a You CAR HAVE THE CHOICE "201 alt the. HATS! bs | - POWTER'S WINDOW, FOR $1.00. Angust 39, 1876. Good News for Smokers ! "SCOTT & Co, au Lot CELEBRATED Turkish _ Tobacco, fs o pear po = a ee aiealy peoven Total gain by separation, ey toa ee pli ; 'i a sither orcon. Wemay say,howover, | and indeed the prisoner admitted guilt, | want of infinence ise from want} On & increased probable saving = his valaable pro 7 --- in advance to hat subject 'is- worthy-of and if we mistake Dot not, it_ was on the a veal and a om the part ot ocr haeen, year to year,--after our share of county will ot you only cg Two Cents a day ours al prin perce an ~ hotel sccorm- consideration, and if it is Mr. | euporary @ trom the tnt Po tar was_paid, our total expenses to the bs : orearnlty Forthan and others~ assert a8 wet' { to the Penitentiary--aided of course Aa the bers to Stratford. be fear hat we will get | couniy meld exbeed™ say 9400 or 9600- gaker Revnearonn, Agent. ire ph Visit the cantenaiar ata Trifi- vs ert, impos yantagr ov the desire on | yearly. (Appiaase.) Puzes rok Frax.--In the printed prise + the passing ot the Crooks pps ense. sible Stratford to obtain. her just | was brought-to bear in his favor! Now, it deste r part to get prey etter t ol us, on beget- | Mr. James Sharman thought Mr. Forman | list for the torts Riding Fall Show, a most naspal officers appoisted to ore | An will be seen by the following smtemseat rights at the hands of the members of | *" purely cannot be possible that the Allan of | ting s contin ls over equalization and the eguneil for the | egregious typtigraphical blunder oceurs in "| Aspens ae bt seas ie wiratutal Bi; wereet County Council, then the se Signal aot the once prisoner at the van other watters, and creati { in. | valuable statement laid before 7 one week. ¢7, Adinissionto Cot R sooner ect Mr. 8. S. Full is - Inatfentals, caete for a dissolution of the bonds is br t same persons? If we ustice on our part, which must invariably | Mr. Mowat coincided with Mr. Forman, | SOBecon wits Me. Fe et's xpecial inecial arrangements will yy 'Pull- "-- omg Oe 8 Sig f will please correct result in the town withdrawing. The town. | and said it was time 'own t a step | PF for flax. It reads --~"Hest Flax i re- " about the better for all parties. - [ then we shall be fo to supply an patie pen cree largely outrumber us; hyd in. | towards separation was a fact apparent the straw, unthrasbed, 3 bundles, girth 16 i ine ra 1 bin 30 fors that body surrendered itselfcom- from the a of the Toronto court, | teresta to all that Stratford could not get. justice | #- -- ty LD Aang to be rained from lia arene "good to return atany time within " to.Mr.. dictation, the in order to let the public judge for them- tae of their power makes them aa ty ao ene a oe a Sk ioe Bees For further particulars apply to the station Teoeived ite rights, and our peo- | cies ty = OG ORE IY oN i ppg | remnant well to ap- $10 'nd prise, $5. Only that ea a 0S -weest,-----soHN GiBsox,-- ane Ee i oe asthe Signal aod proce "hg acer" aepscharapsloes Bap have the question gone into in_all. its + topeeancrea _ ea Mase a tensshinnceni hells is is the_ 3 Refor re as m Golor- 7 here es Saee Sees the cause of cs Trow's | barnes He did not think the town could Prnsowit. te } friend- Mr. EJ absol jo | tetuen be dney-Smith, 8 ord, ity ut ware Pan a enee. _paseed, men ate certainty s kevther editor he will do so in milder} to his well known hostility to me aerey ort tio anything by separ. pan save a6 nok na ad mp ot ews i } Mie a eet a Lob drole ~ ' Real oe Campaign thet...the. County. Council... must | rors, Ke-will_ not him to inj Withdrawal from uri iction Mr. Forman th t * --- $e stamlsation before the COMMON SENSE 1876 assert its dignity by apres | over | gentiemanty for avery parti vanly sounell would "veusows 'tess tere etter wee laid over exti) neat. sseet. | Law Bocisty in SeCOte ae Seek, keep panini : Mr: -- e. else - wil] j Teason, va... = o shat"s Pipa = " -- F ing, and reserve our in- | ing for further pena, ar {ie Christ mun - an MITCHELL. 'ebtain « divorce . stances are aware any Pape a one Bt. Marys. I . be DPrser Eee = : sister town, St. Mi. Pod a4 in people would "Dine! to tain that St, has more inf the} lt was snsotved that to fe! fatare the corpor- Toronto.-Dr. J. MeWh: Hanke. =A LFrwm a Covvespend HEADQUARTERS mm, arys, prosper ciety, and peop! meio 'hate ye i om ol or in the South Riding than | ation should not pay for gas for the butchers ee eae a reen os ee = to Mr : new erie non GEO. FO Ss grass widowhood. ve never Leen we ba ' ee! A was } has been awardid ty wae, wont BMAN' aTiLL AK » for their quili@aaty meancur--net even ----s the county. Tn any m at = motion was passed consider the ad spending a few days among old frienda, He seen ee. me: "tt of hom we Know we * STILL ANOTHER. where ladles are pe haa, 7e therslore Ay always curried her paint. Mo- 'lity of ebanging the Ismp opposite Mr. | 5®* 82 practice in New Y pcs rain jane dnp the Gra! Tria os Moe LAND OFFICE,*~ _ pe oy Se an explanation from "Allan pty in the matter of dividing the ty | W Marshall's to the corner PWaterioe ata in Avow Wann.--We dimect Poke: ening with forty cars This ts ~ olga tran The Mati has unearthed ancther job that of the 5: Registration pu: atid beat the | and Falstaff streets, ae it would thas Licht | attention to the change in Mr. Geo, Forman's | """" URES OF Oy 5 Regs Ager en ee NO. 35 ONTARIO-STREET, OPPOSITE "gmelis to heaven," the persons concerned a whole connty in the matter of re-aniting it, | three streets ins'ead of one ax now. and advertisement. It. should cbse arvessn.--Mayor Dave seterned to inwe on THE BAND STAND being not Mr. Speaker Anglin, bat ministers | GREAT FIRE IN ST. HYACINTHE, QUEBEC.| smd in erecting Hegistry, buildings. She | | A by-law wes pease to wie trom cx of ; ot cer He role va have bees sent he ont Smee ° _ thentselves.-- it that there is « ; even got a Iwading citizen of Stratford to ad- | the street leading to the cemetery f trom Com. | that be devotes more «pace to describing the | ine ja. ating 7 paper p Athe Citisen,| '~The City Swept for One Mile. ¥ har anes ta ber ial street to Avondale Aven: adv of his beantifal survey in th acter Consie has rerurned rm Priledetphia owned by Mr. Vail, Minister of nih d vor fir omnis The council then adjourned. west end. He informs us that be has We know sume people wha are mean enough to wish a" Militia ; Hon. James Cochrane, s member} TEN STREETS LEVELLED.| !t has been 0 Sota there realizing rome rt ees oa) ee oe of the Local Government, of Nova Seotis, -- having withdrawn from the jurisdiction of STRATFORD POLICE COURT. & two mont: ivate sale. Thatdoeen't| Rexawar.--A hore belonging to Mr J. T. ' and some ethers... These do. besinese to. | six Munarea Houses Burned--Loas about | the {y eouneil, and woubd gladly retu: pas look like hard times. Dallding operations | Hicks, ranaway on the Main St,on Saturday A SPECIALTY gether under the name and title of the Citi- $2,000,000 I have their Before James O'Loane, Exq., P.M. lively there posed Be ey o on good | evening, doing considerable damage to a . sen Publishing Company. So Mr. Vail used | yyontroal, Sept. 3 At 1.80 th en and find there is nodesire what = clase of residences red farmers, &e. | handsome new bugxy to which the animal his infinence with his brofher minister, Mr.| , 4. _ thivafternoon | ever to ret ia tery A BUCKSTERING CASE. "Westward and Pchywerd Stratford go was aitached also sefioudy cutting the | Peds, Mort dese Dewen: Title Huntington, to obtain "extra" yey | ing for sity of one pa beri of against it. They re ate not five; ¢ Mr. was | ber w horses legs. eds, Mortgages, &e.y ' pears pay" And the ia the ema +. ing fanned by men there who would vote for it. They ex- | charged by constable McCarthy with baying} Actiow ros Damaces.--In the Court of} Our new foundry men have gone into in- Investigated, kn 224 Of the Post Office Report, northwest wind biowing, soon Li plained adi follows ; | articles on the market to the hour + uk ¢ - 1875, as follows :--- ally swept the lower part of the city owt of | Orie yer before they withdrew, thei of jl o'clock a.m., for the purpose of re. -- ~-- of Prainy,, (he esse: of Me: tore 7 MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. 0 Co., , nee. e lay to | county $25 your | gelfing, contrary to town by-law. The evi dardy vs. Ellice came up. Mr. B. Smith, wie Hotrnay.--A week from Wednesday . for P. 0. 5 eae ay v.140 99 wi grat rpc, ta ; sides | fowing (in 1865) their total payments to the I Mr. Crout was taken, and he ewore | Stratford. showed ease to « rale wisi to set | ir, A oar 7 Sate pod peepee rey 7 MONEY Printing for Order Ofies. iy, taking nite road ed the St. | cou county was only $1050 inciuding interest, | thet ht the articles under imstruc- | aside the verdict for defendant and enter it Py hey ae tren an sxcarson tian . Halifaz............. seccesee 1,083 76] Office, Market, C National Hi 'cat } #e., on theit ahare of the county debt. They | thons by sapere and others, who for paint for $450 The action is brought Joderi 3 (bevvutia tonaia . 5 Coart™ House over #0] have since paid of their in- | paid his trouble, and the particular townships of E d Downie} Quite a num! { citizens talk of Total, io.ive 74 im 74 eh tenale.nd il stores. Everything fell | de to the county aud now their total | chickens which he had been charged with | te Gane damages for an accident to plain- | joming t > ap aera excursion from TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. On this the Mail remarks that the cost ----. arene element, despite the | county expen $295 4 year. tering, were bought for Mr. J. Steward rod at @ bridge at Sebringville over Black | Stratford on the se tember. the end advertising required dur- coutene _ ge Bog ap tire rom debt and are probably the lowest | of the refreshment rooms. reek. The contend that the | # Pic-Nic axp B "The Mitchell Fire Co., ' --. RES corey be | tees se i ac) ewes rn eo | Sot ah tea' ts |i fb "va | Confederation Life Aesociat wis Only 97;- sof ing edind ith that in withdra tc ickens wi wana "river, he next. The pie-n illbe beld in Palas Con eration ssociation, Bil | The Citizen's therefore. 810.174 | 2, ing cinder' and the wind tet from 1. jarladtetion® a ' CnANy reat t froar Crout-in "ereek" among other things was diseussed. | grove on H. K Ju [? d the b . en ay oe email Frovines of aoe ree mae cole ever pried te i, 8 coal they have the evident that [x fine point; prevailed i a be BS. Jotes, of St. Mary's, contra. Re-} tte Town fiait im -the- eweniog' "Tho FIRE INSURANCE, Gc, Nova Scotia fo exeess of the re- of . wood, oo at en every five years. an Hanae it for a oo are ing mammoth angements ° quirements of --_ Provinees, But testo spre te mga ™ my amprbret Townes ted from for muni- joe u there erected for = New Recrons. -- Tenders for the -- r usaal energetic manner, They exppet as whea it te inset a6 through "Belorm" | came that six hundred hanes has beew bor ye sa gorge Hoag faoagped. paved and pri- sir to exhibit the --y ir goods there wold be erection of a page for St. James' Church 7 nd and Beak eth Pies Companies vusT SURVEYED anator Sale or Exehange | spectacten deemed « mere casual towns, possens more in attendance' advantage which is perfectly proper, and has sed thi tion was over beeanse | the dignity and independence of « city. Is able to go to the market and make their | **T* Thursday eveni a icy dacsanhiyoarnd psec not a "smell" in conwection with it. Yet it rep pap ried ngbabasry qr . bat this is alm possible There were 8 large number of tenders, but} Daulop, Zor Lots at $50 to $100 ene! an is an effect as flagrant and inroad a © ron edntro! over their own io Among a) only way to examine the | the snccessful parties were, Mr. A. Filey, ra. Owns ene donee nn ot Puttioment ah oul all nrigese trees See Mayor, then are Ist. raising our a eager me 9 waggon is to mount ang cso and plaster fering ; Mr. W + | 10,000 weres of land | in Cans County, Dakota. | PARK RK LOTS am « one to five nO 310 " ae otber office in whieh J revenue purposes without seins ble for vehigle, after, yi 5 carpen glazing ; and Mr. and upward per te me. Angiin's seme figures, so uch ave none ali the rd pene aan ; "county wich theres _ jets nore ankle deep ae nd, a See < of bark- | J. Oo Odbert, 'ia, eoraninnl iron, plambin, STRATFORD MARKETS. on abd ea oan been compelled ; A ich not go county. ing your. shins, or in case ; fitti: The bail n com Theirahespoess forms; monthly sentiment to eschew, pablic om fire gene ay eebel: Swain, Making on Fd arseantment oe in ad in gy peat akin ber poory the neighborhood of $2000. The | "104 nnn Se Fee reget Tomes by Mo or. on yearly poyments ; any terme to wait pareb- reached St. . h. Ca ary taxes by . We are aware several peo plana as prepared by Mr. epburn, show a "> p MORB ABOUT VLAX. AND WHAT WE | {ime the hose 'was hod to the wives, aed | innit $f y Desk Sisssenh so Geopla Gp dn tots tnarbet inkalg| apn tat wil ie» ls Rakemp on ies saad ty ia a raster DO WITH IT. ions 's : panes di oe Bank we pay to do their marketing, in view of these : Fall wheat, per bi besb, 0.4000 By 08 spring, 0.9 to boaithy. 'ta iy. rapaly mproving aud besutiful part a war As attempt was i > kee up 7 solemn: orn aha A " Ba gor Bot oat = Cusieirscan. Exccasiox to Purapsrrmis. | w ie aise, par per nth - red eaeeed Se gchar are sure to donble in value in 6 aged of Saterday.s outhouses and step the spread of the fire to | 1875 was over $2000 it ie eati- | it ft = aI ofence--t the Grand Trank Railway Co. has com- | potatoes. per bag. 7e to The _avpies, per bag | short time as building We would direct attention to two letters | the south east, bat failed. velar Sotaae 9 ee Swee at i eho 9825 eels CO ee dn The subseriber sold 1100 Town Lote in from Mr. 8. 8. Faller, flax 1 of Hundreds of es 0 oe mated at $1500. Sth. Dispensing with « CROOERD WRISEEY ACT 20,IN TB pleted arrangements for a grand excursion Ib ie to. arvaaed bows, 3 ewt, 9040 to 100 | Steatiors in three ¥ ae ang Alas Stratford, oe recent © addressed to | with nothing to eat. Food is urgently tage if ioe tiny Maced prgh trgdls seg ow Taounte. to the Centennial, which will leave Stratford | 4, ieee "a en. te i Sees, Bs doz, le ite gop he Dn yy ourselves, another sent him to the | needed. " -| Same Mr. on Friday, 15th inet, unde: s of | Palit, Be to Be ; id. por ert. stem i oe " ar ethereal pod ip Bech » terrible fire never vinited » Quebee -- _umnendek. 8 -- The tor of tbr Aaaorarian Hotel, on the St. 1. 0. G. F., but tickets can be Saained -- cach ioe tS $175 5 y, cae Ste, SO Oe have snore thao 4 a thelr money, = in Parliament witting, ( was pub- | town tefore, with the exception of St. Joka. - leak dlecwen 2 Marys road has been by the general at the same rate--60| per Ib, Oe to m. anche sensed; Wgus Saste ure hee Mebed in Tax Srnsrronn Tres.) latter | No serious casualties are yet reported. The $2000. Mp eures ty wteeine -- of the Inquisition, charged by Mr. 1 for the doable j with the option = eee! sagen oe tes: Stoc Baits " game of fhe wusters pers, adiged a = " Tee Repl Bate ot two. million dol- little, viz: Town-line grant, $188, bat saw achat og Paty eho on _-- mg by way of New Bik eee Se oe HS. == | eattarsl Sectors nove aectbed te tesane See ter a now , . Stadacons, Quebec, vote thet out of ; ; ere SE: route will be over nie, Lehigh Val . ree in " the fax ronson ie "os," it has s preset in- | vinelal and Hoya! Cansdian are heavily in a Ftp seltie, da to alate canna ames intake ee ene ee te eae ot haogh Macon lien oft tht wae pn wane saencuy annaneing thn vibde of the " : - . x . rs of Protection t¢ Canadian agri- : erases ig grant of $500, that is granted to | to dismiss the ease. The residing in ia, afford views of the moat romantic wile of Leonard Allee, of eee ie rae of which Stratford forms a era UY NOW before the best lots are goose and eultare industries closely connected ELMA. pot pes } It be about 1A, ® part, | the vicinity of Mr. Dunn's Hotel are highly | and pictu on the continent. pet Joka Dales et a Ma, a Fn eee Vid, Hae wit increased, and have a greater choice, Sesenes 0 dows ot sopene in whed the The annual fall show will be held at sa OF #87] indignant at the mean of summon- trip need not be at all expensive. © Stewant-in Mitchell on the Sist uit,, the wife Seen Bewk © printed of the | Newry on Wednesday, th. Wut lp selecting te the "ti High Sehcot Act ing respectable away from their trary to general ie ia is really Mr. Jamon , of a wom, FOR reesived by Dr. Orton's Fias.--Mr. Bwehler's mill, in this town. of eae aa? and 54, it will and work, in gratify the spite of a] a cheap city to sojourn in, and_« visit of s Kor tn Mitehetl ca oat ult.,the wifeof Mr| My schedule of property for sale is too large tural Committees. The facts stated by Mr. | thip, # short distance from Mornington eee, 43, few malevolent temperance , inelnding railway | fare . | azayete te tonne. Sete et 7 for pubitcation; I have several farms; twenty that Logen, Did ult, the wife of | Hy, ad Palier are indeed worthy of grave consider- waht regres by fre om Monday the C 7 Sn ean easily be be made for $30, The ¢zour- Doe ee Sees un. the me ant Late, pg nares ates ation. amoun' abou " . ount, ouncils --In on le Be __j Mt Folies estimates that there maa, pare | 28,000 , as devtrayed. But little could | U7 Which High Schools ean be built and BOWER R0F WORES. page patel wits oak Pande pe 7 by alee veiwmecs farm a moon hominy ad Sider flax in On- ar Bergen ie ravages of the fire. Rene tet fier the 'Torker, t bomb 1 Ts the Kedisor of tha Stratford Times.) ry train, arriving there the | OMe do mireh (hicsares 3, Pitre, ots M . =e wevinee' 33 be eure that there are | nt.010,000, 'There was no insurance. townships can form w-ttgh setoo} | 0842 Sia,--Has our Tow. on Saturday. "Paliman cat FresanhalnoAt Stratford, on the mth'ait., the fey. Have also special (Silo oe --_ vs Po peer r reseive & sounty . nomen on ante was tid, he iin ee furnished st redasta rales wile of Mr. Edward d Fitagerald, merebait, of eile having aconp to fateat oF wr wantteg "appears that we are fas," ~ high sckioel vate om the whole district for thin | tem with « two hundred dollar leases? the coutinusll talked "ot Kinin Morris, ou the toth ult. tue wite of borrew'an . please cal papery Peon a ee may ,| 70 88 RXReUTED Os aurrexDEn THE P25D. "| year, of which ; ae Have they made any provision for neat sr, |-searcity of money, salea of real estate are oe tanga et : ema ¢ so many bende compere Me Moke nag Re Pi RE. SM about 111 (ihe has hretofor pad te i enn ge a the es bebility almost daliy \akeo plone st office our Cutasn--in South, Easthope, om the auth alt. 1300 Acres of farming or graz- Z great rout " Sept. ': deeiaion i action cane County perso taking Heense A en! ai . * - Seay we Waar The' coteee pla -- has be kama to ratchet ee poor Counell to change jue bemebaiieg. ot this rey chp a tor jon. Within the past few weeks has suc- ee king. Mt As Kacritekieds awoghene, eee NCENTHE CO COUNTY, ° whem be pute his erop through the cotton-gin | thet judgment be done Lapeer district and make Stratford a district. by it- | here has been so much y ded in di { om E oe: . = When ear got the 'eonneed ta the formar tal on the $41 oe, mut dene s ore it we. wire | Se Lr tag be dale aad' of te hoo Pe vrol se ovveral fareeat the adjoining town: mrp ney big op Curkeon, satiated by te | 3, PENNSYLVANIA, Stee may Taba manufac mete were then re-| townshipa will do without « high sehool in im_advance is worth at least. $220; besides | abi we the Nir. Pattarson, Bo. | Te cachange tor property in this tite = And bred mg ae and wilt be conveyed) gay case, i. corte is | they have bad their redueed one-haif, handsome rendence of Mr. Wim. Buckingham herty, bate now Tiere nalo at mis Sy pet seve sant enay verte. our neighbors, who do | back to this afternoon. pe8 ps ogee and ike tent average, $400, aay ; the m- | to!Major Larmeur, price $3,400; the white Omabs, to Miss' Btmune of the ates aes A on pang apm fog oer Ttn rd wks ee eo ee bckt ca cone with us in | oud amount bE pen ear of tases mating brick texidence of Sr. C. B. Joins to Thomas Mayerte, on the Aa they cam con buahacohanons Pomme ee Ray se Hamilton Times, > ' Heense, rent taxes, $450. Released from tynb, Enq., M. P. P., for $5,100; vase yeet as caries ee Ps A acd Sai St ee cteramet mae them py acknowledges that nearly every act of Ss, | 'T'theretere maintain that ssparation woold | beeping stable, oats, hay and hestler, 9150 | andlot on the survey of Hon. D. tereda, MAW KD Stes Eee schecsthen ia te ceuce = ine se Spay Peiben | Mathenzie's in crpug, trom | ot periaanently or altimataly safle our {wort snd the privilege of Keeping house | to Andrew Monteith. Esq. M.P- Tbs reel |'- Parse. tube ange tein Jenn | Bae 7 bad} -~ seat etter alt, for: Protection down nba Bu geen ot 0k hee, et iay nighty and Sun- | dence of Dr. Lucas to Messrs. Buchler & to Alice sumebans of the teas ; eat from the pries paid to Othe % innate seedy ager pie ey Aap wie The fol dote in 'ae of whe . binercancdaee P en- | James, es he s if i vy himeslf, and the leensed hotels refuse | Two to Mr. A. Coulicn: two to . Henry e por o prost: gery fall ensfomers | Sewell ; Seer to Ms. C- B. dokue ; too Mr. ould mensiacture ao house & be B. Fraser. : \ fyily $500 more. nies | In Ct feory keg little mei of $1200, which if in Ww. to Wms, Emery, of 'shall; and why? - wari of $1100, expended to Mr. W. Wins, * ss earente ena aeee setae eof = * (| nn Rip hogey My gp iene oh ads Buchan * es se "iret + SB ses, : hoot Fetes Fruits and Flowers + Coen. Mixture. Txy them Post cane Book Store. Meraiford, Sept 5, Se-tf The Stratford a Gimes, Ad "AND COUNTY OF PERTH-GAZETTE OO SHALL WE SECEED* 2s from the manner in whic! s pabeostbekskdec : ; directly to the sympathies and pook- | "eta of the The eonneil listened to Mr. Formati's remarks' tentively, him at the close. Mr. also in favor of i not be had from the "Mr. favored the t of i to ded over to the Strat- have ty Company, ninety saat per cent. of them bile not .travel- Bvoryhody Invited to Join. Hypophosphites and Or. Pierce's Medicines, at N. A. Bosworth's * @, ONTARIO &T., "TWeet End) STRATFORD: : Stratford, Aug 20, 1876. ~ CAUTION. NU abe Set Lee panne BY ORY EO), Zeriy any goede ia ey name unless my order. (Signed,) JACQUES HAMMER, - Stratford, Aug. 30 176. Mt Mp2 $350 $RKE Poe snus me 9 th oe [e) 5-0 3, -SRLe #280 is - o3 ao B. era Oo 4 co i) o % BEag 9 FOB " School Books ! ORAL AND WRITTEN. Smith's Examination -Papers IN ARITHMETIC, ~~ Abbott's How to Parse, -- And all other _ScHOOL BOOKS, AT THE. Market Street Book Store. Fish's Arithmetioal Problems, -- 1 ame ek, ate ie trp * =. ss Be ss 2 eral i "E ee Se ' » - Bisa S bas ax A re . = 5 -- etter vans coats, » LOCAL NEWS. Great Fire in Seaforth.|___ "KRW ADVERTISEMENTS, 7% 2. gi Rermevane : "YOR SALE OR TO. LEAS . pers, | "TheLondon ¥.SCT.A. pie ni'd in the Town | OVER THIRTY BUSINESS uaere BURNED. rege ee : a = tgs hie ied ae = - = a 2 the fay Sad wih Continns to-day. T ame eit =A tre 40H0N wilson corner Huron 'Senet rgaaraecs STE aman aah ith | the Driving Park. - ina - govery ou, M | atregta, Stratford. set © L ---- F compar red De. D D. M. Fraser can now be foand at win ne Kh ¢ Mes. U a, ro veloc, aasisvale - rong RETAIL aan. "STRATFORD, | swretehed eystern,: ~ cer ' 4 north and south'@ith foart United Biates. re: it spread north and sou @ith fearfal ra 4 ane. M. yRasei o. UE the . . sete b iby. to the west pp pe mn Hi has removed bis ofies fice :--Opposite utes Aree 'Howl, Thats are people in England who think it |, 4 7 Mr. 31 Wough-arucgit te doing dg saat se of Ne zeets | D ee Nes sas ncheonan:Seomune sede? nty -- -- ne Seto: of fire limits -by the Centennial He intends to mitke » | 8% Thos. Chventeye shoe store, consuming | Sept. 5, 1678 wet Mor ene page! a P srmgeod y raw material, and | dition to her the entire blocks oa both sides of Main | ------ Country. And Cansdian man urers tee. Mr, Win. Heary returned from his visit to | For Sale. sate tr sere the dailx.din of the Grit Ireland 'On Mond. - ; ' | Sa y both sides, a deatanae " _ toa. is i ma i a r,t tn Heng ren tang ty man ati" | Raga Yan weet erat potion 18 | me0g05, 3 By Chatterbox for, 187 2. 6, G coms | ai asl, Mansion Hosae James estat sot peer an ie tetiad Cook bak ane | aes musie(The ree ) th very fine | 7)" ~ . Foheeatgean se suiles from btrationd. ; butter, cheese, Meongnerenss numbers, just received at N. A. Bo ootih's. Peete rom = ee = ari Mr. | tomate et eS ee waxorp Haxvs.--Mr. James Barge baa , Dent, dry 'Thomas moment English Free ; oun! ec, ROBERT UTHERFORD, Se aad aa ' Misposed of the Hoyal Hotel business to Mr. | grocer, "Mies Leach, Bites Mra. Whil- oe SF PST EERS, 00 the farm. ee $o casoufage tna . dated eS pene | ree Seepbves, hel WN. We A Good Inv tment. England. an Comust Cavncn.--Thore will be morning tog macht Hon i ceneed, oe tailor, es en ample ree evening -serviee at the Congregational | Ja. Gillespic, haruess mak . Ault, Bie sale cheap, « Bloek of Brick Houses, on | Jan. i, AUG alt pene want patie, ial tn eens: 1 bo ri Met a beck: : Mra. | ca: an-street, Reacion', and Lot 5 and 6, our own fn, pot. to. Riga, te Tazlor and "Barua wanes, $1.20 ; | propo lev. 1. Slagiwe will counpy the pelpit. (e Tih, grec grocet ; A. Calder, photo. | The s whte TE ae States. ) . acon Ose, ung artising : Wo have received a % 'the Central | stapbers J. serpt hey, grocer and dwelling- | "* POrreim would cast their eyes about them,-and ob-|tionery, $41.08; .W Easson, ae, Laat ye wna ear el a copy ofthe Central | > Apply te . serve what is eoinally guing oi, Whey Would | S3u-27 {-Was. Bwswow, bwdder; $6.40. from Za will be an | Exhibition prise list, to be bell as Guelph | Year, boot pray Aare" Sig sheng 5 BORERT AUTHEBEORD. os A aed net the gs tera ning so] The Cemetery sup't reported that $62.20 AAG and will meres J ia} Gi: Tametay, Weetnertny;: froretay-and-Pri tery ewan, or. On -Uodaricl seoleniet m neighboring Republic that gaius the total fr the Ceme' 4x lene $ ia almost a | day, Oct. Srd to 6th. O 8000 a *, Sesh ort eps tum | want om he Conn er, eg [a ee or ES cit ona anal [SOOO Oe Ee ee ene ti teal 'tema Se saan or won [Eecatsatepmamee i doe] i rans |e on a Om or years ri egie Morris, the Australian. Commissioner, ©! nN of works recommended that | of county debt, £8, we will, have to assume | *™" played on 7%, on the Fair rece wats Lieve 'bean: taste: Street, 'alike a ee renee, in this city recen seein' he said that, iain Palstadl street be gra from Downie road | Dow, #/2) instead of agri Grounds, between ~ * Actives' and ** Mi- Ph Nn ie ry ie, Ars. and eaters of the best seasoned lumber and aside al abstract principles bf | to Nile st. Tha\the petition of W. J. Klo-| | Our is too large to be hanging on to | ehigan Stai mt of Stratford, resulting in an | py. ¢ aug re the estimated | litiea! naan, hy situation of Canada,| phell for sidewsh be a the apron strings of the rote Connal easy Fietory for the ional club by a score of c ny ae yor t farther information apply to ' Rot P y, . 1 ing froubier of niles | Peveral repairs at - romp ste and | Mr. Jones. 33:00. 2, im alban aot calle a Lin rigs! Mosse --- -- GO TO ROBERTS ten =" a e, en . : aera ary Protectioniat neighbor, } John #t:-were. onlered to bast Se c county on have publily F told! Cnt nen. The «a abjest of next | po insure' Wis. Grassie, on reek Buptember & Wak ---- . ---If. you. want jw. i we have the proper p Sanday evening's discourse by the' -- of | buildings, Any 000, 'risa nee, $2,500 ie a. =~ a ; 'will ne P ne . ' of | NEW OYSTER Epon. AR Moved by Mr. Forman, b; c - tn order to = SA alert _ et vind 7 si "Thos, Coventry me stock, $2,500; aelaemaaie ee spree r 5 lline' 000. . 'F,00 SAO 5 -- «apa _ veal oe art Wee will follow. eo oe and then any woan by faise accusation pwnd 'tom insarance, $2,000, 5 atoek, MR: BEN. SLEET Ancr Ss v4 ng i Hear, hear. <a } $2,000; invurance, $100). : Mo- WwW HE . 7 'We would legislate our reeves friemle and customers sos o re oer. srage Se~2 fox munseipal PS: ; 7 alec. . reocives daily fresh salt water Domget, S0 iste out; ee a 'a 'acagcnen A. meade Patelly tt Ris eters! wpe Wwe Sper 7 Mr. F spoke ai consi Fength | tion, 4 6 of our Town | and isos ik "Oi Safartiy that We kn ppt" gt "Kale bn netock Ti Tathttaay. $4,000 ine b= BIG. as ave eet in fstor of his motion. He said:--| Council. If weremain we be entitled to | bis customers with lobsters only a few hours | surance, Jolins on stock, $4,000 am JEWELLERY, ose erro Thero is a general indefinite idea that by s Depaty-Reeve nest - Our | out of the briny Mr. Wees w thor sural be D ». Murphy, on buik ling -~- 7 | Town in getting t60 large and the county pe peat mo eecppne brs wieldy. A aller tou. do the vig eatarping wal aheeniannaied | ro ruck, $d ay "oD bet en bai! 'PROCLAMATION I that tiem good poli ton dha | ©" the town-as well Uf not better. | sly Fume. -- On Sauiay «© ire wae | cs, $3,000 wusnrance, $2.06). Thomas JUST ARRIVED, PER G T- R.. the county seat mig to some ring ® saving . on lnmbe ee }, no imsarance ; on N i) dther jown. 'The reply to this is that Strat- digs town of $3000 per annum, and submit | started ib (he swaurp to the south wf thet tintiviys, $1. 200; R GRAND a Bently a following statement by way of cowpari- | town. Thebigh wind of Monday cansed 13| Robertson & Co., on baikliog ings $1.8 500; in- r Cit L ber Yard by statute, and the ty er to travel fast throngh the tall grass, weeds | sur . Thos. , $200 , no in- ICENTENNIAL iy um q _ COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. + : tothe aera i and Lrosh. ' raised | considerable szaoke, bat bas | suran: STRATE ORD + "pes ie} EXCURSION __| Rercnxep.----Hon. Edw vast Make' bar re.| Nidan vs = : * pe nrnechad (rahe hoagie Wha he arene | HERP HL ae ene "ice To.Philadel phia |>"g/es, tath, Flooring, &e., joying himself at the public expense for some | of the house were nt the fire ones Aa oe aeininings in common with montha t is soy or th that he = clue to the & CLEAR PINE LATH, 04.00 PER boat bat aes -- say gh matters Total : Le tar 1676 -- gais3 ee. retire from offen, havi re TH E I. oO. O. F. ALEXANDER HAMILTON of sotumen to the w county, we county ra Dy guste with the tactics of his political endo. ' | will be still ry . , After withdrawal from County Council our ~ Mate always desert sinking ships Mave ant for ae _ wiemate a, inwhietrour pour prsciar ily Cty expenses would be" ~ Bar Exiwlce. oF Join BD Rove , A MAMMOTH -BAGURSION country ie governed by traitors, ve rection repairs Adminis » " -- yee cenaly.crud smpeily. vieed fom oe ssi es the gravel ronda, bri , culverts, te. B il ii ca, bom, "ae, TM ot M. P. for West Toronto, was last week fined west esoe's anes © topek s ws and tmaintainiig the South Hiding Bagistry | t $5 for assaulting a party named Hoberteon, | © ac dus « sia Be Leave Stratford, ange oe , salaries of count x two paper in Pastas! cig ae tabttabaa tobe nd wre bine omg hing Toe he Se feapeh , Registry expenses, 431 of '420 "2. --- ey. We find faait with Mr. Robinsoa Tor down, thas ae 2" a acy 6 Sins gin! : _-- ws ~ oni wince 4 cond wer tr thts : he sibecing:-gamans'--" Geadumnen , =~ wena Saat Ge co eee to ee ost printing, stvertiing. law costa. | Mat abilities of, eoanty, ay. say 9125, wi the teiflin ssn uubtiel ue de oaah 1 x said the fottrwing placer ie RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1876. ee . ing' tried Frou $43,000. yng een hare > D aeex ee TT of bie taking a8y Dolce of Veh MYT eclard on Vie the G0. its ound te ele abd LV. Bail : -- Tere Ue pmeting pee peenliarly Gritty sbont ly inerearing. We these una par cent 490 OF Rtitertitn OP tae RA m ways te Vhiladelpbia, the qrandveenery 5 ; : ae ia which Tw without them. Hut there Roauxay ox tax Cans.--On the arrival of Apnoea tere "aback Noes tat Pas PP en : - Tins man te dubbed as ara hnate is poeta og Sens aunt to bigh- eshool as Light, and arriving at Philadelphia on Saturday, ORES IE Sees wats" A Satan ena arly ing, but unluckily the | an ys pomager share of say. 190 the tour o'clock train from the east at at 2p. Signal man he lias "woke up the wrong ' pensas res Stratford..on Thngeday afternoon, a pidille. Stratford |. e Alex. MeD. Allan, we believe, atthe county dett, wed errangi "a "$1000 mau woke from 0 dore to find that he = wre; $9 fr SD TRIP Ge oe ? * is the editor of Siynal. Now, nufortu- | paildi and maintaining h 1, ---- faved of his sahet book cen Those wishing to fotare via New York can do s0 a nately for him, his record is w 'known in ] which are eomman to us ,° in respect to Direct gain by se 91133 | taining vgs in cash, and securities to the | « by paying one dollar JUST RECEIVED these parts, and when he -« "to - Swhtek-we would etill- form -s part of the Add consequent gains, auction amount of se nd. Mr. Morrice | The Grand Tronk Railway will ise: alities he ought to remember his _ licenses, say la table with bim | , xi et. ore per- | county. REPURN TICKETS AT SINGLE A fresh supply of sonal reputation potiess, aud] Another objection to withdrawing is that discount saved, any fo search of the thief, but with po results so Ls - af that of all he -ecantry he} we would lose our influence the. ecant Collector's salary, saving far as arcertai PARE TO STRATFORD, abould be the last to throw dirt, as so We mnt lose what we never had. In any sessment, &0., not i I Dox'r 'Taser Mocn,.--Well if you don't, = root ef her attor mt with 7 searsom train nn alia a i connec' om » eo exe: ra of will be mare te. etiok to his own. gal} mstier of special interest to. Stratford congue tn 1077 bg inepeeon te then secure a yearly accident wos in The = To parties withing to join the acuraion jemedy. ments. We remember a few years tT Reeves ha "are pearly Uways : bp arly ve country, | awoen Stratford and Fort Rite, . fy by the mame of Alles pd ted ee aes ee umye vy--Becanae, of | petrtthaetnading the Cciehes wwked paragraph un its tesuod at th htrattond rate, en ante bd a et 7 a *, pa polgene : was cutvoted. Witness our efforts to have the Total guine. onan brain maxed claims paid by |" of Augast joth, thar "cHite 'and dr euuness we escent Fellow '* Syrup of te bome of the moat respectable propie te "=