At Ss taagremie at mat Eset, i Engel es day, ¢ re tried: "one {oh ing. nels 10 the directly the , y ovat TOT. NT iene ad oes VOL. I. STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESD 'The per Oiler tabi Twenge: the oe acre Prsouer hitheste borue 4 good character = : © ju . s y Prince Mi an's request for mediation is only | The mother, seeing what the child had done, posta spark nme "Tee dinsem dues he 'hs tors NEWS OF THE WORL!. move guy of el immediately sdmini. trated a trated to it a powerfal ; the pe on oe 7 t ey that 1 ae a The Servo-Turkish War. cvinplete ler own preparations. freely. Dr. Bettride tas also called 'im sachs ss _: é, Paber gen epee who said that the Tor, even though 1 : ne Sarvey of Ewicract Bhipy Lar : PA. A Times editor's! on > be aki. tas ly handled. reoma so «bia would wish to load the ties cone udes as foxlows: |" The popuiar foeting here is warlike. It | Ls the after iw aa tocateh the odor from the piz ste | ine. stingie illusion? i The Lewlia gore eure mat the Li ieerpoo! -- Mr. te WFO} @ tend | the te-timony of | is pgmeny d that tue Porte will re | lentiy il with arenes ¢ poe by achaniac _ be 0 ing Gith, teeter Pe pombe bout hare es « ; ty manus otiet Pree. | fuse an arthisticn. tee Yesterday die- | and died about © be used for making goal batter | t, tue Gog Sa uuvey ote ea. a vad beg suring the Bog gitinene rm: covered a nara of « we Ah Turkith We ere iclormed ph & wouan, the wife of a There sho be #8 freedom from ab: | avon we Keke tA | turd fa be close PTOO amatic = Aco rivdenng % wt C -----$ a iptton xbout-thr Cause ato ay th Gara " ma hes oe They will pite hie cous thy fiedopi entail the Ser tian, te salam: he let rape a. the Tolemelsly lend ne yin ont rt sar 7 emnygrent stipes iors enrr a of corny dfn vg the Torion st boc: | wetion to thee sabiiting. Th pom fine a* j_wish acy aemt--yorr-} ta liad saya the a bers els RAT" Wis GAM | Hoo de cree Privee + init a sik days eho raked ten acres 5° hay wits : miz in with thence ogres te the ge aes where ib de te Boe tiat thes that the Turkiel | toe only pt gr mie oer a Loree rake and did the work with vanced to "associ. be se cream. this way s da Che se-atebes on ary girelagen us ; sare cor le-e of English nmon-tran | bave eause to epect rigvTonts -- sear o.d cot Which she * broke ni" " il and Witter from the etah'e mat be keps feat. h iv tthe restless feet rr eny ces be ese they think thet England wi} ond she having been the fret to pat hacnena ou bal. m.--Practical Farme iywn books hare i cht mith the Wert 'Daltists items, the satents 5 abe aud tear. 30,000 A ae oy tatrmenl Foti are calling aten | sho moy vever Gens $a he would rather be the mace ul od p'ithe; 'ime and sabd rgtured for a new t at tion ta the Holster The core I yutreisa Then, too, at th The Ke ables Guardians on their way to | house 20 by 30 end unioed 03 25. last season np gergaternan mk re | 'Gtertainment, the m: York Casi etw re-cned from the @ polies ed all the "-- and bay grown on her bus- . 10, cord. Her batter, too, is-excvlien particu | Ven ths hour comes at which all the the |, 4 dense pa ut pert day th band'f farts duing eter | 000 ork 'ua . Purt | + barky in roma Fh , a 4: te- reusd: _--_ thitiseltes aud wire conveyed ioYork, Where | srmilar a Tiis out door work was dove] Richmor a sold at 02.25, $2.10, others in this vicinity satiny tbe tary as ts rs surprising that she shoal anconsei. Meth ua aish @ of thin egar: tuink | they were lodged Within the Castle, and | in Auajtion to the nenal housework, inélading | % 10,000 tons of bruken started the cows for the North West. - Wester Us!y Victimize Mes ene who will alow nt could oa done such atroeities as those o1 where they to remain of Se " for | the -muilk of besten 70, then Rural. os io ta k freely of what is a i le rt et gabe sid tea bas © | vember wlien they wis be biddght before the. or Seaforth Expos 5,000 -_ wr own wind. She shows the little Ma Teeh DD SBR, sirable Queew's ot the of eid Aamaia aden Mutless: =. on. F In High Places. a «high stl! Bloom t bet Dow eapected we betes withegs Rat porerned, and a ge never | /UStics for coutempt of Court. the & oy ry man. who wound oth biving a) | ne -- srgery tn 5 igh . Ets 2 ' irre 'J SOIsa .s} 2 he foe tie Cow pian tas Pry "ee at ae cor eet. Mr will by wall go govern d until' she has revisei Ptoerg Scie rare "non tee | oid. at 2 aha then to 'ass aoe pIxe # eee os kira 1 oe : i '. : _¥ ee Te _cannpewerane wos Lepesant i le nh |e isan axes ee S| CMS dn Roda a nee ea one $e epet tg the cing. ir Biward iaven adh pete p-icpcngiedbni Spin Teeurrirg Tebeition.. racks ip an inse U, len, who has been 'ay sae tine suspected of commene- The London Daily News of the itt mot pape the boys teed to owing their base woikag bard for tutes. Mr. Melvur's notice | and fore gn war. It carries with it a menace it wsahond that hie shun wa- | bad intentions with the y down to $2.- tains ¥ ss ne f van ihe | Riteay: Cox bo bo. idays and makes room Of uut.on given saat evening Want ot intenden | to the whole of Europe. Thia eae TS | icon, bis Se ammahed, and ne teeth | euticed tue girl inty the Episdyal uate of the jot. Tek Me Bote at beside ber. Is te wonserfal how, -& weuie tothe bin, wut rath toenable | be ready to jun other states in dexining at. Ou somewbs be | she wus reales re pi ae Wedueeday ae bought up. Ttasy is @ elirunic sullorer fro whet Mr iad bee of a cigar, it is possible him to make «|r Lipide: spe chs -anet tive | wel reform 1) proteet tha Christian ine waa theese: gut of the window wails | afseruss d that ber fatter, seeing chestout wound up the Phiis- lot --Conm. Cowr- | Disras.i calle "that igueble melancbol; with interest to he Cane veh um tthe, tumt cuures he | partof the popalation witres at regarding tie aaery by -bie cur mber ot | oo weak 0 ores nad Sucked In window phia and Reading Com wr '9 lot, They which liiser 'trons Peo ay: ieatiakeaes. pao tel akill ~ with the Indi Lush Leeds Ban tae Ro to bie 1 tur a a _ a tutidiie ace oo Flag fess aia ton Line d wan | Tere told at $2.30, ~ --_ or 7 S74. and Abd tert weirs cage pare -fictiog=or ofthe er lies Tamra Standard inom A'es --* moys authentic ac pelsbi io eirrevoal Tovmpsou lies in a prece- ninediately ¢ coufronted by Mallen, who - the Med rv -- +. TB, phases of nage arid hy! are nous > om iccount of Artur' 'a aol pian The Liva Tamer's Rescre. ww that whieh was eleim-}- Th 7 Income: = +d aa a euccess by Tehernayedl res ly resulted | Atan sanition in Paris the other day the | the gum was, Muiien said, ~ there '. no cae relict garded ; re consisted of 60 Passes s without ome scanidalogs tatlare. 0: | oases The bese ames the lime trovs -- bere but Derenpon, : ; y vanie Com ae cwpend:y of the civ re t wing. , 7 hfinatry = eereres-- ------ - right a m Found, I Mixes weighed nothing 'tt on 5 fsaemday fearing an 'tack j in the rear that ben te ite tel. ry eae cat beary in bankers, overnment officiaty bers ct ----_ Be wis See OF See Wt we Sig jhe . at sion "Twn body: oe al and abesd much the biggest part oi i the Turke drove Yo onan understauds that the atten. ei Lim, tir < On | tom of tie ss to the un. . Iniesbeeh bad shirts made with an extra incessant con umruater of the re the u et of bed 1 agree with Ze. ¥. Jameson and oth. ery section of the pe low large Latta owe in the bueom, au A tine Ut } te tempt to cat off Pas anys onie o Guakanase furuisived by tne newspa. | Sting. bowerer hs as a Pron a hrowy it " ter tog * te streaka in butter, and ino weeks oe , nw Pardes hen 1 5 lens tuts be aragard Miiget's bad 'to oct aa» asia fra Ase 'Paskea failed, and th. And that the uxpedieney of estabiiahinng London guil--Lon. on Free "4 The last sale of the day cousisted of 8,000 | perience if the salt Se pronsriz_ wor Step Gove wen tate tictele pe mle | Lay. pemiased te ace fone of chestuut. beeame brisk, and _-- thee ert will beno white Wein fight of « ---- pee is wes lon ates bias need ws u bom Siovnd bis nee & bay The Standard's corrrapenden} with Al HOUgLAA EXE seseiut UDder the cousderativn The Warrigr ~ specail buyers seemed anxious to be in at the Guish. ealized from the sa:e cf waved people who, like her Thus toy Bade the pretiivet Littie | Sail, 'ou the lef of the Morana, op; vf Paruament 'first was at $9.42j, and the price 'In Jere thirty-four cases of typhoid property had been entrusted senator to him utterty uninteresting brea th in = oral, ue 'lex one rt the Servians Teptlner Ove of the sides wf the Avonmouth dock, 1am a ov tmz z entat = cuiEr quickly ran up to $3.50. then to $3.60, then = wudden|y broke ot in a limited dis. escaped a trial for peeastion by & lege $ peformad with bis master, sitting on turday ¢ after seven | ow in awear. Bristo, SOVERED XE. reas KiDGNIG! . 70, Binal balance was disposed srict im twenty different #. families, the cases ity, and joet about the same tinue, . Woman cureted ps gay Rios tare rs nae wee nave tiaimes (ies lallesi au, Car7ying witn it thé-hew $3.00. < being eesdely "SeeS wed "to "abieren. The | s*nobleman, who ted care ee haw in-law wig knows Somes ou ite taux." The dock was piety Riporrows, Aug: -91--Wodnentay tat} Thie tad 'the turers | houses, With two exceptions, were clean and |.*/ the King, hin Lapa t's sakes, Ousol "the boys" * ing er At ateds vpreial dist aopateh ay rays Tehernay comp eted, aud was sbortiy tobeaptecd 7 Meesrs. B. LH, Oates, of Toronto, President | ai ? havé tumbled from $3 to | well supplied with pure water. It was dis. mature for 500,00 lire. = m leave. A Tittle weLy yewre -- att ag ip s Cége A Loar oes 'eetes t+ of bis ¥ are Dow gener saagy te sumenee, of the United Cenadisa Arnccistion George} $2- per all grades of coal, his vnid covered hat all the femiies Teteived" hai? } witse yon re ing «sur 3 eee Se bere bee tlogas, ae "SW ted it Ee Sher ce y Yiatl --"tn ot Fs aad tint Other Pigablle ecar daiow Wr? Tw. we lk from same farm. which w eal once Tences caseq of manera ton the part « eect ox Site "Ti "dering wt Pe Date Nee corriepoutvat™ with "th: 8. J. J. Bown, of Ni sisted by G.| Porrervune, Pa, Ang. 20.--The visited. Six of the Tarmer's family were | (; t ai wit tiie mud. Ly Was gover wecwmpause bs Sermiene at a rxinats eave ars the Serviane Jost apres d ged situ the iltibade apie HM. Jonnsen, Ubiel of tha Se Pawan': Tealized the suction New | down with the fever, . The yater. used in iter ib cob tana | fe é Meret tenn Abts Leste gs Alam ..gimanjuns Lives WOO day's Sgnting . eeting on tee tow York cateormy wayyy, the the dairy waa fram a well weil close fa acosspit |. | " Sete ee aes Hic ScUin te St tthe sa oy be rodeos Mesure be "Giation. pe take ware for the | eeveral expectation beg tbat Wee mec hone and evidently contaminated by a] Pinpeyempepeeriogetanes "atlenieh A De the News reports | of the great stone warrior Ts dip} be 'adjouried if $3.50 per ton aa the lowest it became putrid in two dayn after drawing a constant itm in the newspaper summer a abe tel on this day whipped, fc I there on Sate fwren the cor - laborer hae died trom by | 2h ko well knw to all re of Cauadfan | Gyurecoud vot be \tamed. The coal oper- | from the weil. The dairy was Used ae 81 fy the Opinione of this m arias 1 o: | ne . at ber ali day 'eopbobia in tue Wyitty workhouse. Bifur history as Imvi-g been of great assistance to | ators' way that the prices brought will compel b-house, and the linen of tho sick hea Scoundt bir , ong with eyes of y "wotlel we and Ge lappod water with bis toogae Like | 4.9 priests im.1812, For sluost « them to suspend opumiions unless it. Ntay aire y bo Toby Touddy drives in the "pony ear. Siac ant wes cuard to matter ~ Sieg thet | ice it hes becn a t@hotal quention ate the | Sher egies + Feduced fo & much lower diugy agains: | age; and, no matter w ect ulacm Guy out of theway * Hu bad been Uit- | Cbvrealouts if hie titerment, but it ls vow | van at Set 'tarted, it is sate to revert to the one im. ae : bess us ae while at showy sear #13 | abown tharhadow of a doubs that ahs te 'igh portant The girl : te r weblie previously, the symptoms oat en ea a ) dress avuard, Minis { th ope "0 on chuwed thenideives a few days }pmors ink rm dace dase som. To Lord Malmesbety's Ketirement. eo be insy ee autely acquainted wita = the Lewd which fuse, tured Lite Lghtuang the mowen | Sued 'Grates a bere nel a fat pasion in arms of [ve wei oa | No ri Meuve- : yom : reo enn rer ae mien ann its m ne ---- ms ais death, tid assisted af Lia ari and f0F | tired from offee, aud alter thirty years of . 9 conjure up pretty littl "day. "i fr guteued poate crasied aay na thes aang 4 thas mucl G dian I a years » and im fact until sliorti pos td the eb ter of 1 than ade vith reference to the bevels the sta wart man «ink bereath gli | ot ee ' i bie 1 ¥a dune "y ig 'ar oldies tems, wis own desta a fw years azo, waa in the] a Gingulesiy.encd jam, the best for enarken. of Inaly.---Fredocs, ri ry 'cataeratien A painter ines ™ aE GAR: blunt as et there THY hore! of Watkirton Lave "been | habit the grave Taal. x 'hin qualities bave | butter, cheese, oxen, and beef of une ite ecmplosee has bo os sous 7 non eas tae eee ae vere Sh tise ng amie hase aes tar 4 a tistol partes to whom the "I rm aaa mi 4 ae <i neal always been bigh y-vained by thow who knew throughbred stock now known tn our : ' --_ '4 = 4 to oer ot be i ; = tie BID panne rushed for thew iron fens. | ang ed ape Wet burued rtricte, | A Heab.scen to els iquer. Pe dingont which qftet hi doth was contd: | porg Tok lee aesepted tales inp hers | eomatey Southern F bat hop et recand iy 4 12,000 raec, women, snd presi hited he fname sa Fast" is the watehword of the d a dihote aatiant emtrers of the | -- 28 gh Mr. Fawcett said bis man had ae ~~ $ie aepsthrogy ras fe Me Sete ter ies hin -investivation | Sree Gre: perery giver | sticd Ae pon this! they pro | ments; wild in bis third Goverment ony [SMe to" kum suid <°Such- and foe yuu b to the News from Vienne «aye | beta aaa aps thle eff ct, tras tad, ware orelesh te te spor tDidieated, sm ated | tn Mr Luaraeli's two ovw ie dry; I cannot get a drop of milk « (ere -erte cf Bomiau soluuteers for S.rvie | Gad better uot bg mad te ta piart a sival. toute . 6th | @ ted the Cabinet office of Lend from her." His was:--"Go. and aay ihe pete Haat. redding unasias ; Ttite to te made in gare, ay Bragebriage. lad. ba 'tad enly errtain aitcles, whieh. | as Por Sveretary bls pate hae into cog, | St A can and come wil Piva The oten 4 ibins rig very 7 aug, thy SH Parpese of allend pg to the sudecou ie Cow © protested, and there is | Abott Osbewa the dco oi is od great tha! wetcr, Kuow "y Were on the right |, with two reat acta of hal laughed and --"It's po use, si i aah pectic pap wu 1 Bere as on We . sent mi hatices it 1 Bawte over the de' Rated "last rhrwrelling. a> | (rack Wednesday, thes fuund and se 1852, against the protests of the ded arate However, be b: the map on ove side soon" im 4 kW Ubrough the aivade g duor and ony ue lntost case fe the tof four | tough scorched by an Te reol crome ar tue remaine, bronybt them to Powers auleged be founded on the Treaty oom to milk and her nthe othe Geer the --_-- oh bed siuht, whe Juidl ay n F ous of «bom a lelr *ituering «) waaat a iWurstare, the thdgrtown The ixten:tson' in to leave them of Vienna, be rescguined Lats Napoleon's side to'suck, and they had come way with A tug woue st Wotet aad beet, pouogee | wad pa sputes, "ae. rere thrown {By | pasitis .# so poor thut farmers tell us the) |e St. Thomas p mmding the Setrorgol the | psaumption to the Euoire mndor the titie ae | SE he of milk from uo | domptadinns af apyecs aan scaate is Se Paute lan meat wed tated "naters be, CoH, wl e toe barn Gsactaiiie Napoleon IY, thus for a time securing the porvien uaion that they had pot a w other of thu hap aye by whe' ms Bir rower is Lis giatesul wa, *?- Se OR S--Tho Times in a leadipg | yard. ; Trsagerh tAp Br for thix codntry, and Vi ineeee i Sones ander the. sesoud- a) Aad . '3 a nde! all site a) wil So i ee 5 ria tea eka eae tied feller: for hw had" ofets Dilerbati awn, oe memit rom ey The Hieetied of "Svat toolleh mit aay WI Iai, phere Due that bis reais wits {n° 1868 the exertions |. theone's ov call scols abie wit? As A TwAtter ot Toty. wk erate? wet alana he whe whee: Py peses in the nde | of Brase.s, x few da) 6 azo, "Ww de pra ebten bor and be piace! beiddd thpwe | Or Tord Malmesbury prevented the Pras. | 'ting danke tha ry edna ' ie Dict use wie af th ly ue pe pard are ca Vem the aiversiot ae areeltes. AL the i Soran * affecting jedea bet, jumped into some sincked ims. of ock. Tus eae a" in a alere from jenning Austria against Nevoieon Aes ae mu leeok etlee * pabue inds-- capreta etemine by ao Abe «| ttn designe Bure favorable peace exeept eivoted. His toot were burned iu a ebeeh pig meen Moree jean with bie © Ill, while be dissuaded the iatter im in. ge i pny pool " rity let beow vey out weds ia ay, wed ose sieh we dirretl or i directly control. = Manber, 6d the unteruuate fellow wis | tue Association. The Chiet ofthe Sis - Bis Ne innging the tertitory uf the the Ger Con while Rabe 'kad frewcucrs: 'i «| within the last f-~ a ~ evan mate for -} Sno nthe tongue torworke again ne ay take a ihterost in tho in ib be Thre, and th. ~ alized +4 ca ead on Ml er ie = Giang. p Muster go conuntstoe peace, the Czar, as haw months... i it was a_maftar peat regres the ~~ Maime A been | 8? lee id ath ier twalte sor [irnethes ta. the sams dumtrens re, at era, desir Tt reste with the » Tap The Cornwall Reporter says ---" A Comm he party eou d nol make a pn « anoceas. dal poliay 8 + atl iste ot eoeho Sontag "it" they ' riai- at Hetesea o ae An tet ots espa rot carry "¢ _ st | esentotive of Kpg'and to epenk the wailtedy bas see ort a writ m tho Cuart of a would ---- "ema tegen they | Wedursday, Wiich the ut bees qitaad Atcha ehomed hoe Prace or "= It} Cénimon Pleas aginst « Ualthioss swain, | ferred to, tinat my fount Tee uses havea aT he ad py of fey might ai id not ibis have got the quantity of Marchese Mantovasza Gguree at cindetan bast anid tine ° diffe rome? ie nei or & OES tepend« on our cutee: ador io pressing ming da for a breseh of promise of | Rrave tiny voktd ne 4 setatping boy ar har ° remained in possession of Austria or mk The bad idea Py wet ' ob ban 5 Linea tare Biodetta $0 tim O' | to, aracistics, whether the | ousriage, The defunsday § is utterical 'tris being foand:« ermany, fer the late Emperor het by i cos cat santeaihie-alamestanas mest saouk Sof anmiatice shall or ¢ thal not be @un¥.nded. I! 7 {tho central part of toe cnlieaved. wt t re resis" ty '- de | eres ad nol Lave Sibsieot od te United a git -- y plating ew _-- thie puiwn catale LSS p aie age in sicar and stryn th, cenaed Jametson, proves beyond a dows tes 4 attack of the two Ger erman Mos bs weep ie on wretom Uacuway +] aU 'edove. if lacking im preesion there oO Beta ee . Ang. 26, John | the remains of the great Indian frieud to mmc Agricultural Gqsette, : i dreds oF tus | 4.) beromeplemed the pevesrily of eonsa t a and og sate ec es "| dnitish baxe at M reeuvered. Tis There is nothigg sitive to imp anu partion | ig ah munder before Aetiuats, waiting | ZeCeule: ar ane 7 -- ? <mife bears the inscription W. R.." with » Provincial Exhibition. aatcilk. You can'tell what. sort of hatter by wut Weeterd | teen andience with th an, of some | fale ut or . S00 eit munthe L to, | town ertwe etters, menting ~ Wil = « man make by simply going into hia ys dyientture! | eon on which the chance it be | toners to aul i Pea ee Lex." This woud be Wiliam the COMPARATIVE EXEUES OF LIVE stock, Every one knows the of sealding ahipw Peace cap best by obtai: be rot law a8. ds eed eee had aris distributed among the the mulk-pails and of keeping ev We now meadows thet are exposed to the | nw eo ion a wate ma rey es " Wha moteote Lea Ladin ee are the be entriea of Ui live wae for ey fname phy vy hdl er al Ba at st treehted sof tue ® > tahoe ust prees the 4 2ene F _= -- Agrical: | tention from "ith Wtite eyebrows a squin a t ain; yaar ~ - ergata a ee : ered wrar leavon ite atrenyth what it was ip we most -- - "waa Loalslana, taral an? Arta i secciation of Ontario, to as phere. Pigstyes, stalis, and stables exude her. The beloved ply ae Be - had beew ts gs i this way, with no top [the leginming, This is our share ty in vhghined aleviite fate <r, Ont, iy be}d in ple ton oo aad 18th, 19th, 20th, | up close to the dairy, and I know numerous © luis parent that be is engaged to be married fea tete: s 4 a pa een kate "ht on hike. THb HoMSereahs OF FLANTERe cine 1si5 ee where both cheese and butter © the Colonel's governess who came home . -- beste igl - ae ee PY COLORED DEAPERADOF ei yetreace oe ---- ¢ oe ir erg' &% spoiled in consequence.-- Mark ath bis in wes ant aod ye xa be 'hopes 'his his ¢2 : 4 ' press. other will invite her at once auaks wLo rode with Lum tw Cobourg, Gifts New classes this year rompere favorably in pam. . i mo mc Onrtaxa, A , 29.-- cone Gro Every cow should fatten one pig ia an old wr aa a dan, ts for tie rude aud fiity ceute jal the bth wy eCrane, of the Ou ita Tetegraph, ber with tuase of last 5 Im horses there | pois and a one; tuas is, daily pro- rom sural ee and old manor eke fos ts aah vudy te aii sends 4 has been haa i aoa duct of a cow should be im battermilk and souses miles away from the sound of railway sal Lawes, We may ajleriats na reat avense, and be was Dned | Monon, Aag. 20.--Tuis city and Ge mus of vp the cis falling off in whey enough to feed ono pig after ee vhistee - sor ser ank miley - ol axe fei --Rure t " s ch 'tra Rural Wor weers, our eity aatralian ds ° Rural Wo: an eeu ost. Vicinity pelted, banaan 0 the | ex of those of last pear piel fo Con inn : re be ai if they de bot a Th " used of fequing upoo the The foie is given 2s an instance of the | Sting ft night, of i of af ign there ig 8 clighitnn It ia time a breed was brought p ture, bern Ams marry, eggs ob suas ler species of tarde, ee ionaaty Mocs 'An Evgdsh | O4¥id Pautk and foun Qarrutt, and-an- at ly forward, which not only produces rich mht an wneventfu ; My wu tue eyes of chieke ts Bud UlEr fowls Scion un Sanath) 4 ramingy por ngs to kill bay Paack, « pientor; tiring Maqese gutered bes seserscs cans milk, tike the Jerseys, but which wot of vn "duties mad mouotouggs on: Wreras te lng to Unve one of tur *Y Yankee. Ht t unter or river iW ne re. DD. Fan 876 was 77 established milkers, Sring 2 great quantity pation. They have no share in the bat. cruw's Acedeei's chews aamld Byub ont, wae et re ea onto Mer dang rows yiill for weeks. Her bcd-} Cuttlo entered 1875 too, When 1 was a bor, the Aidernas w vy: ie. Their convien sauniets ia waitigg Bua ove just bow wach be did kOe, as ee ee " Stain, | Om wae the targed of tuo ins. Mr. 1876... cows, as they wore then called, gave more wr the husbands wae do noremins, fe try- od Live Leuticos Of the tay pai live al tie bane we cs tard oud job tim 12 "¢ honse recuived about seventy bal | Sheep entered 1875 aswel: as better milk than any other breed; wig ta rleep a beauty sleep natil the princes of ibe weeurmeuey. [hte eYer) Mow tost a SR Pres ayes vt. Mr. L. Peak caw mun, both I i pri cae -- coc on et ee. wat on | ei oo Foe pearl ory a , at bes 7 o Dear oe enter bis gate. The} exp viled'two caps ee entered see are thoaght more capacious shets . a as ps ge oa hing ott Rie eyes "or tenn Onin, the man who hed the peint- a2: 'at him aft Weul ob. Sav. = 1870 | adders" tey~ were formerly: tamed for, for eters postmark. They stake bus, abu hiae rescuitios ; aud tue wit sf a pick os uriven three regal fami in the en cue to this ---- ---- =! wak won tan hed & tar. .s duty to to them at great length. & Bitnt Ue BLO cUaad Ler m the shali te cas on. cana, for safety, aud « ave made . could crawl along, aa to throw these letters a ce akuen, ek ol Woelr cen Jemone. Ruow Weuks ago, Bod of whose dente *~ | \o the volunteer company here for sais , England and China. their legs around ihe great, wide, ana deo | 8 ann-masks of life, Her heart is altogether hao, we are Dub Lumerous--Noore's eured né, bas fuby wered. The doctors, | cates ean b+ imagined for this outrage, ne t ; bag every « they took. It is , ound up in ber far-away soa. With them Rarai wider. a " my fraps gamer apron are tes ole pariah into w on correcpendent the Scots- | the ows of et day wae suey plein nd abe. 308 ee pp quiet * ry auow in wach Cpsemeper- at temert * amo vs " were a frame ittie more than "4 sebett ' 4a Saas e every. 1 opee Adliew lands in wy saaho mr ea Ged --- in living. So says SE Catharines pa hise Senter 'of this 5 tira where, the Chinese Government wilt ne€ at Pree | oe every breed bas been bred with «a te to oT tit. 7 Bits atop 5-4 mere eee es " Wh & hes hitherto prevuiled. It jx | CD! rnd Ambaraadoraife E. The | beef and fine form, by attention to milking wpe of the boys is read over and over again, nae, bet f nevived eats le "Tbe Psten woollen Satay, oye ' that » trouble is a sequence of | mesure was decided wereral 569. | qualities, there would be no Decessity to y the more i the writing the longer ix tach tra e ane --_ é sbeunge = recommenerd runuing, " ring Mast Satuntay at a | 900 the officiala jadged post eligible for the sacrifice beauty in shape, , #8 @ mat. | signitare, whiie oe rwards vai, enue we yl itean give. A. thousand cou. aoa wommey an trae Let ten sepa te | Repabinn treme wren tt | oy aca y tent BSe we | mie yi one PHT | Geitrontenmens mars viata | uray ermed Soe oat Ae Lime " 7 } I -- a aidatno a ett, A iS 4 A roe oe mang de cleoges 'x noe seen L & Co.'s pape wil, the aid oe tiv pri par pond the onsibility of omt their own Moore's Dera Sey eee at rust on ee ated asked to help decipher it, feit gubl-eticken ab Uber, aba & ten bas bev shat auwn | -elves forced to leave the grounds pacify | Policy. fraring that their envove if they came Armed With the attestation of the King's | the sentence i with & mero | ih Pas ing ao tbat, Fo teought it evs \e" Sr sneeeie skank ee anaiee the ta Sathe, the drew rrpenten one might be betrayed into some fatal rien By "or he Saree ot eacnigs dn | pidc-de-cammp, the ber: Mantogaz2 st then pimped on the. wail to be eet Gund wee saek coe | sumed otherwise eabitited the ferocity of despera- impradenes. On the other band, the elainilug to resin sainie An i pot two bills ot | saurveyed~ i « general view. 10 is proba Wy roe 1b Sustere " ; : tae envoys . themselves not*at eager to . =, eazebange each for 160 09 ke diroount aafor | misread after all, it misspelt. ° ar' pele tbat gecesi! egraioeiay bee Nog Moyea ody BB oad sais declan aided eset ts | sows, bomen ayyrchenave that any mistake | but stabied in I have been | the acoumsmodation of the trawl, it was te. | The fahe ne cannot be obtained ie Sat ot pene BAsine Spee Be wx t ee = a the habe Stepa| 0 their part might in ita_consesaanee eee ree, Bene Fa vl vorn wx ander amg-whieh time th wines XM. ve.ty Dasied Upol aw é noes carn, TT eopan Te + -watching 7 is " " ee) ' 4 'oien, ese b Gets ge Guuer ny fetlertions iat » fwere Mise ary tuat vo oue | ill "be-tuken to prevint the occurrence of chile ih 1 wet hall poe beer gl that for fi. or three years, and-coveluded thatthe flay r pa ig tiny Saag is Bay ty's a a = apa for cou was.--Our Dw wi- 4 be Jouns to wet tuen. Tow in- | dimilar outrages. reach milk-by way of the | "8 Fey e . 4 Py party ie wry ag to tamporiz), to pore taurty-wight ago we a , time to to dieet Ss Se = will stomach, bat by way of the This | OY the fact that soverai furins used in similar gd hints of re Das. 9 enter into direct dip! . '0 otations, likewise with the King's name] learnt Ly heart Iu November Ibada deld pf cabbage wt! 4 Visooa special to the News states that | Bad just anew wyeli, Bory int ata The Coal Combination, Great- Britain may bean ee ; " sting adie em, were found in thi Marchews Mt over in the night watehes: "The ter. t sud im January I _ bol ~ . nae 2 Cumndi of Ministers ban bmn held in & be remem -- anything ave perwd j _--_--_--_---- santa make Tah "Srgperagl fal The excitement wus, in castes. are told and retold to all eom. * alougerde Of tie envbuae, = d tour to comider the peace as one 600,000 ap ov ame COR. Ret extlon nvr . iting. it, but I beliove thet the Maroues y with + mp Greuna. motions the outside ae Waren « bes been "given The Mercury says that the number of res- SccTIon Ly NEw yous The Fugitive Slave Qu tagive it mmeniitaly pen Pil R i wil -bo fsund to have been fimited 'te who like her mis Tow of cabbage vateiry pag a) others, ana) sun] Vg or by tie coe Fors a op trately. "Hee. wutered inwards at the Que '< vereepynulsat of the Manebe er Quah » bwoet in the ria ™ fod | Hie two bills discounted by the Bunco Popo the rae Len tue eujouing row of © ' "a streuaoarly opposed edition Vastom Hoase trom tw opening of datiya- Naw Youn, Ang. 29- ~The great coal sale sty Palace ee extent that | sre ot B Meahehiie the til ues soudut yer barwagpraried feast suo direetly for peace, and} tom ny to - 16 from took jlece at finou. The as and I boen awaited with much interest, it being ouw gtuwih, bos pruduculy a epeumber ou tre ibe Porte has abandoned its demand to that | Lower Ports), 1s6,%. Tue to completly oc ad ith coal speeniatore. only on potion " (Dire iow, Whie the eo gave Ge some |. tees, date | Lior the ig Parte) Bayers from w country were beautsul beude Beth were ved fe apo A rpegi Belgrade |r 638, leaving 44 v yer present. aa eseitement reigned in the wery i Ded Abe toute of tbe cabisye ram ibe to to the hy se tbe tae the oom OPshing of Larigetion, ~ Tesals have bewu aeighborbc ut, 'be anction*er -anoane. Sus sud ote tow? Dues S: wot fest to . Every 'ay int Leaitions Vy toms House lor the | 64 thet it wan s.peticet'y baa fide oale, und of tut, os & rae, oun erteees beer war 4 tae of bbw Prov wes tobe put on the the Sat GRE Sw SUAS ince {RG EAs OF NEF re ar vines Oa) ie teal Sabon Chronicle gives the partioa- | goods offered. Buyers could bid aud tet at de. Wheu the strength is taken ty , euailary force Sghting ob Servian sell. The late of Mas deat of fiz. A. Share, Hartiete raked witti | bearing teascu arrivwe.----Floride dyrieuttur- rm 1 vite, Nort + bse arawing many palaces to wap who anes ---_-__o the betile valor, tof | mik tos r 5. chevse taney & les ene. aeees- these haye aon bin by toe eg shies and : > , ; torty. 4 & cum; St | days ago, sua in bis worry to get im ubead ct ge r . > | expetiod their former owners, and requir. a. tar a ete en tak wie, je the. oaewrbrendiny. yond po the. dtd} other teams ihe w ran the Wente Sallaey fe map a be Phd -slasemrds ims her < a Be 3 do, bis i presence photo. j te She pales of ibe band. The band, The Servinus are beeouai: g jealous and get and Mr. Borr was tuscwu beautoremest pve « nd Reoding. Crespuny" rad the Ten ae wit} | ee te gratily Wishes of fie bei sable amme4r- it can | of > foot that the cou! against fe post, Hw remained uncon evens Cval Com pom who bare "'iekea -- Jouse '6 onl the occa. | of their army is slipping through their badda. | scams fur two when death put an'end tof "The Delaware og nd tirst offered: 8 thetn.with 8 royal Yesident, Prom Milan re be wady sigh! wad taey will muy savept peace if it ena hin career. Mr. 6 »pOnem OF BS OB Made | 110.000 toms of cdal.' OF 5,009 tuns of steam a. 4 xizgiom'or nad z be ou terms. seven days" uigh.y recpested by all the neigy boal, pti Myf 0 pertob. The many dechy te tas Foainatla sive ethe Kog due A Hartlord cbemist professes to have Sighting before A-cxinatz has bees greatiy 42: 7 % then foil to $3.85, and the the dam a paiace, the nimantainabee of wuieh discovered how ta get tue ped erg 8 Ale oggerated. 11 is evtimeted that the Sigh. stg Oh pg eae Ayn a u and pounds pred in bij aed the Oul of stabie manare so it can : " hoster Queer: - Pitrenepuried in ¥-17. omoail bulk while, tbe beater a BS Remon RW ET Bi the 'other WigLT to swal.ow, pee hapten aa about 2.200 wounded. "No ana while two faley teeth, and despite the x wounded have been cae Oe ee Wet gtarias at tee physicians they. coud tae Badliven Fp grat ee beginurag ot han Gna Tat, te ' they il in thio can = the impet mrantann oor i woarestetan 'thereby _ Lespox, Avg. ai a despatch frow = had lodged, 'It was finally determined by the eeamedice with Sie janpol practcadie, EB hee wae df ,and he ie only pant in the tanevoe tine Fo - which just have i eo sali Se es Lig. stou' A eh bon aie "the .[ known that .