Hath--N. B; Powter. " Por Hale--A. W. Bobb. " Farmers--Stanley Days eee eee "E. H. SCOTT & Co., = own followers, the ~mennsof* kT Ri Cheap Land--Jas. O'Loane, For sale--A. Monteith, M. x4 en Note Paper, &e.---E, H. Seott & Co. Fellows Syrup--J. H. Nasmyth & Co. a Driving Park-- --Dr: "Hanaven.- "YOU CAN HAVE THE CHOICE ae Of all the HATS! IN POWTER'S WINDOW, FOR $1.00. Ananda 98; A ' _ eat Hare just received the LARGEST STOOK "OF NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES package a ASMALL ADVANCE ON COST. Post Office 'Book "Store. Rtratford, Aug. ©, INT. watt "The Stratford ines | seal COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. rege Tue ican tie sik ol bes a debi of Stratt ofamencing cae ore Peer Pm Hiees ~The prise fist of the North Hiding szhibition at Strations, inaned. bis ane be Ris of ce te mere: the iffaire of t.| eo . Will be adminis- ple her. 7 Fathers Conn arid West . O. PF. Excursion to I' hiladelphia, tum t esti nd, Friday, 15th Sept. Tickets bY, good for 30 days Vi Via Grar Grand T Trask & By. See ith grasitude by mec others ba Tr. "fT. BUTLER. Biiitor and Menager. Hraatron, _Wepazapar, Avovst 30rs, isi6. - "DAM AttNG- --~eHARGE-aG-AtNST| "THE GOVERNMENT. Tedge of an individual samed *Pimoth hy Aaah, wes sey Speaker of the -- He poe to publi aotice by a ole of cen een- | © in the last Partiament, for r indecently _observe in Mr. Anglin a fittin aut carry fcoward~ b> Sian eae spile of remonstrances made by his er was the whine avoeations a them from attendl- Bade c amen, like Mors Wik se -- bo. ASSOC SATION. sesmncieand:.. dame wee mend ig gat Excursion rrom Loxtes ro Sruarromn.-- Tpets pl the ' = . Remedy, tne hat ries yet rar --nho it is let the fre- | Sixth Annual Meeting. tne, sodceng. tion of London, intend holding their anaw I have spoken to one or two officers 1K Sisth Anaval M ubihe Cieiieed 0 Feljow's Syrap of ou bao pie-pie in the Town Grove in Stratford, the veenen ond Tia ark Association will 7 place ai the Driving H a natihibe Work and fel : Meer Bb ypophosphites poerigs trains will ran a, endow, and TUESDAY and WEOQNESDAY ype} H a ts are being efor a grand 'They Saar rg ofan) a ree ite September 5th and 6th, 1876, apd pe ree ~ ' and took place on the Mth in a inner, . tarto kent Chas. Layett, Base DAY. *: 7 , BAECHLER & NOL. No. 4. Liyang J Race, Fag. Open to Farm Horses as Stretford, Jaty & __ Fithe unfortanate deat ; a ae -- nh Bat, -; Editor, 1 won't Bg Ae an A _ i Pticene| ete | HA Boworths §--« [RC CIGAR parchasing it. Ms preven' heathenish er | Ve. rece, $425, Open to inn br Vaxparisy,--One night last week soine, ample as that ae agin ; in 2... First home, Ges _. 9, ONTARIO BT., AND BE HAPPY. il disposed seam emmp threw 5 lage stone. Yours, &e., Sara al bh 4 r- . A Wast. Expgn. Ne « dictig En oe ne Gti Waiean (Weet Ea. a Jansen had ot T. Stratford, nfleoin the the Corporation), } 4 geod in the County ot Pet Mile heats, sin > STRATFORD: Coulter's Palace Cigar Divan fe individesle parity teen ads ition © preme 3 rao Master, rd : pan | ee : = Fenton, Toe eet Btrattord, Aug. 30, 1676, of the guthorities we hope a very severe les- |) Starroan's 'Sappuzay axp Haxxesa Sor. always sioatly. | ef the Institution. BIRTHS. Ne. Trotting Race, $270. Open Teen oe All kinds of smokery sndries Rance apd prorvas o am wever trou er c % would be the right thing, Mr" Yosepht StaNOrTT aadtatery 4 he | = Aadiatmerston, om the \7U inet, the ati Reales ot tha vary inset na ta pioeh, tario stree placed. provoanee jeer aff eae rete een Ly ; ; Crtrey nya Cow:Mr, JW. Tibeando, | pn Aol os i. aren re Pog ee mes Cox ae be aatee. Hamvow--in Strettos oa the diet th nthe fe day, os the com of heh a eee 2 ae G, T. R.agent at Ailsa Craig, hades uring of angie our Geukie' 2 carriage har: | holding on to office if be bad todo no de Pores Sn ww te Sn ae Sis, Pine or 6d, Oe. Rawrnnen: morta Strastord, Jay 2 lade broken in a very remarkable manni ness, of the material and Work. fiance of je--leariers and of Mr. Harry Piper, ot made immedssizly previous to the race. REMOVALT Whit seu Winton " cit tanship, also all kin harneas eal ways bold to axprem and defend hie opin. a (Gs the ecco day, atthe close of the Iorve races, 1 REMOVAL I ane if pir ely ti for farmers or heavy work. Mr. Stafford is | ions and never ss on tion -- re - Posi ~ she Shh twa mon to run j miles, three horse. tu rus a WI HRPBURN an excellent 5 any work . | Was a man * reputation no blot | 4EPFEnim instant, change half mile, the ho H LLLAM BF conte asa, which tarved edly nthe ing th h he iy re Lana can bea rs He lived toa d old age--| » sores jeter sand' yoart and 3 mgetie, aia, t00 mame nT aN ms te wareey every a t theside, Mr. Chas. Brown, formerly | 600d quality. Exeursionista to the Centen- nde tin ua, and it i | *" en Everett, aged is aero eel ice H* ire Vth & Co's Medica! Ria end' ot reeman, | Maine Sere Ave weit Mee Y | nial should his store and secure | inccutive to ell to be honest, fearless and 'Of Mr. dames Everett, Stratford REGULATIONS FOR oe one ors - 4 be Aerie takew phew oS lrask or or ¢ pleat wtyles. [ trae, obloquy may be _heaped--epoa } remains were interred in Avondale | All races to be governed by the Turf bis patrons fer past favors, sod -- son argund again, _-. | All gands fos m i aa. his career he was honored, and Maran eeaat + aged a: y Aeccelaion 7 ah Canna. ar belawc ere cent. of vee Sint, inenees of tote cent Fats. Baces.--By referenco.to advartise- | yt: secrree---We-are-requested by Mr./-ighly. honored too, He was four times |" Mr. Edward Rooney, & B years eee ns - STRAY STEER... s~hyeatel-eatens Ment, it-will-bo observed that Ue Stratford Norfolk, te hate wot tleeted to iament peta J of 'the County of Monaghan, » jp ruben,» mica, oa bere gutriy, . 13 state ly elested or bolls ™ 2 A ; bold ede coment dal sonn.on Zeeeity onal to blame for the nou-soundiag of tho fre e| the avunties of" Lacs and' Gronvie. Tis NEW ADVERTISEMENST.-- Teakee, A etve tosaaring We RL Ppa a thd Ormsitatnr'nat tome seeing-soemx | ARLOR ~BEDROOM-- AND KITCHEN thetr annual taces.on Tnesday Wardew of the -- ---- , shall ealy be entitled horse | Fed. owner Is requ: prove Saoverty. . < 7 Wiicstay test, WEA Wie TEE Sopeeltiber" rips ioe ngus.. 'Tier boll see hes cae uae! a aie Pete rears Alone Card of Thanks. Fale ct wil wot ene if rf a pay expences, and take rege FURNITURE. rge pifees.are cffered and we learn- rung of the city of T: wag ted 7 a hese proved iwehgible wal feted 8 H RELLY, ae tat Jasge Sd ted back t racg a stock im the | 227 Perron w ntaputed to inke hold of the city of Toronto. He cappoun | To the President and Director af the P crt The nigh of . wing' hs ender ad act tin Ang. bre. aLso posi= tien of First Commoner in the Do- very hand- nnn Bat ac on the the 5 a ut such, it seemia, is not 'the fact, for we- a Hon. Anglin, 5 ir the a of yo seived. through the me- " diana "ot" "ine St. Join -Pretenr; the eight it thousand datlars for} track for the Post oe the Do wi "extra | see p minion. no doubt = a very queen ok i ter of It is indecent, to say the feos if not ---- criminal, for the to permit his "extra prin reveals, Incinding his salary, Mr. Anglin received -- a from the reflects <A Prey disgrace pe the rm Administration" of Mr. strange to say, the Globe --that immaculate "big push" organ t it consents to and ap- thé 'transiuction: the matter and persistency, and has been ies means of waking up the people of Canada to the system of malfeasance which is being practised by our rylers. " SEED GRAIN, Not many farmers, says the Mail, require to be told that shrunken B a Tumothy | Warren | | ng -Aaricatneal no with much | tha phase dissolved. ! where very spacious and room: ¢ been fitted up for her business. Her fall stock of novelties will soon be Foal | pron for inspection, her lady friends are re- spectfully invited to give an early call. Disso.trion.-- Messrs. Way & Heinbuch business pet jo 6 ~ oat eseneateatinaganaAti oan um oat wagon, which pux- carci eeuen pte braet asd check , a i Hi F (H i E F ' | fret fngssis sg ca decly | eee in Me. Henderwgn, whe "AUCTION" ON SALE 8 BILLS oF : oa "Sate "tg q+ +f, i-Times OFiesn _ pHIBBERT. inline = i 4 Ussenesives -~with-quing-4p ey top of the market building and well the Promised Land, At t the Lowest Price. ANDREW MONTEITH, M.P., 4 Dent, Stratford, or Crosier, on To Famer of the County "STANLEY: DAY. DRIVING PARK vill be al allowe: de and there can be na doubt pe will b eae a very large at Nendabes o Accipest ox tuk P. D. & L. H. B.--On Friday, as the morning Express from Strat- ford, due at Simeoe about 10.30, on the Port The eit uibdar the Air-hiwe, and goieg about fen miles an hour, the 'the -track and" engine is somewhat dam: a No one boar, sand washing down --_ tains of the morning. ihe teak was not interfered wheat, under the auspices of the North Rid. | prize re waa AWardad to Mr--'Witttarr 4 Maistidpe, and these cond prize af bade Sos Mr. Henrich Zimmer wed le which might have stood a good chines for the firat Beet shown by the In cot danion with the usual sgl the prize | wheat was anction Pid MeCal- being auctioneer. Ps wheat aneate* Hl be for $3.50 aaah, and 1 bag for 33.30. oreron ite side | acciden a te same Pats, Wanat Smow.--At the show of tall | for Society on the 24th inst., | ten y, \ weed shown. "Phe first } Moun ue Doreane of the Ha ele i re alarm. Mr. Norfolk's version of the Saat the fect tht te him "Mr. MeDona! saperviser ete bo M escet sated the lan: Police Magistrate sentenced John Mader, the months in the Central Erie for bia asenult 'coho lk geberalif tappored ttiat Purtet! would get ot easy, bat why Mader should get lems than the Peni severest senteice the The new] law which Permits rascals of his "a to be seni. Vizis..tha laws "peceed. Mowat Government, and the waneney 2_ Mr New Ertscorac Mrsstow Cuvaca. -- We learn that tenders for the erection of a Mis- ai m Chureh in Shakespeare Ward, near the . T. RR. station and shopa, will be called for at an eariy day. The cre bias be ben given ve rat. F | wi aoe in aay gratifying _ trte ey quaranterd to ang complete the work, When will bea' prea Church of rey Popa resxding in that part of the to known townsman went into the Post office with the intention of sending away some money, letter he went to the «mall desk in one corner of the public office, and took out his pocket book in order to get a stamp, which he the desk = tt ~ almost from nose. The contents were a fifty dollar bill, some couple of dollars in silver, and several threshing machines tell the story of | body present observe the thief. It was a diminished yield pe: » While m operation, ko 5 ef But lers find the new wheat generally | fale or Chicago and will have the effect of short of the standard weight, also in | preventive poopie nant ge fing the a of --per ie place, thief is requested ta bushel produced. Shrunken wheat tw tc Other Sodtanente tseagis 2 a will ¢re totry-bub- ter} the 20. persistency same people endeavour to gain a cheap notoriety. We notieed in the Herald last week the following of Goveraments . ] eanite opon hharmtona and mr pieen Damixe angera Monday last a well} , burglary to the poor-house, w can_lead bonest > | dines, ond world ov a living and they bay as well have-it, Tuesday mening. 01 a large Waar Naxrt--It ia surprising wah. what | -- We advise onr German friends, any me result ballote al of the peonens Grit ich have, by their lexisla- kgnard Mader and 1 and Purtell, to commi oft - next pol ing aay wad then by their heir di sae like ua a es "MITCHREE. eveipnen his young stallion, * to Pari. on ronte for the Con On 'nee a7 stock of boots hoes belongi: E. Kiesig, were sold by the deputy 7 akon. Mr. J. BR. Williams w the purchaser ; Lord Log anual in Septem: t, an quite o 9 sum ing the er City. ~Early on Sunday morning the huckloberry marsh scoundrel, to 6 | eect tal p their wrath antil ar = dy On Thursday lat, Mr. J. rT. Hike hip rye _ some time report is corree N ber of our citizens would avail therselves of No. 7,000 Quaker te gre Seat A Mat that the reeve be solicibars' act ied. A by: the lev} ot ty, Firaatges of the nepiiaiien up to interview the they ran, 'e would mildly suggest to those for admittance Ex numter of our ph. and people fro: Sos om Mr. phage igi to hold a noticed that all the lamsies w o HL. t fe Ec g » TELS 8 anna oe in their slumbers by the aeving of © heer! along a ing to 4 man fire com pany arrived on the time to | review the ashes, and for that house that they did not sponer for they would demolish it Saag wl | than the fire ever conld. fire unkown. Insuranes $400, in Whe Oataris -- Hh Rie rf H i é the intention parchaser. a qf tsi | uf fr Faris a i cide land claims between the counties of Huron and Bruce. Pome i ig from Par b - tin 1661--w! he was-' od cont and, sapestad Sate care House" --he was ted to the office of Davis and C Jokn "Gi Post Office Inspector of the Money Order The latter thenght that as the barn was ac. | Department for U after his re- tually consumed there was necessity of tiremmert from w! he lesuer and sending the to the. fire. "Mistakes | *Pector of Toronto, which will ocenr-in the ~bert-regnte: -tamtiiew}40n he fled upto May let, 1876. do we opine occurred in this instance, | Potition he up to May let, 1876. Tocedag. last the pga to give ap principle get Uf hip on town ine grant of iN75, 'on vide-romd 18 aisd 1 at te laid over until best i Ft dmc seogeencreee be 2 4 i ef bite a j i cE 4 ree i ul i F i i 2 EFE ne i F z te a e Ellice, Mth Aug is. Cheap 'apt, Cheap = Bn. | paces sa. nd Secure a Homesiead. Opportunity to an AM REMOVED. Miss McLeod To the No, 4, Oid Albion Block, eda fords = Stabling wo eater into thes very luer fea bush "Ser maps, ple terms, tnaps, p anata. Ww isses t© announce the removal of her SHOW. ROOMS retain Mow is the Time to Buy.e Lot GEO. _ | Deeds, Mortgages den poe aie | SHOW ROOMS OF MESSRS. MOHR & NEI, « t 'OV0SNIONN 39 LON THM) 'weno, yun L all her e Ang. 30, 1870, _ ett S - ) : gi = = B = ? 3 4 ae oe s S ez 2 i -- yg - 2 ° 'MMO, UT HOG Jog pus ysosreT og], | _ PENNSYLVANIA, Htc po, 'also special "Hato ta be-shaibie. pny Rolie 6 Jue Heys mant appear cD proper cowtume h Samuel meu Possession given when desived. -- spare Se eats a. bed | maavaaic wiccowaiins Mouse FUER one j ishin: Lam Andis a nae at ak Pea b at prices arver bebe heard ag ego Jun call and Qas FITTINGS a mil nash tend ap very chem Au unde of plumbing Raanacha to order--every job blade of tothe weak Gono "ODE BERT. June 7, 1976. JUST RECEIVED ADMISSION ladies (ree to wtands carriage and saddle horves, 25 conta. The races wil Momence pdt og Sel op aely, The G TK Sows De wer aed Ve Weve Salons hove bindty greed to carry | Stratford al races at Lar omea = THOMAS THKOW, DR. BANAVAN, now Jevpriater of the Raswony fag Mite, Jee on the firm of 720 end that he will te future conduct the business. le by chose alten- Mion to business to merit a continuance of the upon the fru. ing to the late firm must be paid to me. JAMES COLTER, Harmony, Aug. 6 1976. neu -FORMAN'S 'NO. 35 ONTARIO.STREET, OPPOSITE SHAKESPEARE SQUARE, "« TOWN LOTS A SPECIALTY. : | BUYS, SELLS and Exchanges "| Real Estate. Money one we aa To Loan a at 8 Per Cent. Confederation 'life Associa- tion, . For Sale or 'Exchange ! $100 "Lots 507, 508. each-- _ $00, 510, 125, 126, 27, and 3H, Douro-street, dates, v Horees, Cattle, Provincial Exhi bition AGRICULTURAL ARTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, To be held at ¢ Familton, 18th and 22nd of 'Soman 1876, $18.000 OPPERED IN PREMIUMS. prentn en" a bnieoe abe the Gecretary at L Fazal Empleneets, on er befure Heturday, Aug. August i, 1676 WANT reliable, « Lilustrated Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Agricul- Arte, @c., Prise Liste and Bidak Pormé for. wéniog: the |. - 'wrtries be -virtatned of the tecretarica of all Horticultural Societies ang threeghout the Pro- vines. HUGH C. THOMSON, Art Association WANTED. Gtratiord, Aug. guararteed. _ TAYLOR & BARNSDALE. ica. COUNTT-OF PERTH MUTUAL -F.-4, coal toe Property davured, Amount of Claioma Paid, an, $40 to $50 per lot, 8 lots in 44, good Aracid $ Mobinean's Survey, OT Lots 1 130, 137, 218, 2) 210, on on ue "1 S and 68, Moeenas Survey of Jot 8, ow Doare and Grange Lot 5, corner Nile and Grange Seen 'Porman's Garvey. Good Business FARMS. Lot 9, and 8} 10, 8th con., WANTED. Farms fo Sell--Considerable inquiry peewee invest, | of far anes += ec J. H, NASMYTH & CO's. sere Pesce wh Picornell eure for & fresh supple et Sea an a 75 cask THE GREAT -- } ~~ Mattramer,- Botsterr and- Pillows; Which for quality, or in prices, will somguee: favorably with any other eitab, lishment STRATFORD Spring Brewery" Old Aged Bottled Beer At 61.96 Por Dogen. y aoe aetaeer ennamngr aw ®) Also in QUARTER BARRELS At 82.00. "Walf Barrels at $3.75. A'l orders loft at TAYLOR & BARNSDALE'S Stratford, Aug. %, 1976. auf Tomatoes t Tomatoes ! the bushel Steno a bee a "can Panes Oe oe eee Garden, south _ August s6tb. -COATL.---NOTICE.. -- Wa ALBERTSON, RSet rer } dealer in town. Blact h's Coal, : Best, " Por # toa, at his yard, opposite the Congre- iChareh. : Ovvice. -- Ontario Street, o, posite Baptist Chureh. Aug. 14, 1976. sf School Books ! oimnicconteen Abas isda ~ Desirable 'Stores to-Rent. Fish's Arithmotical Problems, eam re ie. ORAL 4ND WRITTEN. See MEY aay Gacietin Aine Gy ee is wai | Smith's Examination Papers i ee be samc. moderate. For particulars apply to rer MBLC. BROWNING. | eal ' i i ** | Abbott's How to-Parse, SCHOOL BOOKS, "At THE Meshes Street. Book. Btore. <2. BRADING.