms; $140), per annum Invariably in Advance. is aa ALOK ae WOOLEN MIG Tweeds, Flannels, Yarns, .&c., FOR WOOL OR CASH. , The Stratford Sines, ~ AND -- AND C0! ATY OF Pt OF PERTH GAZETTE i. ?. '. BUTLER, Edit 'Editor and Manager. Sraarroap, Waparsnér -Aeaoae Siew, 1874, Sti WWE are civine the best value in Strattont in | the AND COUNTY OF PERTH. oa cere Na saan a STRATFORD, "ONT, : WEDNSDAY, AUGUST 20/1016 A oi canramcnan tS ae Woorlstock's rate this your will be 158 * ecatinws s"* Ir is said (here are over 10,000 pares heads ¢ "me dtied--no ee 7 at the Ceutennis! Exhibition, How long wal it take to depoptilare t them with « solution af. a of thi The skin of « mm eat by rubbing the [ruit in the . tion i eball of ee to be Viegas. To Rewore Hrar Srots. Lets soe; iwu't Mr. Cropian a taroue ounce, ff a takes bis podawith a" stick." in it taken active | in ital, permaps, ve detective, bat thom whose duty itus te ring he marm whenevts "Spo ltuspills on on the dollar. wack CrRtaixt.--On other? they ea. Tie bode" Island Temperanes Uniow has es ood water, = . ay 'three prits of water till wensures mm Tegard~to the introduction. of (muck aud polpy. With this and en ia aa, loathe Sabbath School anu at od beak Tas Uamilton fire alarm system may not sini a eit pounds of Boar --_s the | cae vee had been 1 : . Grama --shonm --Cat thick slices of broad, thd Telegraipa snmounces a fire make bang lip cide in 44 Ot it res ors pioney ye sttooes fully made without mone) es tag tp jremsed wit anilicient butter to Bodiaab 7 Omevet, Excritext Cozx Mevrixs--Two cupfule 4 yelow ludsan enpiu: of four. FO of cream tartar yl ne ia wo sit te oer "aud 'the saiera- a ste te - co ged * effus " "rapper with tue national sin' see aa a ad wa aut, und take in s bot oveu about filtew aeteates. June butter, abd to keep up the sappy ot ik | easier to do than Those ewes that bare ro 'bunselt th and al one anauafacte ring industees, swvilen'| bul that = the le were wholly that every animal is weil sup; lied with yure water in abundance. Ponds, sloughs, and foul spring holes are not fit to supply tock sate, ant 'welia or cisterns on only show nao JR, BOREI, ry Teiation 1 to the pre notion "of tr Caneda and Austcala, Mr. Morris in April next : large qua o- di Meul ty be Well represented at Sydney, and in | NEWS OF THE WORLU. "Teede With dwar AE, YooTELa. Mortttagy Aug. 23k meeting of mer- cha ute ant menutoctarere in tbe Corp Exchs nye. to baat r the views of Sus: d diawn to © Fhundsipin, and o at eng a ired 'oy xastrela roan produce oath roel aonb tages then in ds ~ Turted Suites, He stated that the} Jest as cited a found Canadian goods from 30 to = per Peers) "thea ae oo ged tho Go SAS Se reriergs wads pec eugesed_in grain and ': wk its He uuzber of instauees fn which ld Lad" fo © jad mianyfacturers should He prusraut vxd that the Premier eaid bie phe, We the: wy pabetvrn being enrolled. The membershi; the ¥ us temp ieGes i giver ms of of Temperanec, 11,008, British Tempiars, Lem: 1. 0. Good Tem "Posner be expect of along ha Os the 11th inet, a man, named John Par ily © scouvieted at Petrolea of drankeunesa aod incniets cunien, and under a by-law of the town w 9 vel $5 aod $3.75 ensts, oF aah oh thee ey 4 ee Ls sian oes thinned out and kept 3. As son as the leaves meet "An animal well summered is hal winter- animals to be fed od," ef with sey tara every pount of flesh made now will cost but toade in the winter; «fourth, or less, of that --_--_--_----_--_- Profits o. Caltle Raising. The --_ arising 'from the oy ot Texas are movey in pastumpg stock 1m mormon. Ne Alfred Smith, a ere y shas realized in the purchase of other horses, snd by the pataral increase of hin stock he is ww owner of four thoasand head. When in day = i de rae of paying the fine at 'coats. ed, the Variation shoes pg He chuse the latter siternative yes oeas | thas has been addod, or to what extent it Shes his aITi¥- | peen skitmaned. = tar wtey aa taing: sens aan Mee o's och. be low prisoner A est nt ad aot aoe during the ies _ An in ly Dr, Mac-ean, gact ---- post mor- tem a revealed the fact that the tuan bad ed partly chloral the want ot proper nourishment whive labori_ vietum by v Some pe -- tue effects of inquor. v OP pa i fo have takin places | tn bast which had- stopped ite aeton, asa i. 6 core chet im accordance with the circumstances, at Ee nee, tt Oe Ta prehghenmniy he officiels of al. the body, blame in thie matte: Deceased pel, wad pane by trade, and * na forty-five yeara of | meat with He SS dri: hing heavily for aboot thive saves beore his death.--Saraia Ob. | @f the patient ener ee The Liquor Law. = startling fect that there is hk drexbaunans in this ete to-day, coment to} eee "f the pottce reverds, than there ever was before. "Wi Neeeanede var told, and ss Toronto | tie dane penne hyo? nna a om Did be 0 hypoth "You can a w forme we, wile tet the Liquor Law is dar meted pole ine ken. 18 be «aid i these -- i UES "law whicn a ysivnatinnay eroben | Tan Se 90 ber chose EY oo tetrad. tan teensed tonern: "Emeline, have you got an: hove 2, a tee 7 ; end the oo! oon ® ths refore, what * " that of aniicensed or tte» Seeger Stat eae the whiskey curfew ou t. e Spices ® What bvth thers grounds exit," Any ~~ ao wsinleg say on Yonge, street ay deck aod on Saturday night will ob mg serve bee knots of men bugaing af the | ye which are, enough, fu the neighborhood of + OODS. ' take that to be proef of the 5 = 'ff | i ¥, . E 7 fir i Asotin dwar in: bya Prominent baz @ that "Old Smith" bad realized half a anillion by hia faith in the stock pasturnge of Tease. omg Sheep raixing is said to be a source of snrer Profit ther either horses or eattlc. A great sany of the capi eee tarty ne thane aboep on the frontier when meequit erae cate da and then give them to them, who pays ail the expenses and takes salt he gress profita ita for big pay. Mr. Willi One man can take care of two thousand The « o_-- themselves every thrve feare., '~~ a wired © Rew the inter except ae tifuity "florded, aund dud the mild climate preciudes the housing. ~the-erop- $i conetsuesly heures lax. eailotion, that miil- ions of bashels of wheat must be--iost, aad weed next,.2y lok fuel... EE The saloons saloons keepers of Virginia City have formally r po oy e dane ak te sale ok SE Hite iris trade between Cuing and feaatble by the imposition of a differential duty agaiust United States, there would be » fair prespect of our merchants opening up.a connection with Austratia. A vote of tha: Pot Te ialboer alet | collect imformetion respecting tbe induce. twetits offered by Halifax fer ® Saves line of trafic: Wir Fe | Other goutie agen expresecd their wish to | Open ip THe conbeetiod, Sid antes Mr. Storristar ) qtreetine anboth SOUT TALES Com MindEN- We wre thet repeated rd be , eThime bee wn te ole t step in rer) directs 'he ifa Witty of goods was seut to that far ey a alunce of freight to fresghta airy oe bad. said that the which }-of whether any assiatance could be ¢ from the present G pul}stor ef SGafridian trade, thongh it direct der Morris for his wufo-mation, and a com miftee composed of Mesers Tuomas Work. wan, HOW dyes, aud Ho Shorty: appointed ition att to Ottawa to a upon the Garernment the ebeouraging trade 'betw een the Colonies, and appropriating a sam of oney to mies the expenecs of Car adian | i<eioners to-vieit the Sydney ex tritr'tion in charge of Cauadian goods a= The Best hoate to Europe, THE CLAMS OF MWALIVAX FOR A Pome Live OF JRABNC SITH TL Rare, . Halifax, 8.5 rng #2 Tse Committee faiwaer, vail be more than compen the saving of line, the lower jutes of insuranc we Teunced rte of vent by steamers and sailing veowels bry sce tv bope of perkins vert Montra dur. ng tl oe sorumer by mir, ty et ideraide purtion of the year con tion may we be asst ytent by sleanvers ant b wéliing vessels calling for order Cuntpering the expenses of a hen ip of (tons af Mon- minittcs Bad. m. ting both: port to fi -- thereia on aoe of 1 hha i t i# it fi PEE FF : E r B < e E z Led at 50 par cent, less than ot Port. The Domnsities call attention to ~ foandi- ties offered by the lr more jonial for thi the W img the produce and the veragatee etures of Oh. tario sud Quebre for the production of the West Indie I-lande. sees a ata Bia ANT IN wUESS i te a The "British Army in India. me facta" ic pluon, is certaint Bengal arms re we on it comport of r 29,200-8,009: ot 1.900 Jata, und 5,800 low caste men; Tarus- DED, oe | wumbering 20,709, and inclading 11,700 Sikhs. 5,600 Mo- ~~ 3,000, Brahmin 1.787 yw ond 310 Christains, 2 is wort The Manchester Examiner ond Times spe: many: 'gen this 0 Sdlains aud that pened | in' the 'Sriuah Wherevecancies are the ankin f their rerviows gratuitatt«ly, collier officers are fol ows: ander aati re. te uuder Ali Said, had effected a janetion, on jplesineta. -- AU Reid's .y repulse, _ Pog Sighting do! neaday.. mf ag ii not ioe hen eo a ays the « oftorts 'of friendly Tho Turks i the namber of 50,000 were repuleed if raoenmna ney early o the Canada was made we erat, hare: rma which t* @strong argu. = favor of tte tathis return, preponderate, their namber im the turee army divisions being 27,900. [ee Affairs in- » Portugal. A PINANCUAL CRISIS TREY ATLAS Lianox, Ang. 19.~In consequence of the Sasncial etisin, bere was a geveral ru terday, atid "they were oe ed w Soni" 'thelr doors. Several wilt payment..._The bank of, Portage: is also cosed. All the « oan ) assets in exeess of thelr liabilities due to 4 solely aroey scare: ty of silver coin, cappeien of which are expected from London, snd it is thought on its arrival the crisis wijl terminate. I is wapocted that an officis! decree will be imortow grantingadelay of two months for the payment of commercial mer Lasno» aH 19.--Private tdvices re- ng e trade with t Indies ty cxonange Foe ak wat, Ang. 23.- Testers Fi three | the direction mapley Ss | inatz. No 'fteial account ¢ of the result gine: caaecreeset. } port banking imstitulions time ta noma ex } thie port. beat course to adopt ~~ Liquidation: 0 ever, seems tnavoidable in many Loxpox, Aag .~--Tre Tict to day Ontario rita the Gracd Trank. latercolenial | jeu financial evlicle, says 4! oon rice iaiiways, and Haates, wortdaenek the Eng, bam Pert: some agalerigimated un ew hes tine than if | Sang banks in Oyorto, and is 2 "rival of lish market mu ten days v by the usca! inks and cara) rontes | in May last, when some weak to Montrenl and thence to the same destina- beenke were seciatel by the stronger tron. There toubi alto ben n large savin? it } thetitutious (overnment also ad- ipeiratice be committes bei T we that tie | sumeal meaner. The bids then discounted ereused | cost ot Lmmgineg the Fralice hese bs } te ie aggravated the crime, and ba all the want of t tumber Lanks were compelled to alien. their doors It is ex peeved oe s Posi amount of sov- ereigns, mw aad stated, whieh has gone 2 from the k of Engiand, wih restere eovtidence th the May crim tha Gorernment ii but rate of exchange tempted it away, hence its scarety, which the baoks perhaps might | have prevented by zolmaperting goll ten dara ago instead of now, Silver is quoted to day t Glad. Affairs in the Bast. Lokpox, Aag. so --The Datty News has a epectal neta, dated the 18th inst, which ae tes that Geewal Tener- he a final stand. The saison! of 4 inatz is -----: Aw | dewpateh from Berlin tothe Pail Mall Gee ette saya: --It in stated that Gen- eral Tchernayefi's ; repre of victory have changed the peaceful isponitio expecting a fayorabi- change in thg povition of the pecviaah, has abonded mititary efforts. ' that the Porte posses aes ng niable proofa that the Russian Con- inetts | salar A s have ing the insurrec- Fearful Explosion. oO on ie Huigaria." "Brranior, Aug thee Cobsaet a he a here 0 on yar last, peace | C party sppears to have gained ® -- torodg! yes eder ox, ed under the most extraondin: tanee It-eppears % at the time wed, rome of thd men were emp oyed in basting some ock and that two hows been drilled rier. Aliaic withokt think-og of hia own safety or taat is (OWpaniona, inate iit ote bar of iron that wae Wot tipped with eop pet, at_such instruments shoud always be. to ram bom powiler, which was not cov ered y way. While thas employed, Maxim Jouiotte, another laborer, wax ha pry ean. Wie explosion immediately followed, and a fame he ° | abies of passed over the beads of men seated sreund the other biast bolo re ferred to, « whic foturaley waa two feet lower than sp bape aploded.. Jein- ' ye * ry pres a ip a bagk leat high os and to a distance of Hn feet the in which he bad shaseehites- hile = lair_wah thrown | 4 Hoth men were Sanday but ease Use 'attack, and rewult of the scoond | gangs \y --_ ia. wot a knuwn. Hf they take the highway to Helgrade, (reweral that wayell has 79,000 men, bat Kerisa Pashs's ef the $e. Speen 8 éimiot 3 wae it is ore rehended that thee cage wor mae Aug. 22--A Reaier "teteprani- from Semin eayp 40,000 turks, ag Pasua oma: ng, met the Servians ween Supovate aud Alesinats om Sanday. thes made several attack were patel feloau repulved. One wing of the Servins having successfully asaumed the oflenaive. toe battle was reramed on Monday. me Gousttered probative tint fui buck to 'Alexinats and a decisive battle will we tough, there, the Servians win that fight the war will be comtinued; Uf the Turks are tietoricus, Servians will be wiliing to coneude peace. eupied it thet the 'kin fesmas Vrexna, pth A special from Bel] a the Pelitieat Eonresponteace states re wae were to Servia to dey Uy the of Exgiand, Fiative; A and the three great Northern pig meg ng ix a es ready sarge army hes been Qeinforead by YOU men. te a It el he vt inde Milan, eB Ey: A Tathiah _-- devpatel, frome Bilao tt prvasnh i secmant ihe Servians |" talents their position, Coxeraxtreoree, Aug. 23---1t in ive- ly stated in official quarters that Turkey bitherto bax made no male toany of the foreign rep concerning basis for peace negotations. Viexna, hag. 23.--Intell genee revived oo ar patty hare finaly obtained the arc dency. Besides one ing Col, de eter te Bgrade remem ht war, Gen. Tctiernayeff scent Prince "Stan despatches upder te.regain the lost drive the posi 'ka completely cat of \reblond and to carry the warinto Turkish tor formal The Prince at length yielded, and ordered Lospox, Aug 24--A despateh from Con- staw! geavest fe 4ssbow anjouues that Gor... on saaade--by.the cil i ig aan AapoR. | me men fas cwsemact be se wo months, gun coquentiy she considered nerernt A despatch from Balirede ss the Tarks yesterday ma! a erp orate 5 petaehes ca of their strength. vrai Heian off- cers were killed. The Tarke albo lost heavi y. being exposed to a cress fire from the en- thonebmnets ts. pman Tehernayeff, who ed in repatezng the Teri a 30 The Turks renewed the attack this eveeg = were repulsed along the wb Times Vienna paich exp' nina _ Servis Foes d in scoring the good o by abs the F 'owers at iehade. ~ usioned by the semenewsneey ot Me Sadaceare. who fwars being exposed to the whole force of Turkey im the event of Servia coneluding peace. A compromise has consequentiy been arranged i nenceuaner via Ww ing with a Setvian force in the same neighbor. needs: Le : Aug. 25.--A special to the Stand ard Lem. A exinatz says General Teohernayeff an. Womuoohag, Ali noon Twenty Servian battalion» with two batteries of artillery passed through the valley quarters m was the farks, who went to meet the column, The Tarks held ry ar li rviate were superior in nu he losses of the Tarks were heavy. Nearly all wounded. The their officers were kil or Servians fought under the shelter of ca - por but at six in the evening r zinatz. Their total loss was 1,000 Mited sont wer noided be" Terrible Scenes In Balgarta, The Daily News correspoodetit writes on July Siat:--I have jnst seen the town of 5 i epeenaaltng the town on a bill there were _Kanavray, and we found on this spot amumber of shales on, ond ve gha tly heap of skeletons rom the saddle a epg mt ys Gus ei ccemial r Too survivors' eats have boon tabems. bp by the the qitestion till quite sume of their friends, realizing that the cou- and | measures ' ¥ were tour uriles south-west of | Mr. an big a sp foreign commis- they, be tend. iter eae pn re Pe dah | ee " - 5. $6.05. birch, 95.25 to $5.75; beech, $3 to $5.25; nomena vamar -- le. - Fae ienaery to shiat ber wp in morose Frow the une ef her contiuenent tit her-- tenth « of pine days, she didn't ie eat any more than one ounce of 4, nor dd she drimk any more than ome pint of water" ate the editor of the Milton Champion OE Le ek eee. last, he had ti copes f mi gent about ears of age, wae bal in a fever of excite ment, an hi 'Was to arrive reeentiy, when = were contin their negotiations: They were married next Wi again tact the juvenile beidegrodes; afew days ago. he seemed to be the ha: _Erta. Sensan, col Lie farm in Mersea on the 25th vf imet mon his preliminary examina- bes in pre Reve ou the Mth inst., ping oe evidence of Rensan's widow and at of Was taken, they ig Withensess of the ocetwrence. Thew ee ty gy particular, and pas si Nery, d ce ie ete liberate mon he Poste uon he seemed in po way penitent for the . rs rf ary --A the Porte is er ape "thank to Father. Balsoy, .of.. apcot Tight Rev. Birhop . - 1 Nan Father Vindsor, Ibis erg: = the Goverument famed deetded A report is current that one « iy G aig . 4 + hase fallen heir to Ped ina aailler verdiet than that of the jnry at the inques! ao" Beleville Intelligencer saya i~ "Wo tre shown a specimen to-day of a vary fine fromthe ~ conte . Maron Alone. This shows that ths stone fom eee ae steal credit is dae to Mr. Kelty for his enter- Tho Godereh Signal ia iene deat int insurance mon that there are eos 4 ; Borthless ances $ 'Vier snd bikin is. "Ther . oe we) travel! an di wherever they can find ping 'oe z . $hems - rather - are to RS than yay a = ph figure to be home re. ~ appli eagent, They represent companies Serva, porua. ab Alege, 2 seme of | the Servian beltatets yok. acy tea a ar a quar: | fn, an Al chor tehed place. stand bg and has oe ~slx hyena devel ret rela Mr. A. Johntson,of gen, has ue st retarn the Loe Ve He = g mn ble ! - ¥.. Ficding. ose ry ot the Toromte and i , --_ heads, and feet of children of three ered Tho we followine par have bee et whee! pad hat have po sicaee: generally pe mu -- Ee -ach a concern. The only moral th that = be ci awn is to avoid these stragglers, conf ated dak decal | . Leas Wace Guiborne 5,000 tbe, of ite ritcame ye Phare nie as ize bave boen waod for biasting purposes 4 | ss itew . «pring: Tee Bit < " . eae are ngs the na thia Hee ay 'TY : iaiecliientttiaaaans:| { pe coe vet ten md a tent fail aod sowed if sith fall - 4 arg the gr vind amounted to $0, the 2 ; tends -- tw ant sie ore : to the thresh. . = es ran opie $10, the whale cost rinsing up to * own time, w revs emi doliate more. You may imagine the prayers of thet poue- tallow, alles gating turvugh thresliny that crop, and tm as 8 terut of lite labors return of eight hutsheds arm is trac, peverthe! He i is tiok at a g ct aboat blessing that ' soll sy ne alunos a. he w to Mes pie © Greeley's young man going. West. i her farmer threehad two iv alee ot er wrain from two eines avd fifty shen taker thet: <a, British Items, Thr petitions against rr ened i the igmedt ing | owe of Commons this seesic 'y 146,889 people, "A General eee itnecta take Pisce in Paris, at the arery ie the Tail. res '> _ frow the 2 5th of Anguat to the 2hthof § tember, a < ee * statue of Mr. iu tras wane ---- poll wey - subsvernte ts the fund 1 for defraying the expended. F yi & = } F ' 4 ? use of abe with £20,249.618 in the same wheth of of 1875, and £21, 142,062 in aie iit. > The debate on lay representation, im the omar renee es unter pejovity affirming the rae that mma 5 | the no ae e se ht to be etmitied © ther*repre a ay + 36D to 49. ; ry iy reported saya the Berlin correspou dent of the Puity Fetes vraph, that the lieal dr . of the Emperor of Rustin ia suffering in cousequenty of agitation a from the = bd presure pat wyam him by the press and by the publee voice to make war upon - Turkey. These -- however, to be no fear of his . 'aaa 60 000 and 76,000 gallons of hey (saya the Liserie® Reporter) are tateee ta have boos sialon by i The trade in Canadian lores and cattle bids fide, wore, Echo, Page the home et, ae rt ie 1 imoortance, F Dosnini Bet teovcht vy the Bee Ed. Everard, Tector's of | Ue parish: of against the Rev, pe <n his. curete,.. ; for damages dave his house

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